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basically Miley says she needed a chad to bring her back to sobriety

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basically Miley says she needed a chad to bring her back to sobriety and conservatism so Liam Hemsworth did just that by fucking her vagina into oblivion on a beach in Malibu

is this really what's going on? can women be fixed this easily? is all you need to fix women a bunch of chads? because if that is so, it's our problem they strayed.
Hemsworth seems like a cuck to me.
everything a woman does it for attention

this goes double when we're talking about a celebrity. but regardless, yes, women rarely have deep convictions or any basic foundation of belief, and are therefore easy to "fix"
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>not realizing that women will follow a strong example
Falling for the women lies this easily.
You stand no chance against the real Jew.
Women are whatever their man is. You will notoce this more now that you are aware of it
Basically, yes.

I don't know Miley's situation, but women literally go crazy when they don't have a man in charge of them. I've witnessed it first hand so many times I have no option but to believe it. Recognizing this made me disdain betas even more though. I laugh when nice guy losers get cucked. I've gone through this weird circle taking me back to the beginning, but with a new level of understanding.
anyone you want and you pick the garbage
Liam Hemsworth is far from her "Chad". He's the beta who was engaged to her before she left him to go nig it up...and there he is ready to scoop up those used goods like the beta bitch he is.
>is this really what's going on? can women be fixed this easily? is all you need to fix women a bunch of chads? because if that is so, it's our problem they strayed.

Women want a proper man to lead them.
Think of every stereotypical male trait, that's what they want. Nothing is more unattractive to women than indecisiveness and being a whiny little bitch like you.
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>Hemsworth seems like a cuck to me.
t. /pol/ virgin neckbeard
There's no "coming back" from being a degenerate whore. Once a whore, always a whore. And any man who gets involved with a "former" whore is a cuck. End of story.
women dont care if ur a cuck or not, but if ur good looking and/or have money
He's marrying Miley Cyrus.

tits or gtfo
Cuck is all about attitude. He could still be a cuck if he was putting up with her crazy shit. He probably is literally a cuck too, Wayne Coyne from the flaming lips was fucking her for sure.

< a non cuck
He was engaged to her before she became a degenerate nigger lover...she runs off and rides the nigdick carousel and he's not a vets for taking her back after she's been soiled?

wew lad
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wow would you look at this cuck
Miley was a massive coal burner though.
Miley looking fucking hot
Women are easy to "fix" but you degrade yourself by riding the town bike. It's a matter of does anyone actually want them anymore?
This is why when women go black they never go back, nobody wants a roastie with an std/bestiality fetish.

Furthermore when whores change it's typically a facade for a year or two until they start fucking people behind their husbands back etc; literally a million songs and sayings, can't turn a whore into a lady.
he looks good, but look at her behavior. I don't think someone who was a natural alpha would put up with that behavior.

unless everything she was doing was an act for publicity, he's probably beta. robert pattinson had similar behavior, despite being handsome.

If you get back with someone who broke off her engagement with you to be a drug user and a nigger lover, you're a cuck.
>oh ok you're done smoking pot for 4 years with Jamal and Tyrone and Kunta Kinte, let's get engaged again honey
She's gonna have his baby then marry him, then divorce him and take half his money and he'll still be a loyal little bitch
>can women be fixed this easily?
With a good dicking? Yes, in many cases that's all it takes. You don't necessarily need a Chad, but don't take shit and make her legs shake.
This is why the media actively tries to feminize white males.

I'm not saying he isn't an amazing looking dude, and gets way more ass than I could in several life times, but to waste your God Tier genetics on pic related? Cuck behavior.

We all know niggers aren't smart, but even they know the golden rule when it comes to dealing with women: "Never try to turn a ho into a housewife."

I don't care what women think. I'm saying I feel bad for Hemsworth.
I can't imagine the herpes and nasty yeast infection smell when he goes down on her. Just think about all the niggers and Muslims she let fuck her while high and with no condom. Fucking gross
>paying attention to hollywood kike celebrity dramas

Fucking kill yourself
It's interesting cause she was the frontrunner of the new womans deal of open sexuality, the whole cuck culture originated from that.
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>Liam Hemsworth will be the next Brendan Fraser

A strong MALE example. The only lesson women are going to take from Miley's example is that they can act like complete fucking degenerates for years and still expect a hunk to put a ring on it whenever they decide they're done.
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The kikes switched her back to good girl and Katy Perry is the new white whore for all the little girls to look up to
suppose you don't realize all of these can be treated within days so they vanish forever and it's like they never happened
wait!! are you implying that our current problems arent caused just by feminist bu also by beta males unable to handle woman because our educational system and work hours made us have less contact with our parents and so the result is beta cuck?

>Katy Perry is the new white whore for all the little girls to look up to

What is it about that fucking haircut that turns women into skanks?
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> did just that by fucking her vagina into oblivion on a beach in Malibu

Like a number of hollywood bobble-heads.. She's just going w/ what she's paid to go w/.This chad^2 recipe for women is just another dimension of bullshit being pushed to solidify degeneracy.

What's the logic here?
Be a degenerate who sleeps around and fucks chads... Magically and eventually meet a degenerate chad who helps you sort your shit out.
The root problem is the clearly avoidable degeneracy that one doesn't have to engage in. It doesn't lead to anything of value.

Now she's saying to keep rolling the dice and eventually it will hit? Let me explain what's happening here... When a woman engages enough chad dick she's only able to be grounded by a degenerate chad as that's the only type of prototype she can respect... This is not a good thing as the guy still has to maintain being a chad for her to maintain respect for him. The minute he doesn't, she'll find a more deeply chadified male.

I've been here... The sex gets rougher and more out of control... Literally gets to the point where she wants you to wrestle her as you fuck her to oblivion... Shit tests you the minute you take a break. Is a constant artificial annoyance and challenge... Basically they become emboldened and don't know their limits. They aren't fixed. They are temporarily subdued.

No pussy in the world is magical enough for me to maintain such a stressful and enslaved existence.
I'm a man and I'm to be respected because I am a respectable man. I don't have to be a chad to prove my worth and no woman is worth me lowering my existence.

This bitch is like a 5/10 who'd get passed around before the crew heads to the club. She's lived a life of degeneracy and can now only be reigned in and respect a man who maintains degeneracy.. LOL, why do I care? What does a female like this bring to the table?
she looks fucking gross now wtf
lol there's no such thing as reformed whores, they're fundamentally broken, they're desensitized to oxytocin and can't form proper pair bonds. This is just a load of bullshit to try and reboot her flagging career.
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>Liam Hemsworth
He is a cuck for marrying that whore, and so are you.

And yes it is that easy. All women need men who take charge and force structure on the the same way you would a child.

Women must have a man they look up to in order to function in any capacity other than a whore.

I've fucked quite a few liberal pussies into submission to traditional values.

Haven't married any of them, just kind of pawn the off on Mormon friends of mine looking for a wife.
why mad, roastie?
show us your shaven cunt

Something to do with being rebellious I would suppose. doing the opposite for attention.
Faggot or sopping vagina detected.
>Herpes is curable

Nigger what?

>Implying she use to wash that pussy
I got better things to do than prove to some 5/10 roastie that I'm worth her time.

> Women want a proper man to lead them.
Improper women want a skrong man to learn them on how to be a proper woman. Proper women don't need such constant reinforcement and babysitting and thus often pair w/ proper men.

>Stereotypical male trait?
You can't make a hoe into a housewife.
Fuck sluts and leave them in the wild.
Marry a woman that you don't have to babysit or prove your manliness to 24/7.

That's what proper men used to teach young men. Proper men don't raise somebody else's child... A proper woman should be born out of a proper father and mother. A proper man is not some grown woman's babysitter. A proper man has better things to do w/ his time.
>I got better things to do than prove to some 5/10 roastie that I'm worth her time.
yes, you're far too busy with shitposting on 4chan
Women attention whore and virtue signal and do all sorts of crazy shit when they are trying to find a chad, its their primal instinct, their form of mating call

barely any chads in society rite now too, shits crazy
>What does a female like this bring to the table?

Seriously. What does Hemsworth see in her? He can have literally any woman he wants.
WHY does anyone care what these whores do?
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> but even they know the golden rule when it comes to dealing with women: "Never try to turn a ho into a housewife."
> I don't care what women think. I'm saying I feel bad for Hemsworth.

> to waste your God Tier genetics on pic related? Cuck behavior.

Cant turn a ho into a housewife
Hos don't act right
There's hos on a mission, an hoes on a crack-pipe
Hey ho how ya doing, where ya been?
Probably doing ho stuff cause there you ho again
Its a ho wide world, that we living in
Feline, feminine, fantastical, women
Not all, just some
You ho who you are
There's hoes in the room, there's hoes in the car
There's hoes on stage, there's hoes by the bar
Hos by near, an hos by far
Ho! (But can I get a ride?)
NO! (C'mon, nigga why?)
Cause you'sa
Wasn't some MTGOW faggot saying exactly this recently?
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You're trailing off with some random shit there lad. Where did I say you should raise someone else's child? What drugs are you on?
Croatian education.

I doubt it. A MGTOW, even one of the stupid bitter ones, wouldn't advocate chasing after very obviously and severely damaged goods like Miley.
>can women be fixed this easily
Yep, aspiring to be chad should always be our goal
t chad
Katy is like 30 her looks have faded early and she needs attention
Please show me this curable herpes anon
women want chads, not a bunch of pasty faced dweebs

take the chad pill
He's talking about the ho. By trying to turn a slut into a decent woman you are simply doing what her father should have done.
I'm not saying herpes is curable you rube. I'm saying OP thinks herpes can be cured because Croatian education is fucking garbage and he's the type of dumbass who thinks being physically attractive while attempting to marry a "reformed" prostitute doesn't make you a cuck.
Nice detraction attempt there though...
As far as I'm concerned, I'm trying to learn a younger generation on the truths of the world. A much more noble use of my time than trying to subdue a broken hoe who will attack me the minute I let her free. Next you're going to say I'm a virgin NEET. Lmfao, go wife a hoe numale. You're skrong. Let it be your accomplishment in life. Word advice : never relax around her or you might find her hanging off my dick when you get home late from work.


Can't teach some niggas a dam thing. They have to suffer through it themselves to learn.
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When it comes down to it, females just want a huge dick pounding them hard

That's why you white boys can't win.. Not enough Liam's to go around
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>People ITT seriously thinking you can 'fix' women.

Wrong, faggots. Good women aren't 'created,' they're born. Through the course of their lives, they tarnish themselves and lower their own value through bad decisions. A decent man can keep a good woman good, but he cannot make a bad woman good.
I didn't say anything about getting with a whore and trying to steer her into something else. I'm talking about normal women, not some tumblr turbo slut.
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This is a temporary fix only. You can't fix broken women. The second the novelty wears off her old behavior will come back.
He is a cuck.
He's marrying a woman that's an undeniable used up whore.
>I feel bad for Hemsworth
never feel bad about celebrities
Elliot, stop posting from the afterlife

You don't even need to be a Chad in terms of physical appearance.

Just treat them like shit. So many thirsty betas put pussy on a pedestal. Being nice just confirms to her that she controls you
Can confirm
Half-chad / half-sperg reporting.

I've been in serious relationships with 4 women, 3 were left-leaning 1 was redpilled.

Of the 3 liberals they basically stopped partying and started reading more "facts" about race, crime and history shortly after we started dating.

We would be out with their friends and I would get into discussions about the above topics and absolutely own their friends, in a non threatening engaging way to the point where their friends sought out conversations with me and the girls I was dating genuinely wanted to learn more so they could hold their own as well...and with knowledge comes power.

Lot of them to this day still text to make a "racey" joke or thought they can't really tell anyone else.

Having a big dick also really helps with this.

>feels güd mon frer
I respect where you are coming from, however both hos and house wives need a man who is "better" than they are.

You will turn a house wife into a hoe if you act clingy / needy / overly concerned with her bull shit.

Turning a hoe into a house wife is pretty easy if she sees you as much higher value than her, and that she has to work hard to keep your interest.

I think the core principles of maintaining women in society is raising men who won't put up with their shit, and will enforce structure on them.

> Proper women don't need such constant reinforcement and babysitting and thus often pair w/ proper men.

This is completely bogus. A women is proper because a man ( wether it is her father or someone else ) trained her to be proper.

Neither women nor men are born "proper", it's a cultural value that must be cultivated .
Very wise Latviabro.
she was always disgusting but this is a whole new level of horror
Not if Chad is a liberal.
Yes it's possible. I'm a Chad on the outside and do this to nyc libtits
Women respond to force and authority since it's so rare that they encounter a man who doesn't worship them and acquiesce to everything they say. Doesn't matter if the man is the biggest goldenboy Chad ever to live though she'll eventually again start to wonder if she can trade up or maybe cheat on the side or divorce this guy and get all his money while getting an even hotter younger Chad, basically just will never stop seeing how far they can push the limits and reaching for more.
can chad ever be a liberal though?

i-is she wearing diapers? hnnng.
>doesn't want to be treated like Disney snowflake

>smokes weed and draws penis for a few years to re brand herself as a liberated female artist

>returns to wholesome music because she's not smart enough to make real art and has to be a boring country artist singing about beer and beaches

>traditionalists act like this is some win.
It's a Promotion of Numale cucking and Hollywood.

This isn't a new phenomenon.
Hollywood has always been in the business of pushing ever more sneaky degeneracy and lowering of the human psyche.

He doesn't see anything. He's a product of a system and so is she. Hollywood arranges these couples to promote their agendas. This is the (Solid males try to turn hoes into housewives campaign) whereby they complete the circle of degeneracy..

Are you aware of how often couples break up or divorce in Hollywood? This is just a pairing to push an Agenda... Strong men should marry unruly hoed out women. The reverse advice of men of all time. This emboldens women to push forward in ever more degenerate and brazen ways and it implies that there will just so happen to be a successful monied hunk waiting along for them. This is beta numale psychology. Futher more, in such crushing economic and social times, do you really think you're going to have enough time to be successful and monied and also be there to subdue a former hoe on a 24/7 basis? It's a false presentation that almost never holds strong which is why old wisdom tells strong men not to marry hoes. Don't take my word for it.. Even the bible talks about it :
Proverbs 21:9
"King James Bible
It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.
i wanna slap her thighs and watch them jiggle.
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I feel eeally bad for hoes it's actually really sad what happens to them in the long run.
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I wish Miley Cyrus had been hit by a bus like 5 years ago or something man. Idk why you retards are acting like this massive whore calming down to suck some dumb cuckold dry is a winning situation.
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A friend of mine once said:
>Women are lefties by nature, but they always end up adopting the political views of their couple. It is the job of a man to make her rightwing through severe dicking.
> Not realizing an unruly hoe is like a wild animal that you literally have to keep under lock and keep 24/7 and always stoop to chad level dominance to keep her in check.
> Not realizing this undermines you as a man
> Not realizing this takes your time and attention away from greater things
> Not realizing a proper woman doesn't need this
> Falling for the numale beta cuck lies
> Not taking old wisdom :

Proverbs 21:9
King James Bible
It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.
>returns to wholesome music because she's not smart enough to make real art

As degenerate as it was, I liked "We Can't Stop" and think it's a pretty decent party song. You can say it's not art or that it glorifies kikery, but I say it's a pretty great depiction of society.
>6'3 rich actor with a 9.8/10 face

Pick one.
Based post of truth.
Numale beta cuck masked as skrong man.

Anyone want to take wagers on how long it takes her to jump back on the chad wagon and brazenly state that he kept her back from being a stronger woman?
Were having church in here today.
>there is no coming back
>were having church

I don't know what kind of church you guys went to, but what you're saying is literally the exact opposite of the entire point of Christianity.
Yeah. Liberal men get the most pussy here. Republican men are mostly to intelligent to show any interest in women especially if you are one of the few Republican Asian men.
she didn't make that song. A buncha black guys did, and her vocals sucked in it. Very nasally. All the creative decisions that she has to make she completely fucks up. Like that video where she was some diaper baby freak.
>severe dicking
It's the only way to cure a Dyke too.
Is that fucking akechi
That's right Jesus saw Mary Magdalene he knew she was a whore and he forgive her for sucking 30 dicks in a row, why can't you be more like jesus.
She was a massive coalburner around the time the 23 video came out, then she became this weird strap-on wearing trannie on stage, fucking blow up dolls and wearing Jew star nipple pasties. He may be successful and good looking but he's still a cuck
Read the fuckin OP dumbass. Were talking about a tumblr turbo hoe. None of the commentary here pertains to a normal good woman. Normal good women praise the ground that good men walk on and good men love them for it.

Babysitting? Never.
Pretty much. Imagine all the nigger cum that's been blasted on those walls, sickening.
Jesus was a cuck , this is the Church of Odin
> over a million views
is this what people are watching instead of the news? there's literally nothing even interesting about this
Brad Pitt
>looks matter more than actions

That's kind of a cuck philosophy, to be honest. Appearance is only so important, anon. What really matters in life is actually what is inside. Now I know, I know, we're all young and young people don't have enough inside of them to really matter yet, but it all shakes out eventually, and the people who are obsessed with superficial things will normally end up being superficial people surrounded by superficial peers.
>the Church of Odin

So do you guys wear eyepatches instead of crosses?
Mate, being rich and good looking will not save you from being a cuck. Look what has happened to Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp. Pretty much two turbo chads fucked over by women.
Read the thread you stupid Leaf faggot. The fact that he can have any woman he wants and still wants to wife up a skank like Miley makes him even more of a cuck.

You make a decent point, but I suppose there's a reason trolls keep trying to perpetuate the "Christians are cucks" meme. How many times can you selflessly forgive people and allow them to take advantage of you before you wise and look out for yourself?
White women btfo
Miley got blacked

thats why hemsworth is a cuck

She got blacked and hemsworth is cleaning up the mess the BULL left behind

All men are better than what a woman is.
The world was created that way.

Eve was born from a rib (aspect) of adam.
Where the fuck have you been?

The only reason why we have so many issues now is because the world has been tricked into going against this nature.

I never once wrestled with or managed women I dated. I simply state :
" I'm a fucking man wtf are you doing?"

I've dated modern women. I've dated unruly women. You literally can't relax around them. They're always shit testing you and getting up in your shit. I'm a man. I have within my nature to subdue any woman. The question is : Do I want to? Is it worth my time and attention?

This false dichotomy of a man either being a chad or a beta virgin is getting tired. Every man is capable of being skrong. We prefer not to when it isn't necessary so as to conserve our energy for shit that actually requires us to be skrong. We need to relax sometimes too.

> Turning a hoe into a house wife is pretty easy if she sees you as much higher value than her, and that she has to work hard to keep your interest.
Wtf is this new age bullshit? Have you ever dated or fucked hoes? You can't ever relax around them. You have to constantly exhibit higher value even to your own detriment. You literal have to cage them like wild animals and oversee them 24/7. They don't work hard to keep your interest. They shit test you. There's a big difference. If you feel that's the epitome of life : to cage and manage a hoe... Have it at desu. Just know that you look like a fucking fool and aren't fooling anyone with this numale skrong via caging hoes bullshit.

> I think the core principles of maintaining women in society is raising men who won't put up with their shit, and will enforce structure on them.
Faggot the corporations and govts of the world knew this which is why they empowered women and are attempting to put them above men. If you don't put up with a woman's shit she finds a chad to fuck her who doesn't care.
A lot of male celebrities are cucks, they're used to getting women due to their fame/money and thus have no game, not to mention you need to be a huge ass kisser to get anywhere, the most alpha people in hollywood are the jewish pedophiles running everything
>How many times can you selflessly forgive people and allow them to take advantage of you before you wise and look out for yourself?

Literally an infinite number of times
all my LTRs go to shit. i can't keep fighting a "good girl" undergoing her bait-and-switch post-3-month-mark metamorphosis into a whore while also trying to make ends meet, it's too much fucking work.
i'm often tempted to infect myself with yellow fever, asian women are the only ones i could ever tell with complete certainty were sincerely attracted to me rather than my wallet
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Don't feel bad for these roasties. I once did in my mid twenties and learn quickly that the minute you do they'll step all over your and raise themselves up above your corpse. They know exactly what they're doing and thy know exactly what happens when you play w/ fire. I didn't have a number of strong men w/ world experience around to tell me these things so I had to learn and see it for myself.

Don't believe me... try observing yourself. Woman breaks up with someone or gets done wrong ... Watch how quickly she jumps on another guy's dick and is over it.

I was talking to this roastie ass pac islander chick for some time who was down to fuck in so many ways.. She had just broken up with dude who treated her like a queen. So, I was like .. Yo, slow down chick... Make sure you have your head right. You know what this hoe told me :
"The quickest way to get over a man is to get under another".

I blasted all over her face that night and hit the high road. Felt degenerate as fuck.

>is this really what's going on? can women be fixed this easily? is all you need to fix women a bunch of chads?


>if that is so, it's our problem they strayed.

Partially but the main force of subversion was the fucking kikes. We all know this.

You think women came up with all of this shit on their own? Perhaps the details, but not the entire framework. Marxism wasn't created by a woman. But it was peddled to your women and they were allowed to spend your money buying it.

Still, have hope and pay attention. Many conservative/far right girls and women (both lifelong and newly so) are out there, hating this entire fucking system and supporting you quietly. You are loved and appreciated for what you do. We're not all mindslaves. We are still Your Women and we will do what we can and stand with you when the time comes.
Did anyone see the video. She seems to be on some kind of a buzz like what Hitler took during his speeches?

You see this kind of chatter often in clubs and parties where people take drugs. She's definitely on a stimulant.
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Come again?

Proverbs 21:9
King James Bible
"It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house."

I quoted this multiple times. The bible actually has deep red-pills on women and the unruly hoes among them. FFs, The opening of creation in the Garden of Eden w/ Eve is a red-pill on women.

What book are you reading brother?
>Literally an infinite number of times

Yeah but then you're either Jesus or JUST, and since the former is the literal incarnation of a deity, you're probably JUST.
>She's definitely on a stimulant.
yeah, a stimulant called chad's cock

>All men are better than what a woman is.
>The world was created that way.
Nope. There are men these days who are more pathetic than women.

Don't get me wrong, women are by default pathetic in the same sense a child is pathetic and weak and needs help.

However, unless a man can project confidence and value to the woman and demonstrate value as well, then he's not really a mate that is worth having.

Any woman can get a day job and make a pay check. Women don't really even "need" men for protection given the welfare state.

The only thing men can do for women these days is make women "feel" protected, and "feel" like they are with a bull and not a bitch.

>You literally can't relax around them. They're always shit testing you and getting up in your shit.

If you notice the shit test, it means your paying too much homage to their hair brain bull shit.

>Every man is capable of being skrong. We prefer not to when it isn't necessary so as to conserve our energy for shit that actually requires us to be skrong. We need to relax sometimes too.

Being "skrong" isn't about exerting energy. A strong man doesn't need to constantly expend energy on projecting strength, all they need to do is exhibit the confidence a strong man would have.

>Wtf is this new age bullshit? Have you ever dated or fucked hoes? You can't ever relax around them. You have to constantly exhibit higher value even to your own detriment.

Quite a few. Exhibiting value isn't about spending time "doing" things or "acting" for them, it's just not giving a shit and staying confident.

Just not giving a shit.

Be upfront that if they fail to continue to amuse you there is a line of younger / cuter / smarter / hotter girls waiting to take her place.

>If you feel that's the epitome of life : to cage and manage a hoe... Have it at desu

It just happens if you're not some sort of beta max who turns girls off. It requires little to no effort.
SJW shit is out and she wants to be relevent.

Even OP is a shill for Miley

sage and report
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>If you don't put up with a woman's shit she finds a chad to fuck her who doesn't care.

And the trick to being the chad and not the cuck is to share in that lack of fucks being given.
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I'm glad people now have a reference for how even a skrong attractive successful popular male can be undone by a modern woman.

Modern pussy almost destroyed this nigga.
Almost drowned himself at the bottom of a bottle dealing w/ that unruly bitch. Drug Brad through the coals during the divorce. Said she loved her adopted kids more than her own that she birthed.

Keep marrying that unruly modern pussy...
Niggas gonna live shortened lives, get cucked, and she's still gonna take half your shit.

no, she's an annoying poser with meth tats who couldn't point out malibu on a map and he's a fucking dumb cuck. i'm sure some southron white knights jews in capes will try and push her as ourgirl though. just like this saged thread.

t. mlo
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>6'3 rich actor with a 9.8/10 face
You dumb.
She's spent the last few years doing the Miley Cyrus nastiest slut in the universe tour. Anyone that follows that is most definitely cucked.
Yeah but every men can smell that on her, she may get laid once in a while but she only gets shitty partners cause no one really trusts her, I have seen them broken and crying for a wasted life after they got everything offered to them and they rejected it for another good shag and when they feel old and dirty they remember how easy would have been to treat that one poor bastard correctly, but now he's with someone a lot better and lives a happy stable life that they will never have.
first post good post. it's gonna come down to if miley's kike pr agent can out jew liam's into tricking liam to marrying her. this place is teeming with sick kikes.
>Said she loved her adopted kids more than her own that she birthed
she white guilt tripped her daughter so hard she became a transboy just to get a better place in the progressive stack.
>that pic
it blows my mind how fast the feminist bows to The Chad.
I don't think feminism is a fully realized philosophy. I don't think they thought about it enough to get to the end. They just started becoming activists.
Dang that's harsh. Narcissists
are you 12? you don't know what cuck means lel. every time he eats her pussy he licks chris browns old jizz. or maybe tpain? or was it tyler? yaaaaa. even his bro told him NO, but he sarged on like a dumb cuck lel. he must love the smell of old nig jizz on his crusty drug addicted women.
Is SJW stuff really out?
> There are men these days who are more pathetic than women.
The laws of nature prevent this. It may appear to you as though they are... All that sense is you obviously don't understand women.

> Unless a man can project confidence..
Yes, the game of life. Projecting what you already know to be true. What is encoded in all that eyes see.

> Women don't really even "need" men for protection given the welfare state.
Men created the welfare state and sustain it. Men sustain that which creates jobs. Men sustain security. A woman needs a man. Always has and will. Namely due to the rarely seem things evil men are capable of. Its just been abstracted.

> The only thing men can do for women these days is make women "feel" protected, and "feel" like they are with a bull and not a bitch
Sorry, the unfolding of time isn't in service to repeated lessons that everyone should grasp. We or shall I say (some) are headed for much higher roads.

> If you notice the shit test, it means your paying too much homage to their hair brain bull shit.
Here we go w/ the turbo chad lecture. Question: Why do I even want such an unruly bitch around me?

> Being "skrong" isn't about exerting energy. A strong man doesn't need to constantly expend energy on projecting strength, all they need to do is exhibit the confidence a strong man would have.
> More idiotic comments that mistake the welfare state and corp/govt. protection that women have that will result in such trivial displays being ignored.

Listen man, I've lived this life you've spoken of. I don't need a lecture on how to deal w/ various types of women. Were having a discussion about higher minded awareness of what's going on. Pussy is pussy right? Unless she's your wife and you're impregnating her, you're just sport fucking right? OK. So, roasties aren't a big deal and aren't worth optimizing around as there is nothing but a sport nut behind such efforts. Yeah its easy .. So is jacking my dick.
yep. but i'm sure his kike agent told him he'd never get another movie role unless he wifes up that whore. then he will get tons of movie roles, of course. her puss and soul are gross. this is an entire pr stunt to get retard beta alt righters like op to like her after her shit life/election cycle outbursts. miley follows jews, and is not redeemable.
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It's called "beta male provider shaming"

They want to shape "beta provider males" , to keep them providers.

Just stop being a beta provider.

Just be there for fun, let her know she is your fun and thats all there is to it.

Have fun with the slut, fuck her brains out, ignore her, treat her like the burden she is.

Then you can choose wether or not she has earned any of your provisions.
Kad bih mu drknuo jedan šamar, glava bi mu odletela 10 metara sa tela.
You can't turn a whore into a housewife
*Yawn, been there done that.
Sport fucking empty minded roasties is equivalent to jacking my dick....

It seems like the new males didn't have gems like this around to guide them beyond lower minded pursuits or management of sport fucking ... Back in the day, the chads kept it real :

"Dirty and Lonely Heart," the 32-year-old opens up about an array of issues and gives Tiger Woods some much needed (and strange) advice. Mayer says Wood’s problems could have been solved by masturbation. Mayer should know, saying, “I have masturbated myself out of serious problems in my life. The phone doesn’t pick up because I’m masturbating. And I have excused myself at the oddest times so as to not make mistakes.”

Mayer then adds, “If Tiger Woods only knew when to jerk off. It has a true market value, like gold bullion. First of all, I don’t jerk off because I’m horny. I’m sort of half-chick. It’s like District 9. I can fire alien weapons. I can insert a tampon. No, I do it because I want to take a brain bath. It’s like a hot whirlpool for my brain, in a brain space that is 100 percent agreeable with itself.”

Who knew life’s problems could be solved so easily. I’m sure Tiger Woods wishes Mayer had passed on this little gem of advice several years ago, it might just have saved him hundreds of millions of dollars. Then again, it sounds like Tiger can't really do anything about it at this point." - John Mayer

Enjoy the female brain mind games of projection and illusory jedi-mind tricks.
lmfao complete cuck idiot. go suck his dick you fag. he can't even surf.
>I don't think feminism is a fully realized philosophy.


Feminism is raw female nature. Even a return to a primitive state couldn't sustain women's nature.

Modern society has enabled women to have exactly what they collective want; freedom from responsibility and consequence.
hundreds of gallons of baboon batter and this guy "fucked her brains out so I'm pure again" huehuehuehuehue
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>Why do I even want such an unruly bitch around me?
She's only unruly because you haven't trained her any better.

It's like blaming a dog instead of the owner for the dog not being house broken

It's not "turbo chad" to just not fucking notice stupid shit. Or maybe it is? And you need to be more of a turbo chad and not some reactive little fucci-boi

>Yes, the game of life. Projecting what you already know to be true. What is encoded in all that eyes see.

Projecting confidence just means NOT doing stupid needy, whiny, beta bitch boy shit.

>The laws of nature prevent this. It may appear to you as though they are... All that sense is you obviously don't understand women.

Nope, if my current bitch brings home a pay check and I'm a bum, then she empirically has more $$$ value than I do.

There for I have to show value in other ways.

It sounds like your just completely divorced from reality man.
How you fix women is to kidnap them, ignore what they say, and use them for sex when you want it.
any man who bangs a roastie has proven themselves to be a cuck
Or maybe I can just be chill and enjoy my self?

Why all the h8?

Why can't you guys relax and let the women come to you, and have to adjust their lives around you?

it's not like you can't replace the bitch if she gets out of line.
Seems like just another member of /r/asian_masculinity projecting his self-esteem issues on whites.
yeah but if you think about it, he could have any girl he wants but he still comes back to the same washed up whore every time
i didn't knew rachel maddow could sing
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boner status:
[x] Shrunk.
[ ] Not Shrunk.
The church offers forgiveness for sins and guidance to lead a better life.

It shouldn't try and convince its men to save "reformed" whores. If those whores have truly given up their whorish ways, let them live in celibacy, or with a profoundly-damaged man with similar drawbacks.

No sane church would encourage good men to waste themselves on trash women.
>That hair
>can women be fixed this easily?
it is exactly what /pol has been saying about Roasties all along. They follow the whims of their man, who is Chad in this case.
undersexed women is what leads them to things like feminism, women get neurotic and crazy if they don't have a strong male figure in their lives and aren't constantly having sex, what they really want is a strong male alpha to take charge.

i've had this feeling for a while that this whole sjw feminism movement is just a ploy to get men to stop being pussies and take charge to remind them why we should be in charge in the first place.
Um... no pecs... all biceps and self starved. He's lucky he was born with that face.
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What a time to be alive.

The only redeeming quality she has is nicely sized tits
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Why can't I have a nice pure girl who would be waiting to stab me if I turned and fled from battle like a coward? Is that too much to ask?
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One retard marries another retard. Seems just.
>He doesn't see anything. He's a product of a system and so is she. Hollywood arranges these couples to promote their agendas. This is the (Solid males try to turn hoes into housewives campaign) whereby they complete the circle of degeneracy..
I think you are on to something. It just seems to retarded for a man like him to get with a slut like her.
Katty perry got stuck with the spiritcooking gimmick
>from fucking Melbourne
Tell trump to nuke us already

>dating Miley Cyrus

She's tainted goods. No self respecting man should want to be with the town bicycle

His attractiveness is irrelevant. He's still a cuck and every Tom Dick and Tyrone has had a turn with her by now

Now that she got bored of fucking everything in sight she then decides to settle down

If he had respect he'd find him a girl who didn't have every dick in 100 miles inside her

Imagine their children growing up. Theee are videos of their mother rubbing random audience members hands on her vagina and her rubbing her ass on guys in front of thousands of people. If they have kids they'll be fucked up too
Explains why they are converting to Islam.
He has a jew name he has a jew cock so might as well have used a lubed stick with a condom on it. I came in like a blue balls ball
I think Miley has more going on in her head than her coal-burning peers Ariana, Selena, Katy, Kendall, and Kylie. During the three-year interim when she and Liam were broken up she stayed single, unlike the other pop stars who date the first rapper to come sniffing their way. Miley expressed herself hypersexually in her art but we can't prove she was acting these things out in private. I think it was all a show. How else would Liam agree to the engagement.

Miley's funny and a troll. I've seen her go on a vegan tirade against a hunter girl on IG. I think her antisocial behavior is ironic and she's doing a good thing moving toward conservatism now.
>seems JUST

Those eyes scream project Monarch

>Red. Your trigger is Transformers

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anyone who has positive things to say about Miley doesn't belong here. shoo, faggot.
Please tell me this is shopped to make her look like an old, haggard, Jew dyke. Please, someone...fucking lie to me.
what if there's more than meets the eye?
>Saving thumbmails
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You've been bamboozled
>If you get back with someone who broke off her engagement with you to be a drug user and a nigger lover, you're a cuck

Have to agree here. It sends the message that you can go off and behave in the most destructive ways possible then everything is forgotten when you get tired of being a drug addled whore.

She wants the benefits of a white society like stability and security then you don't to lay with those who compromise it in all respects.
She'll always be a fucking disgusting bitch, there's no coming back.
It's almost like Women are made to serve their men.

And when their men is weak they will look for stronger men.

It's human instinct. Men are made to fight , work and create babies with the best possible female , while women are made for taking care of the babies and serving the men.
>Can Chads fix women?
Women will be, do, say, believe, anything to stay with a Chad. I wouldn't say they fix women as much as give then incentive to act a certain way. You are applying male personality traits to women. Women have very fluid personalities and will change their behavior to suit their current situation and goals.

E.x. Men seek out like minded men to bond with based on common interests. Women will change their interests to bond with the group of women that have the best access to alpha males.

What you see with these female SJW types are women drawn in by alpha lesbians and are throwing social tantrums for attention and to punish society for not providing then the man/structure/status they desire. If even the biggest SJW maniac were alone with a Chad she'd sell every belief down the river if he would elevate her to higher status in society.

E.x. The article written by that huge femanist about how she fucked a Republican at Thanksgiving, and the article about the femanist girl who was addicted to the motorcycle driving Chad on Tinder.

Two extremely different mindsets.
>being a cuck has to do with your appearance and wealth
lurk more newfags

This is why status-signalling for virtuous and white things should be a mission on our end.

Slight bragging about how you don't drink alcohol is one thing we can do, and I do it all the time. It works.
Women are just social, whereas men are functional.

A man will tailor his clothes, farm his crops, build his house, and brew his drink.
The woman is brought up in the man's household and it's HIS values that she lives by, because he is her kindred.

The media, social media, politics, etc, reflects an economic and political system that is built on compromise. Politics is compromise. Political correctness is the morals and values of compromise. Women in the modern era value compromise, because that is what their kindred value.

Compromise between white and black, Native American and European, private property, non aggression, trade, currency, regulation.... The gravity of the polity (compromise) ALWAYS pulls left.

To fix women, the women in question need to identify with a movement that has no left-leaning gravitational pull. No liberalism, no civic nationalism, no ethnic nationalism, no capitalism, no marxism, no socialism, no civilization; just tribalism. Tribalism and dynastic feudalism are the only things that could be left undisturbed for thousands of years and would never change into something else.
>can women be fixed by the one thing that allowed a society to form
Yeah go find a girl and fuck her well and she will do anything you want
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I just watched that video. She has such a low voice - not feminine in the slightest

How does a "vocalist" have such a gnarly voice?
Dont you realise everything women do is for men? Mileys entire degenerate behaviour was to get attention from hemsworth
he could be fucking girls on the side everywhere he goes, she has tons more money than him. only downside is listening to her voice she has the worst speaking voice of any female entertainer i can think of. why is she a good singer is bizarre to me.
>women literally go crazy when they don't have a man in charge of them
What you mean is that adult humans go crazy when they can't find a partner.
This. As much as shitty rags like National Enquirer and TMZ try to convince us Hollywood relationships are like normal relationships they're not. They're scripted to maximise selling power. The whole city/ society is one giant act. For all we know they've both got 1+ side pieces and only see each other for photo ops
Drugs are a hell of a drug
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why dont you niggers realize this is just another publicity stunt by jews? conservatives are the new hip thing now with all these leftist degenerates normalizing shit. conservatives are the attention whores now
tru dat
how can black bois even compete
Odin isn't any better. He was a literal cumgargler.
you deserve a (you)
Looks like the DNA thing is true
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White whore 2.0
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This. She took her degeneracy so far she either had to make a complete image u-turn or gangbang some niggers and donkeys during the Super Bowl Halftime show to get any kind of reaction or press. So she goes the "I have cleaned up my act" redemption route to try and sell some records proving that you can indeed recover from hoedom.
>"burn the coal, pay the toll" doesn't suit traditionalists
That's the first time I heard of that.
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For you, friendo.
The answer is more simple than you all are making it. Flat out, we are starting to turn the tides and make being red-pilled cool in the eyes of the normies.

This is both a good and bad thing. Good in that it will return some semblance of logic to mainstream society... and a bad thing in that we're going to lose our memes to normies.

Honestly, I think the good outweighs the bad in this situation. We can always make new memes, but the world can only get so fucked before there's no turning back. I think we got it just in time, anons.

Real as fuck, bro.

You should see her BBC tweets. All a part of being red pilled...seeing things as they are. Not lying to yourself.
exactly this can not stand once you leave your gone.
we need extreme vetting. Antifa will attempt to infiltrate the massive amounts of normie migrants
>I just needed fucked to stop being a slut
Jon Benet
>but i'm sure his kike agent told him he'd never get another movie role unless he wifes up that whore. then he will get tons of movie roles, of course.

He'd get roles regardless. Just look at all the movies he was in with or without her for the past decade.

Sure it's good for publicity for them to be together and for them to be married, but don't act like it was some mandate that he had to be with her. I'm sure his agents would have been just as happy for him to be seen with a younger up and coming Disney star.

There are a lot of bizarre things to examine in society right now, but this guy choosing Miley Cyrus as a longtime gf and now a wife is one of the fucking saddest. Can you fucking imagine being him and choosing someone like her? Jesus fucking Christ. As fucked as the normal person is, celebrities are just as mentally screwed over, wasting potential, etc.
Captcha should be replaced with a box where you have to type out things like Faggot, Nigger, Hitler did nothing wrong, etc

Antifa would never do it.
bitches be bitches cause they are bitches -
You are correct
I don't have much experience on women but interestingly enough I have many friends who are tall, athletic and went to law schools etc yet they've said that they wouldn't have an issue if a girl had slept with a black guy. And that they don't care if a woman has taken many cocks.

These guys are Chads who have no issues getting women.
He's going to marry that cumdumpster.
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>Wayne Coyne from the flaming lips was fucking her for sure

He can do better tho. Dude is like 6'4 and handsome. White Guy.

Which is why she went on a slut rampage to get revenge back at him cuz he dumped her first.
lol its really sad more often than not
Well yeah they only want to fuck hotties and save the nudes to brag about, it's about collection and status for them.

For us it's about finding someone to be with. The person and their deeds matter.
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this one is more appropriate
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Women need God. We all do. He is all that matters in today's decadent world.
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So no more nude photoshoots?
Amen anon
There is a certain sense of inner peace granted to us by Christ. Even in times of harsh mental torment, that inner peace can make anyone feel completely at rest.
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>That's right...white Goyim.

>Only a magical spaghetti monster can save you
the only "men" stupid enough to marry used good is a liberal nu male cuck with a receding hairline and weak wrists.
We just need another 9/11
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>it's our problem they strayed.
no its not because only 10% of males at any one time are chads by definition so realistically the 60% of women they arent fucking on the reg are going to be train wrecks.
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Amen brothers. I admit, I've only recently found God. It was like a missing piece of me, that I have finally re-discovered. The missing piece of my spiritual jigsaw. I encourage everyone else to search their inner selves and find God, for He is with us, always.
God guide you, brother.

Good Goy.

>Don't do anything! Just believe in your spaghetti monster!!

What do you mean you "found God"? Was he hiding in the cupboard?

Religious people are so fucking stupid
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>discussing about pop bitches
>fucking on a beach
Miley was never "crazy", it was all for media attention.
I can't believe most people can't see this. It was so fucking obvious it was all an act.
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The girl of this pic.

Before military alpha cock: feminist, femen brazilian leader, anti-religion, degenerate

After military alpha cock: conservative, anti-left, christian and pro-family.
Not true, a lot of celebs call her a huge whore behind doors
>is this really what's going on?
She's transferring careers idiot.

She isn't crazy you're right.

She is just controlled by Jews and their satanic demonic spirits in which they worship.
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This. If she were an actual filthy whore, we would be seeing the media reporting about the consequences of those actions, such as STDs and abortions.
Neither have happened, so of course it was all an act.
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Once corrupted, they can never be saved. Even if she settles down she'll never get over the binges of drug and sex. No experience later in life can compare to the raw extended dopamine rush she continuously subjected herself to. Damaged for life
Bitches are crazy and need to be controlled
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That's a meme spread by porn. Very few women actually want that as getting their cervix poked and vaginal walls stretched isn't a pleasant feeling.
this was basically /thread, not sure why anyone replied after
Am chad, girlfriend now redpilled. So yes, MGTOW btfo.

However, I personally wouldn't date a roastie. Gf is highschool sweetheart and took her virginity etc etc.
Is this what you really think?

That is a rather hostile tone to take towards something you find to be so beneath you. At least you're honest.

We all have a personal relationship with God. It can be one of hatred, denial, mockery, love, or praise.

I was an atheist at one point in time and scoffed at the notion of there being a magical sky wizard. God works in mysterious ways.

For that matter, what is more laughable to you? Faith in God, or faith in humanity?

Nothing new under the sun. The world repeats the same mistakes over and over again. Our wisest are typically the closest to death and their replacements are a flock of ravenous imbeciles from the next generation who fought a good 40 years to gain that power and will now spend 40 years keeping it away from the next flock.

Meanwhile, the militant atheists who champion reason perpetually use their limelight to shame religious belief instead of doing something constructive. There are more important things they should worry about, especially if they believe there is no God. Right?

Peace to you. Whatever you believe, I pray you know a true sense of inner peace. If you do not, remember that Christ offers it.
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lookin like a dykier Suze Orman
>Gf is highschool sweetheart and took her virginity etc etc.
My dude. Literally me. Give em the dick and make em happy, they'll follow you holding your arm for all time.
Never feel bad for a celeb, he sold his soul to Jews for fame and money. He's paying the price.
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