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4chan blocked in France, heavy brigading on r/ The_Donald fololowing

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Thread replies: 216
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I have never seen anything like this. Hundreds of posts downvoted into oblivion seconds after posting... Coincidence? I think not. Deep State is sending a message. How will /pol respond?

She lost to a crooked banker that deep state Obama, Rothschild, bilderberg, EU, Angela Merkel, Soros and numerous others shilled for, you ignorant faggot.

But if you think this is over, you are dumber than you thought...
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This entire french election was a fart tornado.
Massive media and globalist push for macaroni.
Disrupting the dissidents while they scrub away the evidence of rigging the election.
We will lie still, and let our enemies come to us and nibble
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Jesus fuck you conspiratards need to fuck off.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe people just fucking disagree with you? That /pol/ is not the whole world - that there are many other /pol/s for all the flavours of ideology that exist? That your epig reddit raids can easily be replicated by other groups following other ideologies?

>people downvoted my posts
Truly pathetic.

Also inb4 "fuck off shill."
Yes, the only people in the entire fucking world, and especially here in a place that prides itself on fucking nonconformism, must be PAID to do so.
Trudeau should ban 4chan from Canada. Itll be the best for all of us.

They had refugees vote and ppl fro other countries came and and voted it wotn last it was rigged and it will be corrected and he goes to jail kek wills it
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>it being over
that's brilliant
day of rake incarnated
Look at the fucking leaks and then speak you faget
>Rotschild banker who says France has no >culture gets elected.
>Told to go to sleep.
by whining and screeching
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>How will /pol respond?

We are going to shitpost a level that is further beyond.
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ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!!!!! but dont worry if france is their weapon, they fukt.
looks like we are winning yet again boys.

Virtual colaboration with intuiton brings into fruition
>No french flags ITT

How will Europe affect you guys?

Even if it all burns down here it will have zero impact on america.
France was an old seat of power of theirs, it wasn't going to be given up without a fight.
probably frogs are still sleeping
Who cares. FUCK reddit and anyone who comes from there.
>4chan blocked in France

Good job frogs, I wish my country would block this shithole site of degenerate mentally ill shillfest assholes.
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Lol fuck France, what a bunch of pussies
>Europe gets taken over by satanic bankers. >Doesn't effect the rest of the world.
You should block yourself from 4chan you worthless red.dit cocksucker.
I'm happy that it's confirmed that elections aren't really decided by the people.
/pol/ butthurt is best butthurt
The light is going out. The experiment of the enlightenment is over and the conclusion is that humanity doesn't want to be free. Serfdom 2.0 is coming back. Don't get too worked up about it.
This was confirmed last November when Trump lost by millions of votes and still won the election.
It really won't affect you

White immigration from Europe to america is negligible so even if we die out it makes no impact
The Euro could never compete with the Dollar

Seriously tell me what you think the worst thing that could happen to you americans is?
do you even get butthurt anywhere else anymore or does that just get you banned for triggering buttkin
America will have to defend Europe in a war against Russia
You're just salty about the electoral college. Just remember that his opponent was Hillary so it is better this way.
france is gay.
they voted themselves into becoming an everlasting proving ground for radical islam extremism and wont say a fucking thing because somehow islamophobia is "racist".
i hope all liberal eu countries are blocked from 4chan to teach them a lesson.
wave hi when the mudslime truck of peace comes crashing into your living room le frogs.
To be honest after putting up with snarky euros all these years I hope the muslims kill you smug fucks
What happens in europe is none of our business. Let rhe russians have that decaying museum
Russia is not your enemy

Thank you.
Welcome to the club Frenchies
Russia is the EU's enemy.
That's my point.
4chan is blocked in your country too?
They're rubbing it in your face anon, bragging as they usually do

Fuck off shill
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>Hillary wins the popular vote but still loses the election

>Le pen loses by more than a 30% margin
>NOOOO the PEOPLE didn't decide this democracy is dead ;---;
Stop funding Nato
EU can do nothing against russia
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Exactly, but we need to meme properly to swing the French over to /ourside/ for the next election. 2022 is probably our last hope.

Using google translate doesn't work, because the result is shit, as pointed out by many French anons. As well, we need to find out popular French forums instead of using the Anglonet to spread ideas. A lot of French don't use English speaking websites, and 4chan doesn't have a lot of penetration into the Francophone world since again it is predominantly English.

We need to do better next time.
Dont leave me again you turtleneck wearing espresso sipping croissant munching bastard
can't post hlep

Just explain to me pic related.
Why are you crying? California has a big population, and I wouldn't want them to decide all the elections for us.
what gender flavour is that?
>Boxhead wants to be cucked by Slavniggers
Old habits die hard
Like that's going to happen.
And the EU managed to overthrow Ukraine when the vote for an energy bill went against them.
You really think that things aren't going to come to a head between Russia and the EU? The propaganda is constant. It's being set up to happen.
And the US will step in to save Europe, because, Europe can't beat Russia on their own. You're cleverly right about that.
I just want you guys to stop caring.
Don't worry you petrol sniffing abbo
I'm not leaving you, you vegemite eating kangaroo
>Why are you crying? California has a big population, and I wouldn't want them to decide all the elections for us.
States only decide elections because of the EC
>And the US will step in to save Europe
Make it clear to your govenment that you don't want that.
>guys stop caring, go to sleep now. It's sleep time. Anybody else getting tired?
I don't get it. What's the point of that pic?
You're joking right? Yeah, you must be joking. At least I know your having a good laugh.
There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
>I just want you guys to stop caring.
Can't. Too pissed off about Burgerland being cucked by Slavniggers.

it's called the president being respectful and his fanatics being their usual intelligence level
He wants Macron to spitroast his wife with Trudeau
Trump has at least shown that he doesn't fall for the "Russia is your enemy" bullshit and he seems like our best chance at getting rid of the Nato.
>There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
>Trump won 3,084 of them.
He won where there are more cows than people. What's your point? Cow votes should count 5/3rds of a person?
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th-the blackpill is real
Now, your just be over the top. Everyone knows that if Europe and Russia fight. The US will defend Europe...no matter what. And no matter who the sitting President is.
Stop lying please
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It's just that running for christian values is suicidal when the country majority in Atheist.

Why do you think French are the least concerned by extramarital affairs heh?
Apparently no one lives in those cou ties. Why should a bunch ofd backwards shitholes in Appalachia count as much as NYC?
> we can finally legally go into your traiter state and kill you.
Nigger your President sold out NATO because of a golden shower mixtape. Traitor?
If you anons cared enough to fight back you'd finish going through the leaks so we can find out what the EU is planning to do to France


That kind of information would cause some real problems for our new president
You are saying this like it is an undeniable fact

I can remember a time when you and the russians fought against a central european empire
>4chan blocked in France
Why should America defend europe? It is none of our business. No reason for young americans to die when there are plenty of young europeans who can do the dying
They weren't on the same side, the US was on the verge of invading the Russians right afterward. They decided they didn't have the economy at the time.
Wait was 4chan seriously blocked in France?
How come people aren't rioting?
You can't just ban a website where people do nothing but talk, wtf
>You are saying this like it is an undeniable fact
>I can remember a time when you and the russians fought against a central european empire
Look Kraut, you have two options: A. align with the Anglo and receive protection B. align against the Anglo and get BTFO. That's how it was with Napoleon, that's how it was in 1914, that's how it was in 1939, that's how it was in 1946, and that's how it is today. If you want to understand why you sometimes get cornholed, and other times are allowed to prosper, consider your position with regards to the Almighty Anglo.
save? the last thing the us and switzerland want is a united europe.
>No reason for young americans to die when there are plenty of young europeans who can do the dying
ICBMs don't "die"
Rule #20: Nothing is to be taken seriously.
You think the people will have a choice when the media "proves" that it needs to be done?
French poster: 4chan is banned in France

Never change, internet
Exactly my fucking point

The Russians and the Brits hate us again. You will choose them again.
The nato is over

This time you will give the russians a chance with Europe.
Fake news
well... all the hate and death threats in 2016 got this site banned from public wifi at many companies, collages, libraries, and many other public access places in the united states.
>This time you will give the russians a chance with Europe.
This is an unstable phase and will be very short lived. What would Putin even do with Europe? He doesn't truly despise the Muslims, he gave them their own province to rape as they see fit. May be Chechnya, may be France, what does it matter from the Kremlin?
That's not the way I see things going.
The British media will not turn against Europe, which means there will be no war against Europe.
Same with the US media.
The finger is pointing at Russia.
I'm sure you can figure it out m8
It's 7am here, everyone's sleeping.
Moreover May 8th is a national holiday.
The entire media was against Brexit and Trump too
I am not saying the media isn't powerful but history repeating itself seems more powerful.

I don't know.
If Russia doesn't want anything from Europe then the Nato is even more of a waste of money.
Brexit still hasn't happened, and the Media has got to Trump, he is barely the same person he campaigned as. Yes he won the election, Republicans have done that in the past. But there is a difference between winning and doing whatever you want.
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>Every time a shit post, its a leaf
>Brexit still hasn't happened
Article 50 was triggered and they are on their way out
2 years from now they are officially out and the EU and the UK will become really nasty to each other

It always starts with money and ends in war.
>he is barely the same person he campaigned as
The main appeal of Trump was that he wasn't a politician. If you expected him to make no missteps then I am sorry but your expectations were too high.
Everyone knew this was likely how it was going to look.
Yea, i agree fellow Europe voter.
Man i am sleepy, best get to bed.
>Yyyaawwwnnn, man its gettin late guys.
Hey fellow channers, how about that cool new shooter game?
Lets play that tomorrow, this place is boring
>he gave them their own province to rape as they see fit.
Come on yankee, are you really this stupid?

Chechnya didn't pop out of the ground fully formed by magic. It was the flashpoint started by the CIA for what was very nearly the complete dissolution of the USSR. Russia did just about the best thing possible in their situation: They gave Chechens greater autonomy in return for Chechens not fucking with Russia, because while Chechnya cannot actually win a war against Russia, they were on the verge of causing other Russian states to declare independence.

Take your blinders off and learn to look at history without the political correctness.
Putin puppets are on full alert. Get Putins cock holdster out of your mouths pol ;)
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sure thing shlomo
You have to go back
France is too brown for someone who says the brown people are going back if I win. Face it. Without an ocean, your European countries will eventually be over run with niggers from Africa and the middle easterners.

As long as wellfare programs exist they will keep coming til they outnumber the whites and drive the country into a shit hole state like those countries and regions they leave behind.

Then why are you here you degenerate mentally ill shillfest asshole?

America Russia and China will unite and enslave the whole fucking world, EU cucks will run hide like the cockroaches they are...

TMW Putin is the voice of reason and EU is Axis of Evil...
>Hundreds of posts downvoted

nothing of value lost, the donald was a mistake anyway
uhhh, homophobic and sexist much?
nice reddit spacing. please go back. i agree with you but please leave or lurk more
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Congrats on the first corpse... I mean the first lady, I bet she was lovely before they've mummified her...
>reddit spacing meme
I've been her for just under a decade, friend. I doublespace my posts because I type in a small reply box and you can't see the paragraph breaks well otherwise.
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What are you doing here Muhammad ? Aren't you supposed to practice truck driving?
The election was clearly rigged. They are desperate and expediting their efforts to completely destroy western civilization before people come around with enough power to stop them.
The whole point of the electoral college is so that those people who produce a huge portion of our energy and food don't decide they are being marginalized and fuck off from the union.
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Soros was pretty much using the US and the UK as sacrifices for his dark god Moloch in order to give birth to the New World Order with Merkel as the cursed mother of a thousand nights.

Do you want me to wipe your ass too once your done shitting? Go fucking google it you lazy fuck.
>Checks out
we need more leaks - something like the podesta emails. the thing about the cia WikiLeaks is that there's no one but the cia to direct attention to and none of the companies involved seem to give a shit.
I wish too desu

4chan was blocked yesterday, maybe it's unblocked now, but even if it wasn't - ever heard of VPN and proxies? Do you seriously think that I'm shitposting from Bosnia? KEK This "french" twat is probably some cuck from states whoring for attention.
it was not blocked yesterday
A Truck of Peace (TM)
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Here you go
what does "ensemble la france" mean?
ton premier vote ou ton énième carte d'électeur ?

Wow look a photoshoped picture.. How convincing. Take a picture from your balcony and post it you lying twat.
J'ai déménagé
the hand of god guide me practice is for plebs
>this thread
4chan is dead
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"France together / together France". Hard to translate accurately as it's a motto.

Also OP or anyone that tells you that 4chan has ever been blocked in France is a complete fraud / fake news.
Been surfing 4chan multiple times a day everyday for the past week for those sweet elections memes on my phone (4G, home Wi-Fi and public Wi-Fi) and my laptop without a single issue.
Maybe we're not just a bunch of cold hearted fucks and actually care what happens to you guys. Maybe we give a shit about stuff that happens outside our borders even a little bit.
Wtf is wrong with Canadians
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The fuck is that? That could be literally any city, there is nothing written in french anywhere.. GTFO
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Some are living up to meme expectations, others are passive aggressive liberal little shit, and I suspect a good deal are proxies. Canadians have the highest per capita post rate on /pol/ iirc and that's just fishy.
You're skeptical of his pic but not about the piece of fake information you've been fed that states that 4chan has been allegedly blocked in France?
You deserve a gold medal at mental gymnastics next Olympic.
laisse, il rage de son trou a merde parce qu'il pensait qu'il n'y avait plus personne hier.
The Donald is cancer anyways so I see nothing wrong with it.

Let shills shill shills, at least that way they don't annoy others.

Eat a bag of dicks cuntface!

>heavy brigading on r/ The_Donald
stopped reading there
please stay in your containment threads
C'est quelle ville par curiosité ?
C'est peut-être dû à la grisaille mais ça a l'air morose !
Saint Étienne
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>>>/r/thedonald attacked? Shilled into oblivion on their upboat forum?
Its called karma. Enjoy your cancer t_d cucks.
c'est bien comme ville ?
Forced meme.
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of course it was rigged. It's obvious who rigged it. They're not very subtle about it.
L'immobilier est pas cher, et on est à 50 minutes de train de Lyon où il y a du boulot ;)

Really? /pol/ is so cucked and overrun today that it looks like a Muslim ghetto in France and you're acting tough when someone mentions r/donald? GTFO
I always parsed that as a conditional, i.e. 'IF Le Pen wins, THEN Trump starts World War III'.
Could Kek be telling us something?

he's right though
Self proclaimed conservative militant press, really makes you think.
Come back with a credible source next time.

How about you suck my dick and google it for yourself faggot..
france is full of mudslimes that's why she lost
One word explains why so many Canadians post here, repression. We can let loose, all the media around us is 24/7 brainwashing except maybe a couple AM stations, if you are lucky.
You tell 'em. BTW I read this in a Jamaican accent because I have no idea what yours sounds like.
Can't find a credible source. Guess why?
It never happened.
I can even witness it first hand.
The problem is the French. They are arrogant snobs and through projection psychology, they vote for the arrogant bourgeoise banker because they think, ip so facto that that makes them Borgnine too. They see LePen as lower class. That is as far as they think. Same thing happened in two world wars. They gave in to their cucoldery until things got so bad the English and Americans had to come and save them.

Why are French boulevards lined with trees ?
> so the Germans can march in the shade.

true 75 years ago. true today.
He is pretty much required to be political and nice. Does this surprise you?
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Calais knows through experience.

In 4 years, they will all feel it.
If you really wanna know...

If you know what(fuck you spam filter. fuck you compromised modfags) cheating scriptfag
and so it is. Eat a bag of dicks you cheating scriptfaggot.
Dayum, mon petit prince albert, yuo said some tres true wörd there.
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Is so fucking true that it's just sad, feels bad man, makes me mad man
I hope you're not a Trump supporter then, because surprise surprise : he's a globalist.
Wait, so no marches, pussy hats, and vagina costumes?

Its ok
>took up politics a few months ago
Only a snail nigger would believe he wasn't hand picked by the EU, and backed by every globalist resource available.
Call them out on their shill posting or ignore it, it's usually painfully obvious anyways.

I've told you the final solution is cobalt bombs on the entire western world but you didn't listen
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Gas all LARPers
That where you're deluding yourself. Not only Le Pen is well known to be part of the 1%, but she's part of the system.

One of the opinions on which most French people agree is "Tous pourris" (they're fed up with all our existing politicians which they see as are rotten/corrupted, refer to Penelopegate for example).

One of the reasons Macron may have been elected is because he's not part of the existing political class, and he told he'd be constituting a fresh government.
Because Appalachia is white and NYC is Jewish.
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That red light representing the eye is never there normally.
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You know if u do that you will be promoting Canadians to move to the USA, and bet you really don't want that. Do u?

I would move to the USA if I couldnt just walk into 4chan without using anti-detection software.

Tell u what, u got 2 options for you

>Allowing leafs on 4chan
>Leafs new immigrant crisis fucks USA's lady Liberty long and hard, cucking Americans

pick your poison (option 1 is just a harmless spider bite or option 2 is the venom of the black mamba [pun intended] bc you would be cucked as an Nationality and I would be fucking ur women.

Choose wisely silly American, I truly wouldn't like to see the USA become germany, you know that right.
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>How will /pol respond?
Normally I dont reply to canada or you fucks; but here - http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/792112/Marine-Le-Pen-French-election-votes-computer-Emmanuel-Macron
Don't trust Anglos. I moved to their country over ten years ago, and I have witnessed a culture where style trumps substance, critical thinking is dead and Anglos are encouraged to feel superior even when they've achieved nothing for themselves

We'll respond as we always do shitposter, we'll try and take over the world.
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Hummm Is 4chan really banned for france ? It s just the morning here. Or maybe the other providers do it, but for me it works.

Is it really?

This changes things.
>60% now
>absolute minority in 40 years or less

They are burning just like the rest of us, even faster then some.
>A fresh new government..
>Macron ( banker and minister on holland presidency)
i read it as:
le pen will win and it will be because trump started ww3. this is because macron cheated and ww3 now must begin such that le pen may be installed.
I don't like Macron, but he was better than Le Pen.
I know Russia wanted to use Le Pen like they expected to do with Trump, with the ultimate goal to destroy Europe.
Would voted Melonchon if it was possible.
Don't trust the dumb propaganda from ancient pupet states of Russia.
you can't prevent your own culture from devolving into the lowest forms of degeneracy
>lgbt craze
>anti white racism
>3rd wave feminism
>fat acceptance
How could you defend us
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Oh come off it

Enjoy your muslims then, you will be getting exactly what you asked for.

No need to worry about the russian bogeyman, soon you will serve under the crescent moon.
>Enjoy your muslims
Talked like a true Trump supporter. Good job. Keep the american dream alive, friend!
Is that what you would like?
Fuck off, shill

Your country is dead. Everything your ancestors fought for will soon be nothing but a chapter in a history book, that wont even be taught in your schools anyway because it is 'haram'.
Brit here. We wouldn't hate you if you didn't act like such fucking cocks all the time. Can you just cut that shit out?
you're canadian, use your shitty french skills that were taught to you throughout school
We're going to shitpost so hard and fast the media won't keep up, they will make bots and machines so fast to keep up with us and the we will find a way to shitpost around them so hard it breaks them. And when they try and nuke the site from orbit to be sure, it will be too late, we will have already made our colonies, and the attack shitpost will be so finely honed and honest it sets the course of history forever in nationalisms favor and puts radicalism into a coma.
>4chan blocked in France

Google gets me a bunch of non French people getting upset but no actual proofs. Plus a few people who seem more reasonable and some frogs call bullshit. I think this is bullshit?
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>Did it ever occur to you that maybe people just fucking disagree with you?
Yeah but fuck those goys.
nothing unusual over here (Gironde with SFR)

Maybe it's just a (((breakdown))) in some areas
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She was never meant to win, ((he)) is one of them a gay swag man who enjoys the chemical cousin to methamphetamine and ording hawian "pizzas" BY EMAIL. crazy all these fucks enjoy pizza by email. What undoubtedly confirmed my position, obama and clintons approval of him.
Fuck off kike this is what you wanted.
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>I have never seen anything like this. Hundreds of posts downvoted into oblivion seconds after posting... Coincidence? I think not. Deep State is sending a message. How will /pol respond?
So why don't they quit or sabotage Plebbit? Because they're too dumb to get the message. Thus they're rendered irrelevant in the grand scheme and there's no need to respond.
>Did it ever occur to you that maybe people just fucking disagree with you?

Yes, but professional shilling and brigading still happens, organizations like "CTR" and "Shareblue" are far from being simply a meme, and there were (still are) entire subreddits dedicated to brigading/downvoting/propagandizing other parts of Reddit and the internet (like SRS). Let's not be naive, internet is becoming an important political tool and everyone wants to have a good grip on it. For anyone who has been here for long the shilling on /pol/ is obvious, but if you just came few months ago everything would seem normal to you.
Good, kys
Why did they block me?
Read the link below OP

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No... Schools and medias barinwashed children and adults in to believing that nationalism or the souveraign of the people of a nation = Nazis. That europe = good. Even terror attacks don t shock people anymore here... after an attack it s just: «It s not islam, islam is a religion of peace... if you say anything, you re basicaly a nazi». The only way to wake up people is if sweden crash hard and becomes a warning for other european countries.
twitter locked my account for posting about macron and said i was a bot won't respond to support requests
Islam _is_ a religion of peace.
It's just that you decided to let Wahhabism proliferate like cancer because you need to suck Saudi Arabia's cock to get your oil.
If you think that you re either delusional or a shill.
>(((Australian))) poster

You're early today, what gives?

/pol/ is the deep state, we'll respond by laughing at France.

I'm sorry did you think a foreign country in that region that wasn't Britain mattered to us?

We must foment unrest, a resistance movement.

Question the result (e.g. duplicate macron ballots sent).
Question his honestly (offshore tax dodging)
Question media bias (Macron on all cover pages of all print media)
Question the polls (number of foreign voters)
etc etc etc

Islam is a religion for pedos and weak pathetic men who rush to murder when their pedo club is rejected. That's what islam is.

If you don't follow your magical pedo hero's words to the letter then don't call yourself a Muslim. Would be a lot better for the planet if you passive pedos stopped endorsing the pedo club
File: backyougo.jpg (114KB, 557x305px) Image search: [Google]
114KB, 557x305px

White Truck is what was driven into a crowd on July 14th 2016 in Nice during Bastille Day Celebrations


get off /pol/ if you don't know this
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