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*BIPARTISAN* - Undercutting big business by growing your own food.

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Thread replies: 304
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So yeah, I was wondering what /pol/ thinks of getting more people into cultivating and propagating plants to distribute around for free and for fun in order to stick it to big supermarts.

It's as easy as getting a small propagator and growing seedlings by your bathroom window, as long as it has sun for around half the day.

I just think if more people got into planting out and growing their own stuff it would qualify as anarchist in a way, whatever part of the left/right/author/liber spectrum you're on.

Does anyone have any experiences to share or tips on how to grow your own stuff either indoors or outdoors?

Or just any discussion really, would be cool. Right now I'm growing Bok Choy which I got the seeds for from a store bought one which I re-grew in a dish.

It went all the way through its life cycle and now I've got 20 seeds that'll grow into baby Bok Bhoy to eat and then I'll use a couple to grow more seed.

It's a great crop because it's a cold climate one and as long as your propagator doesn't frost over you can do it year round. Also, it makes nice fragrant flowers.
Bump, it's a shitty pic of my window radishes. You eat the greens and the root and hang them off the window. Saves money. Fuck Tesco.
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the key is to pick non ogm / non hybrids strands so you can collect seeds from your own plants and don't have to depend on seed vendors

also it's fun to cultivate strange varieties that aren't usually commercialized,

you can't realistically expect to save money by planting your own stuff on a balcony, you'd need more growing space so at least a small garden
it's a fun hobby nonetheless

also check the kokopeli organization out, they seek to preserve old plant strands by distributing seeds
>reddit spacing

I just grow a third acre of potatoes and tomatoes and then also have a bunch of apple trees.
That's fucking awesome dude.

I don't have a garden space but I've got a bunch of propagators and grow herbs so I don't have to buy ones like basil, chives and parsley.

Do small lettuces and spinach in the bathroom, herbs in the kitchen and I've got a tomato growbag and some french bean kegs in the main room - this place is a studio but still get fruit during the summer.

But yeah you're right it doesn't save all that much, if you have land though I think it's good. Or if you know people with land you can cultivate indoors and plant out on their land and split the fruits.

I grow as much of my own food as possible. I grow tomatoes, bellpeppers, hot peppers, eggplant, zucchini, cucumber, watermelon, several types of lettuce, turnip greens, kale, mustard greens, many different spices, onions... I'm sure I've left some out. I just keep the crops rotating and grow according to season. Seriously, screw the supermarket.

Everybody on welfare has driven food prices through the roof. It's "free money" to them. So the prices continue to soar.

That's also awesome, have you considered crop rotation and winter crops? You can get away with a lot if you can scavenge or buy materials to cover it over.
>Everybody on welfare has driven food prices through the roof
remember when a big mac was $0.99
Now that you can buy one with food stamps they are $4.00
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i guess it depends on where you live but some cities lend small garden plots for people living in apaprtment complexes to grow some vegetables, maybe there are similar initiatives in your area
that might just be inflation
>What is inflation

Yeah man fair shout, I think anyone with an axe to grind with the big food providers should get involved with this.
Yeah man I'm 4th on the allotment list, it's taken 18 months :(
Surely that's a problem with the food stamp system though, if the state gave people actual money then if this was genuinely the case it wouldn't be a problem?
Self-sufficiency is a good thing...
Our country is addicted to Chilli/spicy food...
Butthurt normie Monic can't even stand when 1 Kg of chilli= 4% of their monthly income... 1.5 times the price of beef.
Seriously wtf inflation
They are so easy to grow as well, even in England in a window I get a lot.
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How do I grow them?
I tried but I think i did it incorrectly.
I took out the seeds and put them in dirt near a window and watered but nothing happened.
Feels good man
This is true. When I started gardening with GM seeds it was fucking awful. When you switch to organic you literally expand without effort. I just take a big bunch of harvested seeds, roll them in clay and throw seed bombs. Fuck monsanto niggers.
Some of the commercial varieties are sterile because they are hybrids, if you can find organic ones they might be easier to germinate. They also take a while to sprout.

If you go to ebay also you can buy seeds really cheap like under $5 and they will grow chillis you can re plant.
faggot hippy shit, just go the damn grocery store
this topic needs more discussion amongst pol

Where the hell do I get food grade plastics so I can build my own little high pressure hydroponics thing in my apartment.

Ive been googling and I might be the only fuck on the internet who wants to grow something besides weed.
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This is a good variety, they are called Peter Peppers and you can replant them from seed.

Also they are shaped like cocks. I grow these.
Ahh ok thanks.
I took the chilies of another plant that someone else had.

I'll check out ebay then.
Any recommended sellers?
I really should plant a small plot

Gardening has such a bad taste in my mouth from when I worked in my granddad's garden as a kid
Thing was fucking massive and all weeding/picking was done by hand mostly by us grandkids
I've also spent 8 hours straight shelling peas before

Forgotten most but I guess I'd have a better base than most people nowadays


to grow things reliably, and with no dirt, indoors, for cheap.

Look up Krakty Hydrophonics.

Alternatively, watch this video, be enlightened:

You can use the same setup for weed with virtually anything if it's hydro. Just experiment really. Don't grow weed unless you 99.9% can't get caught.
the cause? Welfare
Isn't that just spraying the roots with water and fertilizer?
Ebay search 'heirloom chilli seeds'

Heirloom varieties are the ones which are handed down generations
/pol/ is 95% kids living with their parents. this is a higher percentage than W3DDIT le XD

kids don't give a shit about this. mt. dew, hot pockets, and mcdonalds is what they're about
how about you watch the fucking video.
it's a slippery slope from green bullshit like this into other hippy moron shit
You can grow stuff in a bedroom if the light is right. And hey, maybe if kids got more into growing plants they'd learn to chill and look after themselves. Interacting with nature is good for mental health and responsibility, plus you learn a bit of science along the way.
Isn't that an openly fallacious argument?

Gardening can be done by anyone regardless of their stance, and you can justify doing so within a fuckton of political ideologies.
I'm watching it already.
What's the difference?
It seems that in this method it's in a jar/pot

Im looking now. Seems like I would have to go a town or two over.
dat thumbnail tho
you put it in a container away from direct sunlight which means algae doesn't grow.

you don't need to water it, it's in a constant pool of water.

the plants develop air roots, so don't require soil to be filled with air, they have a plentiful supply of oxygen and nutrients from the solution.

using filtered water, and indoors means there's zero risk of contamination or infestation.
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it is a slippery slope, also there is nothing wrong with GMO crops

Now how can we disguise the Hitler mustache in a gardening meme? We can sneak it into the normies.
So can it be any water? or pure water like demineralised?

Is there an ebook about this that explains it?
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also, they're so low maintenance you could set up these at a constant rate and have bushels of anything you want, every week.

Even enough to sell.
you would think indoors is pest free but aphids are scary. they reproduce asexually at a rate of up to 8 per day per adult.
Great video, thanks for sharing!
OMG I fucking love you I'm going to post this everywhere. This thread is wholesome I'm glad nobody is flaming.
filtered to attain a higher PH is better for the plants, the plants like alkaline solutions, so alkaline filtered, boiled water is the best.

Boiled to get rid of contaminants, alkaline for the plants, and then add the nutrients.

This isn't correct. Asparagus chokes out all other plants to create a dead zone. You pretty much need to salt the earth to plant something else there.
Also how would this affect the future generations of the plants? would I be able to plant those in soil too or will they die?

How do I filter the water correctly? Do I buy alkaline minerals and dissolve them? Boil first or after the minerals? What are the nutrients I'm supposed to add?
yeah but if you have no way of introducing them then it isn't a worry, at all. Just always use seeds, and always keep the room guarded from visitors.

(shouldn't be too hard for /pol/)
The green pill is the ultimate pill. If you're new, my recommendations would be:

>small space/don't own the land: look into how to make "self-watering" (sub-irrigated) planters. You can use 5 gallon buckets, totes, or regular planters.
>own land: make a raised bed garden. High up front cost, but the cheapest and easiest option over time.
>meme option: hydro/aero-ponics. It's expensive as fuck and not at all recommended if you have a patio or yard with some sunshine. If you're trapped indoors only, it's a decent option. But *-ponics has almost nothing to do with regular gardening, so careful where you get your info. Also don't be a tard and try to grow tomatoes using the Kratky method.

For containers, use potting MIX, nothing called "soil". You can actually make your own mix, and change it up depending on what you want to plant, if you want to go full autismo. Potting mix is basically perlite/vermiculite, compost, and sometimes shit like peat.

One of the easiest ways to grow in containers is to get a few food grade, 5 gallon buckets, drill holes in the sides at the bottom, and put them in a kiddie pool. The potting mix will wick up water to the plant's roots, which makes it easy as fuck to water, and it even collects rain water. This counts as "self-watering" (sub-irrigated). Whenever people say "self-watering", they mean sub-irrigated, not some kind of system of hoses and shit.

If you're growing in the ground, learn how to deal with pests (including birds), because you WILL get them.

Ground/planter tradeoffs: both are expensive to start, but imo ground is cheaper over time. If you have a bad drought, ground plants are fucked, but containers can be saved. Pests suck for both.

A bit late to start from seed this year imo, but it's not too late to start a garden if you get on it. You'll just have to buy started plants, which is expensive. But starting plants from seed requires its own set of skills, so spending your first few years buying plants isn't bad.
I love these threads bongbro, they're comfy and brotherly. Over here it's pretty easy to grow anything our soil is blessed. So far we've grown bell peppers, tomatos, cherry tomatoes, basil, chives, celery, carrots, papayas, grapefruit, guayabas, lemons in our small backyard.
>would I be able to plant those in soil too or will they die?

You can plant them in soil when they're strong enough, but they will be weak until they get used to the outside air.

That's why that guy keeps them covered outdoors for a while before planting them.
You prune it all the way back after the harvest season is over... well that's what we used to do, it did work.
>how do I filter the water
Use a conventional water filter for drinking water.
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Thank you for the tip anon, that organization caught my attention.
>This thread is wholesome I'm glad nobody is flaming.
I meant if I got the seeds from the plants that I was growing using this method.

What are the plants I can grow with the kratsky method?

Is growing tomatoes bad using that method because of the weight of the tomatoes? If so then why not ties splints to strengthen it?
homesteading is the ultimate red pill
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/pol/ tis a magical place. Thanks for the gardening tip.
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oh yeah, you can take cuttings and regrow them outside just fine.

Yeah true, nice. I'm glad it's something that a lot of people can agree on and share tips and it's also kind of a protest against corporate food.

Have you heard of cucamelon? |It's like tiny melons that taste of cucumber and lime.

I've got seedlings going to try and get it to work in the bathroom as a trailing vine supported underneath a hanging basket with some sort of string apparatus.

This guy's site is legendary, he does all these things that are really uncommon but cool, I think you can get hold of seeds online.

Hell yeah senpai I grow the fuck out of some food. I have 22 tomato plants, 18 broccoli plants, 8 squashes, 16 cucumbers, shitload of okra and corn, peppers of assorted varieties, radishes. Next year I'm making some space for blueberries blackberries and cherry trees. Might start up some asparagus too. I really want to get some chickens and bees but those are hard to do in city limits.
Also onions and garlic. My canteloupe only got baseball sized last year :( baka senpai

Just try see if there is a pruning guide online before you go in on it, I haven't done it since I was a kid

You can protect melons with pantyhose. They also seem to get bigger. Protection from sun or bugs or something. Also rabbits wont eat them.
damn those look fancy. Though I think it would be kinda hard to deliver here
Ahh ok thanks.

What are the limits of the kratky method? What plants can't I grow?
How do I keep raccoons out of my backyard when composting?

I ordered seeds that came all the way from Malaysia, idk what your customs is like. They look awesome though.
>propagating plants
Am doing that.
>to distribute around for free
That's marxist cancer.

>tips on how to grow
Stick plant in soil/pot, do not forget to water, remove pests.
Gardening is redpilled
>getting fresh produce for the cost of seeds and fertilizer
>not being 100% reliant on corporations for your food(especially if you have a large garden)
>fun, non-degenerate hobby
>can grow any type of plant that grows in your climate(or even ones that don't if you have a well-equipped greenhouse)
It's hard to think of a reason NOT to have a garden, unless you live in a small apartment with no balcony.

There's a UK climate friendly cultivar of cantaloupe I really wanna grow but still waiting on an allotment. Might have to next year.
a few things, certain strains of seeds won't work, things like potatoes won't work obviously.

See I do live in a small apartment with no balcony but you can just improvise - I have a growbag under a window and got tomato last year and I grow all my own herbs and salad greens in propagators.

I think there's genuinely a bullshit myth that you can't grow indoors because life uh, finds a way in most cases. Sure you don't get big results but it's still a thing to do and it's calming as fuck, especially given how stressful life is.
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I buy my GMO seeds from uncle Liao, have a nice day with all those "patents" and millions inRnD.
I was thinking of using the box method for potatoes.

How do the seeds get started?
Obviously there's no dirt and I doubt the seeds are just dropped into the container.
I don't know, I have dogs so I don't have many rats, cats, raccons or opposums around.

idk, my state is the agricultural state so sanitary inspections are tough. I think I'll stick to local produce
I gave up on vines in favor of increased space for other plants. My girlfriend and I can and preserve food. I make some of the furniture too, don't have many tools yet though so I'm not exactly making pretty furniture. Our plan is to be moderately self sufficient.

Giving people things is marxist cancer?

Is Christmas cancer too?
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these doods even got sued for selling seeds that weren't in the regulated official strand catalog

i used to help my parents out as a child, we grew a specific tomato strand and kept the seeds

Did you try limiting your melon plant to just 3 fruits and pruning off the rest? I've heard that's legit with larger gourd type fruits.
>Is Christmas cancer
Onlu if you do a cucked version and give random people free shit.
Giving things to your clan/family is not cancer because you can expect favours in return.

Yeah, not really sure the EU was having a good day when they did that to them lol
It's only marxist cancer when you are forced to give people free things

If you grow shit for free you can give it away for free. Also distributing food bearing plants for free is a method of undercutting shops. Everybody wins.
>What are the plants I can grow with the kratsky method?
>Is growing tomatoes bad using that method because of the weight of the tomatoes? If so then why not ties splints to strengthen it?

Seems like the leafy stuff works best in hydro or aero methods. As for tomatoes if you have ever gotten some plants going in the summer they can produce a shit load of tomatoes. And drain the soil of nutrients in the process. I dont know how people would do that outside of soil without feeding them a ton of whatever plant food they use. Also the plants can get large so I wonder what the roots are like outside of soil.
Gartennazis are a thing. Ever been to a Schrebergarten? The closest thing you have resembling them is your Homeowner accosiation or whatever you call them
Anyone know if root cellars actually work? As far as I know they work for like roots squash and shit but leafy or juicy things? Ive checked with family and everyone used to either dry or jar everything outside of potatoes and root like things. Supposedly you can keep tomatoes through winter. Only thing family did in the past was to get them halfway to sauce and freeze.
True, but if you grow indoors you're gonna need expensive high powered lamps to create optimal conditions for most plants. Weed growers would sometimes just steal similar ones from street lights in the past since it's kinda shitty to have to dish out 200€+ just to get started when you're a deadbeat stoner. There's also the factor that such lamps consume a lot of power and it will drive your utilities bill up noticeably if it's more than a small closet where you grow stuff.

Especially when starting out it's just so much better to have your own outdoor garden, or even just a balcony.
But I'd assume you could keep adding nutrients to the water?
I don't understand if that water just stays there for the growing period or is changed/rotated in someway.

Like aquaponics with those fish.
so you just set the initial solution and let it go?

when the water is completely gone, you have to refill to the minimal soultion level, correct?

Potatoes seem to have great success with that box method.

Remember in the war when our civilians beat your blockades by growing our own food? They did a report that said Britain could be fully self-sufficient that got buried in the '50s because they didn't want people to know so we went back to buying shit from other people
This is a good meme. Wonder what the normies would think of these threads.

I legit don't use lights my man these windows get direct sunlight in the morning and afternoon. It just works. Plants can do well in partial sunlight or even shade, people just need to experiment with what they have, even if it's a tiny propagator to grow baby lettuces in a bathroom window.

Aquatics it flows in and out. Usually a pump and maybe gravity. The roots need air sometimes. There are other methods like a company that has this pool they grow lettuce on the surface somehow. Usually home made you want to control the water I think. And the fish thing is to use their waste in the water and have bacteria turn it into nutrients.
Couldn't you reflect light in?
I wonder how viable it would be to use some sort of optic fiber to move light to another location for growing... How thick would the cables need to be?

Ahh, I got the idea that he just left them there in the water.
So I guess he would have to keep disolving nutrients in the water if it's still. or something

There seriously needs to be a book on this somewhere. Hopefully I find it...
this is a good idea, i wanted to create a raspberry pi driven green house with a humidity sensor and a sprinkler so you would only have to add some water, but iam a lazy asshole
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That looks pretty cool. I might try doing that in the near future. The veggies I've planned on growing are already in the ground.
sharing your recolt is part of the fun
unless you only grow out of your appartment or something you usually end up with more stuff than you can store for yourself, especially for perishables unless you want to spend days putting everything in jars
just give some out to neighbours, friends and family, they might even give you some of their own stuff
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Just an example of what you can do with just a window 1/3
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you have no excuse to not grow at least some greens in your home. anyone who wants to start should read about microgreens and their benefits.

easiest things to grow for beginners:
broccoli sprouts, mustard sprouts (flavour is too strong for my taste), radish micro-greens.

this is my radishes

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Just an example of what you can do with just a window 3/3
>muh carrots

eat meat you fucking faggot
Gardening is one of the most redpilled things you can do.

I've never considered collecting seeds since they're super cheap to buy. But what's the problem with hybrids?

Swedes ruin every thread
oh i am laffin
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This shit is important, but people generally are too lazy for this.
It is political no matter what way you cut it tho.

With the red-pill rage rampant on this board maybe the denzins are some of the few who could actually make use of this plan
Maybe I just live too far north but I can't see how anything but a simple house plant could thrive without either artificial light or the full extent of sunlight. Certainly nothing that bears fruit.
Or just use mirrors? Cheap, efficient, ubiquitous. Optic fiber comes with a lot of problems of its own(hard to keep clean, fairly expensive, hard to find ones thicker than a matchstick) and I wouldn't ever use it just to deliver light to plants.
Wait till he shows you the animals he's breeding!

If you own any amount of land hugelkultur is objectively GOAT.
It's just an Idea.
Maybe mirrors that angle it through glass windows/through pipes for unnaground shelters
I cant imagine not growing as much of your own as you can, but then Im two generations away from family farmers. In our mostly rural area, growing is a must, freezing and canning are the norm, and drying, smoking, even root cellars are still very common. If your potatoes start to grow eyes/get mushy, nobody throws them out, you stick them in the ground in a corner of your garden and walk away. one potato going bad can make you 5 pounds of potatoes. Yeah potatoes aren't expensive to buy, but free is better and they are easy as shit to grow.
The only kind of drive-by around here is where you drop off all your extra zucchini on somebody's porch when they are not home.

One difference I've made to the 'truck patch' family style of gardening I've grown up with is do raised beds and square foot gardening. Saves on so much work. Once you get going, there's no hoeing or weeding.
Vegetables without pesticides, GMOs, or putting money into conglomerate farms that use illegal immigrant pickers. Put in your own strawberries and stop buying them from Commiefornia. Time to bring back the Victory Garden.
is that a sealed moss terrarium on the right? how did you get it to survive in a closed system? mine starts to die if i dont open the lid for fresh air now and then
Could always get some grow lamps. They're pretty cheap.
>what's the problem with hybrids?
i believe some are sterile

as a hobby you probably don't need to care about collecting seeds but if you are growing veggies to actually save money or try to cultivate some specific / ancient strands it's the way to go

I grow some food to make some dimes while i'm unemployed,
EU is being a huge asshole about farming, now asl inspectors are running around flaying their arms and telling me i can't do this and i can't do that, to drive a tractor i should pay them 200 euros for a piece of paper and 500 euros for a pesticide license.

Fucking assholes.

I'm not even a redpiller, like genuinely the opposite (ancom) but I think there are some things we can all agree on even if we'd argue ourselves into a frenzy over other shit.


You know you want them, they're so easy to buy and grow indoors, google 'peter pepper seeds'

I'm southwest England so yeah probably.
jesus, I'm glad i live in america. Although i suppose some HOA's could be just as restrictive.
>Maybe mirrors that angle it through glass windows/through pipes for unnaground shelters
Periscopes for plant growing?
I used to have some, but my living situation right now doesn't allow for a lot of growing. I'll definitely get some to grow spices when I find an affordable apartment that's larger than a closet.

It's a wild moss that was growing in a wood, ten yards from the water by an estuary in Cornwall.

Will literally die if it's not sealed in with total humidity. I open it to spray it and pet it occasionally.
You can't buy fast food with food stamps, idiot. McDonalds has been trying for years, but the government isn't hearing it.
In theory it could be a good thing the pesticide license, the real problem is that you need it even to buy a fucking packet of copper sulphate.
Is that like a kindergarten
I loved that X-files episode where the HOA was so autistic about their rules that they summoned a thoughtform to kill people who break them.
You like eating dark meat, we've all heard it a million times.
If you're not living on a decent sized bit of land with a fair few pairs of hands to help, it's better to buy local produce. At least try and buy from your own country, but your own region would be be best
Yeah I got all the equipments for growing reefer and barely got to use it before I stopped using.
Now I've got this expensive gear and no reason to use it, there's a nice big garden outside I can plant most things in.

Too bad it'll deteriorate before I start up smoking again most likely.
This is the best a normal person that lives in a city can do.

Do strawberries man, would be awesome if you could rig it up next to a bright window. If you grow them right they'll put out runners and multiply. Great presents for friends, girls, parents, etc...
How do you live upside down?

Yeah fair shout, I always buy UK grown vegetables and fruits if I can.

But still, there's a ton more reasons to grow stuff and I think everyone should just fucking do it.
>Do strawberries man
Or chili. Lots of people use grow boxes meant for weed to grow chili.
I remember from a diy thread a guy that planted some potatoes inside a big sack, then open one side and pluck some of them and then close it like a zip tie.

Spend my shekels? On shit that grows in the ground? Oy vey my goy.

Yeah, the only thing you have to worry about is pollinating all the flowers by hand but you just use cotton buds.
very interesting. perhaps i should look for some very wet mosses for a closed system. How long has yours been running?

Do it and post results sometime, it's totally possible and innovations like that with the correct lists of parts and instructions can get you popular on YouTube and stuff. You can do it.
Raised bed gardens anon. So much labor saving in that alone. Less weeds, less back strain. My mom has serious muscle damage from work and she just sits on the blocks and weeds (very little) and gardens with no strain.
A DIY green house is also worth it. A cheap box fan for ventilation during summer and some shade cloth and you get a MUCH longer grow season. They make cheap timers that you can use to run a pump and water them automatically. My grandpa uses it with rainwater and texas tomato paste to make amazing indoor grown tomatoes. The more you spend and build the more it pays for itself. Invest in labor saving technology. Gone are the days of digging up the yard and hoping for the best.
>Come to pol for politics and memes
>excellent gardening advice.
>I love pol
That's right goyim! Spend your hard earned money on genetically modified fruits and veggies. Don't mind the pesticides, they're harmless I swear! What do you mean they're bland and smaller? This IS what they're supposed to look and taste like! Now give me those shekels...err I mean dollars.
Nah. They're small plots of land to rent near cities and towns where you can relax and grow shit weeksends. Also the only place in our country where you will see the german flag.

Since the winter, it's literally only doing that well because the moss is highly specialised to be in a climate where the fog rolls in every morning from the sea.

If you go look around you could find a similar one but this is in a very wet part of the world.

Would be funny to try mail some of it to you but I have no idea how to make that work.
Hi varg
I grow mainly flowers to help my local wildlife. I'm also attempting to grow fruit trees and a few non-fruit trees - I generally just don't like growing vegetables, fuck knows why. Am I degenerate or are flowerfags welcome here?

We used old railway sleepers at the university garden, they're so good.
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The indipendence you gain through it is very political

I love everyone on this thread desu. I don't post here often or use 4chan much anymore but when I do I try to put up something like this.

My wife and I have been growing our own food for year. But like most people who focus on their own shit/local cultivation of crops, businesses, communites, we are "libtards".

American conservacucks would rather spend their food stamps at walmart. The only real solution is to round them up and work them to death on forced labor farms.

Try nasturtiums, they make salad greens, edible flowers, edible seeds. So easy to grow, any light, and place, any climate. Really pretty. Smell great.



Permaculture master race checking in
I'm not against big business. Eat shit.
You are doing a valuable job as well. The more flowering plants there are in an area with different times of pollination the better the local wildlife will life.
I don't know if they are natural on your island, but if they are I would also suggest Crataegus monogyna as an exelent bush for many insects. Also has thorns to fuck over gardenjumping kids or criminals

Did your parents not love you as a child :/
>Eat shit.
Can't you just continue in our stead?

Also, dude - Borage. It's probably the bet bee attractor I know. Edible flowers and leaves, reseeds itself.
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Thanks anon! Do they have any particular time of year when they need to be planted? I only ask because I'm waiting for my sunflowers, marigolds and poppies to grow a bit before I have any more room in my propagators
>pic related

That's the main reason I'm planting them. I've even set up a few bee hotels for any solitaries that want to nest in my garden. Try planting a few scabious around; bees seem to absolutely adore them and they produce some really lovely blue flowers.

My friend has an entire tray of cornflower going to, it's getting towards being a bit late to start seedlings but I think we can get away with it, our summers keep getting longer... almost into october.

But nah nasturtiums can be started indoors as early as February and only die to frost or when they've seeded.
It's actually a fair idea if you've got the space for it. Even some side veggies can net you some free meals.

Outdoors will get you the most yields while indoors is easiest to managed.
Imag 404'd on me , please repost.

I'm trying, because nerds actually make great gardeners, it's such an easy leap to make.
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I will post a few meme charts evertime the thread needs a constructive bumb
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Still a shitty pic, my camera is awful. There's about 12 in there.

And I will download them
Aquaculture is also great if you want some fish to look at. This is just the first video I could pull up

Farming/gardening hippy? Agriculture is the most redpilled occupation, it's all about self reliance. Good luck without farmers it'll be Zimbabwe 2.0
Tricolor Amaranth is awesome... it's edible like spinach but looks like this. It'll grow pretty small but tall if you put it in a small pot indoors.

And yeah anon I really think there is no political viewpoint that could find fault in growing stuff, except the ultra elitist ones.
weeew lads this is some next level shit
i'd never have thought you could combine hydrophonics with fish tanks
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Might use this for cannabis, thanks.

Endless prime teen pussy and ass from the most innocent looking church going wife material girls. Or at least they were wife material, before me.
you don't watch Cody's Lab? dude is doing it right now.

I've seen it done with eels, interestingly. They grow mushrooms in a shed, feed them to the eels, then use the poop as fertiliser.

You have to look good to get girls though bro

Also like... this is some pedo-level shit, we don't need this on our wholesome gardening thread :/

I look good, I don't fuck anyone under 16. Legal where I am.

Lusting after 16 year old girls is always creepy... unless you're under 20 in which case fuck you anyway.
where do get seeds?
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Imma start a homestead

getting land in the uk is mad hard :'(
I'm a US citizen and I'm about to blow this ice lolly stand :^)
Heirloom= stable genetic line you can count on to make good seeds. Just be careful about growing different kinds of the same plant or they will cross pollinate.
If you grow indoors you will have to learn to hand pollinate for fruit/seed plants.
You will spend more growing your own food...
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You could always come to the States. It's not difficult at all to get a house that has a lot of land. And if I'm not mistaken, property prices are cheaper here has well compared to the UK, especially if you move to a more rural state.
>Undercutting big business by ruining small farmers

Except they may not reseed well like heirlooms will. GMOs should be avoided for home growers that intend to plant a seed crop.

Most of the shit I got for free because everybody I know is ancom or libsoc but yeah soil is pretty expensive. It really depends who you know and if you have a local garden centre, I get all mine from there and it's small business.


out of the frying pan and into the fire? :D

Right on, I buy organic veg from a greengrocer, all their crop is heirloom so if you replant scraps you can get seed stock of your own.
Well if I can get my hands on some nice land then it won't be much of a fire

I just wanna get away from it all
You can still support small farms for everything you don't produce yourself like beef and so on. But it's not like half of them aswell only life of Eu subsidies
Should I make a small green house to grow some peppers? Florida can have a bunch of extremes (cold snaps routinely kill plants) and I want to start growing shit.
supermarket IDF detected.
>It's as easy as getting a small propagator and growing seedlings by your bathroom window
no its fucking not
nigger you cant eat basil and survive

"move to a rural state"

several reasons why that sounds bad but it'd be nice to have land... soil quality is a huge factor though.


They won't let me onto their private property to grow stuff for myself so fuck them
Chinese commies had an interesting take on farming which lead to millions starving. Just another reason communism is awful.
GTFO commie

No but now I don't have to spend money on it anymore and it tastes better and looks chill.
>take up agrarian hobby
>shit on rural areas

Not really a fan of Mao at all lol

If you use a computer you can still shit on bill gates
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1488 sustainable vegetable plots now.
i appreciate the thought but i think the logistics of that would be a little difficult. I will be in Washington for the summer, so i should be able to find some moss that lives in similar conditions. Care to post a closer photo of the moss in question?
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Many of the Great Plains states (Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc.) have excellent soil and so does California. It's why these states are so heavily farmed in.
there are many outspoken hippy naturalists/farmers, but you'd be surprised how many conservatives are into that sort of thing but aren't as outpoken about it. My parents for example, very conservative christians and they have been growing their own food for a decade. Hippies like you just brag about it more
Land quality map is from the USDA

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On the other hand everyone seems to trying his hardest to stop that.
Gigantic industrial farms were a mistake
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Can we make this a general? I love the idea of having a self sufficiency general or something to talk about going off grid and home growing vegetables.

I currently have a small plot of land with a group of potato plants, tomatoes and green beans. I also grow allot of standard herbs and make my own tea from nettles and pine needles. I'm also interested in maybe getting a few chickens for eggs however we have allot of wild foxes so I'd need to set up a proper pen for them.
Back to whatever social media shithole you came from.

I think you're doing a pretty good job, actually. Have fun with another Merkel term.
I do crop rotation, and I also make my own compost. I hardly ever throw any food items away, it's against my beliefs to make waste of things.
Hey you're south of me! What do you grow down in the Caribbeans?
raising your own chickens is G.O.A.T. However, make a well thought out cage design if they aren't going to be free range. if you design a faulty pen and then have to try to change it after the chickens are added it will be a pain in the ass, T. raised on a farm and went through several iterations of chicken pens and feeding systems before finally getting it right

things to think about:
>large, gravity fed feeder that can hold 1-2 50lb sacks of chicken feed
>hose-fed waterer with a buried and insulated hose to prevent freezing in winter, or at least a waterer with large capacity. this way, feeding and watering will be a once or twice monthly task and your chickens will essentially be autonomous egg factories.
>chickens love dust bathing and can burrow 6-8 inches into the soil over time. make sure the bottom of the fencing is buried about a foot
>hawks or eagles can carry off your chickens (hasn't happened in my experience but i do have a dog)
>10 chickens will turn the soil to mud/dirt pretty rapidly. this is to be expected and planned for, unless you intend to let them free range over an acre or so.
The NRCS does a good job at helping keep the soil in good condition. It was established back in the 1930s in response to the Dust Bowl.
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Sadly we can't. Everytime we have a few of these threads some faggot janitor or mod comes along and deletes us, eventhough the quality in this thread is unparaleled by all the other shit that is in the catalog right now.
So we only can have this once in a while or we rinsk getting this toppic permanantly banned
might want to move this to /out/ or /diy/ then ?
Nah, here is also an audience for it. One that actually needs it
>tfw bought 8 chicks a few years back and poured a bunch of money into them
>tfw hand made a coup
>tfw a stupid fucking snake snuck in by digging under the 10ft underground barrier and killed all of them
>tfw still too scared to try again
I appreciate the advice, I'll look up some tutorials and stuff before actually putting a cage together. I might just get around 3 to begin with and see how I get on. If all goes well I can always introduce more and expand on it.
Thats such a shame.
christ, how horrifying. here the worst predator is raccoons and coyotes. would a raised coop help, or did the snek kill them in broad daylight?
Never had issues with sneks. Did they get them as chicks or fully grown? I never let my chicks out of the pen until they are a couple weeks old. i have a wire mesh box on stilts with a wire mesh door and removable top. The chicken house is sheet metal with a concrete footer a foot down.
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it's a spiky pale green moss not a more spongy one... lot of dead bits from when it wasn't in a jar. My camera is fucking bad.
we could make a brand new forum to get away from the normies where we can talk about plants in peace.
They were chicks, but they were pretty grown up. At least a few months old when I put them in the pen.

Snek killed them in broad daylight. I live in Florida so our python population is big because of dumbshits dumping their pets off in the woods.
or a discord

If you had land it would be awesome to use chickens to fertilise land, then move them and dig it up, grow veg on it for a year, then plant a fuckload of grass and flowers on it. Just regenerate meadows and eat really good food.
hello Varg

Wish they would do a gardening board desu but I brought it up here because it's one of those Anarchist/Libertarian hobbies that people like. People never flame during plant discourse.
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/an/ contains the heading nature and /out/ also has a homegrown general. But whenever I have the chance I spread the greenpill on /pol

/pol/ has a bad rep we should run secret green conversion on it until everyone here is just groovy and posts vegetables
New bread






Yeah man you should. You can grow winter crops in the winter like baby potato and chinese cabbage. As long as it's nicely sealed you just need to burn a covered lantern or some small candles in there on cold nights so you don't get frost. Post results.
Evolution is what got me here, I'm Goodposting on /pol/
I'm working on it. Every enviornmental thread I see I contribute. Though all the climate change criss cross is usually only used to devide and conquer. What everyone should focous on is the things we can change now. Buy local, grow yourself, don't poisen the ocean with plastic and so on
Awesome! I love some bok choy in my ramen. What should I build it out of? I was thinking of using some double layered polyethylene.

Yeah, local provisions are always more basic and better for your body, the meat is more expensive so you don't eat as much but it's better, eggs taste better, vegetables are organic and non GMO... all seems like a pretty sweet ideology where animal rights meets necessity, small business and self reliance.

It's basically a win win thing for everyone. Fuck monopolies which use crooked tactics to make profit at the expense of ethics and the quality of product.
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I live in an appartment with zero terrace, just windows, and I've never grown a thing in my life. I need help. Where do I get help for useless city dwellers like myself? Youtube channels, ebooks?

Plz help.
Not sure I wish I knew I haven't got my allotment but maybe try correlating shit you find on youtube, and maybe making a thread on the diy forum I'm pretty sure someone will say something.
Read through this thread. There are already some people who wrote about their expirence of only having a few windows to work with

Get a plastic bottle, cut off the top however long you want your pot, poke holes in the bottom, fill it with dirt, buy one packet of nasturtium seeds, plant like 3, hang it in front of a window by poking holes and using thick string or wire.

Water sparingly every 3 days and you get flowers and if you fertilize them with a cotton bud they will make 3 more seeds per flower. Give people seeds 3 at a time and give them these instructions. The flowers and leaves are also a good sandwich garnish.
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this looks dope pls explain
There's just something wrong with the unbelievably potent pesticides GMO crops are laced with.
Thanks, that sounds like a good place to start with.

Was Hitler an Evolutionist?






Fuck off aussie

They need direct sunlight for half the day though thats all I forgot to say
literally the best thread in weeks.

you guys should check out this video. it really shows how much food you can produce on a tiny plot of land
oops forgot link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evX9O-6LyFc

gardening youtubers are the best youtubers
Bipartisan is a good word. Thanks for bringing the good word, OP. You remind me of that anon who wanted to have a grilled cheese party with everyone, nice sparkly shiny soul. God bless you OP.

see how the squashes he planted were rootballed? thats when you plant out because if you direct plant seedlings they just die
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Just started planting foods a few weeks ago.
Also, try getting yourselves one of this. It's called orgonite. Make one or buy one, your choice.
Get more of your crops.
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Gardening whether for aesthetics or for food is quite fulfilling for the human psyche, I suppose it takes us back to a simpler time in human history, one in which we lived and were at the mercy of nature, but when we where more attuned and observant of ourselves and our environment
The jewtube channel Isaac Arthur did a video on this. Apparently you need a plot of land about the size of a house to feed one person
Well call them victory gardens and every good patriot has one.

ty man i think getting food production onto a smaller scale is important for a ton of reasons which a lot of people can agree with as long as we never ever speak about anything but this one topic


this video is awesome

so does every anarchist

can we please just have this common ground (pun)
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I like you and your pun
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arcadian utopia when
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when the white men come home

I really believe in that, like I'd be happy for people to still bicker over the same shit and sort it out later but first make it easier for people to have more food and plants. It's a concept of equality between landowners and non landowners. You could even say the right to grow food should be considered a human right, but I'm sure that's taking it to an extreme for some people.

I'm talking more expansive allotments programs with public transport links to and from them btw
I have been growing Carrots, Peppers, Green Onions, Chamomile, Lavender, Oregano on 5 gallon buckets in my apt balcony. Its easy if you follow instructions n discipline. Love growing food. OP you should try it.

I only have windowsills :'(

got green/spring onions in a window box though
>growing guayabas at home
I'm jelly
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Bumping this incredible thread. Pic was a while ago - there's a lot more in my garden now.

Managed to nurse a 1/2ft dying cherry tree to health and now it's about 12 ft tall and makes plenty of food for the birds,
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I just saw this wow
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Not to mention all the plants luring slugs and snails in, which meant this little fella founds his way to our garden (and decided to stay)

We've been slug free ever since!
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This looks awesome

if you give him those mealworms he's never going to leave either :DDDDD

>tfw reddit spacing is true
This. Create enough diverse habitats for different kinds of animals and you won't need most if not all artifical perstizides etc.
It's a meme industry that only exists because of monoculture
At this point I'm sure many are doing it only to piss people like you off who pooint it out




>plants on top get bit
>start smothering planets below
>not profit
i think a hugelkultur with a shallower pitch would be more effective. the pics are probably exaggerated
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My last post for today.
Don't give up, the world is only so bad as we make it.
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>tfw when birbs eat my goddamn grapes
>But what's the problem with hybrids?

So I'll put it in /pol/ terms...

If you get hybrid seeds then that plant will grow into a nice strong mixed race plant. If you try and breed from those hybrids the genes are mixed up and some of the 2nd gens will be fucked up. Like a mixed kid who didn't inherit any white strength but also didn't get any nigger muscle.

When you breed racially pure plants (heirloom varieties) those decent genes get passed down the line. Like a smart white family passing down the smart, and coons passing down the strong.

or just plant shit on flat ground like everyone else who is moderately successful. that shit just looks like a big meme, only good for taking pictures of and posting on instagram.

people seem to be ignoring that to be fully self-sufficient with food you need to grow A LOT of fucking crops. theres a reason why farming is a profession, its a full time job, and requires a lot of room.
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cheap ass fucking land
the site is the bee's knees
He hasn't! Over half a year he's been basically living in our garden. We've had plenty of visitors - foxes, badgers, families of micr, hedgehogs, the lot - and all rather sociable creatures too. It's nice, just adds life to the garden - and all because of a few plants. It's wonderful really.

Exactly - last year we were infested with all sorts of creatures and nasty fuckers. Since then, so many animals have moved in that they take care of all the nasties themselves, hell even the birds are keeping all the spiders clear.

Oh god my sides.
Relax anon, you're helping feed families of birbs that might've gone hungry. You're doing your part for nature!

yeah cept it was probably starlings, so in actuality he just helped fuck nature even harder.
I really really really really like your garden
is it cheap enough for someone with no money
I really really really really like your garden
in the uk starlings are endangered

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