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Why can't Africans learn to farm?

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Why can't Africans learn to farm?
Using this thread as an opportunity to request the image of that roving gang of niggers wherein one is wearing a wedding dress/carrying AKs
>Why can't Africans learn to farm?
Because that requires planning and forethought.
That picture quality is as poor as that child
why does crackers have a small dick?
why do white ho love my pipe
oh shit, haha wow
Lack of natural selection and too friendly environment. If only humanists could stop feeding them maybe they would learn.
Why would they when whitey will always send food?
Think if you'd be nigger
>don't have to work or farm
>whites will always send food
>spend all day just fucking and killing eachothers
farming is a trait unique to human beings
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>Create farmland
>Local raiders/warlords/feral nigs overrun it and destroy/steal all your crops

Crab bucket.
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I'll take the small dick over the 30 iq points you lack.
Hey Akon. How's the solar thing going?
Because a claim of a small dick is propaganda while Africans not being able to figure out how to farm is a demonstrated occurrence?
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General butt naked if you want more.
I believe that the little boy was declared a witch by his village, and they were allowing him to starve. The blonde ended up adopting him, right?
Since you people are still monkeys, Shaniqua, their nigger minds can only think of dick and not want they'll be eating.
Rape isn't love.
Africans if you study them don't think of future they have never farmed
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top fucking kek

feeding nigs just creates more problems, every year its the same fucking story. omg help nig nog countr xyz they are starving. no body asks why they are starving. its because they are fucking retarded monkey people that never plan ahead and just fuck and make 1000's of new kids.
>planning ahead

They'd rather eat the seeds, content to graze for an hour, like cattle.
Why cant monkeys farm?
Nigger has a farm and he wants to actually grow some food, so he works his ass off (lets assume he is this one in the millione working nog type) and grows some vegetables. Its time to sell them, earn some money and buy more farming equment but noone wants to pay for food when everyday comes truck with food from charity organisation.
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Why are whites ashamed to come from albinism ??

Great relentless shame.
Cuz they are to busy killing each other

They are opressed and abused by whites. The west takes all of the richness and leaves shit for poor nigs.
Whites come from the nordics. The real aliens
Because niggers don't plan ahead.
My buddy went on one of those help niggers in Africa courses for college, he taught a farmer how to fertilize his crops and it increased his crop yield by like 150% which in turn increased his profits.

You would think the nigger would've spent some of that money on fertilizer, right?
He didn't, he bought himself some useless shit with the extra profit and went back to farming without fertilizer.
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is this real?
Foreign aid prevent local farmers from prospering.
holy shit finally a new flag. i have 186 now thx broke ass african boy
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This explains it
Love this image. One guy gets his shit together while the rest fail.

Because theyre dumb, fuckin niggers with pea brains.
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Nah lmao, those are just the funniest lies they tell themselves. Because their shame is so great. Cucked by their own hate. Beautiful.
we literally don't let them progress

too many resources and cheap workforce
Thanks friendo.

i just stole this
Because they have incredibly low IQs and can't wait the length of time crops need to grow for the payoff. Also you have to care for crops, rotate them to replenish soil nutrients and dats jus too much werk.
More like the local lowlifes bust into his house and hold a machete to his neck while they steal his vegetables.

biologically a penis need not be more then a few inches to inseminate a female. a smaller penis also places less resources on the body thus more blood can be retained in the bigger brains that whites and asians have. we are just more evolved in this manner.
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Yes but imagine the horror of being the lone black man in Africa with a white brain, knowing the moment you gain a modicum of success the rest will drag you back down to their level.

The only way to have successful farmland in the feral nigger infested wastes would be pic related.
This gives me hope. I wanna be like that guy, somehow- only, not a nig.
How many times do you have to get BTFO before you leave forever. Is this one of the benefits to having a double digit IQ?
bullshit. utter bullshit.
But where does he sleep?
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Actually no, the reason you have smaller dicks is the same reason you have thinner lips, narrow nose, and flatter ass. Natural slection took place in ancient times when your albino ancestors ventured north. thin lips, smaller dick, flatter ass, as to not get frost bite on them. A narrower nose to heat up the cold air.

Now you know. Youre welcome.
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Where the fuck did these Africans get all of these AKs?

How the fuck are they working, have magazines, and ammo?

Africa has about 15% of the world arable land, which is more than enough to not only sustain nigger population growth but create a surplus to export and gain revenue.

A few obvious problems:
>Lack of infrastructure
>About 90% of all arable land (Of that 15%) is locked up by various governments across africa and are therefore not being used.
>Inspections of crops (For export use) are expensive
>land deeds are usually not recognized by anyone, nor is ownership enforced

Less obvious and more "politically incorrect":
>Niggers can't manage their lives
Niggers are fucking slaves to status symbols. Livestock farmers are still overproducing because "more livestock=seen as rich and powerful". Then, of course, they can't sustain the amount of livestock and the population collapses.
>niggers don't want to farm
All of Africa's population booms are occurring in Urban areas. Urban people simply don't have the motivation to go out and farm. For the same amount of money it costs to get smuggled into Europe as a "refugee", they could easily buy a plot of land in africa, grow crops, and make money off of it. But they are retarded and lazy. They want their designer jeans, smart phones, and white women.

I love traveling to shitholes. Not the "travel whore" looking for the next exotic cock carousel to ride type of travel. But because I only care about truth I can see with my own two eyes.

gonna need a quick gestalt on tis one.
You are literally retarded. Albinism is in a completely different section of the genome than that of the thing that makes whites, white.
Modern farming is a technological endeavor, made possibly only by a number of linked innovations:

>land management
>processing industry

The first is possible anywhere but the rest require an industrial economy. Africa already has a large number of farms but they mainly engage in produce growing for the European market.

Starving Africans are mainly possible because foreign aid increases their population above the land's carrying capacity at their level of farming, and this magic food from above is what generations have known so planning for the future isn't something they learn.

Ant and grasshopper again.
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Btfo with your guaranteed yous? Nah. You will never have power like this on this image board. Like shooting fish in barrel. An all you can eat buffet.
>He thinks whites have small dick
Those Jews really do a lot a propaganda work for you.
But in reality we are bigger.

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Nah youre just ashamed of where your birth marks and freckles really came from. You simply cant handle the truth. ITs quite pathetic. Your fear and cowardice. But I forgive you. MY weak recessive brother/son
>AKs never break
>in a free market (like much of Africa has) without government interference or export controls 7.62x39 is cheaper per round than individual cigarettes
>the threat of violence is often sufficient

I bet most people who have firearms in Africa are stingy as fuck with the ammo, though, as they'd rather buy smokes than constantly feed their AK.
It´s part of a film named "Johnny Mad Dog"
Indian Albino. You have the Nordic myth.
They can't get pulled over and make it out alive. I don't know how they still exist. Nevermind, I just pictured cockroaches and rats...
You're larping, show pic of arm with today's date and /pol/ to prove you aren't.
Not only is it real, but they believe that dressing this way gives them magic powers. They also believe that they do not need to aim their weapons and that their gods will guide the bullets.
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Shane diesel.

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you will always be a nigger
yes but surely these AKs were stolen. Where the fuck did all of these Africans I always see posted have AKs?
>dat kid with three magazines duct taped together on the far left
operator as fuck †bh
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Indian Albino.

see, the poor are not guilty of being poor.

It is the fucking evil richs who steal everything from them and don't allow them to progress.
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they know how to farm, and have been doing so successfully for a long long time.

they dont farm because of subsidized crops and (((aid))) flooding in and destroying local economies.

you know that proverb about teaching a man to fish vs giving him a fish?

well we gave them fish anyway.

this should be common knowledge. you cant consider yourself red-pilled if you dont even understand why there are food shortages.


you're the subhuman.
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Its sad. The only thing you can be proud of is a jewish propaganda lie.
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Nah, if you dont know me by now its okay. Stick around. Were here forever. Ill teach you things. Thinks every man woman and child should know.
The Chinese, Soviets, and Cubans funded countless insurgencies across Africa. They put Mugabe into power.

Once an AK makes its way into an area it's going to remain in service. In a hundred years they will still be going strong.

Maybe in the future if the NFA is repealed we can start importing them as collectors items.
>Sam K
>Phrase not found

I know you, you're funny but you're a Jew and not black.
White people are Indian Albinos.
>this nigga in the panties with the RPG
I kind of explained in my post, their resources and almost free workforce is too much of a temptation to leave it there, also consequences of colonialism
thats not general butnaked
Glad to hear he was still alive.

checked and kek'd
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>inidian are nigger
No they are not. Indians are Caucasians. A shittier version of Caucasians.
Chines and Mongolian people look similar. More news at 11.
Because you have tards like that blonde bitch propping up their failure. Only by allowing them to fail can they finally learn some lessons.
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Whites are Indian Albinos.
once there aren't enough whites to fund welfare, this is what our inner cities will look like
Because they're less intelligent and we've created an artificial population boom that is leading to resource scarcity. Many people would gladly pillage a farm if it meant their people didn't have to starve, even if other people did.

The white man's burden and the denial of race have caused this.
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>Why would they when whitey will always send food?
That might be part of why it's currently the case in the past few decades, but that doesn't explain why they didn't create basic agriculture or essentially basic anything that people in even moderately advanced societies took for granted several thousands of years ago.
So no, it doesn't account for why they never really got into it whatsoever.

I like that oasis picture a lot because it puts things so well into perspective as for africans past AND present It's like
>what can be done with just a tiny bit of effort.
>what the average nigger is doing (nothing) and total wasteland in the background.

Sometimes it's like being lazy seems to be an african trait and i'm not even trying to hate on blacks but it really seems that way, if they don't HAVE to.. then fuck it, even if it helps them tremendously.. *yawn* fucking boring shit i don't wanna do.. HEY WHITE BOY.. Give me some water melon and chicken and a 40 or i'll call you a fucking racist..
>haha i'm such a genius nigger

Ofcourse the out of africa theory makes it even worse for them, because that would imply that they had MORE time than everybody else on earth, yet achieved essentially NOTHING of what the others did..
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The only thing your proud of is your disease. And youre not even. In fact. Youre very ashamed of the reality. Very frightened. You dont like it. Thats the price of your hubris.
too smart they make the inferior whites do it
mexicans and chinks are niggers
Colonialism helped them more than it hurt them and that was a long time ago. They are still low IQ retards too stupid to know how to farm.
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Not enough APM
>that nig with the confederate flag t-shirt
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Indian people sometimes give birth to Whites.
About a dozen of my friends have slept with black guys and told me about it. With only one exception, they've all said the same thing - that their penis was average at the largest, that the guy thought it was huge because of the black-is-big meme, and that they were totally dissatisfied because the guy thought size was all he needed (despite not having it anyway). The exception was average-sized too, just not crap in bed due to delusions of being massive.

Here's a tip: if your only comeback to "your country sucks" is that you have bigger dicks on average, you're an idiot in at least 3 different ways.
Because the first world keeps giving them free shit all the time. Why farm, when a humanitarian group is just gonna give you all the food you need.
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Remove Melanin from Indian and you get whites.
If i was a jew I wouldnt have made this myself.
No, whites have low pigmentation because that's optimal to living nearer to the poles with UVA, they have plenty of pigmentation and test negative for albinism, albinism is ZERO pigmentation which is a very rare birth defect probably due to some infection effecting the fetus in utero or something.

Nearer the equator there is UVB which is why blacks got nappy hair and tan to shield their skin from the destructive bombardment, which they like animals also do in africa did by and still can see them do, throw mud on their skin, the animals roll around in mud, probably this is why the follate stuff which plants have and why africans are the abnormal thing where other ethnicities are much more similar.
How many times do you have to get BTFO oh wait.. you've been posting this crap for years, nevermind.
All I see here are excuses that don't hold. The fact of the matter is that niggers are retarded. They are sub humans. They are the only sub humans on this planet. Native americans, indians, Asians, arabs, they are all humans. Africans are actual sub humans.
Whatever, dude. You probably just have a small dick.
1) They were told how and then inherited all the equipment and land when they drove the whites out
2) They let it go to ruin because aid workers fed them instead
3) Why aren't the adults in the background of that photo feeding that child instead?
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They have farms but this doesn't stop warlords or competing tribes from killing everyone and taking your shit. Example: Ibo people

Also, Africa, unlike Europe, really is a very hostile environment that isn't conducive to large scale agriculture to the same degree that Europe/america has. America is temperate, Africa is a savannah climate. What this means is that it limits the amount of crops which can grow without artificial infrastructure like large scale pumping systems, which would rely on political stability to maintain and require electricity.

If this wasn't enough, the CIA has done its fair job in destabilizing Africa post colonialism. Did you know that the Congo had a stable Democracy at one time? Did you know that Somalia used to not be a shit hole? Rhodesia and Uganda are the same. Africa just needs to be left alone so it can develop but the West is hell bent on turning it into a shit hole. (Debiers funding warlords to keep diamond industry in their pocket, Rothschild's funding warlords to keep gold mines under their control).

In addition to these political factors, you have social issues plagueing Africa. America had educational institutions, Africa does not apart from the wealthy cities. Even if it did, how is the economy supposed to develop without electricity? You can't have manufacturing without stable water and electricity.

Engineer/international merchant here
free food from the west artificially increases supply and thus lowering demand to the point where farming is not profitable enough compared to other means of income, like being a soldier for the regional warlord
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yeah they arent, they have had melanin bred into them to protect them from the sun. The descended from indian albinos but they lie about this and cover it up. It shames them, because they aren't superior. They are deficient.
what has colonialism done?
because they don't look like they have progressed that much
and of course their IQ is abysmally low, it's the only outcome when instead of going to school and learning stuff they are going on long travels for water or food or just in some guerrilla
even if that's the case. i'm still better than you
Here's your answer OP
holy shit, I thought that was a baby spider monkey.
Why can't you learn not to feed the wildlife?
>Grows a crop big enough to support his own family
>Immediately gets raided by his neighbours who didn't bother to do the same

Crabs in a bucket. There's no way to save themselves from themselves, so they go to Europe to be looked after. They're adults demanding other adults' governments look after them.

Pig disgusting.
>this is what an indian with zero pigmentation looks like
It's because low UVA near poles, very little pigmentation is optimal there, very little pigmentation looks similar to ZERO pigmentation (albinism) but isn't and is testably different. Only the very nordic peoples have extremely white skin and a polar bear actually has transparent skin because it has zero pigmentation which is optimal for that situation.

This is why it appears similar to some very nordic living peoples like swedes and norwegians etc. Because it's very little pigmentation which is optimal for that area, but still plenty that it's not albinism whatsoever.

It's sad to see that niggers fail as much in basic scientific understanding as they seem to fail at most other things.
Yeah, i remember, there was a story behind this image. The bitch adopted him.
He's just going to ignore you and continue posting.
Probably a nigger, jew or Indian.
>Lack of natural selection and too friendly environment.
WTF are you talking about. If anything the natural selection is much more intense than in EU or US, since there's 0 healthcare. Not even commenting the fact that living in arid countries is supposed to be easier.
I say we export multiculturalism to Israel!!!
Return madness to it's source!!!
Maybe I do. I've never been insecure enough to measure so can't really tell you. I'm perfectly happy with it though, and have never had any complaints. Enjoy your "big" dick though, and women talking behind your back about not knowing how to use it.
I think i have a pick of them when they were younger. I see why he wears glasses. Albinism often causes eye problems. Notice the orange hair. This is why gingers were hated, why the irish were persecuted.

Wrong person buddy. Isnt it great. Others have taken up the call. I dont even have to be here anymore. Righteouness. Winning.
Because they are not as evolved as much as European and Asian races.

There is a genetic link between race and IQ. There are smart Africans but they are the exception and not the rule, and often are mixed with Asian or European.

It's an inconvenient truth.
>implying I've ever been with a woman
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Whites are just Indians minus Melanin
It's like i can see their IQ's
What did he mean by this?
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Look at her eye deficieny. Now notice the blue eyes still visible in this red eyed albino. Their eyes are blue for teh same reason the sky and water is blue. The way it reflects the light.
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Oh, don't pay them much mind French bro. They have probably never actually done business in Africa and think they can reduce a very complicated geo-political/economic situation to "muh genetics"
Stop feeding them
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Because our women have small vaginas.

Your move, sambo.
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Its pathetic to see ur shame in ur origins when the evidence is this overwhelming. Youre a coward and youll always be a weak recessive coward.

>The only way to have successful farmland in the feral nigger infested wastes
would be to be a warlord yourself.

but then the cia fucks you in the ass for bringing stability to the region.
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>Africa is a savannah climate
stopped reading there. Just admit it. Africans are retarded. They do not have the intelligence for long term planning.
Anybody have the story about the Russians going to South African and the one about the guy trying to teach niggers how to farm where the nigger ends up just buying a bunch of useless shit with all his profits.
Reddit, begone.
>They have probably never actually done business in Africa and think they can reduce a very complicated geo-political/economic situation to "muh genetics"

A complicated geo-political situation.. for millennia upon millennia, way before anyone discovered them/encountered them, and even now with everything at their disposal and things literally thrown at them and knowledge etc. right at their fingertips.. still can't do basic shit.. I'd say.. genetics and general behaviour has a LITTLE bit to do with it buddy..
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So we came from African merchants after all. Who would have thunk it
Even if we were albino which we aren't, we would still be superior to you in every way. All that would mean is that albino people were the next step in evolution.
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No you're not.
They farm great, a better example of bad farmers is the failure of the pilgrims when coming to America. If it weren't for the agricultural knowledge of Native Americans, every single white person would have frozen or starved to death. Africans farm fine unless their already delicate water cycle is fucked over by big cities like Laos that try to live like any other metropolitan city. I find it funny pics like OP when rich white people give meager water to dying Africans, only to go home and waste more water that could save multiple lives on a shower.
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Are you whiter than me?
This must be why that whites somehow manage to create the only worthwhile places to live in Africa.

Explain why South Korea is so successful then.
ooooor you could build a fortress and dominate the region killing and feral animals trying to infest your crops
This is why I hate international aid that goes to Africa. Any other part of the world people would use the money wisely. Europeans, Asians, and subcontinantal Indians find ways to improve their families, but Africans are so fucking stuck in their sad, selfish, superficial tribalism. It kind of reminds me of all the "poor" black kids I went to high school with that would spend $300 on a pair of shoes that they would wear one day out of the year.
Planning for years in advance.... good luck with teaching africans proper agriculture. They're more likely to turn what little fertile land into desert by encouraging them to farm.
>If it weren't for the agricultural knowledge of Native Americans, every single white person would have frozen or starved to death.
The natives traded corn and turkeys for booze one year. They didn't save the colonists from a famine. Thanksgiving is a fairy story invented in the 20th Century to sell poultry and cranberries.
Clean your room, Mexican.
>Theoretical physics
At least he has more credibility than Bill Nye.
There is a type of ant that farms..

So africans farm.. u rscist r fucking dumb cunts
Your a coward. curcly hair comes from intact hair proteins. Why do you think your pubes are curly. Albinism is a deficieny. Straight hair comes from missing hair proteins. Nothing belongs to you. You have nothing to covet. You are made. By your so called inferiors. Priceless.
They should die off. These ppl have not learned to evolve at all. Why is it that survival of the fittest only applies every species except humans. In ppl we let the weak breed thus creating a subhuman mindset. In species the weak don't find a mate thus letting the strong produce and that's what every animal strives on. It's 2017 and these retards cant built a decent civilization. They refer back to ancient Egypt (which is not even black btw) and even if they were black why tf did they all of a sudden went from building pyramids to not evolving technologically. They went downhill. Africa should just die off. Future predictions are expecting African population to be in the billions. Then they will want to immigrate to europe. They must be killed off
Yeah. Good luck to any black people living in the North and not taking vitamin D supplements. Everyone seems to forget about a little thing called rickets.
Africans have never farmed

Egyltian empire

Aksum enpire
Nubian empire

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wtf did we come from blacks?
Tell us about Yakub for a while my larping We Wuzzer.
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Colonialism gave them farming, modern medicine, cities, schools and everything else. Then we decided that we should stop colonizing them so we left and everything that we gave them fell apart instantly.
Niggers in Africa go to school all the time but they are still retarded. Its almost like you have no idea what you are talking about. There are tons of programs dedicated to teaching African children and feeding them, yet they still end up retarded.

Look anywhere else in the world where Africans live such as America and you will see they still have extremely low IQs despite having the same public school education
>inb4 but dey can't afford da crayons how dey supossed to learn
Because CORPORATIONS like Monsanto have bio-engineered weaponized crops that cross pollinate with native crops and make future generations infertile. That way the farmers are forced to spend thousands of dollars they don't have on Monsanto brand seeds because nothing else will grow.

It's really disgusting what white colonialism has done to that continent.
literally what the fuck nigger
The African migration, if true, happened thousands of years ago when all humans were basically as dumb as niggers are today, you silly bitch.
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But you are, and youre ashamed of it. And your time is over. And the internet, the great equalizer, it killed your caste system.
>monsanto makes corn which goes infertile 5 years ago
>never sold in africa
>still responsible
> if you make something or earn some money, it belongs to everyone and they can take it if they need it
So Africa is basically Anarcho Communism?
>Why can't Africans learn to farm?
Blacks hate white people.
Don't teach them anything, those ungrateful fuckers.

Black people hating white people with passion.
Black people need food otherwise millions of them will starve to death this year alone. White people have plenty of money and plenty of food.
As a white person will you donate your hard earned money this year to save black lives. I will not. Not a single fucking dollar.

If black people hate white people so much let them starve to death, let them eat shit or eat each other.
I had enough of this constant bashing of whites by black scum who can't even feed themselves.

If you blacks are so smart and so brave in hating us whites so now when God is visiting famine upon your nations go and FUCK YOURSELVES.

Look at this black asshole judge. Ask him to help you you black assholes.
Here you are anon
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>>124570670 >>124571840

hmmm... wow, i really see your point j-qwon.
Nigger IQ. Blacks are less inteligent than monkeys.
Yes. I'm probably taller too.

Wtf i love albinos now
I saw this show once where a woman from Sudan had 8 kids.... left 7 alone at home for a few days to bring the youngest one to a hospital which was 2 hour walk away....... No father..... Mother is semi blind..... My question is if the country is that piss poor why the fuck don't they "educate" these monkeys in safe sex so shit like this does not happen?

Monkeys have brains right?
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They are very uneducated to the point of being almost mentally handicapped. Also, no fathers worth a shit. I'm fine killing ghetto people if you are, I never said I was a saint. You just can't hate an entire group of people based only on their skin tone

Im fine with rounding up everyone who talks and aks lyke a nygga or "we wuz ballers essay! Dun be raycis cabrone!"

There do exist civilized blacks though, many who realize this ghetto culture is cancer. We need these people to counter a narrative that we kill ghetto people just because of their race though.
I feel like if I asked the kid on the left what his name would be hed probably say "DURPLFOP"
Because white people throw food at them
Bost proof I'm 6'4
Right, because they magically showed up in a new continent with the right seeds, soil type, and know-how that normally takes thousands of years to collect. They just lived off turkeys and booze! Whether we traded for it or not the point is Native Americans intentionally taught white people how to survive their territory. Some say certain tribes did it in hopes the white people would ruin their enemy tribes. Maybe they did it out of "goodwill". Maybe we gave our hottest daughters to them in exchange. But the point is it isn't about the natural talents of a race, it's about external factors when it comes to agriculture.
I know it hurts to think that you failed your fifth grade history test because you're bad at listening, but you can't just live in "alternative facts" to avoid being bad at reality.
>we wuz
I love the larping we wuzzer.

This is one weird BLACKED video.
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Allow me to drop some redpills:
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Yakub is the biblical jacob, he created the white race because G-d commanded him to on the island of patmos by grafting albinos. Because free will is a test. And the teacher is silent during the test.

You are arguing with someone who's IQ is under 85.
Just to remind you.
Mexicans don't get that tall.
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>Its pathetic to see ur shame in ur origins when the evidence is this overwhelming. Youre a coward and youll always be a weak recessive coward.
It's not recessive in UVA environment you stupid cunt. It's perfectly adapted to that situation. But you ofcourse have result towards the mean of the parents and since very white skin is a case of living very close to the poles in UVA area which very little of the population does it's a little bit different. Your skintone is partly a geolocation marker of where your tribe developed you silly cunt.

No white people do not have albinism i'm sorry buddy that you don't understand science but that's to be expected from someone who thinks black magic can make a thunderstrike hit a specific person and that cats are witches (yes some niggers in africa TODAY literally still believe that shit).

>Youre a coward and youll always be a weak recessive coward.
Coward how? Doesn't even make sense.. projecting much how you feel about yourself for letting down your people?
Let's see, you're willing to be so delusional in your quest for hating white people that somehow a bunch of albino indians bested your entire tribe in every possible way for millennia and still do current day whilst you didn't even invent the wheel or a system of writing. Even if that were true which it isn't but you just ignore that ofcourse, that would mean you've hit absolutely rock bottom, you can only go up from there. But that's how far you are willing to stretch your anti white hatred to claim they are all somehow albinos..

If white people are albinos and that's what made them smarter than you.. FUCK you need to figure out how to make yourself albino.. ofcourse that's not how it works dumbass.. There were plenty of people who did pretty well for themselves none of them were albino all of them were better than you aswell.. So how do you explain that? Are they a half albino or something in your little theory?

That's actually their special forces
>Rich countries give free food for starving niggers
>Local farmers can't sell their own crops/vegetables because nobody is going to pay for it, since they had it for free
>Why can't Africans learn
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I have statistics to counter those statistics but it would be useless since you're a biased/racist who's not really interested in building up society but merely justifying/consumed with hatred for people who aren't you.
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>Because white people throw food at them
Exactly stop feeding those fuckers during famines. Fuck them.
Read this post anon to understand why
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More credibility then u for sure leaf
>he doesn't agree with me and he isn't a racist biggot, so he certainly comes from reddit !
If whites are supposed to have an higher IQ, you're not a good proof of that fact.
Is that meant to imply you're gay or an incel?
It really is sad when you think about it.
>Why dont africans have a brain
Because the white pipo do it for them as an act of 'humanism'.
If you were an african farmer how would you ever hope to compete with sources that come in from the first world with both better quantity and quality?
>Why can't Africans learn
But thats not really true. Yes African warlords will fuck you but they're more about collecting diamonds than pillaging food.
no such statistics
What the fuck
yeah look at that clever little nigger in OP pic damn I wish that were me he got a soda snack and white bitch to feed him water omg the apes r rising somebody give me malariAIDS and send me to ghana
what we left was retarded borders and infrastructure only meant for our purposes instead of africans
then the power vacuum got filled with warlords and dictators and everything went to shit
and the number of kids to get a decent school learning are a minority as well as a starvation problem

>Look anywhere else in the world where Africans live such as America and you will see they still have extremely low IQs despite having the same public school education
you probably need some generations to get them on the level of first worlders
You will always be albino and deeply ashamed of it. You will always be lashing out the trauma of your mothers divorce out on the rest of the world. I pity you brother.
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"African farmer."
No such thing they lack farmer DNA I am 400% Neolithic farmer son
kek i thought your country was just form civ. didn't know it was still around.

100% agreed. the culture is the parasite.
the rest of the world ships in foodstuffs, forever leaving africa on the brink and starvation and suckling on the teat of foreign power.

we are artificially supporting a population that without foreign intervention could not and would not exist

there's no incentive for anyone to do anything, and they pretty much can't establish an industry.

imagine trying to farm when there is no infrastructure, half the people are waiting for UN dropships of grains from the USA (grown by established farmers with government subsidies), and that grain is made so fucking cheaply that they probably beat you both in quality and cost.

you would never start a clothing factory if foreign companies flooded your markets with clothing that was both better and cheaper than you could make initially
>Right, because they magically showed up in a new continent with the right seeds, soil type, and know-how that normally takes thousands of years to collect.
Seeds don't need to be area-specific, if this was true there would be no invasive plant species. Reports from the time don't indicate a widespread famine, in fact exports to Europe were strtong.

>They just lived off turkeys and booze!
I never said that.

>Whether we traded for it or not the point is Native Americans intentionally taught white people how to survive their territory.
Yes they were largely allied with the British against the French and Spanish. We gave them guns and trade goods like metal arrowheads, metal tomahawks, etc, in exchange for produce, furs, and meat.

>Some say certain tribes did it in hopes the white people would ruin their enemy tribes.
"Some say" lol, this is settled history.

>Maybe they did it out of "goodwill".
Maybe, but chances are they did it for goods in kind

>Maybe we gave our hottest daughters to them in exchange.
This never happened, they would kidnap and kill whites which led to us beating the fuck out of them eventually though.

>But the point is it isn't about the natural talents of a race, it's about external factors when it comes to agriculture.
What external factors? There's no evidence at all that the natives "saved" the Pilgrims. It was all made up by marketing boards after the turn of the 20th Century.

>I know it hurts to think that you failed your fifth grade history test because you're bad at listening, but you can't just live in "alternative facts" to avoid being bad at reality.
Just like every American I learned the fairy tale in fifth grade but that doesn't make it any more real than any other fiction.
>nigger joins the thread on African agriculture
>nigger writes his first thoughts on the topic
>muh dik tho crakkkaz
>whyte hoz be on muh dik
They can. Most Africans are employed in agriculture.
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Why are you still here reddit? You better stop using this website or i'll report you to the French government for using illegal thought websites.
Post your haplogroups.
>you've got the wrong person
Nope it's you, same images, same fucking bullshit about somehow every white persons parents are divorced (what, go see niggers and relationships) along with the false claims about albinism, it doesn't even make fucking sense, you have to be a troll or one of the dumbest niggers on /pol/.
I see ur shame coward. Your weak recessive resolve when confronted by the truth.
Post them then. Otherwise your full of shit.
At least try and disguise yourself if you don't want to sound like a redditor.
Blacks are hunter gatherers not farmers. M.
tl but i read it. I see a lot of similarities in the black communities i work in.

i guess you've never heard of alexander the great or conquest.
kek, obvious literal nigger detected
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Indian Albino.
b-b-but they was put down and whipped and sheiit
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Is the fence there to keep wildlife out or other nigs out?
>seeds don't need to be area-specific
stopped reading there. I don't know what goes on in magical fairytale land, but the ACTUAL settlers used Maize seeds, so in the reality we are discussing they DID use area specific seeds so who fucking cares. You can have a camel-human baby too but it doesn't really work, if settlers had used the wrong seeds for the wrong type of land very little if anything would have grown and you would be tilling land on some British nobles farm instead of shitposting.
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Egyptians be farmers not niggers
Egypt is med middle eastern
See, im 10 and i kno all bout the richs
I remember the good ol days of my first red pill. Learning about niggers was such an eye opener.
Suddenly you realize the entire world has gone insane.

wow, you are very scientific j-qwondray.
thats terrifying
>stopped reading there
Stopped reading here. If you had a point new world crops would never have made it in the old world.
Farming is tricknology created by the evil albinos. Don't no nigga want nothin to do with that.
Those Melanesians are descendants of the first humans do leave Africa. Everyone who is not West/South African shares ancestors with them, much much more recently than when we share ancestors with West/South Africans.
don't tell me, tell the illiterate leaf kang nigger
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Theres two ppl in this threat posting albino pics you moron. Im winning. Youre mad. This is just the beggining. But remember it was me who brought this into your life first. Never forget that.
The ability to utilize delayed gratification is largely genetic
All that land, no cultivation of it for potatoes, rice or some shit of high yield, kek
>Is the fence there to keep wildlife out or other nigs out?
I thought that quote was attributed to Charles Darwin?
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Also I learned basic algebra in fifth grade, I guess we should all switch back to carrying a bag of pebbles to count things out greater than ten so I don't get infected by Jew propaganda
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Eye deficiency. Sad. Master race they said. Lmao.
Science has no place in the unga bunga me have magic stick culture of africa.
As a true kang I find this offensive.
New Tarantino movie looks rad as fuck
Made you reply twice ;^)

Howd alexander get there lmao. Space nords? Neaderthals? stfu. The swasitka comes from India. Hindu sanskrit. White ppl are collectively ashamed of their now very obvious origins. Whats below europe? the middle east.

i demand more pics of the squatting tattoo slavette
Your lack of understanding about plant genetics is comedic. Blue maize can't be grown in the old world. Yellow corn that was specifically altered to be adaptable and hardy can. Yellow corn wasn't a thing until fairly recently. I don't care to explain basic concepts that you aren't even willing to learn to have a normal discussion, stay out of pleasant society.
I'm not giving single dollar to save starving children in fucking AFRICA.


Low IQ and r-selected gene sets want instant gratification, farming is the opposite of that.
How can you be so wrong and retarded?
Some plants do better in different climates but this only affects their taste. Africa's land is such good arid land that it is good for every conceivable crop.
I really think your under estimated just how great Africans farmland is.
But to reiterate you are moron. Its like claiming you can't grow potatoes in a warm climate.
Africa has such good land they wouldn't even need arrogation systems.
Rare flag
that map tells you nothing.
>tfw to intelligent to invent the wheel
You can get an AK with all the fixings and about 1000 rounds for like, three chickens last time I checked.
Do white/caucasian people with darker hair, eyes and skin (like Italians, greeks) also come from albinism?
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Nasty. Hope she ain't drinking off him
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They do exist but you would just say that I'm a dumb liberal who doesn't know anything

For one: why is IQ increasing, year by year, all over the world? If IQ is genetic, why does this increase seem to be happening universally with a few notable exceptions?

In other words, your hypothesis is that IQ is stagnant and more or less the equipment you're born with, that is a fair idea but we have to dig deeper on this. When we dig deeper, we find that jews scored sub 90 on IQ tests in the 19th century but now score 110 + avg. Also, it is known that college education increases IQ by about 10 points (surprising if IQ was supposedly stagnant).

So yea, I mean the issue is that IQ seems to be measuring not what you think it is measuring. It is measuring the current cultivation level of a person and not their full potential. I will admit that some are born smarter than others, this seems to be self evident. What we are arguing on is the mean differential between cultivated whites and blacks and there really isn't much difference in that regard. The issue is, proportionally, blacks are ghetto and have a shit culture

Even if blacks are dumber, they are still useful which is what the fools here on /pol/ don't understand. First and foremost, they must be civilized because ghetto culture is cancer. After they are civilized blacks are truly bro tier and much more loyal than the jew-culture infested white community. Blacks are valient warriors, on the battlefield one saved my life by spotting a sniper and pushing me out of the line of fire. Another black helped pull me off the street when I was homeless. I never got a single helping hand from a white person and this guy- someone who worked for 10/hr at a factory- he had more to give than any of my white friends who knew I was on the streets. It just really shook me up and made me realize how black culture has ruined that community and the blacks who are civilized are struggling, every day, to make things better.
>Blue maize can't be grown in the old world.
Proofs? This is a highly dubious claim.

>Yellow corn that was specifically altered to be adaptable and hardy can.
Yellow corn as we know it is grown because of the increased yield, hardiness against pests and disease, etc. It didn't exist among pre-Columbian Americans, it was a European development.

t. from corn farming family with >15000 acres of land
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I actually fucked up converting the units when I first got my licence. It should say something like 198cm. I'm just shy of 6'6''
Oh so you admit whites come from albinos. Albinism, a disease, a deficieny. Well glad that's settled then.
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I'm just genuinely amused by the fact the I see you everywhere.
Nigger reeetoided, bout to chimp out!
Gun markets keep pricing competitive but practical in those regions so they can sell to the criminals and then also the citizens trying to protect themselves. They're probably second-hand or second-rate, but I believe they go for about $400 which isn't really that great of a major expense when you run a farm.
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Yes, the melanin they have was bred into their ancestors.
they have more balls than 65% of france
>Oh so you admit whites come from albinos. Albinism, a disease, a deficieny. Well glad that's settled then.
No i didn't "admit" any such thing, i said as a hypothetical even if it's true which it isn't that means any random person who is albino is somehow better than an african, it's according to your own theory, so that's pretty sad that you would go so far as to say that.
because we learned to farm in africa thousands of years ago and moved on to different lands to develop and grow. Now what is remaining is sub human niggers who are still in the infancy of human development.
0 work ethic for many of them.
I've worked with african immigrants they think everything should be a handout.
>because we learned to farm in africa thousands of years ago and moved on to different lands to develop and grow. Now what is remaining is sub human niggers who are still in the infancy of human development.
>learned to farm in africa
>niggers still don't understand farming in general on their own.
the only way to make africans do anything is at the threat of death.
shaka had anyone who didn't obey killed. mr warlord and mr dictator does the same. so did the whites. the chinese would if they could but that would bring attention to their exploitation so they just do whatever they need done themselves.
once the threat of death is gone and they just take what they can and dwell in the slums they make.
Daily reminder that Europe was a wartorn shithole after the fall of Rome.

I'm pretty sure that your average serf wasn't much more refined that your average african farmer during that era.

Of course it was centuries ago, but no matter how good your genes are supposed to be, you can't get good results without good education and infrastructure.

Also, I'd like to see how good the ubermensch from /pol would fare in African shitholes without any support.

And I almost forgot, if Africa has the fastest growing population, it's probably because they've got enough food to sustain all these people... Not every african country is starving or under the rule of warlords, you know ? And humanitarian aid isn't important enough to achieve such a result on the scale of a whole continent.
Youre a good man charlie brown. Im not black either but I will fight for them. No one likes a bully. They are our brothers who endure disrespect at the highest level. It has made them strong.
That white chick in OPs picture is literally killing the kid.

You can't just feed someone food while they're in a state of starvation, their body can't handle it. You need to slowly ration them with small amounts until their body as readjust.

Doing more harm than good.
general butt naked was legit...murdered thousands and went into battle most time with zero clothing on
participated in eating his victims regularly
the dude was 4chan personified

he's now a christian minister

not joking
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They farm vulture food pretty good desu
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Why can't burgers learn to not submit to Jews and stop caring about what happens in Africa?
If only the rest were to follow him, imagine how much food can those people in the background produce?

Quality not Quantity.
excuse me you fucking asshole
don't tell me i have to feel bad and helpless
if i want to feed a kid and get a photo of me posing looking good, i don't care if the kid dies afterwoods, you don't get to tell me i am a useless stupid cunt - who has probably caused all of this through being a commie cunt in the first place
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Kill yourself
i've heard you'll just puke everything up.
could be why you don't do it.
I imagin farmer's in Africa get raided pretty frequently unless they are in the more "civilized" regions. Just not a smart idea to grow food when surrounded by those animals
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Civil wars and generations old inter- tribal conflicts.
Also greedy, incompetent leaders
Too bad its a medical fact that White people have the largest dicks and Blacks are small-average at best.

And if truck with food did not come. Farmer would be killed and ass fucked for his veggies. So. Unless nog can REALLY think large scale like exporting his food. Hes screwed either way
if you own the food sources it works out better for you.

logistically speaking destroying the farms and then controlling the import points of "charity" from global non profits you get a much better consistency of control and can even use the food as leverage to gain new recruits. Plus you keep the GNP's a reason to keep running and they're more likely to deal directly if only unofficially.
You try running a civilization with a mean 69 IQ.
/Pol would need much more anons like you to help cure the cancer, but I fear this place is beyond saving...
>killing niggers
>doing harm
They were the first to. That`s why their soil is so depleted.
Reminds me of a story in National Geographic
>Black farmer in Sahel shithole gets an idea
>Starts planting trees to help build up soil
>Busts ass for years
>Has largest patch of trees in country
>Grows surplus of food
>Government seizes land, gives it to dumb niggers
>Few years later, all is lost
>soil is depleted
if sandniggers can farm desert then there is no excuse. besides, whites managed just fine until apartheid fell
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>You just can't hate an entire group of people based only on their skintone.
That's not why people dislike blacks, it's because they are very often..
a) troublemakers
b) violent
c) stupid (bad combination) or incompetent thus requiring subsidies which others have to pay for d) takes no responsibility for their own lives/decisions.
e) very often criminal and murderous, especially of their own kind for some reason. Looks the same in africa, they "routinely" (very often) murder eachother for being of a different tribe, IIRC during apartheid (means segregation) they had to segregate two black tribes from eachother or they would murder eachother, the crime and murder rates in black majority areas in the US are almost identical to africas eventhough US is a 1st world nation and africa is a 3rd world nation/stage 3 developing nation.

Also they are extremely hateful and resentful towards white people which they somehow use to justify their violence eventhough it's similar thing that happens to their communities wherever they go as soon as they become a majority of it. Making them in the US 1# hate crime OFFENDER.. There are also many examples of anons that never used to dislike blacks till they ended up living in neighbourghoods with them or got robbed or beaten by one of them or experienced how they are in a classroom etc.

It's little things like that that kind of grinds at you and eventually gets you a bit annoyed at black people, and then edgy banter ensues about all kinds of things.

I'm just here taking notes so i don't have to endure similar misfortunes such a situation as promoting living amongst large packs of them which happily i've never done nor desire to.. So no i actually don't even hate all of them but i understand that's what you can expect how they generally are.. and therefore it's annoying to hear people making excuses for them instead of asking them to behave properly.
>why is IQ increasing, year by year, all over the world?
IQ is standardized you absolute mong, it's staying the same, and getting lower in the very blackest countries.
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Because Africa is resource rich. China knows this.

nigger you huff on shit in a bottle to get high
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>literally MUH DIK NIGGA

Because theyre not people?
>According to an influential recent analysis, Africa has around 600 million hectares of uncultivated arable land, roughly 60 percent of the global total.
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the biggest shame is that he wasn't able to sell that idea to the government and then become a land reclamation business.

The reason of course is
>it's staying the same
except it isn't, did you read his post ?
2010: White 100 Nigger 85
2020: White 101 Nigger 86
They'll always be inferior
wops, erased d forgot to update.

Oh yeah and on top of that we need to spend a relatively large part of our gdp to prop up an entire continent of these people because they can't into basic shit, and it apparently is our fucking fault if they have too many kids that then starve.. And they proceed to instantly consume whatever they are given and have EVEN MORE kids.. because then they start to figure out, more kids, more food, clothes n stuff.. So in a sublime act of "logic" the niggers think how can we "game the system" i know let's have MORE fucking kids so more people are starving, making the problem twice as fucking big requiring even MORE ressources..

It's little things like that, coupled with the generally problematic and troublemaking behaviour that can turn violent for minor reasons aswell, that piss people off over time..
They do.
It depends on the country and region.

South Africa, and Northern African countries tend to be fine on farming but sub-Saharan countries as well as those with just shit topology are the ones that get that sweet, sweet UN help.

I mean Ethiopia, Nigeria, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, South Africa and Morocco all have pretty robust agricultural sectors.

Part of the issue is the types of crops they grow are relatively low yield...they never really sought to min/max their agricultural sector like the West did (for the most part).

Another part is that the region is more attuned for the wildlife than for large human populations.
Theres just enough grass and flora for the herbivores, who are preyed upon by one level of carnivores, who themselves are preyed upon and so forth. It was, perhaps because of the relative lack of mountains and its general flatness, always a region of relatively low fertility soil.
Farm? They couldn't even invent a wheel
I wonder if strict religion is to thank for the behaviour of Europeans. Like, Christianity culled all the savage pagans, and left only the most law-abiding peoples. Perhaps Eastern religions did something similar to Asians.
Do you think thats all his trash in the foreground or did the widn blow it there from other dindus?
>Europeans have always been superior to others through the whole history
except they haven't, they only took the edge since 4 or 5 centuries ago.

Asian confirmed superior race, thx /pol
>I'm pretty sure that your average serf wasn't much more refined that your average african farmer during that era.
>African farmer
When was this?

>I'm pretty sure that your average serf wasn't much more refined that your average african farmer during that era.
Europeans have always been more sophisticated than africans, literally compare any era virtually. The only time africans got a modicum of civilizations was when the arabs decided to buttfuck their entire continent and convert it to islam as much as possible aswell as enslave the subsaharans for 1400 years.

This was also where africa got its first library (timbuktu).
>It's because education
Knowledge and know how is knowledge and education is dispersion of that knowledge and know how..
Africans never developed the fucking know how to begin with.. Education didn't just fall out of the fucking sky and was bestowed on europeans dumbass..
you have to help the ones that are willing to try to help themselves. I am a lefty and i even know this.
mind set is everything. color is nothing. its the same reason the culture of degeneration is created. in the 50s and 60s all the good hard working African American men were imprisoned or killed thus unable to set a good example for their next generation they were fighting for. no good fathers = no good men 70% of the time.
this is the one thing /pol/ does not get
George Clinton Funkadelic?
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