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Press S to spit on the grave.

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Thread replies: 318
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Press S to spit on the grave.
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how about he does some fucking cardio for once to, even just a little, lessen his burden on his country as a whole
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>pay for my healthcare
S. Die you fat fuck.

He can't do even that, he's so far gone that even standing would probably wreck his knees.
Fat attention whore, making fun of being a leech parasite on society. Does this fat fuck even make money anymore, I don't get why he just doesn't get full coverage for 1k a month, can't afford it I guess with all the processed pre-packaged shit he eats?

S top fucking eating you fat fuck like holy shit you did this to yourself now accept the consequences
Has this fucking idiot every heard the concept of meeting a person halfway? Oh wait he doesn't because he can't even leave his fucking computer to go out the fucking front door.

>one less welfare leech that is "carried" by the support of his brainwashed fans

I see no problem here
>the same fucktard thats been given plenty of chances to turn around from professional trainers

good fuck that fat fuck
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Anon, 1.000.000 views on youtube = $1000, I'm not even joking. He can afford treatment in top notch clinics, he is just being a bitch that doesn't want to lose money.
doctor prescribes daily exercise and a strict diet of not eating mayo out of the tub.


just call him a faggot, bump his heart hate up 2-3 BPM, and trigger a heart attack. problem solved forever
even being completely sedentary and relying only on his basal metabolic rate, it is insane how quickly this disgusting obese slob could lose bodyfat if he only ate like an overweight person

zero fucking pity for anything from me. fat people are universally lazy and devoid of discipline.
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>obongocare repealed
>fatass retard subhuman eceleb fuck dies because he can't get medication to power his pathetic and overworked heart

Sounds like a win win to me senpai
Not anymore, especially not if you say anything that isn't completely PC.
F at
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Maybe he should start caring for himself before begging for free healthcare.

Oh, don't tell me, he's going to start crying about how he's depressed and all that shit. baka
RIP fat ass
Why is this guy so hopelessly fat? How do you reach the point where being a useless blob on life support is your only option?
Why do americans not get the concept of insuring yourself BEFORE something happens? I mean it's literally called Insurance.

If something happens to you and THEN you pay for them to fix it, that's just a medical bill.
>you should have to pay for me to drag out my suicide over several years
No thanks.
1 million views has never been equal to 1000, the best rate so far was around 800/million. Atm it's more like 350-450/million, and a shitload of Boogie's vids aren't eligible for advertising anyway
more like $100
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How the best way to lose fat /pol/?
amputation or crack addiction
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> lardass
> illiterate
Choose two


His life choices are killing him, not the government. It is not the governments responsibility to to assure a citizen lives, it is the responsibility of the government to uphold his rights.
>can't read dates
Choose two
Pop off James!

1. Learn what a reasonable diet should look like.
2. If you thought that you you could skip step 1 because you already know it: think again. There's a reason you're overweight, you know?
3. Calculate how many calories your body uses per day, aka your basal metabolic rate.
4. Eat only about 70%-80% of your BMR a day
5. Start incorporating some exercise into your life. If you're very overweight you mighht want to consult a physician first
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He could still diet. Shit, at that weight his stationary calorie requirement is probably like 6000. He could eat twice what I eat and still lose weight. Keep up 2000kcal/day until he has a somewhat reasonable weight, then start exercising. Start with walking, the proceed to cardio, then lifting.

Everyone can lose weight.
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Melodramatic cunt. Guess thats what happens when you are literally (in the true sense of the word) no test faggot
Blue checkmark, it's gonna be a DNC shill.
He still has a point. I'm probably going to lose my insurance because I have a brother like him.
Maybe his fat ass should go on a diet and use the money he saves buying all that food to get health insurance.
JFC is that real?
well currently its legal to steal from others to pay for your problems

why not eat less and exercise more

ya fat cocksucker
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good, that's what you get for applauding Mix Race relationship.
Ask >>>/fit/

It's what they do.
>the Kraut actually gives someone an informative answer instead of shitposting.
Hell must have frozen over.
worst thing are the enablers. I mean there's obviously someone who gotta do the shopping for him. If I had someone this fat in my family I'd only buy him vegetables no matter how much he would protest. I mean what's he gonna do? Roll over me?
Die already you crotchless wonder
>the grave

>because I have a brother like him.
He needs man the fuck up or die
Die S
Didn't this guy lose like 1kg over 6 years and called it a huge success?

>eat 20% or less carbs
>lift weights
>do some cardio

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>get things rolling

My fucking sides.
Dead is good thing for him

I started just eating protein for every meal and playing stepmania.

It is physically difficult for me to overeat on heavy protein sources.

Stepmania is fun enough to where I can play for an hour and not get bored or feel tired.
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what the fuck is that last picture?
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That's not healthy. He is fucked in the head and honestly its the same thing with skinny people. They have no self control and can't provide the appropriate amount of food, causing their body to become deformed. Having love handles is one thing but, fuck that, people like this are not fat, they're sick.
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Notch is a fucking bro
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I came here to laugh at fat fucks, not to get PTSD
That's a crack in the surface of jupiter if I'm not mistaken, this is big news, call the pentagon
>Why do americans not get the concept of insuring yourself BEFORE something happens? I mean it's literally called Insurance.

Because most Americans are hopelessly retarded.

President Obama granted them affordable healthcare and thus finally brought Americans to the rest of the civilized world. He wanted to see a healthier and more equal America, but alas Trumptards weren't able to understand that.
Rural retards are happy about being cucked by the 1%. They are ignorantly spitting on the legacy of one of the greatest Presidents and don't even realize it.

Soon they'll beg Obama to return and remember his presidency as the Golden Age.
i'm a fat lazy shit and I have been losing that much every week for the past few months.
Damn. That's a good looking Mocha negro. He just pounding her.
This one goes out to that fat FUCK
Let's be honest.

/pol/ ran a poll last week and majority of you (70%) are overweight. Let's not make fun of the fatties cause they are among us. They are Trump supporters, altt-right and nazis too
He is obviously very mentally ill. Unfortunately you can't help these people. He should just be euthanized. What else do you do with something so pathetic? Less than human.

Can anyone actually come up with a good argument against a single payer system?
Countries with universal healthcare pay less for healthcare per capita than the US.
1. Diet
2. Diet
3. Diet
(ad infinitum)

Sure exercise is good but you can't outrun your fork.

Start by making one change for the better every month. Cut out soda first (most important step) then cut out fast food, then bring down your carb intake. By then you're 3 months in and you should have had time to figure out what to do next. Picking the third best option and sticking with it is better than picking the best option and giving up.

Depending on how fat you are, take it easy on the exercise. Your muscles will survive but your joint aren't used to it. And again, diet is infinitely more important.

I personally like keto and paleo but it's up to you.
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Wow are americans that stupid? Why would you oppose universal healtcare? Even Hitler gave healthcare to all of his citizens.

Good luck with that when you get diabetes or your children are born with a genetic disease.
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>repealed obamacare could kill me

yet he does this
The one rational point made in the entire thread
yes, he has also eaten an entire jar of mayonnaise in a stream.
Fatties need to be reminded about their fat. Constantly. Until they loose it, because otherwise they will never commit to a diet. By making fatties ashamed of their disgusting appendages, you do them a favor.
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By volume
I hope he fucking dies

>tfw fat fuck due to no responsibilities and a ton of money (I make a good amount of money)
>tfw lose weight and down to 175 (I was 260)
>tfw miserable as fuck eating healthy
>tfw adopt a puppy and have some responsibility and start walking and now jogging with my pup
>tfw still eat like shit but eat less of the shit food and cut out sugary drinks altogether

I finally mastered a way to eat shit food and still maintain or lose weight. I will probably still die of high cholesterol but at least I will look good doing it.
forced by government to show up in court =/= voluntarily going to the hospital
>It's what they do.
I thought shitposting was what they do
Bc our healthcare industry, due to its ability to generate a profit, creates basically all of the new medical research, treatments, and procedures in the world. We also have much higher quality of care, better cancer survival rates, and more treatments for rare and aggressive diseases.

On top of that I don't have to pay 60% income tax to subsidize the healthcare costs of degenerates, bums, and shit skins.
Nobody has that much spit.

Kill yourself you low test fag
S die you fat fuck
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He's a fat pig. Check out this photo. He's literally cramming the junk food into his mouth. That isn't healthy.
hope he fucking has a heart attack tonight.
Or you could just top eating like a fucking pig, Boogie.
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I hope he can't even fit in his grave and has to be burned to provide fuel for Arctic explorers.
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doesnt he make a ton of money on youtube?

fuck his whining
see >>124107248 (nsfl)
Just eat less. All these fags here saying carbs this, protein that, cardio the thing etc etc. Just eat less.
shit it out

dont eat anything
Funny you should say that. In one of his latest videos, he's whining that he can't exercise AND play videogames online, because it's too much work. He has to do a certain amount to qualify for surgery, and he's talking about taking months off "work" to get the bare minimum in exercise done.

He's also seeing something like 20 therapists, and it's "crazy expensive".

He's already forshadowing that he's not going to qualify for surgery, because he can't hack the diet or the exercise.

Victimhood maintained.

Boogie is a professional victim. He's never going to change, and he's going to die soon.
This one time I will happily participate. S
Nobody got time for that! It takes him TEN HOURS to make a YouTube video!
he's like a fucking human water balloon
>This could kill me.

This and not the 400 excess pounds of blubber.
Get a calorie tracking app so you realise the actual amount you should be eating.

Also drink more water before, during, and after meals. It's good for you and will make you feel fuller for longer.
[spoiler] make sure to get one of these first though https://www.infowarsstore.com/health-and-wellness/water-filtration.html [/spoiler]
>Bc our healthcare industry, due to its ability to generate a profit, creates basically all of the new medical research
How the fuck does billions of dollars in profit for insurance companies and hospitals help medical research in any way you fuckwit? Pharma companies would still make shitloads of profit under a single payer system.

>On top of that I don't have to pay 60% income tax to subsidize the healthcare costs of degenerates, bums, and shit skins.
COUNTRIES WITH UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE PAY LESS THAN YOU!!!! LESS, NOT MORE! Jesus how fucking difficult is that to understand?
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>T.It isn't worth my money to stay alive
S, fuck Boogie and his autistic faggot fans
his wife is amazing though
And yet per capita, the US spends twice as much %GDP on healthcare as the OECD average and has a life expectancy 6 years shorter as of 2015.

Really activates my almonds
consider this

making this easier for fat people makes them even more fat
Thread theme

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Stop posting his skinny pictures.
if i provide private insurance, its in my best interest that i charge as much as possible with the least risk of having to actually return the pay to my clients. so do i A: fund preventative care and leave treatment to the pharmacies, or B: not help hospitals research things that save me from paying money back to the consumer.
Why doesn't that fatass just stop stuffing his face?

Boogie entering the high risk pool.

S. S. S. s. s. s......
That's all the saliva i have right now
>He's never going to change, and he's going to die soon.

Will he make it past Trump presidency?
You pay more taxes than me. I pay more for healthcare when I actually fucking need it which is hardly ever. You pay more taxes every paycheck idiot.

Hospitals fund tons of R&D in the states bc of their profits. Jesus you are dumb as fuck.
If he gave an actual shit about his health, he would have stopped being such a fat ass, hope he suffers
Consider this.

If you're so fat to where you're life is in danger, you don't deserve to live. You are meant to be weeded out by nature.
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>weeps obesitally

fuck anon my sides
There are a number of factors that contribute to this and honestly if you don't already know that then you're not qualified to be speaking in this debate. You're either ignorant or a shill.
Not anymore. They changed how videos make money, and the big advertisers left, and the ad pool is a lot smaller. Boogie is leeching on Twitch now like everyone else because of it.

But, he's not a smart person. In his latest update video, he asked "What happens if your house floods? Do you get on your bed?"

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If only.
This tub of lard gets enough ad revenue to get the best private health insurance plan in the world. And I'm going to bet you, despite him whining about Obongocare, he has long been privately insured.
you eat 2000 calories a day
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He has a nice home, though.
He can't leave his house. He can't fit through the door

I believe this is the best argument for repealing Obamacare I've heard in years.
Mental illness and extreme food addiction and enablers (his wife buys the food for him). His brother is a fat fuck, too.
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Honestly, how do they even cremate people that big without setting the whole place on fire?
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tfw not even DDP could fix Boogie
If it is somewhere in Oklahoma, this house is cheaper than $100.000. This is not expensive, this is middle class.
I do not think your argument is making the point you would like it to, boogie
His facial expression just screams "it's not enough".
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did he died?

Arkansas I think
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we can only hope

>this could kill me. Consider that.

I considered it, and your decisions are not our collective problems to pay for

I love how you autists focus on fatties to not have to think about what is actually happening.
The crash will be blamed on Trump.
it was a """prank"""
Are you seriously claiming insurance companies help fund medical research? Because that's bullshit. Companies exist to make profit, like it or not, shareholders of insurance companies are making billions off of you.
>You pay more taxes than me.
We're discussing healthcare and its associated costs, so the total amount of tax is irrelevant.
On average, the US pays more than any other developed nation for healthcare. Can you comprehend that? MORE, NOT LESS!
>Hospitals fund tons of R&D in the states bc of their profits.
They could be state funded.
I don't really follow American news, but I starkly remember a lot of people bitching and moaning about obamacare, now they really want it?

Can someone explain this shitshow to me?

It was always going to be blamed on him.

He's not in control of that.

having Obamacare and being a fat waste of life will both kill you
If he tried to hang himself his upstairs roof would collapse
I guarantee you're at best third generation American. That or you hold (((dual citizenship))). 100%.
>massive morbidly obese lardass that is guaranteed to have enough health issues to kill a small cow
Insurance is something you risk paying for that pays off in case something happens to you because in the end the insurance companies pay the biggest share. If there's a 100% chance that something will happen to you then it's no longer a sustainable business and it cannot be called insurance.
>oh hey let me buy car insurance now that i just crashed my car
How can so many people be so fucking retarded?
So is he in character or is he just like this? Completely irresponsible if he does eat like this.
S and S again. Once for spit and obce for shit. If he dies though as a kindness I will send condolence mayonaise to his family.
there's literally a /fat/ general there now for fatties trying to rehabilitate. But the short answers is count your calories and make sure you're on a deficit.

also >>124111210
yes, mostly height wars, brap posting and shitposting in general.
This pisses me off to no end.

This fat fuck and his obesity related health problems, and his generally unhealthy lifestyle, is part of why socialized / nationalized health care is such a big fucking deal.

I have a good friend living in America. She had heart surgery and now has a mechanical heart, and needs to take god knows how many different drugs to stay alive. She's a fucking student, and works a part-time job, while her condition makes her easily fatigued and exhausted. She has a decent health insurance, only on the fucking basis that it's illegal to deny her service because of her preexisting conditions. If that's changed in the future, either her wallet or heart is fucked beyond repair.

And there's this fat fuck. This entitled fat shitforbrains retard, who inflicts himself with various health problems via his extremely unhealthy lifestyle. He's the fucking problem. If he wants to make socialized healthcare in the USA a reality, he should just end his fucking life.
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what most autists don't realize is this bill will be kicked back to the house with numerous alterations made by the senate.
I doubt it'll even make it to the president's desk to be signed into law.
Clearly his wife wants him dead soon so she can get that sweet Jewtube money and live with her black bull.
weight loss for the lardass is simple. cut his tongue out of his fat head and flush it. when they can't taste anything put into their mouth, they won't eat as much.
Man, I would have to feel that entitled. He can go fuck himself.
Working class people can not afford Obamacare and you get fined a few thousand dollars for not having it. Obamacare only benefits the lower dregs of society aka POC and fat people
People believed there was a 99.8% chance of Hillary winning yet look where we're at now. Eat a bullet.
People are just scared of change largely, but there's several different camps when it comes to wanting Obamacare gone and/or changed.

>some want it to go full fledged single payer
>some want it completely repealed
>some want cut most of it while gutting the rest
>some want essentially Obamacare, but made by Republicans
Actually they specialize in just telling you to read the sticky
>are you implying that companies based on you not getting sick would research you not getting sick?????
listen here leaf, stop it.
well thank fuck for that, it got rather insulting knowing people could make a living by screaming RAPE LULZ GAY HUEHUEHUE while playing shitty indy games on the internet. I doubt the big ones need to get an actual job though, probably made out good during the lets play fag boom

So far, nothing of this bill can even be blamed on Trump. The actions of the congress are the actions of the congress. Even if it reached his desk, was vetoed, passed back down and overridden, it would still be blamed on Trump even if he explicitly was against it and had nothing to do with whatever "it" ends up being.

That doesn't mean it's in any way his fault if the congress passes an abortion of their own accord. He's the president, not a lawmaker. He simply either voices his approval or rebuttal (which of course can be overridden if the congress wishes to).
fukin kek
All this shit will be irrelevant when Trump cuts taxes and allows cross state insurance.
Insurance companies don't fund medical research in any meaningful way you fat fuck. They just don't.
Therein lies why it won't work here.
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>this was considered morbidly obese and the person photoed was a carney at the side show

I guess youtube is the new carnival to watch the freaks
he won't live 8 years
Here's hoping.
It's pretty retarded. Tax the medical industry, costs go up. Then insurance costs go up. Govt tax people opting out then subsidize the insurance.
Maybe he should try a salad.NO DRESSING!
Yeah boy, leaf with the slam!
he's actually average by todays standards
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Fatties need to take a look in the fucking mirror for a second and see they're killing themselves with every deep fried mac & cheese nugget they shove into their mouths. They are raping the wallets of millions of people because they're too lazy to give a shit about themselves.
>offers no argument
>they dont do it OK THEY JUST DONT
good talk leaf
"Awwww, muh leg. It's hurtin."
well maybe he should lose some fucking weight or get some insurance with all those youtube dollars then.
How do I gain weight? I play vidya allday everyday and weight 96lbs. Only eat candy and fast food
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Oh God don't post the video

Get healthy or remain a disgusting leech off the hard working man.

/pol General Discord:
>claims insuracance companies fund medical research
>his only argument is that it makes sense for them financially
How about posting a source that agrees with your claim? Why am I even arguing with someone this braindead?
This will lead to fats eating 3000 Cal's of fat and protein instead fucktard
Just eat at deficit
Landwhales get land barnacles. Who knew.
this is the main reason why usa will never ever have universal healthcare
I talk about the upcoming recession, give it some time for his nonsense to take effect.

Making a first world country a third world shithole by cutting healthcare and social security to hand over tax presents to coprorates is disgusting nonetheless.
>be an insurer
>fat fuck waddles into my office
>demands health insurance
>"okay sir, let me see your doctor's report"
>quote him for Ā£20,000 a year insurance
>he rolls away weeping and muttering that Obama will save him

I don't understand, do insurer's actually refuse high-risk people, or do they just price them too high for them to pay, and the fatties are just crying as a result?
if you're actually overweight or obese, keto is the fastest and easiest way to lose a bunch of weight fast. just gotta make it through a shitty first few days then just sit back and enjoy a -50% hunger stat while the weight drops off. when I weighed 240 lbs I was losing 3-5 lbs a week after I was in ketosis.
God never intended for obese people to survive
While 90 percent is calorie intake there is some small marginal benefit to cutting carbs completely and going into ketosis. But it is small just a few percent difference.
A quick bogdown:

>Obongo elected with promise to "make healthcare great again"
>Had the house and senate in 2008 when elected
>ACA (affordable care act) ends up being a half-baked thing where insurers can't deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions
>"marketplaces" set up by states so that people can shop around among obamacare providers
>You get a tax witholding penalty if you don't have insurance
>Caps on premium ratios between old people and 20-somethings
Effectively this meant that
a) If you were dirt poor negro, you could actually buy health insurance
b) If you were old and poor, you could actually buy health insurance on top of the US's shitty version of the state pension
c) If you were 20 and were paying income tax, your premiums skyrocketed so you just paid the tax penalty
d) If you were rich you didn't care, cos rich people don't get sick

>Dems hated it because it was a shitty version of single payer
>Repubs hated it because it forced people to pay for insurance if they didn't want it and taxed them if they didn't
>Repubs predicted it would enter a death spiral as insurers found that young people didn't want to pay stupid high premiums to subsidise old people

Fast forward 7 years
>Premiums up 150% for most middle earners
>Marketplace rollout was a complete shambles in most states
>Major insurance providers pulling out in several states
>MAGA happens
>Repubs own house, senate and presidency
>Introduce an utterly shit bill that does nothing, it dies before it even gets to the house floor
>Introduce a slightly less shit bill that keeps popular bits of Obamacare but will likely increase the speed of the death spiral
>It passes the House but will get shot down in the Senate (lol)
>So far nobody profits but insurance companies
Well, I was feeling shameful, but thanks to this thread I am now glad I decided to get a faggy portion-controlled-low-calorie-all-natural-preservative-free-microwave-meal marketed for chicks for dinner tonight.

>350 cals
>grass-fed herb crusted chicken in white wine sauce
>organic potatoes and green beans

it was p. good and now I won't be boogie
Thanks anon, now I want some gingerbread.
Also there is no way boogie eats only 3000 calories a day, probably more like 5000
This is all that needs to be brought up. I realize OP's tweet is old but the point is he's been pissing away opportunities to better himself left and right. He'd rather remain the victim, blaming society, than take responsibility for himself.
In character I believe, but regardless he is still a fat fuck with no self control
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stop eating.
In one month i lost 10 pounds by simply eating 1 meal a day while working out and taking my dog for 10 minute jogs every day. It's been almost 2.5 months since i was 195 pounds, today i am 176, and i've been establishing my business and working part time the whole way.
Make sure you drink lots of coffee and get lots of sleep, otherwise you will hurt yourself driving, working out, or anything else physically and mentally taxing.

You can see the difference from
to (one month later) (10 pounds less)
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dear god...
Eat more than half a McChicken and a single chocolate bar square next time.
the "marketplace" was a complete failure.

insurers left states in droves. I had an individual Aetna plan pre-ACA. Aetna quit offering individual plans once the ACA passed.

then Blue Cross quit offering individual plans.

and then there's Iowa https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/05/03/iowa-at-risk-of-having-no-obamacare-insurers-next-year-in-all-but-five-counties/
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He doesn't even need to do that. He just needs to restrict his calories and eat nutritious food for a year and he could probably lose 80kg
>this could kill me

Oh the irony.
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Don't americans know how to cook,i think a man needs to know maybe not to be a chef but at least to be able to survive without needing to eat everything microwaved,i know it might take time but if you cook for about the same time you spend at a Walmart buying and driving to it actually cooking then storing it you get healthy food for one week easily.
Don't you eat stews amd bands and lentils and garbanzo beans and all this healthy things that are tasty unlike steamed veggies
Pic related was today's dinner. 5 minutes to heat it in the pan with some oil instead of microwaving it.
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How many pizza rolls do you guys bet this guy can scarf down in one sitting? I'll put $50 for fifty rolls.
S :)
>eating swine
That pork isn't food, though you can eat it. You can also eat shit.
>Don't americans know how to cook


nobody in this country knows how to prepare cheap, nutritious, low calorie peasant food anymore
>The crash will be blamed on Trump.

What crash?

But anyone can cook rice, beans, and a baked potato
looks juicy espaignart

And only hardcore religious right (like myself) know how to cook anymore. The final redpill for Americans is that America really is the Great Shaitan, and destroys everything good that it touches. >>124116811 has the right of it. Nobody wants to be a plumber or an electrician anymore, either. Pride really is the greatest vice.

I lived on beans and rice in college.
losing weight is the easiest shit in the world to do. literally just stop eating. you can straight up go for entire weeks without food and nothing bad will happen, especially if you drink plenty of water and take a multivitamin each day, your body will eat the fat. that's literally the main reason why our bodies store fat. are people retarded or something?
burn in hell
Especially with someone as fat as boogie, he could go without eating for the rest of his life and come out ok.
i usually cook dinner, but on Thursday or Friday I go food shopping and get home late. At that point I haven't eaten for like 5 hours so I'm starving and just get something I can heat up quickly.
Friendly reminder that this is how 1/3 of America more or less looks like. These are the people you're paying extra for. Instead of them buying $20 for a fitness club membership and eating right, you have to pay thousands extra so Lubtard McFuckMyDonald'sUpā„¢ can live.
anything funded by the government will give it artificial value. a market crash is needed for the free market to get an accurate estimation of the value the service actually has. market crashes are absolutely awful and usually happens when a new technology inflates or deflates the value. the education bubble being made by government paying for education and schools raising tuition way past its market value will crash much sooner than the health insurance crisis. market crashes are good for the future of the free market but devastating for the people who invest in these services and are affected by the loss of value.
Its absurd that you have to approve someones insurance.

There must be some personal responsabillity. It does suck for people who are born sick tho.
Sorry about your friend.

On a related note, people seem to forget that insurance prices aren't just from the companies are greedy. They're also a cattle-prod. They're a thick bludgeon wrapped in glowing neon lettering reading "CHANGE YOUR FUCKING LIFESTYLE, YOUR PROBLEMS ARE SELF-INFLICTED YOU THICK FUCK, WHY SHOULD WE WASTE OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY ON YOU?"

People's insurance premiums are high with pre-existing conditions because they're going to use more of the service. A + B = C. Yes, high costs or exclusion for pre-existing conditions does screw over some deserving people who have rare or degenerative diseases. But at the end of the day, the reason they got screwed over is because for every one deserving recipient, there's 500 Billy Bob Beau Greens or Tyrone Shaniqua Hernandezes out there who decided to get Type 2 diabetes at age 20 by freebasing box after box after box of Krispy Kreme and washing it down with a Starbucks. Greed doesn't account for all of the costs. A lot of it is from illegals scamming the system (10-35 million illegals getting healthcare without paying a dime has the cost of it go SOMEWHERE, libs) and sheer lazy stupidity.

You are now aware everyone who is bitching about Obamacare going away are typically people who do not deserve to be covered in the first place. And the tragedy is that the people who will get dropped, the ones who truly need to be covered, will be dropped because of the aforementioned group.

Libshits want to complain that Trumpcare will kill people.
Libshits are killing people by being libshits.
Is LTG our Monkey? YUP
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Kek, I thought you had great cuisine in Spain Fransisco, what happened?

Pic related is the most basic food in Funland.
To be fair, he only took a sip or two of that drink before coming to the conclusion that it was too disgusting.
>Instead of them buying $20 for a fitness club membership and eating right
They don't even need the fitness club membership. Just eating properly and going outside for a fucking 20 minute walk once a day would do the trick for every single one of them that doesn't have a legit thyroid problem.
>you can straight up go for entire weeks without food and nothing bad will happen

your body still needs certain nutrients even if it doesn't require any food energy. essential amino acids, water soluble vitamins, electrolytes, phosphate.

the lack of micronutrients is what kills in refeeding syndrome.
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It's usually $1 per 1000 views, it can be as high as $8 per 1000 views, more or less depending on the channel, but even since YouTube's ad problem, it's like 10 cent per 1000 views some times even less. Big YouTuber's that got million's of views earned a bit over $100 a week. Think TmarTn(3m subs) got $117 for one week of uploads
/pol is so pathetic. You disgust me. He didn't so anything to you, he's just a fat dude, why the hate?

Sure, attacking a harmless guy with health issues probably makes you feel sooo goog, so powerful and strong in comparison. Even neets, permavirgins and high school dropouts probably feel good itt, because "hey, i might be a hopeless loser, but at least i'm not fat". That's the whole reason behind your posts.

But he is still better than the whole lot of you, despicable duchebags. He's probably even paying for his healthcare himself, he can afford that because he's rich and famous. Also i'm sure that he pays more taxes than the 90% of all the /pol tards. So shut the fuck up, you don't have the right to criticize him.

>inb4 shut up fat fuck

I'm actually very skinny and have problems with GAINING weight, so it's not about that
I bet that yard looks like shit now.

>he could afford beans in college

Check your privilege. Rolled oats, water plus sugar is the real fuel for poor students.

How fucking stupid are you people? That bill will give (surprise surprise) tax cuts for the rich and fuck the poor out of benefits. Why are republican voters so stupid. Democrats are too but majority of the time they vote for gibs and aren't stupid enough to vote for shit that's not in their own best interests. Keep thinking you'll be rich one day in your fucking hovel until you drop dead.
he wants to have his cake and eat it too.

he wants people to pay for his poor eating habits that contribute to his terrible health status, and if they don't then he shames them and blames them.

no personal responsibility at all.
If Trumpcare leads to the death of this fat fuck then I'm all in
what's the address? I'm going to mail him some vegetables
this cant possibly be real
Swine is god given food to tell the jews and muslims from the man.
It's a pity a man who can't cook his own food is a small step from being cattle raised for shekels.
just waiting for some retard to fuck up or some chinese to go a bit cheap and add some contaminated shit thus spreading a batch of salmonella or some motor oil.
Thanks mate its really easy let them get some water overnight,pressure cook them if too lazy to let it slow boil and voila in 20 minutes while you do other stuff you can cook kilos of it and it can be stored on the fridge for a week or so.
I do think in case shit hits the fan the only americans to survive are the southerner hillbilly kind,the hunters,the farmers and the religious independent man who are taught the virtues of modesty and labour like the amish.the rest as soon as no food gets shipped into the cities...they'll become negro fodder in 2 weeks when they aphave already looted everything.
Americans ain't bad most of them just got corrupted as all the west has.
It's not only a religious thing but also the laws of nature that will punish that degeneracy since idleness means gpdegeneracy wich bring weakness,i simply hope there are enough worthy man to safe our nations
kys chink
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The guy says repealing Obamacare could kill him, he's clearly living off the state.
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Press w to work the fuck out.
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Ask him about it on twitter.
It does make us feel good; he's a fat fuck who knows he's a fat fuck and yet does absolutely nothing to change his lifestyle while *demanding* other people ultimately pay for it.

When you are so fucking fat that losing your healthcare will kill you and refuse to make lifestyle changes you're being a selfish prick.
fuck this fat douchebag

these fucking inferiors should just die. And fuck people with pre-existing conditions too. The genetic garbage needs to be taken out.
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This guy gets it, good post anon.
Second for this info. I live in the same city he does. I want to leave monthly baskets of heath food and super male vitality for him.
He needs the natty homo power of Goobs
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>when you're so fat you keep a can of Reddi Wip next to your PC monitor

Next time you're in the ER and your wait time is hours long because people like him who can't afford or get denied health care don't complain.
2396 N Berkleigh Dr
Fayetteville, Arkansas
That fucking sack of shit makes at least 200k a year he can afford his own god damned healthcare.

Fucking entitled niggerfaggot.
These are wide estimates but he makes between $26k and $425K a year from youtube. Plus $1k a month from patreon. Even on the low end that is $38k a year. Realistically he is probably making six figures. So ya, he can get his own insurance.


We do but I'm not a womyn so i just know the basics for eating healthy and tasty,and i barely ever see americans eating that kind of food,in movies they only eat pasta as home made food but never have i seen eating a home made stew or something that goes beyond mac and cheese or bbq so it was honest curiosity
The exception being the based hillbilly who cook roadkill or anything into actual edible food.
Seems also good pekka
(Mine is actually the traditional food in my home region,it's called cocido madrileƱo)
Spanish food is very different from one region to another and the best is the northern area.
We are going to win so much, we are going to get tried of winning.
If you're chubby, working out should do the trick. You'll get ripped easier than a lanklet because you already have the bulk, you only need to turn that grease into energy and build muscle.

If you're a 400 pound sack of shit, diet first, then exercise. Swimming is the best calorie burner for extremely fat people because you don't strain your joints like running would.
shirley in a convention full of people someone would have photographed or videoed him shitting himself
In what year was this photo taken?
Underrated comment, I laughed. Have a (you).
>the crash will be blamed on Trump. Jeez I didn't realize boogies fall would have such an impact on the US economy
I want to believe but this probably isn't his address.
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what is this
eat less move more read sticky
Fucking faggot
not yet

no like it make a huge difference, but thats pudding
Shup up you anorexic fuck.
How to lose 300lbs really fast
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