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Duterte declares Martial Law in Mindanao

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Thread replies: 319
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Stay safe bros. We are all Catholic brothers and this mudslims won't get a piece from your land. DEUS VOLT
Duterte is such a boss. he makes my girlparts all gooey

Daesh in Philippines? wtf, whats next? Daesh in Mexico?

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>50 ISIS terrorists disrupt city
>Duterte declares martial law

Sucks to be British right now
The Philippines has needed a 100% kebab purge for a long time.
End every last one of them. DEUS VULT.
Martial law also allows you to suspend habeas corpus. Not sure if they have that in the Philippines but if they do, Duterte can now authorize drone strikes and bombing runs on his own soil.
First time ive heard of this and im suprised.

These motherfuckers pop up like roach infestation i swear
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Isis goy tweeted this a few minutes ago, these cheeky fucking cunts are gonna get glassed by duderte.

discord gg/64tszX
i hope duterte personally shoots each of those sons of bitches

how can britbongs even compete
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STFU Even if they got here they would get BTFO by local population, the cartels and the Military so hard that they would want to forget their first footstep they took on here. The only realistical scenario for this happening is forcing an anti-USA candidate on here, unfortunately we don't have one as all political parties (((PRI, PAN, PRD, MORENA))) are sold to the world's elite (aka Soros, Rothschild and company. Mexico is Catholic and always will be, despite the Juarista establishment's push for atheism on here. Establishment will be defeated and a strong monarchist Mexican Empire will emerge and become superpower from the mighty Indigeneous and Spanish cultural mix. Wait 4 decades and remember this post, Mexico will be BASED again. ISLAM WOULD BE CLEANSED FROM THE WORLD ONCE THEY TOUCH MEXICO. DEUS VOLT
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Sup Catholic bro?
B-bu-but anon, d-didn't the clash was provoked by a local separatist group? Islam is a religion of peace.
Duterte removes kebab from Philippines and then the rest of the world.

Kek wills it.
With 50 people?


I love this guy so God damn much.
I do admit, climate change played a big part in motivating these oppressed men of colour, but the islamophobe in me just wants to see them all wiped out.
Based president
just shows what 11% muslim population can do
Go Duterte. Do iT!
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weAyPl3EaGw
Live feed from a Philipinian TV Station.

Could someone make a translation of important thing being said? Any philip-bro please k-keep us posted.
ISIS lubing up their puckered arse holes for a good reaming I see.
Digits confirm filps are now Aryan
Most powerful race
finally we can bomb mexico
Not much
Look up the history of Mindanao.
KEK demands it. Remove Kebab
Is he going in to kill them personally?
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Evil losers about to be BTFO
Why did I read that as Mandingo?
He'll thrown them off a helicopter with pork-filled weights.
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Dutdut cut short his meeting with russia and is coming back to flipside.

Army said the whole city is undercontrol now and they're now in search and destroy operation.
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Most powerful president
they hop across from indonesia to stage attacks
We are everywhere


Holee fucking shit. Not gonna go out drinking this year.
Duerte is about to deliver full brutality. Can you just imagine how vicious he is going to be?
nah your cartels would make them feel girly.
>Thread music
Deus Vult and God´s bless you all
Where in the living fuck is my live stream?
i hope Duterte invades Indonesia and Malaysia next. Drive out Muslim scum!!!
dont you have a cartel called the knights templar?
getting a war-boner here
>gg and digits

they do

The autodefensas blew them the fuck out before the government stepped in and stopped the people from defending themselves against the cartels.
He said he'd be worse than marcos.

He'll be harsh because they forced his hands.
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The absolute madman
At least someone on this planet is willing to take out the trash.
So Filipino anon will Duerte go full crusade mode?
As a Westerner, I'm not a fan of authoritarian leaders because I can keep my shit civilized, but I cannot deny that authoritarian like fuck is what it takes to keep Muzzies in line. I hope he goes in and cleanses that city. Muslims are the antithesis of Western Civilization.
Solid tune, and I usually dislike metal
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Gonna be funny how the Phillipines becomes Africa tier after the sanctions they'll get for something like this. But xDD no muzzies
Trump won't sanction the Philippines for this.
I don't think you know how much pressure the deep state will put on Trump if Duterte goes full genocidal maniac.

That being said, I hope he purges the goat fuckers.
Appearantly ISIS has declared the city its first state in the country.
>As a Westerner, I'm not a fan of authoritarian leaders because I can keep my shit civilized,

60% white

How has your civilized discourse worked out for us?

The time for talk is nearing an end.
>if Duterte goes full genocidal maniac.
Do you think he will livestream on periscope?
Duterte will tie them to the back of his motorcycle and mail the video of it and their heads to Syria.
clueless libtard detected. USA has been helping phillipines fuck these mudslimes up and use it for jungle special forces training.
literally and unironicaly this
Free helicopter rides 24/7.
This will start WW3. Screencap this.
Those autodefensas threads were magic.
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We are with you fellow brothers from over seas.
stay strong and keep it up
As a Filipino, I've had deep reservations regarding Duterte.

But I find myself approving of this. Oh damn me to hell... Hail Duterte.
well he can get as far as the sulu archipeligo before he hits malaysia, most of the islamic faggots hide out over that way. Not as many in malaysia.
Yup and in the stratfor leaks there are communications between HIGH ranking people who consider themselves the real Knights Templar acting all pissy about them stealing the name.

Pretty funny.
because you suck nigger cock
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ISIS are fucking up Marawi. Reports of beheadings, quran tests, dead people in streets

Around 50-100 ISIS militants stormed the city, burned down a catholic church, and are btfoing dirty filipinos. It will be interesting if Duterte can solve this.
wtf, i love Duerete now.
I cant wait to see how many of them he murders
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Holy shit. How can I move to the Phillipines??? HEIL DUTERTE
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women not wearing hijab are being kidnapped and raped too

duterte needs to do some killing.
They have been in the Philippines for a while.
They usually just kidnap people and demand ransom. They have a lot of shoot outs with the Philippine police and military. It isn't just ISIS either, they have multiple Islamic terror cells hiding in their jungles.

Its about time somebody did something about it.
bump for epic carnage
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Duterte will defeat ISIS
> Moving to the philippines..

How do you handle 38-42 degree celcius during summer?
teachers in the local college have been beheaded and heads on display on pikes by a highway

Phillipines is so godawful at military and policing lol
any good livestreams, friends?
>It will be interesting if Duterte can solve this.

Duterte doesn't believe in shit like rules of engagement. He'll wreck them because he values order quite a lot. he also doesn't care about global opinion.

I hope he burns them alive.
That's normal here, it's 40 celsius here now. The way to deal with heat is to drink some cold fucking drinks or smoothies + Air Conditioning.

this is all I could find for now.




That's good to know. then you need to be somewhat careful if you're white. you'll be a target to many criminals.
So fucking jealous... wish we had a leader with some balls..
Fighting threats like this requires counter operations aka infiltrations and corrupting/torturing someone to flip.

I think Duterte could do it. Just kidnap a few, find their families, peel the faces off their relatives in front of them until they agree to infiltrate for you. Counter Ops should be easy for someone like Duterte. Maybe he could eat the flesh off one of them to show how fucked they truly are.
Same way I handle 42 degree Fahrenheit I suppose. With a sweater
Just carry a pair of bootleg nikes around to give them. Flips love their nikes.
I'll just carry my glock. Those are still legal right?
Islam is an ideology built on conquest and it's quite good at what it was designed to do, unfortunately. This is all about conquest, there will be no co-existing with these people.
I'm still confused here...
Why exactly doesn't he just put in the military? Flank the city from 4 different directions with APC's and a few hundred soldiers and the threat will be gone within a day.

The fucking city has been taken over by terrorists, why the fuck doesn't Duterte send in the heavy cavalry?
Pull some KGB shit and start executing their families. I just hope kills them all, it's ridiculous how much Islam has been allowed to grow in Philippines.
Is Duterte the second coming of LKY?
So is Duterte going to be the first one to actually shoah muzzies?
> carrying glocks.
Now it's not just the thugs that are after you and now the cops.

While I really see alot of flips wearing nikes... I don't think people rob people just because they wear jordans. I think that's a nigger thing.
Yeah, it's stupid to have rules of law when it comes to terrorism. Fucking coward shits. Everything should be on the table. Hopefully duterte finds some good psychopaths to work this. They get to enjoy the work and Phillipines becomes free of terrorism.
>only 100

Just imagine what 500 of these people could do running through the streets of Germany or Sweden. The people wouldn't stand a fucking chance - sitting ducks.
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Not much different than Florida
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It would be hard to organize covertly. Although that would definitely be an exciting news cycle.

Counter operations, aka say Rhodesia style, is what wins against groups like these terrorists in phillipines. You have to infilitrate like a virus, identify all the targets and connections, and then destroy them from the inside.

It's not practical to fight them outside the organism.
Fine. I'll just carry a knife. Are you guys as against race-mixing as Americans? Flip women are lowkey hot. I'd like to sample the local pussy
whats the context of this?
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Go Duterte, Go!
None. /pol/'s favorite politician since Pinochet is actually a muzzie. You can't have everything you want anon
>Yeah, it's stupid to have rules of law when it comes to terrorism

Anyone belonging to ISIS should be executed using their own execution techniques. The Asians have always been pretty good at dealing out punishments. Maybe they can capture a few and feed them to some dogs .
low key? are you autistic? have you seen those women? their so hot it makes me hurt
I'm from fucking AZ, it's 40C right now.
Let's remind people about duterte.

Libtards SJW from west hate him
His people love him and elected him

Reminder, libtards SJW are cancer on humanity. They are not people.
China already properly handles their muslim terrorist population. You don't hear about it though because the stories don't leak. They just "disappear" but everyone around them knows.
but muh world leaders!! i don't really care that much, it doesn't effect me

I expect a genocide of Muslims in 1 month.
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I actually am faggot. Stop being so intolerant and go watch some Sesame Street
ban test
Flip women will kill for you if you're good to them but if you ever cheat on them you'll have like 30 of her cousins looking for you. I grew up around a fuck ton of flips in Alaska, great people but they are extremely protective of their own. I respect it.
I think being a hapa is a burden as those who racemix, if they're poor, are technically gold digging whores who never really cared what will the offspring will be... they only have a kid because they wanna escape poverty by conceiving the child only to be left behind by their white father.

I have seen alot of hapas here that are fucked in the head.

I've seen 2 hapas that got fucked harshly back when we're younger due to drugs. 1 of them actually died during our teens one got addicted to meth after several gang bang sessions and I dunno if she's alive still.

Although being a middleclass and the potential flip qt is a working adult, you might not have a problem that much.
absolutely based
flips in usa are generally successful and adapt well, high avg income. flips in SEA are different. The culture is still shit there but maybe duterte can clean it up a bit. They need a tough dictator for a few decades.

Since IS has been losing ground in the middle east, they've put recourses elsewhere, including ASEAN countries. It is something that has been feared by policy institutes for a while.
I cant tell if this is pro or anti duerte propaganda
I knew a flip in high school, I remember the time he had a group of nigs trying to track him down and beat him up. He made one phone call and within 10 minutes 2 vans rolled up with like 15 of his cousins. They definitely look after family.
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Actual thread theme
Fuck. That sucks. I'm just a student right now but I'll be rich in 10 years. Would not go for some poor pussy. Might fuck it. But never Waifu that shit
>I actually am faggot
punctuation is key here
It has nothing to do with infiltration, it has to do with pussification of the West. Nobody in the West has any fucking balls to act like a savage. If it were up to me we'd cull their women and children right in front of them. If it were up to me we'd run through the streets with flame throwers and roast them alive.

The problem is the West is too pussified and they have a "shoot back" policy. Fuck that. We need to break them.

Everyone in the West is so cucked by their own laws and misplaced sense of moral superiority, we think if act like Mr. Nice Guy we will defeat Islam. It's absurd. What needs to happen is every single Mosque and Quran burned to ashes and every single Muslim killed and Saudi Arabia needs to be nuked.

Nobody will do any of that though, so our idiot politicians will bring the fight to our homes and we will have a real fucking war here on our own streets and by the time that happens, it will probably be too late.
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Oh boy do they know how to roast kebab. Constant police inspections, ban on muslim names, travel bans, arming Han-supremacist gangs, and recently a mass DNA-collection drive such that even if they blow themselves to bits the PRC will find out who you are.
you have Trump.
That's exactly what I'm waiting for to happen.
The reason they went for a muslim city were simply because it is easier to control. But we are so damn passive here in the west, so I don't think for a second that people would go out in mass and kill the occupiers.
We would simply sit tight and wait for the rescue, just like the casual muslims are doing in Marawi now.

Considering we have at least 3 fully muslim controlled suburbs in Sweden, this shit is bound to happen before 2020.
All they have to do is rent a few trucks(fill them with weapons), rent an apartment in a city in the middle of Sweden(to store the weapons) and then just casually drive down there by taking different routes, etc etc.

Nobody will notice, target police stations since those are the only defense of normal cities and POOF. Done.
it doesn't imply I'm a faggot either way. Lack of comma makes it weird but it doesn't change the meaning. Leave grammar noob
If you're gonna be a sex tourist then by all means come here. Many of us always assume that those who whore themselves out to foreigners are pretty much the women to avoid the first place... Hence they produce that inner hatred against her own race.
>flank from all 4 sides
It takes a while to organize a military response

How long has the city been occupied now?
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Godspeed Duterte
Gorilla Warfare is the most complex kind of warfare Sven
Our military and the muzzie scum are masters at gorilla warfare so they're careful of what they're doing to prevent losing
Warfare Power List
Gorilla > Naval = Aerial > Desert > Urban > Planes
>as a westerner, i'm not a fan of mean people saying things that makes me unconfortable, but i got no problem spread my asscheeks and borders to any subhumans that comes my way, because i'm smart
cucks were a mistake
I think having your organs harvests, the organs of your friends harvested, and no mention of this publicly is pretty halal.

The good part is you make a little money on the side.
Well. Kinda a sex tourist but more like sex resident who hooks up with everyone because he's a qt, shy American, with a big benis
Duterte is a racist declaring marshal law and not letting the muslims kill each other
The oozing sore where your penis used to be doesn't count as girl parts. And it's gooey because it's secreting puss in an attempt to heal shut.
I just saw some mud shits on normie book trying to say this is all a lie and there are no fires etc. I think they are scared of Duerte lol
This guy is right on the money, so envious.
That's the narrative on reddit too, that's probably where they get their info from. You have to understand that now Muslims have internet access (another great way whites have helped out their enemies) and they are going to spread a false narrative to keep people in the dark.
> Shy american

Hahahahaha! it'll be twice as hard to get laid here if you're like that.

Big dicks don't mean shit if you're a timid cuck infront of women.

Dont bank on getting laid here even if you're white with that kind of attitude. You'll just say we're racist as fuck in the end.
they released a propaganda vid a while ago showing them training among palm trees.
Cartels beheading ISIS members with chainsaws on liveleak when?
God bless
aussie here.

Even for me its fucking ruthless heat. 32 degrees feels like 45 cause of the humidity. How do you guys handle it?
Damn. That's unfortunate. Can't get Thots in my country. Can't get thots abroad. Maybe time to an hero?
This would be a bad idea for ISIS. After they defeat your military, your drug cartels would quite literally wipe them out completely.
You are racist as fuck but in a funny way. Half the shit I've heard flips say would get most white people in a fuck ton of trouble.
They're Indonesian faggots starting shit with their pissant prophet as an excuse.
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are you upset your food is not popular at all in USA?

Vietnam - restraunts and food places all over
Thai - food all over the place
Japanese - food all over the place
Korean - food all over

But filipino food is considered shit here. Why don't you cook good food?
More like live on Facebook
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>he makes my girlparts all gooey
Reading this shit makes me want more than ever that women are replaced with traps
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Quick, someone post some prime Chris Chan taint
If it makes you feel better socializing with Foreigners like flips and Brazilians is pretty easy because they are very friendly. It's not like in America where everyone is cliquey and shit. They are pretty easy to talk to and most of the ones speak English like to practice it.

I've traveled a lot and the hardest place I've found for socializing is America. People here are more skeptical of strangers than in a lot of other places. Just a lot friendlier and open. Just don't piss them off.
time to buy some rope
I thought it had been ongoing for 3-4 days, apparently just a day.
So yeah, that makes sense why.

It takes time because you don't want to lose men.
But considering these guys doesn't seem to have a ton of heavy weaponry, APC's could push the city extremely fast.
Just look at Aleppo in Syria. When Assad finally had the upperhand, he took the main part of the city in like 2 weeks if I'm not mistaken.

Mostly because the lack of heavy weapons the rebels had near the end.
These terrorists in Marawi City are roughly 50-100 fighters. There is no chance in hell that they could hold an actual large assault from different sides.
That didn't really bother me as much since I ahven't gotten out of the country yet.
Kek reminded me of that one black british woman who cried in front of the camera because locals here called her a black pig.


It's a fact of life m8. I know alot of flips with white wives here and it's all about you making the initiative.

All things you like won't come your way if you don't push for it.
There will be an Islamic conquest within the next 20 years. I see more Muslims here in the US too and I live in Florida for fucks sake. I literally NEVER saw them 5-6 years ago and that's not an exaggeration. I see them fairly often now.

Obama was an Islamic infiltrator, he and the idiot white morons in Congress brought Islam to the US as well. We are not as far along as you are but we are getting there.
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>US politicians will never be this based

Why even live?
>Maybe time to an hero?
Drinking lots of water and staying by the mall, I guess?

Also taking a bath twice or thrice a day.
Good to know

Fuck though. The digits don't lie
Livestream pl0z
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Dem quads.
Get em, flip Trump! Kill the fuck out of those moehommadans.
Sounds like he's about to fuck these ISIS bitches up.
That's funny, do they really think they can go against government or govern themselves with Koran without having military struggles among themselves? Sure now they have Duterte, but what after they defeat him(if).
He did not seem upset at all, simply giving an actual advice.
The fact you assumed such, and brought up a completely unrelated subject, imply you are projecting really hard, and are, in fact mad, as, hell.

Now, considering the subject on the post you replied to, how could one assume you are anything but an insecure little manlet with a tiny dick that can't get laid despite pursuing genuine whores that fuck anything ?
How could one assume anything but that you possesses an enormous inferiority complex, which is probably founded on Truth, after all who but you is best placed to know you ?

tl;dr ur a faget
Quads command it
No livestream if it actually happens. Just gonna be nice and quick. Don't want to have you fags add me to your gore folders
>being surprised about islamic terror in mindanao
What do the philipines feel of other asians? Specifically those raised in the west and more on the quiet side.
we have dealt with Moslem scum for centuries already. Nothing really new
It makes sense. Lot of muzzies in Indonesia so I'd assume it's the same throughout the pacific islands
yeah man, family pre much trumps over everything over there.
Fucked up.

Police must have been jealous of being shown up and not able to extort for bribes.
Please purge on Periscope.
you can't handle bantz dude
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Holy fuck
So based
We're pretty cool with most asians with the exceptions of the chinese for quite awhile due to a very successfull american propaganda.

But ever since dutdut is in power , people are slowly having a softstance for china.

If you consider indians as asians, they're pretty much made fun here because of how weird they are and them running loan shark businesses here for quite some time now.

Flip americans, who grew up in the west, are widely considered not good if they bring their liberal west mindset here.
Filipinos should kill all the Muslim civilians. No Muslims, no problem.
>not fucking the ladyboys instead

they will throw themselves at a white man. Plus lots of them are pre hot too.
That's the problem, they won't. Non-Muslims are too cucked and too sympathetic to do what's necessary. Even Duerte didn't follow through on his drug addict cleansing, he only culled a few and then got some bad PR and quit shortly thereafter.
US has fought Muslims in the Philippines since before the World Wars. Been there since GWOT began in the early 2000s. Its nothing new, you're just ignorant.
>buried them in a single grave after watching white hostages get killed through incompetence and subsequently walking in with an uzi
two groups that I dislike fighting each other, feels good ... now I know why everyone is fapping to the syrian conflict, I am enlightened
That's thailand
based slaughtering times
Are you trying to pick up a food fight with me ?
You... You're aware of my flag, right ?
Have you any idea how easily i'd shit all over you ?
Huh. Well I am originally from China but was raised by a western famiky and was just curious. Was thinking of teaching abroad and philipines wouldnt be out of the question.
>whats next? Daesh in Mexico?
Weren't a couple of their operatives captured in Meheeco recently?
Don't thieves, especially muzzies, try to steal jewelry from others over there in the Phillipines? I remember hearing that somewhere
>yfw muh white superiority countries don't have a leader with balls like this one
Superiority complex fags B T F O
I hope this will be done soon, along with the kikes, women, niggers and others subhumans parasites.
>this is the man who will save the west

absolutely fucking based. he gets better every time.
it was banter you retard
Oh boy dem army is going ape shit soon
The last time this happen, rebel blood smeared the highways
He's saving Asia, which is the east, from the corruption caused by the west. Fuck outta here, he isn't saving us he's making sure his country doesn't become like us.
What subject will you be teaching though? Also Westernized chinese are wellliked here so don't worry. Don't be too much of a liberal though.

Used to happen alot before dutdut came to power. If they managed to see wearing a gold earing, they'll rip it off your ears.

Now it's either they went to hiding, turned over a new leaf, or pretty much six feet under.
damn can I join the flip army on this one?
Oh, so you merely pretended to be a fat small-dicked manlet.
Oups, sorry, it's just that when looking at the united-statian metrics, it's hard to not become mistaken about that haha
my point is, maybe JUST MAYBE someone over here will take notice on what he is doing and try to install a similar mindset or try to do something. Hes setting an example on the global stage, i just hope someone over on our side gets the message.
If you want to join the flip army, show some dedication and become a citizen through legal channels first.
They're not cucked enough to have a foreign legion.
English of course. I am one of those guys who tried his hand at an office job, bit lost occupationally and thinking travel will do me a bit of good in maturing. No drink or drugs, just spoiled. Only got English though.

Not a liberal at all, pragmatic I prefer to think, I think both sides have value in some areas but a lot of it is pretty stupid besides.
>it's stupid to have rules of law when it comes to terrorism
I would argue that islamic threats are not a law-enforcement issue, but a war of state versus state. Muslims enforce their own laws on each other, creating a de-facto state separate from the Philippine government. Therefore it should be acceptable to fight them in an unrestrained manner as any state would against another.
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Europeans are virtue signalers on a genetic level, what he is doing would not be possible in the west since that's mean.
He isn't even CLAIMING to have the moral high-ground at all, how would someone like that be able to make the brainless cunts vote for him ?

You're aware women are the majority of the electorate, right ?
>“And if I declare martial law in Mindanao, I will solve all that ails the island. Hindi lang rebellion. Pati boundary ng lupa,” he added. “It’s going to be a military take over all over again. And I will not interfere, except to give the orders to the direction of whether they go south, east, west or north.”
oh boy giving him an excuse to ravage the rebel's asses
> english
Please take philippines off your list as we're pretty much very fluent when it comes to that.

We're so fluent that Sokoreans flocked the philippines because of cheap english educations.
Doubtful. Duterte and his drug war implicates him as being a snackbarer. He's a secret moose limb.
fuck catholics and fuck pope people
Ok thats fine. Thanks for the heads up, im still just starting looking at teaching options. Still food for thought as a holiday. Issue is im puny (5'3) and a skeleton so not sure if id end up a corpse or get rekt by thugs. But always wanted to visit it seems nice and the girls seem gorgous.
>says bongistan

really ? because in every game you guys infest (pretty much every single mmorpg and moba), the english is shit-tier at best

or are they different pinoys ?
They are already in Mexico.
protip american anon - you're talking to an r/asianmasc poster

if you're there to pay for sex, you will get swarmed, because its a third world country, it has poverty problems, so a lot of pretty women realise they can make bank by sucking foreign cock
shyness levels dont mean shit for literal whores mate

M-Mi general?
Sweet. How many dollars for sucky-sucky?
Flips are essentially Asian latinos. So their English is similar to your average American Juan i.e. much better than most of Asia. Thats all though.

they said they are raping or killing anyone not muslim or without a headscarf
Yeah man, come here if you want to have a good time. People here are very friendly specially in the province.

Just be mindful that they kinda overprice their rate if they knew you aren't a local specially in the transportation department.

Happened to me once in my hometown since I didn't come back for like a decade. kek. I told them "mga gago, dito ako lumaki tangina" (You idiots, I grew up here!) and we all laughed our asses off.


That's what I said in the first place.


Flipside pretty much overtaken Pooland when it comes to Call Center biz. if that isn't a good indication of our proficiency, then I dunno what
>really ? because in every game you guys infest (pretty much every single mmorpg and moba), the english is shit-tier at best
Street kids are the best at MOBA shit because that's what they do all day and it costs them less than a dollar to rent a computer for 3 hours.
ok, so the bombs are free to fall with only subhuman casualties then.
No, they just straight shoot them. The only hostages were the non-muslim from the government ppl
He's going to start the purge, and you're an idiot if you think this is a good thing.

Purging muslims and purging you is only a minor technicality.
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I dont know, i never seen a drug trafficker immolating himself next to some civilians, and drug cartels using missiles to destroy cities.
Sounds good. How is safety for a really timid looking guy though? Was planning on travelling alone so. Cheers anyway
We gotta talk

What the fuck is with making discords for random fucking events?
I don't want to hear your breathy fucking voice screaming how its happening.
>first they came for X, I didn´t speak up because I wasn´t X

WRONG anon, plain fucking wrong. Learn into history. Tribes fight and kill eachother, doesn´t mean tribe a will suddenly fuck their own tribe a plebs up just because they fucked up tribe b.

Fidel Castro took Havana with 150 rebels. All you need is to intimidate the defenders from afar to think that your numbers are greater and to establish a prior and public record of brutality. Genghis Khan knew this, capturing empires with only a few thousand horse riders.
pretty hospitable. If you managed to strike a festival there, they'll offer you free food and you have to be forced to drink until you're intoxicated. kek.

Don't worry bout getting looted to some area as most provinces are that hospitable... with the exceptions of mindanao... as what this thread suggests, it's in martial law as of this typing.
somebody needs to doctor up a photo of the toddler from daisy's destruction btfo'ing some mudslimes
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fucking BASED
Will do. Thanks man.
It's a pleasure, m8. Have a nice night.
he has already been saying since campaign promises that if any of the rebels fuck burn any city he will go after them,

You see, he has been hammering down an island filled with muslim rebels, the abu sayaff who has been literally reduced to ashes.

though he literally can remove them now since it is a martial law

he can now search for the sympathizers inside houses. which the army can't do
how brutal will he get over this?
Phillipinos are truly the strongest race on the world
mfw doot doot is seen shooting muzzies in the streets

Latest statement from Duterte himself before returning to the Phils.
Imagine if Mar won
we pretty much get a bunch of Abusayaffs dying by the dozen every day for the past 5 months. it'll be much harsher from here on out.

Symphatizers and those who coddled bandits will be dragged out of the open. I'm pretty sure it'll be bloody.

And of course we'll prolly be seeing human rights abuses in the news in the coming months ahead.
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Pic related from the sidebar of your link made me lose.
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>Human rights must work to uplift human dignity
>Not used as an exuce to destroy the country
That fucker went mountain hiking and forgot to bring rations. And the fucking MRT bullshit still hasn't been resolved yet. It was infuriating to watch yesterday's hearing.

Imagine what will he do in this kind of situation.
I had a pretty hot time with a Filipina a few years ago. What do Filipinas generally think of tall, muscular Latinos?
Are you an actual flip or the typical autistic fat white sex tourist who can't get pussy in his own country
they like white people and they like americans so if you happen to be both its pretty much you having 100% shot at banging one of your choice.
Black Flag above the dome
RIP marawi
the army literally has a boner of raining bombs with the jets we got
Well, I'm American but like I said, I'm Latino.
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duterte is a god among men.
>>As a Cuck I'm not a fan of authoritarian leaders because I can keep my shit civilized, but I cannot deny that authoritarian like fuck is what it takes to keep Muzzies in line. I hope he goes in and cleanses that city. Muslims are the antithesis of Western Civilization.
There fixed it for ya you fucking faggot now kys
Allah is the god of Abraham, i.e. the god of orthodox jews and christians alike; however that said some believe the trinity inherently makes god unreachable unless through christ following his death, this is according to scripture (my personal belief as well). I wouldn't reference other religion's out of association but ignorant christians get memed by muslims into believing they are similar and highly regarded as people of "the book" so pay useless respects when speaking on Islam when a few chapters later the "prophet" demanded their blood.

The way I see it, the "prophet" prayed to pagan gods in times of weakness this is well recorded and retreated to solitude receiving his "visions" as a pagan, by christian account he could've never truly received salvation, guidance, or wisdom of god in a post-christ era without belief of the trinity, which never changed after his "visions". So by our religions standards he was a false prophet whom made a historical rendition of what god was and prayed to said false god using our titles as a form of convenience, may he burn in hell.

Nonetheless, the allegorical account of Muhammad's "visions" were an absurdity and a condition of awfully coincidental convenience, such as when Aisha requested he no longer consume honey due to his breath and he agreed, upon being offered honey he was struck with a vision that he might consume it and that his wife Aisha if complained was to be beaten for not being obedient to her husband's wishes as she should be.
Update: I was trying to contact with some of my friends there. They said there's 0 signal. They can't call or send messages bcs terrorist has set an improvised explosion device thru cellphones.
>Allah is the god of Abraham
no. he is the god of muhhamed. he just stole it from the jews because he couldnt into imagination.
Fuck off muslim shill

Maybe if you'd have bothered to read before posting, you'd have seen that we agree, you triple nigger.
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Show the west how it's done.
royal muslim family soon, united cuckdom is over confirmed
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No Anon. You merely need to become the most powerful race, just like Philippines.

Then you acquire your own Duertes.
You guys suck sometimes, honestly.
I'm white and American, buuuuut I'm fat and can't put the fork down. Do I still have a chance?






>The time for talk is nearing an end.

the problem with that shit is that normies are only willing to listen to shit that makes them feel good about themselves (=> discussion always starts devolving into virtue signaling)
> retards not realizing hes just using this as a hook to gain more authoritarian power because hes a little commie faggot mao wanna be

hahahahahaha fucking loser

Its not the same anon. Same temperature but the humidity will fuck you up if you're not used to it.

I really hope this happens soon. You guys will be the sacrifice that will wake up the rest of the world. Embrace the glory Sven
he wasn't kidding around
Am I the only one that's triggered by how shit quality the ISIS flag is
So i suppose you think the correct decision here is to sit back and let your people be slaughtered by invaders, yes?
You sound like a right fit for Sweden lad, you're wasting your time in this oppressive nation.
Pretty much
They did pissed him off
they cant even draw a fucking circle correctly.
Funny how ISIS got active after Duterte is visiting Russia.
yeah see >>126844549
Hey guys see this! It appears to be a confirmation of ISIS attacking Mirawa...
>mfw the jihad continues on Asia
Sorry forgot link:

thats a good little commie pig
>that entire post spent shitting on Islam and explaining exactly why Muhammad was a false prophet
>Muslim shill
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probably won't get your choice of the bunch but i'm sure theres a few there that might like fatties
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are you retarded? hes a godless commie

holy fuck where did all these retards come from?
Well I've only ever had 3 girls attracted to me and at least one of them was Filipino so there's that.
>quran tests
The fuck are those?
I deal with that here, dude.

they want everyone to memorize the book from memory. probably asking for verses, etc
Filipinos almost worship people with aryan features
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Is he the Philippine Andrew Jackson?
Pretty much the muzzie version of "Complete the line" except instead of being out of the game if you fail to complete the line, they murder and buttfuck the shit out of you.
post the cuck propaganda one
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