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How much of the "Trump is working with Russia" narrative

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How much of the "Trump is working with Russia" narrative has any actual evidence?
None. It's not Trump's fault that Kushner, Flynn, Sessions and Manafort were making deals with Russians. Everyone knows that a good business man knows absolutely nothing about who he's hiring.
I haven't heard any actual evidence either. Does any exist?
I dont care about the evidence. This Trump-Russia narrative is causing him to be more aggressive against Assad which is detrimental, so I want it to stop
Zero. Because if there was actual evidence you would hear about it.
Absolutely zero. Even Democrats are forced to admit it.
We'll know once the
and Special Prosecutor announce their findings.
nothing. I mean, nothing above normal.
Podesta and Hillary have deals with Russians as well. The only difference is the msm wanting to build up havoc.
There's plenty of evidence... according to anonymous sources.
As far as I know, the evidence is that the code used (presumably by Guccifer 2.0) to steal the DNC e-mails had Russian language in the notes. That's literally all the evidence I've seen.

Beyond that, it's just repeatin "Russian collusion" and "ties with Russians" until you believe it.
Manafort Davis is real
the CrowdStrike report is partially accurate
If there was actually any evidence evidence, it would be shoveled down our throats so fucking hard.
Nothing other than testimony
Are we at war with Russia?
Is it illegal to do business with Russia?
Is it morally incorrect to do business with Russia?

The better question is how you still think this is evidence of collusion after a year of nothing
About two scoops of evidence.
The CrowdStrike report doesn't really detail how they know for certain the hacks originated from Russia, nor do they make any attempt to verify it was the Russian state

CrowdStrike assumed these things and the FBI never bothered to investigate them for themselves
Remember "Muh Russia" initially wasn't used against trump, it was to deflect from the DNC screwing Bernie, bribing the MSM, and Hillary Clinton being in league with Goldman Sachs and other multi national banks. After Trump won they just kind of tried to run with it. They haven't been able to drum up an ounce of proof of their claims.

Also, does anyone find it hilarious that liberal faggots fall for 80s tier red scare propaganda, (Ie, Rocky 4, red Dawn, Rambo 4 etc) while at the same time espousing their love for all things socialist and sometimes outright literal communism? I do. Eat shit and die liberals, watching you all eat each other alive as your narrative falls apart has been hilarious.
Absolutely nothings wrong with foreign countries paying off our politicians to forward their own interests. Nothing at all.
proofs pls

no rhetoric, just proof.
>The CrowdStrike report doesn't really detail how they know for certain the hacks originated from Russia, nor do they make any attempt to verify it was the Russian state
All they can do is show a pattern of behavior and they did.
You're using confirmation bias to find wrongdoing in places where it doesn't exist
It wasn't illegal when the past 1000 politicians did it, it still isn't illegal now
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There isnt enough evidence to not even have an ongoing investigation.
There's none anon. Manafort opening a shell company and taking our a 3.5 million dollar loan from a shell company financed by pro-russian Ukrainians with no repayment requirements the day he resigned isn't weird at all.
Their pattern of behavior is that the hacks *looked like* the Russian state
That's fine, but the FBI has to do their own primary investigation to *confirm* the Russian state did it

Instead, the FBI too CrowdStrike's word on it
None. How much did the "Obama wasn't born in the us" narrative have evidence?
It's a conspiracy theory with no evidence. It's a narrative constructed by our leftist propganda engines and the actual leftists within the engine have such a hateboner for trump their willing to risk everything to try and take him down.

Otherwise what Hillary did is kosher, kike.
Just a reminder that David Cameron paid Obama to shill a Remain vote for the UK and nobody said a thing.
That would be proof in a court of law? Nothing.

I was on the impeach train but after researching, i realized as if now, no hard evidence points to collusion.
There is none Trump may have Business partners in Russia but that is not illegal.
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It was never about evidence.

It's about keeping a steady stream of insinuation in the press 24/7 to undermine the administration and erode support.
>How much of the "Trump is working with Russia" narrative has any actual evidence?

and as a freebie
>How much of the "Russia hacked the DNC/Election" narrative has any actual evidence?

It's all slander for the sake of slander. "Resistance," through lies.
Hillary wasn't punished for her Uranium One deal, Trump won't be punished for whatever flavor of the week Russian connection you guys are pushing now
Ok, who then hacked the DNC and released those emails?
Can you gib any proofs?
None. Meeting with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. is supposed happen. Because he is the fucking ambassador to the U.S.

Are we supposed to shut down the Russian embassy, kick them out and declare war on Russia? Is it a scandal if someone met with the German ambassador?

So and so was paid to speak for a Russian news source and some how that's a scandal? Most politicians are paid to speak. Would it have been an issue if it was a French new agency?
Seth Rich, who leaked an equivalent amount of emails to an intermediary in the U.K. As was reported by WikiLeaks

His death commands a pretty high reward for information surrounding such a mysterious robbery where nothing was stolen
No one hacked the DNC.
Seth Rich, who was a worker there and had access to the emails copies them and released them to WikiLeaks.
Well, there is an actual country called Russia . . .
Except the Crowdstrike report happened before the wikileaks revelations that showed the CIA can false flag hacking attacks.
>who then hacked the DNC and released those emails?
Protip: There hasn't been a single intelligence agency or law enforcement agency allowed to examine or analyze the DNC server that was allegedly "hacked." There's absolutely no evidence of a hack other than the DNC says it was.

Recent information suggests that the DNC server wasn't hacked, that instead a young man named SETH RICH working for the DNC passed the emails over to wikileaks.
Didn't happen.

Investigation is a fraud perpetrated to allow the Obama administration to spy on people it disagreed with politically, and go after them if they could. The "hacks" were leaks, not "hacks".
as much as the Hillary bullshit did

politics have been reduced to who can lie most effectively

here's a hint: it's not the GOP
Manafort isn't a politician or Trump, nor am I even sure this allegation is real, nor is it illegal. Manafort was being paid for services rendered.
>through lies
Um... Sweetie, they're not lies. Just look at the news. The news is reporting the truth. Here, I'll even provide you some links.

Uhm actually sweetie trumps daughter has a friend who has a friend who is allegedly friends with putin. How butthurt are drunpfkins now that weve established hes literally working for putin?

Seriously though, theres literally nothing
>Prove to me that politicians don't make deals with countries we're not at war with
You're really putting me in a bind, here
I'm racking my brain trying to think of politicians who benefitted from other countries without rerpocussion
Nope, come to think of it, Manafort is the only one
Actually last year Arpio found out the certificate Obama used was forged and Malik slipped out a kenyan Birth certificate for him. Nothing came of it tho
(((They))) made the west believe Hitler gassed the jews based only on specifically selected testimony, so this one should be a piece of cake
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>secret backchannel to russia
>making deals to drop sanctions in exchange for trump hotel openings

wew lad

It's probably nothing.
>their lying mouths
Fuck me. You cry "evidence!" Then you claim that bullshit. Ok give me evidence Seth Rich leaked anything, beyond the type of claims made against Trump
isn't that why they are having the investigation?
If if if if okie doke
>CIA didn't develop the technology until it was leaked

>Ok give me evidence Seth Rich leaked anything
I'd love to but there's not ever going to be an investigation into Seth Rich's life or death by the FBI or anyone else. The FBI isn't ever going to get its hands on the DNC's server to confirm or deny anything either.

>dems make up lies
>get special counsel investigation to "prove a negative."

>a man is actually dead
>that worked for the DNC
>that had access to all the information in the "hack"
>that wikileaks specifically named
>can't even get a proper police investigation
They would not lie. They gain nothing from lying.
Usually you have some evidence before starting an investigation
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>actual evidence?
A bit of circular reasoning, isn't it?
>Were launching an investigation on Donald Trump and Russia
>Our evidence for this investigation is other investigation
>The evidence for that investigation is behind closed doors withheld by FBI agents who haven't even viewed the computers alleged to be hacked
Brilliant. You get to sit in your pool of ignorance because whatever you think "the man" is stopping it being proven.
Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation DID accept millions from Russia while Hilldawg was SoS, and Hilldawg DID give Russia 20% or our Uranium production.

No investigation into that whatsoever.
Reeeeeeee fake news, where's the evidence of that?
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You have to go back.
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This is interesting.
Right here Drplumphkincucks
The clinton investigation is ongoing
We have enough evidence for the FBI to open an investigation and look into. Problem is they won't.

Yes, wikileaks counts as hard evidence.
Rwmember that Billy-boy wasn't just impeached for a blowjob. Even a non-offense becomes impeachable when you start trying to cover it up.
>prove innocence
That's not how that works

If it does exist, they haven't released it. This entire thing is being sold by the media as some big scandal but buried in every article is the fact that there is no evidence of impropriety....at all.
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A lot considering a private investigation found his birth certificate on congressional record was a forgery. Huh, makes you think.
Oh wow nice chart

that proves absolutely nothing.

I can draw arrows going from Satan to Hillary and there would be more truth to that than this.

There's a grain of truth to it. Of course the Russians supported Trump and hated and feared Clinton. Everybody who knew what was at stake did. If the Russians helped persuade Americans to think twice before voting for Hillary, the civilized world is in Russia's debt.

Trump wasn't bought and paid for by Moscow. He didn't have to be to merit their support. He just understands that America's enemy is Islam, not Russia.
Many did so, openly, for Hillary. It's common practice. So why gaf now?
He shouldn't have fired Comey, then. Seriously, how hard would it have been to say "as soon as you're done with all ongoing investigations you're out"?
idk. obama had the chinese kicked out of the international space station so nasa could be all faggy with russians on the international space station

china built their own space station but america has its astronauts use russias space program to get to their shared space station since the obama administration
A private investigation huh? Wow.
All of it. He's getting impeached. He has Alzheimer's and is criminally negligent. People are shilling Seth rich really hard right now for damage control.
But Lindsey Graham just asked for evidence that the UNITED FUCKING STATES government colluded with the Clinton campaign.
Played like a fiddle
That entire chart is bullshit and you know it. Theres no citations to support those meme arrows on the chart. Furthermore, business interests in Russia doesn't mean anything, nor is it necessarily illegal.
This is hardly even circumstantial evidence, and I really don't understand why you posted it
This is actually untrue. Putin openly said that while Trump expressed a desire to work with Russia, he wasn't sure if he trusted him, and Putin said that even though Hillary was drumming up anti-Russian sentiment, he wasn't sure if that was just political campaign talk which would die down once election season was over.

Putin even said that the democrats "whisper in his ear" that all the Russia talk is just political leverage and that he had nothing to worry about.
If there was any real evidence, it would've already been provided for public view. This is all just a more of a smokescreen to not allow for Trump and his administration to have any real political freedom to do anything on a geopolitical scene.
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>reee show it to me
>reee you have nothing
>reee you ignorant not me

You need to stop typing and talking about shit your Islamic mind can not comprehend bong.

Doesn't take 7 months to bring forth real evidence. This started in November 2016.
If this was Hilary you know you would be all into it, don't lie
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Zero. Even Dianne Feinstein admitted on CNN that there's no actionable proof of claim.

These parasites are milking the narrative to buy themselves time before they have to flee the country.
i guess the joke telling them to do it could be taken as an open hint that he wanted the wikileaks files released
Hmmm, source is a leak no? Why believe that as true and not the leaks coming out of the trump WH?
>He shouldn't have fired Comey, then.
Everyone on both sides of the aisle were heavily criticizing Comey over his handling of the Clinton investigation, it seemed pretty clear he was going to be out no matter who won the election. Really, Trump should have removed Comey immediately after the Inauguration.
outside the usa it works
for the people that say they don't care about the usa
ie: teh commies
It would be a piece of cake in a world without decentralized autism facilitated by zee internets.
Nope. We rely on reliable sources like wikileaks. Your chart was just made up in some CIA shill's office.
$0.02 has been deposited in your account

None. Trump wanted the US to be friendly with Russia. Establishment doesn't like that.
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Not colluded, it was an obstruction of justice.
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Two private investigations who came to the same conclusion.

But this doesn't fit your narrative so it's probably never happened and I'm just being racist or something right?

There are plenty of "sources," but no actual evidence. The only question which should be dividing our country is whether or not to begin a violent purge of the media today, or tomorrow.
incredible. normies have been sold goddamn conspiracy walls now. this is going to backfire and they're going to start seeing israel ties pop up everywhere.
I'm afraid that someone important wrote up a false report of some sort.
The accusation is the evidence and the lack of actual evidence is proof an investigation is required,
What the fuck is this um, sweetie shit?
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Disprove any single leak from wikileaks. Just ONE(1).

Meanwhile leaks keep coming out weekly, yet lead nowhere. Trump was done 3 leaks ago. A leak just came out saying Trump shared secrets yet other people are already working on that. Remember the leak about 100,000 National Guard who were going to work the border? That didn't happen. Then there are the leaks about Trump working for Russia alost immediately blown the fuck out by pic related and >>126072699

Stop talking about shit you don't understand you stupid fucking sandnigger.
accusation is not evidence

There is no evidence of any inappropriate collusion.
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try harder shill
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>Putin even said that the democrats "whisper in his ear" that all the Russia talk is just political leverage and that he had nothing to worry about.

I'm so fucking happy the Russians didn't let an American stooge be their leader.
Some faggot LARPing as some other faggot
Trump and Russia both exist. You can't deny that the connection is there. The path forward is clear.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump overindulge, but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the ice cream scooper.

It was on this person's youtube channel, and I'm trying to find the video again.

It was up sometime before the 2016 election, and it was Putin taking questions from the press.

>Are we at war with Russia?

This is your brain on leftism, complete denial of reality.
If only the same could be said about you and women
Great evidence you put up.

>Deal to build and rent condos is the same as selling nuclear material to russians

Jesus christ wtf is wrong with you
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Stay woke.

1. DEMOCRATS want a WAR with Russia over Crimea. Trump is cooperating with them to deter terrorist acts by ISIS.

2. ISIS a group DEMOCRATS allowed to happen with their failed ME policies. Trump wants to completely defeat them.

3. DEMOCRATS are causing an international scandal by using Russians as a prop in their propaganda against Trump. And Trump is ignoring that narrative altogether.
all evidence is circumstantial so far. I've noticed they were slowly releasing stuff day by day to make it seem like MORE and MORE info is coming out but its the same circumstantial bullshit.

>Tell a big lie, repeat it non-stop untill veryone believes it

This is exactly what is hapenning, and is nothing new. I unnironicaly believe he should start getting rid of the traditional media. Enough is enough, these people have damaged the very fabric of reality.


Deep State / Clinton Camp decided they wanted a war with Russia loooooong before the 2016 election. It's all mainly because Putin, who is genuinely corrupt and evil, wouldn't let certain banks run his country, and rightfully so.

So the Deep State / Clinton Camp is pushing the "Evil Russia" narrative in a last ditch hope of doing two things, removing a lawfully elected president from power and starting WW3.

Don't worry though, Queen Hillary will be safe in her luxury bunker while you and your family die in horrific nuclear hellfire.

But hey, if you're a DNC supporter you've got to take one for the team. This is the same party that murdered Seth Rich for exposing their corruption. He was one of their own.
Comey made the FBI a joke. He shoulda been out sooner but the left still would yell impropriety.
Thanks, post when found, I'm looking too
Russian h*cker here, I confirm I am working with Blangald Clorpf to steal the nuclear codes and get the scoops

Trump is not working with Russia, no matter how much /pol/ wishes he was. He's a con man working with the American government. I won't support him unless he makes it clear he is on the side of Russia, Syria, and Iran, and I doubt he ever will.
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>accusation is the evidence

LMAO. Someone doesn't know the definition of "evidence".

Here's an interesting video. Not specifically calling out the Trump-Russia collusion but commenting on fake news
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You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I think that pic related makes the relationship between Trump and the Russians perfectly clear.
There's only evidence if you believe some thing as weak as guilt by association
Not as funny as the Predident himself. He's quite literally the laughing stock.
MAGA lulz
nah, you guys have really gone off the deep end with this all of these weird social issues.
Probably because wikileaks has a decade of untarnished reputation.

Meanwhile the leaks you're referencing don't even have a name attached to them.
>"LOL, russians"
>"M-MUH RUSSIANS REEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! !!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! !! !"
What do you think?
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Do you see this?

According to anonymous sources, current officials, former officials and associates of former officials, yes they have a lot of evidence that drumpf is a Russian plant. Scared yet drumphies?
>according to non-sources, literally everyone important you can imagine in your tiny little head says that Trump is a Russian plant
Found it

7:46 the quote I used about "whispers in his ear"

A around 6 minute mark he gets asked who he prefers between Trump and Clinton
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nice bro. you got them brump bling brumda the dump out
Basic summary of the video:

Putins thoughts on Trump : Trump says he wants to work with us, but we're not too sure he means what he says

Putin on Clinton : She talks mad shit about Russia but reassures us in private that it's just political campaign talk.

We'll (Russians) work with whoever wins, but we have no interest in helping either side win over the other.
Even if Trump did "collude" with Russia (which is false):

Trump has violated the constitution far less than other recent presidents and Hillary. Trump has colluded with forerign nations far less than other recent presidents and Hillary.

Tell me why I would want him impeached? The ones calling for impeachment seem like foreign operatives wanting to literally tear this country down.
>attacking the source instead of addressing the facts

Face it Drumpfkins, he will be tried, impeached, and hopefully executed.
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Apparently Tom Delonge of all people knows the truth.

This is the state of the world in 2017
We're not attacking the source. We have no idea who the source is.

Or what the evidence is.

Or what the facts are.

The only fact is that there is a total lack of evidence. That is a fact.
I really like his transparency. Not on the things he does but on the awareness of how things really work in international competition. I didn't like that he pulled the "I only want peace" card because he hasn't always been the guy to show that in his own country.

But even with that said, I completely believe him when he says that he didn't want to influence the election.
Congrats, you both understood what was said.
>total lack of evidence
>testimony after testimony of by officials of drumpf being a Russian cock holster
Typical drumpftard tactics. Ignoring the evidence when it's all laid out in front of you. Tick tock.
Looks like this shill got triggered
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no hard evidence, just correlations
Yeah same, I watched that video when it first came out. Opened my eyes and I was impressed by how direct and concise Putin's answers were. No dodging questions, no obvious pre-conceived lies for certain type of questions, just genuine answers.

He is not a perfect leader or a perfect person, of course, no one is, but it is refreshing to see a politician who seems like a genuine person.
Testimony being a feeling that Trump is a big meanie and should be impeached for every fucking breath he takes. All this is just an extension of trying to bring him down with literally anything like we've seen since his election in the primaries. This Trump-Russia crap has as much power as the two scoops story.

Get the fuck out friendless faggot

>anonymous officials
The source may as well be a twitter account with an Abe Lincoln avatar.
What evidence?

Show me the evidence.
ITT provinga negative, tat donald trump isn't working with russians because the msm has to work overtime to keep seth rich and pedogate out of the news.
More genuine at least than most US politicians with their shit-eating grins.
If any existed he would have been impeached by now. 80% of the Federal government is working to impeach him, if there was anything impeachable he'd be gone by now.
lol you can't blame us. Honestly, your purposefully retarded comment actually had more logic than the kinds of shit actual democrats usually try and pull.
>This Trump-Russia crap has as much power as the two scoops story.
If that were the case, wouldn't drumpf be shitting bricks over hogging all the icecream like he is right now over being found out for being a Russian spy?

>implying the officials are going to show themselves this soon
It won't be until drumpf is sitting before a judge before it all comes out. Don't worry, that's not too far away.

You'll get your evidence soon drumpfkin, just enjoy the fireworks for now. We're working up to the big finale, drumpf's eventual impeachment and execution.
We know Hillary came up with the muh russia excuse after the election.

Democrats are saying basically that the accusations are proof. It's not even clear what, exactly they are accusing Trump of doing. They don't even have their fucking story straight on that for fucks sake.

This special counsel investigation will be wrapped up in a couple of months and this shit will be fucking OVER. I know the dems will keep going but the press will drop this shit.
I don't think you actually believe your own words.

>the press will drop this shit.

I don't think they will.
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Time to call them out on their racist anti-slavic sentiment.
That stupid fuck made his own accent up for Angels and Airwaves. I'm not going to believe he isn't making up whatever he knows.
>not too far away

Says the nervous shill for the hundredth time
Well it will have zero impact if Mueller says I took a look and there's nothing here conclusively. I'd love to see what the fuck they drone on about at that point.
>I don't think they will.

Of course they wont, they're making so much money from clicks they'll sell this shit until the investigation is over and nothing is found.
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>I don't have any evidence for god, but I know he exists!!
Also Drumpftards:
>I don't have any evidence for Trump-Russia, so it must not exist!!
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Oh noes! I'm shaking in mah bootiez!
don't worry nukes dont exist.
the truth is they lie so much is to compensate for the fact that at anytime Americans can wise up and go fattadaland mode, thereby starving out its parasitic social elements.

the only power these people have is the ability to print money at interest.
If one looked at this arrangement and realized what they do is nothing at all.

the game is up
But the objective is to stretch the narrative so long and keep it so loud that people wont have time to see what it is.

All characteristic of soft manipulators, and whats great is the more detached they become the less effective their propaganda as they lose the ability to lie based on empathy.
They'll just accuse Mueller of being a Russian plant too. They'll never let it go
Nothing is enough to convince you but it's enough to convince people who actually matter.
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it's going to be a great 8 years
>people did business with Russians!!!!
This chart actually has reassured me that there is no proof.
>I don't think you actually believe your own words.
>Says the nervous shill for the hundredth time
>tfw stupid drumpfies don't know that people literally come here to fuck with them

I've been around since Dorner couldn't be cornered and I've got to say the quality of posters on /pol/ has declined greatly. My half-assed attempt at emulating a shill was enough to garner a few (You)s and that's why these threads get derailed. Faggots need to learn to ignore shills and move on.

And no shit, there's no evidence at all connecting Trump with Russia. There never will be real evidence (maybe fake half assed attempts like comey's memos) because it's a ploy by the MSM to rile up the goyim for the 2018 midterm elections and to turn people away from Trump for 2020.

Comey kept the investigation open for 6 months without any kind of statement confirming progress, and without either dismissing or cooroborating any allegations, and without saying whether or not he had found any evidence. He was clearly holding up the proceedings to undermine the Trump admin
>We know Hillary came up with the muh russia excuse after the election.

No. They came up with this shit long before the election. The plan of Deep State / Clinton was always to go to war with Russia.
>any actual evidence?

There will be once the deep states makes some but that takes time OP so just be patient.
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>come in acting like a shill
>actually agrees with us

We do a few things.

1. Trump has said a bunch of good things about Russia, and the Russian political establishment is generally favorable to him.

2. Trump (and a lot of people around him) have done a fair amount of business with Russia

3. A number of people in his campaign (Carter Page and Manafort) have known ties to the Kremlin

4. Michael Flynn spoke with a Russian official on a unsecured landline and for whatever reason the Trump camp either didn't know about this, or did and tried to keep it from getting out.

5. The code used in the DNC leaks had Russian language in it.

Anything other than that is pure speculation
Evidence for God comes at a personal level. If you seek, so shall you find.

The FBI got the phone call and found nothing wrong with it back in january
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This is bait
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>There will be once the deep states makes some

Yep. Pretty certain that's the plan at this point. Treason.
In case it wasn't clear.
>Faggots need to learn to ignore shills and move on.

The reason /pol/ is constantly swamped with shills is because /pol/ feeds the shills their anger.
If /pol/ stops replying to shills and moshe realizes the shills aren't getting any (You)s then odds are the shills will be fired or re-assigned to Reddit or some other cuck site.

Since shills aren't actively banned, the next best thing /pol/ can do is shun the shills and faggots that reply to shills.
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Russian Hack CoE.png
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This is the actual chain of evidence

as you can see its bullshit

the whole case is based on

>a blog post
>anonymous peepee stories
>phone calls between americans and russians
You're the biggest retard actually because I know shills when I see them and they are still entertaining to respond to and debate. Sometimes you see a thread and you know it's bait, but it doesn't matter because it is an interesting topic to go into and share ideas with.

I helped a bro see some light in this thread with those Putin videos. You can't say that these threads are not useful and meaningful, not only for us the participants but for people coming by and taking a look

faggot larper
or we can just keep them here wasting their fucking time on redpilled anons

None. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

Were there Russian shills here before the election praising Trump?

You better fucking believe it. Turns out the thought of intercontinental ballistic missiles flying both ways is unsavory to the Russians.
The real Deep State is setting WWIII as Islam v the World in order to eradicate Islam and Islamic countries.
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>actual evidence
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There's nothing.
There's been nothing for months.
Routine telephone calls and contacts are being spun into Kremlin mind-control experiments.
The media piles innuendo upon hysteria until the feds and congress have enough innuendo to launch an investigation. Then the media spins those investigations into more innuendo and hysteria. It's a self-reinforcing cycle of seditious spin.
The end goal is a "soft" coup. Force the elected government out of office, truth and propriety be dammed.
The truth is drowned under barrels of ink.
Propaganda trumps democracy every time.
>complains about /po/ being constantly swamped with shills
>Is a shill
Holy shit you have achieved next level stupid
> go to war with Russia.

they just want a cold war reignited

IC lost billions in funding when the iron curtain cam down in 1991.

The CIA manufactured AQ/ISIS threat was a stop-gap to get money flowing for the bogus GWOT.
>. A number of people in his campaign (Carter Page and Manafort) have known ties to the Kremlin

this is false
Well they'll be outed for the fucking bat shit insane fags they are if that happens. I mean seriously.

>Trump has said a bunch of good things about Russia, and the Russian political establishment is generally favorable to him.

How awful. Polticians of different countries having amicable relations. Where are the days of fire and brimstone speeches between rival countries?
so you admit it's a faith based belief

>You're the biggest retard actually because I know shills when I see them and they are still entertaining to respond to and debate.

Shills are easy for redpilled anons to spot, but normies just taking a peek might mistake it for being real. Debating a shill is almost pointless as they just spout the same lines day in and day out and anons reply with the same old rebuttals and refutations. They won't change their arguments. They are paid not to. Some might agree with you personally even, but will continue pushing the kike agenda because it's what they're paid to do. It gunks up the threads with shit we've already seen over and over again and then the thread gets derailed.

>I helped a bro see some light in this thread with those Putin videos. You can't say that these threads are not useful and meaningful, not only for us the participants but for people coming by and taking a look
This thread wasn't started by a shill. This thread was started by an anon asking a valid question instead of bait posting like a shill. There have been some quality posts ITT. There are, however, shills posting ITT. And there are anons who fell for the shills (and my bait posts).
It's incredibly easy to make /pol/ fly off the hinge. If /pol/ would start to ignore the pointless shill posting we could get back to real conversations once the shills get the message and fuck off.

>>Is a shill
A shill would never admit to being a shill.
But they control the entire federal government
First of all, I'm not the one complaining about shills. A lot of so-called "bait topics" are great catalysts for real debate.

You are complaining about shills.

You are doing exactly what shills do.

dot dot fucking dot

and lol
USCODE title50 chap39 sec2204
>First of all, I'm not the one complaining about shills.
Duly noted.

>A lot of so-called "bait topics" are great catalysts for real debate.
I'm not denying that. What I'm saying is that anons debating off topic with shills in threads tends to ruin the original purpose of the thread.
When actual shills come around en masse (usually after a great happening) /pol/ turns into a war zone and shit is constantly derailed because of shills baiting and /pol/ taking the bait.

>You are doing exactly what shills do.
I wonder how long it will take you to realize that's the fucking point.
so the failing new york times is credible now
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Here's your proof blumpfkin
Right. The problem is Flynn at first said the call was about Christmas greetings, and that sanctions were discussed. That said there is no evidence that he made any policy promises
Manafort's own daughter said he did.
none or he would be in jail

they're big lie-ing it into existence

You have no point dude. Stop pretending like you have some sort of grand master plan here.

You're complaining about shills and you are here doing exactly what shills do. Make some fucking brah.
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