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Capture the fag flag

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Thread replies: 290
Thread images: 82

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We're making the rainbow flag great again, include swastikas
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True people of color ftw
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One of the previous threads: >>124385297
you guys realize nazis want to remove other races right?
This is epic
Are we sure about the swastikas?
They really limit the amount of people who will spread these memes
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Minus the care bears and the heart, I like this one.
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C'mon motherfuckers


> get throwawayemail
> make twitter account
> shit post
> repeat
Lets post it on 9GAG and twitter!

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The real headline on shit like this should be "Idiot numedia won't stop delivering exactly the attention that needy babby republican attention whores want."
We should do both. Assuming you're the Fin from the previous thread, you guys did convince me that the nonswastika versions were valuable because SJWs could be persuaded to share them if they don't have swastikas.

Basically, if you're running an SJW twitter trying to get other SJWs to retweet it, use the nonswastika version and if you're running a NatSoc/racist troll twitter trying to get other NatSoc/racist trolls to retweet it, use the swastika version
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Here you go.
Use the black flag to identify race-mixing with terrorism/Islam. It looks like the black flag of jihad.
Use the #savediversity on twitter!! We must make this trending.

I know where this particular meme is coming from
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every color.png
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I like these
Glad we reached a decent compromise, now we can attack this from two fronts. I feel a bit bad about making you jump ship from your thread, I owe you a beer mate. Post your SJW friendly versions once it dies.
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Rainbow Love.jpg
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Right, this is the way we do it. t. other Finn
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Case in point.
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Think Different.jpg
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use #save diversity

post it on twitter, instagram and 9gag
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LGBT flag racism2.png
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If you're posting on twitter remember to use #rainbowflagracism
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Symbol of hate
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lgbt white flag.png
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Who are some SWJs and racists to tweet these to
If we get them to change their flag into the white flag, they've literally given up and we've won

Godspeed, anons
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geert wilders or alex jones
That's the plan.
Stop putting swastikas in these.
The goal is to get normies to go "hmm really makes me think."

The swastika is already too widely known as a hate symbol. Normies will see it and immediately disregard the image as "just more nazi propaganda."
That would be fucking hilarious. I doubt it would work because some libtard would probably call the white flag racist because everything white is racist.
Looks like a dick ejaculating a rainbow through a funnel.
>Trying to make the rainbow flag a "hate symbol"
>Don't use something widely known as a hate symbol to try and achieve that
The strenght of /pol is simply wonderful ! Next step :
use this ^ instead
Lesbians getting bashed tonight!
And so what is the proper response to mixed people then?


What is the solution for them?
what # do we use?
This one should be redone to say diversity, instead of purity. Hits 'em in the ideology.
Oh, I thought the goal was to subtly get people to realize that ethnic nationalism is sensible and acceptable by tying it to the already-accepted image of a rainbow.
we should make Dancehall the official music of /pol/ in the summer >>125092502

Homosexuality is still a crime in Jamaica (male homosexuality though, not female).
The roots of homophobia in Jamaica (and in many Carribean islands) stem from multiple factors:
- religion, which has a strong place in Jamaican society and considers homosexuality as a sin
- slavery: homosexual sex was used as a tool of humiliation by the white masters. Thus rejecting homosexuality and taking pride in being heterosexual (which is, by the way, another dominant theme in dancehall lyrics) is a way to break free from this colonial past.
- another factor is insularity: the fact that people in the Carribbean islands live in a closed society, where everyone knows everyone, amplifies homophobia.

All those factors combined make homophobia socially acceptable in Jamaica. That is why it was "normal" for Buju Banton to sing songs like "Boom Bye Bye" or "Batty Rider"


but i see no one using it?
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Normies are evolving. They will not fall for it. Why do we need swastikas in these? The rainbow is our 'hate symbol'.

Like decided earlier, we can make both with swastikas and without swastikas. Both achieve the same goal, but through a different mean.

>the final solution
This is gold
this is fucking immaculate. 10/10 thread. leftist flag needs to be captured
Tbere's a few tweets, the fire slowly rises. We've gotta keep it going, anyone have a list of SJW twitters?
we must tweet it more
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The main goal seems to be:
>take the rainbow flag back from the LGBT crowd and make it known as a ethnic nationalist symbol

By making it a "hate symbol" by spreading word that it is a nazi symbol directly so they lose it or by getting people to support ethnic nationalism through the promotion of this new idea behind this flag seems to be where /pol/ splits.
"Dirt Man of Kekistan" at least tweet some of the actual memes if you're going to big mouth about us doing this

I'm a right winged 4chan user but fuck me why do we want to be associated with alt-right faggots??
make a new thread, this one iis dead
its funny tho bc tumblrinas and leftists never fact check anything so they'll unironically spread this
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fucking tweet it with #savediversity
>kill them
You know full well this would never work and it's an idea that just makes the idea look bad. This could show just how untenable the view of ethnic purity is if such a simple problem cannot even be handled.
delete the joke comments

if we go with the latter, then it will become a "hate symbol" and they will lose it
>they lose their symbol
>we get a new one that mocks them
win both anon
oy fucking vey
I agree.
Now get the proponents of the first one to support what you're doing and cut out the swastikas.
You are the real normie.
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It's a tough issue. They don't honestly belong anywhere, but we have to have them somewhere. I'm personally of the opinion that they can stay with the people they feel more at home with. Finland has so few mulattoes they are not really a problem. I just want to get rid of the niggers and sandniggers.

I don't know how racial segragation would work in America. Someone like Jared Taylor or some other race realist has probably thought it out.
>maroon is my favorite color
Said nobody ever
post more on twitter please
Trump was just arrested for spying. Pence is now president.
>having faith in simpleton normies
Find particularly gullible seeming SJWs on twitter and tag them in your tweets using SJW friendly memes with #solidarity #savediversity, do it enough and a few with followers will retweet

Also I bet most of the fake antifa accounts like @BevHillsAntifa would be willing to retweet this shit, so try them
make a new thread

Imo it's not about identifying with alt-right, but rather just general trolling and hopefully some subsequent redpilling of the sjws.
why this isnt even close to 300
No need for a new thread, this is already 100 comments strong. I'll repost this thread again when more burgers are online too.
this is still not trending
Alright, choose four now for me to post. Nows the time to choose swasticas or no swasticas
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Reminder that the Washing Post recently changed their motto to "Democracy Dies in Darkness". Great potential there.
Just keep bumping this thread with the hashtags


Include SJW tier hashtags that are already well known like #blacklivesmatter

This is great

Updated it here:

ok, swastikas

>>125096079 is >>125096269
No swastikas
Remove the swastikas if you want to redpill normies. You're sabotaging yourself.
This one is too big to posted onto twitter, this one should probably go on reddit or onto other sjw forums
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>white text on yellow background
i posted it on 9gag. i get a lot of comments lmao
Which is why everyone loves borders.
Alright before I post any of these final call on swasticas or not. I can edit them out myself but I just have to know.
Fair enough, hows this, digits check out
Swatiskas, maximum trigering. These people consider just seeing one trauma, we will pavlovian condition them into hating their own flag. The ultimate capture the flag.
why is nobody tweeting this??
Question is, will the normies buy it? Some are already aware of the ok sign thing so perhaps we should be less obvious than that
i think not
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Some journalist will see the swastikas on their precious rainbow and fly into a hysteric rage, Streisanding this to a huge audience if we push it long enough.
OK then. #SaveDiversety memes incoming. Prepare yourself for triggered normies
where do you gonna post it?
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Champion. Consider yourself an honorary Aussie shitposter.

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is that your twitter?
top kek
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Totenkopf 1.png
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Time to buy some Death in June merch.
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Made this one, need ideas for a good caption. I was thinking "Diversity is what sets us/you apart"
Memes have been dumped to twitter chat rooms. Normies better be preparing their anuses. Posts incoming, will post in here to be bumped
Can't anyone make a twitter bot to spam messages with account creation using http://www.throwawaymail.com/ ????????
i know basic programming so i know its possible... i just can't do it
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I like it!!
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That makes no sense. If you're trying to send a legitimate message why ethnicities should have their own place, then why the fuck would you ruin that message with "hurr let's put swastikas on the pictures so people think we're racist, best troll ever!"

I'm starting to think that the people who insist putting swastikas on these pictures are trying to intentionally damage the original message. Or, they are just idiots.
I say it all the time faggot

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Keep this thread bumped, good work Dirt Man, you've done well. Working on some OC tying Antifa into this.
Keep the Nazi symbols out of the normie ones. Use the normie ones as the start. Like pepe, it starts small. Then use the harder ones during attacks. So that the more tame ones appear reasonable to the normies. That's how you win the war.
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Here's the first batch. Rt this shit and spread it like wildfire.

We will have victory
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flag of ethnic diversity.png
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There are two goals.

>make the rainbow a symbol of racial segregation
>make the homos stop using it as their flag because the rainbow is a hate symbol
Both of them can be achieved at the same time.
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here, i made you one using this little photoshop skills that i got, i hope it's good enough
Do the one with the glove holding the whip it's way more striking
try posting to @savediversity, maybe they will retweet some of the subtle ones
That's actually brilliant. SJW will shit themselves.
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It's a spiritual symbol you fucking shitlord, just respect his faith.
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Should we agree on a date when we would do a concentrated twitter strike? They 'trend' based on simultaneous activity, right?

On the date we agree on, a thread will be made on /pol/. Operation instructions should be on OP:s post to get attention of as many posters as possible. Somewhere around mid-day American time perhaps the optimal time to start?
we need to get the hashtags trending and get google search to auto suggest hate symbol after rainbow flag
Bruh I've already been posting these memes. We can organize a raid but we should start posting now. Get the memes out there so that the raid doesn't seem like a raid
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On it anon
yes we need organization for this to succeed
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Black Rainbow Sun.jpg
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Good aesthetics in this one.

Also for the operation name, I like the name Op. Spectrum that has been suggested before. Better name suggestions? t. >>125101967
Operation Capture the flag.
10/10 top kek
Top kek
these are really good but the swastikas are very unecessary. these alone arent even memes but just images of redpill truth, the swastikas have no place on them except indicate that these are really just edgy memes created by the hacker known as 4chan. leave the swastikas out entirely and we could actually spread these around pretty widely.
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Every time I think you guys can't outdo yourselves anymore, you pull some shit like this
doing gods work
maybe make a dropbox/drive folder to save a share all our material
>nuremburg rainbow rally
I'm fucking losing it, my sides are in space
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and for the normies who still wouldn't get it...
does anyone have the rainbow crosswalks pictures?
Tweet this at actual antifa from accounts that aren't obviously trolls as well, a lot will retweet without checking out the hashtag
Operation: On the Spectrum

Our weaponized autism will know no bounds
Kek let's post these pics on 9gag and redpill some normies
Instead of "operation", how about:

Capture the Fag Flag: On the Spectrum

Evokes fond memories of our triumph over Shia
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Posting already is definitely good and ya'll niggers should be doing it, but

Agreeing upon a date might be too ''organized'' for this chaotic entity we embody, but as long as the operation call to arms is right first in the OP post for maximum visibility I'm fine with any date and time.

Reminds of HWNDU. Good or bad? I don't know. Operation CTF Spectrum?

Dunno if necessary, they ones worth posting are posted here and saved by those who like them. Someone who is pro on these things could share these somewhere tho, not against the idea.
Hngg that skull is amazeballs.
Hey, is that the one I made yesterday?
It's so that we don't have to start every thread by spamming the good ones, and instead just share one link.
The bulk of it must be swastika free. Then a few, maybe two or three with a swastika shopped on them so the media can pick up on it and spread it for us.
my gratitude; medicine man.

This thread will end up archived with everythng in it, if you save >>125088585 into a text file or just bookmark the thread you can just link /pol/lacks of the future here.

Hi future /pol/lack hope you're enjoying the thread.
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>CTF: On the Spectrum
This is fine by me.

I don't personally like the use of anything related to ''fags'' or ''homosexuality'' in this, the purpose is to take the flag, not reinforce the idea that it's (currently) a homo flag.

t. >>125103406
A MEGA folder would be alright.
Use #LGBT and #Gay.
see >>125103993
A full blown raid is retarded.
What you need to do is post it on a few selected places, make it appear secret and exclusive.
Then make an outraged liberal account and warn people about it. Tell the MSM they'll fucking love it.
After that it'll spread itself.
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still not fucking trending
Fags are out of style, give it some time.
Keep tweeting with hashtags already currently trending so more people stumble ont it
What hashtags are you guys using?

This is evil. I love you.
#savediversity and #defenddiversity also use #blacklivesmatter and #comeyfired
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Hmm, got me thinking. This might be true and a good idea.

Racial segregation is a permanent topic on /pol/ and we have the time to carry out this for a long time. Forcing this too hard risks that the normies catch on.
Were not exactly flooding twitter, it's good to build up a large amount of tweets under the hashtags, I'll make threads about this frequently so it keeps building steam
For real though, the rainbow used to be a beautiful Christian symbol (representing God's new covenant between all life after the Flood).

Then faggots stole it for some reason and removed indigo out of it too. Could be great to see fags triggered by our use of it.
Yeah I do agree, but we should at least bump each other's posts.
Go to #savediversity on twitter and rt everything from us.
Hell, even send links to your twitter posts here
we must retweet each comment about this
Is there a twitter spam bot? i can't find any

and if there is none can anyone make 1?...
we need this tool of mass destruction so shit can go trending quickly!!

the bot should get an email from

make twitter account with it spam all images we have and then make new account an repeat..

i know its possible i just can't do it
retweet this one
you niggers are posting and it doesn't even have a caption yet
Someone tweet this under Antifa hashtags

#antifa #antifascist #bashthefash #punchanazi
Don't do swastikas, you fucking retards.

If you want it to have any credibility whatsoever, don't use swastikas. It's not supposed to be obvious trolling.

Fucking hell, be a bit subversive and use your head for once.
can someone see how the hastag is used?
i mean how much

top kek
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Underrated kek

>but please dude make your own fucking account and help us out.....
havent seen a single post outside of /pol/ of this

good job retards you have accomplished literally nothing
This is clever, retweet this guys tweets
make a better plan
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The rainbow is the biblical gods gift that he will not destroy the earth with water again. The fags taking it was a mockery to God and we are doing a great deed by taking it back.

It's just started retard
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Is this one any good ?
So basically the truth/redpill? That's why occultists hide the rainbow in movie and why (((they))) choose it as the fagflag. To keep normies divided.
is this a troll?
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We have no hurry with this, organic memes don't suddenly get into the public. Shifting a world's perception on the colour spectrum is an ambitious plan and will take time. Patience is required.
fuck off kike
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Steal this one
Ok so we made a lot of cool pics and all, but where and how do spread them. I think that is the next step, it seems like we are stuck in the producing process
on 9gag
Patience. Pepe didn't become a "white supremacist symbol" in just a week or two.
we must post all the memes on 9gag

We're building it all up under #savediversity, then we're going to use ploys like >>125102316 to trick the most easily triggered lefties into checking out what's posted under that hashtag. The more producing we do for this the better, it needs to seem like it's genuinely been co-opted by nazis.
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rainbow soldiers.jpg
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Exactly this. We posted pepe (which was a meme for years before the elections) without any plan for what, half a year during the election before the media catched on?

The segregationist rainbow will take its time. Make it truly ours before we convince others we have seriously adopted it.
post all the pics on 9gag
align the text with the stripes
also remove niggers, we want this to be normie friendly

> use: www.throwawaymail.com/
>make throwaway twitter acc post 20-30 tweets
> post on 9gag!
But Im already mixed race, but want to be conservative, this sucks for me.
is 9gag popular? i rarely see people using it
You won't win against the gays. lrn2politic
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Use this one with the #Malibu hashtag to redirect normies towards #savediversity
if you want to make it viral

Making a funny junkaccount atm
this is not really about muh racial purity, but about diving liberals
Send all the memes to him. maybe he is retweeting one
May this not be a one time gag only. To make it really happen we need to push this idea for more than a week!
This isn't about feelings.
This is about trolling.

Context: This video is everywhere in the (((Internets))) rn:

will do i have no life anyway
if we want to make this viral we must post the memes on 9gag
Fucking niggers DO NOT include swasticas.
If its too edgy it will be auto dismissed.
Its gotta have credibility. Just use the general idea, its a nice idea, but do not in ANY case include a swastica on it. dont be retards...o wait. its /pol


When tagging normies NO SWASTIKA!!!!!
think like one become one
Don't have kids, or if you do, do it with a mudskin.

Teach them to be good people, turn the world around for your people. Ethnonationalism isn't about white power, but rather white sovereignty. We don't want you all as slaves, we want you out of our countries, make your own, and make them great. I believe in you. The asians did it, the mudslimes did it (fell back into shit but proves they can do it again), niggers would probably be happier living in africa in tribes.

Thumbed up these shits
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>this sucks for me
Exactly, you don't want people to repeat the mistakes of your parents. You don't have to be self-hating to admit that you are a thing that you wouldn't support others to create.

The reason the elite wants a totally mixed race world is to remove all ethnic loyalty and consciousness, so they can replace their identity one that (((They))) can mold as they fit.

Great. Miley's Malibu has some traditionalist vibes.

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Another one.

These are designed to be used with the #malibu hashtag, so we direct the attention of normies towards the #savediversity hashtag and they find all the other images there.

PS: Meme War I veteran here. This is how virality is achieved on Twitter.
These are really good anon, listen to this guy!

Hashtags to use: #malibu #savediversity #blacklivesmatter #comeyfired #defenddiversity

nice job , Franco
use #malibu #SaveDiversity and #malibutoday
Can I get this one without piccalo? Maybe add a dark black person and a muslim?
They arent humans.
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True. Digits confirm, but it conveys the message better then a cartoon character.
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This is genius! Let's get these circling asap as the butt hurt will be extreme and the pilling will be efficient
Bravo leaf, bravo
top kek
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Made another shitty one, would be nice if actually talented people did these, but we'll make do.
Nice meme mate, let me check your doubles and put this on Twitter so I can redpill some fag supporters
This is more about trolling the media than anything else
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stuur erik van muiswinkel tweets!

Lets make this a real thing. It makes sense for us to use it and at the same time will make the liberals triggered.
we need all hands on deck
most of all, we need high quality stuff like >>125090555
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#savediversity #defenddiversity #blacklivesmatter #comeyfired #malibu #antifa #trump
is #SaveDiversity really trending?
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Malibu Miley.png
2MB, 1272x714px
Liked your idea so much I had to make one.
Is this just another CIA PsyOp to turn the alt-right into faggots?
We are using that media label against them
Not yet, it's still early days on this, it took a while to get the Ok symbol to stick. I'm saying look at your trending list and use those hashtags to help boost this
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or turn faggots into nazis
retweet all #SaveDiversity tweets

and post pics on 9gag
>retweet all #SaveDiversity tweets
>and post pics on 9gag

This! Go, go, go! Go through this thread and tweet everything with appropriate hashtags
lets make a thread. this one is dead
I"ll make a new one with details in the OP when this gets a bit closer to bump limit, not very far off
We need to stop sharing stuff like this >>125090480
be more subtle
France on suicide watch
Just do it already
Ok Brazil calm down, on it

Excellent. Keep tweeting!
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Gimme dat flag.
Gimme dat fag flag.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
Smash a comment in this current thread to help it reach bump limit, then jump ship to the new thread

new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
thanks doc
sage this thread, bump new thread

new thread
new thread
new thread
You're all really still at this. Carry on, best of luck.
Thread posts: 290
Thread images: 82

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