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Men are banned from watching a screening of Wonder Women at a

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Men are banned from watching a screening of Wonder Women at a cinema in Austin, Texas

Americans are cucked.
Must be a shit movie
they pay to screen it, they can allow who they want in. i understand that the double standard is unfair, but i think having a 'male-only' screening would make us look like weenies. best to let them out themselves as feminists so that reasonable men dont waste their time and energy.
Austin is like California -liberal shithole. That said who the fuck watches cape shit anymore
I say dress like traps and rain on their parade
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Could I watch?
Not as liberal as you think, a third of Austin metro area voted Trump.
They know it's going to be shit and bomb at the box office so they're trying to stir up controversy and trick women into watching it to (((empower))) themselves.

In the end they'll fake the box office numbers again to pretend this ugly jewess is a box office draw.
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This is the mature response however I know trolls will call bomb threats/pull fire alarms and shit just to fuck up their night.
What if I identify as a woman?
Isn't WW a Mossad agent irl?
Did you just assume my gender?
That's all absurdly low lad.
How can be the most sadomasochistic icon became a feminist one?

Just dont go to theatre
Every male should show up claiming gender fluidity and demand they be allowed in, then walk out when the credits start
They got us to willingly segregate ourselves. Despicable yet cunning
Yes Samantha
That's segregation/discrimination. If this is a public event where tickets are sold for money, and the theater isn't legally a "club", it is breaking the law, and any man who is told they can't go can sue for discrimination.
Or go, And claim they're assuming your gender, and that you suffer MicroAgressions.

Yes. Gal Gadot is at the very least a sayanim shiksa enabler, at most a full blown mossad mole.

Basically any Jew in a place of influence is a tool for Israel, be it through cultural pressure or outright blackmail.
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Just don't give your money to this mountain of crap
> Male
> Dislike brainlet propaganda films
> Certainly not watching a wall to wall 2hour 3rd wave feminism propaganda film
> Didn't plan on watching it
> Don't care about men being banned from a screener

Women maintain no power in the real world which is why they have to engage in shit tier antics like this. The women who appear to maintain power in the real world are all in service to men and agendas therein which is why this shit tier film, even when trying to promote women, has to do so juxtaposed against unrealistic men.
>walk in
>say males aren't allowed
>wonder woman
>wonder where men are

Go and tell them you identify as a woman. It would be fucking hilarious to watch them short circuit.
Uh oh. Sad! What could have been a good movie featuring a classic superhero is now gonna get Ghost Bustered thanks to goddamn feminists and SJWs. Enjoy your red ink, studios.
>alamo drafthouse
only retards like this place

Did you watch the trailer?

It was a HILARIOUS cliche EVIL NAZIS DIEEE sequence.

How the fuck does shit like this get made so long after WWII?

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I identify as a woman and you are a fucking bigot if you say otherwise

your move SJWs
>they pay to screen it, they can allow who they want in.
So it will be fine if they ban trannies, black people, gay people and undocumented people form viewing it without consequences? I mean after all they pay to screen it and they can allow who they want in.
Claim reparations since you actually are half nigger, and leave the cinema richer than you entered.
i understand your point but if you resort to mens rights activism you will not win. jewish tricks can only be subverted by jewish tricks.
>no "men" wants to go
>makes it a women only event
really makes you wonder huh
Good. All white men should be banned from watching superhero movies and playing video games
>they pay to screen it, they can allow who they want in.
>segregation is ok
Not even memein here, aren't they literally going to get sued over that?
read the whole fucking post you mongoloids
How is this cucked... I don't want to go see fucking Wonder Woman. Lmao
i hope it flopped
>ban trannies, black people, gay people and undocumented people
Can't offend protected class minorities
you don't want disgusting males jerking off in the cinemas objectifying her

maybe instead of bitching you should be less disgusting
Kike playing lead
Expected nothing less.
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I got an autistic idea and I'm tired.

Raids are more and less banned but imagine a banking support raid day when as many people as possible called their bank of choice and asked for detailed information due to them looking to switch banks. Then say thanks but no thanks at the end.

Of course company support is what's most important but imagine the stress factor such a day would snowball over time for the industry. There's no way to ban doing it in a good way.
>box office flop, incoming
> women only screening of a comic book character
Who are they going to show off to if it's just girls/:
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Who cares?
kek FPBP
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> mfw I identify as a woman during the screening so they're bigots for keeping me out

why the fuck, dont these capeshit mary sues all have lasers or some shit?
Thats a literal crime.
More ammunition for the feminism is sexist folder
you don't care about segregation/discrimination
I can't wait until it does as well as Neo-Ghostbusters did.
Imagine if they did a man only screening of Superman

It'd be gay as shit
Wait, I thought discrimination in a place of business based on gender was illegal?
In any case, I'm not looking forward to seeing feminists rub it in our faces for the next 3 months about how WW is the greatest CBM of all time.
Can women sit through an entire film without looking at their phones or talking?
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Just say you're gender fluid and walk on in
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The movie is not going to do very well

However, Hollywood will once again fail to recognize that women are not the ones who go to see superhero-movies.
Left-wing entertainment journalists (i.e. all entertainment journalists) will blame its failure on something stupid... white men, probably
>Not as liberal as you think
Travis county was the only county to vote *against* seceding from the Union
Can't. Men aren't minorities, they make up half the population. Besides a women's showing only is literally nothing.
Shes a jewess. It will do insanely well and be critically acclaimed by everyone.
Segregation is back in style! Yiii-haa!
>go to the cinema
>Ask for Wonder Woman tickets
>Clerks refuses to sell you ticket because you're a man
>Tell him you are a woman, you identify as
>If he refuses, sue

We have to use libtards weapons against them now!
inb4 buzzfeed articles like
>What Wonder Woman's failure reveals about white patriarchy

>Despite what you've heard, Wonder Women is an astonishing success!
Why doesn't bunch of men just storm in and watch it and tell to women if they bitch about it to stfu. Or are you going to bend over, lose equality and get stopped by some weak females?

Women are swelling ahead in numbers and representation across the board.

Men are quickly becoming minorities and your post in empowering / enabling bigotry.

this has potential
Alamo uses all kinds of gimmicks to fill seats. I wouldn't read too much into this.
>if he refuses, sue
You don't even have to go that far
You can sue them for not selling you tickets for being a man
Lol, I gaurentee there will be some men there, who else is going to cook, clean, and setup the movie reel?
Yeah, I decided I wouldn't be watching it right after the trailer. It was absolutely hilarious.. Island full of women. No men.

Skinny ass woman who couldn't lift two bags of sugar leading a bunch of gym bodies who'd get BTFO by modern weaponry ...

But mah swords and shit and horseback capable of overthrowing men with modern weapons...


It was dam near cringe worthy through and through.... and then the need to put a bumbling man juxtaposed next to her throughout the whole film to make her look relatively skrong. Incapable of conveying this on her own .. So, literally need a relative dummy by her side the whole film.

Of course, they then convey this as a skrong and modern man for riding shotgun next to a woman. In reality, such beta orbiters get no pussy. Literal cancer propaganda.

This is the world we now live in..
Wall to wall cancer to divide and conquer.

Interestingly, there used to be great female lead movies. The women in them were strong. They were strong because they truly embodied and embraced their feminine characteristics to nurture, love, and support.

The shit now-a-days with female leads is toxic and cringe worthy. I've made it a point to not watch any modern films w/ female leads as they all tend to drift into cringe worthy cancer....

Best thing to do is to ignore this shit...
All they want is attention. They are powerless w/o it.

> Attention whoring ...
Response : Ok bitch *ignore*
If one were to go on Leftist sites and twitter and start larping about being outraged that wonder woman isn't a "woman of color" that would be cool.
I do quite like their quote-alongs, and that they kick people out for using their cell phones.
Not a single person there will enjoy it. Everyone who goes has no interest in it.

It looks terrible anyhow. I don't even care.
We need to unveil here who exactly thought it would be a good idea to make a women-only screening. Need a name and face.

100 bucks says it's a jewish cunt.
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Oh it will definitively be critically acclaimed by everyone (anyone who doesn't give it a glowing review will be bullied)

But it will not perform well

Hollywood keeps pushing this feminist bullshit, but ultimately, it comes down to money. And in order to get money, they need to get the dumb asses (no pun intended) in the seats. And the dumb asses don't want a skinny jewish bitch, they want a burly dude who drives cars fast.

But when the movie fails, they will blame patriarchy, white men, sexism, etc.

Just look at the Ghostbusters-remake. That is pretty much exactly what happened there
>How the fuck does shit like this get made so long after WWII?
Really activates the ol almonds, doesn't it?
It's probably going to make around a billion. Women drive the box office now. Ghost in the Shell flopped because it sucked, contained shameless whitewashing, and was based on some stupid anime that nobody under 30 has ever seen.
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Not even California is this cucked, i guess what they say is true "Only Steers and Queers come from Texas"
Thank you Thomas Albin
So when this bombs, and it will, are they going to blame men for not going to see it?
no, chris
I think it would be easier to attack marvel and dc for the lack of transgender super heroes. I can't wait until Ben Afflec has to play a pansexual batgirl.
>A third voting Trump
>Not liberal
I think the state of California averaged only like 60% for Hillary
Fucking leaf, that's pure genius. If I lived in Texas, I would be drive my ass there for that.
Austin and DFW are literally worse than all of SoCal.

couldnt you just say you identify as a female and then tweet about them being transphobic if they dont let you in
Fucking violation of the Civil Rights Act. Fuck these cucks.
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Actually it isn't. There is a (((((vocal highly publicised))))) minority of faggots and trannys or whatever those dykes are.

t. Texas grad with a house in the hill country and a house on Galveston island
Women need more positive reinforcement than children.
They have the regular screening days, but they also paid for an additional "gurl power" day. It's fine I think
The yeasty stench in that theater must be revolting
Same as I meant and don't forget to create a hell of a buzz around it

"I was refused to the screening for Wonder Woman as I was told "no men tonigh" I'm a woman!"
fucking cis scum. Chris identifies as a woman so he sorry she can attend
By your very own logic you can be racist. We only invite white people, sorry
God i can smell your room christian
Remember when families would visit movies? Together?
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I really want to see this. I have waited my whole life for it.
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Is /pol/ my only refuge from this idiocracy?

I think, in this case, you are fortunately wrong.
It'll do fairly well, I would say, but ultimately be a financial failure (big-budget movies need to make three times their budget in order to be financially successful). Women are generally not interested in big superhero blockbusters, and most previous attempts at making action movies starring women have been financial failures (with some very few exceptions. Usually the ones based on YA-books that girls have already read)
Only cucks would pay to see the feminist trash that is Wonder Woman.
now I know where to go spoil the ending
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kek, shot themselves in the clit there
The irony is that in hollywood ALL famous people are eventually tested on their loyalty to the marxist jew movie producers.

Chapelle is a perfect example. He left the scene when it became clear to the kikes that he had gained an immense amount of social influence. They intended on bribing him into doing gay shit and even more racist skits against black people and he backed off. Less so because of a clear understanding of how the jews work than a gut feeling that he was "selling out" as niggers see it.
why watch a jewish movie with jewish actors? i dont understand why we want to indoctrinate ourselves with jewish media.
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Social Engineering & Conditioning.

I believe they should be able to screen it to whoever they want. However is it legal? Isn't gender a protected class the same as race or religion? Can you have a whites only screening or no Muslims allowed screening? Are there additional protections for that race and religion have that don't extend to sex?

>Women need more positive reinforcement

i thought dildos and hitachis were abundant these days
The original WW wasn't feminist bullshit.
>It's fine
Try having a men only screening of something and see what happens.
no men are going to watch this

>shitty wonder woman

>DC movie
Literally the only sane response. Plus, they're shooting themselves in the foot by excluding their main audience. They forget there's a reason superhero movies are male oriented and that's because women don't watch them. Should be entertaining watching it flip at least.
>David Khari Webber " Dave " Chappelle
>David Webber
He was a jew...
Like someone else just said, when this capeshit flops they will just use it at fuel to attack us as mysoggyknee bigots or whatever the fuck keeps them going.
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Oh behave. I love the old episodes. I'm a homo too if you'd like to stick a label on me, to help you with your confusing life as a 5 year old.
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That would imply they are humans instead of being simply bipedal apes, KYS
Tbh, I was born in San Marcos and lived in Lockhart...

Alamo Drafthouse is pretty based for the most part, this is just shekels to them however.

If they want to discriminate based on sex, it opens up a path to discriminate based on any other number of factors.

That being said, this place allows you to drink beer and refuses to allow children into the theatre because they remove the sanctity of a movie....

This will bite liberals in the ass and can quite possibly open up their company to a lawsuit.

>People who complain about blatant sexism are sexist

Really took my noggin' on some late night joggin'
The leftists are beginning to attack white women, one should capitalize on this phenomenon as it's most beneficial.
DC Sucks. Marvel FTW
Who gives a shit? Literally no man who would care about this gets regular pussy from human females.
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>It was a HILARIOUS cliche EVIL NAZIS DIEEE sequence.
>How the fuck does shit like this get made so long after WWII?

Did you miss the events of the American 2016 election, and the resulting nomination of Donald 'LITERALLY HITLER' Trump as president?
You're a cuck if you still watch movies.
>The original WW wasn't feminist bullshit.
...ummm anon you do know the feminists literally created wonder women.
Just like how if somebody doesn't want to bake cakes for gay people, then they should not have to do so. amirite?
le strong independent woman made by man with a bondage fetish
>ask to buy ticket
>females only
>record date, time, name of employee
>get lawyer
>sue theater for discrimination

No one us reaonably not going to sell you a ticket for being a man, if you insist.
>muh hole is more important than caring about cultural issues

You realize most of us are wealthy, successful and married, right?

Maybe you got lost on your way out of r9k, faggot. This is a gentleman's board, roastie cunt.
what the happened to you,Chris chan?
She was Miss World was she not? Then she got cast as wonder woman. She's still very pretty.

>muh feminism
>liberal shithole

Yeah, not surprising.
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There's literally nothing wrong with having a lady's night or man's night at any establishment.
Quit being such a woman.
She's still shaped like a Barbie doll in the original cartoons, and not as a fat whale person.
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>restrict event access to one gender
>people who don't like it are sexist
Just say you identify as female and call anybody who tries to stop you a transphobic bigot
Exactly. What liberals have awakened is a power that will destroy them if only their opposition chooses to wield it. A screening for women only? Sure. Dress up in the sluttiest, most provocative women's clothes you can, something that completely distracts from the movie and when you show up claim that you identify as a woman. They'll either grudgingly let you in and secretly gain animosity towards transgender people or they'll refuse you entry, you can make a huge scene and transgender people will build an animosity to women. If they let you in with smiles and tell you how brave you are, enjoy the show and the positive attention and just keep repeating similar processes until everyone goes insane or gives you the Nobel Prize, Courageous Person Award, and book deals/television shows. Embrace the abyss.
They didn't get down on their knees and thank God?
another Kickass or Ghostbusters gurl power movie that trains young girls on how to emasculate their beta boyfriends to the point they scissor fuck their ugly girlfriends because the betas ruin their entire image of males

sounds good
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My wife and her sisters love Wonder Woman and my wife has begged me to go see it with her.

On the other hand I like the idea of being in a cinema full of women and seeing Wonder Woman kicking ass and being surrounded by weak incompetent, emasculated, and evil men, and just loudly groaning or making comments like 'Really?' and 'That would never happen' and 'what a dyke' so as to ruin the film completely for everyone.

Is this worth doing?
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not wanting to see an israeli play an american superhero that is warped for todays drooling moviegoers
i don't care that there's "women only" things, but what's frustrating is that everyone damn well knows if they had any similar, officially advertised "mens only" on something similar there'd be mass outrage, it's that double standard that makes me sick.
just identify as a woman. Easy.

Then why did you allow this shit to happen and why did you elect Trudeau?

This shit literally happened in Canada first.
Shit as a guy. Go dressed as Wonder Woman. It will likely create a negative psychological association for everyone in attendance. They won't even be able to think about the movie because every time they think of a scene, they'll subconsciously replace Gal Gadot with you because you're the more emotionally charged image.
It's a trap lads - the want men to attend. This is how they do it. Reverse psychology. Pick your battles. Let it be a flop.

*blocks your path*
But thats the thing, nobody would rent it out for just guys

how to be a woman:

1) find male space
2) join male space
3) control male space
4) remove males from male space
5) ???
6) scissor fuck fat lesbians
7) turn 30
8) where did all the good men go?
It's Wonder Woman.
And sjws hate it because they had a protein bar endorsement. Luckily they mended their relationship with the landwhales with a followup promotion on softdrink cans.
True. However, a bunch of feminists gathered together and brainstormed their own superhero up. For example, when they were deciding on what weapons/tools she had, they decided that Wonder Women would use no piercing/penetrating ones. For that is a male thing.
Also, remember how old Wonder Women is. She wasn't created by the lunatics of today.
I'd do it just on principle. Don't miss your chance you fat fucking piece of shit americans.
you forgot 9) get gassed by fourth reich
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I think you and cucks like you :
> My wife and her sisters love Wonder Woman and my wife has begged me to go see it with her.
Are going to be the only faggots in the theatre...

The thought that you're going to find males in there with half a brain capable of detecting the idiocy/propaganda is as much a fantasy in your head as it is the women who are going to see this trash.

Tell your wife and their sisters that they'd be more empowered if they saw it with females only. Ask them why they want you to go and see it so bad w/ them?

Clearly you're the :
> weak incompetent
> emasculated
brainlet which is why they want you to ride shotgun.. because you wont object and will support them.

Can't wait to see the pics of fat slob MRA/TrumpCucks protesting and clashing with cops.
This is 100% a marketing move, and thanks to you guys it's working. Wouldn't be surprised if OP works for Alamo lol

It's a marketing tactic you fucking autists. They do these things specifically to encourage the "girl power!" crowd and to piss of the "feminism is a joke" crowd. Stop marketing the movie for them!
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I agree with this.

America is whites/Asians/and non-liberal women/minorities only. Better they let us weed ourselves out so that they don't have to be around us. Canada is just north of here waiting for them.
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To reiterate, Austin is the red-headed stepchild of Texas, no one outside of the city likes the place. It's a blight on my favorite state.
K. Keep me posted
great minds think alike leafbro.

If all of you hate the movie already, and have no interest in seeing it, why do you care?
Nobody gives a shit. She fucking sucked as Wonder Woman in Batman v superman.
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please, do
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Marketing? I'm not going to see this shit.
If anything, this allows me to convey why others shouldn't either.

No one is pissed off at this..
It's fucking laughable desu.

Pissed was when sensible men knew what these kikes were attempting to do years ago and were upset by it. Were in the 4th quarter. This shit is laughable and cringeworthy at this point.

Who would want to see that steaming pile of shit anyway?
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>Making feminists whales feel triggered and inferior at the same time
>I identify as female

>if they deny you a ticket, sue for discrimination

you beat a SJW with SJW logic
Weilding the weapon of the enemy many times will destroy you and make into them.
Where are their asian waifus?
no one ever does this though. why?
Fucking Cameron County voted more liberal than Austin. 90% Hispanic and 34% Republican.
A local cinema near me has men-only nights, where everyone gets a free cigar and a beer.
Not to mention the whole screening room is outfitted with couches.
Not even joking, i love that place.
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There have been a few heroes around.

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She's a delicate little flower
so gay night basically?
If I lived in Austin I'd buy a ticket. If they told me I couldn't get in I'd bitch them out for assuming my gender.
Sure thing. While we're at it I'm going to bar all non-whites from entering my bar. Cool?
A. shit movie anyway
B. Austin is faggot central so feminists will go back on their word to let in the gay
>women only capeshit

Hopefully it does as horrible as we expect.
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Gal gadot, the only jew who can screw me.
Who cares, the movie looks like it's going to blow anyway.
Alien is the only movie I've watched where I liked the MC.

Ripley did nothing wrong
Yeah, right. WE'RE cucked. At least here bombings aren't just "part of city life".
pretty much this
there are a few more but most female protags are just [insert STRONG WOMEYN here]
some nigger protags are almost as bad

It is if you record it.
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The smell of wet lesbians would distract the typical male viewer.

No great loss.
It wasn't that she sucked. The character of wonderwoman fundamentally sucks. There are decades of comics, slightly reinventing the character every few years because she simply has no interesting story to tell. Wonderwoman is just a cheesy gimmick that lasted too long. People made the mistake of taking her seriously rather than making original characters to fill the role better. Nobody on earth could carry such an uninteresting deadweight character. Not even in an ensemble cast to water down just how retarded of a concept she is.
Marvel heroes are just larping DC heroes. DC comic is about true justice, not that Marvel circus show.
>Marketing? I'm not going to see this shit.
No one expects you too. They just want to use mouthbreathers like you to get people talking about it. It is the same thing they tried to do with the ghostbusters remake. And it works. Maybe not enough to save that pile of shit, but it gets free press coverage. First you claim people are pissed off, a small number may actually get pissed off, the rest talk about how no one actually cares. Meanwhile millions of people hear about your product.
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Identify as Transgender woman.

Sue when they don't let you in.
Technically discrimination based on gender is illegal. Why not sue for the lulz? It might ruin men's movie nights for everyone and it might just publicize the movie for them, but you'd stand to make a bit of cash and it'd be kind of funny to piss them off.
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Oh man, someone please do this and film it. I bet it will be better and more entertaining than the movie.
Don't let them repress you and assume your gender, only god can judge you!

This is just fodder for the rubes. Who cares.

You should have zero emotion toward this, ideally. A mild bemusement at most.
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Do you enjoy embarassing yourself
Who cares? We have gentlemen clubs and have meetings exclusive with other men. I don't mind if women have a little evening of their own and socialize. It's cute.

there are more women than men on the planet though
i wonder if that woman has smelly armpit
We're cucked? At least We dont accept our little girls being blown up at concerts as "part and parcel" of living in a city.
>Weilding the weapon of the enemy many times will destroy you and make into them.

No it won't.

Straight out of Saul Alinsky's playbook. Good stuff, anon.
This goes for any company you have a plan with who starts acting like a little social justice bitch. What most people fail to realize is that in a capitalist system, the customer is always in charge.
Comic shit is so embarrassing. Who is interested in anything super hero related at this point? Its all niggerfied and femalefied trash.
Sure, why not? Free market and all that... If people dislike that sort of behaviour they will just avoid that business. Here in Norway the establishment can ban anyone they like without giving a reason. When even cucked scandinavians can then why cant america?

fucking retards all of you

Except under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 you can't.
Title II outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin in hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and all other public accommodations engaged in interstate commerce; exempted private clubs without defining the term "private"
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Eh. It's only two screenings, and it's private property, so they're allowed to choose who they allow in. It's not like Alamo is banning men from watching the movie, only two showings. Free market in play, I guess.
Holy shit Texas, get rid of Austin please.
>Men are banned from watching a screening of Wonder Women at a cinema in Austin, Texas

There is no way I'm going to see the film anyway.
The faggots who are going to see it are going to see it. Ghost-busters crashed right? It didn't work dumbass.

> Maybe not enough to save that pile of shit, but it gets free press coverage

Were in a new age. Shit publicity doesn't help anymore. The brainlets at ad agencies haven't discovered this yet.

> Meanwhile millions of people hear about your product.
Viral marketing was adapted to some time ago.
Shit has exponentially diminishing returns.
Agreed which is why brainlets and normies reee so hard about it.

Batman vs. Superman was a (((hard))) red-pill which is why it got such a negative response.
If i wield my enemys weapon, that would mean HE IS DEAD. gg no re irl brah
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But I Identify as Female, they cannot really check right?
Yeah, I really enjoyed Ripley in Alien.
She exhibited strong, believable, and real feminine characteristics all throughout the movie.

She was truly strong on the inside. Thus, it was conveyed on the outside and in her representation of her character.

FFWD to today when you have husks of women and vapid pretentious bullshit... It doesn't resonate because there's nothing behind or inside them. A strong woman knows she doesn't have to pretend to be a man because she knows she's equally strong and most strong when she embodies her own characteristics of being a woman.
It did lose money but it still made $229.1 million in theaters. Were it not for the artificial scandal it would have completely flown under the radar. Low advertising budget and a generic remake are not a recipe for success. Contrary to declaring a new era this serves as proof of concept.
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>shitty movie anyway
>i wouldnt hang around dykes

Is everyone forgetting what the horrific outcome this can come to if this is legal? Soon, were going to be having gender regulated grocery stores, retail stores, subways, beaches, areas, websites.

Next is fast food. Get ready for Starbucks to start opening, "womens only stores"
Whites-only screenings when?
I'd also like to submit this character into the column of doing it right.
Because the kikes never let WWII end
Gays are banned from my wedding cake shop

I'd still take a rubber rod through the back door from Portman.
Can't ban me if I say I identify as a woman. Check mate cunt burgers.

Anyone saying otherwise here is an hypocryte.
In an ideal world I would want this to be legal. The owner of private property should be able to determine who is allowed in their business. The fact of the matter is that it is not legal. The only thing that bothers me about it is that the law is selectively enforced, only to benefit certain groups. They'll shut you down if you don't want to make a gay cake or won't let girls into your clubhouse but no one gives a fuck when the opposite is true.
This is because Ripley was originally a man and was recast very close to production so most of the 'male' lines stayed.
Look at the state of the cover and pillow. Fucking disgusting creature
'I actually identify as a pragmatist- so I am whichever identity is most beneficial to me at the time?'
A man would have actually sucked as Rip.
The pantie scene followed by ejecting the Xeno out the door was ebin.
You are what I hate about the internet. The same guy that makes the same comment as 50 other people, knowing full well that no one is going to stop to read it or care. Just can't help yourself can you?
kek troll burn! Gotcha!
good looking lass
whats her name?
Who cares. Let them have their gay little movie
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I'm feeling generous today
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can wonder woman open her own pickle jars?
A man would have had a nicer ass. God Sigorney's butt was like...convcave.
Alamo Drafthouse has a bunch of weird rules. I wouldn't make much of this.
Lynda Carter
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Preferring butts is a sign of ape-like degeneracy. Breasts are the preferred secondary sex characteristic of the white race. Large round butts especially being a trademark of niggerdom. It is a slippery slope toward quasi-human caricatures. I know it isn't your fault, you were raised by the electric jew in a culture that encourages deviant sexuality.
Seems familiar
They usually have a women's night, right?
I think it's called Sexism in Cinema or some crock of shit like that.
She didn't have tits either.
For thinking you're on top, the white men of /pol/ are sure insecure pussies.
The least intelligent whites love tits. The most intelligent whites love ass. That's all there is to it.

the whole woman is plastic. wtf do they inject into her ass to make it bigger? that thing is fucking ridiculous .
The white men are complaining but the real heroes are the minorities who know where to get their rape on.
Fuck Alamo. PC and over priced.
truly cucked
Can we get a /pol/ agent over there to sneak into the Women's ONLY theater and to scream actual misogynistic things?
This movie should be boycotted. Fucking women power films are god awful. This movie will be preachy. If you're a man, you should skip it.
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t. burgerstinian ahmed
Austin is childless nu male fedora faggot central. So what did you expect?
Yeah. Plus it's (((Autsin))), it's like Texas's version of Portland.
> be Wonder Woman
> be most anticipated film of the summer because of capeshit hype and muh stronk female lead
> leave home island to help Steve Trevor in the War
> Steve Trevor dies
> devastated, leave man's world
> come back after 100 years to track down only photo of yourself and Steve Trevor
> get caught up in the fight against Doomsday
> vow to stay in man's world and fight for good because you're inspired by Superman and attracted to Batman
> your entire character arc relies on your affection to white males
Talk about a backfire
Gender is not a social construct in movie theaters.
Probably because nobody was coming to see it, man or woman, so they needed a huge publicity stunt like this to sell tickets.

The preview looked painfully bad, that girl can't act and she DOESN'T look like Wonder Woman. She looks like Stick Woman, the tall skinny whore.

Send her back to the casting couch.

This is one of those things that the free market will fix.

"Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying “No Guys Allowed” for one special night at the Alamo Yonkers. And when we say “People Who Identify As Women Only,” we mean it. "

>And when we say “People Who Identify As Women Only,” we mean it. "

Get ready for a theater filled with nothing but mentally ill tumblr bloggers
Lightbulb moment:

Men dress up as women and complain when they are denied entry.

Then again, if this is Texas, not even the women would care, because they hate trans too.
>they pay to screen it, they can allow who they want in.

No they can't. Their shitty Civil Rights bill made it so you a business can't discriminate on race gender, etc. They're in violation of the law they themselves lobbied for
>dem legs
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Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com

https://archive.is/nPVoi <- salon.com article
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mfw i unironically wanted this to be good so i could use it as femdom fap material
If you are a grown man upset you can't see Wonder Woman with the girls, you might need to get off the internet for a few hours
If businesses could legally discriminate against muslims I would be their most loyal customers.
Time to start a fake SJW campaign agains the movie because its culturally insensitive to have a Jewbeast playing someone from S. America.
Well, there was one small dig that they did to the audience. When all three of them are on screen fighting Doomsday, Superman says, "Is she with you?", to which Batman replies, "I thought she was with you..". Basically stronk-female-she-don't-need-no-maaannn allusion.

An audience that is so stupid they don't even realize that they're being insulted.
I look up to Texas.
I live in California.
Seeing Texas become like my shit state makes me sad beyond belief.
Please sort yourself out, Texas.
Call them and ask if they have Battletoads, already.
ITA: A little faggot bitch
Not gonna work. That's asking to kill six gorillion more.

How beta do you have to be to care about something like this?
Is this some new botting shit?
Only a retarded woman would want to watch this pile of shit called a movie. Let the baby have it's bottle. We'll stay at home and get drunk and then still fuck her when she comes home.
austin is was and always will be a liberal shit hole, no worries the faggotry stays in travis county
Anyone should be allowed to exclude anyone from their private event.

Isms be damned.

haha holy shit
Just say you identify as a woman
I'm so ashamed of myself for ever thinking Austin was a worthwhile city. Like Berkeley, it needs to die a slow, painful, well deserved death.

You what, mate?
Its also a fucking meth capital of Texas, go figure.

My cousin got into a fight with a SWAT team there while trying to get cigarettes out his own car because the police were using it as bait. (Long story)

Then they gave my mom a "stay away from Austin" warning afterwards.

Its an all around shithole. Liberal or not.

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com

https://archive.is/nPVoi <- salon.com article
Very. Wonder Woman is not an interesting character.

D.C. Movies are shit
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>Women are swelling ahead in numbers and >representation across the board.

>Men are quickly becoming minorities and your >post in empowering / enabling bigotry.
some people should dress as trannies and decide halfway through the movie they're actually men
I dont care much for superheroes and did not watch anything in years
How is it redpilled?
Were they really banned or did they just say they were banned when literally no one showed up to watch it?
>most iconic
>not superman or even capt america or batman
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What do you think, goys? (((Beth Elderkin?)))
>My cousin got into a fight with a SWAT team there while trying to get cigarettes out his own car because the police were using it as bait
Please tell, why were they using his car as bait? Did he know they were? Was this a deal because your cousin is a meth head who got caught?

Could always just sue them for discrimination.

abloo bloo
>Austin, Texas
Well, there's your problem.
Marge Gunderson in Fargo is another believable female protagonist who is badass in her own way.
Wouldn't that make it a lesbian only showing because of the strict no-singles policy?

She probably made this thread, just creating controversy and reporting on it. Look at her avatar; she looks like the kind of person whose self-designated purpose in this world is to antagonize. She probably got picked on a lot in school because of her fucking antics.
I'll take this as permission to blog.

>mother in Austin with meth head friends
>One guy at a party gets pissed over 200 dollars one of his customers was behind on
>Grabs gun and drives over to kill the theif
>Mother goes with pleading him to stop
>Guy breaks into theif's apt.
>doesn't find theif, shoots random woman running to protect her baby instead

Days later
>Mom is summoned back to Austin as witness
>Cousin offers to go with as support
>He waits in car while she goes in for interview
>Police promise short interview, thinking my mom another junkie
>She knows a lot more than they think and is sober
>Interview drags on for hours longer than promised
>Mom pleads with detective to bring my cousin into the station, suspects something bad will happen
>Cousin gets bored, and goes to get cigs from car
>SWAT attack
>Cousin is bipolar so he starts swinging back. He ALWAYS does
>Detective who my mom asked to bring cousin inside kept saying he would but never actually did

In the end, everything was okay, but my cousin came home beat to hell and my Aunt was angry with my mother for awhile.
it's literally 1 (now 2 because of high demand) showing out of several hundred showings.

they aren't banning men from seeing it. they're having special extra screenings for women to be all stupid at.

the company constantly has special events; frequently having veteran and service member-only showings and whatnot.

every tuesday they have "tough guy tuesday" or something where they play old Schwarzenegger films, or chuck norris, or whatever.

they have a couple hundred special showings a year targeting all kinds of groups.

they even said they'd help you set up an all-male showing of something if you wanted to set it up.
>There are men that are excited to see this movie
>fish mouth
she's as dumb as the people here crying about it.

men should just reclaim lodge culture with our loyal order waterbuffalo and whatnot.
Austin is probably even more liberal than LA, my guy.

Problem being you can have something like a "veteran only event". You can't do that with sex or race. Same way you can't have a "whites only" movie showing. If they're not careful, they will get sued for sexual discrimination.
>There are men that are excited to see this movie

I don't know why. It just seems like a feminist circlejerk.
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>men want to see the Wonder Woman movie
Reminds me of a sauna that had womens only night. It's morally backwards because there used to be men only areas and clubs for the puepose of escaping female bitching.
>He waits in car while she goes in for interview
>Cousin gets bored, and goes to get cigs from car
these two sentences are incongruent. please explain how someone who is waiting in a car then goes to get cigarettes from said car.
Exactly she's supposed to be an Amazon, why is she white?
Amazonians are from the old world not brazil you fucking retarded apefrican american.
>>mother in Austin with meth head friends
>>Mother goes with pleading him to stop
you mom was a tweeker whore
>Wait outside
That's what I meant to say.

He had actually probably been back and forward between the car and various stores across the street before police hit him.
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