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Rainbow/diversity/fag flag colonization thread

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Thread replies: 194
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Rainbow/diversity/fag flag colonization thread
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Potential target to trigger
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>YFW this is a ploy by the gay mafia in Hollywood that likes to do BDSM Nazi role play
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I made one, what do you think lads?
Try to kill the Marxist dream of "equality" in the same message
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Another one
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This tweet seems useful
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was that one of you?
if it was, that guy took the bait
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>I'm zoosexual
top kek. i bailed
Is this working? we need to figure out who will buy this.
ill give you a bump before bed
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Slowly. I've seen a few mentions.
Yeah ive seen that too. We need this to spread from the bottom up. If someone too big posts this it will be snuffed out like the OK symbol was.
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I just can't ....
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>a literal ledditor
mcfucking kill yourselve
they are still separated
you can distinct every color in that painting
>they are still separated
>you can distinct every color in that painting
Exactly. Mixing doesn't mean everything became a single hue, but that tons of new hues are created.

This is diversity. Enjoy.
It's still mostly separate. There's some muddying around the edges, but if it was mixed it would be a brown plane with no distinguishing features.
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The colors are still separate from one another. Otherwise there would be no distinct shapes. If every color was mixed with every color it would be a muddied mess. Really retarded bait. 2/10 for getting me to respond.
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Wrong pic
Spread pictures like this on social media
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Here's multi-culted and undiversified Play-Doh.
>A bucket of water and a bucket of shit will just result in degrees of tainted water no matter how you mix them.
Excepts that's not what's going to happen Junker
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This does not happen to humans, though.
In the long run, it'll just make everyone look the same.
That's not diversity, that's eugenics.
The painting analogy would be eugenics.
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taken care of.
hahah this diversity of yours, is not homogeneous enought.
this is not mixed enought.
also the lack of white was ((coincidence))?
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>newfags don't know that color diversity has been around for many years
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pure race.jpg
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hahaha thats totally how it looks like on a predatory culture ...
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Richard spencer tweet.jpg
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I like the idea of this pic, but you should change "equality" to something else. Maybe "globalism" or "multiculturalism"
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God damn it Spencer, don't fucking ruin this.
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>belgian "education"
What's wrong?
Your entire life is a colossal fuck up.
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just a concept
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The best thing to do with the Star of David is redpill them on what it really means.

""Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? But ye have borne the TABERNACLE OF YOUR MOLOCH AND CHIUN your images, the STAR OF YOUR GOD, WHICH YE MADE TO YOURSELVES." -Amos 5:25-26

"Yea, ye took up THE TABERNACLE OF MOLOCH, AND THE STAR OF YOUR GOD REMPHAN, figures which ye made to worship them" Acts 7:42,43

So when Acts was written the Star still was the same pagan symbol as it was in ancient times when Amos was written.
There never was a "Star of David" There is a pagan star for those who worship Moloch and Chiun/Remphan
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Rainbow Love.jpg
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Devious anon.
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He's too well known. He'll bring too much attention to this too quickly.
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the upward triangle is a dagger, or male phallic energy (push, assertive).

the downward triangle is a chalice, or female vaginal energy (pull, passive).

combine the two and you get the mastery of archetypal left and right hemispheres of the brain.

kikes just stole it, like they do everything. absolutely unoriginal in all forms of all things.
I really like the watery effects
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Think Different.jpg
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This one is really pretty.
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i like it

reminds me of the movie 'the 13th floor'
mxied is some dark brown shit can full of paint
Good work
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i didn't make it, just saved from previous threads. still passing thanks to the anons who make these great pics!
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Friendly reminder that, I love you guys !

Reminds me of playing with plasticine as a little kid at school. All pretty colours, roll them out and play. Mix them together into one big ball = ugly shit brown.
i genuinely thought those were mongrel niglets from the thumbnail.
>Rubs hands jewishly
>Africa is black
>Asia yellow

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you're doing it wrong 2.jpg
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This needs to be spread, fire up those twitter accounts
Remember to be vague and have other supporting posts as a groundwork
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Any noteworthy reporting so far?
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Get rid of the "Don't race mix" part. That'll turn people off real quick.
yeah this pic is fail. kill it off and try again with something else anon. wasting your time. unless this just you trolling the issue. either way, it's shit.
knock out the parentheses and its normie spammable
replace T - Transexual with something like T - Trump Supporter
uh, yeah, no. sorry bro, this is shit too. not working. try again.
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Hah, as i thought
Humans are one with animals. When we strive to preserve animal biodiversity, we must not forget to protect the human biodiversity.

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>has reddit installed
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yeah, see now THIS is round 1 memetics that show the issue in a non-threatening way. simple, elegant, digestible. great work, anon. See, cuz later on in round 3 you can just add elements to solidify the point. but as it is it's great.
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This is a good lesson on subversion. People have been educated for several decades to shut off their brain and go into defensive mode when encountering swastikas and words like ''race''. That's why we do not want to use them in every picture, let the normalfags have a minute of reprogramming their association of rainbows with racemixing themselves without being too pushing...

The nazi-pics are good as well, they will pop up once the media starts to report on this.
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Shouldn't all these flags have only primary colours? Secondary colours are from mixing primary.
as long as that's a documented actual quote, you nailed it anon. nice faded blacksun ;)
blends well. it works.
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Tis true. I haven't uninstalled it. It's semi useful for technology related things. The app works better then the mobile webpage.

Kek forgive me.
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But that is only half of the rainbow.
> being this autistic
We should stop associating it with white Pride solely, because we need the sheepish compliance of the black extremists that also want to separate the races.
Make it Light instead of White and it's perfect
I going to try a make my first fake twitter account, can my ip get baned if I don't use a proxy?
pretty impressive for just a concept. I like where you're goin with this. keep at it.
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I knew you fuckers were behind this. Top kek.
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Shit i put a space in the hash tag here its fixed
The_Donald has declared war against /pol/

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No it hasn't. Fuck off back to 9gagit.
I might add a segment on the hashtags and a
"share to stop the hate"
What do you think?
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I took the quote from a quick googling of Malcolm X, I've not much suspicion it's fake. If it is, I can change the quote to something else easily.

All kinds of ethnonationalism should be pushed. I think it's harder to be genuine when doing it for blacks tho, since even though they hate whites they know they're fucked if left by themselves.

Would asian nationalism be anything worth doing for? White- and general diversity seems to be the easiest ones to push for because of target demographics and well, whites are the ones losing the most in this.
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These posters are saying that "separation is better" while glorifying secondary colours that are a mix of primary. It might be autistic but I'm not a retard.
>Would asian nationalism be anything worth doing for?
Absolutely. Pretty much every asian country has ethnic tensions, or just think of those countries who're butthurt at China's egemony
Of course your not...
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Are there pure races in real life? Yeah, no. But just because we still have clearly still a lot of diversity left, doesn't mean we shouldn't support stopping any further mixing.
How about this:
Let Your Own Colors Shine
Ethnic Nations For Cultural Pride
? kinda rhymes a bit and involves Nation and Culture identity/heritage.
No you're a retard too. Nobody in their right mind is going to have the same autistic nitpick as you.

Normies aren't gonna be like "Wait a minute! Technically orange isn't a primary colour!" They're gonna be like "holy fucking NAZI RAINBOWS!?!?!?!"

What do primary colours have to do with it anyway? That's about paints. The light from a rainbow is pure light frequencies, a 630nm orange ray is still pure. It's not like rainbows are mixes of 665nm and 600nm rays, its the whole frequency seperated. WHY DOES THIS MATTER THOUGH NO ONE IS THIS AUTISTIC EXCEPT YOU
see now this image is powerfull! the light of truth highlighting the vibrant colors of the separated and distinctive peoples.
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But who would it be directed for? I don't think a general ''asian pride'' will cut it. Unless it's asian-americans.

Really dry on ideas regarding asians, if someone comes up with any, bring it here. Although it's not a priority, the asians make up a small % of our targets.
These 2 are easily digestable round 2 powerful images. not offensive just real. comtemplative. peaceful, scerene. nice. ;)
it's the kind of shit leftist pick up on so you can keep calling me a retard but if your meme can't hold up to tard logic than your meme is shit
you aren't going to btfo any marxists with shit tier memeing, your fake hate symbols are only getting attention because the media want you to believe you're actually having an affect on them to keep you from organizing.
yeah, it's great except for that 1 line. excellent work.
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Except the fucking swastika will make normies nope right the fuck out.
we can come back to this topic in round 2/3 about devients/mutants/aberrations/ etc. during the kill the mutant/purge the unclean_portion.
We have a infiltrator!
Leftists don't nitpick stuff like that they say things like "omg how could you say that it reinforces heteronormative rules and promotes rape culture"

That's not them nitpicking. That's them disagreeing with you, based on their feelings, and then coming up with the reason afterwards.

That's the whole point of this rainbow thing, thats why they use it. It's not logic, we are taking the rainbow to seize the feefees that the left have held captive. Because they do not listen to logic.
Don't forget also that there are image filters to look for swazis too. last night, anon tried to jump the gun and got "banned" for fb before he could blink. try to NOT brand util phase 2(debate issues) opposition starts and of course in phase 3(fuck you it's OURS now) yeah definately it's stand your ground time.
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>belgian "imigration"

Say with me, I don't like this Ahmed.
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kid, the idea is that if we keep up with the fucking muslim immigration that our races are all slowly going to turn into one master race- sand nigger.

the reason its a problem is because their population is fucking enormous and growing rapidly because they can't stop fucking their cousins.
dont let it happen.
>but that tons of new hues are created.
old ones are destroyed and new ones are all the same, hence why hispanics and arabs look basically the same
they are the ones that prevent genetic degredation. even kike eugenics experiments show that 3 gens inbreeding cause birth defects. the trick to act responsibly about preserve race AND culture. Distinct.
aside: when i go to japan it's to experience japanese culture and people NOT swiss or german or korean or whatever else. IF japanese people adapt elements of those cultures into their own that's their choice it's not being imposed upon them and they mold it into their already existing culture as much as they are willing to tolerate. That's what secondary colors mean.
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sounds like you got it figured out. ;)
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We can do it with Snek?
That's the goal
Taking back the Rainbow Flag
Soon the Media will be eating this up
In the wind, we hear it clear
The whistled wisps of hate and fear
Through the trees, we see it come
Colours mixed, all grey and numb

In the wind, we hear it clear
The mixed, hate every person here
Down the creek, between the rocks
Every creature this beast mocks

Every fox, and every fish
The hateful swarm will try to swish
Around until it's one grey mess
And all the creatures howl and stress

But then, one day, the wolf and eagle
With their friends the hound and seagull
Free all colours from its grasp
And the wind then lonely whistles past

Yellow dances, purple sings
Blue and red spread out their wings
And so, all colours in this story
Vibrant and seperate, bask in glory.
well considering that cointelpro is still going on today and trumps been kikefucked, i think it's time to help them to help themselves, BP and Hoteps aren't stupid and can see the forrest for the trees. give 'em a chance to participate on their own and i think you'll see what i mean. they keep getting kikeblocked like we do, D&C bullshit just the same. Encourage SOUND leadership and not pandering for the race card/victimhood (kikery). they got to clean their genetic house just like we do.
aside: KIKERY shoud be defined for round 3 as well.
could also be modded for europe's current situation as well. Trumpfkins and their border wall. etc. just a thought.
>Borders Matter
sounds like BLM : Boundry Lines Mater?
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Nope. Here's your (You), whore.
Splendid comeback
America is red

>Erik Landwehr
Jew spotted
Separation is spelled with an A
like the art of ceramics, it has a ring to it
>Is using our flag now
You mean our flag not your flag
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not brown.jpg
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europe is blue
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag
In Essen, Germany in 1922, the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) designed an international co-op symbol and a flag for the first "Co-operators' Day," which was held in July 1923. After some experiments with different designs, a famous French cooperator, Professor Charles Gide, suggested using the seven colours of the rainbow for the flag. He pointed out that the rainbow symbolized unity in diversity and the power of light, enlightenment and progress. The first co-op rainbow flag was completed in 1924 and was adopted as an official symbol of the international cooperative movement in 1925.
We're taking it back man. Period. Secondary Colors and all. Don't 'sperg out bro. Take your meds and eat some tendies. Drink some milk and DON'T SHIT YOUR PANTS!
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Went a little different and tried to use their own arguments against them to promote segregation and to turn the flag into a hate symbol.

on second glance this one could be a natsoc and a member of other race working together to preserve boundries and secure a future for their children?
holy shit! infowars live right now talking about 4chan french election influence and talking about the issue we're working on right now!
like it, you could add a "Stay away from whitey, he's a savage" type thing
if you can make this work in round 2 maybe. when he want's to debate on behalf of. otherwise the point of round 1 was to give people a chance to come to our conclusions on their own. so they are more secure in their sense of heritage and desire to preserve it. we rally in 2 ( with media whores,etc.) with solid reasoning and then in 3 we'll clean then holdouts.
Based AND Fixed! THANK YOU anon. :)
good 'ol fashioned Red-Blooded 'mericans!!
i'm using kodi and the infowars "app" it's a live stream. just find the latest repeat broadcast. the old dude and the broad with the big tits.
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just whipped this one up
i like how that sounds, someone will need to edit though. i'm just saving everything. too lazy to download gimp lmao.
Anons, it's probably better to do more of a poo-brown than a chocolate (nigger) brown, if possible. I think lefties have a subconscious hard-on for niggers.
Clever AND Classic! You got a real talent anon. Well Done!
Nice touch with the water stain lower right. Seriously one of the best lgbtpq poster memes I've seen. Good work.
The color Grey was suggested in an earlier thread. that might be a more acceptable? the black void of oblivion, maybe?
Weren't the Nazi's uniforms also gray?
yes, and that's the subtle hint to join natsoc. ;) or at least be willing to adopt the more useful tennants needed to secure a future for our children.
5-d backgammon, anon.
besides: you know they gonna cry about no brown, or brown being made "evil" so this way it's more acceptable and actually honest from our perspective.
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>colors are still clearly separate
oy vey
Not bad anon. well done. :) simple quick, advert style. man, i wish we get "ad space" for some of these. that'd be something. see ads for this campaign. LOL. Stickers get made and pasted like the antifa like to do. posters, flyers. Nazis promoting resisting tyranny against kikery and globalists. hmm.
This is some Nice Guy National Socialist in here.
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i'll fix it
it is = it's
sepArate NOT seperate
just for clarity. seems to be a common mistake.
Thread posts: 194
Thread images: 87

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