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if you know any more please add
Add UA Pravyi Sektor. (Right Sector)
Add UA Stepan Bandera
Ukrainans are based
how do they look
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It's "The Nordic Resistance Movement" or "NMR", not Nordfront. Nordfront is the name of the website.

And here is a better version of it.

Kill yourself Goldstein. Pravi Sector are owned by jews and they fight for jewish interests against Novorossiya.
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They look like this.
Ruskis fuck everything up with their regime everywhere they go.
I kinda know that. Ukraine wants to get away from russia, not so much into EU.
Fucking parasites.
I asked my brother living in South Africa, what other Parties are/were there.

Suid-Afrika(South Africa):
Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging.
Front Nasionaal.
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AnFash vs NatSoc.jpg
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hoppe man
That's a thing, I guess.
They had antisemitism scandals and I want to think they were forced to do that.
Then go a bit back and check UON/UNSO
thanks I'll use that NMR instead
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By the way, why is the TWP wearing a Hezbollah t-shirt? Make a separate flag carrier for Hezbollah.
pic related and strasserism
neck yourself
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Facism and National Socialism are terrible systems stop romanticising it.

Your no better than a stupif communist.
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>the uniforms make them look like generic beaners
I love it
Is the guy on the left CIA?
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Fascism turned Germany from a post-war third world shitehole in 1933 to the most powerful country in Europe by the year 1940.
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also add juche back and add gadaffi and estado novo

shitskin dictator
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Yes. It say "Baneposting" and "Barbaricposting".

BARBARIET is a meme made out of this video: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1495467503792.webm

Loads of pictures here: https://imgur.com/a/W2aKq?grid
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<-- One Nation is Australia's far-right nationalist anti-islam party, it's been gaining alot of support lately.
Heck it even has parliamentary representation.

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This >>127213971
And fix this too >>127211750

Juche isn't even commie and if you dislike Gadaffi then I assume you're just another sunni vermin. Not that I'm surprised considering the flag.
Are they anti-globalism and anti-zionism, or are they just a cucked shit party led by CJ such as LePen, Wilders and Åkesson?
A paragraph from the wiki:

"Arguing that other political parties were out of touch with mainstream Australia, One Nation ran on a broadly populist and protectionist platform. It promised to drastically reduce immigration and to abolish "divisive and discriminatory policies ... attached to Aboriginal and multicultural affairs." Condemning multiculturalism as a "threat to the very basis of the Australian culture, identity and shared values", One Nation rallied against liberal government immigration and multicultural policies which, it argued, were leading to "the Asianisation of Australia."[6] The party also denounced economic rationalism and globalisation, reflecting working-class dissatisfaction with the neo-liberal economic policies embraced by the major parties."
that's a big flag
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Sounds very low energy but I guess that's the best you guys got at the moment.

4 u
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updated nazi flag bearer list.png
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added National Synarchist Union >>127212282

Based Ghadaffi

The blood of the just is on the hands of the juden and their american soldier puppet
Yeah, Pauline Hanson is a terrible speaker and she slips alot.

But still, it is the best we got.
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Add Eurasian Duginists too.
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What is Dugins view on race? I bet he's not against mixing them.
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Here is a better Strasserist flag carier.

I'm not entirely sure but probably not. It's a bit like fascism I guess, I don't think they promote free race mixing.
>not just Fascists or Italian Fascists
Duginism is a class on its own.

It's what happens when you go too far left and too far right at the same time and break the dichotomy. The shortest explanation I can give is that each race is regarded as equal, but each is different/unique. However his views takes a very deeply occult theosophical outlook, so he'd be against and for mixing depending on the situation.
Interesting, don't see why he uses occultism though.
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This was interesting.

So I might misunderstood him, but to him "soil" is higher to "blood"?
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You familiar with astrology?
No, not really. I'm just interested on his views on race.
im working on an estado novo one
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you actually take this guy seriously? I know him and his positions quite good since there was a time me and my group tried to work with the eurasians up to some point. After a lot of backs and forths it became more and more clear that Dugins "Fourth Political Theory" is pretty much a (radical) modernisation of the old Sovjet idea of "bipolarity", while America, London/Paris/Berlin, Moscow and Peking represent the political, cultural and demographic poles. Dugin never was and never will be about nationalism since he thinks in imperial categories; he doesnt respect the right of every people to chose their own path. He thinks that Russia has the right to rule over eastern-Europe, just as she thinks that the Chinese have the right to rule over most parts of Asia. On the other hand he managed to mix up his "geopolitical" views of balancing powers with a pretty much communistic criticism of liberalism, which he claims would be the true face of American culture and the bain of mankind in general, thus everyone would have the right to fight the balance of power if it goes against Americans; that is how Dugin tries to build up a double standards which is in itself pro-Russian (because Russians arent liberals, you know?).

tldr: Dugin is a Putinist agent and a honeypot for right wing movements. He was pretty successfull during the last few years, but his shell starts breaking and a lot of once loyal "Duginists" turned back to their classic nationalist ideas.
His views are schizophrenic, they exist and don't at the same time. To understand how he rationalizes this you need to drink deep into things you shouldn't.
>muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Russia!!

0.05 gryvnya deposited on your account
Gotta love your country
look, its simple. Russians are oldschool, they always will be. Putin is literally a child of the Sovjet Union, just like his fellows and the people he uses to maximize his influence. All the eso talk has nothing to do with his real views on politics. His one single aim is to make Russia more mighty and influencial. He might sound crazy because he is trying to reach a lot of different kinds of people, but he isnt, he knows what he is doing and unfortunetely he is pretty good doing it.

If you want to understand Dugin you just have to keep his hidden pretext in mind: Russia is love, Russia is life. Thats everything you need for an analytical key.
Remember when I said
>Duginism is a class on its own

It's neither Classical Liberalism, Communism, nor "third way" Right-Wing Nationalism. What you explained is essentially his views, he wants hegemon ethnic groups to civilize/rule over their lesser ethnic kin, since they would understand them best and know better what's good for them (since they are essentially the same thing, just breakaways thinking they're special snowflakes. He loves and hates Islam depending on sect, he loves and hates Judaism depending on sect. He's pro Israel in some regards, but vehemently anti-zionist too. It's not as simple as the bipolarity in the cold war, as that was in line of logocentric thought, this one takes a metaphysical approach.

Read this and meditate on it.
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Please add the Irish Blueshirts and the Croatian Ustaše.
>Russia is love, Russia is life
But what Russia? With Russian, or with "Eurasians"?
You think I don't know that?

What I'm trying to get you to understand is why they think the way they do. The short answer is deep-rooted occultism in both west and east.
and what happened after that
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EPU (5).jpg
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All Native Europeans are white
Join the biggest White-only discord: D2Mq3te
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I don't care what your ideology is as long as it's not based on bleeding heart emotions and childlike impulses.
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religious tiers.jpg
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new england.jpg
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Yea, there are too many hippies, nu-males, and cucks in the Pacific Northwest.
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if necesarry I can het higher resolution
>western supremacy
>civic nationalism
Excuse me where are the Blueshirts
>everyone shits one peronism
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Tell that to the polish.
t cuck
Im loving the LARPS taking the obvious bait here's another (you) schlomo.
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