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/pol/ pool who are you politicaly?

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Thread 2
/pol/ is natsoc now and forever. libertarianism is untenable in a world full of non-whites.
no we're not
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Literally every strawpoll ever posted here is 50% National Socialist 50% lolbertarian.

We have always been a NatSoc. board.
you'll end up "lolbertarian" eventually anyways
it usually comes about from experiencing things like living outside of your parents basement and paying taxes
Nobody with a brain over 30 is a libertarian. Like most childish delusions, the idea that everyone will just play nice and get along is a laugher.
oh yes and nazi larpers are so intellectually enlightened in comparison
100% unironically I agree. NatSoc is a realistic view of a world where white genocide and structural misandry is a reality. Libertarianism is just goofy childish bullshit that should be brushed aside.
Lolbertarianism is getting btfo in this one I think it's like 50 % Nat soc 30%lolberg
Nope. I've been here since the beginning and I've learned humans can't be trusted to uphold the NAP. Once one of them goes the rest will go.
Humans need to have rules, regulations and authority. Otherwise we kill each other and build a system where it's okay.
>living outside of your parents basement and paying taxes
How does living with 2 roommates and being your local districts delegate fare on your "who will become a lolbertarian" scale?
I pay taxes, I have a job and I haven't lived with my parents in 7 years because they kicked me out when I was 18 like good parents should.
Are you even involved in local politics at all? I was elected LA-14 delegate and cast my ballot for Trump even though El-Rato wanted me.
What have you done for politics lately?
>pic related
why doesn't the right side just say 1776?
>childish ad hominems
Oh yea you lolbergs are so much more enlightened then us. Don't forget to tip your fedora on the way out.
There are still people who call themselves libertarians? Hahahsahahahahrsgshtahsjta fucking losers
Natsoc's and fascists tend to read more, honestly. Hell, even commies over at /leftypol/ read more than lolbergs.
I just want the demographic decline to stop. That's all I want.
libertarians read one book of Hoppe and the Road to Serfdom and think they have the key to the kingdom.
I'm Classical Liberal, limited government, emphasis on individual rights. I don't really care if you all hate me for this, its the best system IMO
Ancaps siding with nazis is just proof they're not really anarchists.
It's actually Fully Retarded, and Gay.
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Yes NutSac, tell me more about how you need a mommy state to fix all your problems, and prevent all those niggers from fucking your sister
Because limited government is just a code phrase that means Jews get to make a shitload of money while the working class are falling into vats of molten steel.
We are /pol/. You understand us, or you do not. If you think you know us, you do not.
>he doesn't know about the U.S. famine
>claims that the same period of time was a paradise
this guy gets it
met a natsoc irl and he was the most awkward numale in the room
only socialized with him because he had the balls to wear a maga hat in california
but at the end of the day he didn't really seem to care about policy or culture he just wanted to look edgy and get attention
Shills trying to divide the powerful alliance that is pol. sage, kys cuck.
So you're happy with the current state of the country and unable to see our incoming demise. Cool, now fuck off.
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/pol/ is an fascist board. Natsoc is intellectually underdeveloped
I guess that means they're better than you
there's a reason natsocs are the niggers of the white race
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>640 votes
>NatSoc: 323
>Lolberdarian: 136
>Ancaps: 62

Nothing more need be said.

Hail Victory.
That's something the government should protect people from. Usury laws should be enforced.
I live in the Oakland hood, lots of Jews including the mayor profit from exploiting stupid people, mostly blacks.
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Individual rights are worthless without a people to guarantee these rights.
Limited government requires high trust, which is impossible in a heterogeneous society.
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Yes, let's make our government more authoritarian - great idea !!
I keked
We're anarcho-fascists. Political legitimacy is an illusion. The only reality is the natural laws of culture, race and leadership which must shape our social hierarchies.
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>Divide libertairians into multiple categories
>Claim they are vastly outnumbered

We did the same poll recently. Guess what we found out? Sorry bucko
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Not happy with the state of my country. Trump was a step in the right direction, but expecting a 1st time politician to succeed immediately is unrealistic.
I work full time, pay taxes etc. As Mosley said, the art of living is to be in the rhythm of your age.

I think you just need to take a look around to see that this is a period in dire need of change. So that being said.

Sieg Heil.
Your parents didn't loved you, another natsoc recruiting method.
Fascism is actually the pursuit of absolute truth, the scientific method applied to humanity. So yes it is.
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yes we are
>using bots to vote
Stop. I guess you're trying to fool newfags or maybe you are one. It doesn't matter because you are still wrong.
Yeah it's working great!
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>or we will fucking shoot you
Libertarians are just SJWs with a dose of private property.
reeeeee triggered reeeeeeeeeeee
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We're split 50/50. But in order to get to a Libertarian state, it's going to require going through National Socialism or some kind of flavor of Fascism.

Hopefully we get our Caesar when the time is right.
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Ok, well you enjoy Jamal and Habin raping your grandmother then. Personally I'd like to do something about it because I have some respect for the culture that provided for me.

>your daddy didn't love you so now you need the state

Same shit could be applied to lolbergs.

>the state is tyranny because my experiences with the patriarchal archetype are only tyrannical
are you unironically saying protesting government overreach is the same as demanding the right to be a slut?

I've always found this chart to be ridiculous. 99.99% of posts here are lifestyle and/or straight up LARPing and shitposting. The real deal is on 8/pol/, (which uses 4/pol/ as a proxy.)
On the contrary my parents loved me more than most kids considering I was adopted at birth into a white family.
They told me when I was 16 to get a job so I could move out at 18. So I did. When they kicked me out 3 months after my birthday I already had money saved for the security deposit on my apartment so I grabbed my best friend and my gf and moved out.

My parents showered my with affection and praise. I was a good boi. Since I didn't want to make my white family look bad I strove to do better for myself. Inevitably I found that it's better to have pride in who you are than be ashamed at the minorities that people focus on.

You're way off base Texas.
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What happens if you don't pay the tax collector? Jail, or worse

NutSacs are just commies with a dose of jew hating
There is only one poll showing a split like that and it was rigged to keep it 50% natsoc had a huge lead but someone was rigging it.

other way around you fucking nigger
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Putting anarchy before it doesn't make you cool. You may as well call it proto-fascism.
I dont think classical liberal means that I think whoever shows up should get whatever welfare is available even if they aren't citizens. The 1966 rules should be brought back in regards to immigration. Bringing in people who share our origins is fucking obvious.
National capitalist falls under the umbrella of fascism with a differing economic policy. Cry more.
Political ideology is ultimately about force. If you resist government created laws, you will ultimately be physically forced to comply.
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I've been around for hundreds of these polls and every single time National Socialism wins.
You're deluded.
/pol/ is a National Socialist board.
We always have been.
no they don't
it's just closed border, ethno-statist, libertarian
that has nothing to do with the central planning/private ownership of fascism
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I fucking hate r_td so goddamn much
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Pictures like these makes me think how amazing it must have been back then there wasnt really Mass Immigration or die hard Globalism and even then in National Socalist Germany most of those people in those pictures were German because to be a Citizen you had to be of German blood while nowadays in Germany there are somany non Germans immigrating to Germany which is crazy because nowadays it feels like it's the most Impossible thing to stop all immigration while National Socalist Germany had it not so far back.
What happens if you don't pay rent? How do you decide who owns property what property? What happens if two people claim a property?
What happens if one person gains a local monopoly? What happens if one person become powerful enough to buy an army? Whats stopping a person from buying a farm and buying slaves to breed an new super army that is unmatched in the local area and expanding his wealth?
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Liberalism and individual rights do not extend to the people's and their right, therefore it can never guarantee a homogeneous society, and will over time degrade into a heterogeneous society, even if the newcomers are high IQ niggers that does not require welfare it does not really matter as eventually the nation will degrade and eventually collapse due to diversity.

This is realization you need to come to terms with in order to evolve out of the liberal mindset.
Probably the best recent "invention" I can think of that could be a fix for this problem is Omni-nationalism

Troll them then. get on that
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These threads always amuse me

It's like a dick-measuring contest.
>durr it's my board
>durr it's my board

obviously there are multiple political views on /pol/, otherwise their wouldn't be these threads every day. But would you really prefer this to be just another echochamber hugbox? The tumblr for nazi's?
Caesar was a fascist you fucking tard and you aren't going to be taking away the power of the fascist state once its in place. Your faggot society will never exist.
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>splitting libertarian into ancap, national capitalist, libertarian and capitalist
Not exactly fair. Last time we did this it was simply natsoc vs libertarian. And it was 50/50. This poll is 50/50 too, only with one side split into 3, and communism added which only makes up 3%.
It's 50/50. That's why we need to ally. That's why we need to abandon infighting
Not an argument. We know you are a minority.
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I can drink to that
checking the link out now
There has to be some baseline rules set up beforehand (like the common law system of England) and also a constitution that limits inevitable provisional polities.

I think there are some even more basic ethical aspects of property which most people intuitively get.

But aside from that, arbitration and precedent can solve most disputes. That's how developed in early America.
>t. boomer/genx or some suburban faggot who lives in a fantasy world

Libertarianism was fine when we lived in a world where niggers where in their place and your average white guy could become middle class by walking into a factory and asking for a job.
Whats it feel like to directly contradict yourself so much?
Why do are you so scared to admit your a fascist?
/pol/ has oscillated from libertarian to national socialist over the years. With little spikes of commies popping in and out (myself being one of them).

I'm more of a lolbertarian socialist now. Which probably sounds ridiculous but its really just about maximizing freedoms while using a very small government as a bulwark against corporation and socialized medicine.
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>if i compare it to tumblr i win

Jesus, and i though Rtd fags were even slightly funny, but you niggers are as cancerous as it gets.
Albania is a fag country
>libertarians think being fascist is a bad thing.

What is the libertarian solution to the problems of changing demographics?
Surely the issue cannot be reversed without a strong government.
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Sure thing leaf
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No fuck you. Again, you are literally trying to use the power of natsoc to grab a footing then you will attempt to stab us in the back so that you can do drugs or whatever degeneracy you want.
Typical jew scum.
>le we are 50/50
No we aren't. This board has been and always will be a natsoc board. lolbertarians are newfags. I doubt you actually out number us. Its more likely that only people who are very bored like me participate in your gay threads were we watch run around in laps with mental gymnastics as you try to explain why your ideology isn't a hypocrisy.
>Canada calling anyone a fag country
There isn't, they'll just say "in a Lolbertarian society this wouldn't have happened", when in a Lolbertarian society corporatists would just be free to import hundreds if not thousands of nonwhites for cheaper labor. Libertarian ethnonationalism is a fucking joke.
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sort yourself out anon
We have been on 4chan since before /pol/ even existed. We were posting Ron Paul 2012 threads before the word "meme" was even a thing.
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>we've been here beefour u believe me guise!
>we've been spamming Ron Paul in 2012!

A lot of shit has changed from 2012, a lot of people realized that a Lolbertarian society is as achievable as a communist utopia. Libertarianism will never be reachable by any Standarts, it isn't something you gradually integrate because it will lead into anarchy, which will lead into feudalism.
>That's how developed in early America.
Ah the good old early america where there were famines, people selling their children into slavery, sweatshops that would make jews in nazi Germany twinge and constant wars in the middle east. Sounds great!
>here has to be some baseline rules set up beforehand
Who is going to make me follow them? You sound like a mother talking to her children. Its retarded.
>nd also a constitution that limits inevitable provisional polities.
And why would I follow that?
>arbitration and precedent can solve most disputes.
Not going to work for any actual problem thats worth a damn.
Its funny that you lobergs keep talking about early america but you don't actually know anything about it. 80% of you would die.
No shit Caesar was a fascist. We're not getting out of this hell without a Caesar. Don't let the Caesar take your guns and be ready to topple the state when it's served it's purpose.
Hitler would have gassed weebs like you.
>Ron Pual
As I said, you are a newfag.
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unironically explain to me in 200 words or less a summary of what The United States of America was before 1913. Do I need to say it in subhuman so you can u n d e r s t a n d?
Don't fall for their jewish mind games. /pol/ has always been fascist.
We supported Ron Paul to get at the jews the same way we did Trump.
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I can dig it
nigger we had the word "meme" looooong before 2012 lol
It has been achieved, and with great success. America in the 1800s was a minarchist libertarian society, and became skyrocketed into superpower status because of it.

Not all libertarians believe in AnCap stateless societies. Your feudalism argument is a strawman
>You like libertarianism? That obviously means you want feudalism durrr
The tile lighting in this one always impresses me on this one. Great attention to detail.
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These olden art pieces make me so happy and so sad at the same time
This is going to be entertaining. Explain to me what america was before 1913.
Oh even better explain to me why the federal reserve is bad. This ought to be good.
I was on 4chan before Obama was elected, keep being mad :^)
We were posting Ron Raul 2012 threads on /b/ in 2008 buddy
Oh shit they had this painting on an ice cream shop during my childhood. I could never figure out what is on the boy's lap
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Good lad.
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>fuck weebs
>Still pretending you aren't newfag cancers
>implying gassing weebs like me wouldn't be a good thing
>implying Hitler gassed anybody
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It's pronounced /ourartist/ newfag
prove it.
Why are you pretending? This is a nazi containment board. Fuck off already.
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fuck you, I don't have to prove shit.

Libertarians have been on 4chan since day 1. We made the mass exodus from /b/ with everyone else when it got overrun with trap threads and shitposting. We are here now - stop being a whiny little faggot.
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>ywn live in ancap Italy
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>what was the US before 1913
It was still majority white.
/pol/ will always be NatSoc the numbers show this.


>no conservative option


also neo nazi losers are almost certainly rigging this one too
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Literally this. It's retarded that trying to survey the political identities of the people who use this board usually turns into a dick measuring contest about the identity of the board collectively as if we all agree on everything and only an insignificant minority of people dissent. Anons will happily call out newfags for using second-person plural pronouns in relation to /pol/, but then the same anons will obliviously turn around and claim that 90% of the board is x despite having to defend that claim to y's every time they make it. Most these anons don't really care about the affiliations of the users this board, they just want to confirm that they are right and in good company.

They could go to /h/, /aco/, /gif/, or a number of other boards, but instead when these faggots want to masturbate they come to /pol/.
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>Don't let the Caesar take your guns
We need Nice Guy National Socialism.

im a neo liberal.
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>No we aren't. This board has been and always will be a natsoc board.
But surveys have consistently shown that it's 50/50
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I'm the opposite of whatever this godforsaken white trash board is
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