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Anyone else weirded out by the Seth Rich Wikipedia page? This

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Anyone else weirded out by the Seth Rich Wikipedia page? This is so blatantly trying to cover up a story. Who are the people shilling this disinformation and requesting to change the title to Murder of Seth Rich CONSPIRACY THEORY?

>muh right-wing conspiracy theory
>muh alt-right
>muh Russia
>muh Fox News
>muh covering up for negative Trump news
stop spreading fake news
The saturation of desperation is so intense, it's almost as if they want us to think they're covering it up.
It's pretty unbelievable

I know wikipedia is shit and has always been biased but Jesus Christ
Here's to hoping that either Trump's administration knows something and are planning on exposing it, or Kim/someone similar has proof Seth was the source of the leak.

Isn't there one called Conservapeida where you can post anything you like as long as it's right-wing?

Assange and DotCom are both attention whores. If either one of them produces a shred of evidence then things will change.Until then, your theory that the Clinton's are serial killers will be treated as a right-wing nut-job conspiracy theory, much like the pedo-ring operating out of a basement in a building that has never had a basement.
Do you get all your talking points from Reddit?

1) It's not called Leftapedia, Wikipedia made it's name by being unbiased. The article doesn't even try to show the other side in a neutral light

2) This has nothing to do with the Clintons or Pizzagate (which was never about the pizza restaurant in the first place, media chose to focus on that single part to make it look more ridiculous)

Fuck off, you soulless shit head
The fake news link to, that weird. Is it fake news that he was murdered? Some wiki person fix t b at up!
the language is off. it reads like the conspiracy is that he was murdered and the truth is he's alive somewhere. the fact is he was killed and the case is unsolved. a robbery gone wrong explanation has as much weight as a political assassination given how little information there is.

a man was shot. he died. nobody knows who did it. why is that a conspiracy?

it's almost as if anybody can edit a Wikipedia page.

Not everything is a conspiracy.
Except the page is locked down to require 30+ days being a user and 500+ edits under your belt. So no, not exactly anyone. I'm not exactly saying it's a conspiracy, it just fits with how unbearable Wikipedia has gotten the last few years. I've never seen something as blatant as this though, including what >>126917753 said about linking the 'Fake news' article at the bottom of the page
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Jesus Christ
You first.
>Assange and DotCom are both attention whores.

who said this? it's the standard response when you ask a skeptic, "why would assange hint so heavily that seth rich was the leaker?"

yeah, the face of the largest whistleblowing organization in history is an "attention whore." get real, faggots.
>calling a dead person an attention whore
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>Detective Rod Wheeler releases statement concerning the Death of DNC staffer Seth Rich

>SEIU Doctor Lisa Koutoupes Who Oversaw Seth's Last moments was at a fundraiser with the Podesta bros.

>Medstar trauma surgeon Jack Ateljevich (AKA Jack Sava) was at the BOHEMIAN GROVE in 2008!

>Guess who else went that year? !!!!!Robert Anthony Podesta!!!!! (Tony Podesta)!

>Heather Podesta the Wife of Tony Podesta is on the Washington DC Police Foundation Board. This is a massive conflict on interest in the Seth Rich Murder investigation, the lack of investigation into PizzaGate and the investigation of Shawn Lucas.

>Seth Rich's Murderers Use his Account to Spam Psychological Warfare

Wikipedia is Marxist shit but unfortunately there isn't a better alternative.
they did the same thing to the Pizzagate article. They also created a locked article called "Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election."
Those articles reek of ShareBlue/Media Matters paid editors
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