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Jared Kushner is literally running the entire Administration

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Jared Kushner is literally running the entire Administration.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjF_D3eIhG0 [Embed]

Trump has completely lost control of the White House.

Here's a slice from Kushner's lawyer's wiki
>Gorelick represented Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Donald Trump, as he considered a possible role in the White House. She had advised Kushner, who has sprawling financial interests in a multi-billion-dollar global real estate empire, on how he might comply with federal ethics and anti-nepotism laws. She has argued that although officials leading federal agencies are barred from hiring relatives, the White House is not an agency and thus exempt.[18] Gorelick argued that if Kushner forgoes a White House salary, he would not be bound by federal nepotism rules.[19] Though Kushner has no experience in government or public policy, Trump directed that during his Presidential transition all foreign-policy matters be relayed through Kushner. Kushner participated in meetings between Trump and foreign heads of state while continuing to run the Kushner Companies.[20]

In 2003, Kushner graduated cum laude from Harvard College with a Bachelor of Arts degree[20][21] in government.[22]
In 2007, Kushner graduated from New York University where he earned a J.D. and an M.B.A.;[25]

So basically, he has an MBA and literally 0 (zero) experience in politics, diplomacy, or international affairs.

His dad paid his way into Harvard
>“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former official at The Frisch School in Paramus, New Jersey, told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not.”

>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is so close with Jared Kushner's family that he once slept in Kushner's childhood bedroom
>'There is no greater supporter of the Jewish people and the Jewish state than President Trump'

Jared Kushner has a personal relationship with Netanyahu and with Rupert Murdoch, who with Jacob Rothschild has invested in Genie Energy, which has access to the Golan Heights in Syria.


>Genie Energy's strategy board

>Jacob Rothschild, OM, GBE
Chairman of the J. Rothschild group of companies and of RIT Capital Partners plc. Chairman of Five Arrows Limited. Lord Rothschold is a noted philanthropist and Chairman of the Rothschild Foundation.

>Richard Cheney
46th Vice President of the United States. Vice President Cheney also served as President and CEO of Halliburton Company and U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993.

>Rupert Murdoch
Founder and Executive Chairman of News Corporation, one of the world’s largest diversified media companies. News Corporation’s holdings include Fox Entertainment, Dow Jones and Company, the New York Post, HarperCollins and significant media assets on six continents.


>Melania's apparent admiration for Michelle Obama isn't the only indication that some members of Trump's family view both the current president and the current Democratic nominee favorably. (Trump, of course, has his own history of being friendly with Democrats.)

>Per OpenSecrets.org, the following members of Trump's immediate family have donated the following amounts to Hillary Clinton and PACs associated with her:

Melania Trump: $6,100
Donald Trump Jr.: $6,100
Ivanka Trump: $4,400
Jared Kushner (Ivanka Trump's husband): $10,000

>While those four individuals have also given to Republican figures, that's a total of $26,600 for Hillary, given as late as 2007. There's also the matter of the newspaper Jared Kushner owns, the New York Observer, having endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 over John McCain, praising the then-Illinois senator's commitment to "the power of ideas, ethics and decency."
There was a post on David Icke forum in 2007 saying Kushner was the leader of the secret puppet cabal and would assume leadership through a puppet regime after the next President (Obama).

It's an interesting read, especially since Kushner was not a well known public figure at that point.
>Trump's son-in-law (((Jared Kushner))), the publisher of the New York Observer and someone who is very much aligned with the right-wing Likud Party of Israel, has become the de facto chair of the Trump transition team where national security matters are involved. Already booted from the transition team by Kushner have been New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; Global Impact, Inc. CEO Matthew Freedman, a national security adviser to Christie; and Mike Rogers, the former House Intelligence Committee chairman. They were replaced by neocons, such as (((Frank Gaffney))), the head of the Center for Security Policy (CSP) and a major cheerleader for the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq and the U.S.-instigated themed revolutions in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.

Oy vey what a coincidence dat dis Jewish politician supported all those US wars against enemies of Israel.

>Although Trump said he looks forward to restoring good relations with Russia after a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in February 2015, Gaffney, ever the war-mongering neocon, wrote the following on his CSP website: We must not only deter Vladimir Putin’s thuggery. We must also counter his Chinese allies and enablers.


Basically his uncle was a part of the globalist cult who threw the investigation into JFK under the rug

According to Eric Schmidt, "Jared Kushner is the biggest surprise of the 2016 election, Best I can tell, he actually ran the campaign and did it with essentially no resources."[6] Eric Schmidt said, "Jared understood the online world in a way the traditional media folks didn't. He managed to assemble a presidential campaign on a shoestring using new technology and won. That's a big deal. Remember all those articles about how they had no money, no people, organizational structure? Well, they won, and Jared ran it."[6] Peter Thiel said "If Trump was the CEO, Jared was effectively the chief operating officer.”[6]

"Nearly a year ago, according to Businessweek, Kushner laid the groundwork for a social-media juggernaut and fundraising operation that could later be mined for all sorts of useful, profitable personal information. Tapping a network of Trump-friendly technologists in Silicon Valley, Kushner enlisted Brad Parscale, a San Antonio marketing strategist who sports Trump ties and Zegna suits, to run the campaign’s digital task force, dubbed “Project Alamo.” Parscale’s 100-person crack team reportedly spends $70 million a month to take people who are leaning toward Trump and turn them into the candidate’s most ardent fans. At the same time, Parscale’s San Antonio-based team is engaged in a wide-ranging effort to discourage Democrats from supporting Hillary Clinton. ...For the people who do support Trump, the team has figured out how to reach them on Facebook and keep them hooked, even after the election is over. It’s that upside that drew Stephen Bannon, the former Breitbart News executive..."
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[One example of his influence--possibly--is that his father, Charles Kushner, was convicted by Chris Christie (then US Attorney) of "tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions and witness tampering" and sentenced to 2 years in federal prison. IMHO this is why Christie did not get a cabinet position, etc.

Other tidbits: Kushner was a lifelong Democrat before he "converted" ideologically to support Trump. Uh-huh. What?

Kushner was actually in charge of the social media part of Trump's campaign. For some reason I don't recall "Project Alamo" ever being discussed here during the election, maybe I missed it though I was here a lot.

Or maybe we don't read enough liberal media. An article on Kushner: http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/10/jared-trump-trump-campaign

We know all about MediaMatters, CTR and ShareBlue etc....why don't we know more about Project Alamo? Because Kushner shills here didn't want us to, maybe?

>Kushner’s impact can be seen in the centrist tilt of Trump’s economic team, which is heavy on Goldman Sachs guys. For secretary of State, he preferred Mitt Romney and, later, Rex Tillerson over bomb-throwers like John Bolton and Rudy Giuliani. At the same time, he has been an internal supporter of Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart chairman, now Trump’s polarizing senior counselor. “For a guy who was a progressive,” Bannon says, “he really gets this grassroots populist movement in a huge way.”

Apparently Kushner supported Bannon in the beginning because he was good for the Trump movement, the voters, the grassroots people. Now that they have power, they don't need him anymore.

NOTE: Bannon was there to help get votes, nothing else. They don't need him anymore, now Kushner is pushing to dump him. Shit...Bannon was a tool all long.


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Kush is hated by the Holocaust Builders?masons

this "elite group" escaped europe after ww2 to establish an empire in US. they sought to not repeat the flamboyant mistake of spitting down on the goys as they did in europe, their new tactic was to keep their secret empire on the d-lo.
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The Kushner family is part of a New Jersey phenomenon known as the Holocaust builders. In the post–World War II wave of survivors who came to America was a small group of men who settled in northern New Jersey and became extraordinarily successful builders and real-estate developers. In addition to the Kushners, there are the Wilfs, the Rosens, and the Zuckerman and Pantirer families. (Zuckerman and Pantirer were saved by Oskar Schindler, and everything they build has a street or a building named for Schindler.)

The families operate like clans, with sons and daughters and sons-in-law and grandkids all working in the business. They are active in communal Jewish life, and outside of the occasional mention in one of the Jewish newspapers, they work very hard to fly under the radar.

Kushner’s high profile was always an irritant to the other families. He has been referred to as the Dapper Don of the Holocaust builders. Not only did he have the silver hair, impeccably tailored suits, and the swagger, but like John Gotti, he brought far more attention to his community than any of the others were comfortable with.

ivanka and jared

>"Ivanka Trump is all powerful," a source familiar with the inner workings of the White House told NBC News.

>While many fixated on the non-handshake between the world leaders, Merkel quietly invited Ivanka to attend the upcoming women's empowerment meeting next month in Berlin, NBC has learned.

>he often serves as Trump's "consigliere" and, in a White House filling with infighting, is "there to protect her father's interest," a source told NBC News.

> Now with a West Wing office, she also has also been called on to serve as an adviser on issues not on her radar, most recently on Friday when the Trump-backed plan to replace Obamacare crashed and burned.
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> Meanwhile, the profile of Trump's son-in-law is also on the rise. On Monday, it was announced that Kushner was tapped to oversee a new office called the White House Office of American Administration, whose mission is to make the federal government run more like a business.

"We should have excellence in government," Kushner told The Washington Post, which broke the story on Sunday. "The government should be run like a great American company."

> Not lost on White House watchers was this — Bannon has no formal role in the new, high-profile entity. Neither does Pence, or Priebus, or Miller.

>Once fixtures on the Manhattan social scene, Ivanka and Jared have transformed themselves into a Washington "power couple" and they are using their clout and charm to push their own socially liberal but fiscally conservative agendas.

>Last month, Ivanka and Jared reportedly helped kill a proposed executive order that would have rolled back Obama administration protections for the LGBTQ community — protections that cultural conservatives like Pence very much oppose.

>Neither of them are Republicans. She is an independent and called Chelsea Clinton a friend. He is a Democrat whose dad, Charles, was a bigtime donor to the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign.

>She was Presbyterian. He's an Orthodox Jew. And his parents wanted him to marry in the faith.

>But after Ivanka agreed to convert to Judaism, the couple tied the knot in 2009. They have three children whom they are raising Jewish.


>President Donald Trump will name his son-in-law, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, to lead a new office responsible for streamlining and overhauling the federal government on Monday, the White House told NBC News on Sunday night.
>lans for the new structure, to be called the White House Office of American Innovation, were first reported Sunday by The Washington Post. The Post reported that Trump's chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, a highly controversial figure, would have no formal role in the operation.

>Kushner, 36, is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka. He was an influential figure in the presidential campaign and was appointed as a senior adviser to the new president in January.

>Federal anti-nepotism laws prevent relatives from being appointed to government positions. But the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel recently said the president's "special hiring authority" allowed him to appoint Kushner to the West Wing

>When Charles Kushner got out [of prison], the family business decamped for Manhattan where young Jared found a foothold in the media scrum by buying the influential weekly newspaper, The New York Observer, and soon became fast friends with the likes of FOX News mogul Rupert Murdoch.


>Donald Trump Ordered Syria Strike ‘After Being Convinced by Daughter Ivanka’


Those using the "one little airbase" argument don't seem to understand the precedent that has been set here. That's why the American media is rejoicing - this strike marks a moment of triumph for them. It says Trump can be got at; that he can be dragged into areas of policy he campaigned against. It means that any faction that has chemical weapons - Saudi Arabia, Israel, "moderate" rebels - knows Trump will have to respond in Syria if they're used again. And each time he'll have to respond with greater force or else he'll look weak. What this strike symobolised was more important than the strike itself.
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Someone really shit in this non-white's spaghetti.
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