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Living in a crowded mega city is comfy. The countryside, on

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Living in a crowded mega city is comfy.

The countryside, on the other hand, scares me and puts me at unease.

Anyone else feel the same way?
I lived in NY for two years and felt the same way. Manhattan comfy.
the countryside doesn't scare me but living there would probably put me at unease too
large cities are also crime ridden and disgusting depending on the country
i would deadset live in a megacity like moscow or seoul though
I wish I lived in a crowded megacity.
I wish I would experience cyberpunk vibes IRL

I'm exactly the opposite. Fucking hate big cities. Makes me feel claustrophobic.
you have a serious issue
Yeah, never actually lived in a "mega city" but I like living in a comfy medium sized city and I get anxious when I go to the farmland to visit my parents.

Living in a secluded woods would be comfy though. If I were very wealthy I would have a nice city apartment and a secluded home on a large lot in the forest when I need to get away for a week or so.
I agree, the loneliness you feel by walking among thousands of other people is really comfy and I could really think clearer than when I take my bike to school.

t. countryside cheesehead who went to Big Apple twice.
Nah, I'm a suburban neckbeard. I love my small village. I feel more free. More nature.
I kind of like mega cities in asia because I feel safe and that I can wonder anywhere and be safe as long as I'm not specially retarded and nosy but in asia i found out you can pretty much go anywhere and if you speak the language find amazing things every now and then.
Also love the countryside.
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>Nah, I'm a suburban neckbeard.

Aren't we all?
Maybe it's the horror movie influence, people get always killed, raped and dismembered in countrysides and forests.
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Id honestly rather live in a place like this than a big 10 bedroom house in the middle of some rural farmland.
Hmm, let me see, live like a termite in a colony filled with toxic fumes, or live close to nature. Such a tough decision.
On the other hand you get enriched by religion of peace in big cities.
Like thats not done intentionally...
I love it. But i also love the countryside. Tiny alleyways that hide miniscule restaurants that serve dishes passed down for millenias with neon on the horizon and old guys that are tougher than 4chan smoking cigarettes standing on the corner elicits an excitement in me that is unparalleled.
You sound like a queer boy.
Countryside is better in every other way. You end up healthier, going out more, more fit, breathing fresher air, less consumption of disgusting junk & fast food.

But fuck the insects. Insects are the only thing that make rural living worse. I'd be walking through woods and trails and glens every single day except there's a fuckton of insects, especially in the summer, and it just isn't a good experience to have them on your skin and in your nose, eyes, mouth, hair, and clothes.
>has no kitchen
not having an adequately sized kitchen would be absolute torture
Big cities are dangerous, smelly, polluted, expensive, cramped, and pozzed. Nuke every xity with more than 1 million inhabitants.
Dont you have some moping to do?
Vacationing in Chicago rn

Wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for all the niggers. I was hoping that I could avoid them by staying in the Loop, but I guess not
Not today, I'm dealing with a bout of food poisoning.
That's not what humans are adapted to feel. That is a strong sign of mental illness. Very common in the modern world.
Not from potatoes I assume?
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>old guys that are tougher than 4chan
Did you actually imply there's toughness on 4chan? Because the average 4channer probably, if not a skinny weak manlet with no muscle anyway, looks like pic related. And probably never exercises (so obese if they eat a lot or skinny and weak if they don't), with no social life or relationships, and probably still lives with parents even if they're in their late 20s or 30s.
Nah m8, some dicks undercooked my chickenwings at Dominos.
Horror movies as vehicles to keep people from leaving the cities. Would be an interesting conspiracy theory.
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The true red pill is being able to find comfort in both.
I love ATVs, dirtbikes and hiking the same way I enjoy the views of aky scrapers, people bumping into me, night clubs and seeing sexy ladies every other corner you turn.
My dream is to have a condo in downtown Miami and a house in North Carolina.
There is a lot of posturing on here is all im saying. Old guys dont feel the need to posture.
Safety in numbers for sheeple. If something bad happens you can expect over people to step in instead of taking responsibility yourself, of course everyone feels this way so you get he bystander effect.
What's it like in American cities? Don't you just stay in the nice parts which I assume is restricted to less than ten blocks in every city?
I find I love the countryside much more. Big cities are dirty and grimy and full of shitskins and crime.

t. Rural Hampshire
I just had my first amatuer boxing bout yesterday. I am a manlet though :'(

I grew up in the countryside.

The big city on the other hand, puts me at unease.
That's because you've become a locust.
You're a chinkie. Stay cucked.
Can't eat fast food man. I never eat it anymore, food poisoning seems to happen to some degree like 20% of the time.
This. Fuck people. Cities are fucking loud and filthy. I've never slept so good as I do in the country. Pitch black silent nights and mornings make me feel human.
>walking around NYC CC'ing my transferrable Ingram MAC-10 in 9mm with 2 extra sticks.

Nothing compares to this feel.
This is my dilemma.
Cities feel so comfy but are filled with commies.
I wouldn't want to fight boogie
Of course, plus when I want to buy my dim sum, i only have to walk 2 minutes !
every single city is segregated, some more than others though
Let's add this one to the next conspiracy chart.
Not when you're surrounded by niggers
Ah that sucks, this was the first time I ever got such a terrible reaction. I ought to send a letter to those fucks or health and safety.
Usually you're right, but in HK I was having panic every time I wanted to eat because of the tiny restaurants
A gentleman requires and is at his ease in both the city and the country. We have known this since the days of the Roman Republic. The suburbs on the other hand, are a modern abomination that produce and attract only degenerate trash.
So when you say segregated I assume you have a few blocks of whiteys and then the rest of the entire city is filled with crime committing minorities? Despite how big your cities are doesn't this mean when you're in a city you literally spend your entire life in the few blocks? I mean, you wouldn't dare venture out the few blocks of the city which are designated safe, would you? So despite the size of the cities, the cities are actually very small?

for context - how do you define "megacity"? Population / population density?
what is a city of 50,000 considered to be anyway? whatever that is, i prefer that. it's not too crowded and has everything within walking or biking distance
How so?

Cities are deeply unnatural. Humans were not designed to be around each other so much. We are a clannish lot. Make a clan so big that the top and bottom are far apart, and everything soon goes to shit. The cities will be replaced by hives in the next 50 years or so. Basically work camps / cult compounds for the masses that survive the fall.
I like big cities took too bad most of them are liberal as fuck

Major city conservative uprising when?

isn't 50,000 somewhere between small town and village?
well, the niggers and spics are almost always in the inner city and there's usually one white area in there that is for the upper class hipster type people where cops are everywhere to protect them from roaming niggers. other than that whites are on the outlying areas of the cities so they don't really ever need to come into contact with the most savage animals
It is cozy to me.
It's not my job to educate you, shitlord oppressor. But you could read Kunstler's Geography of Nowhere if you are curious as to how modern suburbia was invented and why it has failed to produce a single cultural artifact of any value.
I'm a dirty Hungarian peasant tending to his paprikas and I feel quite the opposite. I can't bear the constant noise and the non-stop flashing lights and the overcrowded spaces.
>It's not my job to educate you, shitlord oppressor.

You made a claim. As for the book I'm not really bolloxed to read.
I hope your paprikas grow as well as my potatos.
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Lived in Shanghai for a while and I'm originally from NY. I live in the countryside of Texas now with my seventeen firearms and I would never move back to a city for any fucking reason ever.
No, hate cities, too many people
i lived near downtown Vancouver for a few years, I wouldn't say it's "comfy" but it's definitely convenient and a lot more fun.

I live on the outskirts of a small town now where my closest neighbor is about a mile away. I find it more comfy and safe, and I feel I have more freedom, I like to be able to go outside day or night and have my own little plot where I can do whatever I want, work on my car, sit in the sun, do some yard work, listen to music, and not be bothered by anyone over anything. But it's definitely a pain in the ass if I want to be social or try any new experiences.

Pros and cons to both I think, depends what type of person you are and what you're interested in. I could see extroverts preferring the city life a lot more, whereas people that are more prone to keep to themselves might prefer rural living.

City life is also waaaay more expensive on a bunch of different levels.
I hate cities. I like the peace and quiet of less developed areas
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I grew up in a small town and now live in LA and I'll tell you I'm getting the fuck out as soon as possible. You're among so many people yet it's way more isolating as you are that much more replaceable. Going a few miles through the traffic and then paying for parking makes it feel like a prison, being unable to go anywhere outside your block. Instead of trees and green you get billboards with the most bluepilled shit on them. You go through different areas and see homeless camps vs million dollar homes. This is not humanity's natural state.

Also obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWZk24MA7TE
i like both.

You've gotta find the right kind of solitude. If you're going innawoods, it's gotta be comfy and sustainable as fuck. There are some supremely desolate and brutal spots out there, so what you're saying speaks highly of Texas.
You can read his blog then if you're too retarded for books. It's called clusterfuck nation. It's good, he's redpilled af
how'd it go? did you win? what weight class?
I find the big city forces me to be productive, to be the best, to improve every facet of my being. The rat race has its uses.

Whereas the countryside makes me fat, slow and lazy. I become a country bumpkin instead of a well oiled, physically fit, productive member of society.
It is much cheaper to live in a small town. The funds saved support discretionary pursuits.
The quiet at night is a blessing.
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I grew up in the city but would always go to the rural area my parents came from every summer. Nowhere in a mega city would you find silent nights, starry skies, quiet mornings and the feeling of not needing to rush anything. That being said, I also find it kind of cool to eat dinner at a balcony in the city overlooking people and how they go about their lives. Makes you question your own existence

where in LA?
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Pretty cool to live in a room like this.
I've never wanted to have a pint at Shepherd and Dog more in my life. God bless you, bumfuckshire.
I live in Toronto, but grew up a few hours north. I like this city, but really like the rural life quite a lot.
What's scary about the countryside? Anything in particular?

The only thing that ever happened to me was when I was doing farm work, picking some fresh strawberries, and a 2 year old black bear was about 15 feet away from me. I yelled at it and it left, but there isn't anything really scary or unnerving about living near a forest.
That's not a city at all. That's a town my man.
santa monica, god help me if I were even closer to downtown.
Never said I was too retarded, just the fact that I'm not bolloxed. However being from the suburbs myself I'm inclined to give my viewpoint regarding the city and country. Generally it makes me a bit anxious while prolonged stays in the country makes me anxious as well. I suppose when you grow accustomed to the best of both worlds it's hard to adapt to one of the extremes.

Ruralfag here. I can't fathom living around that many people. I've been up for two hours and the only person I've seen yet today is my wife.
yeah if there are no peaceful moslims on your doorstep
You don't like the michelin starred restaurants, bright lights and dog eat dog culture?

Maybe you're low energy.
Straight opposite for me. I spent a few months in Tokyo and i was climbing the walls by the end of it, it wasn't terrible and i'm sure i could adapt, but i couldn't imagine that feeling without the polite nature of the japanese acting as ballast.

I imagine places filled with nigs and muslims, as well as mainland chinks to an extent would have me on the first flight out after a month.

It´s the complete opposite for me. I love the great outdoors. Mega-cities make me feel dirty on the inside...

The risk profile is different

In the countryside, you have to deal with seasons, sometimes storms, etc.

In a mega city things are generally fine, but the day the water or sewage system, or the electrical grid fail, it's chaos, but instead of having the elements against you, you have people against you.
>What's scary about the countryside? Anything in particular?

It's nothing in particular, it's more the space. The lack of human contact nearby and how quiet everything is.

It makes me very uneasy.


I live ina village, we have 250 people
So what I'm getting is that country-folks are proper men, while city-folk are afraid of the dark and need a night-light.
>eat dog culture
At the very least I'd call that a town
Kek. You pussy fucking faggot. I feel the exact opposite (having lived in both). In the city, you can get robbed by niggers. In the sticks, there's just a bunch of friendly white people and free food (if you know how to farm and hunt).

City /comfy/ is fucking gay. Country /comfy/ is having a mansion with a metric fuck load of land and all the dumb shit you'd ever want to play with, ALL for 1/10th the price of being a cityfag
>that smell of clothes out on the line
>can grow your own massive garden
>people are genuinely friendly
>lots of involvement from parents in the schools

As a teacher, I have seen far more success rates in the schools outside of the city where there is more orientation towards community success. I can't articulate on it, but the small towns here are great.

Santa Monica has some pretty comfy spots, bro. I like hanging out at Jinky's, then strolling down to Hinano in Venice for a beer. The ocean is awesome. Hollywood here. I totally agree with you about downtown though.
>t. someone who's never lived in a big city
>Living in a crowded mega city is comfy.
>The countryside, on the other hand, scares me and puts me at unease

I knew chinks weren't human
Because you have mentality of an ant. True white man works the earth and lives close to it, he created civilization when he started doing that. Cities are necessary for modern logistics of course, but they are fucked up when overcrowded, human mind rots in such confinement. One of reasons why Russia is in such sad state today is that communists destroyed rural life and driven people to the commieblocks.
Maybe US cities are different. Here it's safe enough to go on nightwalks at 4am.
I used to live in Daytona and every day on the beach I saw niggers smelling like weed.
Moved to Montana outback, feels good.

is it an entirely self contained village of 250? how do people refrain from driving each other insane? It must be difficult finding isolation and solitude when everybody knows you intimately - which is, paradoxically, what I like most about cities. Everybody leaves you alone. You can walk around and never see the same person twice. But your 250 sounds comfy though. I like the sound of living in a tiny, self contained hamlet with one pub.
Seems comfy
God no. Been living in London for 4 months and I'm already counting down until the days until I can leave and live in a comfy rural area again.
I'm the exact opposite
I want to move to the rural country because I'm always on edge here in the city
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True, i only feel that way about Manhattan though, other big cities not so much.

t. Bavarian Kraut grown up and living in the woods getting half his food from own fields and the forest
I've lived in the city my entire life so I guess so, but a big city in Canada is hardly a big city like Hong Kong.
Lived in a city my whole life. There's too many people, it's too dirty, and it's too expensive.

Now, I'm moving to a more rural area and got a 3200 sq. ft. home for around 250k. I'm about 30 miles out from the nearest medium-sized city. It's relatively rural. I love it. I don't have the millions of people on a sidewalk on a given time, no subway switches and lights breaking causing hour long delays to work etc.

And, I can own a gun finally without being a police officer.

I think the answer lies in this - with exceptions, of course - but generally if your formative years are spent (hardwiring pleasant associations / memories) in a megacity, you'll retain that affinity for life. The sounds, aesthetics, pace, smells, movement, lifestyle. And the exact thing can be said of bros who imprinted on innawoods. Certainly there are plenty of examples of detectors in either direction. But I think it largely boils down to familiarity in determining your preference.

*defectors - not detectors
>go to mega city
>around time of people
>get sick constantly
>eventually stop getting sick but I can tell I'm not the best always
>deal with the worlds best and the worlds scum at the same time
>traffic makes my anus bleed
>assload of pain involved in getting a gun
>finally get gun but god damn
>politicians on the autism spectrum
>police are pretty good people but swamped in regulation and political retardation
>shitskins on gibs
>continue shitty job
>breathe shitty air
>live in shitty small fucking apartment that costs more money a month than a suburban flat that has 10 times more space

>get a job that's much better paying in Idaho
>in the country my job is in more demand because not a lot of people have my degree in Idaho
>have nice medium sized house, two stories bought and paid for
>walk in to small town America to buy groceries
>everyone is friendly and knows each other, I shake a few hands and meet some people
>decide to go to church
>meet every lutheran person in town
>pastor introduces me
>suddenly everyone in town is giving me nods
>feel acknowledged for the first time in twenty three years of existence
>get enough confidence to start working out again
>gain friendship with neighbors
>first actual friends since high school
>join gun club, surprised how easy it is to get a gun
>see a shit ton of wildlife and birds, wolves even
>only thing I saw in the city were fat pidgeons and the occasional raccoon or fufu dog
>decide to buy german shepard pup, can because I have a ton of space in my backyard
>name her Panzer
>pick up a few hobbies here and there
>meet a country girl, she is very conservative and shy
>ask her out to my house (no real nice restaraunts around)
>cook her an entire lobster meal
>very polite about it
>panzer loves her
>date for about two or three years
>finally marry her
>living the happy country life
>continue working my way up at better job
>continue breathing crystal clear air
>adding an addition to my home
Oriental ant mentality.
I hate living in Chicago but I also hate that there are almost no jobs in rural areas any more, at least not for young people. I'm thinking about splitting the difference and looking for a job in a smaller city, like Denver or Sacramento or Hartford, NH or something, Chicago is too fucking big and too many fucking niggers

You have no other option, fella, I saw it with my own eyes when I visited your city.
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top comfy
Funny you say that because I'm an expat. What's wrong with liking to live in a major city and experiencing all it has to offer?
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Theres a book that captures that feeling to a t, its called 100 years of solitude.
I've read it a few times and it makes me real scared, not spooky scared but some sort of existential dread.
Well, obviously you moved there because you appreciated the hive lifestyle of the natives. There's nothing wrong with liking it. What works for you works for you. It's just kind of unnatural. Humans should see the sky and breathe clean air and not always be surrounded by things made by their fellow man.
>hong kong
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Have been dealing with this predicament with my fiancee.
We moved from a large city (population 2.6 million) to a smallish suburb city (population of 200k).
We bought a new house in a nice quiet neighborhood. Mortgage way less than rent in bigcity
Very little to no crime.
Nigs are confined to their own little city 15 minutes north.
Fiancee complains that she wants to move back to our old big city
Says the little city we live in doesn't have culture
Isn't opening new restaurants frequently
Doesn't have art shows
"Nothing to do"
While me -- I have never felt more happy and safe in my life
I had a very unstable childhood and I am now feeling stable
A woman will always find something to be unsatisfied with
Because it's filled with niggers

Gwai lo hai dai lo,

Remember that a few British ships were able to conquer your city of millions from the other side of the globe.
I hate the city so fucking much.

If I could move to the country without having to do a shit job in basically total isolation because nointernet and nearest neighbours being 400km away then I would in a heart beat.
I still find non-grey sky unnerving and distinct day-night light cycle uncomfortable.
I moved here when I was 8. My parents jobs forced us to move a lot when I was young so it wasn't exactly a choice of mine but I grew to love it. I've had some stints elsewhere too but big, cyberpunk-type cities are where I most feel at home.
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Single males and females tend to prefer living in crowded cities.

While a little house on the prairy is considered ideal for those having a family.
Britain effectively made HK what it is today. Even though I'm an expatriate I don't think you'd find many HKers complaining about the Brits at all. In fact many want a return to our rule.
ITT people dream of living in a horribly polluted mega city that is riddled with crime and poverty and pretend it's nice because their autism scares makes nature scary.

I know I plowed a HK girl with massive tits for like 3 years. HK is amazing by Asian culture sucks dick.

that's a really tough position you're in, bro - because I can sympathize with both viewpoints. However it sounds like you're objectively right in this situation, and her response is purely subjective, more irrational. You think she just wants more attention from everybody? If she's used to constant sensory and social stimulation, that might be the overriding factor.
Got any pics of her?
Neat story.
I'm female, came from a rural area, nearly got married but then found out I'm sterile. Fiance broke off the engagement, so I moved to a big city and a cramped home and am working on becoming a police officer. Everyone is rude, everything is expensive, people are fake, and I've accepted a terminal fate of being single forever. My only comfort is that other people are probably happy. I hope some black guy shoots me on the job.
>You end up healthier
urban people have higher life expectancy
Yes. Not me. I live in the countryside and absolutely love it. But last summer I had some family from the big city visit at a time where when the silage-corn planted around my house was a bit over 8 feet tall. Once it got dark they basically freaked out and refused to leave the house. And I'd planned the best bonfire/BBQ night for them and they just stayed in the house watching the telly to distract them from the scary-outside-place.
Top comfy

I can really relate to this - I feel the same. Especially regarding the amplified day night cycle. It can be harrowing!
That sounds great (I'm also in a smallish city of about 200k) but I can also understand your fiancees point of view, I mean personally I prefer the smaller city quiet lifestyle but I know lots of guys who like the bustle of a city, the new restaurants, the social events, etc.

If you're not the type of person that enjoys at least a few isolated hobbies it can be really boring in a small city compared to a big metro area.
Depends on the city/area. Nice middle class areas are pretty comfy, so long as there's no rowdy blacks or exploding muslims.

t. country side fag who lives like 40 minutes outside of london
>hope some black guy shoots me on the job.

Whoa lol
well seeing as you're literally an insect it doesn't surprise me that you're most comfortable in a hive.

Asian cities have very little crime in my experience, never got mugged in nipland nor HK.
Cant say about mainland since I havent visited yet.

Maybe its because they're not full of nogs.
We'll all make it. As a police officer in the big city don't let politicians get you down. The city is anal about police doing their jobs for some reasons. Just keep your head on your shoulders and you'll do fine
>The countryside, on the other hand, scares me and puts me at unease.
Nope. The only thing scary about the country is being far away from a hospital in case of emergencies. Other than that it's nice. Humans are much worse than wolves and bears.
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Posting comfy cityscapes

Nice! Maidenhead is max comfy. So are the leafier parts of Wimbledon. Have you ever considered moving to an ultra remote spot? Or is access to London something you'd miss?
Fuck you ching chong embrace your farmer roots.
you think shopping malls make you civilized? think again we own your family's graves you can never escape your past.
Not when you have waves of people walking toward you pretending to not see you everyday
urban degenerates feel the same as you do.
Why have you accepted being single? There are lots of guys who don't intend to have kids if your sterility is your reasoning.

I'm 33 and don't have kids, don't plan to. I was dating a girl (same age as myself) for about 7 years who also didn't want kids; unfortunately we broke up not too long ago, amiably, but there definitely are men out there that don't care much about having kids but that have otherwise normal and functional lives.
No Mr Chang. Non-insectoid races will always yearn for the countryside/mountainous valley.
I do, i love there is always something to do, always someone to meet, lot of different food, lot of shops, theatre, museum, concert... I understand why the people from the countryside hate us because it is violent/intimidating when you are not used to.
Countryside is full of inbred and white trashes. Nothing to do, always the same ugly people... The only beautiful places in the countryside are owned by parisians.
The lie that the suburbs offer the best of the city and the country, or even a modicum of compromise, is one of the biggest blue pills of modernity. Suburbanization is a root cause of our Western decline, but by all means, stay comfy. I'm sure you have (((earned))) it.

Enjoying big city life is a norme's way. If you like crowds and social events so much you can easily refuse decent living conditions - you are pathetic worm unable to value your time being alone.
Fuck no complete opposite
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Cities present a social hierarchy that is so large that a person sees no point in trying to climb said hierarchy. They're unnatural and filth-ridden. I used to live in a very populous city of 250,000 humans and it was mental torture knowing that no matter where I went, a thousand others had been there before. Now I live on the Atlantic coast and I haven't seen another human being outside of work in months.
I went to toronto and all the buldings and highways blocked out the god damn sun. I was at ground level and it felt like I was underground.

Plus I like
>quiet and darkness at night
>hate air pollution smell
>fishing nearby
>social events
We have those here. This weekend there was the tractor pulling contest. And next one there'll be the trailer market down by the store (Americans would call it a tail-gate market I think. But here we use regular cars and trailers rather than pickup trucks. Different strokes for different country folks). And the weekend after that is first weekend at the high season for tourists. Shit-ton of things going on then, like the beginning of the sand sculpture festival, the opening of the amusement park (it's actually already open and used by locals, but there's an event when the Germans start to arrive). What more could people want? It's not all cow tipping you know, that's just a meme.
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>very populous city
Not to mention that Fallen Man has never erected a more soulless shell of anomie than that cesspool called Tranna
It's natural for niggers to be scared of the countryside, your kid never did well there without foreign aid.
The worst part of rural life is having wooded areas near your home. Avoid the woods, they aren't ours.
Yeah every time I'm downtown in Ottawa I question why I willingly go where there are so many non-whites and homeless fucks wandering around talking to themselves. I used to think I'd really enjoy living in Montreal or something but the older I get, the more disgusted I am when I drive by commieblock style apartments and the like
It's one of the most populous cities in the most populous province of this awful country. The village I live in now has 2000 people in an area of 150km^. I just talk to people (including many Russians) on my amateur radio for social life.
I like both the country and the city. Suburbs are hellish nightmares, though.

>tfw burgerclap
>all our cities are spread-out, sprawling suburb concentrations
>tfw no tokyo-style rail commute as the norm, everyone wants to drive cars and drive the city further apart with massive highways and parking lots all over

I live in a walkable city, but most of our cities are sprawling piles of shit. I want cities that look like forests of skyscrapers, with narrow little streets, and rail lines all over. And no niggers.
Sounds pretty cool man

what's tranna?
Infant wait for telework over the internet to become the norm so that I can pursue my profession and not live in a big city.
Ok, here's the redpill you sissy coward faggots. The city is the engine of Western culture, everything of worth that we have produced for the past three millennia has originated from the conditions brought about by urban life. Yes, a gentleman requires temporary respite in the countryside to refresh and collect his thoughts, but must return to our cultural centers if he is to contribute to the preservation of our race. If you're not doing this, if you're not reclaiming the cities abandoned by our parents and grandparents, continuing to live in fear and impotent anger in the suburbs, you are less than a nigger or a jew and have no right to criticize even the most degenerate urban faggot.
Asians must have a significant amount of ant dna in them, it makes too much sense.
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English countryside > the world
Feels good bro
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You see pollution, crime and poverty, whereas I see the next stage of human societal evolution.

Cities mean technological innovation and economic stimulation. Without cities a country cannot prosper, fact. Whenever I take a stroll through the CBD here all I have to do is look up and see wonders of architecture towering above me. Each building a testament to human ingenuity and contained within them the best and brightest that humanity has to offer. Working diligently; researching, innovating, raising funds for the purposes of advancing our society.

You rural folk can keep making our food, we'll do the rest.
never lived in a city and the closest one is an hour away. sounds like hell. i hate even going to the main town center if i need to buy something. with amazon there's no need to go anywhere near a city now though.
>work in IT
>company wants to move away from remote work
probably to foster a more ((((social workplace)))) because the "work" we do isn't really work, but mostly a serious of meaningless interactions meant to """"""value add""""" to the company
Serial killers love the countryside, lots of places to dump corpses.
I should have made clear in the OP that I'm not an HKer, merely an expat that currently calls this city home.
No fucking way in hell that's legal.
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>wonders of architecture towering above me
Gee I sure do love all this modern disposable architecture, shucks.
can immediately tell thats an english cathedral lel.

megacities are the first targets in the next war
I always gotta fear gang members and other types of trash. I wish i could live in the country it seems peaceful, and most country folk seem nice
Sounds great until you have kids and they get shanked by a homeless nigger crackhead on the way to school
>You rural folk can keep making our food, we'll do the rest.
You say that as if food isn't the absolute most important thing
>a very populous city of 250,000 humans
Fuck no
You gone rogue m8. Amateur radio... It's kinda cool. Treehouse romanticism
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>Avoid the woods, they aren't ours.
You are not just a city person. You're a city nigger aren't you? Don't be shy, I've heard black folks on the interwebs expressing their absolute bafflement over why white folks go hiking/camping. The woods are wonderful! The ones we've got here are a little too "gromed" for my taste. A bit park-like. But I can really reckomend Norwegian mountain-forest hiking. Everything about it really. Uhm, except the mosquitoes (but at least they are not malaria mosquitoes). And there may be one or two other things you should try to avoid. But the rest is absolutely fantastic.
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This is fantasy you will nerver have this
suburb are best near the city, just give me a normal house with garden and I'm fine.
Cities have a lot of air pollution and lack of gardens
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me i want to live in a final fantasy city
Go to Lincoln park, no blacks there
the sound of crickets and keks in the nigh
Ham radio is great. I built a nice magnetic loop antenna and I talk to people all over the world. I'm working in setting up a Bulletin Board System on 14.150 mhz running on my home station so people can leave messages and things.
Where do you live, come out for a drink sometime

Texan reporting in. As and add on to this post, many cities will also segregate on a geographical basis. Around here you'll usually see the undesirables in the South and East sides of the cities.

Also ALL of the urban and suburban growth (white flight) is heading North.

Sometimes you'll see a shitty urban area experience a rebirth, but that's not too common.
I know Britain is a nanny state with cucked police but if I got to live in the sticks like that, I would move in a heartbeat. Looks cozy as fuck
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Unmanaged woodlands are generally hard to get through. Woodlands with human management are a lot better for walks and such.
The actual only good thing about the maritime provinces in Canada is that most of the land is owned by the Queen and thus we are free to camp on it and so on.
Sounds like shit desu.
Hampshire is great. Been to Northumberland?
>meeting someone off 4chan

Do people really do this?
>(Americans would call it a tail-gate market I think.
We call them flea markets and they're full of spics selling bootleg items.
I unironically listened to this in my headphones when I visited HongKong.

>Yiu Fat seafood
England's greatest charm and tragedy is that there are so few places that have not felt the touch of man.

>much like OP
that picture alone makes me uncomfortable. ew
Yes goy, continue to hunker down in fear in your safe, comfy mcmansion. You're the king of your lawn, you've earned it. Cities are dirty and dangerous, just ignore that's where all we (((billionaires))) choose to live. No, your culture is degenerating, it's evolving! Let (((us))) take care of it for you, we make the best movies, the best news, trust us to control your culture for you. You stay safe from the scary powerful niggers there in your nice safe suburb.
>Living in a crowded mega city is comfy.

Learning to love the embrace of the literal mousetrap I see.

Megalopolises will all be turned into extermination camps when they're done with you. All they need to do is shut off public transport and enforce the siege with armed flying solar powered drones and in matter of months everyone will be dead.

They won't even need to use the nukes or send in the autonomous combat units.
I'm lonely and i've zero friend
KW area.
I'm originally from a farm community near Windsor/ London actually. GOD I miss the corn fields.

>spent 5 years corn detasselling starting at 13 years old
Why do non parisians seem to have so much animosity towards parisians?

You guys don't seem to hold the same hatred towards them as they do to you.
they've got those types of houses all over. woodlands, farms and villages are 80% of the UK's landmass and theres cosy villages like that all over.
Many forests were burned at the end of the Bronze Age, that's how there's so much greenspace in the UK for an island of its size. We have so many laws protecting green spaces, that prevent you building X on Y land and Y on Z land. There are many unmanaged woodlands though. As in completely unmanaged.

But why? Throughout ancient Britain all the way up to the late modern period (and still now but they aren't used) most villages were surrounded by forests, and these forests would be used extensively and completely managed for the materials and crops.
There's still some remnants of the wildwood up in Scotland iirc, though I'm not sure if it's possible to walk through them.

It seems crazy to think that as recently as Roman times, it was said that a squirrel could travel from Lands End to John O Groats without touching the ground.
That's literally Venice
It's not a realistic option unless you're very wealthy. Someone who makes 50k a year like me would have to live in a dangerous shithole and send my kid to a zoo for school. It's not just a fear mongering meme, especially when it comes to inner-city public schools. If you give a shit about your kids you can't send them there.
What made you start it?
Even Caesar's invasion of Britain is far too early for that. Albeit, there would've been a lot more woodlands, but forest burnings for agricultural expansion had been occurring since the collapse of the Bronze Age. The UK is 80% greenland.
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And there's many remnants of wildlands. As I said, near my village in Northumberland they've got an unmanaged woods. There's a Lindybeige video on it actually lel. It's been unmanaged for 75 years purposely.

Nice to explore but bad for walks.
Nah, I prefer clean air, silent nights, being able to see stars as there's no light pollution, having an affordable home that isn't the size of a storage unit, no traffic, no weirdos at every turn trying to fuck you or offer you drugs, no terrorist attacks, knowing that most of the people I see walking around aren't complete strangers and have likely lived in the area for more than 3 years, friendly law enforcement, knowing who your neighbours are, no shitskins, being able to have a dog knowing it won't be decapitated by the local imam, the worst crime being someone stealing farm cattle, being able to say controversial things without someone within earshot raging at me for it, and feeling like a non-replaceable human.
far too late*
Autistic fascination with vacuum tube electronics as a kid. Got my license at 13, now I'm a mediocre electrical engineer but I love radios still. I operate mostly at 14 and 7 mhz, and I do voice and digital, and I can send Morse code but I'm not good at receiving it yet
I heard England needs teachers, but I assume its not nice for them considering there is a shortage in the first place. I intend to work in academia, as rubbish and Marxist as it is, but I wouldn't mind a comfy time in the countryside, even if it doesn't pay great and is only for a few years
Fuck that. I go to the city and I feel like shit the entire time I'm there, it's depressing.

I'd only ever go for big events or short holidays.
Kitchener-Waterloo area is more like 500,000.
>flea markets
Nah, we have those too. Litteral direct translation "loppemarked". No spics tho, but lots of east europeans and gypsies trying to convince their brass rings are pure gold. We tolerate it to some extent, but chase them off when it gets too much. The trailer marked is local folks selling local produce. Food stuff like honey, fruit and vegetables and dried fish is common. Also, baskets, brooms and brushes, eeeh, 'træsko'... wooden shoes. clogs perhaps? but a modern version. Retirees usually sell birdhouses or small wood work of that kidny.
The fleamarkets is where you try to get rid of your old unused junk, and these are the ones that attract the zigeuners.

yeah, that could be a picture from around here. One of the nice things about the forests up north and near the treeline in the mountains is that there isn't near as much undergrowth so you can hike through it quite easily with out a beaten path to follow.
Gross, thank God I left.
Though, as large cities go, it isn't so bad.
>taking hours to reach your house after coming down from work due to rush hour is good
I have been out of the big city shithole for a while and I am loving it
pick a primary school in an english village. you'll get a 100% or 99% white class. i only say that cause i hear niggers and other variation of shitskins are quite unruly. got quite a lot of fond memories. we bullied a nigger in year 1 who came into my class from zimbabwe.
Well I'm not very wealthy and I do. It's a sacrifice we must make to take back our country, this is a collective action problem. Learn statistics, cities are safe, especially for whites. Niggers kill each other, and not even that often. Stop being a sissy bitch, this is our country. Why do we allow the jews to still control everything we watch and read? Their power centers are cities--learn from the master manipulators.
Bring back grammar schools
also that. but primary school was comfy.
Maybe it's different in norway, I just avoud looking out of my windows at night.
Being anonymous in the city and having shops nearby is nice but it's painful to deal with all the cancerous r-selected people. They just follow current trends and can't talk about any difficult subject such as politics and philosophy.
You know, engineering, electronics etc - it's real Hogwarts. You do real things and it works, you see results. Nice hobby m8.
Thanks and 73s de an0n
my village had a population of 1200 people on the last census in 2011 and we still manage to get a sainsbury's in there and a fuckton of corner shops lel. and with the internet you can use that for any larger orders.

no need to be in a city for access to shops now.
>the maritime provinces in Canada
I should like to come visit sometimes. Spruce forrests I hope. People say a lot of bad things about leafs in this place.
wanting to live around tons of people beyond age 30 is a mental illness
I meant actual wild (never managed) woods that escaped all the large scale cutting and burning the bronze age people, Romans and later the Saxons partook in. Something like the Caledonian forest, or if my memory is right, parts of the New Forest down in Hampshire.

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Outside my window.
Have not seen sun in 2 weeks
I've got one life and I'm not spending it in some shithole slum.
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Didn't even know about that, interesting. You learn something new every day.

You can tell geographically just looking though. I mean the north is hilly, mostly built into valleys and water banks, etc, and on high points you can still see trees surrounding many villages. Managed woodlands obviously though.

Did you say there were unmanaged woodlands in Scotland? As in completely unmanaged in history or purposely unmanaged? I'd be interested in seeing that.
I've lived all my life in Europe and now I moved to America. Cities in the US are horrible, I always have to watch my back, I don't feel safe. So sad Americans don't even know what it's like to live in a city and walk the streets at night feeling safe. I guess they prefer their country ruined rather than be called racists.
Sounds bretty gud. My primary school was full of Indians and Chinese kids and less then 20% white, and although I have no colossal issues with either group (Chinese food from actual Chinese people is great and cheap), a super British small town life seems a lot cooler, definitely gonna try and give it a shot when I get out of college
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yes. i grew up in manhattan.
ive travelled quite a bit growing up, and the only time i ever felt culture shock was when we drove to rural pennsylvania. the people there scared the shit out of me. they were all white, but were all scary and orc-like. it was depressing as fuck.
the jewish plan to make a dumbed-down, mongrelized population has already happened in america.
the white trash in the US have a distinct look and are markedly more retarded and lumpen than the white people i grew up with
I live in the suburbs and hate the city, whenever I have to go there for more than a day in a time I get depressed and start feeling ill. I dont know how some people like overcrowded concrete jungles.
Fantasy Venice. Not rotten enough for real one.
>purposely unmanaged

I think this because otherwise you'd have someone cutting them down for farmland or to farm pine trees in. I'm not sure if there is such a thing as spare pieces of land lying about in the UK.
Opening sequence of The Shining...just...
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everywhere within 200 miles of me is 90%-100%/ feels great man.

although being biased i'd say english villages are the best places in the world, don't take leafland for granted. shit politics, granted (like us) but you guys have some pretty cheap and rural land. something i'll be envious of forever.
Then die knowing you were a coward and of no consequence, leaving a world for your children where Western culture will be further devalued and debased by the jew and his thralls.
You are retarded. Rural PA is just fine, I live in a town of 4k and our highschool ranks nationally. Fuck off nigger, you are not welcome here.
Yeah I don't think so either. Every corner of the island has been inhabited at some point. I hear of people getting "lost" in the UK and don't understand how at all.

Unless they were in the Scottish Highlands, you can't get lost here.
i go to pittsburgh a lot for work but i live about 2 hours away from it in the woods. i can never get the fuck out of that city fast enough it suffocates me
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>That feel of being able to go outside at night, look up, and see a fully star-filled sky.
As an aside the stories of the British wildwood always intrigued me. People were deathly afraid of it and not just because of the wolves and bears but also of superstitions to do with witchcraft and spirits. Hence, they did all they could to destroy it.

The question is, why do we still find the countryside and the woods unsettling? That's a question I still ask myself (see the OP).


^that gives a very good account of what our ancestors thought of Britain's woodlands.
Go in the summer. Winters are hell on earth in the maritime provinces.
Fuck off, your not white you little shit. As a pure born Aryan I spit on your grave hombre. I will dance on it as well you littlenshitskin americunt.
city life isnice but HK apartments r tiny and expensive af. My relatives sold their apt for 5 million hkd some years back
Maritimers bitch nonstop about their hard winters. I've been here 2 years now, and last winter we had literally a single big snow dump with a few days off work, but other than that it hovered around 0C. It was useless. Give me a good -15 Ontario comfy winter any day.
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I could complain, I'd love some unmanaged woodlands, but atleast they made pic related possible.

Plus they still left a fuckton of woodlands. Just a lot more green space and fields.
I've only spent a couple hours in a big city
A schizophrenic was having an episode in the gutter and some homeless nigger tried selling me loose socks
Give me the countryside anyday
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Zis. Bavarian country side iz ze best.
On the other hand i don't have anything against cities if they are small or have an old touch to them.
I feel exact opposite. And grew up in detroit. I love living deep innawood.
>The earliest human settlements were actually on hills, where the limestone and like pervious soils were easier to cultivate. Thus the pattern of settlement was away from the eastern lowlands, towards the hillier west — what would become the Celtic fringe. The forest was burnt off perhaps out of fear as well as farming purposes, the hill becoming an island overlooking a sea of surrounding ‘hostile’ wildwood.

>The Wildwood was deliberately broken up and burnt off also to get rid of outlaws and wolves. The very last known British wolf was killed in Scotland in 1745, about the time of Culloden. All forest cover has disappeared from vast areas due to clearance projects done for one reason or another, as in the Highland Clearances, in which the woods were first burnt off to drive out wolf and outlaw alike, the land unable to return to forest because of the Great Cheviot Sheep and later the deer herds kept for stag-shooting.

Surprised any wildwood still survives to this day desu.
Yes, because leaving a city for the countryside in Mexico is risking having some encounter with narcos
Megacities make their inhabitants mentally ill.

The true redpill is rural life.
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looks kind of familiar, except being upside down. Maybe you haven't seen the sun because you are looking in the wrong direction? I'm not home right now, but this one is from where i do a bit of work on sundays (restoring an old peat dig site to how it looked before we went and dug it up). Just some 4 kilometers from my home. Sunshine this morning, right now I'm just hanging out in the mobile work-shed waiting for my lift home.
You ever walked on the causeway to Lindisfarne?
Ahh can't say I have mate. I did the entire treck of Hadrian's Wall last year though which was beautiful
I want to move to Idaho.
Sounds nice. Maybe i'll visit someday. Do some north England trip like Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan in that one TV show, except without the extreme self indulgence.
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Nice. All i have is this giant hill but if it weren't in the way I'd have a river view too lol.
I could do a Rick Steves.
Maybe even reread Wuthering Heights while I'm at it lel.
No, he speaks the truth. I just took a train through some rural parts of PA and saw some prime specimens of the white underclass. All had a distinguishing look of idiocy and most were obese, many sadly appeared to be intoxicated.
Absolutely this
Ah, we call them "farmer's markets" here where they sell fresh produce, honey, and things of that nature.
Kek approves
Market towns?
>be born in a city
>would rather live in the country

>be born in country
>would rather live in the city
>All i have is this giant hill
Notorious landscape architect Bergholt Stuttley Johnson strikes again.
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>>>127444285 >>127445559 >>127453497 >>127456833 >>127457014 >>127457833 >>127458143
>>>127443363 (OP)

I grew up on a small city, moved to a blackhole village with 2k people and lived there for 8 years, then moved to a huge city.

Basically you get used to the people in the city, or to the quiet in the village.
But it ultimately comes down to your passtime and goals, for exmaple if you like parties and bar hopping, then city is the way to go, on the other hand if you hate noise, people and want to die quietly in some dark attic, then village is for you, you poor fucking soul.
Cities in USA:
Hostile dindus, crime, danger at night, traffic, poor air quality, heat island effect, higher prices generally
Rural: Blacks and whites get along more, cheaper prices, can go hiking in nature, less traffic, grass mowing can be therapeutic
>Anyone else feel the same way?
How big is the city? Newark can be pretty comfy at times but China tier population is too much for me.
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ty for link
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Mid-size cities close to rural locations are the best.
absolute nonsense
>my wife
Fake and gay.
wrong - section 8 voucher program

Herd mentality at its finest. We all know the Chinese are just human livestock
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Jesus fuck no you chink
Had an ancestor die on that hill 400 years ago lel.
That's because you are afraid to live alone and feel the necessity to be surrounded by living people.

A parasite
>never read Cicero
>loves (((Hollywood))) and (((gaming)))
In france everything is in paris. Even the quite big cities like lyon or marseille have nothing and are very countrified. I think they are jealous and they feel left out. They hate us, we don't think about them.
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>keks in the nigh
kekkek. kekkek. kekkek.

Comfy as fuck, 8/8 would fall asleep to
Find a better guy. We found out she was sterile 8 months ago, proposed the day after.
I can take it either way. I love the anonymity and convenience of megacities but hate the traffic, crowds, rushed feeling and general shittiness of people.

I love the quiet of the country, the clean air and nature and the general decency and chillness of people, but aside from those things everything is really fucking inconvenient.

Overall, living in a city is easier but living in the countryside provides much greater peace of mind
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