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So Atheist back up Christian in Meme War against Islam now?

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>pic related
>Richard Dawkins Tweets
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many agree religion is mostly bad but they also admit that Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse.
Dawkins, harris and all the others agree not all religions are the same (..common sense yay)
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Hey Richard... a new Christianity is rising. You havent seen anything yet, atheist faggot. Deus Vult.
Atheists know they can get away with their degenerate hedonistic desires in a Christcuck world. In an Islamic world they would be forced to live a non degenerate life so they obviously side with Christcucks over based Islam.
>Deus vult
If you read his books he drops some hints that he knows the truth about race.

He hates Trump though

Noticed how Atheism as a "thing" disappeared in recent years. Richard Dawkins used to be huge as a public figure. Why did things change? Because Atheism was viewed as a progressive political-religious worldview. Then when all the major Atheists like Hitchens, Dawkins, etc. began speaking out against Islam for what it is, they got sidelined.

Atheists were always Anti-Islam, and although we are Anti-Christianity too, we have sufficient logical capability to realize which is a threat to the existence of civilization and which is a nuisance. Every Atheist I know is anti-Islam.

That's because Trump is a narcissist who sold his soul to The Jew. Anyone who still supports him now (not everyone who supported him in the past, we all had high hopes) is a low IQ shill.
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he's actually pretty based if you're not too right wing or a christtard
also supports eugenics
fuck off with this reddit shit
Koala cuddlers been cranking out nothing but trash tonight, the fucks going on guys? Massive influx of leafs or something?
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As an atheist yes

Most atheists understand that if they didnt live in Christian societies we would get tossed of buildings by psycho Muzzies and orthodox jews

Atheists and Christians share a home as well as a common interest to protect that home

Id sign up for a new crusade in a heartbeat, I want to defend our home too
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>He hates Trump though
Trump was always a meme

>h-he uses words i don't like! s-somebody do something!
B-b-b-b-b-but what a fucking fedora though amirite huehuehuheuheu JESUS COMES IN ME EVERY NIGHT WITH HIS MEXICAN DICK
s-s-s-s-s-stutter m-m-m-m-m-meme
actually kill yourself
Timbuktu was built by Muslims?
As an Atheist, I for one am glad I have a reason to agree with my religious family over this issue.

Islam is the most horrific religion this planet has ever produced. Its continued existence should be rage building in any rational society worth their salt. Its only goal is to see the entirety of the world bow to its barbaric disgusting ideology, and see every last opposing opinion drown in a lake of fire, to burn forever, bringing about the destruction of this world. I can safely say that I am against everything it stands for; I would be overjoyed at its dismantling and to see its ultimate downfall into oblivion. Hopefully forgotten by all of recorded history in the future, so that it may never show its horrendous “face” ever again.
OP, what are you retarded?
Islam is not a religion, it's a totalitarian political ideology with a set of rules that dictate the lives of its followers from the first day to the last.

If you want to pray to a stick with a bloody shriveled guy pinned to it, that's fine, do whatever the fuck you want.

When these people try to eliminate the unbelievers and marry 9 year old girls, that's another story.

I will even stomach the bronies if it means getting rid of this cancer.
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That's a fucking sheep rooter ya dumb cunt!
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>am i contrarian enough yet
>im-im not like the other anons senpai right?
you aren't wanted here. nobody likes you.
God is not real, until proven
Edgy, did you forget your fedora somewhere?
Dawkins calls himself a cultural Catholic

Most Christians are morons so they believe that anything that threatens their crappy revisionist religion is evil.

I have more respect for orthodox Christians who appeal to spiritual and faith arguments than the modern evangelical that will try and justify a belief as fact and traditionalism when it changes every few decades to conform and adapt to society. There is a reality that very few religious people accept which is that their belief today is vastly different from the belief when the religion first came about. Objective truth my ass.

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no u
Jews worship satan without proofs
Dawkins and the like have always been anti-Islam, they've just been idiotic in thinking that Christianity was a bigger threat because they lived in (essentially ex-)Christian societies, without realising and / or caring that faith was already on it's knees in our society or that we were importing people with a much stronger faith in a much more harmful religion.

They've seemed a lot quieter about it, but Hitchens and Dawkins have never been any kinder about Islam than Christianity, just stupidly less vocal.
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>Based originated from Reddit!
You have to go back
I worship no one but the state of Israel
But there's no such thing as reality goy
it originated from the lips of a based black dude, and then underage here started spouting it around 4 years ago.
now only /b/ and reddit transplants say it.
Fellow (((chosen))) you practice a good religion. But you shanda fur di goyim
I don't think most atheists do because most atheists are just as stupid as anyone else. It's not just the r/atheism types I'm talking about, I myself never saw a need for Christianity until about a year ago, although I also never saw the need to shit on it like certain other assholes.

You can hardly blame people when there's so much obfuscation of reality in mainstream discourse. I remember being a "not all Muslims" type without even knowing the sheer frequency of terror attacks
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that's what I mean
This makes me want to have a fucking tone of kids
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Slavs are likeble, what are you talking about?
even sam harris can recognise that there's a difference between islam and christianity
You haven't seen any need. You have merely seen symptoms of the rejection of the Truth
Attacking Trump is not really useful to our cause

Better to just focus on the anti-free speech crowd and the dangers of Islamic immigration
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The meme war against Islam is extremely Jewish.
You w9on't, because as an atheist you are reduced to being a hedonistic retard with no purpose or reason to do anything that doesn't seek physical well being. So children become just a nuissance.

And then, why not join islam? Why do you despise it if it leads to what you pretend to be the purpose?
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>implying he doesn't diddle kids but shit on islam to throw the feds off
Catholic here, self-described agnostics are worse than atheists. At least atheism is respectable insofar as it's actually taking a position and attempting to stick by it. Agnostics are just "I'll live as if I'm an atheist but if a magical fairy comes out of nowhere to give me superpowers I'd be cool with it." Self serving bullshit.
okay moor
Well it's not only that, it's also his audience. He can make his point better by forming an emotional connection with his audience, and naturally, the vast majority of his audience are Christians. His flaw was in being so acerbic in his rhetoric, because it caused many of his audience to take that and go all-in with the Christian bashing, which never should have happened
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atheism is a lack of belief, not a hatred for the christian god. Bashing conservative christians was "hip" for some time on the web, on 4chan too. Now it's all about mocking lefties and SJWs.

Christianity is different from Islam in the sense that it's been getting pretty severe criticism for centuries now, and although it was pretty aggressive in defending itself at first, it's shown genuine attempts to reform and better itself while not endangering it's own core principles.
I think the current pope is a spineless cuck without any real respect for what the faith entails.

The fact that we can even criticise Christianity, and even engage in debate with it's leaders already puts it miles above Islam.
I'm not a fan per se, but it's pretty objective that Islam is significantly worse in every fucking way.

also, christianity has some really neat mythology.
It doesn't look like you know much about either, if they only think you can compare are those things instead of what defines them.

Atheism is the belief that rejects God. An absurd, arbitrary belief that leads to a million contradictions and a hipocrisy, but still a belief like any other.
>as an atheist you are reduced to being a hedonistic retard with no purpose or reason to do anything that doesn't seek physical well being.
Umm...what? Wtf are you talking about.
>So children become just a nuissance.
Wrong again
>Umm...what? Wtf are you talking about.
I'm talking about atheism and what it entails. Everything I have said is perfectly explained. If you aren't able to give an answer just admit what I say is right.

>Wrong again
The peak of atheist debating skills
Not their argument
The existence of agnosticism as a position to take is not so much to be self-serving as it is to say that there's no point in following the logic of either atheism or deism because neither lead to anything conclusive. It is simply more constructive to find a way to live best in the here and now rather than chasing unsolvable mysteries of the universe and debating that which we will never have full knowledge of

>live as if I'm an atheist
I don't even know what this means
When it comes down to it. As an Atheist backing Christianity over most other religions is just common sense.
Anyone got the goi version of this
TIL atheists have no ethics or morals
built, enslaved, conquered all the same to them really.
there are 2 types of atheist mate

the cucks we all know about who are commie scum who bash the church and protect islam

then there is ones like me,ones who dont beleive in god but know that its attaached to our culture so we give it a pass but bash only islam
>t is simply more constructive to find a way to live best in the here and now rather than chasing unsolvable mysteries of the universe and debating that which we will never have full knowledge of

The complete ignorance of agnostics and atheists never ceases to amaze me. Don't try to justify some lazy retard pretending he can't know anything about God because he says so.


Millenia ago people were much more intelligent
I'm both an agnostic and an atheist. I might call myself an agnostic in public though, because most people have no idea what "atheist" really means.
Atheists have always preferred Christians over Muslims or Jews, it's obvious who the least bad one is. The problem is you cucks can't handle the criticism and always think we're 'attacking your beliefs' by questioning or even laughing at them.

*tips fedora*

Nice strawman, retard.
is it's AMONG classmates how is it then pedo
can kids be pedo too?
lows the media goes
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>No purpose

The guy in the video falsely claims that a human being can only have one purpose.

This is false

Humans have there biological purpose
in addition to a personal purpose (What someone chooses for themselves to do with there gift of life)

Human being's have a high enough mental capacity to question there place in the universe, which is something beyond pure biological instincts. This means the video premise was flawed from the start.
>Atheism is the belief that rejects God
did your priest tell you that?
>can kids be pedo too?
Kids are pedos. That's why they call the people who love to love them pedo-philes.
>Atheists are Christians greatest ally
Why does that sound familiar?
no shit, you guys are just silly and slightly annoying. Islam is fucking evil.
Western atheists are shit tho when compared to eastern atheists.
BiH atheist pages spend their time bashing Islam, communism, and posting Milo stuff. Might be because a heap of em are, more or less, former musies.
atheists are fucking evil as well
Yeah pedo means infant or child in latin or some shit

Phile obviously means lover or love, you know this
>Humans have there biological purpose
There is no biological purpose. That is something you made up in order to try to jsutify your contradictory view. Biology doesn't deal with purposes.

What you call personal purpose are the different ways to achieve perfection and true happiness, so the purposes are all the same. There is a common, universal goal, but atheists have no reason to think there is any goal, since there would be no perfection or happiness in their world that has been reduced to absurd materialism

What you say is then flawed, since it is some stupidity you thought someday with no knowledge about what you are talking about.

The video is an example of atheist hipocrisy, in case you didn't notice.

It's just reality. It's not a strawman. If something is a triangle, it has 3 sides, it's evident because being a triangle means it has 3 sides. Only a fool who doesn't know what a triangle is denies it having 3 sides. The same way, you are a fool who doesn't know what atheism is.
go back to bed achmed
You are retarded if you think I am defending Islam. I can properly attack islam, among other things, because I know it
sure thing
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kys ma man
get it through your thick monkey skull to your sub-90 IQ brain that nobody wants you redditors here
That cat has such a fat fucking face
I wanna pet that fat mother fucking cat
>among class mates

Face it, the conservative hysterics against pedophilia are from the same source as the conservative hysterics defending israel.

Just the same kike shit from a different side.

There is no issue of there's no age gap.
as a spaniard you are reduced to being a hedonistic retard with no purpose or reason to do anything that doesn't seek physical well being.
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I call it being humble
You can only "debate" with children over the existence of Santa Claus for so long before it gets boring.

>The complete ignorance of agnostics

Ah yes, saying you're not sure what the answer to the biggest mystery in the world is "ignorance".

You are retarded.

Theists and atheists are by very definition ignorant because they claim to know the truth of an unanswerable question.

salon is Islamic propaganda or something similar, they have hit pieces all the time. only a retarded would even look at that shit. ten times worse than any fake news
>You w9on't, because as an atheist you are reduced to being a hedonistic retard with no purpose or reason to do anything that doesn't seek physical well being.

That's just what you've been told to believe so you don't have to think too hard. You don't have to consider the side of view of the Atheist because you've already come to the conclusion that they are wrong by default.

According to your logic, religious people have no reason to do anything except the bare minimum required to get into heaven because that's their apparent purpose in life. This is why the more 'serious businezz' religions like Islam and Scientology are so full of hate and contempt, because there's a little nagging feeling at the back of their mind that what they are doing is completely fucking stupid and a waste of time.

I mean imagine being a Muslim, living with all these rules, having to pray 30 times a day or something fucking stupid, having to pray in a certain direction or God will shit in your mouth or something vulgar.(seriously why does Islam have to set the edge to 11. Christian threats are like, "You will burn in hell", Muslim threats are, "You will have your cock split open as demons fuck your ass and jizz in your eye" or something to that affect).

Then you see someone who has no religion or whose religion basically boils down to, "Don't be a dick and ya'll good" and ofcourse you are filled with rage. It isn't enough you will get rewarded and they will get raped by demons or whatever, the fact you have all these arbitrary rules to follow while they also have to but aren't for some reason makes you want to blow them up.
It does take a certain amount of maturity to admit that you don't know the answer and probably never will yes.
I wouldn't expect a catholic to understand.
reddit is le based, you should give it a chance anon

I'm with the Christians. They're our delusional assholes.

>Dawkins started shitting on Muslims
>Christians started kissing the feet of nigger muslims and slurping between their toes and sending youth groups to plead for councils to let in more migrants to set up child trafficking for the child raping leaders
Deus Vult though
...but the two things are nonsensically related. You can be a agnostic theist or a "gnostic" atheist (but gnostic really has another meaning).

Agnosticism is a view about KNOWLEDGE of god.
Atheism is a view about BELIEF in god.
>Hey Richard... a new Christianity is rising.

Protestant or catholic?

>inb4 not all fedoras

Doesn't erase the fact that atheists have like 1.2 children on average in Europe while Christians have 1.8
I'm a devout Christian who proudly proclaims Jesus Christ as my lord and savior.

With that said, I greatly respect Dawkins for his attack on Islam. He truly understands the threat posed to the world by that religion. I don't care if he takes the piss out of my faith all day long. As a Christian I forgive him. Just so long as he continues to attack Islam. Something we should all be doing every single day. There is no greater threat to freedom, knowledge and humanity than the plague of Islam. It must be stopped at all costs otherwise it will consumer the earth. And when it does scientific progress will grind to a halt and the world will descend into a never ending dark ages.
We're the AltChrist.
Is it just me or am I seeing a lot more people defending Christianity these days?
Dick Dorkins is gonna go 1488 over some honey
Yeah dawkins is a good man.
All christcucks love their niggers as long as they believe in their jewish faggot on a stick. Most christians also would have a panic attack if you showed them this. Ive had one who said he doesn't believe in evolution. Christians are disgusting


(2008) Li JZ et. al., show the distinct population groups of the Earth by genetically testing individuals from each population group and mapping them by their single nucleotide polymorphisms.

Only three groups - South Asians, Central (West) Asians, and East Asians have overlaps while Middle Easterners, Central Asians, and Indian South Asians have genetic contributions from European population groups. There is no genetic continuum between Africans and any other population group alive. The 40.000 years of evolution put between the rest of Mankind and Africans can be shown as the source of this.

>The 40.000 years of evolution put between the rest of Mankind and Africans can be shown as the source of this.

This finding is supported by (Lao et. al., 2006; Costas et. al., 2005; Xing et. al., 2010 (1); Xing et. al., 2010 (2); Jakobsson et. al., 2008; Huang et. al., 2011; Paşaniuc et. al., 2010; Huang et. al., 2009; Hao et. al., 2009; Nothnagel et. al., 2009; Chanda et. al., 2012)

(((Christ))) cucks not even once
woah why do you have to spoiler the new bloodborne dlc
I want someone to make a soulsborne game where you collect memes and they give you power
It's the one thing all of the West has in common. The Crusades were the first time Europeans teamed up instead of fighting each other. Think of it that way, it unites the white man.
>The Crusades were the first time Europeans teamed up instead of fighting each other.

This needs to happen again, right now.

But it can't be just a battle of weapons. We also need to attack the idea of Islam itself.

Use the Christians and get them to wage a war of conversion on every muslim they can find.

Use pop culture to westernize the children of muslism. Make them vulnerable to conversion, decadence and other things that undermine the cause and spread of Islam.

Use the environmentalist and anti petroleum movements to end the world's dependence on oil. Without it the entire middle east will collapse into it's own dark ages, from which they will never recover.

This is a war we can win, but everyone has to work together. Atheists, Christians, everyone. No more division among the white race.
in what way? I try to follow the basic tenants of charity and kindness, I don't commit acts of violence and I don't disparage people for not agreeing with me. most of my friends are Christians and I don't find anything wrong with that. It just has no use for me. I don't need an afterlife to stand in the way of a bullet for the people that give my life meaning.
>based Islam
so they never got around to stopping those boats, huh?

I wonder what Christgucks think about sharing eternity with black Christians. Blacks is America are more christian than any other race and religiousness is also tied to low intelligence worldwide.

Racist christcucks: The is enough of a genetic difference between races that they are not equal and should be segregated. Also, christian blacks > atheist whites.

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>i never can remember, how old was Aisha when her marriage was consummated?
Sure if 2 seasons is a year

>Ibn Kathir, in his book Al-bidayya wal-nihaya
>"“Asma died in 73 A.H. (After Hijra or Emigration to Medina) at the age of one hundred years. She was ten years older than her sister Aisha.” This would make Asma 28 years of age in 1 A.H. and Aisha 18 years old. Then in year 2 A.H. year of the consummation of her marriage to The Holy Prophet Aisha should have 19 years old""
These facts contradict my previous beliefs so I will ignore their existence.
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This. I used to be racist but the Lord showed me that I can not call anyone profane or unclean. People are quick to blame the jews for killing Jesus, but the point is humanity killed Jesus
>Without it the entire middle east will collapse into it's own dark ages
Which, in the current political climate, means we'll just have another bunch of african tier shitholes who Trudeau and his likes expect os to shower in gibs.
A strong majority of western civilisations political leaders and! the bureaucracy that is their natural habitat, must be red pilled before anything else will do any good.
Just look at Trump and his attempts at sensibly dealing with the cancer that is Islam. As longe as the system is 'woke' it will use cowardly subterfuge and undermine any redpilled decision made by the leader.
>but the point is humanity killed Jesus
top fucking kek, god killed his son. anyone to follow him has to be retarded
hmm a magic fairytale book contradicts itself ,who wouldve guessed

Muhhamad just flew with his winged horse back in time
God came to earth as perfection within sinful flesh. He was truly holy, better than any person could ever be. And he let us kill him so that his blood may cost our hands and be there to wash away our sins eternally.
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could god not just forgive us? if not then surely he is not omnipotnent?
>the Elder God of the Fedora ODing on red pills

What a wonderful day
That's not how things work.
The law of the universe is sacrifice
kek why does he have to abide by the laws of the universe. could he not just forgive us?
That's just not how it works.
You don't want to understand it you don't like the idea of God and want to disprove it
If your heart is not open you can not accept/understand it
This is pointless
shut up americuck

calling mudslimes a bunch of crypto-jew desert dogfuckers in no way stops you from ALSO calling shitstains (christians) a bunch of crypto-jew desert dogfuckers as well
Honestly it simply doesn't make sense
It's an /sp/ meme you dip. And it's from /sp/'s golden age.
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Dawkins have always shit on Islam. Do you retarded christcucks get the entirety of your information from stereotypes or something?
Best be trolling wtf
i DO i want to understand, why do you think i'm asking questions? he was not forced to kill someone, god chose to. proving that he is pretty fucking dumb OR that he is not all good
Your making assumptions that God must be omnipotent. Our expectations of the Lord are constructed by our human limits. Your dumb meme is making huge logical jumps that is honestly just edgy fedora tipping and not true philosophy. We can never comprehend the nature of the lord. Also he could just forgive us if he wanted to, but the reason he doesn't would take to long to explain. Real fast he wanted us to take his original plan, but we rebeled. He wants to offer redemption to those who are worthy. The devil is an aspect of creation, to kill the devil would undo creation, this will happen at the end times. Humans are noetic and material beings. The image of the Lord is within us but we can never fully achieve his likeness until after death. The relationship between the trinity is love, the relationship between us and god is love. For love to exist there must be free will hence the problem of evil
>could god not just forgive us?
He 'just' can do that however you have to 'go and sin no more'. But that involves voluntary contrition on the sinners side. Would it be truly forgiveness otherwise?

God wants us to love (agape) him, but love only exists without compulsion so free-will is necessary in order for that and all the good talents that are given us.

Also, evil is a privation, it 'is' non-being. It does not exist, like a tear in a fabric it is the disruption of something that is otherwise whole. So we are given freedom to choose between being and non-being, good and evil. Thoroughly discussed by the early church fathers (st. Augustine for starters). So that picture is nothing more than virtue-signalling for willfully uninformed people.
Dawkins has always shit on Islam. You are blinded by a persecution complex into believing you are subject to more bullying as Christians than any other religion.
That's helpful, insult the security agent who's trying to put food on their family's table and will probably never enjoy the luxuries Dickie enjoys.
I'm an atheist, and if I got a knock on my door informing me the inquisition is restarting, I'd take up arms for Christianity in a heartbeat. Theism is never going away. And aside from maybe Buddhism, Christianity is the best religion to co-exist with.
If anyone is curious and wants a philisophical reasoning for god, read Aquinas suma theologica and Aquinas
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True atheists are not afraid of stomping any religion. I see those supposed "atheists" all the time who bend ass backwards to defend islam. At least Dawkins is keeping it straight. Bashing christianity is just so 90s, nobody gets shocked of that anymore. Criticizing islam and judaism is where it's at.
God is everything. From before the universe was created he knew every single thing that ever was going to happen, he is fate itself. Everything that happens down to the most minuscule detail is part of his plan. It is impossible for a human to try and understand his plan. Applying moralism to him is just ignorant of the whole thing.
If you're not religious and keep trying to humanize God then you will not understand. He's not a man sitting on a cloud. He was, he is, and he will be.
Hope the pope sucks more muzzie toes to remind you mudskin jew worshippers about your place.
Yeah this. 3 year old tweets from pseudo celebs. stay cutting edge /pol/
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fucking kek
god I omnipotent, check Revelation 19:6).

God could truly forgive us (without punishment) if he was omnipotent. Not all forgiveness needs a punishment.
yeah and as an inquisitor i will attack all the muslims (islam is heretical), or the jews (judiasim is heretical) and all the christians (christianity is heretical)
His reaction to the Brexit was one of the most immature things I have ever seen, this is supposed to be a Professor?
Your religion is still absurd. All decent arguments in favor of faith at best support deism, which is perfectly respectable.
You still have all your work ahead of you to show that your contradictory, plagiarizing Jewligion is anything but ridiculous garbage.

>God must be omnipotent

If he has to be anything, he has to be omniscient.

Also, the Epicurean Paradox is about intervention/non-intervention. The Paradox can be applied to basically any scale (assuming sentience).

If we were to imagine God as a tangible entity, then He would literally be an accomplice to all evil deeds committed by those put on trial. As outlandish as this seems, we (the US) had a fucking trial over this very problem. And it's been the subject of literal centuries of philosophical debate.

Anyway, God is clearly not All-Powerful, the book does a pretty good job of establishing this. God just bluffs and says he is.
Problem is he is a typical illogical atheist that replaces one religion with another. Of course, I'm talking about the religion of christianity with the religion of statism. In other words, he's a big govt lib.
I despise this worthless bluepilled faggot. I hope his next stroke kills him.

Yes god is omnipotent but that word isn't a good translation. God is above creation and has full power over it. But just as when Jesus said the devil can't drive himself out and a house divided again't itself cannot stand, god can not do things that are contrary to his nature. Read Aquinas if you want philisophical answers to your shallow questions.

>he is a big govt lib
>tweet in the very same post is him complaining about the government

Serbia pls.
Literally read the orthodox way by bishop ware. Im to lazy to type it all out but I just finished the book it was like 150 pages and it explains all of this. It's really not as big of a problem as you think
Want to put something intellegent forward to support your argument

>and has full power over it.

Except when he doesn't.
I want to do that, but it's a huge undertaking. Especially considering that understanding of Aristotle is necessary.

>God could truly forgive us (without punishment) if he was omnipotent. Not all forgiveness needs a punishment.
He could, he did with the penitent thief on the cross:
>The other [penitent thief], however, rebuking him, said in reply, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? 41 And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal." 42 Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." 43 He replied to him, "Amen I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise."
That's it. No punishment by God, but a contrite heart and a confession.
Dawkins is God-tier
When doesn't he? To destroy Satan a seraph, the highest order of created being would destroy creation itself and never allow anyone a chance at redemption. That's why it happens at the end of time.
Dawkins literally wrote the book on memes.
Why did he kill an innocent man and emotionally affect others? If he was truly all good, then he would pick the option that would not harm others. (simply forgiving us without punishment)..
I've only read the first volume and it's mind blowing how profound it is. His knowledge of classical philosophy forms such rational and irefutable arguements. Aquinas may have been the most influential person of the middle ages in my opinion. No man has shaped western thought more
>shifting the burden of proof
Not really, this debate is so fucking tired anyway. All I really care about is secularism at the end of the day.
Whatever works for you works for you.
meant to respond to

Oh, that response. That response is so telling it makes my loins ache. No matter how I responded, you'd throw some sort of argument based on semantics back at me - as opposed to trying to dig down to the root of the topic we're discussing. You'd rather spend time trying to flesh out and then cement definitions that better suit your arguments, this is the exact same tact that Peterson uses. It's predictable and boring, and it makes people not want to engage with you. Not because you're breadth of knowledge, or debating skills are superior but because it's so exhausting trying to deal with you people that it simply isn't worth the effort.

Answer me truly: Is there anything that I could say that could change your opinion of God? Is there any shadow that looms over certain aspects of Him that gives you pause and makes you reflect upon your indecision? Anything?
Why do you think you know good and evil better than God?
Dawkins is against any religion but he still admits that christianity is less shitty than islam.
Yes honestly there are huge questions I have about my faith. But i ask you the same question.
But epicures (sp?) Problem has been explained over and over again by Aquinas and Augustine. Literally read the short book the orthodox way by ware and you'll have the answer to your question. I unfortunately know very little about my faith and will admit that. But I have also had first hand experiences that can't be communicated through logic or reasoning, so I can't use them to convict you but cements my faith. With the changing definitions it's very valid in this case, unless you use koine Greek then your trying to work with translations that don't really fit with modern English and especially Latin
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>So Atheist back up Christian in Meme War against Islam now?

If they have any sense. I'm an Atheist and I'll gladly join the call for a renewed Crusade against Muslim barbarity
I find this image hilarious, anon because that is how you dispose qurans without desecrating it. Pages or books with quran text in them are burned instead of just thrown away. You might wanna change your image to a more offensive one because that is barely offensive.
Definitely gonna read him now, thanks!

>Why did he kill an innocent man and emotionally affect others
Who did?

>If he was truly all good, then he would pick the option that would not harm others. (simply forgiving us without punishment)..
Harm others ?? I assume you mean God with 'he'.

Punishment with justice does not seek to harm others. (See Plato, Gorgias, recommended reading). God being the absolute good does things with justice. If he punishes a man it is to restore him to justice. Is being brought back to justice harming someone? Perhaps to a fugitive criminal ... or the person being punished may think of it as harmful because you may experience it as a pain. But the goal is to restore a man's soul to justice, even if that takes punishment and that punishment is painful, not every pain is evil or without justice. Not every pleasure or pleasant feeling is good either ..
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>Ibn Kathir, in his desperate attempt to rewrite accepted Islamic scholarship to deal with the fact that people are now waking up to some of the terrible shit contained in The Quran

kek i never said that, but some things are blatantly obvious
god allowed the death
Why us atheists side with christians or budhists it's easy. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.

And someone that submits to a god that says my head should be chopped of is clearly an enemy.
untill that enemy is disposed, guess who christians will dispose of next?
>god allowed the death
Only of the body. Remember we had eternal life in the garden but we were given the free will to choose death. You would have complained if God hadn't allowed death!
Aisha's age of marriage isn't written in the quran you illiterate, next time look up what you're talking about so you don't sound like an absolute chucklefuck
it's not true free will if you get rid of a evil. thats like saying you know how to ride a bike with only training wheels
Fine, the Hadith, you fucking mongoloid. It doesn;t change the fact that it's modern obfuscation designed to trick people into thinking The Religion of Peace isn't actually just an excuse for barbaric savages to live out their murderous, pedophilic tendencies with a justification from God.

See, I am not going to do that.

And I will explain why. The arguments that pretty much every non-contemporaneous Biblical Scholar puts forth is in some way structured around the entirety of the Bible being authentic. Note: I am not arguing that the events did or did not happen, rather, I am arguing that they were not aware of the fact that considerable portions of the OT and NT are forgeries. This would eventually culminate in Martin Luther getting pissed as fuck at the Catholic Church for just writing fan-fiction and making shit up. However, since pretty much the founding of Christianity, the insertion of unauthentic documents has occurred in one way or another. Then we've got purely contradictory teachings by people in the same sect (Paul vs Mark [Mark being Pauline]).

If you are trying to serve up a stew from rotten ingredients, I am going to turn my nose away from it every time.
I laughed too hard at this.
>based Islam
>Calling shitsking culture based.

Nah diaspora. Just sit your ass down.

Islam kills/imprisons atheists

What do you think?

It's only the libtards egalitarian atheists that do #notallmuslims
>believing in souls
top fucking kek are you even trying anymore
Atheists were speaking out against Islam long before any of Christcucks opened their mouths and we still do. Its not news to anyone who paid attention. And its the other way around. Christcucs finally joining atheists on anti-mudslime side.

>implying we have Free Will

The jury is still out on that one.

Delayed choice quantum eraser, Anon.
>backing up
We deal with cancer first, then the common cold

Shut up Hong Kong, go back to Ancestor Worship where you belong.
Nobody. Christians are the biggest pussies in the world. And no amount of muh crusades memes will change that castrated cult.
It's your effort that is lacking, but I don't blame you since materialism is only what is taught nowadays. Yet with all the worlds wisdom at your fingertips you are still stuck.
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The sirah was long long written before the hadiths, dipshit, means it's a stronger source, needless to say that the hadiths were collected over hundreds of years from different peoples and places all over the peninsula, That makes them as relevant as random early palestinian folk tales about jesus.

also, there was a fuckton of hadiths that got expunged because the were literally unsourceable, should prove what i'm saying

ok, some people use annoying words, give it a fucking rest, jesus fucking christ. How do you muster caring about this shit, what kind of a fucking mutant are you.
my effort is lacking? your fuckass literally believes in spirits, despite 0 evidence to support that claim
How to spot a p*ki abroad.

Dualism is retarded, Netherlands.

No one but Gnostic retards believe it anymore. The debate has been settled ever since a retarded railway worker took a fucking spike to the brain.
>says the fat basement dweller for the 50th time
Lol and christfags call pagans larpers.
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Yes your effort is lacking. There is the argument for the immortality of the soul by Plato, for example. You did not read it.

>0 evidence
let me guess. I have to disprove materialism but I'm not allowed to use anything outside of the material domain.
>Haha looks like I win again.
>fuck me I'm smart
t. james randi
Please accept poverty in this life for it is only temporary, now give a significant portion of what you do have to the church and be a good serf. Greed/materialism is a sin and if you dare speak up about the preachers dick up your butt you will surely burn choirboy.

Actually believing this in the current year. MFW
maybe you have to use materialism because it fucking makes sense
eh, they'll not. They had plenty of time and could have done it by now. Besides, they are commanded to love us and if we smack them to turn the other side. We all good lol
Maybe I am wrong but is it true that some of his fans turned against him for shitting on Islam? Everything was OK until he questioned the religion of peace.
12 btw haHAA
Fuck off child
You misunderstand the term. The common usage is to designate a desire for wealth. The technical usage, which I was hinting at, is that materialism is the view that 'everything that exists' is matter or reducible to the matter, and that there is nothing outside of this material sphere.

Also render unto Caesar
Now, we just have to start doing the same with Christianity. You child molester protecting monsters should be sent to the middle-east to live with your religious brothers.
i think he regrets attacking Christianity honestly the pedestal thats been given to islam due to attacking christainity so much in the last 15 years could change Europeans demographics for ever
Fun fact bro, the Quran itself was only finalized in the 9th century and there was a god damn business of making Hadiths. People would pay men to cite all the fucking important names to make a Hadith look superlegit and then say whatever they wanted.
Its all fucking lies and the fact that sex with a 9year old got in the book in the first place shows what kind if degenerets Muslims truly are.
I have said this for a long time. Any non-religious that don't think islam is the biggest religious threat right now are either ignorant or deliberately lying.
and so does the teachings of how to do your prayers (salat), which foods are halal/haram, and how to do zakat.

Typical quranist taqiyya again
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hey think about this
>The time when puberty begins varies greatly among individuals; however, puberty usually occurs in girls between the ages of 10 and 14 and between the ages of 12 and 16 in boys.
>so what about the "age of marriage" coinciding with puberty
If aisha married muhammad at 19, then how old is aisha when muhammad died, and how old is aisha when she died ?

Do you not know that this calculation method have many flaws with the conflicting fact from other timeline written in many authentic islamic historical book about aisha's age?
Typical sandnigger that don't understand how puberty works.

Hint: puberty is not a state, but rather a process into adulthood.
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How about owning slaves and fucking them how you want?

How about beating the hell out of your wife because she is said Not to fuck her the way YOU a man wants?

How about no free will in islam, and no freedom, Islam = to serve GOD, means no freedom. Trying to say anything else and your gonna insult Islam and get your headchopped off.

Fact of the matter is you shouldn't be talking.

You would be eating sand, fucking cammels and drinking goat cum, if it wasn't for western countries giving you money for your shitty oil and geopolitical location.
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How about genital mutilation on women?

You guys took over the cradle of civilization, took like few milion slaves from europe.
Had all the wealth and trade of the ancient world

Enforced Mediterranian trade which killed European Christian countries plunging in age of darkness called the "dark ages"

And with everything that you had, stole, you still a worthless piece of shit.

shut up fag
right if a girl starts her process of puberty at age 9 and her fertility level is ok for pregnancy. So naturally she is able to give birth.
>for example: rape victim Mainumby from Paraguay became a mother at age 10
source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-paraguay-reproductive-rights-idUSKBN0OQ2AL20150610
Why is it so many atheists attack Christianity but then defend the shit out of Islam? Heck, they even bring the "evilness" of Christianity into an anti-Islam conversation.
Which part of "puberty is a process into adulthood" do you not understand, damn paki ?

Fucking someone who is still in puberty is NOT the same with an adult. Give me a source that state so then if you are confident your prophet is not fucking a child.

>at age 9
read your first post then. i don't see any 9, dipshit.
Dawkins is reductionist, which is just step away from being social-darwinist so no wonder he's total shitlord.
I dont believe in god and i'm not against religion. I just think islam needs to be removed from the west, its the biggest threat western civilization has ever faced.

This only happening because american teens took it too far and the fedora meme was born. Once they take the 'new' Christianity movement too far and make that cringeworthy, itll shift back the other way
As far as i know slaves have rights in Islam and some of the practices people of one region do, like genital mutilation or abusing slaves, does not make it legitimate or genuine in terms of islam.
>it is always best to check out the holy books of any religion if you want to understand any specific religion.
>what today's followers do should be held responsible for their own crimes.
>Islam is not against humanity and civilization since it promotes literacy, self-defence etc,
What's wrong with social darwinism?
criticising something you've grown up with is considered "mature"
hey there are cases of mothers at age 9 like F. ("Zeina") G from senega.
again according to webmd
>puberty usually begins in girls between ages 8-13
source: http://teens.webmd.com/puberty-directory

It's just that /pol/ seems to hate Dawkins because he's atheist mememan, despite the fact that he's not exactly far away from being /pol/ack.
>new Christianity
topkek, will this one have to balls to open even more borders to the poor "unevangelized"?
>implying that giving slave rights is the same as abolishing slavery

>implying that giving slave some basic rights is a revolutionary thing that islam did, not like other religions such as the torah had done it before.
>What's wrong with social darwinism?
It would be a shitty way to live as a society.
Everybody realises that Aisha or whatever her name was was either already having periods at 9 or they've waited until she did. This is beyond the point, this is the philosophy of that time - if it bleeds it can breed.

The point is that as you should know very well, quaran doesn't specify this therefore allowing for any interpretation you want, which given the loose doctrines of islam leads to rich muslim pedos marrying tiny girls and not having ANY reason to feel guilty about it.
He also voted to remain.
Reminder that the only reason you people hate Islam is because of "muh western values" where said values are sodomy, casual sex, drugs, etc.

This is not to say that Islam is good, but if fags getting thrown off buildings is your main grievance you need to rethink it.
Fuckin sandnigger, are you too dumb to understand the phrase of "puberty is a process into adulthood"

child - puberty - adult

That's the fuckin step. Fucking a teen in puberty IS fucking a child.

You have to wait until the puberty process has ended, and that's when the individual can be considered as an adult.

damn this pedo apologist is retarded.
jesus you're a faggot, it's been around here for ages.
of course it was from some nigger, that's why it was funny.
Just because someone "appropriates" our culture doesn't mean we have to give it up, lardass
absolutely euphoric
why have to wait until puberty has ended?
>fucking a teen in puberty IS fucking a child
this doesn't make any sense. Yes, she's still a "child" to a degree, but not an actual "child"
Not trying hard enough. Have more if you want to look better
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along with giving rights,freeing slaves is also promoted in the Quran as a charity.
> i look at slaves the same as prisoners of war who should be treated fairly and when we are no longer able to take care of their rights, we free them instead of abusing them like in prisons.
Richard Dawkins should know that Islam is more dangerous than Christianity everyway, yet he prefers to critic bible verses from the old testament than Islam, and shutting his mouth about the jews.

he's a coward as is Bill Maher.
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>there are atheists here that are failing their evolutional goal of procreating
>why do so many of the people who associate with you do something dumb
not an argument, you don't allow us to use that one against your religion either.
Can you explain?
cause science ?
an example : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/6863978/Having-sex-at-an-early-age-can-double-risk-of-cervical-cancer.html
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hey I realise that it is a process, hell i went through puberty too, so i alaso have experience.
>however i still stand with my point. Even if the body have not changed much in height, hip size etc but the womb is ready at age 9 for birth.
there is only to difference, a child and not a child. there is no fence sitter here.

Now tell me, which category a 9 y.o. is ?
Is it the same as abolishing slavery? Please pisslam, those things that you mentioned is not new, judaism has done it centuries before you.
>age 9
>reddit meme
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Because in such a society, anyone can do anything and nobody has any grounds to criticize it.

There is no such thing as atheist morality. The two exist completely independent from one another.

Atheists have no grounds to criticize serial killers, or child rapists, or dog fuckers, or anything else.
Well they should, they will be the first to get beheaded by Abdul
technically a child
An adult would call a 14 year old a child, too, but there is a fuckload of difference between a 9 year old and a 14 year old.

Enough said. Pedo apologist can't grasp the logic of it.

The womb is ready ? Google 'risk of early pregnancy' is quite easy right ? Or are you too dumb to do that ?
That's false.
Some atheists may be complete hedonistic faggots, but they do it for the benefits.

Morality is not some abstract thing that you need a religion to dictate. It is a concrete thing outside of religion, which is why so many religions have very similar moral codes.
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>It is a concrete thing outside of religion

By what means?

>which is why so many religions have very similar moral codes.

That may seem true on the surface but it's not true. If you're talking about Islam, they've taken Christian morality and then corrupted it. The same for modern Judaism.

What other religions have similar moral codes? Christianity doesn't value ritual sacrifice. Pagans do.
I honestly don't see anything wrong with eugenics. As long as it's artificially selected.
Morality is sustained within laws. While it's true that hedonists would ruin society, those people would still be punished. Also, I'm not anti-religion, I just think that something needs to be done for the greater good of society.

It's completely redundant but, Dawkins the Biologist > Dawkins the philosopher.

'Nuff Said.
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Christianity like judaism has also done a lot for human civilization through people like Thomas Aquinas.
>as far as i know Islam deals with slavery by demanding from the masters the rights of the slaves otherwise they face eternal torment that in of itself promotes freeing the slaves which is also what quran says i.e. to free the slaves for charity.
i don't think pedophiles go for official marriages with the consent of bride and both of their parents, instead they are usually sexual abuser and also abuse boys. so im not a pedo apologist
>I'd sign up for a Crusade so Christians will save my precious ass then go right back to smugly bashing them as soon as the threat to my life has passed.
Yeah, you can just fuck right off, you're no better than a mudslime, heathen.
>Morality is sustained within laws.

So sodomy is alright? Drugging "transgender" children is alright? In canada, fucking your dog is alright?

>for the greater good of society

But therein lies your problem. There is nothing to define what's good in an atheist framework.
What is morality?
It's a code for why you should behave.
But why do you need to behave a certain way?
Because in this universe, if you behave incorrectly, will have fatal consequences.
Why should I care if they're fatal?
Well the ones who didn't care are no longer here, with no legacy.

Life is something akin to a force like gravity.
Gravity pulls.
What kind of question is that? It's how it works in this universe.
Life grows.
Anything that reduces this gets naturally weeded out.

>By what means?
By what means is your particular moral code valid? Every single religion claims theirs is the right one. There has been no arbiter that has come down and pointed to one saying: "That's it"

>they've taken Christian morality and then corrupted it.
Not enough to make it fall apart. All the general rules exist, and there are a few extra brutal ones to keep people in.
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>4 years ago

nigger you HAVE to go back based has been around 4chan since 2009
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wow, islamophobic much?
>So sodomy is alright? Drugging "transgender" children is alright? In canada, fucking your dog is alright?

Give me a natural reason why sodomy is alright, without "feels". Sexuality is for reproductive purposes. Anal sex, especially between the same sex, has zero reproductive purposes. There's even incentive not to do it, since diseases can be contracted that way.

anyone who cannot accept themselves as the being they were born as is defective. Each sex is born with the necessary hormones and attributes to adjust. If you cannot adjust, you are a failure.
>Every single religion claims theirs is the right one.

Sikhi doesn't.
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Dawkins was atheist when it wasn't cool. Jews jumped on after they saw it was getting popular and co-opted it.

Nice digits, Heil
But the Qur'an literally says that it's enough to only free one. You can keep the other 9.

The problem is that Islam as a religion fucks with the local cultures until they become worse than their neighbours.

I mean, there's a reason Saudi Arabia treats Pakistani guest labourers like slaves, beats them, don't let them leave the country without permission etc. and then bitches and whines that Pakistan doesn't help them later. They're just extra muslim. Everything that's good about Pakistan, you are in spite of Islam.
Hell, compare Maghreb to France and Spain. Spain is in the shitter right now economically, but it's still better than Tunis, Morocco and Libya.

Fifth largest religion in the world. Sikhs.


>equality among religions, caste, sex
>work hard, remember god, help poor
>lots of paths to god, encourages other religions to follow their own
>defends the rights of those who are being bullied into converting. . .with a sword
>no problem with defending yourself or others, be well-trained and always ready for battle
I'm pretty sure that despite what's written, there is major social pressure to stay within the religion.
Otherwise, there would be no religion. The entire goal of a religion is that it's a set of moral codes you have to adhere to. If your next clause is "but you don't really have to follow what we say", who the fuck would waste time with that? There's clearly something else that holds it together.
>uses an example that never existed in continental Europe or western values or religion until half a century ago.

Kill yourself faggot and meet god.
Pagans are literally LARPs you retard, where is the pagan awakening, varg?
Too late gaytheists. You brought this shit in. Our Christian communities can survive this, but you guys will be getting thrown off buildings.
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That is some top cringe right there, fedora
Well, this "christian" dominated society really held up for itself, didn't it?
Don't play idiot, if you've ever been to churches here in the US, there is nonstop outreach to Africa and all sorts of other shitskin nations. This has been going on forever.

The greatest strength of christian religions is it's greatest weakness, boundless empathy & altruism.
It allows individuals to work better together within society, but it also extends to your enemies and retarded third world nation wreckers.
Nigger get the fuck off the board
The only reason we are so comfortable criticizing Christianity is because we have been jewed. This is our religion, our culture, our heritage, and our tradition. We should never have allowed ourselves to become "anti-Christian" in Europe and the US. It was one big victory for Judaism.
Fuck Christianity. It's a cancer on society and science.
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>it's not pedophilia if you fuck a 9 year old girl
but you must remember slaves have a status in Islam and freeing them is also promoted as a mode of charity, idk where you got that freeing only one, for example Bilal ibn Rabah a former slave is honoured greatly
> when it comes to muslims from different countries/regions, i think it is fair to say their lives mostly do not revolve around islam especially with the amount of entertainment to keep them distracted and ignorant. so manifestation of open discrimination based on race and sexual abuse etc can be found today.
thanks shlómó
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Fuck off, go play with your sky wizard lol
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Be gone, Christcucks! You make us all look bad
Sure why not?
Christianity gave us feminism, post modernism, its our greatest ally for us SJW
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We stick to a position which is that we and atheist and you can not know. I know it is hard for a Catholic to comprehend, because it is honest stand.
Well Empathy unless they happen to be Atheist then out right hostility
oy vey goyim shut this down
Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, etc. are based as fuck. Their fanbase sucks, but most prominent atheists are cool beans.
>postmodernism: science isn't enough to deduce truth so skepticism draws thought back to a free for all of ideas
>Christianity: Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
pick one
Scientific method was (further) developed by Catholic monks, under the idea that all that was made is logical, ordered, knowable and whole, i.e. Logos doctrine. It is not a coincidence that old universities were originally established by the church scholars (e.g. Cambridge).

Missionary work is also a type of hedonism.
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The difference is that Muslims are inherently evil because islam is inherently evil

My beliefs dont dictate that I should burn your Church down, kill your sons and enslave your daugters and wife cause youre not Muslim

Their beliefs do

I was raised with Christian Norms and Values, if you think youll have more in common with muslims then western atheists by all means try mingling with either group and see who Will stab you for disagreeing and who will offer you a beer
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Atheists follow reason. When Christianity is more reasonable than moderate beheader apologists and a scientist promoting degenerate propaganda as part of a grander agenda of destroying rational culture, >us atheists will side with conservative christian thinking.
you are right marring a 9 year old must go in the category of pedophilia
>what i was trying to say was usually a pedophile ,who has sex with a child, in most countries is a criminal furthermore does not get consent from the bride either of their parents and sometimes young boys are involved.
Also the most interesting debater and talker, Christopher Hitchens, died.
>I don't understand the importance of the scientific method; therefore, it is arbitrary
God bless
Oh, I do realize that, really, I do. Problem is, the good is overshadowed by the bad they did. Through 1300 to 1700 Christianity saved a part of science, while censoring some of it. They did legitimately debate the geo and heliocentric viewpoints and they just won, not much to it. Socially they were a plight, though. Feeding on the impoverished and weak. Unless your country converted to Christianity your country in Europe was not safe. You required the safety of being Christian, even though your traditions and laws were well in the realm of humane. They destroyed years worth of traditions and corrupted cultures that were amazing to behold even at that time.
Nowadays, they hinder the development of sexual culture and healthy sexual tendencies, like telling their followers to not use condoms, for example. They also refuse to admit to their wrong-doings even though Ratziger attempted to apologize for the more well-known crimes of the church. They also have a long list of pedophiles they protected and helped, but their documents say they were punished by "ex-communication" which meant they were just placed into a different country, so that their crimes wouldn't be known.
Oh but I do. My argument wasn't against scientific method, it works fine in its domain. However it is not all there is .. which is the basic gist of materialism: all that exists is matter and there is nothing else. Any proof that you pseudo-intellects will ask will undoubtedly be restricted to the material domain.. hence pic was related.
We are Imperial Christians.

Let Jesus bring peace unto the world. Until the great and glorious day we shall bring the sword.
look it's this myth again

he missinterpreted his message do
Look, it's this idiot again.
>Roughly speaking, the Dark Ages corresponds to the Middle Ages, or from 500 to 1500 CE.
>restricted to the material domain

How many other domains are there in your mind?
>Through 1300 to 1700 Christianity saved a part of science, while censoring some of it.
Absolutely, and before, they saved the knowledge of the ancient world when the Roman Empire was crumbling in the west. The monasteries were the repositories of knowledge, medicine, you could go and study there.

>Feeding on the impoverished and weak.
In case if famine you went to the monastery, in case of disease it was where you were healed, within possibilities.

>Unless your country converted to Christianity your country in Europe was not safe.
It was the new order of Europe, note that king Clovis and Charlemagne baptised voluntarily. It is a pagan custom to follow the religion of your king, failure to do so is treason, punishable by death. So what should a good pagan have done?

>Nowadays, they hinder the development of sexual culture and healthy sexual tendencies, like telling their followers to not use condoms, for example.
You can only grasp this after understanding some of the metaphysics of the Christian doctrine. I can't explain it here .. I understand that people who don't have this knowledge do not understand, since I was one of them.

>In order to understand both the traditional spirit and modern civilization as its negation, it is necessary to start from a fundamental point: the doctrine of the two worlds.

>There is a physical order and a metaphysical order. There is a mortal world and the world of the immortals. There is the higher reason of “being” and the lower one of “becoming”. More broadly: there is the visible and tangible and beyond it, first of all, there is the invisible and intangible as the superworld, origin, and true life.

>Everywhere in the world of Tradition, both in the East and the West, in one form or another, this knowledge was always present as an unshakeable axis around which everything else was ordered.

>We say knowledge and not “theory”. As difficult as it is for moderns to conceive it, it is necessary to start from the idea that traditional man knew of the reality of an order of being much vaster than what today corresponds to the word “real”. Today, fundamentally, he no longer conceives as reality anything that lies beyond the world of bodies in space and time. Certainly, there are those who still admit something beyond the sensible: however, it is always in the form of an hypothesis or a scientific law, a speculative idea, or a religious dogma that he admits this something, so actually he does not surpass that limitation: practically, i.e., as direct experience, whatever difference there is in his “materialistic” and “spiritualistic” beliefs, the average modern man forms his image of reality only in relation to the world of bodies.
>Absolutely, and before, they saved the knowledge of the ancient world when the Roman Empire was crumbling in the west. The monasteries were the repositories of knowledge, medicine, you could go and study there.
So did the muslims from barbarians, even though they later ruined thousands of documents due to their fundamentalist religious mentality taking over.
>In case if famine you went to the monastery, in case of disease it was where you were healed, within possibilities.
Right, all you had to do was join a cult.
If I told you now, look I'll help you out man, but join scientology, really, that's all you need to do.
>It was the new order of Europe, note that king Clovis and Charlemagne baptised voluntarily. It is a pagan custom to follow the religion of your king, failure to do so is treason, punishable by death. So what should a good pagan have done?
Hungary was forced to convert to Christianity, or they would join forces with the germburgers or just let the germburgers destroy Hungary. It was again a disgusting way of manipulating people and forcing them to convert, just like that old hag Mother Theresa.
>You can only grasp this after understanding some of the metaphysics of the Christian doctrine. I can't explain it here .. I understand that people who don't have this knowledge do not understand, since I was one of them.
Oh, right, Nigeria being mostly Christian but having a huge AIDS problem is metaphysics and doctrine. Right. That's why the holy church of your wicked cult said they are helping all they can over there, while brain-washing people into not using condoms and pretty much helping the problem fester and letting an uncultured piece of shit culture destroy itself, you're right, it is a force for good.
But Anon, you are the Reddit.
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