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what is the point of nationalism? Why do I have to love nation

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what is the point of nationalism?

Why do I have to love nation because I was born in?

It seems totally non-sense.

I love freedom, money and pioneer spirit. So I feel sympathy with America...
The point of nationalism is to inflate an empty balloon with air.

If your balloon is filled with water, then you do not need any air.

That is why you should aim to fill your balloon with water.

Not air.
if you like where you are in life, then you can feel proud of your country, as it helped, if not determined where you are now in life.
Don't lie to yourself akihito you want to live in U.S. to fuck a blonde white woman. Japan has everything you said.
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It's like liking a sports team because it happens to be near you. A lazy sort of bias for small minded people who fail to see the larger picture. But hey, go Cubs!
sounds like you already feel pretty nationalistic about your home country, English teacher
Oh shit is that american Teacher-san?

It's been a while
Why are all the english teachers liberal?
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I have to agree. Nationalism is great if you have a nation to be proud of, but then again these days it's often you're not even allowed to be proud if you happen to be born in a great nation.
You have much to be proud of though, I wish my nation was as cool as yours.
>what is the point of nationalism?
Manipulating the masses
>Why do I have to love nation because I was born in?
You don't, your first duty must be with your race and heritage not your "nation" which is nothing but a corporate term, nations don't exist anymore, countries are companies
Simply look at America vs Germany to see what nationalism is good for.
nation is not a place
And also all that.
You're just cannon fodder for the elites, and a cow to be milked. Just like Moly said here:
Well Mr smith see it like this: your mother gave birth to you but no one is stopping you from hating her and leaving her but its disrespectful and respect is good
holy shit, trips of truth!

nationalism is for people that never managed to develop an individual personality, don't really know who they are and are desperate for meaning to their existence, which they seek in association with a bigger group. This can be anything from a gang, group of hobby enthusiasts, fashion cliques, sports team supporters to religious, racial or national fanatics.

Pro tip:
>find non destructive activities and behaviour patterns that make you happy
>resolve your emotional hangups and sadnesses by going right through them, using the energy from your happy activities and patterns, never actively repress them.
>through this process, get to know who you are and love yourself truly, thereby being able to love others and make happy relationships.

Profit? only the best.
>individual personality
Not all societies favor individualism okay. You have to understand a lot of countries (mostly Asian) are part of a collective society so It's not surprising many identify themselves to their country. Don't forget humans have always worked in groups, we are not independent beings. Our late ancestors had tribe pride which transitioned into what is now national pride.
>It's like liking a sports team because it happens to be near you. A lazy sort of bias for small minded people who fail to see the larger picture. But hey, go Cubs!
No, it's like being IN a sports team.
You want them to win because you are a part of that team.
you are mistakenly assuming that an individual has to be egoistical or selfish, therefore cannot be part of a bigger collective and positively identify with it.

In fact, democracy, in order to function, requires just that, individuals who have learned to think for themselves and make their own decisions, but have matured to understand they require others to live well and be happy and cannot do so without them also living well and being happy.

This is how they learn to integrate their indivudality into the group and make concessions and compromises for the greater good, understanding the need for them, rather than being ordered to do so by laws they would break if there was no fear of consequences.

Freedom, not license, is the result of a well functioning community of individuals using democratic decision making processes.
hey guys just passing through. here's some metro station, you know that scene pop band that everyone forgot about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wjFahULCK8
How you feel about emperor abdicating ?

Get the fugg out of Japan, cancerous Teacher san!
>Don't lie to yourself akihito you want to live in U.S. to fuck a blonde white woman

Then he should catch up to us in 2017 because America is Mestizo and bald antifa tranny territory exclusively.
point of nationalism is to keep niggers and others out of your country.

it's a good thing you fucking gook
why do you white males in Japan keep posting here? I thought you escaped to Japan to get away from the worries of Western life?
Yeah see this is how I think of it, it just so happens that no African country is worth loving
>nationalism is for people that never managed to develop an individual personality, don't really know who they are and are desperate for meaning to their existence

Wrong. Both common ppl amd intellectuals turns to nationalism and the intellectual culture of its nation exactly when they feel their individual national personality is threatened by external imperialism. In Japan in happened twice in the form of the nativist movement or kokugaku against the repressive Chinese cultural dominance, and in the modern period in the form of nihonjinron against Western imperialism.

Japan is doing everything right despite cultural Marxists like yourself shoving discredited Western liberalism, feminism, and multiculturalism down Japan's throat.

Leslie Pincus is POS! Kuki Shuzo is a GENIUS!↓↓↓

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It's exactly like this, but if your team loses the other team gets to re-write all your laws.
Dont like it leave?
Love your country or be a mindless drone who floats place to place wherever the dollar leads
In time you will find you have no soul or no heart if you cannot love the land you were born into.
Our forefathers died and carved the land in blood sweat and tears so you could have a place to call home.
If you would throw that all away for a dollar you are a snake and i will pray for you
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You're supposed to love your own people, you fucking shitposting english teacher.
Are you that same gook always shitposting about how Japan needs more migrants?

If not for your flag I would think you're a Jew. Fuck you're annoying.
>what's the point of liking the people you live with and around?
>why do you need to have things in common with people to like them?
being japanese and liking america is nationalistic because you are our lapdog.
Why are Jap posters always so defeatist?
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proxyfags not welcome
>move to Japan
>still talk to Americans

whites that move there for asian pussy and not job prospects are no different than sub saharan africans coming to white countries for easy white pussy
satanic trips of truth
Fucking chink cuck
Because they aren't Japs, they are faggot Westerners.
trust me, im white
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Because you have to be retarded to get an English degree.
Liberals are retarded.
The logic checks out.


>You have to understand a lot of countries (mostly Asian) are part of a collective society

Fuck off with the commie bullshit. Any country that doesn't value the individual won't value the collective either.
I guess this is what WW2 was for. So many men died so people can have free shit. Niggers can have safe spaces and trannies and faggots can have parades. Where does the lynching start?
Ok Mohammed. Its early go rape a girl, get arrested and released for sexual frustrations.

Haven't seen this guy in a while, our favorite shitposting english teacher.
>implying nation is not cool
>nation is Poland
Poland is like pol's nation of choice

Because if you don't love your nation, someone else will, and they will change it in their image and trample all that made you who you are today until nothing familiar remains and you are an old man dying in a stranger's country because nothing you remember and know and love exists anymore, that is why you love your nation, because you don't know what you have til it's gone..
(((USA))) brainwashed your people after WW2. You are just zombies nowadays.
You dont have to, i hate this nation and i would never die for it. 3rd world muslim loving shithole
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thanks americunts for bombing best japan
What the fuck is this autist trying to say ? Can anyone translate ?

America is actually good country.

I envy americans.

They are so lucky
maybe nationalism rises your country up like a balloon full of air and filling it with water or globalism sinks it and it could pop easily? i have no fucking clue
I'm sick of this faggot.

here is my spam address. [email protected] (lolz imma d0x you son)

contact me, and i'll let you live with me here in the states. You'll see how fucked up it is.

just pay for your flight here, and you get to live with me, living expenses free for six months.

be a NEET during those 6 months idgaf. Only rule is that you have to hang out with mexicans and niggers during those 6 months. There is a homeless shelter you can volunteer near where I live.

if you don't take up on my offer then I know for a fact that you are just an attention seeking bitch.

sadly people are going to keep bumping your faggy threads because people have this weeb attachment to japan, because our waifus were made by Toyotas.

and the mods here are fucking shit.
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Japan has homeless people too.
are you living in SF?
No Arizona.
fuck off.

I have no fetish with living along with redneck

Move to SF, LA or NYC then contact me.
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because taking credit for other people's hard work makes you feel like less of a loser.

its why anti-nationalist ideologies that preached the global entitiy/worker like communism over some fake lines drawn up by history never succeeded. people are simply too gay
>SF, LA or NYC

Yeah and Okinawa is japanese.
i call it the states now, no one is united anymore
Okinawa is surely Japanstic

fuck off retard. Arizona is not america enough compared to LA, SF and NYC.

These cities are far more american than any fly over states


what a shameless faggot.
I was shocked the first time I saw homeless people in Japan. It was 2002, and they were near the big station in Fukuoka. Before that, I had never seen homeless people in Japan, but they exist in relatively small numbers in bigger towns.
Arizona has no Jay-z, Silicon Valley, tylar swift and nikki minaj.

And you call it american? how dare?


94% of Japanese agree with the statement, "I was fortunate to be born in Japan."
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>>127530970 OP is a Larper

>>127531415 >>127541673

>>127542991 is a picture of the real Japan

So you just want to fuck niggers and blondes because Hollywood? With that kind of easily influenced mind of course you'll like the cuck culture.
There's nothing to love here in the US. I have known nothing but mindless dollar chasing, and that was after years of nihilistic pleasure seeking.
Treat your country like shit and it will become shit

If no one cares for their nations, then all nations will fall apart and we will all live in ruins and slums
I mean, normies and Chads are better than niggers and Muslims but they're not my friends

Christfags and sportsfags are cancerous and I really don't enjoy the company of anyone. If a race war happens I will fight for my race and when the battle is won I will retreat back to my hobbit hole

This. The American spirit is dead. That's why there's Detroit and Brooklyn
Nationalism is about remembering all the people who came before us, who built the great countries we live in, who worked hard to make them something that stands out amidst shitholes and wastelands, and passed it on to us.

It's about honouring that gift, and in doing so remembering our responsibility to maintain and improve it for future generations. If nationalism means people feel good about labouring for the prosperity of their people and homeland, then it is a good thing.

Our nations are advanced and have great quality of life, but they are fragile, they do not maintain themselves. They need to be upheld and defended by a strong motivated people, who understand all the centuries of great work and legacy that is at stake. If we allow lunatics on misguided moral crusades to compromise our homelands, all of it could be for nothing.

That's the nationalist's fear: The light of real progress and accomplishment snuffed out.
Bitch, Arizona is the most American state.
It has the freest gun laws.
Low taxes.
Some of the greatest natural beauty.
And you need a car to get anywhere.
It's American as fuck you ass.
>money and
>pioneer spirit
OP claims he wants this and then insists on going to SF where he has less freedom to do anything (especially gun ownership), less money (due to high living costs and taxes), and no pioneer spirit (it's a fucking highly populated city-where you gonna build your cabin at?)
In conclusion, OP is a fag. Sage all fields.
>LGBT rights
>Silicon Valley(most of money is created there)

SF is not the city of freedom?

>What is Scottsdale

>high crime
>high taxes
>everybody on their phones
>jewing everywhere

Yep, of course a cuck would think that's freedom. Can't wait for SF to finally sink to the sea once the big quake hits
SF is the most expensive city in the world.
A not very good one bedroom apartment costs $3,000 a month.
SF has a lot of money, how are you going to get any of it? Whatever they pay you is going straight to your landlord.
What job are you going to work as an illegal Japanese immigrant to pay your way there?
Unless you're Satoshi you're fucked.
SF isn't the only city with a gay scene.
for once I can agree with a filips.
also SF is richest city in the world
Real man earn money rather than "saving".

You can say "I am gay" in SF, can you say same thing in your fucking city?
OK big man what's your plan for earning big money there other than working at Starubucksu?
Most professionals make something like 90k there which isn't enough to get ahead.
>Say "I'm gay" in your city
Arizona has gay night clubs:
Shit it has Gay Denny's:
What more do you fucking need to indicate that a city is tolerant of gays?
They might not let people just walk around naked but I mean what level of degerency do you need, bro?
Is Japan too homophobic for you or something?
I am learning economics and bussiness at college

I can get job at investment bank^^
so maybe I won't be SF but NYC seems cool desu~~
coming from a fucking leaf, hows your PM faggotron 7500

Oh boy, Sato will learn the hard way of getting jewed out and be mugged at the same time. Can't wait
Oh I'm sure those investment banks have a shortage of Japanese econ majors and will be eager to suck your dick.
Have fun, senpai.
You don't know how evil the jews can be. In that line of work, you'd be surrounded by predatory jews.
Dubai is the richest city
What is the point of letting people that have no sence of nationalism live?
I guess in europe its different because everyone speaks a different language and we all are next to each other + hate each other in many ways.
Hate love relationship in Europe.
Like we Finns hate the Russians in someways but like them in few ways.
Hate the Swedes and really have no good to say about them, except they might help us if we go to war with Russia again.
Or they will pussy out like the last time.
>Implying this guy is going to get hired at an investment bank.
lucky because americans can experience bbc and japs can't? alright
why so bully me ;_;

at least I am good at math :3
+ I am greedy as fuck. I will sell my nation for few shekel.
how big is your nose, jap?
You only think that because you have been brought up in it. Does a fish know what water is? Hell no, yet it still marinated in it every second of the day. But take a fish out of the water and it will know. Trust me, a Japan without nationalism is not something you would prefer.

It's like when a french man denies the existence of french culture but still acknowledges the existence of Turkish culture. Either both exist or none do, so the only logical conclusion is that since he has been brought up in french culture it isn't something looked upon as something exotic, hence french culture doesn't exist in his mind.
>What is the point of letting people that have no sence of nationalism live?

What's point of nationalism if the government persecutes you?

Because it is your blood & cultural inheritance, you ungrateful twat.

Internationalists are fucking cancer.
Sato I believe you will be able to get /a/ job in the USA, perhaps even a /good/ job, and SF or NYC might even be the easiest cities work, but I don't know if you'll be able to get /the/ job you want, and those cities are going to be good at taking your money away from you.
That anon offering you lodging in Phoenix is honestly doing you a favor by giving you an opportunity to work in a city that lets you build wealth more easily.
But you're too much of an asshat to realize that.
And also that anon will probably end up raping and murdering you if you actually show up because he may be a serial killer.
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