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why do Albanistanians want Korfu

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why do Albanistanians want Korfu
Cause Albanians are like niggers. You give them a finger they will want a whole hand.
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they don't want only korfu , but almost the 1/4 of Real Macedonia ...
because they are cucks with no real history
you an edessabro?
cause there are american farts
I'm doing my national service soon, any advice?
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this is the only right answer
They have a history , they were mountian people who immidietly converted to Islam once the Turks came
so they were mountain cucks going ooga booga until roaches came along
>thread concerning albanians
>serbs immediately jump in
Why are serb /pol/acks so autistic?

>b-but m-muh kosovo
who the fuck cares?
yes then the Turks supported them, brought them out of the mountian and "civilized and cultured" them.
the thing about Albanians is the are pretty straight forward people either they fuck with you or they don't, which is not a bad thing.
They are ugly and short though, breed like animals and have the biggest drug Cartel in Europe. Kind of like Europe's Mexicans, but if Mexicans were Muslims.
The kosovar Albanians are the Terrible ones, the ones from Albania are better and hate the kosovars .
t. albozerg
because we're all neets and into politics?
Also, Kosovo's natural resources and churches belong to us, the rest is negotiable.
Infact it shouldn't be negotiable and they should all be expelled back to where they came from but the US is heavily pro turkey and thus pro Albania. We have to work with what our enemy is.
Corfu was Albanian, with Albanian citizens.

After the war, Albania was divided and some lands were handed to greeks, Macedonia and Yugoslavia.

Greeks burned villages in Corfu and killed thousands of çam (Cameria) who then immigrated to northern albania.

This is objective history.

It has nothing to do with "islam" you idiots...only ignorants would say that. Most of Cameria were christians.
I wonder how different tensions today would be if you guys didn't convert to Islam and were still Christian.
Every single town in northern Greece has a significance in Albanian language
Chameria is debatable, but so is northern Epirus. Albanians are not a sea faring people, or even a fishing people, they have never settled in Corfu. Christian Albanians often rejected Albania and many chose to assimilate in Greece, see Arvanites.
>inb4 b8
There are many christians and orthodox in Albania.
Albanian has never been an arab islamic country.

People largely drink beer, raki, whiski and eat pork. It has always been part of traditions.

During the ottoman Empire, majority became muslims to avoid paying taxes. If you visit Albania today, you will never find an arab muslim.

The iconic albanian hero still remains Skanderbeg, who has fought the turkish empire for 50 (who was christian btw)
European muslims are very different from arabs
Are albos the most disgusting europeans out there?Kosovo doesnt count,they are a meme tier country
And vica versa, Vlore = Avlona, Gjirokaster = Argyrocastro, Sarande = Saranda, and so on, it's what happens when two cultures live closely together.
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Why do Albanians love to claim clay that never belonged to them in the first place?

Kosovo, Macedonia, Corfu, Parts of Bosnia, Montenegro, etc.

What's next you'll claim Constantinople as "rightful Albanian clay".

Fuck off you mountain roaches.

Go back to T*rkey.
>Albanians are not a sea faring people, or even a fishing people, they have never settled in Corfu. Christian Albanians often rejected Albania and many chose to assimilate in Greece, see Arvanites.
Arvanites are still albanians who chose to become greeks for personal interest.

In Tirana you can find ethnic greek minorities who chose to be albanians but still marry between greek minorities, which I am okay with. They have been loyal to albania and greece
I recognize that European Muslims are different, I know many Muslims from Bosnia. They drink and sneak in some pork (not at resteraunts)
But they still hold their Muslims IDENTITY, even if they don't practice the faith. They aren't Serbian or Croatian (where their genes come from) they are Muslim.
skip it,waste of time
Kosovo are Albanians.

Compared to them, even Romanian gypsies look civil.
True, I'm not denying this, but many Greeks today see Arvanites as brothers, same with Aromanians, who are ethnically closer to Romanians. Outside Greece, a term for Hellenized people is a grecoman, but a lot find it offensive.
Emboldened by murrika, they believe they hold God by balls.
I do recognize that bosnians and kosovo + macedonian albanians feel more muslim compared to albanians from Albania.

Recently the state opposed to release statistics about the percentage of muslims and christians/orthodox in Albania. The statistics that are available are still those made in the early 1900 which aren't up to date at all.

If you simply study modern albanian names, you will realize only 5% of the actual new born babies carry a muslim name. A lot of people want to feel modern and be part of Europe
please explain how king karanos was albanian
Practise in "the way of the snake"
Well he was greek and albanian (since slavs from macedionia didn't exist in the balkan).

He was son of Temenus, who was part albanian.

But we can argue that Homer was albanian as well...there are lots of things to consider if you are going down that path lol.
I think the Muslim-first-country-second thing is with kosovars and with Muslims from Bosnia. If you go on any Muslim girl from Bosnia's social media it's all Arabic letters, hijabs, erdogan-is-god pictures, Quran. I guess it's because they live surrounded by Christians and that's what's makes them feel special, also they feel empowered by the Turkish United States alliance and feel that Allah is protecting them because of it.
It seems to me every Albanian from Albania could care less.
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i didnt see anything that looked remotely albanian when i visited the fatherland
thanks philippinbro for handling the banter
Exactly...I feel that too, and that's what's dividing Balkan.
In Albania, kosovars and bosinans are often called "mountain chechens" because they are very faithful to their religion over the nation.

As far as I'm concerned, I have met with a few serbs who work and live in Tirana, and when I asked them why they would live in Albania, they simply answer that the only difference is that we can go to the beach on weekends. That's clearly true, there is no cultural difference betweed both states, they feel the same in Tirana as they do in Belgrade.
In every nation there are trash and decent people, you only need to make the difference. The issue remains with countries that are far different from yours culturally wise and I feel Bosnia is becoming more turkish/arab then any other state of northern Balkan
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Do we all agree with this?
definitely true. I have the same experience with Albanians. from Albania , cool loyal guys. The muslim people from ex-yu in general are the ones screaming loud. Bosnia is truly becoming an Turkish / Arab influenced state. The culture is not like ours anymore, they are now religious and proud. So many women are wrapping themselves up, they are more Muslim than the fucking Turks are now. Bosnia is going to be a serious mess in the future.
>who the fuck cares?
We do, faggot.
I'm sorry to hear you are Philippino and you've learned a few albanian words.

Simply by logic, Homer was Pelasgian (not greeks) and spoke another language that is very related to albanian.

this. Kosovo is a matter of pride to us, we held onto for a thousand years just to lose it to America . They bombed innocent people to take those natural resources and nobody in the international community said a thing
Yeah. Blood and honour are very, very important.
>homer was Albanian
Why do you push the Muslim angle? This is not true. Balkan Muslims are apathetic towards Islam. The only retards you might convince that the Balkan war was a religious one are Stormfags and /pol/acks.

To anyone with half a brain, the conflict between Serbs and Bosnians, and Albanians is historical and ethnic.
give proofs

unless you do you're no better than serbs who claim albanian history for themselves
Why no foreigners with no understanding of the conflict interject their worthless opinion into the discussion. You're going off greentexts and memes??
because Bosnians and kosovars are not "apathetic towards Islam" like you falsely claim.
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Feel free to discuss
I don't get how you hate Albanians this much? Either you're a diaspora fag or a retard who bases his opinion off what random losers from 4chan think.

Saranda is actually a Greek name. 40 martyrs and saints of the Church who died in Sebaste.
they are really secular muslims though
they are basically atheists
Prove it? There is a radical minority (thanks to Saudi money being funneled into mosques) but everyone else? Albania is 25% ORTHODOX, 15% Catholic and 38% identify as Muslim. That's one statistic (done by Christians).
Albanians in Albania, yea
Pse vjen dhe flit ketu kot?
I haven't met a single person to this day that wants that shitty island.
I'm speaking of Albanians in Kosovo and Bosnian Muslims. Not Albanians in Albania.
go fuck a cat mountain roach
Even in Kosovo.


Translation: In Decan residents oppose the construction of a mosque and destroy it's walls

In the video the guy claims to be a Muslim yet says he doesn't want a mosque?

This is Islam for Albanians https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moralistic_therapeutic_deism
and Christianity for Serbs
No thanks, your mother is already enough.
Oh my god not that argument again. Most of the ancient to new Greek translation here is wrong. Some of the new Greek words don't even exist. I don't know about the Albanian ones but the other two are fucked up.

You mean they fuck blockheaded animals? Or they have blocky shaped heads? And what does that mean?
>Corfu was Albanian
source not available
tell me about north Epirus Greeks, why do you suppress them
qe ta kuptojne se kush jemi ne te vertet. Shumica tyre mbajne idene qe jemi islamista arabo-turq. Nuk kan folur ndo nje here me shqiptar dhe krejojne idene sipas disa budallenjeve qe postojne gjera fallco. Kur vjen puna tek gjuha dhe hitoria, nuk dine ç'te thojne se eshte faktor vendimtar i origjines tone
I would really like to see some work on this topic. I believe genetically we are close.

Please tell me what propaganda they tell you?
stop trying to pollute good greek genes with roach filth
not as retarded as yours, truly
You niggahs think you can lay claim on land that was never yours
Just because your people used to live there once
Give back Argyrokastro and Dyraxio first, then we will talk.
And in the end?You want {{{your}}} land?Please, do come and take it.
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>Give them absolute autonomy
>have Greek exclusive schools
>have Greek exclusive neighborhoods
>have Ethnic Greek representatives in the parliament
>Ethnic Greek mayor destroys 11 illegally-built houses that block the city's planimetry for the new sewer system
Ku po i gjejne ketu foto pa referenca?

This is funnier than that time when that Greek gyspy (left - Bouzanis) called Berisha a gypsy.
Well, I don't think it's bullshit since it was studied by historians like Vlora Falaschi, Giuseppe Catapano, Stanislao Marchiano, Jean Cloude Faverial, Robert D’Angely, Eqrem Cabej,... can you prove me otherwise ? I would gladly to read it
Genetically there's no doupt that we share some ancestry but that goes for all the balkan people.
this is actually greek though
we have most of those words in greek too
lets talk about albanian and how many loanwords it has from other languages though
I remember an albanian on int trying to write a novel with only albanian originating words, and he had actual trouble 'cause your vocaboulary is small
Why take it? You faggot atheists are depopulating yourselves

I could understand Gjirokaster, but Durres? Really? Next you're gonna claim Lissus and Gorica as well, why not also Novokastros, beause
>your people used to live there once
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Wew lad

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Why do Alboroaches steal and rape? It's in their DNA
Pretty retarded desu

> greek rendering of albanian place name
> therefore it must be greek
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Shiptars is easier to say.
Posts 3 gypos. Thank you Greece for the human garbage removal.
They not being Greek is suppression in itself.Give it back.
>why take it
you know you can't
I was comparing the nationalist thing about Chamuria and ours.
I don't even hate albanians but you can't just lay ridiculous claims like Corfu was albanian and shit.
genes of the fatherland>filthy cat fucking mountain dwelling roaches
Your "country" was under the influence of the Greek Orthodox Church when attempting to form an alphabet, after dropping the latin one.
And if your people ever went to school, they'd know that.
Islanders have based genes
Mainlanders, depends on the area
They were Christians until the Muslim invaders came. Then they fought back with the christian Albanian named Skenderbeg leading them. He was successful, but he died soon after from natural causes leaving Albania without a leader. Soon their rebellion against the ottomans was quashed and many converted to Islam to avoid paying the jizya tax. And later when rifles were brought to the area, you had to be a Muslim if you wanted to own a rifle. The people of Albania today do not really care much about religion. There is actually an old quote from an Albanian poet it goes - you can be Christian, you can be Muslim but above all else you are Albanian first.
edessa masterrace
This is a very interesting documentary made by greeks about albanian origin in greece :

its name is actually Phrygian
means tower in the water
So this is what they tell you in your indoctrination camps?

Read up about Branko Manojllovski

Orthodox Albanian from Macedonia. Speaks up about the assimilation of Orthodox Albanians in Macedonia by Bulgars/Macedonians in the 1920's and even into the 50's.
does it say anything about arbanites?
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>They not being Greek is suppression in itself.Give it back.

I can make literally the same claim on the Albanian settlements in Athens, them not being Albanian is suppression in itself, give them back.

>genes of the fatherland
I think videos like these should not be used to make territorial claims against Greeks but to strengthen our bonds.
citation? all of my relatives say its edessa
are you fucking retarded dude? corfu was never albanian

we were never conquered by turks and we never were a part of albania
Did you miss the part of my post where I said I was intentionally exaggerating in order to prove a point, or are you just unable to read proper English?
...Although I would trade Athens for north epirus errrday
well, edessa is the phrygian name anon
>not realising that greece is the birthplace of western civilization and that our imprints can still be seen today

also obligatory:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3X5hIFXYU
Man i'm not so good in ancient greek but i will tell you about what even a kid knows over here.

Nemesis: was the goddes of divine justice. We don't have a new word for that, we still use nemesis. Katara translate to grudge.

Ponos: We still use that word, it means pain and not dhulia (wtf is it? if it's dulia it means work or slavery).

Dris: is the name of a tree.

Fliarae: actually meant fliaro, it means i talk too much. Still using it today. Milao translates to talk.

Elko: Still using it.
it is just high wuality albanian bait anon, no one claims Homer was albanian, pelasgian or whatever
At least no one credible.

>Greeks burned villages in Corfu and killed thousands of çam (Cameria) who then immigrated to northern albania

So they immigrated after being killed?
it's funny but here in New York all the Balkan peoples and Turks live in the same neighborhood. centuries of hating each other but when you move across the ocean you choose to live next to your oldest enemy because he also likes kebab and hookah.
Point is claims where people don't live anymore are stupid to begin with, yet claims on oppression by your side when there's still many many Albanian settlements within Greece that don't have even a shred of the privileges the people of Himara have are plain ridiculous.

I'm not talking about modern latin language that our dictator chose. I'm talking about ancient Albanian writings that died after Roman empire invasion and Byzantine influence
>intentionally bringing down their numbers in censuses and suppression of the language is "rights"
fuck off, I know many guys from North epirus, both Greek and Albanian, you can't trick me.

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hear this shit
you fucking rayscis islamophobes?

you know who else
George Washington
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>Balkan Muslims are apathetic towards Islam
no they're not
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>this entire fucking thread

alboroaches are more WE than pseudo-macedonians
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Not like Albania has given us Mother Teresa or fought against Islam in the 15th Century.

They helped as all European countries helped...
as i recall mother teresa said it was a blessing to be poor and her hospital was unsanitary
Because Albanians are lying half-Turkish mongrels. Probably trying to justify snatching some land from Greece if the Greeks ever get tired of debt slavery to the west and do something the EU doesn't like.
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Stop showing gypsies please.

This is what I think of when someone talks about australia
So did Christ and all of his Saints.
>Mother Teresa
Did you know that early Greeks like Homer were actually Indian origin? They were of Brahmin sect that associated with merchant communities in Malabar, that's how they got ships to travel to Athens and Sparta. So many Greek words came from Sanskrit, heli for sun, hora for hour, etc
I actually never implied that that was an Albanian. It's pretty interesting that you felt the need to get defensive about it though..
Erevos: Another ancient god (a titan). Transletes to complete nothingness. Skotos means darkness.

Rea: Also a titan. The ancient word for "synnefo" is "nefelh" (cloud)

Skelos: Still using it. There's not such thing as "patio, patae"
take your shit tier b8 to your shitting street m8
No, friendo. Your argument was Homer speaking "a language similar to Albanian" and then posted your LATIN alphabet's words compared to ours. So, you're wrong there, since you were influenced by US, pure history. Simple.

NOW, as for this second picture, yeah, proving me right once again. You used to write from right to left, like mudslimes. We taught you better, you did better. The end.
She helped the poor
>Greeks are not poor
I can't let him spread so easily debunked propaganda man.
meant for>>124787470
her help was detrimental to the poor
If you don't agree that Homer was Pelasgian, then you don't understand a thing. It's a historical fact, it's all over the internet and historical books.


No, the study was made in latin alphabet, the phonetics are the same


I didn't say old greek wasn't linked to modern greek
shut up bitch abo bencho
>we held onto it
>for a fucking thousand years
Nigga we did no such fucking thing. Or did you forget the Ottoman empire, perhaps? We were doing great up to the death of Stefan Dusan who indirectly kickstarted the Ottoman campaign by being too much of a badass for the Byzantines to handle so they had to hire some Islamic muscle which the cunts saw as a great opportunity for aggressive expansion and rolled over everyone.

But I digress. The point? Our own hold over our soil was weak for a good 700 or so years.
Words that doesn't exist at all and the albanian "historian" made straight out of his head:


Most of the ancient ones are wrong also
im wog dumbass pajeet
when will greece take ephirus
Please everyone let's stop fighting brothers and unite the balkens under one flag and one language(Latin or Greek) and one religion (Christianity) and go capture Constantinople then annex Italy and begin the new roman byzantine republic
>I didn't say old greek wasn't linked to modern greek

I'm just telling you the translations are wrong and some of the words don't even exist so the research is false and stretched.
wtf, why are albanians always claiming they're whiter than everyone else in the balkans?
What's that? Here wog means blackies, like negros and pitch black Dravidians
Did you know that original founders of the Indus Valley Civilization were white, and that they tend mixed with the shit skinned subhuman dravidians and created the monstrosity that is modern India in the process?
Be patient, don't get into trouble, and it will soon be an interesting memory. Your job won't be to show your personality.
means europeans born in aus
This thread started out so nicely then it just crashed and burned
How is that? She gave them love not money. She gave them the gospel. She responded as Christ did to the poor.
>Helping poor only possible by giving money to them.
Indus Valley civ was never Aryan. Most likely they were Dravidians that were in frequent contact with Semitic cities like Ur and Elam
lmao, fucking analbanian subhumans.

Greek is objectively one of the most contiguous languages on earth.
Albanians are disgusting Monkey shitskins
And I'm not even a gypsy serb
I am sure that the superior Albanian civilization and culture dominated the puny Greek one.
Ok Abdul, because you're better.
Some people are just idiots and don't argue, they simply like to insult.
Most of them don't know anything about Balkan history that's why this thread burned lol
Albanian roach detected
It's so easy to trigger you shitskins hahaha
Nope, a serb...try better Klaus :)
Albania tried to defend our Europe and lost.
You are actually destroying it.
Vote Merke! (pbuh)
Kek did you just change your proxy faggot?
You are actively trying to destroy Europe just by existing
You're literally no better than the refugees
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>Albania tried to defend

Kek look at this roach rape baby
At least Albanians exist.
Do you even have banks anymore?
Greece in its worst state is dozen times better than Albania in its best
At least I have one colour in my country.
Yeah brown
Everything South of the Danube is Greek clay.

Not even joking.
>If you don't agree that Homer was Pelasgian, then you don't understand a thing. It's a historical fact, it's all over the internet and historical books.
It's not even known if Homer even existed, and if he did, he was born on Ionia (Anatolian coast)
Albanian wewuzing is honestly the most retarded thing in existance
Let's see how great your people are with money
>my country
>doesn't even live in it
the sarandiotes i've meet in general have a swarthy greek look compared to the cities next to them so a lot of them are probably assimilated greeks

the people i've met from cities next to it like gjirokastra permet or vlora tend to be more fair skinned despite being so close
Well, you EU bros go on supporting ((multiculturalism)), and live to regret it. Albania is not affected.
They don't need to do anything
It's already a muslim shithole
Oh yeah Greeks don't go on holidays.
I actually agree in terms of Kosovo and the south.
The north is 99% Catholic.
it's really just a shitty waste of time, you'll have some fun fucking around with the other privates, and that's basically all you'll get out of it. 9 months of peeling potatoes and cleaning toilets for 20 euros a month.
Sure u arent.
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Kek nice delusions you have going there faggot
That shit won't work on me φam
You're diaspora
Like most Albos on 4chan
and like most Albos in general
Serbs are subhuman monkeys
I wish they'd start killing each other like in the good ol'times
You need another reign of Ali Pasha Tepelena, to show you how things are done
You need another reign of Hoxha
To fucking starve to death
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not this.jpg
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Which is worse?
And we have like 100 degenerates in total.
Ok Abdul
So a new Ottoman empire right?
Why don't you fuck off back to your paradise then? Why are leaching off another country? Also germany has send back thousands of Albanian shitskins back to their shithole last year
Brown is a Mediterranean feature which is quite common in Greece as well. We never claimed to be Swedish looking, nore said that it was the best looking features.
The only difference is that your people judge it acceptable to procreate with Africans and arabs which are more than brown, while we don't. Talk about enrichment.
>The only difference is that your people judge it acceptable to procreate with Africans and arabs

Wrong. Greek girls don't mix with non-European immigrants.
All retarded, not one of them taking short cut across the field to be first in the benefit line. Really want more of these morons in Europe?
cause serbians are niggers. Look at them in a wrong way and they will genocide your whole nation
I was talking to Klaus
Just today 2 "peaceful and civilized Albanians" beat the shit out of a grandma for 20 euros
Mate, I agree and I will. I don't understand why a fellow European is so pissed.
It's a fucking meme. Not even our founding fathers wanted it.
I agree, only good albanian is a dead albanian.
>fellow European

You are roaches and nonwhite
We're pretty mixed desu. I have a buzzcut, and actual shirskins and roaches have called me a nazi skinhead. If they only knew...
Srbe na vrbe
And greek companies in Albania don't pay the worker proper wages. My father is half greek and he calls greeks hypocrites
corfu was never albanian you retard

We don't, however, it would be nice to have çamëria back
Balkan needs to unite against these western black fuckers. Their free market and multic cultural enrichment is taking over and they lose their traditions.
We have the same traditions in Balkan but argue endlessly over religion...
>trusting us when it comes to business
We don't beat grannies up for 20 Euros
We're just taking advantage of a third world nation
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>Albanians are shitskin because of turkish blood and turkish influence.
In 200 what will Germany be?
C'man don't let me talk about the time you killed a young Albanian for waving an Albanian flag after the football game ended 1-0 for Albania. Trash people are everywhere, why do you make it a majority
Still not as bad as a shithole as albania is
Free market is ok, if you keep women in check. That way they will stay submissive to the husbands, and breed the next generation of workers. The ultimate redpill is that unchecked capitalism is just as subversive as communism. The only difference is, it works from a pure economic perspective.

So you take advantage of us, our untermensch beat your grannies, and it goes on and on. Just admit you hate us, and stop trying to take a moral high ground to make yourself feel better.
Because they are deluded retards (even more so than the rest of Balkans), who because of lack of historical accomplishment now dabble in ultra-retarded national myths.
When people here say any nationalism is great, just look at Albania for an argument against that.
>defends ((Mixing))
Jew detected
Go ahead and talk about it
It's a fact that you guys are like a 4% of our population yet you occupy about 60% of our prisons
You guys are our niggers
Even niggers act more like humans in this country
and that says a lot
Nice try faggot
Racemixers will hang on the day of the rope
>he's anti nationalist because of a minority of people in his country.
I'm not anti-nationalist. But "nationalism" is a wide term.
Here in Balkans it's mostly retarded.
>our untermensch
If they're your untermensch then the entirety of Albania is "untermensch"
>Just admit you hate us
I'm sorry, did you think I implied otherwise?
Of course I fucking hate you
Take your shitty people and go back to the African shithole you call a country
We mostly wewuz on the internet. Average people don't care that much
I'd say they are our Mexicans but you aren't far off.

Χαίρομαι που δεν είμαι ο μόνος Έλληνας εδώ μέσα.
>That way they will stay submissive to the husbands, and breed the next generation of workers.
>women are property and breeding material
t. mudslime
And greeks in Albania act like jews. They do some subversive shit with the orthodox church (phyletists my ass) by claiming that orthodox albanians are greeks, and at our slightest complain about it, you screech about how 'albanian islamofascism' is on the rise. You stab us and howl in pain.
Nah, I just fucking hate feminism and want some revenge. If you are offended by that, maybe this is not the board for you.
No no no, you'll find good Mexicans
Good Albanians though?
Only the ones 10 feet under
So we use the brains that can fit our skulls to take advantage of another country that we hate
Nothing wrong with that, it's a doggy dog world out there, especially when it comes to enemies
I know Greek cops tolerance over Albanians.
You would rather prefer handing your girls to niggers than Albanians haha...That explains it all about your prisons. Don't forget the fact that more and more Albanians are leaving Greece and your country keeps calling them to come back because of your plummeting demographics
What the hell is a Korfu? some kind of dish?
on second thought i don't care honestly
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Oh, Im not offended, I just consider you and your mentality to be subhuman, influenced by PISSlam, therefore in deep need of exterminatus
Nobody wants Korfu you retard.
>Don't forget the fact that more and more Albanians are leaving Greece
>your country keeps calling them to come back because of your plummeting demographics
Good one

>You would rather prefer handing your girls to niggers than Albanians haha
>not liking one people means handing your women over to the other
>Albanian mental gymnastics

Do the world a favour and neck yourself
Greeks act like Jews everywhere. They own half of the restaurants in the Chicago area and they all smell of greed and burning cheese
This guy gets it
Same goes for you, fucking larper.
And our bad hombres are taking advantage of a country we hate that has somewhat fallen prey to cultural marxism. Nothing wrong with that...

See what I mean? I'd rather have good relations with Greece because I hate t*rks and because of my 25% greek part, but things are what they are.
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t. Albo
You're not taking advantage of our country
You're acting like niggers in our country
>I'd rather have good relations with Greece
Then stop being a fucking albo
>Defending FYROM larpers.
t. Bulgaros gyftos
>defending Albos
t. Albo
Except I am Christian. Mudslimes are winning though, partly because of cultural marxism and partly due to their high birthrates... which they get by keeping their women in check.

The difference between me and them is that I want feminists to suffer and submissive/average women respected and protected. Muslim men made their women walk on mines during WW2. I'd never do that.
Never did that tho, you blind turk.

They are on the same tier worth of genocide.


Albanians are the disgrace of the Balkans. They are enemies behind our front lines to the Middle East.

They need to stop existing. Give the fucking land to any other country that borders them and execute all the muslims.

Muslims have no place in the West. And by "Muslims" I mean anyone who identifies as such. Westernized mudpeople are okay (Gotta choose our battles unfortunately).
I see. So greeks are so anti-semitic because jews are competition.
No no no
Not even close
They're a much better people/neighbour
Even better than the Bulgarians
No they litteraly hang out with blacks hahha.

During Ottoman Empire, Albanian women used to jump off cliffs not to get married to any of them. Yet here we have greeko-turkish faggots and German black lovers who jump at them hahah - litteraly KEK
Tsk, tsk, tsk. It does not become pious men such as you to speak so badly of your Fyromian orthodox brothers.
>Except I am Christian.
and yet your mentality remains PISSlamic. Your culture and mentality are subhuman.
>I want feminists to suffer and submissive/average women respected and protected.
and thats where you further confirm, that your brain(?) is shadowed by the ideology of slaver and pedophile mud-ham-mad.
>Tsk, tsk, tsk
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Get the fuck out of my country FYROM larper. No Greek would defend these culture stealing, insulting, blatantly aggressive gypsy shitskins.

A stain on the Balkans and the world at large on the same level as Alb*nians and gypsies (meaning 90% of Bulgarians).
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One day Uncle Sam will stop protecting them. By the end of that day, their blood will flood all the rivers and lakes of the Balkans. The longer this lasts, the bigger the hatred towards them from all sides. Tick tock, motherfuckers. Tick tock.
Not even Fyromites themselves think that they're "Ancient Macedonian" the government that pushed that crap is long gone
Many of them are opting for a name change now
Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have Serbia as a neighbour, but inbetween having Bulgarians, Fyromians and Albanians
Fyromians are the better ones in any measure
With your shitty demographic falls you better take some Syrian gypsies or else we will invade you :')
The fuck's a reddit

Fuck off to facebook you beta white knight. Keep pandering to women, yeah, you do that. And when the marxist globalists decide it is time for georgia to import arabs and niggers, and your women fuck them due to their momkey agressiveness, you'll remember my words.

Read 'The Way of Men' from Jack Donovan, cuck.
Vote ZAEV grujocuck

Leftism is the way forward
The place you belong in
Lol, I don't vote for criminals (meaning grujo, of course). But I don't vote for puppets either (meaning zajko, of course). Leftism is the way -- well -- left.
LoL conclusion of the thread :

Homer is Albanian
George Washington and Conor McGregor too.
Then don't look at them in a wrong way. I don't see the problem here, do you?
>OP's flag
At first glance I thought the black thing on red was a kind of creepy crawler with dozens of legs. Would have agreed with Albanians - they are mutants disgust spiders and Turks are roaches.
With what man? with rocks? You barely have an army and even in our worst economic crisis we are 100 times wealthier than you.
>being so triggered you can't even understand sarcasm anymore
Honestly, you are shaming this board.
You forgot Socrates, Plato and Pythagoras my man
Ket him be man, he's crying because Greek soldiers were caught making Albanian eagle hand signs hahah. They made a whole debate about it!
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>He doesnt view women as breeding material and soulless being, so he is a cuck XD
Castrate yourself, you goddamn pisslamist turkcocksucking, mud-ham-mad worshiping, street shitting, shqipshqipsaying, mentally mudslime, culturally degenerate subhuman filth.
You are a disgrace of mankind and you shall be treated appropriately.
they want a piece of every country they share borders with

Corfu is fucking beautiful so they want it
All this time you have criticized my opinion. Tell me yours then, and we can have a proper debate. No namecalling. I apologize for mine.
Specific anon unironicaly believes that Homer was an Albanian so i'm not so sure if he is sarcastic or not.
>Greek soldiers
Man you are delusional. They was some Albanian kids and they were so stupid to upload that pic on facebook.
Nah, that is ironic as well. We make fun of our (((history teachers))) who think that every important historical figure and their mother had albo roots.
the world, where everyone is equal by birthright but not same
the world, where everyone has its role in society, but is not inferior to one another
the world, where everyone participates in building a better place for Mankind, yet remain as free thinking individual

in short: everything that PISSlam is against
Greek soldiers, why don't you admit it.
You were Spartia's bitch, you will keep being it ;)
It's ok man i was replying to this>>124797590
Well, that is a very utopic view, and thus unachievable. Women cannot be equal to men, not because I don't want them to (if it were possible I'd love that) but because they DO NOT want to be equal to men. They want their man taller, stronger, smarter and to make more than themselves. To them, the man is a protector and provider. Look at divirce rates in the West, where gender equality has been achieved. 70% of all divorces are initiated by women. Have you ever been with a woman? 99% of them want to be dominated in bed, to be told what to do. No woman wants a man who treats her equally.

I'm not saying beat them and rape them. I am saying to be realistic about the psychological and physiological differences between the sexes.
I see gay parades are coming to tbilisi very soon, gogi
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Better take those poor Syrians if you don't want to get rekt
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