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What was life like in America (or any western world for that

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What was life like in America (or any western world for that matter) before 9/11?

Like now, but with more news and current affairs. Ever since then it's been cold-war style propaganda from every screen on earth.
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A lot better before right wing retard Republicans took control under top conservative thinker George Dubya Bush.
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>republican national security

People weren't afraid of everything.

The government wasn't afraid of everyone.
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It was cozy
We trusted each other more and there wasn't as much security everywhere
Like bags of sand.
as if the tech boom of the 90s had absolutely nothing to do with it right?

CNN before 9/11. It always was fake news.

Note that there's no news ticker at the bottom. That was invented on 9/11 to deliver emergency headlines to viewers.
Making fun of trannies was mainstream.
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That looks beautiful
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muh tech boom lol u fucking retards are hilarious. honestly my favorite right wing retard meme

Bush had even faster computers, internet and more dotcoms. Still crashed the economy
definetely the last 15 years humanity as a whole has degraded

it was happier

and I dont mind degeneracy, it has always been like that..

I am talking about the people, they were happier and less angry
Every single channel was all 9/11 24/7 for days. It was so weird. It took like a week to get back to normal.
Yeah, I don't know how to look at a stock chart either.
James Carville holy lol, found another braindead leaf
People weren't so stressed out. There was security but only to prevent niggers from nigging. The local business and brick and mortar store still existed. You could go to the mall and see tons of people buying tons of stuff.
My daily worst case scenario was a car crash, not a shooting or a bombing, or a automobile pedestrian terrorist attack.
Nowhere near as many Mexicans but they were starting to drop in.
The new Millennium celebrations were really fun and security was just there to control the drunks not prevent mass casualty events.
Kids still played outside.
Comfy as fuck really.
commie killing nig rapping paradise already at its zenith
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The Based Bill Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. How many are you claiming were lost in the first 6 months of 2001 because of muh dot com?

Answer that bitch.
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Based and white.
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lol u right wing retards really do only look at the pictures. You morons can't even read
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God I hate you fucking retarded cucks, burn in hell you fucking leaf.

How many of them do you think died by now?
they should just 'tax the rich' like 100%, can you imagine how many jobs that would create
Alot less Muslims flooding into our countries before (((they))) attacked us.
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On the 10th anniversary, CNN aired their original rebroadcast from 9/11.
It's interesting to see the broadcast go from strange curiosity to horror
Great image, saved. thanks for caring about America you fucking leaf.
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2008 was 10 years ago chang
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>how right wing retards argue

No but the millionaire and billionaires elites that u right wing cucks worship and obey sure as shit don't need (((tax cuts)))
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Wasn't there a time when they actually reported real news?
People were more worried about their computers bugging out at the turn of the millennium than they were about terrorists. Shit was comfy.
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Trump will get us back to par in no time
You could fuck around and embarrass yourself without having to worry about being judged by retards on social media.
haha americans so dumb life is great when only 1 country on the planet is diverse
wtf america help us you're literally obliged to SAVE OUR SOULS but also stop being racist we were diverse first you idiots look at all these immigrants we have we're gonna be better than america now but help us too lol
It was colorful and loud. The future was chrome and electric green, never sterile, plastic white. The hip young people didn't wear beards or glasses. People weren't scared.
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I seriously worry another 9/11 type attack is gunna happen. This is what happens when u elect a retard to be in charge of national security
>faster computers

You realize it's about growth from the mean, right?

But you trolling.

>you will never stand on top of WTC
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>inb4 right wing dindus
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I miss doing retarded shit, now everyone is a anti fun douchebag.None the less, people were actually fucking outside doing something.
well higher taxes for the rich was one of the things Clinton did right. But NAFTA did more damage than anything else. One of the reasons Bush's tax cuts didn't work. The Trickle down only works (and it only slightly works anyways) in a closed system. All the trickle down went to other countries.
Slow. Cool. Happy.
This is the right answer.

Plus, you could travel and go to events without being treated like a criminal for wanting to be there.
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We stopped an al-Qaeda Millennium bomb plot.

Blame Canada.

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>blaming Based Bill for shit Republicans did


I'm about to blow your mind.

Watch this


I'm not saying you, but it honestly amazes me how right wingers rewrite history with fake news.
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Why are we still talking about this retarded monkey in 2017?He was a fuckup, just let it go.
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Trump is Bush 2.0 >>127245365

You retards will one day dindu Trump just as hard as u now dindu bush
The news changed for a long time here. I remember every single piece of news on the news networks was related to 9/11, Bin Laden, or Afghanistan. I remember watching the news daily when I'd get home from school and one day they suddenly talked about something different and it was like five fucking years later.
Was allowed into the cockpit during a flight and then invited back for the landing doubt any kids after 9/11 will ever get that exp.

Shortly after 9/11 shopping in cardiff for clothes and was stopped and searched under some anti terror law at the train station on the way home. So much for my white privilege.
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remember how they played the planes crashing into the buildings over and over and over

wew what a time to be alive
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>a time when they actually reported real news
Cable news was never legitimate.
I remember this fake news pushed hard.
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Then talk about Trump then you troglodyte, I heard enough about that retarded cocksucker during the 2000's.
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do u have that pic of the front cover of the handbook showing the plane going into the tower?
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>tfw just old enough to have taken a plane before 9/11
it was so COMFY
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based obama killed that goatfucker
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Sure it wasn't, but they did at least report something relevant back then.
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2:30 a.m at a 7-11 near Disney World, in 1987:


Pre-9/11 was like an extension of the 90's for me. Felt pretty much the same. 9/11 and social media in 2008 were the death knell for everything.

Thanks Israel and Jews.
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It's the same retarded trickle down tax cut for the rich policies all over again. Sprinkled in with a little muh mexicans muh mooselambs to spice things up. I honestly can't believe people are falling for it all over again.

Except at least Bush started with a budget surplus and a $4T national debt (that was about to be paid off completely btw). Now Trump is starting with a $20T national debt a $550B budget surplus and he wants to massive tax cuts for the rich. Utterly retarded bro. You can't trust Republicans with money.
i killed a sasquatch once but then i threw it in the ocean and didn't take any pictures because, you know, sasquatch tradition
believe me?
gameboys and happy meals, basically

shit really changed after 9/11, I was but a young lad but the times were never the same.
>you will never re-live 9/11

Kill me. Nothing has ever topped it.

Peter Arnett and his lib buddies got canned from CNN in 98 for pushing a fake story about the US using Sarin on it's own troops during Vietnam. SOF outed them. Then there was FR vs CBS and Dan Rather with the fake Bush ANG Documents story.

That was an actual attempt to influence an election with forged/hacked documents.
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how close r u to cracking pizzagate?

Israel does what they want. If they need U.S security to have a gap at particular times and places, it will have a gap.

Mossad colluded with Al Qaeda for 9/11.

Also, this one picks up right after as shit is going down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tx0dXsZW2s
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CANR, Maurice Barill and Charles Bouchard were in charge of NORAD during Global Guardian '01.
Didn't that raid happen just before the election or something big? if i remember right he needed the boost in popularity at the time.
you fucking leafnigger...Bush gets boomed after MUH CLINTONS and then for the next goddamn 7 years NO ATTACKS on US soil...if anything happens we have Onigger to blame
Will the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Golden State Warriors again this year?
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say it ain't so
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no really, sasquatch was holed up in a CIA safe house in Abbotabad, i swooped in with my stealth helicopter and whacked him
>government of canada
you mean faked his death so he can walk freely again?
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The 90s were GOAT

The 80s were better, but in the 90s you had ALL the stuff from the 80s already, and now the internet.

I've seen video games evolve from moving squares around a 2D maze to what we have today, and all that's left to come still.

I was born in 83, allow me to oldfag for a moment if you will

>Member renting games and having strangers saved games on the cartridges?
>Member when games were on cartridges?
>Member AOL chat rooms?
>Member when The Simpsons was good?
>Member when you could search "baby" on Ebay and find hundreds of babies for sale?
>Member when wifi first came out? And laptops had the little antenas?
>Member flip phones?
>Member watching baseball?
>Member Mel Brooks movies?
>Member Chris Farley?
>Member 90s CGI in movies?
>Member "Alternative" music?
>Member Waco and the Branch Dividians?
>Member Monica Lewinsky?
>Member animated Batman show?
>Member Nicktoons?
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>Republican national security


Top fucking kek. Right wing retards sure do worship failure

Lebron is garbage
yes, obamas rating were rock bottom at that point

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>member having a budget surplus and jobs everywhere!
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>may 2011
>right before the big election

not as low as trump's
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The attack was designed, organized, and trained under clinton. The attackers were here long before bush.

Fuck off.
>all those fucking gasps as the second plane hit live on air
Nothing. Nothing will ever top it. Even the meteor that killed the dinosaurs wasn't as big.

Yeah, I mentioned the internet boom that created all that.

Remember when you couldn't advertise prescription medication on TV?
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bush was the idiot son of an asshole
it was the Cheney/Rumsfeld administration and they pulled the wool over your eyes if you believe the boxcutter conspiracy theory
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>still believes polls
i don't know. never been there. from what i heard it was really better. after 911 things went downhill.
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>ywn have a mountain bunker with everything you need and several hundred T-850 Terminators and some T-1000's too so you can be a war lord after the U.S dies
>the T-1000's can also shapeshift to look and sound like any woman you want and you can fuck them whenever you want
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about 5
Inane, with stupid people focused on a variety of stupid problems instead of everything orbiting Terrorism.
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u just referenced obama's approval rating. Are you autistic?

>trump is a shit president
>right wing retards can't believe he has terrible approval
Does anyone here know anyone who is actually "Afraid" of terrorism? I know a lot of people who are pissed off and hate terrorists. But I don't know anyone who says "I WANT TO GO OUT BUT I AM SCARE OF TERROR".

Even after 9-11 everyone was either NUKE THE FUCKERS or UNITY MY BROTHER. Not arghhgghghhg Imma scared.
>approval rating
how do they get this number exactly
perhaps by polling
adds for prescription meds? That is fucked up

but lets not forget that the deep state is on both sides, Trump is the outsider breaking their shit up
>yes, obamas rating were rock bottom at that point >>127247832

who said this?
fenriz for president of the world
They did? What cable news did you watch, then?

My yardstick of quality news is if they reported the status of entities like Al Qaeda, status of the world, etc... you know, "newsworthy things," and they fucking had no clue, or didn't report it.

They were ultra lazy before with a comfy preference towards democrats before Bush v. Gore.
They got buttblasted after Bush v. Gore, and after 9/11 went on a campaign of whinyness against a republican president (Bush 43).

Nothing truthful and redeeming has been reported to the public in a long time. Maybe Watergate? John Hinckley Jr (shot Reagan)

If anything has told us, a 24 hours news service is the antithesis of relevant news.

Based leafs trolling hard and slanging real good real good.
Outside of the USA and Canada, the 90s were economically and socially shit.

yes obamaleaf, all polls are bs
but they believe them, so they act based on what they say
no 'hate' crimes, faggots and traps were a mental illness

This was the UK 9-11 back then.


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Why hasn't Obamaleaf recieved the 'Maldraw treatment' yet?
2017 and usa STILL talking about 9/11 while tons of other countries (non-third world ones) have had way bigger calamities in the past 30 years

Its as if you and your friends used to have a serious car crash and theres this one kid who keeps telling you over and over how he once stubbed his tow
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lol u contradict yourself

yes, obamas rating were rock bottom at that point >>127247832

you're the self admitted autistic leaf aren't you?
marvelous place
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>What was life like in America (or any western world for that matter) before 9/11?

Just about all posters on this board would be too young to remember
This is patently false. The balanced budget was due to Newt Gingrich and the republican congress. Clinton vetoed the budget bill that would balance the budget and the GOP shut down the govt. Eventually Clinton caved and the budget was balanced. The major difference from then to today is that the media back then was the only game in town. Fake news was a real thing in the 90's with CNN being called the "Clinton news network" for a reason. Conservatives have never had a fair shake in the msm for several decades.

9-11 set in motion massive global shockwaves that continue to this day and will continue for longer than the cold war lasted.

Although one could argue the road to "Operation Holy Tuesday" began with April Glaspie and Tariq Aziz.
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polls are bs
you believe them
politicians believe them
i don't
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The Clinton surplus is a proven myth. The only surplus during that period was when Monica was fuckin Bill in the oval office.
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cartoon from 1994 is interesting
now search the other way: brazilian pwning everyone
there are plenty
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who said this?

>yes, obamas rating were rock bottom at that point >>127247832
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This is what I meant about right wing retards rewriting history with fake news.

Republicans had nothing to do with the Clinton budget surplus.

In fact they promised a Clinton recession. Then when it didn't happen, they tried to take credit for the Clinton economy >>127244721

Newt was such a failure, he got btfo by his own party in 1998.

When all u right wing retards can do is try to take credit for OBAMA AND CLINTON GREATNESS, then I already won.
I always get warm and fuzzy when I watch films like Sleepless in Seattle and You Got Mail (my mom watches them all the time).

Partly because I was a child during that era. Also...for obvious reasons...
On /pol/ there is only one way. Obama Leaf btfo right wing retards. It is law. I am a leaf god.
Yeah then all of a sudden half the seals die in extortion 17. Geeeeeee I wonder why that happened? Tying up loose ends.
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everything right wing retards don't like is fake

you're literally autistic children
you are more dense than dubya
his ratings (which are bs, but he believes in) were rock bottom, so they pulled the "we killed Usama" story off the shelf to boost them
Why aren't you angry that Obummer continued every shit policy that Bush imposed, and bombed 7 countries?
You stupid motherfucker, some of us lived through Newt Gingrich's Contract With America, and know who was calling the shots while Bill got his dick sucked.
You'll never win anything, Leaf. Nothing. Ever.
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Keep in mind: New York was a hell hole for a very long time. It wasn't what it was in the 90s until Rudy Giuliani cleaned house.
boring enough for kids to go to school and shoot each other
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muh obama bombed 7 countries.

jesus christ u right wing retards are such memes

targeted surgical drone strikes against terrorists is a lot smarter than invading and occupying entire countries with hundreds of thousands of troops

u retards are so fucking mentally brain dead
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read the bottom quote

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>my bombs are made of sugar and spice and everything nice
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no smartphones zombies, no sjws,no mental ill like now, can comfy anywhere ,relax ppl in street... fug
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right wing retards hate it when OBama kills terrorists

you're nothing more than Al Qaeda and ISIS sympathizers
As an immigrant, my life got a lot worse after the attacks.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. That is his most famous quote and it is a lie.
we only hate it when they don't prove it but wants the glory just by making the claim
Obama didn't do shit to kill anyone, he just said "yah do it" and put his feet up to watch the SEALS go. Fuck off with your retarded shit please.

What happened Paco? They started cracking down on 5 of your stolen Social Security numbers and you only have 3 left?
Is that a 911 book cover?
Carter funded the mujahadeen 1979
see vid>>127246861
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He organized the entire effort to go after Bin Laden. Bush stopped in like 2002.

You right wing retards are such hypocrites. If that mission was a failure, and the helis crashed, u right wing retards would have still been chimping out over it throwing feces at the wall
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but it could be
still had niggers

but at least it was just niggers

Yeah and so did the Chicoms, Pakis, Iranians, and most of the fucking gulf states.

Hell even the French did.
Underrated comment. I always say this.
he organized it sounds about right, as in, faked it.
What is it from? I've never seen that one before.
I'm actually a Democrat, but keep thinking that anyone who doesn't agree must be against you, niggerfaggot.

Regardless, Obama didn't do anything other than go off of intelligence other countries gave us.
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Everybody dies someday anon
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>larping as a Democrat

Obama got Bin Laden.

watch the full documentary

educate yourself

>muh government is the only deciding factor in the economy
>private companies just follow the political trends
The delusional mind of a leftist, everyone.

Old Ad legit I think unlike a bunch of the other ones In thread.
Yup I remember this. I specifically remember my mom picking me up from school because she was scared (we lived in NY) and when I came home, I skipped thru the channels for Nickelodeon and Disney but they were all news channels. Lasted a while. This was right after the towers fell and the image of smokey, dusty manhattan streets is still etched in my memory. Clear as day.
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economic policies matter

that's what u right wing retards will never understand
Bill Clinton was in charge during a technological boom, plus an industrial boom as a whole thanks to the reagan administration.

Bush was in charge right before a terrorist attack on the nation.

The outside world effects economics just as much as the inside. Macroeconomics 101.
>well higher taxes for the rich was one of the things Clinton did right
fuck off, socialist
You're actually a fucking retard. No wonder a majority of pol laughs at you like a fuckin coon in a cage, youre a joke. Again, Obama did not do shit other than move on Intel from other countries and send in the SEALs, i don't need to watch some propaganda to know that
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The Reagan/Bush economy was so bad, Trump called it a fucking DEPRESSION


Like I said retard, all u right wing retards do is dindu your failed policies and try to take credit for OBAMA AND CLINTON GREATNESS
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right wing retard billionaire globalist shillcuck detected
the eternal leaf claims another thread
Yeah, it matters when the clumsy hand of government claims to know better than the deft hand of the free market.
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Obama fucking started the mission to get Bin Laden when he took office u fucking moron. He made it a priority.

Bush said in 2002 he wasn't worried about Bin Laden.


You right wing retards are the biggest fucking joke on the planet. If that mission was a failure, u would be chimping out about it everyday.

Between 1989 and 2001 there was a general optimism across the West.
thx bro saved but if possible in the future plz direct compliments to me for posterity
It was okay, politically and socially it was just more relaxed. Everyone seemed to be more innocent and less worried. Its tense nowadays. I'd take the Lewinsky scandal any day.

Everyone has kind of had their innocence ruined in a way I can't really describe since then. Carefree times are gone and I doubt they're coming back anytime soon.
-She can keep this handkerchief
Why u won't be needing it?
- I don't have any tears left to shed

SNAKE! What r u fighting for? What am I fighting for? What was She fighting for?
If we make it thru dis - then i'll tell u

Snake is base
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>free market knows best
this is how life was. it was awesome
life before 9/11 wasn't about being angry and arguing politics u fucking cucks. if u argue about left vs right the jews win!
there's no 32 trillion cuck
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good goy
Because osama died in 01. That is why Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. She told the world he died. They have to keep the war machine going.
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>Iraq war cost
>veterans benefits
>adding the 2 together
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Don't you mean 'slurpus' kek

It was a completely different world. People wasn't as overly political like they are now. Well, they were during an election but afterwards, folks didn't really give a shit.
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r u fucking retarded? When vets come back with arms and legs blown off from the GOP Iraq War, those costs are there for decades. You didn't know there are wounded soldiers? Jesus christ u retards are unhinged. Not to mention the interest costs of the war that will pile up for decades.

You retards can't be trusted with money.
Much more chill, it has sucked forever since. The dark ages since.
It was glorious before, so peaceful
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Did u retards seriously think the costs of the Iraq War magically stop as soon as Bush left office?
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>predicting the cost of the Iraq war will be 6 trillions 50 years after the war

Keep chatting with yourself. There are teenagers in boot camp right now. They are getting benefits. Did you start the ISIS war cost ticker yet? LOL
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Your master.
Jesus, obamaleaf is barely even trying in this thread and pol is just getting blown the fuck out. Lvl 99 druid at this point fucking farming you retards. Goddamn.
>tfw you realise it's gonna be an obamaleaf thread again
Democrats were mostly 1000% pro Russia.

Well during the Reagan years anyway.

inb4 Charlie Wilson.
>what is interest
>what are Iraq War veterans
Everyone pretty much liked dubya. He was funny and got out of the way of the economy.
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brb retards getting some food

u got slaughtered yet again
AR15s were illegal. >>127242379
Jesus Christ dude you've been shitting this thread up for almost 2 hours now. That's just fucking pathetic man
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Implying I voted for Trump.
Oh so you're just one of those who wants to be brought up in the "anons you recognize" threads. Still pretty sad though
Is there any explanation for this email?

Yeah living through the shift is odd. During the cold war American leftists were heavily pro Soviet. The first tinges of right wing support for Russia started during the Bush years on sites like Stormfront. The Obama years brought more of it to sites like FR and the Trump/Hilary campaign started cementing things.
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no one took their shoes off at the airport, you could fly around with weed in your shampoo bottle
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like salty coins
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Less Paranoid, China was still a joke, and gas cost about 49 cents a litre
The day of the rake can't come soon enough.
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When your government kills almost 4000 of its own people and flattens two of the greatest man made landmarks on the planet in order to pursue an illegal war, then everything changes.


It didnt have to be this way
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I can't be the only one. How many have thought if they had a time machine, they would go back to New York on the morning of 9/11 to experience the whole thing themselves?
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How curious. What are we seeing here?
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That is exactly what I want to know.
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Melting, dripping falling steel. A very strange looking damaged section of the corner of the building. What is happening?
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I believe that social media were a mistake more or less.

People don't even realize it but constant vanity,jealousy and competition 24/7 is draining them mentally.

My GF is literally stalking all her female friends non stop.
damn dat true
Less strict security check for tourists, seems comfy.

All over the world there was less security and surveillance over citizens
Exactly the same. Socially it was very toxic and amoral. In fact I would say it's a bit better today because people have gotten more used to this new world.

This shits been going on since the early 90s. Fags.
Look at this nofx poster. Fuck off, homo leaf

Space Based Laser actually. Nice try Lansky.
live in NYC, work thurs,fri,sat in a fancy restaurant as a server, make 1000+. Even heard tales of busboys making 200 a day.

Anyone could build a life back then, there was no excuse.
Can someone please give me a (you). I haven't gotten a single one in like 4 days and I'm starting to think I'm shadow banned, if there is such a thing.

Patrice O'neal talked about how stupid their story of flushing him down the ocean is.

Did you put it there?
Bingo. The Oklahoma City bombing was a test run for 9/11.
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illegal aliens were funnier
Come on you guys, dont you think that that face looks like it has CURLY HAIR HANGING DOWN EACH SIDE OF ITS HEAD?

Makes you think
It still had problems, but it was objectively better and more optimistic, desu.
it was fine: typical level of world conflicts, non politically obsessed, 23 year swag fags, good tv shows, no worries about (((fake news))) and just weren't all that bad. we shifted timelines bruv, that's a fact.
Also, they used to only go knuckle deep on you at the airport.
I remember going to the airport to pick up my aunt with my dad and you could walk right up to the entrance to the plane. There was no security at the checkpoint most of the time and you could just walk in and out freely without tickets. I remember running down the little hallway ramp to greet her and nobody cared.
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For you desu
Great, but it was all an illusion. Culture, music, TV, movies, all provided by our controllers for the purposes of brainwashing.

Thank kek for 911, in a way it was a benefit. It woke a lot of people up to the spell.
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Watching this video makes me want to go on a Crusade against Muzzies desu.

Fuck them for legitimizing a police and surveillance state. Fuck them for destroying world monuments and ancient wonders. Fuck them and their shitty religion. Fuck them and their persecution complex when they are murdering the West in cold blood.
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>Plus, you could travel and go to events without being treated like a criminal for wanting to be there.
I miss this so much. Going to a major sporting event or walking through an airport with essentially no security is something some of you will never get to experience in the US again.

The entirety of airport security was putting your carry-on luggage through the x-ray. That's it. Anyone could accompany you all the way to the boarding gate.

I'd rather risk allahu ackbar and have old airport security than what we have now. If they can't enter the cockpit, most of their incentive to make terrorist attacks on planes is already gone anyway.

The only "sport" I can think of which still has essentially no security are auto races. Flagrant discrimination is enough to keep the Muzzies away from those events.
Deja el tinto
if you have nothing to say then dont post
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The brief period of time between the IRA settling down and the mudslimes fucking everything up were great. I wish I could go back.
>what was life like before 9/11?
Well, for one thing it looked more like this
The 90's were pretty relaxed and fun.
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I said what I had to say, bitch.
He's paid by the Trudeau government to post garbage and make this board worse for everyone. He's going to post regardless of what anyone here thinks because he needs to justify his job.
>if you have nothing to say then dont post

How did this line even make sense? I said plenty in this thread.
mr leaf what are your thoughts on DROOMPF being elected
You could bring in coke from colombia like it was no thang
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it's been an entertaining shitshow but it's going to end in disaster
Good reply. Fuck security considering it hasn't stopped one of these fuckers.
The reality is we were fucked and defeated after 911. The 2000 election did half the job and Bin-Laden finished up. From that point on conservatives have been cashing out and Trump is pretty much our death knell.
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It was literally a paradigm shift. The world just felt and looked different after that.

I know i didn't answer your question. Fuck you.
Like now but everyone was white and you could walk outside at night alone.
I thought they didn't get this angle totally looks like a missile
I thought they didn't get this angle totally looks like a missile. Like wtf why no one talk about this video
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I remember that day so well..
No one cared or knew what the fuck a Muslim was
News feeds weren't flooded with stories on Ramadan
We actually tried to save muslims from genocide in Bosnia

Turns out the Serbs were right
We had a more hopeful outlook on the world.
it was the new Millennium and we were starting o see the positives of a more connected world.

then Ahab the arab and Lucky larry ruied it all and now we're more xenophobic then ever, have been in an unending war with no real end in sight and it's all falling apart.

hope died in those towers
This plus trannies were mentally deranged, you didn't have to be anonymous to say faggot, jeans had room for your dick, 12mpg was good, environmentalists only cared about recycling, porn had to download so mags were still a viable option, you could say bomb on the phone without being flagged... I could go on.
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People were generally far less nervous. Watching footage from pre-911 is like life on super smooth. That's what I miss most.
>60 posts by this id

I would describe the public sentiment before 9/11 as more goofy. Look at videos of people in the 90's and earlier, and you will immediately recognize what I mean

this is one of the comfiest photos ever
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remember: forget
why this page has returned to page 1
is this sorcery
High school in midwestern america was literally like the movie "Pleasantville". Precursor to 9/11 btw... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Shifa_pharmaceutical_factory but it's probably a lot more complicated than this.
If 9/11 had not occurred then the awakening would be delayed. Wake all those you care about !
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It was a golden era. Back in the times before 9/11 liberals, and conservatives were not as much at one another throat. Perhaps we were, but at least it was not so apparent...

Here is the way I look at it. The liberals have pretty much always hated the country, or at least say they do. However it was never taken seriously.

Imagine as a conservative you are a high school student. Your brother is a liberal. It's like they say "I hate our parents (America), my parents (American's) are shit..." a lot of the time. One doesn't truly take this seriously, just adolescent drivel part of seeking independence. Surely they don't really hate their parents..

Then shit really goes down one day! Your mother (the twin towers) is being raped! Your father (the pentagon) is getting his head kicked in as well! You then get out your baseball bat, and try to rally your liberal brother. Come on, lets go help our parents they really need us right now!

Then it dawns on you... that liberal brother of yours says "Nah, they deserve it."... The hate was real... You feel the urge to turn that bat on your brother the liberal...
Seems like 9/11 could have happended 6 years earlier in '95.
based NASCAR
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Every fucking time same shitty images most proven wrong, same shitty comments, same shitty replies. Image related is Obama Leaf
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