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Bill Nye only updated science, because that is how it works

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It's 2017, not the 1990s anymore. Pluto is not a planet, and there are more than two genders. Get with the times.
Stopped reading
we used to think the earth was round

i remember those days
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>Pluto is not a planet
I don't know what gender I am, too many choices
Yeah that's not how it works. That's now how any of this works.
Gender has nothing to do with hard science, its postmodernist philosophy
Show me the research, and a gay ass song doesn't count, nor does some degenerate animation.
Notion dismissed due to lack of physical evidence.
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You better be baiting Reddit fag because everyone including scientists all agree that their are only 2 genders you cuck.
Hitler didn't genocide 6 million Jews, he just updated them to ash.
Yes, textbook science, not film, he basically went back to a filmed document and edited it because he didn't like it.

He only did it to save his own fucking ass as well cause people called him out on his bullshit.
He is a mechanical engineer. Just adding "The Science Guy" after your name does not give him credibility.
It's gender studies, and it's not a science.
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>nobody knew about chromosomal abnormalities in the 90s
Oh, wait, they did. Really makes you think.
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Testosterone is just patriarchy's placebo.
Intergender sports now!
Spectrum Olympics!
Gender roles are oppression!

Delete this immediately!
Even if the gender bullshit was scientific in nature:

When a scientist releases a paper detailing a new theory, do scientific journals go back through articles they've already published and "update" them to remove any trace of the previous theory? No. If they did do this would it be censorship? Yes.
will the next Olympics have all different gender event's
lmao this is too much. im only 29 and i feel too old for these degenerate times.
>Remember when we used to think the earth was flat? HA! Now there's more than two genders!
>Based on?
They're going to produce the tests conclusively showing that x and y chromosomes have no effect, right?
Pretty much this. Bill Nye the propaganda guy is a fucking jew puppet
these people type and speak like catty middle school students.
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Once again, thanks for fukushima, Japan.
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These atheists are hilarious, they spent centuries criticizing theists because
>religious dogmas are bad!!1 we are freethinkers okay
..only to advance some kind of pseudo-scientific cult that rips into you if you dare question them, especially the so-called 'settled science', whatever that is
Hitler didn't kill 6 gorillion Jews, he just updated the census.
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Please kill yourself
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I feel like I've aged 20 years in the span of maybe 5. This world is fucked in ways I couldnt have imagined
Bill Nye is a relic of the past. He no longer belongs.

Stalin didn't starve those millions, just updated them out of life
>We used to think the earth was flat
No, fuck you and your mother in the ass with a plunger made out of razors and pineapples,
The only fucking time we did that was when we lived in caves and was amazed by fucking fire, then MAYBE we thought the earth was flat, otherwise people has never thought that, that thing about the middle ages?
All fucking lies from the italian faggots that came after.
Why cant this fucking meme just die?
>"science" changes at the whim of the modern progressive fringe zeitgeist

ya, na
Using that logic we should all go to our countries banks and demand our bank balances are updated to trillions of dollars cause that's how banks work.
Yeah, looking back on the 00s through the lens of current events really changes my perspective. The left is on the verge of book burning, and they spent decades assuring us that the slippery slope was merely a "fallacy"
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Fucking a Trap make you gay
Of course a woman writes this stupid article, almost every stupid article is made by a woman.
i litterally went to sleep and one day woke up in the twilight zone,wtf happened anon? i want to go back!
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>not understanding the forever in-flux nature of scientific THEORY
>versus the rigid fantasy-fiction tenets of a jew sky-god's edicts for the goyim
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You tell 'em Bananas!
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good one, home schooled kike chattel
solid kek
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But bill. The original had it right. XX and XY do dictate gender.
>extremely rare exceptions are the rule guys
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>Stalin didn't starve those millions, just updated them out of life
This is the science of feelings
Therefore science is not always based on facts. That's the bottom line. Don't come at me with this bullshit

fuck this post makes me more angry than anything.
>Not being able to splice your DNA with cuddlefish and mushrooms to be able to control and create new chromosomes as will
the author is right
science gets updated as we gain more knowledge
it's not censorship, it's the scientific process
as always, the right wing turns out to be anti-science because they don't care about the truth, they just care about getting their way
Hilarious, my science teacher had a fucking doctorate in chemical engineering, yet was a retard that couldn't accurately explain why lithium burns in water.
Science teachers are the absolute bottom of the barrel of "scientists". In fact they're not even scientists, they're failed scientists.
Also why is she using cuttlefish as a reason why mammals could have more than 2 sexes?
Then why are there so many fággots these days? And why are there so many people that want to be the opposite gender of what they are? I believe there are also asexuals whom noone talks about.
i think science got corrupted while updating, may want to run a check and if that fails reinstall the last stable realese
>There's only 2 genders

>Wrong, here's proof

>Those are just exceptions!
Wrong. In this case, although they may be in the minority, they still count
Your opinions can change over time, as Mr. Shipping had explained well during the Zimmerman trial

The remaining question is, to what extent was the show opinion and to what extent fact? I'd say it was 90% opinion and 10% fact.
Remember, opinion can change over time - facts can't.
Does he only remove what we discuss? I doubt he does revision of everything, this only caught his eye because it gives him money from different groups of people who identify as something.
>no actual scientific proof presented
You did a really good job of deconstructing her argument and not resorting to weak ad hominem, nice work
Social media plays into naturally occurring low level narcissistic personality disorder that would normally fade with age.
However with social media constantly stroking your dick for you, your entire life becomes a oneupmanship contest with everyone else in the oppression Olympics for the most attention
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What we know about the facts does change though.
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correct. the show was heavy on "interpretation" so it didn't look anywhere the same
And tell me, what gender is a hermaphrodite?
Hows this for an argument, humans don't have a ZW chromosome structure, so any argument that starts using that as it's base is invalid. She also made no argument for more than 2 genders, as she continues to refer to XX males and XXY males as males, and in case of all this abnormality they're recognized as what they are, chromosomal abnormalities, not celebrated as OMG 76 GENDERS
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>the right wing
the very fact they're "a wing", should tell people how much closer they are to the troglodyte tribes of the pleistocene epoch, than they are to modern day, logically-minded homo-sapiens
Could go either way depending on what their body develops like. If they lack a utereus, they're probably a dude, though a lack of functioning testicles also would firmly entrench them within "intersexed" which a legitimate medical term for those with sexual development disorders
Those exceptions have truly hideous deformities.
Identifying as them is retarded at best, and outright cruel at worst. It would be like hopping around and identifying as an amputee.
Maybe Japan should have hired a well known, respected, can-update-all-of-science-on-a-whim-like-a-fucking-wikipedia-page, jew like Bill Nye? Surely he would have updated science to account for any leaks and that would be impossible to fix.
People used to live here too
>a facebook post is scientific proof
Ill take stupid shit leftists say for $400 Alex.
Yeah because when pluto was declared to no longer be a planet they burned every book, film, image, or other media that made that assertion
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>And tell me, what gender is a hermaphrodite?
You do realize that this isn't what we're actually arguing about? Why is the existence of abnormalities is used as an excuse to justify sex changes for perfectly normal people.
It's true that science does change over time as new information is found. That said, there was really not much scientific to his new show. He just kind of said "this is fact all the scientists say so and if you don't believe it you're wrong" which isn't really science at all.

Heck, even their example kind of underscores his whole "science has reached a consensus" line of reasoning: the consensus at one point was the Earth was flat, remember?
Wow look at all those examples from non human species.

>only reproducing sexually
they updated the teaching material

Australia I really enjoyed this meme. Fucking laugh
>not basing the social values of civilization off of the biology of every species of eukaryote organisms becausr were all the same mannn
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They will digitally update every white actor of previous past films in future, just wait for it.
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Rip Starwars
>updated science

How? By broadcasting a broken metaphor and a cringey dyke "rapping"? The bar for proof is at a conveniently low spot for this gender nonsense.
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Lmao George. that one was good.
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What blows me away is how quick it all happened. It took less than 10 years for the entire western world to go completely insane, and it's getting worse.
I don't understand this image, someone pls explan
>a woman
Stopped reading
Yeah but the science doesn't agree with the genders thing. It is at best a theory and is more likely tied to personality, like the idea of effeminate men etc. And the additional genders always use male and female as archetypes, so why even come up with this crap?
Okay, Thought Police.
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Don't mind us, just updating some literature
I do it too. Sometimes i don't even saw the name of the author, but by the wording you can tell when it's a woman.
>Turner syndrome is just another gender guys!!

When will this meme die?
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Stalin's former friend Nikolai Yezhov was executed by his communist regime and then officially removed/censored from this photo.
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>My feels overrule your proven science

Come on guys global warming is going to kill us! Why won't you listen! It's proven science!
Staline took a picture with someone.
But some years later this someone was a "" traitor"" so any picture of him with stalin was "updated" so the guy was removed from having any ties to Stalin.
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For a bunch of criminal offspring, you people sure are clever as hell.
Yeah and chromosomes used to be a thing
One of my biggest contributions to the future will be to have children and give them normal fucking names.
Pluto is a planetary body still, it's just a dwarf planet so it's still a planet...
Did this actually get published in any journals?
>Get with the times.

Choose wisely.
That's not correct
>the science is settled on climate change
>updated the science on genders
fucking end it already, just let the shit fall down, so we can hunt these enemies of humanity down. I want all of them, dead. I will collect their skulls and build a fucking house out of them. Then, then only will I have sound sleep.
>We used to think the earth was flat

Literally American education, this time.

Washington Irving (The Sleepy Hollow author) wrote a largely fictional biography of Columbus. Somehow, American educators adopted this as fact (as did our elementary history texts).

So this is the bullshit I was taught as a young kid:

Columbus' sailors were terrified that they would sail off the end of the Earth. This was accompanied by a woodcut print of the Earth's oceans flowing off a cliff into space, like some massive waterfall.

Columbus finally proved that the Earth was spherical.

There was a bit about Columbus bouncing around between the kings and queens of Europe, looking for funding. The implication being that it was impossible to do what he intended.
I've lost several penis swordfighting contests and it never made me female.
USA is on full mode propaganda.

This is how you can spread a false idea into making people think it's true for the advancement of your agenda
no you didnt, everything escalated to this point it didnt just pop up overnight.

people had white guilt for decades which was exploited, nogs had their victim complexes that was exploited.

Anytime a topic from today was brought up back then it would be met with "hurrrr your crazy lol white privilege!!!". The news has always been despicable, except now they dont pretend not to be.
The brits that got caught, we got some pretty smart scum here

Really. I'm beginning to wonder at what fucking point humanity collectively began to either collectively forget some of the shit it already knew or just lie about shit to make other peoples long gone seem retarded. I mean the Greeks figured out the Earth was round and even roughly estimated its diameter thousands of years ago. The so-called "Christian Dark Ages."

Why are people now so determined to shit on the accomplishment of ancient cultures?
More like regressed.
Ask them why these new genders all come pre-packaged with unnaturally dyed hair, piercings and tattoos, sexual promiscuity and many mental illnesses.
Me too anon
I'm 25 and my mom told me I have a lot of hairs that are starting to go grey
75 hour work week + pol isn't healthy
The only way you can really get away with Working yourself that hard is to ignore the world around you
Males and females with genetic defects are still males and females
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>mutations should get their own category

so cancer gets its own gender now?
>10 years
It all started with ww1
And if you want to look sooner then it's 1965
There was nothing sane about 2007 or even 1997
That's not how paradigm shifts work.
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Daily reminder that Bill Nye is a massive shill for the renewables industry. He gets paid by companies like Rayton Energy to shill their products and spread fear mongering about climate change.



>“I knew that we had to find some sort of way to reach a lot of people to go viral online and to get some sort of endorsement of somebody who is well known, some sort of person that would help get the word out,” says Yakub.

>Fortunately for Rayton Solar, their technology’s innovative approach was just what they needed to get Nye involved.

>“I approached Bill Nye’s agent and called him up and told him about our company, what we're doing, and then Bill came,” Yakub says. “He highly scrutinized us. I had a three-hour meeting with him. We went through, in detail, the science behind it. By the end of the meeting he just kept saying: ‘This is so cool.’ That was it.”

Just so you understand that this guy is only out to make his shekels, he does not give a fuck about the climate. His pandering to SJWs is his attempt at staying relevant so he can get more sponsorships from these companies. SPREAD AND SHARE PLEASE.
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>literally DELET EVERYTHING in the shadows, hoping nobody will notice
>they notice content has been sneakily DELET from historical archives
t. Bill Nye the Sex Junk Science Guy
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it was broken to start, all it needed was s little push to fall apart
Yeah, but back then people's gut reaction was STFU. Now that natural response is being supressed by gestapo-like control of personal opinions fueled primarily by the idiocy of women and the selfishness of gays.
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The idea of "gender" as distinct from "sex" is the brainchild of Dr. John Money.

Read up on the guy if you don't know about him already. He was really sick.
Someone needs to author some solid infographics on that guy we can post in reply to this shit.
>le its the current year meme
Double chan is the place for that.
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or it could be we need to grow our balls back

being quiet is how it got so bad
How fucking retarded do these people have to be to think their bullshit is scientifically based. They even agree amongst themselves that gender is a social construct, and has nothing to do with science.
there are two chromosomes there are two reproduction organs as long you dont find some fucking gay quer furry chromosomes you can go and fuck your self, gaya has spoken case closed.
Bill Nye, the Psyence Goy

there are two genders and a thousand mental illnesses.
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Quality mem
There's a reason they call it Australian-Grade
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We, good sir, are in agreement.
>gender (((science)))
Had to take a few nonsense liberal classes for my "well rounded" education. There is no science involved. Their books are opinion based. Cultural anthropology may be the worst class I've ever suffered through.
Mandela died?

Yeah, but we never tried to burn the texts that said we once believed that.
What the fuck are you on about Nigel?
>we used to think the earth was flat, remember
This is a good argument for why we shouldn't just accept "scientific authority". We need actual evidence of which Billy Nye has provided other than "muh feelings" or "muh authority".
People like you are cancer.
science is not just WHAT WE THINK.

science is why.
think about that for a moment.
Ahhhhh. Now that shits funny.
Bill nye will create the ministry of truth
They're tactical nihilists they don't actually give a fuck. Remember to work from the frame of educating a normie.

Yea man polpot didn't kill the cambodians he updated their life status
How come biologists never seem to believe in a gorillion genders? Who's behind this "updated" science?
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>That episode is about probabilities, not biology, and given that the gender-chromosome information is outdated, it's not surprising that Netflix or the company from which it bought the rights to the show cut that segment.

>the gender-chromosome information is outdated
now that's a shitpost
>>we used to think the earth was flat, remember
That's a myth tho. You can go read medieval texts that read like a modern science show for kids with one dude explaining to the other how seasons and different earth climates work by holding up an apple to a candle. The earth was always naturally taken for round and it wasn't dwelled on.
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>thinking social science bullshit updates actual biogical science
Fuck off with your engineering BS, Bill.

t. someone wath a BS in actual biology
Yeah except theres literally 0 scientific evidence to back up that there is more than two genders. Everyone creating new labels for shit does mean the x and y chromosomes changed
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>/pol/ is so uneducated that they dont know what a paradigm shift is

While I agree that "transgenderism" is a mental disorder, it definitely "could be" classified as real, if the science was there to back it up. That is indeed how science would work.

"Could be"
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All those things he describes in humans are genetic diseases with serious side effects that usually kill the person with weird chromosomal abnormalities.
what do you do as a job?
so what's the meaning of chromosomes now? Are they just for decoration?

These, fuck. Why do white women wish to bring about the fall of the white man? The fuck is with this bullshit.
Western Australia's finest bantz.
Hitler didn't 'kill' jews, he updated them because that's how national socialism works.
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Bill Nye is a real scientist just like Donald Trump is a real businessman.

Just because you had a tv show, that doesn't make you the sole authority in your field. You can still be totally full of shit.
That was long before the dark ages. That was before Christianity even existed
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>posting on 4chan
>having a job
>not being a neet who is too spergy to get one
> propagandistically relabel propaganda
> call everyone else dumb for not going along with it
Yup, they're liberals.

this is how the west slips from being a scientific powerhouse back to the fucking dark ages when people thought evil spirits caused headaches and the cure was cutting a hole in your skull and exposing your brain

you know what we should bring back from the dark ages, is taking these faggots and feminists and burning them at the stake, like we used to with witches
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>destroying old content
Book burning isnt how science works.
He cant update shit because he has literally no education on the subject, dolph lungren is FACTUALLY a bigger scientist than shill nye the "progressive" propaganda guy ever was and probably will be.
ash > data > science

you just updated science bro lolz really cool and easy
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though I was a marine biologist for a while
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>Gender is a social construct, it has no basis in physical traits
>So I'm going to alter my appearance to take on the physical traits of the gender I want to be

How is such doublethink possible? Was Orwell a prophet?
>he updated because that's how science works
I'll call Elsevier and tell them to fire up the shredders. All that old shit needs to go!
>literally arguing that we've had new scientific facts in the last 20 years
>implying it's not 100% do a push by Jews and their degenerates

Hermaphrodites aren't a third gender retard, they still have biology of 2 genders. Having both isn't proof.
>Not being aware of President Trump's accomplishments prior to his stint on a TV Show
But that hasn't been even mainstream thought for over 2000 years.
People claiming that we still believed it in the medieval era are delusional. People that think we did in the renaissance are even more so.
People that think fucking sailors believed it need to be gassed
I feel like I'm too old for this shit and I'm only 27
Bill Nye is not a scientist, he's a performer. He's an entertainer. He's no more of a scientist than Ben Affleck is Batman.
>Was Orwell a prophet?
No. They just read his work as instructions.
>you can be a female if you have Down's syndrome
All the more reason to cull the cucks.
Nah, Orwell just saw the writing on the wall. He knew that shit would get bad.
People believe this old fart with an engineer's degree have authority on biology because he wear a bow tie?
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>we used to think the earth was flat
and this is how you know these fucks are beyond retarded
The only identifiable difference in the brain of transgendered people is that transgendered brains look less like their assigned gender than cis straight people. The conclusion is that there's some correlation between gender dysphoria and the brain, not enough to suggest multiple genders. Gender is a social construct based on perceived sex-based identity. People with vaginas identify as "V", for example, and people with penises identify as "D". If someone with a vagina identified as a "D", then it's up to society (Not science, nor feminism) to discredit/validate that claim.
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Yes, thats it whitey.. Turn into genitalia free androdgynous aliens who adopt African babies. Nuclear families are outdated and masculinity is toxic.
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Flag checks out
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>your heart and brain are male

>muh chromosomes argument
literally 100% wrong, every sexual chromosome disorder, XXY, XXX, X, XXXY, XYY, is either male or female depending on whether or not it has at least one Y
There are males and females and rarely intersex frea- individuals. If some idiot is trying to claim there as many genders as Baskin-Robbins ice cream flavors isn't citing science they're spouting bullshit.
this, greeks already had solid theories that the earth was spheric, and even calculated the circunference.

loud kek

that's how it used to work. then it got updated. get with the times or get left behind.
I'm updating science to only two genders
Bill Nye certainly done did it this time, gj Bill
This. And gender biology didn't change since we discovered the gender chromosomes.
And really hermaphrodites aren't "both", the way most people imagine it. None have a functional female and male sex system. Its usually just some degree of both but all dysfunctional.

Claiming these phenomenon are genders is like claiming cleft palate is just an alternative smile
That post should be in the false equivalence hall of fame.
Money was a hack though.
Now it's just amazingly convenient to spot retards like NDT by seeing if they believe this bullshit. A great litmus test for whether you're an ignorant retard or not.
It's a population level shit test
Yep, Y is the male genitalia segment. This however completely changes other factors such as muscle tone, blood flow, etc due to the endocrines produced.
>Blocked in your country on copyright grounds.

>tfw no BBC license
Sampson and Delilah m8, women have always been conniving nation-wreckers in larger numbers
This. The entire concept of a flat earth is a modern phenomenon. Probably a psyop by the CIA.
>is cancer a gender?
Fucking Kek.
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>BBC licenses
Surely the next thing to hit Europe as a whole
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>Pluto is not a planet
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>gender is a social construct

It really isn't. There WAS a time when having something tangible like a penis or vagina ment something, regardless of how the owner felt about having it.
Reminder that bill nye isn't an actual scientist and he's saying these things for money
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>tfw bill nye is an engineering major with a BS.
>tfw he has the same education as a ton of sperges on /pol/

He might as well be a 4chin shitposter.
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I expected no less and was not disappointed
Pluton is a planet, regardless of what Tyson says.
>look at all these non human, non mammal creatures that have different letters for their chromosomes
>therefore humans can have dozens of genders!
>not noticing the creatures still only have two genders
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>if you use "update" instead of "alternative facts", you can get away with anything
Who is left to stand in their way once they are done? Niggers? HHHAAAAHHAHAHAHA

Yeah, just say anything about flat earth or climate change and suddenly they go NO FUCK YOU TOP MEME SCIENTIST ENTERTAINERS SAY IT'S LIKE THIS FUCK YOU
>this is the world we're in right now
>say i get a wife and have kids when out of uni, this will be the future i'm going to raise my kids
why even live?
the science has progressed, guess we won't be needing these anymore *throws torah, bible and quran in trash*
>science works by deleting previous records

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>Not censored but updated


>why even live
>thinking about offing yourself on the verge of a race war
She used an appeal to authority. Anon merely points out that this appeal is shit, because her occupation she appeals to is shit.
Those books were just physically updated.
Plus we were never at war with Eurasia.

>be person
>have 2 chromosomes
>either have 2 X or XY
>Either be male or female


No-one has said that were there solid scientific evidence they still wouldnt believe it. What everyone has pointed out the that this paradigm shift has been announced completely devoid of any supporting evidence beyond "muh feeling like a made up gender" or the obligatory "believe what I tell you or you're a bigot". Meanwhile the entire understanding in the field of genetics points to there irrefutablely being only two genders.
No but it perfectly fits other observations about the impact of pornography and unnatural sexual practices (sexualising female body parts instead of the act)

Somebody here may have that multiple-part post explaining this
Except new information has not been discovered, its purely a political response to current social trends.
Remember goys, calling humans bipedal is bigotry. There is a spectrum of the number of legs a person can have. Some people have two legs, some people have no legs, and some people even lost a leg fighting climate change in Afghanistan! So if anybody ever asks you how many legs does a human have, don't forget to smugly remind them that nobody knows and it's up to each person to decide how many legs they identify as having!

For science!
Lol 5-alphareductase is only really essential in male sexual development and doesn't matter for biological females. If anything, a deficiency would prevent your penis from developing.

>t. Biochemist
Kek very good
If the new information was truly correct, they wouldn't feel the need to hide the old information.

In Science, when a theory is proven incorrect, the common approach is not to have the secret police disappear all books containing that theory.
Dr. (((Money)))
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>vice article
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You guys realize that Amazon has the same episode that does Netflix does, right? This episode was added in it's current state to both Netflix and Amazon two years ago, two years before Bill's current freakshow. Whoever holds the rights to the video is the one that removed that segment. It wasn't Netflix, it wasn't Amazon, and it sure as fuck wasn't Bill himself.
I recall seeing this comment on facebook
Will just leave this here

Some people have less legs due to societal reasons, some have less at birth, some have extra legs from their past lives as otherkin.

Make bipedal not the default.
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>hulu and southwest more cool than Vice
The retarded belgfag is back.

And people only believed the earth was flat for short period of time, just like it was some crackpot theory, pushed by bunch of faggots. Really makes your dingleberries jiggle.
Absolutely this.

All feminists are a one Chad Thundercock from becoming submissive little Trump voters, MAGA hat and all.
Will he be updating the rest of it? Like surely the Gender update is only the first bit
This. I don't care how little sense it males to keep it a planet its a fucking planet.
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Hearty kek's were had
So basically Science has a track record just as bad as anything else. It's constantly wrong, even on fundamentals like the sexes and the shapes and paths of celestial objects.
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It's not a planet. There are numerous other objects just like pluto out in that space that are not classified as planets, so why should we consider pluto one?
>Pluto is not a planet
It's not though. Based on classification it doesn't fit the definition.

>there are more than two genders
Socially this is true. It's bullshit, and entirely cultural, but it is true.
The mainstream popularization of science will be the defining problem of our time beyond race and sex issues
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Oh my god
So ya see here kids, science used to the believe that humans were the only animals with opposable thumbs. Now we know that not all humans have thumbs and some people can even choose to cut off their thumb due to a totally normal syndrome called body dismorphia! So these science deniers would say that a person cuts off a thumb isn't even human and that's just crazy folks. Look at the science! Thumbs are a spectrum. Some people have two thumbs, some one or none, some people even have toe thumbs!

This is settled science. Nobody knows how many thumbs a person has and scientists believe that assigning thumbs to a person is tantamount to the holocaust.
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Science doesn't update without facts and empirical evidence. Bill muck the science cuck sold out his integrity for SJW cash.
The number of genders is irrelevant sinse gender does not exist
Thats bullshit do. They just changed the criteria to what a planet is or not so you could still say that Pluto is a planet as people say that tomatoes are vegetables.
He wears a fucking lab coat. Good enough for me!
Mixing all the indavidual flavours into mush in a giant ice-cream orgy bowel makes them 'better'.
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He was a hack and a pedophile. And that is the man whose shoulders the entire field of transgenderism and sex reassignment is built upon.
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Look up Lysenko, Ahmed. You'll see what happens when politics drives "science".
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>naturally occurring low level narcissistic personality disorder
I would think that "naturally occurring disorders" aren't in fact disorders
I don't have an issue with there being all these different genders

Just don't expect me to count them as people, because they aren't.

Tell us more OP about how a mediocre, moderately educated (in engineering) media personality knows more about human biology than all the actual scientific evidence which disproves his fairy-tail claims.
The fact that some people are born without a leg doesn't change the fact that humans have two legs.

Also, if we're going with the leftist argument that gender and sex are different, this doesn't help the gender argument, which is still based in feelings rather than fact.
Bill Nye didn't write the majority of his show. It was Michael Gross. Bill Nye is a hack.
How many people would actually understand this picture?

I am seriously pondering posting this to normiebook and seeing how many people get it.
>How many people would actually understand this picture?
nobody. #yolo
Cancer occurs naturally autist
We usually refer to it as transgender or trans, but transmale and transfemale are also used
>women reporting on science
Women in science I can theoretically live with. Women reporting on science is literally the devil.
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Top laffin lad
good one
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On an astute board like /pol/, plenty.

On Normiebook, probably not even 25%.
The sun doesn't exist because I said so.
This shit is so dumb... the end game clearly being to get every single person imaginable under the umbrella protection of LGBT... this whole gender is a spectrum shit is nothing more than trying to put a label on ur sexual preferences to make u feel as if ur part of some minority group... this shit is gay af.
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>science works by caving in to political correctness
Did you just assume earths shape? Whoa what a bigot
Orwell was a socialist, he flew too close to the truth about the tactics of his ideology.
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Everyone except The Nuclear Family
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>When the science is settled but also gets updated
nice Australia
Now this is an esoteric shitpost gratz
Of course the nigger is the only sane male
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>Yeah, just say anything about flat earth or climate change and suddenly they go NO FUCK YOU TOP MEME SCIENTIST ENTERTAINERS SAY IT'S LIKE THIS FUCK YOU

I always found "the debate is settled" and other climate alarmist memes funny. Like "Okay, and Christians claim God made the Earth in 7 days, why does your little dogmatic soundbyte actually matter?"

I've never met an alarmist who could actually debate beyond pretending counter-evidence/observations don't exist or flat-out "no-platform" you.

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