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Out of africa ideology is dead

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How will (((they))) ever recover?

We need to rub this in the niggers' faces until they an hero
Post some salt.
is it still true that all maternal lines come from africa though?
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Don't let this slide /pol/ !!
So Jesus was white.
it's not, read the article you damn buffoon

this isnt a good thing

now they will say europe belongs to niggers.

Yes it is rabbi - and the beautiful thing is - it isn't over. The chinese will come out with a big beautful anti-africa thesis they worked on in the last 5 years with tons of findings to back it up...oooooh vey!
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out of africa was always a horseshit theory pushed by nwo kikes and leftists

The papers are already starting to trickle out.

I wonder how they know where to dig

also out of africa has some strength as it was made up by people not actually from africa. the chinks have their whole thing going on as a nationalist project, this could be the same, but out of africa is not
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it says europe is the birthplace of mankind, not niggers

You don't think OoA is agenda-driven?

fuck nigger desu
did you even read the page?
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>the Russians were right all along

Holy fuck.
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*breathes in*
It was always pretty obvious. Negro genes are so dominant that there's no way they were lost after only a few thousand years
Yes. Try it.
>Singularity is a Jewish plot
Literally Deus Ex's plot
Is this why the kikes are scared of Russians that much?
They though they killed the fucks in the revolutions and gulags but they're still alive and kicking
If the Russia is the 3rd Rome theory is true then all hail our Russian overlords
>"we found this partial monkey skeleton that has a bigger tooth than the other ones"
>1. "it must be evidence than mankind evolved over millions of years from this bigger-toothed monkey creature and that all species are derived from single-celled organisms that sprung out of rocks billions of years ago"
>2. "We found a monkey with fucked up teeth"
Occam's razor says atheists are retarded
t. Nigger
LMAOing at your lie right now
Once upon a time they actually thought humans descended from africa

AAHAHHAHAHAHA so primitive thoughts

Absolutely. Marxism cannot overcome truth. And that is why it will always fail.
it's less obvious anyways

I've still got a soft spot for the multi-region hypothesis, particularly because I reckon Asians are hairless orangutans.
Thats okay canada belongs to us now
juden pls
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Of course he is.
People who fell for the socialism and marxism meme needs to redpilled on how they're the kike's puppets
Is the Italian gene guy listening? Embarrassing thread, eh?
Young earth creationism is bait, but he does raise a good point. How much were certain political agendas shaped and pushed through inferences drawn from African monkey bones that are being contradicted by inferences drawn from even older European monkey bones? Would it not be prudent to avoid basing worldviews on conclusions drawn from science which can be BTFO like out-of-Africa might be by this?
That's not Out of Africa though, the most know being Recent Out of Africa. That one says that Homo Sapiens left the African continent some tens of thousands of years ago, and took the entire planet from other hominids.
This Out of Africa is about the split that originated hominids and chimpanzees, millions of years ago It was first thought that ot happened in Africa, but now it seems to have happened in Europe.
t. missing link-pro
>kinds are clearly different from one another, even before you start exploring genetics
>racist outdated hatescience

>find some old monkey bones
>mayb we didnt come from africa after all!

This science shit sure is confusing
bump of best racism
Finally i dont have to pretent that im the same race as these dindus
on what are you talking about this is clearly proves the kike nigger origin hypothesis is wrong reeee
Can we now get back to declaring blacks property?
Why would you have ever pretended that before this?
Yeah, it seems like the sensationalism about this find is the implication that the early homo species originated in Europe and not Africa, or that this species produced humans different from those produced by the non-human species whose fossils were found in Africa.

Are they saying anything other than "the oldest ape we've found that isn't like chimpanzees lived in Europe, but eventually their descendants wound up in Africa where homo sapiens came from"? How does this affect other "homo" species that the sapiens bred with?
For the 100th time, these fossils are from 7 million years ago, nothing that looked anything like us was around back then.
Wow, europe really does belong to all of humanity
>Are they saying anything other than "the oldest ape we've found that isn't like chimpanzees lived in Europe, but eventually their descendants wound up in Africa where homo sapiens came from"? How does this affect other "homo" species that the sapiens bred with?
That's exactly what it's saying, but for some reason /pol/ thinks it's relevant where some pre-human lived at one point in time.
>Shills and DNC imploding
>EU is crumbling
>Out of Africa is dissolved to nothing
Truly the best timeline
>Europe produced monkeys who only became intelligent when they went to Africa
>/pol/ BTFO!
Its not quite dead, but it certainly serves to reposition early hominid origins.
>go to archive it in archive.is
>"This was archived 34 minutes ago"
Never change pol
Yeah, instead of flinging shit with its hands, it kicked it. An intelligent decision, no more shit-stained hands.
>who only became intelligent when they went to Africa
Thats not how to say the middle east
The authors of the study have already been sanctioned for hate speech, invalidating their "research". The majority of scientists agree that the "out of Africa" theory is the correct one. A few racists can't change that.
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Pure white goy
Aren't the oldest homo sapiens fossils found in Africa though?

Per this reasoning, if anything it makes an even snappier soundbite and richer rhetorical device than the presentation of the world as being rich and empty before African-origin humans went there.
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>its Greece
>the cradle of democracy and civilisation
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visibly , humans are different from kikes and niggers
God is an SS Overlord with millions of Auschwitz hells ready for action
>We need to rub this in the niggers' faces until they an hero
I tried that yesterday but the problem is that niggers don't like to read. Not only the few free college ones that do know how just call it "white mans bullshit news" (unless it's putting niggers on pedestals)

Who cares?

The only thing that interests (saddens) me is that Europe a hundred years from now will certainly be "out-of-Africa".
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Greek master race confirmed again

Nord cucks eternally btfo!
1488 1776

Expose the Jew. Name our enemy. Don't let them pit you off against the muslims.
Don't let Jew media shill your reality away.

It's not even a false flag at this point. The jew running the muslims as a proxy army against the west. EXPOSE THIS.
Shill the Truth everywhere. Write it on walls, stick it to bus windows, piss GAS THE KIKES in to the snow.

We have to present this truth to the world, its our offering.

The problem with this nonsense is it entirely depends on what they happen to find. It's making a theory based on pure chance.

We could discover an 8mil year old human-whatever in NZ tomorrow and it would completely fuck up their theory, because it's so arrogant broad
Especially if you consider being white a state of being and or code of conduct. Jesus acted very White.
Even the kikes wanted to be you
The flag color scheme screams "We are harder greekaboos than Rome"
you wish, leaf boi
It still means that whatever this hominid was migrated to Africa before it became Homo Sapiens

The earliest Homo Sapiens no doubt came from Africa
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>The smartest species came from a country full of two digit retards
>Graecopithecus is not an ape. He is a member of the tribe of hominins and the direct ancestor of homo.

Europeans confirmed for homos, bbc reigns supreme!
Was thinking of Ethiopia the time I'm typing

I just noticed this
The kikes made the greek word for man associated with faggots
Truly vile creatures
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>birthplace of mankind
>birthplace of western civilization
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It makes sense because they people that stay were they evolved are going to stay primitive

The people that had to adapt to new climates had to be smarter

That is why shitskins from similar climates of African jungles are fucking retards
my ancestor :)
>Byzantine Empire

That's some /his/ tier nonsense.
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>90% of the population were Greeks
>Not Greek Empire

That's some paki education right there
>The kikes made the greek word for man associated with faggots
homo just means same (eg. homogeneous)
Then can you explain why Greeks were a millennia ahead of everyone else?
>Knew the world was round
>Created the first steam machine
>Antikythera mechanism
>Advanced war tactics
>Can trade with everyone

fix your fucking economy, then we'll talk
because Greeks aren't from Africa?
>thinking the world isn't flat
>being a millennia ahead of everyone



Eratosthenes accurately calculated the circumference with just the Sun
Before the Greeks discovered that everyone thought the world was flat on a turtle's back
Thoth raised up our ancestors into an enlightened precious few after the great flood, and from Ancient Khem they spread out in all directions to rebuild in homage (or perhaps something much more) to the great pyramid of thoth.

It's like you niggas have never even read the emerald tablets. It's all there. Our history, the connections between ancient civilizations and even the purpose for these monoliths.

Niggers as our ancestors? Only a kike could dream up something so offensive. Literally.

lol you are completely retarded, with your halfbaken knowledge

greeks couldn't even have calculated 0-3 properly, because for them negative numbers didn't exist, the 0 didn't exist, only rationals and naturals existed

so every product of two numbers for them would have only been the product of two sides

Nothing we use in our modern world is ancient greek.
I personally think Indian mathematics is superior m8 but nobody back then knew how math works beside the Greeks and Hindus
Greeks started it and the Hindus refined it
Anything from the "Islamic Golden Age" is just Greek and Hindu texts from ages ago translated to Arabic
Geometry and Physics is still stemmed in Greek mathematics especially Physics with the Archimedes principle
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holy shit, LITERALLY over 7 million years of separate evolution, and coal burners actually mate with that other species
Just one of them. The research for the out of africa theory was never meant to be displayed as the be all end all of where humanity started. It was just the one maternal line that they traced before asking for more funding for the others. The person who made the theory has also came forward and said that the theory isn't accurate with the new data and that there is a more refined theory about multiple lines being isolated and evolving in clusters but the media keeps pushing it regardless.
>Homo sapiens and Neanderthals were able to interbreed and create fertile offspring
>considered to be different species

>blacks and whites are able to interbreed and create fertile offspring
>(((scientific community))) still considers us to all be the same species

We all bleed red, goy! Race doesn't exist! Now shut up and let your daughter marry Tyrone and love your mulatto grandchildren :^)
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