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Prosecutor investigating Debbie Wasserman Schultz found dead on beach

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sauce that she was investigating DWS?

Waiting on this.
Guys I already read through the documents OP linked and it turns out it's just another big juicy nothingburger, it had no substance but it sure made me sleepy... I'm so very tired... why don't we all grab a snack and take a nap? this story isn't going anywhere. we have time to sleep...
Yah, looks like someone trying to get us chasing our tails.
there are no coincidences anymore
Med anon is probably sleeping with the fishes too by now. can't escape the Clinton mafia
who is this woman and why is this relevant?
You're not even a shill anymore, you're an anon thinking he's funny. Just stop.
There is nothing in this article stating he was investigating DWS. Fuck off
I'll believe it when trump says it's true.
Duh dude. Half the shills are making fun of shills.
Nothing connecting the two. Take this LARP back to readit shill.
Bump for justice.
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Don't mess with me ever! There will be consequences!
Nothing connecting the corrupt DNC head with a dead DNC worker who took the DNC server contents to Wikileaks. And the prosecutor in charge of sussing it out.

Nothing at all.

This is a red herring.

Whisenant was a rising star in southern Florida. One of his biggest recent cases was involving immigration and passport fraud. His district is famous for drug and human trafficking. It seems more logical to start at the cartels and traffickers and branch from there.
wtf, and that was something you had to point out? you fucking fagot fuck you
You look tired, homes.

Go take a nap, buddy.

We got this, brah.
What about the Shareblue leak in which they discuss DWS killing Seth Rich?

Nothing mentioned about the dude investigating dws.
Said he dealt with passport and visa stuff.

Any other sauce on his connection to dws?
Seems odd that a real network of traffickers would go after an AUSA. I would imagine low level guys in a case with little affiliation that just happened upon him.
Former, uh i forget her title, she ran the DNC. Left that job in disgrace after wikileaks released her emails demonstrating the DNC was pro Hillary and anti Bernie throughout the election primaries (DNC is supposed to be candidate neutral until primaries are completed).
She's Debbie W Schultz and she is allegedly also responsible for Seth Rich's murder
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How could such a (((butterface))) with such (((great tits))) be so diabolical?
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OP is a fag.

Whisenant had been working on visa and passport fraud cases, according to court documents. He also taught a paralegal program at the University of Miami.

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Still you wonder who's shilling who, who's posting true, and who don't even care anymore
Russians confirmed
Makes perfect sense. It's hard enough to look a woman in the eyes instead of the tits, but with this woman it's probably impossible.
bullshit. this is disinformation.

shill somewhere else shareblue faggot. just one more dead nigger dumped in the ocean in florida.

red herring, slide thread, horseshit.

That's possible as well- target of opportunity. It's not unheard of though to have a federal prosecutor with a hit out on him by bigger fish. In his fraud case, he may have tread too close to a network and got snuffed (which has happened before in narc cases). I'd have to see the actual files to get a better idea. In either case, it is very unlikely this has anything to do with DWS. People love a good story I guess.
Skin this bitch alive
Suffered gun shot and found with all his belongings ...hmmm where have we heard that before
>Still you wonder who's shilling who, who's posting true, and who don't even care anymore

I'll be singing this for days - thanks a lot...

She rigged the primary against bernie sanders in favour of hillary clinton, helped a group of pakistani spies infiltrate congress and reauthorized them after they were caught and fired, helped them swindle 4 mill out of tax payers pockets and legend has it played a pivotal role in the murder of seth rich. She also tried to threaten the DC police chief a few days ago to get a laptop back that was seized as part of the investigation into the paki's. No surprise she's dead after that.
No, DWS is alive. A federal prosecutor is dead.
She's not dead. It's this federal attorney.
what a coincidence...
a fed prosecutor from schultz district
is found dead on a beach.
while schultz is threatening dc police chief of "consequences" for not giving her a computer that is a piece of evidence in an ongoing murder investigation...

what a coincidence..

why do coincidences keep happening..

it must be some political conspiracy at play here..
i wonder if it ties into that russian spy the dnc incapacitated, interrogated,tortured and executed in an undisclosed abandoned d.c. hospital.. suche reich or seth rich or something.

why was seth saying Robby...
how come seth rich says Robby..

is Robert the Hero Chicago Needs?

conspiracy theories a bunch of Mook.
sounds like it was just a robbery gone wrong. nothing to see here, guys. i'm getting pretty sleepy.
>Prosecutor investigating Debbie Wasserman Schultz

It's so cute the way you guys make stuff up and then have the gall to call CNN fake.
I came here from Reddit, too, and even I think you're trying too hard.

Nice trips tho
Checked for comfy sleepy naptime, yaaaawn
>why do coincidences keep happening..

It's a vast right-wing conspiracy.
got any snacks?
WHOA this post really noggin mah joggin. Thanks for setting me straight!

My bad.
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yeah cnn is totally legit

Why does /pol/ always fall for the lies?
An ugly mottled toad and one of those geeky looking Chinese WOW players could not make an uglier daughter than DWS.
>/pol/ has the same standard as CNN
Then pay me to stop spreading bullshit
>t. CNN nigger
fuck off fake news
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bump because of bitch face
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t. CNN ((("Journalist")))
where the fuck is the sauce she was investigating her?


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Investigating the Voter Fraud that took place in Deborah Shultz's district during the election. Remember when just a few days prior, Mrs. Clinton flew to FLL to meet with the precinct, and on Election Day they were caught shredding votes?
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Great Tits. Check.
Butterface. Check.
he wasn't investigating Wasserman. thanks for further discrediting whatever subsequent conspiracy theories you come up that involve her.

her and Hillary have the same psychotic eyes
OP is a fag? Sure...BUT....

Debbie was dealing with the Awan brothers tech team, and those guys may have a crew of Pakistanees with less than legal visa' sand/or passports.

This same federal prosecutor was pursuing voter fraud claims in Debbie's district.

Yeah, this is a nuthin taco and you should go get some sleep, anon.

We got this....bitch
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Lol low energy. Sad!
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Can anyone confirm whether Debbie WS ages? It's as if she's been the same age for 50 years. Pic related is the most youthful I've found and some how it seems older than a decade ago.
Rich guy gets killed by ethnic muggers on beach is more like it. And actually worse in the long run.
>He was investigating voter fraud in her district.
>He also specialized in prosecuting Visa and Passport fraud and EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS Debbie Schultz was relying on Pakistanise as tech agents, the same Pakistany AWAN BROTHERS that George Webb has revealed to be involved in a "ratline" network that relied on expendable migrants to keep operations running, those migrants were either legal or operating with false documents.
But doesn't another prosecutor just take the case?
It's getting real summery in here.
I misread that Shultz was ded, got me excited.

It's just a cohendince
Shill's Law is now in effect
Prosecutor ???
Prosecutor ????????

this is really high-level shit WTF is going on, its like mafia times in Italy ~40 years ago
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There I am again.
She's a vampire. But if you knew anything about historical (((vampires))) you'd understand a lot better.
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>Whisenant had been working on visa and passport fraud cases, according to court documents. He also taught a paralegal program at the University of Miami.
do tell
All of these new case files piling up. Perhaps we can get some funding from the Trump administration.
Another nothingburger, nothing to see here.
too high profile of a guy for the dems to put a hit out on. Or is it??? They're truly in their death throes because they know they're fucked. A lot of hits will be going out on enemies past and present until they're locked away. Be safe anons, in T_D we trust
Weren't the Awan bros running shady immigration scams with their family members? If this guys involved, he was probably just a stamping/signing stooge that would flip instantly if it was about murder or treason.
Lib kike who had a sweet rack when she was younger.
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It's no wonder. The Podesta network has the primest delivery, rumor has it.
>anon brings up a valid point
>shitpost because you're delusional faggots
Really makes me think....
I wanna suck those nipples raw before throwing her in an oven.
that pic obviously isn't of her

but she had a double masectomy i think so her rack is probably a sight to see now
Not so obvious to me; not saying you're lying, just saying it really does look like a younger DWS.
Regardless, my previous statement still stands. Thorough motorboating during violent rape before her summary execution.
Or maybe during, I'm a romantic like that.
That's the line of query worth further investigation.

even young kikesses are hideous shit
surely a coincidence!!!!!!!!
>huur am geddin thleepy
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Is this article relevant?


Ctrl+F: visa, passport, Hollywood, Fla.
If you think it's "delusional" to call CNN as being (((bullshit))), you're a shill.
>>127252088 for >>127250879
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>implying that's what I meant
Stop putting words in my mouth newfag, the point is you faggots are LITERALLY making things up at this point.

How does that help anything you shill? Purposefully spreading disinfo?
GTFO shariablue
You're Reddit scum. I'm the one dumping on CNN and you're the one contributing literally worse than nothing. You think this following post of mine is "delusional" which means you're a fucking shill. Go shit on others back on your r/etard board. >>127245595
Hmmmmm good point
I just IV'd 80mg of 4-FA diffused in 0.3cc of ethyl alcohol and 0.2cc of distilled h20 (to keep the tissue from getting fucked by pure alcohol)


Suck a dick sleepyfags!!! (and you could suck mine for HOURS right now... no bust. I wouldn't let you though... I'd fake you out and the skullfuck you through your eye socket after I knocked a few inches out with a chisel.
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Asian food has lots of MSG-... er, I mean NUTRIENTS, goy, order takeout.
shut the fuck up CIA nigger, and tell me how many lumens you output in the dark. Plan B? I have a space alien. Plan B. Fuck You.
>>Prosecutor investigating Debbie Wasserman Schultz

DWS + Paki's have the guy whacked...
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...uhh... that should be put on a laptop and wedged in the corner of the office...
Anonymous isn't a journalist, they're not obliged to follow the professional code of ethics that journalists are beholden to.

Still waiting for proof that this guy was investigating DWS by the way.

Other than that This is in DWS's district, no.
>>>>pro Hillary and anti Bernie throughout the election primaries<<<<

The money quote

Actually, she made a direct threat to DC police regarding her demand for the laptop release.

A day later a federal prosecutor is dead.

She should be in an interrogation room right fucking now.
This is the district he was an investigator for . It is Debbie Wasserman Shultz district.
KEK and #

Also claims that he may have been killed due to unrelated cartel links are both unsubstantiated and the not well timed like say a sudden threat by dws.
post a source or shut the fuck up you piece of shit.
What the fuck is the FBI even doing?
Who says she was investigating Schultz?

Nice try.

Plus don't you think Putin is smart enough to kill those investigating his adversaries? It muddies the waters even more.
I think Putin is smart enough not to murder the enemy of his enemy in a foreign country just to start another conspiracy theory that will capture a small # of people's attention for 10 minutes and then be forgotten. Especially since the death of a prosecutor is going to be investigated by literally every single cop in the area. This is a crackhead-tier theory.
(((They))) are sending you a clear message: WE rule this country.
Sounds like something a share blue shill would say. Kys faggot.

aaaand this is how they (((dnc))) begin to shift all the blame on her.

shillary, soros and obongo all had their hands in it.
BASED I love these people, Wish I could get a job with them. No sympathy for your enemies
oi vey, what a coincidence that a person investigating a member of the Clinton mob would be so suicidal that they would smash their own head open with a barbell in the gym! It just goes to show, you never know how depressed a person is.
you forgot to include this
It never ends
This could be related to pizzagate cuz it's Florida and it's human trafficking and passport/immigration fraud, but yeah, first look at the people with direct motive for his death.

This guy appears to have been nowhere near the investigation of DWS or the DNC security breach.
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so many happening so little time oh why oh why do the shills come to /pol/ to die
This. OP is fake news
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He was found dead on Hollywood Beach, which is in DWS's district. Doesn't prove any connection but still is suspicious mere days after she threatened "consequences" for not returning laptops.
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Trump's 4 D chess intensifies.
Watched this video the other day, this woman is so arrogant.

Niggas, who gives a fuck if she was investigating something or not. Her death is still a big deal.
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Yeah, they totally aren't hiding anything.WAKE UP AMERICA YOU STUPID FUCKS!
They accuse people of doing what they are themselves doing - eliminating investigators to limit inquiry
my auto fan speed doesnt work, and every couple months i forget to turn it up to 50 while playing ESO. scares me shitless
I don't think so

Jewish Americans are also considered Israeli

What's really scary is that many young jews in the art scene. OY fucking VEY
me on the back
Having trouble finding such an e-mail.
See: >>127270547
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Freedom of information act request
fished today on /pol/
> check, appears important
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why are these 404ing
look in the archive
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(((they))) are watching
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I saved it. Let's see if it happens when I do it.

Though, like I said, I can't seem to find this e-mail on WL.
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But what does it mean?
>Found dead on beach
>Gunshot wound to the head
>All his belongings weren't stolen
Sure as shit isn't a robbery gone bad.
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DESU this, this guy is a literally-who with no relevance to the DNC, Seth Rich, or DWS. OP has yet to provide any evidence and is likely a shill. Saged and napped.
It seems pretty clearly to be a reference to a hit.

"BJWJ" sounds like initials. Beranton (J?) Whisenant, Jr. "Yeah, I have someone [who can do the job]. Expect [the hit in] May. No more comm[unication]. Delete [this e-mail]."

To me, the question is whether this is a screenshot of a real e-mail or just an edited image.
He's a US attorney, regardless.
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DNC "Clean up Crews" strike again.

New KB with intel about them & Seth Rich:

Is this the famous deep pool of CIA anime images I've been hearing so much about?

Post again my tripfag >1 post shillfriend.
lets go to bed shills
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