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Rainbow of Ethnocultural Diversity

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 153

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Old thread >>124313767

Rainbow flag is the symbol of alt-right's fight for separation. Stop the hate, segregate.
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Obviously, thats violence.png
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But anons. How do you think this will actually work? The left are so level headed and sane. theyll see right through this
Whoever thought of this first was a genius.
>mfw India is secretly the most feminist country
>bathrooms is: what it he real agenda?

It's about time we take the rainbow back.
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All the fun in one pic now.
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Diversity is our strength.
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In addition to the rainbow, what if we appropriate the Red Star? Socialists and Communists would go fucking ballistic
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That's /ourgirl/
To be effective we need to let natsoc and other white power stuff out, keep it in the form the lefties use it. Thus nobody knows whether someone displaying it uses the original our our meaning.

Like with the freemasons. They used circles, triangles etc. and people started to see freemason connections everywhere.
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We need this to be subversive to be effective.
Point taken.
It wouldn't even be hard to appropriate the red star, since Stalin hated the jews. His daughter dated a jew, and in response he sent the jew to Vorkuta
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How is the text in this video? I have resized all of the images to fit the screen better.
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They really are incapable of uniting.
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Keep the races separate
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That's the weakness of all zealots. The closer they are, the more do they fight each other over little differences.

Vegans hate vegetarians. Communists hate socialists and social democrats. The first victims in their fights aren't their opponents but their closest neighbors. That's where we can attack.
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if you like assange you are a conspiracy theorist

>bathrooms are a front for banning trans people from pubic life
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Holy shit /pol/
This is fucking weapons-grade memeage
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Waging the meme war in all spectrums

>that black sun

Unironically looks good.
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Here's one to make memes with
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Save dis
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Here, have better one.
We need another one of this, but with the quote from hitler explaining every color.
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fucking brilliant
Thanks bro have a (you)
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are these getting banned on FJ and more normie sites? couple of links that were in the last thread came up as broken

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Damn that's 10x better than all the other attempts. Tells the entire message visually and simply.

Holy shit anon.
Nope they aren't atm, which is why we should propagate this now, I have active posts that have lots of confusion among normies. It's so deleitable
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link pls so i can upboat :^)
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This thread
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Just made this nuclear-grade meme
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just rattle up my spoons fam.png
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rainbowsun pepe.png
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feels good man
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That is some spicy /polgbt/ propaganda there
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nice image, i think i'll save it
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Robin is going to snap and go full 1488 before long.
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> obviously, that's violence.
straight up spewed my coffee
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Not even monty python could make a sketch this ridiculous..
next molymeme for sure
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But mental illness counts as a disability, therefore trannies can just use the disabled ones
To be fair, 90% of all bathrooms are gender neutral.
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separate but unified we are strong

6 colors
1 future
just as a logistic thing, we should favor the images that look most like the actual LGBT flag (the rainbow swastikas are fuckin ace but the whole point is to tarnish something that doesnt already trigger them, and that already exists in all kinds of sjw venues). can we talk venues more? eg if you're using kikeberg or twatfeeds, share the postings we should comment and upvote (either in terms of "omg i cant belive u did that" or, imho more effectively, by saying "right on brother! white power!")
Reminder that if you use a swastika you are a FUCKING RETARD because anything associated with Nazis is an immediate non starter for people
read my mind. autists gonna weaponize
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>fuck that 'you don't experience dysphoria therefore you're not trans' mentality

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Holy fucking shit these are a bunch of dumb fucks.
yeah, i actually dont disagree with that. the only place i think they should be separate are places like stores or anywhere where small kids might be. other than that, ive used a multiperson unisex bathroom with women on multiple occastions and it wasnt an awful experience for anyone.
Nice work Anon! This is normieBook quality!
I think most women want a women's restroom so they don't have to sit on a pissy toliet seat or smell your giant man loafs.

I imagine restrooms were originally separated by gender as a courtesy to women.
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If you can .guf it, normies iphones dont support webm
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it's always better to be sorted
this faggot gets it. could've been a kike in another life, glad you're with us in this one
Went to far with the yahweh. Real jews don't call him by name.
I'd take away the "Trump exposed?" and replace the Trump-Hitler edit but some real nice work there
Seriously, no one is going to recognize that id? Wow
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defend diversity.png
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Fixed typo
bumping this one. it has all the elements for a successful psyop.

> sjws dont want to accept trump holding an lgbt flag, causes cognitive dissonance, many would probably rather accept it is a hate symbol than accept trump isnt trying to lynch gays
> top pair of images gets the segregation point across beautifully, they'll think of it every time they look at the fucking rainbow flag
> the acronym at the bottom is icing on the cake, and will encourage niggers (many of whom hate fags anyway) to force fags not to ignore it (we could actually cause a chimpout against the fags for once)

happy to debate but you know anon is right
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fresh OC.jpg
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33 seconds in MSpaint
i also enjoy the separation of genders for this reason.

I always think, if youre a tranny and you look somewhat the part, you are going to be able to use your preferred bathroom without anyone stopping you. I imagine women dont want a man with a beer gut and a beard with a wig on going into their bathroom as much as i dont want a fat woman with a flannel on coming into mine.
we should do some tweet and social media edits
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normalizing gender dysphoria is the a step to normalizing other mental disorders such as pedo
> shudders
>chimpout against the fags
I cant wait for this to happen
but another anon >>124348488
also had a good point.
I wonder if it might be a little too much
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woof woof.jpg
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do you wonder why a Canadian made this post?

jesus christ what is he doing? holding that fruitcake flag with his stupid crooked smile.

What a sell-out piece of shit.

You know your race is dead when you need to garner support by showing butt-fucking, gender-dystophia support represented in a rainbow flag.

You pathetic Jewish sell out piece of shit Trump.
Id rather have an alcoholic strong man leader than some sober crook cronie zionist sell out who wants to creampie his own daughter.
i get the new acronym/hitler element is risky but i think the payload is worth it, we'll have black anger making it harder for sjws to ignore
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[crying in Canadian intensifies]
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iirc he knows its just a fetish. Just kinda uses it to milk the cow for as much money as he can.
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Stay strong brother.

This degeneracy will come to an end.
Bruh someone needs to offer her moral support and use this as proof that the left are fully batshit insane
Just to speed up the process
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desu he's not as crazy as a lot of people about it he fully accepts he's not a little girl and it's like a sex thing
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g...good thing i'm not a white male, huh guys?
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I think this has gone far enough that we need an official name and theme music

Operation Rainbow in the Dark
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The Alt right agrees. cultural appropriation is wrong.
how are there not uprisings in the streets eh?
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>uprisings in the streets
Canada is quie socially controlled; there's been isolated incidents before but since telling jokes is considered a hate crime and is punishable by jail time in Canada so it's not exactly a free speech country.
free speech allows freedom of thought.

This is what we fucking need. We need to maintain the illusion that NOT supporting this move is racist and bigoted.
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you mean you really cant say cunt in Canada?

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how's this for a precedent?
a comic, on stage in the middle of an act was fined $42 000 for calling a heckling lesbian couple, among other things; cunts
You got to keep em separated
Wait, what if you say it with an accent? Will people be able to catch onto it?
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Learn the Truth






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it all depends on who hears you saying what you're saying, regardless of what that is.
if someone hears you and is offended (which is now being pushed as an act of violence, just like a physical action) it is a hate crime and may be prosecuted as such
also, bill C-16 has classified trannies and the "gender spectrum" as protected under hate speech laws so you have to use their chosen pronouns or it's a hate crime.
also, business owner's are responsible for the speech of their employee's so every employee MUST obey everyone else's pronouns or the employee and the employer both get it.
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Suprisingly hard to find the rainbow, this is a rough version, will improve.
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Distinction and Diversity.webm
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Here's a slightly better version
Bump for the Rainbow Come Home
That's the darkest white supremacist I've ever seen.

Not bad, I like this one.
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Oj vey, outright beautiful.
That guy's gonna get the Canadian Death Penalty - choking on maple syrup fed by a transblack muslim fataccepted transsexual transaged lesbian midget necrophiliac furry.
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More stream lined version.
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tip top
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>That guy's gonna get the Canadian Death Penalty
he should count himself lucky that he doesn't face the PM in a deathbattle, which is the traditional death penalty in Canada not the modern one
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BASED black guy!

Fabulous, I like it.
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Little tweak
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this is still one of the best
nice this is good
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this is bretty guud
This is perfect. Thanks anon <3
We're going to use #SeparateisBeautiful
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no nignogs, this is supposed to be white nationalist, nobody will buy us taking guidance from malcolm x kek
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> implying IsraelGoldberg wasnt a tipoff at all
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If anyone wants to make one with this template
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What does his flag ACTUALLY say?
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Segregation rocks.jpg
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I love rainbows
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stop putting fucking swastikas and nazi imagery in this holy shit

don't treat this like a joke, it's absolutely fucking necessary that queers lose all semblance of pride in the imagery of the rainbow.

goddamn. Rainbows aren't some fucking homosex symbol. Absolutely nothing at all about a rainbow makes any sort of sense as a symbol for queers and degenerates. Keep it funny and pure without the nazi shit. Nazi's aren't the only ones who believed in racial segregation.
Because they are selfish individuals looking for agrandizment. That's why they identify with nebulous ideas like non cis non binary. So at any moment they can be outraged and have an effect on someone.
I'm starting to unironically love the symbolism. fuckin ace
You need to remove the shit. Memes are at their most potent when they're a subtle aaaaah. You need to stroke the normies mind into eating this shit up. Not bludgeon it into position.

Read the previous threads. There's different phases to this shit.
>4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules
>6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy
>11. f you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside

Oh shit, we are the radicals now. Alinsky must be rolling over in his grave.
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Flag of Ethnic Diversity.jpg
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we it now
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To those using Nazi imagery, STOP.
It's to blatant and obvious, we want this to catch on, not to fizzle out, normies are retarded but not that retarded.
Be subtle.
Do you know where you are hans?
What is a tan?
But Richard Spencer is ok?
Truly pol's best work of late
fuckin poof cunts
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Working the Craigslist
I wish i had as much faith in normies as you do.
They're still retarded, most don't know about him and will believe that he posted something along these lines.
just noticed the michael obama reference. fucking kek, good shit. throw in a #DefendDiversity and i think we're there
ETHNIC APPROPRIATION! This is fucking great since there's constant bitching about everything is cultural appropriation. Don't let whitey take your beautiful ethnicity, Kangz, keep it pure
You'll need a pepe with a rainbow hoodie now
It's normalfags, newfags.
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Anyone looking for another dose of leftist in-fighting I got another one lined up. I'm pretty sure this group has given me cancer but I can't stop watching.
There is a proven solution

Renounce selfishness
Renounce hedonism
Renounce the degenaration

Understand that there are many communities (nations)
Understand yourself as part of a community
Your health is the health of the community
Work on you to benefit the community
Do not become a burden for the community

Become part of the Thule Community

Freedom through community
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How about making pictures of politicians being quoted sayinh stuff that they could have said, with quotation marks and their name, that supports our cause.

"Every people has a right to their seperate culture" - Barrack Hussein Obama
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ya no
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can anyone think of a nationalist acronyum for LGBT?
Fucking kek are you cissplaining to me? These assholes aren't gonna be okay long term
>let's have a party over how they have to pee
>have to

wew. Didn't know it was such a big deal to females they need to squat not to piss all over themselves.
we should just disassociate that acronym from the symbol. lazer focus on the rainbow as anti-racemixing. rainbow is not lgbt. rainbow is defend diversity, separation is beautiful. that is the message. dont even let them keep the faggy acronym
ok, sounds good
Someone already used Let's Gas Blacks Too
these people are in for a rude awakening, and then they kill themselves. no loss.
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lel, already? top fucking kek
So have you guys spread this and collected some funny replies or are you just making these for each other?
>Are you fucking tone-policing me you cunt

They make their own memes
>honest to yahweh

>muh stds

Men who don't have to put up with women's bullshit have more sex, wow, what a surprise.

Female homos have the lowest std rates of all sexualities. They never average them in with the male homos when going on about the std rates. The same people (rightly) insisting that men and women are different in the context of hetero sex patterns often stalwartly ignore biological gender differences in the context of homo sex patterns.

Kind of bizarre when you think about it.
Sadly they are shit at memes. I assume that's part of why all their SJW campaigns flame out
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Sorry it took so long
>mfw being a gender-assigning cissplainer
Feels pretty good.
The actual etymological root of 'diversity' comes from the latin meaning to separate, it's where you get 'divide' and 'divorce' from.

action oriented thread started >>124367356
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>a civilzed conversation would be you admitting you are wrong

Ah this is starting to look really good.
hmm, not bad, but I agree with ID:GuuwK6mt

I love you bastards.



>implying SJWs know their own buzzwords

If I had a twatter account I'd spam every one of them with your post.
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Hi guys off topic but can anyone with photoshop help me change the date to tommorow it's urgent

I'm fucking using GIMP, its the photoshop equivalent of what it sounds like
dumber than the ones that do "experience" """""""""""""""""dysphoria""""""""""""""""?
That fucking kike in the comment section has to go full communit of course
>Yael Yaya Rothman
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This good enough, I dn't suppose you need the same font, if so then do you know the name of the font?
bump. go here >>124367356
list actual @whoever you want to coordinate memeing toward
I don't know it but it looks good enough time to spread thanks
Just a dump of some quick Lizzy the Lezzy editions.
helvetica ultra light is probably a good approximation
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Samedi is wrong. It's dimanche.
>helvetica ultra light
Looks good but Fucking GIMP dosen't have it.
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Shit sorry
Now the key is to unironically start using these new symbols on the Internet like we did with pepe, that'll ensure that it's co opted. SJWs have been oddly quiet about this new meme we've been cooking up. They're too scared to talk about it because if they do then they know we'll have won.
They just don't take this seriously. That's our chance to make the move.
"Red is our blood"
"Orange is our Beards"
"Yellow is our Hair"
"Green are our Clothes"
"Blue are our Eyes"
"Violent are our Actions"
this thing is fairly new, so its gonna take a sec to gain traction but its top notch so it will catch
What's a good Twitter handle for this operation? Was thinking Altwhite.
Old pol mad?

Fags r based now. T_D rulezz!
depends if you are trying to act as left, or if you are spreading it through right memes
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gay nazi umbrella.png
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google search rainbow flag and see what the top suggestion is kek
download it as a .ttf file and install it, it should show up in gimp
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Literally go here
Upvote and reply to the #DefendDiversity shit and then post your own #DefendDiversity pics. lets bump each other's stuff to get it big

don't be obviously trolling, dont say where you're coming from, just act like this is a common regular thing with """alt-right"""

and tag richard spencer and whoever the fuck else, even Milo idgaf
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Change the children to a pony from mlp and an anime girl and it would be totally about 4chan.
Fuck you we are nazis and fags r based.
Is that real? I'm still getting pic related
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z2AK-X7emE
only burgers are getting the hate symbol one right now, 3 of us got it but no euros so far

that can change...
google gay flag is racist

and check wiki
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bump + request for screenshots

surely someone has fresh b8
made this, can anyone make it a webm
Yes, we just have to google it a lot and it will skew it to the top!
why Trump is standing with an LGBT flag, what the fuck happened USA?
Because LGBT is an ultimate redpill.
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Should we start tweeting these to @savediversity

pic one they might misinterpret and retweet
that one is a little tooo subtle

Can someone with a basic Twitter handle do this. Mine would come off to racist.
There's no way you guys can do this if you somehow take back the rainbow flag from the fagots you'll be remembered as gods
This is perfect for their blm campaign. It has a good chance of spreading far and wide.
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Hmm @spencerkarter
we can. these arent even prime memeing hours, it's gonna gain momentum if we keep it alive

ideas always win on /pol/, and there is objectively no better idea than capture the rainbow flag
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f u.gif
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> Looks in the top left corner

Fuck off back too Reddit you The_Donald cuck
this is inherently not a pro-Trump idea, just to be honest with the The_Donald people. the ideal outcome of this movement is that antifags everywhere scream that trump is a nazi because he wielded he ethnocultural diversity flag
No, if the message appeals to everyone the effects will be long reaching.
Normalfags are completely different things you newfag
well i guess in theory anyone who opposes degenerate racemixing could advocate #DefendDiversity
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sieg heil!
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I remeber some guy on stormfront talking about this for years. I guess this is just another example of pol stealing memes from stormfront
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feels good man
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i've never been on stormfront and i've been saying the same thing nigger. don't allocate an idea to a group or man unless its documented.
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i have no clue if that's true and either way it doesnt matter. it's one thing to talk about it. O-KKK proved we can fucking do it

It is documented fagget go listen to some of their podcast the guys calls in every show and talks about how we need to embrace the rainbow because diversity. So this is a stolen meme, not that I really give a fuck I'm just saying pol steals all of its memes.
i wish they had done it then. the point isnt credit, it's pulling this thing off because it would be incredible

True I hope it gains traction because its a good idea
i think once it gets enough eyeballs people will realize how great it is. i'm going to start a fresh thread in about 93 minutes that hopefully conveys the potential a bit better
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why is stormfront so lazy then?

pol is always doing the work
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