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Brit/pol/ - Amagi Brilliant Park Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 75

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>Thread Theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPShqXDLIr4 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>2 days left to register to vote

>One in four Labour voters back a split if party loses election

>Lord Sugar says he will vote for Tories in the General Election

>Cigarettes sold in plain green packs under new rules

>Corbyn restates commitment to Trident after Thornberry casts it into doubt

>Indian UKIP candidate suspended for racist tweets

>Pippa Middleton marries James Matthews

>Conservative and Unionist Party Manifesto:

>Labour Party Manifesto:

>Liberal Democrat Manifesto:

Just imagine how much you cucks would be foaming at the mouth about this if John Oliver told you to care.
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Was this anime any good?
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First for Violet Berlin and Andy Crane.
Vote BNP
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great job
[Embed][Embed][Embed][Embed][Embed] edition
is it true?
hes back?
>spamming the same independent article that quotes buzzfeed again
Why isn't the gaurdian all over this if it's not out of context horseshit?
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You like the cock embedded in your arse now don't ya lads?

fuck off ahmed mccuck
With all the changes to cigarette packets why not just make them illegal?
Why are we beating around the bush?
Anyone else here considering moving to the colonies? Thinking of AU or NZ myself.
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L-Labour arent going to win...right?
They want more 15-17 year olds on the vaping than smoking.
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>Hitler offered total cessation of the war in the West.

>Germany would evacuate all of France except Alsace and Lorraine, which would remain German.

>It would evacuate Holland and Belgium, retaining Luxembourg.

>It would evacuate Norway and Denmark.

>In short, Hitler offered to withdraw from Western Europe, except for the two French provinces and Luxembourg [Luxembourg was never a French province, but an independent state of ethnically German origin], in return for which Great Britain would agree to assume an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards Germany as it unfolded its plans in Eastern Europe.

>In addition, the Führer was ready to withdraw from Yugoslavia and Greece.

>German troops would be evacuated from the Mediterranean generally and Hitler would use his good offices to arrange a settlement of the Mediterranean conflict between Britain and Italy.

>No belligerent or neutral country would be entitled to demand reparations from any other country, he specified.

>The proposal contained many other points, including plans for plebiscites and population exchanges where these might be necessitated by shifts in population that has resulted from the military action in Western Europe and the Balkans.

>But the versions circulating in authoritative circles all agree on the basic points outlined above.

>In a prepared preamble, Hess explained the importance of Hitler's Eastern mission "to save humanity," and indicated how perfectly the whole arrangement would work out for Britain and France, not only from the ideological and security angles but also commercially. Germany, he pointed out, would take the full production of the Allied war industries until they could be converted to a peacetime basis, thus preventing economic depression.
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Did you know that the UK once won a war in 38 minutes? From the point of declaration of war to the enemy's total surrender, we got it done in under an hour. You can only say things like this if you're British.

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Because then you get an illegal trade in them
>if John Oliver told you to care.

Yank on holiday detected
Right lads
Tell me this

Why don't people care that they will become a minority in their own country
Do they not realise that the systems we have in place, well the best parts of our society are based on our shared culture and heritage
Its why we wanted to fight other peoples throughout our history
To preserve ourselves and our ideals

But now we won't be able to do this through democracy, when we are outnumbered by people who prescribe to a different culture and heritage

You would think this is something people would care about of they had any foresight
Uh racist much??
It gives us a good reason to refuse people treatment on the NHS.
>John Oliver
Could you imagine this man leading the country?

Money made in tax and early deaths caused by cigarettes is considered a net gain.
It's hard to collectivize nearly 60 million people, under one banner. Especially with how mixed us Brits are (nationality). I've got 3 nationalities in my heritage, that I know.
Lads, why is anime so expensive here? Also streamfags can fuck off, physical media is better.

£50 for the collector's edition of Amagi Brilliant Park. Also it didn't receive a 12 classification, it received a 15.

Hopefully they do so we can keep on using the internet in some kind of recognizable form.
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But could you imagine the price of milk?
>Why don't people care that they will become a minority in their own country
Are most people even that knowledgeable about birthrates and the racial breakdown of the country?
The NHS is basically funded by fags. Fucking ironic.
I think this "Jeremy Corbyn praising people getting blown to bits by the IRA was because he was actually involved in the peace process" thing is the absolute fucking worst meme

Actually genuinely pisses me off
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Depends where you go. If you go to comicon or Forbidden planet, you're going to be paying hand over arse. Try some venders on Ebay or maybe even J-List.
Kill yourself you waste of space this is not politics. Go to Britfeel

Apply yourself to a woodchipper
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Nonce is getting angry lads.
He was in the right, he handled this situation very well.
I can definitely see him running the country and taking charge of Brexit negotiations AND securing a great deal for the UK.
Have a feeling May is going to blow it
Why are you upset about it being a 15? Will you now need your parents' permission?
>Also it didn't receive a 12 classification, it received a 15.
is your mummy not letting you buy your nonce cartoons
That's cheap compared to Japanese prices.
Japanese anime BDs are £50 for a volume containing 2-4 episodes

>Buying anime

Also, try dealing with 2-3 episode BDs for $70 dollars a pop like in Japan
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>Oppress, murder, and brutalise Catholic minority

>Get surprised when they fight back

The absolute state
Why are you here? Why do you continue to post your banal, vapid nonsense in every brit/pol/ thread? There are numerous anime boards and there is literally a thread over on /r9k/ for you to chat shit on.

But no - you have to post it here. You would be happier and we would be happier if you just left.
>1 in 3 women have had an abortion

Bye bye, nonce.

Bye bye.
Lmao if you actually belive this you really are a virgin stormcuck
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Now now lads. We all know the BBFC treats anime unfairly, there is nothing 15-worthy in Amagi.
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>Foreword by Benajmin Zephaniah
Of course it is
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8/8 m8
And that's HOW... For NOW.
Nah tightened polls will mean the turnout for the tories will go up. All the maybe wavering boomers will think about corbyn as PM and abbot as home sec etc and go back.
I don't want my children to grow up in this world

I hope I can encourage my girlfriend to moveback to northern Ireland with me
idgaf about the entire ordeal or your shitty bait, I just don't like history getting retconned because people want to maintain that Jeremy is a le nice guy
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Remember: A vote for Tory is a vote to ban porn and censor the web.

Fuck Theresa May, I'm surprised people here even like her. The crazy regulations she wants to put in place should surely go against everything we voted for against globalism. She is just the next slimeball that globalists will try and push at us

Go back to >>>/r9k/

>Northern Ireland

Literally a shithole. White trash.

>Guys! Guys! Hou know how I invaded the whole of Europe? Well I totally didn't mean that. We should have a ceasefire - not so I can consolidate my position and absorb the losses in order to attack you later - but so we can all live in peace and stuff. I'm totally being honest, lads, really...
>doesnt like gays
>doesnt like abortion
if he had more charisma and strength he'd be an interesting political figure. Instead he stumbles around looking like a twat to both sides
This is well documented.

If you don't think we should have made peace in 1940 you hate Britain.
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>t. angry white man
>let us trust the man who's gone back on his promises about 5 times in the past five years
Its far better than my experiences of England and Scotland
>scottish """people"""

Someone nuke Glasgow
You're not going to be able to achieve your goals. Biologically, Humans can only keep up to count with 250 people, or a villages worth. Collectivism is alright, when we're talking about a vague sense of national identity. But, you're not going to get that with ethnicity.
>watch as ever-expanding German empire with open goals of world domination surrounds you
>he guys he totally won't invade, he promised he won't

You are the one that hates Britain
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>just a normal person
Glasgow is the heroine capital of Europe. Fuck em'!

>the jews were meant to happen
>multicultural, multi national britain was inevitable!
good goys
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What's YKTD doing now?
>Where should I post my anime pictures?

>Anime & Manga - Nope
>Anime/Cute - Nope
>Anime/Wallpapers - Nope
>Hentai - Nope
>Ecchi - Nope
>Yuri - Nope
>Hentai/Alternative - Nope
>Yaoi - Nope

>Politically Incorrect's Brit/pol/ threads - Perfect.
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>normal person
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>hate (((britain)))
yes just as hitler hated weimar germany
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Apparently it was a 1 post special
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Ireland is what Britain should be like

The sense of community and the will to fight for it
>Let's just fight on so we can destroy our Empire and the future of our people

activates the almonds tbqhmate

>Open goals of world domination

Not once. His only goal was to expand German influence in the East. Not once did the Nazi party mentioned that Germany should conquer the world. Obviously, our handlers couldn't be having that so we got roped into that suicidal war.
Reminder the entirety of ireland is British Clay
TFW: Scottish nationalism is based on "WE WUZ FREE N' SHIEET" films.
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Imagine avatarfagging with GAZZA'S MATE WHO LIKES CHICKEN
Go to the country side, you'll find the exact same thing. I live in a village on the outskirts of a city and we're all like that.
where is this from?
Actually, it's more like this:

>You declared war on me.

>I defeated you in France fairly.

>However, I don't have any real desire to conquer the West so I'll offer these exceedingly generous peace terms in order to fight the battle I wanted in the first place, on the Ostfront.
In this interview the woman says:
>Up to 1 in 3 women in this country have had an abortion.
Is this a misquote? If not, then Christ on a bike, this country is overrun with slappers. I had no idea things were this bad. This country really is shit.
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>implying a powerful germany in charge of the east wouldn't be oble to overpower us by the 1970s due to huge population growth
Our empire was fucked either way you stupid cuckold.
>The sense of community and the will to fight for it
Sinn Fein is literally BRITS OUT BLACKS IN
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somewhere between zero and 33% sounds fair
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Imagine: If we had never been allied to the surrender monkeys, the British empire would still be around.
>Ethnic solidarity don't real

wew lad
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Here's a comic I saved from a Brit/pol/ several months ago.

What does it mean lads?
Hitler didn't want to invade Britain. He wanted to pressure us into folding. The order for Operation Sealion ends with the clause "if necessary". German propaganda also emphasised that the war was Churchill's doing rather identifying the British people as the enemy.
Britain became terminal the day we entered the Great War.
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>I don't have any real desire to conquer the West

Okay, Adolf. We believe you.
Discord link: https://discord.gg/A6WU2zr
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you seem upset

His most recent video is short (for Jahans). I wonder what kind of meltdown he will have on the 9th.
>I don't have any real desire to conquer the West

Most right wing part of Scotland.
I'm not saying it's not real, I'm saying most people don't feel it.
Nobody cares, fuck off
Reminder that Hitler dreamed of a day where he could outlaw beer and replace it with an alcohol-free substitute

In Germany.

That's how weird he was.
What exactly is Teresa planning on doing to the internet and why is it bad?

Yes I am this retarded.
>>You declared war on me.
After Germany broke their promises for the fifth fucking time.

Apart from the people who actively participate.
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G-good Evening Anglo-senpais. . .

Mummy May can't get your vote (and I don't get my headpats) if you don't register.
He was a Germophobe and a fitness addict.
>Orkney and Shetland
>libdems strongholds
>right wing

Basically, the Gov can choose what website you go on.
moral af
Also where I am from. Can confirm it's going blue.

>muh oil
Sturgeon can fuck off
>Implying Germany would have won in the East

The sensible thing to do at that time was certainly not to fight on. We still had an empire, with an ENORMOUS population that, if used correctly, could have out produced and out-manned any future coalition.

Anyway, the outcome of the war was a USSR that could easily overpower us and a United States that could easily overpower us. I'd much rather we at least remained British.

Still, war was not inevitable.

>being anti-smoking

Fucking French twat, smoking is British culture. The real question is what are doing to fight the government's anti-fun regime? I personally have bought a silk cut tin cigarette holder and proudly open-carry it in front of children in the street.

I suppose you'll be wanting to ban tea next because it stains your teeth you bloody puff.
How long have you been posting here? I went off for about 2 months, and you were still posting then.
It's mostly memes but probably some bullshit about forcing porn sites to verify age that will be unenforceable.
She wants to apply the U, PG, 12, 15, 18 and R18 ratings to websites.

Seriously, doesn't the BBFC have enough on their plate already? If you want to view a 12, 15 or 18 rated website then you'll need to prove it via ID.
Wait what.

So a great firewall of bongland?
she wants to ban anything that remotley exposes (((them))) as """hate speech"""
Because it hasn't been instilled in them the way it should have.
It's just common sense policy. Even a retard realises that smoking is bad.
In a cruel twist of fate
>He was a Germophobe
>I'd much rather we at least remained British.
We only really went beyond the point of no return with Blair. Before 97 it was recoverable.
Government content mandates
Tackling 'fake news' and 'hate speech' (i.e. anything I disagree with)
More power to deal with cyberbullying
Legal action against websites and companies which don't comply (>implying it won't just drive them to block UK IPs)

Is the tide turning?
Aren't those places socially conservative? They only vote Lib Dem because it's not about the party, it's about the politician. Alistair Carmichael is a respected local apparently. Also the Lib Dems are the only force large enough to combat the SNP up there.
From what I gather, they can get at your social media info, block porn and fight "Hate Speech". Saying that, "Hate Speech" in this case is probably going to relate to those Imans.
That is essentially useless and is rather unlikely to work. Doesn't sky et al already have a net nanny thing you can turn on and off?
>parents are so incompetent at raising children that it is becoming nationalised

And people think this isn't a dead society.
Corbyn is gaining Momentum
Not significantly but it looks like it's not going to be the wipeout that was expected

Which I'm in two minds about: I don't want Theresa to have a Blair-style majority where she can ram anything through but I also want to see Labour get utterly BTFO
Because you used to be able to discuss politics here you attention seeking narcissist cunt. Do everyone here a favour and throw yourself under a bridge you vacuous mouth breathing egomaniac.
Pretty sure the actual term, for being scared of Germans would be "Teutonphobe."
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>Corbyns stalingrad against the onslaught of the blairites
Yep, but this will be forced on everyone.

I can't wait to see how TalkTalk tries to handle this.
Now we'll get a tory majority of 90 instead of 140!
I think that was the point, they can force through unpopular shit even if they win a smaller victory than they could have.
Broke its promises by annexing rightful German land.

Are you implying that if, after WW1, we lost and were stripped of our Empire and also had Scotland and Cornwall taken from us, we would not be justified in taking them back?
Funny thing, as well. New Labour's health policy (Pre-Corbyn) are more similar to that of Nazi Germany, than the USSR.
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Lad, we don't even celebrate St. George's day.
I've been to Orkney a few times, they are quite conservatives tbqh. I know there is a strong feeling of individualism from mainland Scotland so they don't particularly like the SNP.
>(1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he— (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress.
>with intent
inb4 kangaroo courts
The Tories are cunts, just because of brexit and Corbyn being a pleb, May thought she'd destroy everyone else. She forgot that people still hate the Tories, because they can't help but be insufferable authoritarian cunts.
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The precedent was set in the 50s and 60s lad.
I'm a bit worried that there's a double standard about hate speech in the UK and it's application.

Teuto-phobe I think?

From experience with talk talk, badly.
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Last days to register lads. Let's get Corbyn as PM!
Corbyn will still lose badly but it won't be as bad
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Anyone else unironically voting for UKIP?

Nutball might be shit, but I cannot bring myself to vote Tory. I know they're going to betray us down the line.
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>St.George's day
Mate, Danzig is at best Lithuanian clay. The "Prussians" where a Baltic-Slav cross breed. The Sudetenland was originally Czech as well. The only legitimate claim they had were Alas-Lorraine and the Rhine.
So who are we voting?
Don't want Tories
Don't want Labour
In a hard red constituency
I don't know what to do.
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Actually, I think you'll find it's called THE Orkneys
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I like this high-energy version
I'm in a very safe Tory seat so I might do it for a laugh.

and everyone else thats sane in this thread

no one in their right minds would vote labour or tory
Really, we do in my village and we vote Labour.
French girl needs to be a minority, Brit girl needs to be more of a slag.
Fuck off.
Traditionally the advice is kill yourself.
Perhaps just vote Tory anyway
>Betray us down the line
They're constantly fucking everyone over, there's no waiting around for it. Tories might give us a tougher brexit, that's about it.
UKIP sounds good, it's a shame nobody will vote for them.
Defiantly dont shoot any politicians.
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I liked it a lot.
>That fucking animation

Sorry lad can't watch it.

Nutshack tier.
This is my favourite one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwSOWnr_XzU&t=186s
Vote Labour
Well really you should vote for the best person in your constituency. Mine happens to be a labour guy, he's not a Marxist pleb though.
>The sense of community and the will to fight for it

They're called Loyalists, and they kept the North British by threatening to unleash Carson's army on everyone.

Believe me, republican violence would have looked desirable had the British let the Loyalists run riot.

>A new hangover-free synthetic alcohol which gets you tipsy but not drunk could have "seismic effects on public health", according to a report.

>The drink has been developed as an alternative to alcohol, removing the risks of hangovers, liver damage and loss of control.

>But the product is being blocked by "morality police" using heavy-handed EU and government regulations, says the Adam Smith Institute.

>'Alcosynth' has been developed by Professor David Nutt, who was sacked as the UK drug tsar for his comments about the drug ecstasy.

Hitler right again! Just think of all the lives that would have been saved if he was still around!
Fuck knows, been years since I've been. My dad used to live on Eday.
Monkey Dust was absolute GOAT-tier lad. You owe it to yourself to watch it.
You're only giving votes to Labour.
Everyone in bongland just constantly 2pints buzzed.

This sounds unironically dreadful.
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Don't they always vote Lib Dem?
>a vote for ukip is a vote to prob corbyn up with a coalition of chaos
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Did you just trole me?

How so?


>he doesn't watch Monkey Dust
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>Not voting the ultimate grandaddy for PM

>something that can be remedied by not guzzling like a 17yo trying their first alcopop and having a pint of water before bed

I'll stick to the Guinness, thanks.
I was pleasantly relieved to discover this show actually existed and wasn't some fever dream of my youth.
Or, you can drink in moderation and do excercise. Seriously, don't rely on technology for everything.
Get out of my country Tariq


>there are people ITT who are seriously going to vote for C*rbyn
Instead of the Tories? And that's a problem why?
>The British army gave the loyalists all the help they could


"muh collusion"
Mainly to do with Public health and allocation of Health care.
The Teutonic Order and Livonian order were Germanised Balts.
This. Just fucking drink water. I never have hangovers.
I actually quite enjoy a decent hangover. It's the only time I feel I can just vegetate and not be doing productive things.

>you're posting on 4chan
I find it kind of relaxing and I don't want to burn out on my interview prep for tomorrow.
I wish i could afford to live in Islington.
God, I was having this conversation with a Paddy the other day.

this isn't reddit

no one here cares about John Oliver
>>there are people ITT who are seriously going to vote for May

Why? This isn't a vote against globalism or against the establishment, the Tories are authoritarian cunts.
Honestly I think any smoker under the age of at least 50 is a spacker, but I really hate this stupidity surrounding the packets themselves. At worst, the packets dictate which brand you'll smoke they're not going to get you started.
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>he doesn't want to achieve full communism
I don't get hangovers, I have no idea why. I tend to not drink enough water, so it's not to do with that.
Teuton is Latin. There's no real word for German in Greek because it didn't exist, it was just Slavic tribes who the Greeks didn't interact with until they overran Greece in the 600s.

A lot of -phobe and -phile words don't make sense in this regard. Anglophile should be Albiophile or Philalbione for instance.
Just look at the state of how fat people are getting to see what good it does to trust the average person to know what's good for them.

But I agree that a nannystate isn't a good idea either.
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>ywn be American
I'd much rather live in a village in Cumbria or Devon.
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yeah basically
This will change anon.
Top quality fish and chips right here lads
My nice lady doctor has put me on Girl hormones

I feel so happy on them
I can't believe this is happening
Too be honest, I just guessed. Weird thing, I'm pretty sure English and Italian are the only two Latin based/related languages which use the term Germania.
My reference was to the Irish, who have a national holiday to celebrate the life of their saint. We do Jack Shit and yet our Saint slew a dragon n sheeeit. What's the point in even having one then?
>smoking is british culture
People like you are why kids are out drinking and smoking from 9 years old. How can you support this degeneracy?
>those fries
Ever order medium fries from a Five Guys?
The Greek term was "Barbarian" or the Greek equivalent.

Diane Abbott explicitly backed victory for the IRA in an interview with a pro-republican journal, The Sunday Times has found.
Abbott, who will become home secretary if Labour wins the election, said in the 1984 interview that Ireland “is our struggle — every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us. A defeat in Northern Ireland would be a defeat indeed.”

People are unironically voting for a party that will have this woman as home secretary
I was getting teuto from teutoburg forest assuming it and teuton had the same root. Probably not.
desu I wish I could vote for another party that'd realistically be a position to make a 'hard' Brexit a reality.
Top post lad.
>Pippin is probably dead
Just tax fatties more. I lost 4 stone, why shouldn't they do the same. The fucking cunts. Put down the McDonalds and just eat normally.

In her interview Abbott, then a Labour councillor, said she did not regard herself as British. “Though I was born here in London, I couldn’t identify as British,” she said.
“Anyone who comes from a former colony knows the troops always have to come out.” She also criticised Northern Ireland as an “enclave of white supremacist ideologies”.
Asked about Labour’s official policy of seeking unionist consent, she replied: “Should we have waited to win the consent of the white racists in Zimbabwe?”
Also, Japan does that. And if you don't try to get thin, you're fined. KEK!
I didn't need those feels
Yes i know where you are going with this but I ate most of the fries already.
>In her interview Abbott, then a Labour councillor, said she did not regard herself as British.
can't believe I actually agree with her about something
They don't in mine and we're pretty old….. In the Domesday book, etc.
The problem with that is soft drink and fast food corporations have huge amount of political pull when it comes to things like sugar taxes.
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What's Auntie Mabel up to now lads?
So, who are we voting for now that May wants to ban porn and 4chan
Same with my village.
Why is bonta kun in it tho?
Also that blond loli...
Voting Tory is a vote for Globalism. Theresa May is a saggy bag who wants to censor us and promote her shitty authoritarian values on everyone. She is a liar and will sell you off to the global corporations in a heart beat
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good info anon
I do wonder just how many votes she personally loses Labour by her existence.
I know. The best thing to do is put a tax on softdrinks and put the proceeds into subsidising agriculture.

Kids are out smoking and drinking at those ages because their parents were poor and didn't give a shit, not because I like a smoke and a bourbon while pouring over the latest Kepler data.
She does Eastenders I think
I find myself agreeing with her more often than not when she's on Question Time.

She really is a good speaker.

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>the average bingbong's face when he realizes that he will NEVER EVER be an ameriKANG
>Implying anyone should want to vote t*ry anyway
Well done yank. That almost made me blow a small quantity of air derisively through my nose.

But who do we vote for.
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>She really is a good speaker.
How's your 60% going again?
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Instead of Tory go UKIP. They've actually managed to change something and they need all the seats they can get.
Morons here just think "Tories are rightwing, I want mummy May to peg me". I really don't understand any of the Tory love here. Bash Corbyn sure, he's a pleb, but the Tories are cunts.
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Same author as FMP; it's a gag that he looks too similar to him.
>o we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a, it is a huge problem. I have a son.

He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly do-able. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them.
this is the burger's benchmark for a 'good' speaker
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>t. 56%
i really fucked that post up...
Hello lads. How many of you would support cancelling all Brexit negotiations and attacking Germany militarily tomorrow morning?
Most kids these days know about VPNs, so it's not like the Tories have any legitimacy morally agrendising about "Muh Children seeing bad things".
>barely communicates in English
Is that you Dianne?
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hey fellas
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>/pol/ will vote for this
>Hitler only wanted to invade austria
>Hitler only wanted to invade checzlovakia
>Hitler only wanted to invade netherlands
>Hitler only wanted to invade poland
If by "attacking Germany militarily" you mean "nuking Berlin", then sure.
Tfw Catholic Norn gf

Always brings up troubles shit and then gets mad when i say Martin McGuinness murdered children and that Sinn Fein are hypocrites.

Literally can't comprehend why the British might not like the IRA.

>muh army killed people so how can you say killing people is ok
But muh hard brexit.
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>mfw almost 100% able to spot shill posts on this board, no matter how cleverly disguised they are.
*killing people isn't ok
Hitler didn't want to invade Britain.
> Brexit and the coming food crisis: ‘If you can’t feed a country, you haven’t got a country’
>Britain’s food production depends on seasonal migrant labour from the EU. What will happen to those workers after Brexit? And how will it change the industry?

We're all going to starve to death. I bet you regret voting Brexit now.
Bishop Auckland
West Bromwich East
Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland
Birmingham Edgbaston
Norwich South
Edinburgh South (SNP tears when Labour hold the seat)
Boston and Skegness
Birmingham Yardley (Jess Phillips)
The Rhondda (Chris Bryant)
Bristol South
Nottingham South

Ealing Central
Brentford and Isleworth ETHNIC SEATS
Ilford North
Derby North
Bury North


Specifically Scottish seats and Lib-Dem marginals.
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The Guardian have just gone bananas on targeting Facebook.
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nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus
off she went with a trumpety trump
Shilling for who?
Most people just seem confused because of the options are trash.
In my opinion Corbyn has actually given a tangible thing to vote for. Blair killed old labour and probably that was right for the time but the neo-liberals infested the party.
Corbyn, whether you 100% agree with his opinions still actually has opinions and has routinely stood by them. Also the NHS is far more important than any of the other shit people talk about and the Tories have shown they want to remove it, which is unacceptable
hitler said he didn't wan't poland but you know how that ended out
What is the list for? Marginal?

If so Aberdeen north and south

>implying if a foreign power put their soldiers on your streets, you'd just accept it

I'm not saying they were right in everything they did, lad, but that shit is basically a pol fantasy at this point.
You wouldn't have thought that this was a spiritual successor to "Full Metal Panic".
I wish I could make webms. There's a lot of potential for filenames for clips of this Bigheads show.
>raspberries, strawberries and blueberries

What happened to PYO?

No just seats to watch, if Tories start winning them then Labour is fucked.
No fan of the tories but
> the NHS is far more important than any of the other shit people talk about

Is probably the most laughable statement I've ever read
read up before posting shit again
Correct the record, government shills.
The army did some horrible shit. But bombing children in retaliation isn't ok and is never justified.
>Aberdeen North

No fucking way lad. I say that as a guy who lives here. Aberdeen South is the affluent, Conservative part of the city. The north is a bunch of council flats.
>Violence in a fictional setting

So you can get away with saying anything if you just end the sentence with (These are my rap lyrics)?
True, of course Corbyn is memed into full commie status far too much.
The NHS is likely fucked with the Tories.
Where I live it should be a safe Labour seat, so I have little impact. The guy is alright though.
is your idea of shill someone who disagrees with you

Shills bringing up the IRA to him genuinely pisses me off when the Tories sell weapons to Saudis the biggest terror funders out there

>In some areas of the food chain, it can be down to just a few dozen people who keep the whole thing running. For example, under Food Standards Agency rules, an abattoir in England, Wales or Northern Ireland cannot operate unless the animals on the way to slaughter are overseen by one of their vets. This is work British vets don’t want to do. They would rather be out on the farm with livestock in the prime of their lives, or dealing with domestic pets. As a result, at least 85% of vets in British abattoirs are not from the UK. Apparently, the majority are Spanish. And if they couldn’t get into the country to do the job, the meat supply chain would collapse.

No meat either.
>Wow, they called them cucks, SO BASED, EU ETERNALLY BTFO

cant wait for the EU to put an embargo on the UK, you will be dying on the streets from starvation
back the fuck off!?!?!
>Sento's sento's

But who are they shilling for? Tories?
newcastle under lyme and city of chester if you're looking for uber marginals.
>Doesn't like the NHS
Move out of the country
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>he doesn't know about Monkey Dust
Time to end yourself lad
On paper, sure. Outright declaring your intention to dominate the world probably isn't the wisest diplomatic move tbqh.
Good. But you need to see the pain.

Aye lad for the most part posts of that ilk. The natural (or unnatural rhythm) of /pol/ is very hard to emulate.


see >>126464857
>This is work British vets don’t want to do.

>This is work that doesn't currently pay enough to attract British vets.
pretty good views on fox hunting and abortions t.bh
he is still a globalist liberal twat though
do lefties not know you can give visas to people even if were not in the EU?


see >>126465078

Wrong way round before kek
That wouldn't let in low skilled migrants, meaning wages wouldn't be driven down, meaning politicians wouldn't get juicy kickbacks from industry bosses. This is clearly unacceptable.
Visas cost money, making it not economically feasible for the migrants to MAKE OUR FOOD.

We're going to starve.
they only cost as much as the home office wants to charge(they often charge alot to keep out shit ones for filling up the application system)
also even your going full capitalist cuck you pay some £2 a day to pick fruit and corn in ghana or kenya while you have to pay them £5 a hour here
Three K's a day keeps them niggers away.

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers
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