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Guys please #prayforariana she did not deserve this

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Thread replies: 342
Thread images: 84

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Guys please #prayforariana she did not deserve this
Fuck Ariola grande
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I bet the bombs going off sounded better than her music
There's no way that's real
holy fuck is that real
This has to be incredibly traumatic for a young woman. Good thing he's rich because she's going to need a lot of therapy.
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No you idiot, it takes one second to check
no wayyyy thats real
>implying a beaner wouldn't suck a fart out of her ass
She literally sings about getting fucked by nigger dick until she can't walk straight, and how fucking niggers makes her feel like a dangerous woman, which is her album title.

I couldn't give less of a fuck about her. I do care about the fact that the West is getting overrun with Muslim terrorists and no one is doing anything about it.
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*she's rich
suicide when

that would fuck with you not going to lie
That can't be fucking real. You have to be joking anon.
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Pic related is an actual unedited photo of a prominent English duke

Look at this man and tell me that the Anglos aren't inbred

>and no one is doing anything about it

You included.
She got a huge redpilling in one night.

It would be hard for anyone to deal with.
totally real brah.

fucking mexican. you need to lift more
>Implying Ayatollah Grande did not throw the grenade herself
fuck her but ill pray for the English kids that died though
Burn the Coal Pay the Toll.
has phrenold phlomp commented on this yet

Someone put her in the collage.
It takes 10 seconds to look it up you retards
Listening to her newest album in heaven?

Nope they're definitely in hell you retarded thot
fake news
He looks like a mid-tier boss in a linear game.
Robin Williams was rich too, didn't stop him from an heroing
They were at an arianna grande concert...

Guess she will have to push rampant sexuality to young girls another day?
Implying most beaners didn't stop liking her the minute she started tanning like crazy.
Loved celebrities in Mexico don't try to look browner leaf.
Fuck that boring pig eyed bitch.
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>look at OP picture
>mfw next to her hair it says "bc"
I hope her brither kills himself because of this
British cops drive like sissies. Look at how slow they respond.
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I'm not going to ariana grande's twitter you sycophantic faggot, that's why I'm in this thread
Jesus fuck if was a sand nigger. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY YEAAA BABBY
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I just tweeted this image and a plea to her. I'm sure she'll ignore it and #notallsuicidebombers
she cried when Trump won. She should bear the guilt of this as much as possible, because she's stupid enough to believe that more rapefugees are good for society.
>On sale now at the iTunes store.
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what song was playing i cant make it out

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/mu/ posted this earlier and people responded the same way with someone following up with "/mu/ is the dumbest fucking board around". Thanks for proving them wrong faggots
Im blue dabndee dabn dai
lets all just gather and suck the farts our her ass so she can stay calm and not have to worry about a little less
He had Parkinson's though.
>no TM
I've never heard any of these singers music these days and yet I've heard OF them. What is that?
Surely you mean blomph
Breaking: Ariana Grandes hit new single "ride dat brown cock" wins 3 platinum awards
She needs to go on the trump collage,she cried out of misery when trump won the election
Dumb wetback thot.
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No waaaaaay that's real. NO. WAY. That is real. NO. WAY THAT ISREAL c'mon anon. No way is that real. NO way that's real. No WAAAAAY that's real. No way that's REAAAL. No way.
Lol ride that brown cock
Yes clearly I'm the one who should stop Muslim terrorism, rather than our entire government, law enforcement, and military apparatus. Brilliant, you fucking retard. Holy shit, just go kill yourself you worthless trash. First why don't you eat my cum out of your mom's asshole.
Didn't she say she wished all her fans would die though?
Just post that everywhere with the hashtags
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Bills herself as "dangerous woman"

She aint fucking kidding!
Her album is called coal burner?
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>suck the farts
Fucking bitch , the rich and famous do not care about anything except their own. Terrorists have bombed the whole of europe and now when someone famous almost gets fucking hurt the media turns.
Because they're popular but only because of personality and image not because they release good music.
Ariana hates America tho
She should stay in Rotherham

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really ? you dont say ? im in your debt for pointing that out for
There any footage of the explosion? I find it hard to believe there wouldn't be somebody filming at the time it happened. It's a concert.
Rip to the victims and condolences to their families. However,fuck that little empty headed sleazebag.
What does that have to do with the thread you retard
>Ariana Grande cried when Trump was elected
>now crying because she saw firsthand the evil Trump was trying to warn her dumb ass about

This bitch just got the redpilling of her life.
Nothing of value was lost.

I was pissed about the attacks, until I watched some Adriana Grande videos.....now I'm more pissed at that this woman is idolized by teenage girls.
He is bitching on the internet about it.
Maybe because you're a NEET autist? Her trash plays constantly on the radio.
She's known more for her Nickelodeon Schneider soft CP shows than she is for her music tbqh.
Leftys in loser denial will blame Trump after following this storyline
A bunch of thots get blown up and Islam continues to look bad? Sounds like a win win to me.
This degenerate bitch deserve it.
>She literally sings about getting fucked by nigger dick until she can't walk straight
Proof or shut up.
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He was misdiagnosed with Parkinson's, that's what killed him

I'm complaining on social media anon!
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Time to turn the youth against the shitskins
doesn't she possess fabulous tits
I've never heard of this degenerate cunt
It doesn't say nigger dick, but the song basically is about he she got fucked so hard she can't walk right.
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Her career is probably over now...that is why she is in hysteria.
>maymay arrows
fucking cunt. she helped do this.
Literally what song?
she getting fucked by niggers all the time and shoving it in her little girl fans faces, I have zero remorse for that whore and would bet money on her being in on this, or her Jewish masters being in on this
there's hope for the uk
>florida pls
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I'd say this should redpill women about Islam (the main reason why we're importing shitskins) but I'm just too cynical now
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You think this could have been prevented, but everyone that heard this dude was going to nail Ariana Grande encouraged him without understanding the context?
google her twitter you dumb seppo. its fake.
Not a great tweet
>florida please
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>these """""lyrics"""""
Pop music was a mistake.
Lmao no these attacks just grow support for the left.
Florida massacre = Hillary rose in the polls
French massacre days before the election = macron rose in polls
9/11= Obama a SOM OF A MUSLIM MIGGER elected
what in the fuck hahaha
Trump wins Florida in the election.
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Florida turning red was the PonR.
I don't get it. Can someone explain these lyrics to me?
yeah I wasn't sure of the date till after I commented. Glad my state made her sad.

God I hate that faggot.
Florida strong. County went red after 8 years for that muslim nigger.
She was a Hillary supporter...
It's pretty simple. The chorus talks about how they fucked for so long that she can't walk right (side to side).
When I posted this I only got 2 (yous)
The nails might have been useful for something else.
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its ok lad ill give you one
she broke justin biebers heart
she's a miley cyrus wannabe I don't really care
Holy shit you guys these lyrics are absolutely disgusting, only a nigger lover would sing something so vile, so heinous that they would sing this I front of our children

I remember when music use to stand for something, that white slut deserved it

But they were NOT REAL Muslims. They were just mentally ill people who just thought that they were muslims :^)
Wow. That's deep.
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>I have been with my fuckbuddy all night
>He has fucked me so hard I can't walk straight

>I see you standing over there looking attractive
>I want to fuck you
>I don't want to think about the possible consequences to this action, and I feel that you don't want to think about the consequences either

>I'm coming to fuck you
>I know you have a poor reputation and I know you are someone I shouldn't spend time around, but I wish to fuck you anyway
>I don't want to think about the possible consequences

>My friends keep warning me that this is a bad idea
>I don't care

this is modern pop music
Roasties really got BTFO tonight
Muslim: Say no more...
She fucked a playboy and afterwards her pussy hurts so she walks funny.
jesus fuck
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based muslims
Does pol not understand that Florida has always been a red state? Been that way for decades tbqh since they have a high amount of elderly voters
What? How did this happen? I thought that Britain had progresive gun laws unlike us? Arent gun attacks supposed to be a thing of the past? No one needs guns, after all thats what the police are for!.
Thanks friendo
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Holy shit I'm friends with him on kikebook lol
I just shifted timelines. It was an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. I had read a thread, just after a European terrorist attack, filled with you guys bitching about this niggerfucking slut hating America and needing to stay in England...long before this happened. Then the feeling washed over me and here I was reading this thread again.

I don't know what's changed here. Berenstein was actually spelled "Berenstain". Trump was President. The Russia conspiracy was falling apart and Kim Dotcom and Sean Hannity were working together and about to bring Seth Rich's murderers to justice. President Trump was in Saudi Arabia and Wilbur Ross danced around with a sword. The Saudi King and Trump did some weird thing with a flowing orb. There was an upcoming election in the UK and Jeremy Corbyn ran over a reporter with his car. That's what I remember from the last timeline. Can I get a quick rundown of this new timeline?
True. It makes their vagina bleed.
I want to console her with my D
You should learn how to read friend, BOMB ATTACK

Nice try tho faggot

European royalty is inbred because they wanted to keep their royal bloodlines pure. Has nothing to do with commoners. Go back to middle school world history, you dork.
She's Italian senpai.
I feel sorry for those who died, the last thing they saw and heard was Ariana Grande
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Now that she knows precious and fragile life is, the next time she has sex is going to be revenge sex X1000 levels of passion. Fuck, Im not gonna be the first chad or tyrone to fuck her after she has been humbled like this
Kek's justice never fails
Pinellas or Monroe?
>Trump is president
>Brexit happened
>Still there's a terrorist attack

It's almost as if Trump has changed nothing...
What a fucking degenerate whore.

Sounds like you didn't go anywhere.

Thinking the same thing unfortunately
Florida always gets revenge
Fuck this cunt.
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I hope none of you faggots listen to metal, pretty sure I heard worst edgier lyrics come from that "music"
Maybe the muslims were trying to do us a favor?
looks part turkroach
Oh no! A MTV whore is bummed her concert was shit.
Breitbart isn't real news and barely has any investigatory ability, why would anyone give a fuck about their opinion?
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Isn't she a filthy Italian broad?

I'm surprised she's not always leaking nut from all her orifices from her kike overlords.
Looks like she just got the biggest redpill of all.
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If she's as dumb as her character on Sam and kat she probably still doesn't know what happened. She just heard the bomb and thought people just really liked it.
She's probably already had sex since it's happened.
Rebbit out!!!!

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Lol are you okay Anon

Do you freak out like this when you see girls in bikinis?
Ariana Grande: I hate America, I hate Americans, Fuck Trump.....Kaaaarma.
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Any vids of the actual splosion? cant seem to find any
It's he responsible for the free world?
she ran into a safe room filled with nothing but dicks
“She did autographs and pics and was all smiles until she got into the elevator,” a stunned industry insider tells us. “And as soon as the doors shut she said, ‘I hope they all f—king die.’ ”

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Look at this fucking faggot and laugh
when the anglo starts getting soft at least we have the slav to keep us on track.
She got her wish I guess
Wish she died
Tbh I'd be pissed at all those fans too. Must get really fucking annoying.
fuck off
the blood thickens
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Hail Satan.
muslims can't do anything right. she's still alive. what the fuck?
it would have been funny if she had said "if Trump wins, I'm leaving the country"
maybe the dumb bitch will realize muds are bad
Where is the gore?
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The walking side to side song from a few months ago
Almost as if Trump isnt the PM of Britain, and British elections have only happened very recently, and theyre still in the process of negotiating brexit
this was at a meet and greet where fans were charged $495 to see her. Not just fans on the street.
the world actually gained value.
He's right you know
Digits confirm Manchester is a deep state cover for the expected Seth Rich leak tomorrow
She's only in "hysterics" because she believes white racism is responsible for this

Fucking shitskinned whore
She do be fine tho
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Can't say he didn't warn you about this shit
Is she redpilled now?
>meme arrows on memebook
>putting words into her mouth
While it's clear she doesn't like Trump, she hasn't exactly been proactive at bashing Trump either. She hasn't even publicly said "Fuck Trump"
Yeah, cause they would never just say she was higher in the polls, right?
Whuts apeneeeen?
Oh mah gawd...
No you
why is she so perfect lads?
fuck, that makes me erect. Is she 18?
this little bitch is the one that caught complaining about how much she hates racist america right? I wish the bomber had killed her.

Because she isn't white.
thread theme:



Digits confirm that it isnt and that you are retarded
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The song literally has a BILLION views


She brags about burning coal - even though her friends protest. She says she loves having it as a secret

I hope the little 10-year-old white girls (with nigger dicks glistening in their eyes and minds) took 10 - 20 minutes to die.
>"the 2 yoots?"
Old fag here I had no idea who the fuck this was until this happenings.

Feels good to be that unplugged from the decadence around me.
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The one good thing that could come from this is Ariana Grande taking a big fat awful red pill and mobilizing her fanbase against Islam.
>always been a red state
what is your definition of always? because that's wrong
if youre really avoiding the entire genre of metal you're missing the fuck out and possibly have low T
A delightful sacrifice for Moloch.
Whats wrong with feeling good?
>don't think goyim
>fuck whoever you want
>just treat your body like a garbage dump and die
>when you meet a fellow mat sic and you hate them

Seriously hit the gym you fat fucks
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>was in florida back in October of last year for a wedding
>the have dinner with the bride's family
>they warn us about his grandpa, telling us he is a bit "old school"
>calls obama "that dirty lying nigger" at the dinner table
>him and I have a discussion about degeneracy while drinking after everybody fucks off and does their own thing
>calls one of the caterers a faggot at the reception

Best part of my trip

I really need to go back to florida, get the fuck out of [spoiler]detroit.[/spoiler]
This can't be real
When did this happen? WTF I step away from the internet for a couple of hours and a concert explodes

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fuck her ugly fucking face
im sure she really gives a shit
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>Mfw I learned her world tour is called "Dangerous Woman Tour"
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>florida pls
royals dont breed with common folk
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actual tweet edition
>another dan schneider softcore kiddie porn
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Police obtained a photos of Grande and this unidentified man before the blast. If anyone recognizes him, please inform authorities.
She's in hysterics due to the lack of grande white cock
Just curious the people who went there getting any refunds?
>tfw Florida but didn't vote
Good thing it went red anyway so no guilt
they probably will be getting refunds
How is this justice anon 19 people are dead, most likely white kids
Fake and gay. They don't even have Chili's ™ in bongistan, why would they sell the gift cards?
She deserve (to be fucked (every way you can imagine))

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That's not pussy lips. That is a nuva ring that slipped out.

Illuminati happenings forsure.
>Trump is responsibility for the national security of Britannistan
Will she be converted? Anti-mudslime chart topper when?
Are there more like these in UK?
>most likely white kids
They're Brits though it's ok, otherwise they would just grow up to be low quality shitposters. There world is better without him.
Her next album confirmed for grammy and Lifetime achievement award.
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Them tears might ruin her makeup guys, show some fucking respect, prayers on the way
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Florida is truly the Australia of America making them the most powerful race of people on the planet.
She burned the coal as a career move. Once her Nog boyfriend wasnt of use to her anymore she dumped him. Then the theme of her new album was "dangerous woman" because shes single now and ready to be independent. She will end up with a white guy in the next 5 years.
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get a load of this guy
Beer Can Dan
Danny Diapers
"Ass Man" Dan
Danny Daycare
Spread 'em Dan
Candy Man Dan
Family Man Dan
"Big Daddy" Dan
"Deepthroat" Dan
The Big Dick @ Nick
“Dirty” Dan Schneider
Open Wider Schneider
Schneider The Butcher
"Bend Over" Schneider
"Foot Soldier" Schneider
Dan “The Man” Schneider
Dan "The Biter" Schneider
Dan "The Spider" Schneider
Dan "The Defiler" Schneider
Dan "The Initiator" Schneider
"Down South" Dan Schneider
Dan "The Plunger" Schneider
Dan "The Bladder" Schneider
Dan "The Seducer" Schneider
Dan "Teen Bedder" Schneider
Dan “Rough Ryder” Schneider
Dan “The Collector” Schneider
"No Lube Required" Schneider
Dan "The Despoiler" Schneider
Dan "Deep Pounder" Schneider
Dan “She’s a Fighter” Schneider
Dan "Get in The Van" Schneider
Dan "Cunny Hoarder" Schneider
Dan "I've Had Tighter" Schneider
Dan "The Fart Inhaler" Schneider
Dan “Deep Inside Her” Schneider
Dan "The Overnighter" Schneider
Dan "Came Inside Her" Schneider
"Please Mister, Slower" Schneider
Dan “Likes ‘Em Tighter” Schneider
Dan "The Rough Rider" Schneider
Dan "The Meat Grinder" Schneider
Dan "The Diaper Slider" Schneider
Dan “The Cheek Divider” Schneider
Dan "The Virginity Taker" Schneider
Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider
Dan “The Hymen Collider” Schneider
Dan "The Demolition Man" Schneider
Dan "The Cervix Wrecker" Schneider
Dan "This One's a Bleeder" Schneider
Dan "The Pussy Annihilator" Schneider
Dan "The Starlet Sodomizer" Schneider
Dan "The Junior High Insider" Schneider
Dan "Already Creampied Her" Schneider
Dan "I like 'em Small And Tan" Schneider
Dan "That Ass Could Be Redder" Schneider
Dan "But I Poop From There, Mister" Schneider
Dan "Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am" Schneider
Dan "We Got Ourselves A Screamer" Schneider
Best Man Dan "The Warmth Provider" Schneider
Dan "The Man With The Plan (to rape)" Schneider
Dan "Say Goodbye To Your Brown Eye" Schneider
Dan “If You Have A Daughter You Better Hide Her” Schneider
>blowing up innocent white lolis

The day Achmed went too far
I guess all of those "Trump touching the wall" and "Trump bowing" posts earlier weren't doing the trick.
explosion during last song. No refunds goyim. Those shekels belong to her jew masters.
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Shes probably just concerned about ticket sales.
Hold on a minute, she's just getting out of my shower
Why would her career be over because of this? Her tour is probably over. If anything her chickenhead fans will just want to support her even more.
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Dan "The Manchester Marauder" Schneider
Well visiting /pol/, you guys are not very bright huh...

>fake tweet in 3rd post

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Her next album will be Adele style. So brave. So strong. So woman.
Yes, there's plenty, please go enrich them my good man.

All she is thinking about right now is her sales tanking meaning her debt climbing, her career dwindlng. She'll have to get more risqué and reveal more flesh, wear more provocative clothing, possibly even go to an M16+ rating, get caught in public being the bad girl. She'll never recover, she'll be forced to do interracial porn with very hung black porn actors, after she is stretched out she'll be bought by chinese overlords of Crown resorts and sent to the Yakuza to do black interracial JAV. Let's face it her career pretty much bombed.

Things won't really improve unless we genocide or deport all nonwhites. However Trump and brexit will keep things from getting much worse for a short while.
I'm so sorry that she boasts an Italian heritage. I'm concerned that 15 yo girls listen to this with the placet of their parents
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You guys know shes dating Mac Miller right?
I'm just glad Chris Cornell wasn't around to see this.
>all of these verified accounts responding in desperate hope of attention
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Listen here fucktards. I love Ariana and her music. I went to her concert in March and it was incredible. She has music with more meaning than just side to side. The most talented singer alive today.

God damn motherfuckers attacking the moonlightbae. Where do I sign up for the drone pilot program. I wanna bomb the shit out of these assholes
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Ebin, simbly ebin.
Yeah because nobody went to see the dark knight rises. Oh wait.
this post is 100% correct!
>yfw Ariana Grande denounces degeneracy and converts to the hard right

>yfw she renounces black men and becomes a chaste holy shieldmaiden, and a leader in the final crusade against Islam

>yfw she helps lead western women away from their self destruction and helps save the West
Dan strokes again
someone post the collage
Don't forget the best line
>Wrist icicle
>I ride dick bicycle

Anyone who let's their children listen to her, let alone take her to the slut fest she calls a concert is an unfit parent. No one lost today was going to grow up into a model member of society.
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She used her nog boyfriend as a career move and then dumped him the moment he wasnt of use to her. This girl literally wants to have white babies.
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Does he have Bog blood?
>thinking Dan "The Starlet Sodomizer" Schneider had anything to do with it

Ariana is too old for Dan "You'll be Famous When I'm in That Anus" Schneider.
Is she white?
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Truman Show, meets Islamic invasion/takeover of Europe.

>The most talented singer alive today
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I thought that was like a Make-A-Wish thing for him.
t. mordechai shillstein
>not knowing us beaners south of the border hate that cunt in the same special way we hate Selena Gomez or Jennifer Lopez
fucking kek
Actually did, she is a pro refugee that hates white people.
So you going to genocide to combat terrorists. How does that make you any different?
Maybe she wants her white skin back now ?
wait a minute, that kind of looks like
Dan “Get In My Van” Schneider
Dan “Dick Like a Beer Can” Schneider
Dan “The Man” Schneider
Dan "You Can't Hide Her" Schneider
Dan “Open Wider” Schneider
Dan “Rough Ryder” Schneider
Dan “Easy Glider” Schneider
Dan “Special Cider” Schneider
Dan “She’s a Fighter” Schneider
Dan “Deep Inside Her” Schneider
Dan “The Cheek Divider” Schneider
Dan “Likes ‘Em Tighter” Schneider
Dan “The Hymen Collider” Schneider
Dan "I like 'em small and tan" Schneider
Dan "The Overnighter" Schneider
Dan "But I Poop From There, Mister" Schneider
Dan "The No Lube Required" Schneider
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>Shindo L
As Orlando is the premiere Brazilian colony in the US, praising this post is relevant to my interests.

All hail Florida.
>renounces black men
>becomes holy

1 drop rule. 1 drop of bigger blood makes you a nigger. One drop of nigger semen makes you lower than a nigger.
>wanting to live in a state filled with retarded white trash and dumb niggers
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>She has music with more meaning than just side to side
Name the track
I must've missed something cause usually you just double down and shill harder that Islam is pieceful!
Who the fuck is this person and why should i care
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She dates mac miller now you fucking retards
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removing the fleas of the world does not make you a flea, it means you're concerned about your own well being, and as an extension, survival
do you live in a fucking rock?get music is everywhere.

the way was a cute single
Yea and Wilhelm the last German monarch had a disfigured arm because of inbreeding. All the monarchy were inbred in Europe. What is your point? Oh that's right... you have none because you are just a angry little nigger.
mac miller is a faggot
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Toll paid
Prolly had subtle songs about fucking anyway to a kid audience.
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From a fucking kike, who shit rap, and I think is still being sued by Trump. He's also a major supporter of BLM.

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Someone give this man a cigar
If just 25% of English girls look like this, it's no wonder why all the pajeets and hajis and killing each other to get to bongistan
>Subtly promoting your albums after a terrorist attack

Dear God.
Just checking ... Dude didn't throw the grenade at her right? I mean why wouldn't you?
>your hips aren't gonna move by themselves

I beg to differ.
her pussy already had nigger dick slathered all over. she's used goods.
>crescent moon on her shirt
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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_RKinK-O5N8 "Sometimes"

"Leave me lonely"


Personal favorite here

Also I'm a 21yr straight male always get shit for liking her but I am who I am. I can appreciate talent
A lot of loyalty for a hired singer
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((( They ))) did it again!

Holy shit
>Shield maiden
Why is it always retarded Americans talking about this dumb, made up shit? Is it because of, Vikings "We're Totally not Game of Thrones: PG Edition"?
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>if something feels good how can it be wrong? lol

Hedonism desensitizes you to pleasure. You need more and more until you inevitably burn yourself out. Moderation amplifies pleasure and allows you to enjoy the simpler things in life.
>Literally all songs about love
Not much more meaning, but I'll give it you

Here are the ones of hers I like

But none of these are meaningful in any sense
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miller is so fucking ugly tho lol
altho ariana seems to like dating ugly rappers that dress like stoners/skaters even tho she could get the chaddiest of chads
Makes sense. People are afraid after attacks and the policy of the left is accommodation and appeasement. It's certainly the easier option versus "Hey we got all these fuckers killing us, lets go kill them back!" The mentality of fighting off the barbarians at the gates died in the past and isn't in line with the new 21st century thinking people are raised with.

I voted for Reagan and I remember after the Libyans started fucking with us how Reagan didn't screw around. He bombed Gaddafi and made him a little bitch.
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Absolute madman!
Maybe she's wondering why someone would bomb a concert after it was over
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