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Why is Joe Rogan so two faced when it comes to Alex Jones? Has

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Why is Joe Rogan so two faced when it comes to Alex Jones? Has no prob throwing him under the bus when an 'intellectual' comes on his show.
He likes the guy personally even though he knows he is a nut job.
because Joe Rogan is a paid shill
I think it's like expecting a WWE fan to defend the integrity of every aspect of the sport in a serious discussion because they got drunk and got into an event.

Alex Jones is a unique mesh of reality and insanity that is hard to defend at face value, even if you love him.
Joe is Joe.
i just listened to his podcast with josh zepps and then the new one with jordan peterson and my god this guy cant fucking think for himself. he gives the illusion that he is unbiased but if you get anyone who is smarter than him he has the spine of a wet noodle.
Because Joe is a massive flip flopper that always changes to meet the personality of his guest. Well, unless its about DUDE WEED LMAO that is.
Even though Jones is 90 % right and Rogan agrees with everything he says

>hitching your wagon to Alex Jones

shiggy jiggy
Rogan is the guy that nods and goes "yeah" and lets you talk at length. That's it really. He doesn't wanna fight you... unless it's about religion or weed maaaaaaaaan
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>Jones is 90 % right
Joe rogan says to alexjones himself that he doesn't believe everything he says
Joe Rogan hates Trump because Sam Harris hates Trump and so does every other person in his circle. The weed thing doesn't make it better. Alex Jones likes Trump.
It's almost like people's personalities and opinions change depending on who they're talking to.
He doesn't wants to believe, that's a very huge difference.
Joe lost touch with reality a long time ago. He thinks his daily life is a 5 minute dmt trip in the flotation tank.
Yes it's called being 2 faced and it's a bad quality
One of the worst.
Some might say spineless even
Joe knows Alex is just acting on infowars. Every other opinion on the matter is WRONG.
Jones is 90% wrong

Dude, but like, the flotation tank dmt trip *is* life. You know Moses was on dmt? Jamie pull that shit up
>But Joe, Alex Jones is a Sandy Hook denier.
>Really? That's fucked up.

Go down the list of Jones's bullshit. Joe Rogan isn't on that crazy train but he still likes the conductor.

This is the right answer.
Jones statements are a spectrum you can't take all of them at face value
This. Calm your tits OP.
you watch the podcast for the guests, not for Joe
Alex never wears a tie to the podcast. Joe can only fight guys that wear ties. Joe can totally kill a man wearing a tie.
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I live in Bell Canyon California, which is an unincorporated community of Ventura County. My name is Joe Rogan. I'm 49 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet of freshly killed game, eggs from my backyard, and jalapenos. I perform a rigorous kettlebell and battlerope routine daily. In the morning if my pupils are not dilated I'll vape on some essential CBD oils while doing Turkish getups in my homemade octagon with my kettlebells shaped like monkey heads. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the CBD oils I eat a pot gummy. In the isolation tank I smoke some DMT, then slam my Alpha Brain before chugging a pot of Caveman coffee. Then I put on my Me Undies while I prepare food from Blue Apron. I always use a non-vegan meal as eating vegan doesn't provide you necessary proteins. Then I make sure to do my spinal decompression with some yoga. There is an idea of a Joe Rogan; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am so fucking high, bro.
>Jones is 90% wrong
name 10 things he was Wrong about
so you didnt read the podesta emails?
>speaking out of turn
>providing 1/10th of what was asked
This is what the lack of a father does to people.
Even Jones admitted he was wrong to hitch his wagon to that trailer trash conspiracy.
no, he just said it has nothing to do with a pizza place
Who gives a shit? Alex Jones is a half-crazy conman who sells gullible people health products by acting like he's going to help them against a global conspiracy. He deserves to be treated like shit.
Interdimensional child molester
The elites working for Satan
Psychic vampires
Google being a giant ai project to enslave humanity
Obama is bisexual
Saying he's not Bill Hicks
Facebook is part of the Illuminati

And that's just from the podcast with Rogan.
Joe Rogan is genuinely too dumb to even be a pseudo intellectual and has no convictions of his own except DUDE WEED. Watch a podcast of his with a conservative guest on and then watch one with a liberal guest on, guy flip flops so much I half expect Gordon Ramsey to name drop him in one of his insults on the next season of hell's kitchen
*Also, any of the half-dozen things he said about mind control

the interdimensional technology
interdimensional force wants to kill us
So... it's literally not pizzagate. Smart.
But taking advantage of gullible people is admirable, anon. They deserve to lose their money and he was the one smart enough to take it. What's your excuse? Why aren't you rich and famous?
He very quickly disavowed it back in November or early December. Fired the reporter who was talking about it explicitly. The pizza place being a child trafficking ring does not have hard evidence and he always said that that was a manufactured distraction.

What is real are the weird emails that the podestas share with other people, and the nude child artwork with them chained up in bondage.

It's creepy circumstantial evidence that he's talked about, but never said it was enough to convict them of being child traffickers.

I'm just curious, which news outlets did you read to get 'informed' about this incident?
>obama is bisexual
eh michelle looks like a man but i'm sure it's just a bit of bantz
>elites working for satan
metaphor - satan = evil, he's saying those in the upper echelon are fucking shit up for the sake of it
metaphor - replace dimension with class system
>physic vampires
metaphor - he's talking about psycho/sociopaths who feed off pain and misery
>google ai project
sus af
>he's not bill hicks
he's not
>facebook is part of the illuminati
metaphor - those in power do farm social media for info on people, every government in the world does
Learn to read between the lines
he's two-faced about everything and he's fucking retarded to boot too.

t. ufcfag
He wasn't being 2 faced, he was shooting the shit with a performance artist and entertainer, and when people ask him about the things they said he reveals it was all a joke.
Alex Jones has been saying and doing the same things for so long, I grew tired of listening to him after his interview with immortal technique, I think that's his magnum opus because he's this conservative conspiracy guy talking to a communist conspiracy guy and agreeing but also massively disagreeing and acting superior to the normies.

wow you are so bluepilled, You dont even deserve for Alex Jones to spit on you
Could you please prove that Obama isn't bisexual and that the Gnostic Demiurge isn't out to cause us psychic harm? No? Then shut the fuck up, kiddo.
>metaphor - satan = evil, he's saying those in the upper echelon are fucking shit up for the sake of it

No, he literally says that there is an interdimensional being giving the elites technology.

>metaphor - replace dimension with class system

Again, no, he's literally talking about dimensions. References scientists discovering that there are 12 dimensions, talks about the 3rd dimension, 4th, etc., he's trying to be scientific about it.
Anyone else getting the vibe he's starting to treat Jamie as the son he never had? He fucks with his pals but always comes to Jamie's defense and doesn't really mess with him. Either that or they banging
yeah he did but he was also high and drunk, I think he was also playing it up a bit to fuck with them
>holding something that a drunk and high person says against them
Straightedge square fag.
he respects jamie because jamie can do all the tech shit and also went to college unlike his spastic friends
plus some friends you don't really banter with
This. If you can't seperate the bullshit, then you shouldn't be allowed to make decisions by yourself
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>ywnb young jamie
He's a balding retarded faggot
Except for interdimensional child molester, those things are all true.
>flip-flopping whenever a father figure/authority figure is near
Typical drug addict behavior. Never, ever, EVER trust a drunk.
Its called being a good host by picking your guest's mind on topics.
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
Oh Joe Rogan is without a doubt a good host. But he's kind of like Michael Savage on spiritual issues. Doesn't actually know what he believes so just says whatever and badly contradicts himself.
I think with spiritual stuff, its okay to flip flop because who really knows?
how dare you
>Alex Jones pretends to like Trump.
>Interdimensional child molester
This is true though.
>The elites working for Satan
This is true though.
>Psychic vampires
This is true though.
>Google being a giant ai project to enslave humanity
Could very well be true.
>Obama is bisexual
Could very well be true.
>Saying he's not Bill Hicks
Alright, this I can accept.
>Facebook is part of the Illuminati
This is true though.
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Whatever happened to those FEMA camps Alex wouldn't shut up about however many years ago?
Obama got cold feet and called off the plans for martial law
What's really concerning is how many subscribers Alex Jones has on YouTube. Shit like that sometimes makes me think that the Russians didn't hack the election because there are so many stupid people out there.
Hubby and I don't know anyone in real life that is stupid enough to vote for cheeto voldemort, but he still gets elected? Sounds like Russian manipulation, sweetie
Fake news alert! He said that the elite thinks of themselves as interdimensional satanist vampires, he meant that they're delusional. Everything else is pretty much spot on
>Google being a giant ai project to enslave humanity
as is Facebook
This is false though.
I wonder how many people humour you in your life while you remain blissfully unaware that it is happening?
That's not an argument.
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neither was your comment you dumb dingus
Joe Rogan is literally retarded and probably thinks he understand the secret truths of the Universe and reality because he's had DMT trips.

These kinds of people are top-tier pathetic.
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The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this, some are good some are bad some are a mix; but the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together and evil is always defeated. Because good is so much stronger. And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it- there's at least twelve dimensions. And now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out and saying it's a false hologram, it is artificial, the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call dark matter. So we're like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in a computer program, some God's mind, whatever. They're proving it all, it's all coming out.
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Because hes a two faced kind of faggot

hello /x/?
how do you guys get those flags
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>starts thread about Alex Jones
>country flags mysteriously disappear in this thread only
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
It got moved from another board nu/pol/ faggot
>doesn't know what Unknown flags are for

Lurk more.

hes never had an intellectual on his show
yes it was you man without a country ass bitch
Alex Jones is a Zionist shill, meant to mislead people.

He talks about the nebulous globalists but in the end it's the Jew. Not just the internationalist Jew, but also the communistic Jew, the capitalist Jew, and the nationalist/Zionist Jew.
Spend years trying to turn Rogan. It never works until he tries rich guy stem cell injections. Immediatly he is with her and demanding Trumps taxes.
Rogan does this with a lot of his guests. He's a leftist as it is and will tend to agree with right wing guests until they are no longer on air. You can know the true rogan by listening to his podcast with crowder. He goes off the handle when they talk about weed and how crowder doesn't really care either way about it.
But thats where you wrong

sure there may be a disproportionate amount of jews in (they) but they arent not only jews they are internationals, people belonging to no state because they simply have that much fucking money over so many diffrent regions and they can quite literally go where ever when ever they want

also not all globalists are evil, only the ones hellbent on domination and with superiority complexes (wich is most of them)
Graham is mad as fuck
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sounds like something a satanic interdedimensional psychic vampire ai would say
Internationalists of any kind are disgusting as are freemasons.

>Disproportionate amount of Jews
Jewry exists to destroy everyone but their own culture. They hate Europeans specifically due to following the works of Christ who called out the Jews for what they are, snakes and vipers, furthermore they are the synagogue of Satan.
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>aiding terrorists
He literally prefaced the psychic vampires with "this is a metaphor" and then went to say that the inter dimensional communication "isn't what I believe, this is what the elite believe." You're either intentionally trying to mislead people or you're just a fucking idiot that has no ears.
He's two faced when it comes to everything, that's how he makes his "ceder". He's just going through the emotions, he's just a work horse capitalizing on "popular fringe ideas".
I was wondering what was with that
joe knows alex is right but he knows how tard he acts
I think he's afraid of what might happen to him if he comes off as agreeing with him because of how Alex lost his advertising privileges on google. And then there was that funky business with the podcast getting taken off iTunes for a little bit and being blocked from the top podcasts lists despite it getting record downloads.
>taking alex literally
>being this bluepilled
definitely low IQ too. you need some brainforce, nigger
I like Rogan's style of podcast. He lets people say their piece with minimal interruption (Minus Bravo sometimes), and asks serious questions about it instead of immediately disregarding it. In today's ridiculous reaction culture, a lot of people take this as him completely agreeing with someones point of view.
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>yeah I'm just not really into weed, but it's not that big of a dea-
Because Rogan is just there to agree with his guests so they feel comfortable and open up. When your talking for 3 hours with someone you don't wanna fight with them just because you don't believe with everything they say.
He is really into weed i guess. Even I cringed out of that one
That's Joe, he does that with everyone has on the show. he agrees with everything then the next day he resets his brain and starts talking about how he disagrees with everything they said
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>All these french posters
I don't care how many times you cry out for help, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU
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