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well /pol/? what’s your reason?

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Thread replies: 309
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well /pol/? what’s your reason?
He's not white
I don't date men
Because he's black
>well /pol/? what’s your reason?

Because he can't have children. Even if she could though he's a nigger and I don't want mulatto kids.
Does "she" have a cock?
Not a woman. A mentally I'll suicide in progress is pointless to date.
because I have enough trouble with ordinary 'binary' women, never mind some mentally ill faggot.
It has a dick.
if you cant bear a child youre not a woman
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fuck off, kike
the penis thing is a real deal breaker
Because she's actually a guy
Because it has a false vagina.
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She's not a man. She's a woman. /pol/ has always been a pro-trans board, please go back.

#FreePalestine #BlackLivesMatter #TransLiveMatters #MuslimLivesMatter
Cannot impregnate
>Mentally ill dude who cut off his genitals
>Can't have children
>Also black

I would rather fuck a cute trap
my reason is about 6 inches, faggot.
because he's black and he's got a dick

No thank you, fucking disgusting
Who said I wouldn't date her she is fucking beautiful.
>a woman's worth is based on looks
Aren't liberals against this? If I date anybody, I want somebody who is mentally stable and could spit out some kids.
I don't date mentally ill males.
"She's" still a nigger
Not my type
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Because """she""" has an opee wound he pretends is a vagina.

What other fucking reason is there?
Because he's a man
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Dick might be bigger than mine.

He's a dude.
look up Tiffany Tallion

most passable one I've ever seen
> south carolina

fucking really
And also "No homo"
> Nigger is deal breaker if real woman, though
>Le Kid E
>Le Kid

It's literally a fucking man

You can post all the pretty girl angles you want but nothing will change that fundamental fact
finally a funny aus post
well done, anon
I'd like to have the possibility of children. Also not white.
Because it's a man
dat cameltoe
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Horrible shitpost
I responded
because transgender doesn't exist just because he says it does
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Brittany Dier is my octofu
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you're honestly gay if you wouldn't fuck this

Tiffany Taillon
>Can't have children
>too much plastic surgery
I would never knowingly fuck a tranny. Black girls are pretty hot, though.

don't you mean, moose knuckle
Not able to reproduce, will age worse than a real woman.
there is literally nothing more alpha than calling a transperson by their assigned gender

literally nothing more alpha
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she already married Obama
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>trans? like a male?
>No children possible
>Why date a genetic deadend
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What the fuck am I suppose to believe anymore?
>is a man
Do I have to continue?
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I don't see a penis
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>I'll not ill
Phoneposter detected
It can't get pregnant
Because I'm gay

you caught the gay

it's terminal
He is a nigger.
I mean, the average nigger sow has as much testosterone as an average white guy, passing as one isn't much of an accomplishment.
That guy's pretty hot.
I mean that's a great way to get trans people to go the fuck away so I guess yeah

Also, go ahead, you suck it.
You found it, you got first dibs.
Because. Chromosomes. Can't trans that shit.
because niggers need to die not get fucked.
I would if it were born female
Because he's not a woman

don't worry m8, 99.99% of them will never look that hot



It's a black faggot with a dick and tits
Can we use these hot man womens to confuse the middle east and make them more infidel?

Would it work Anons???
really hit all angles with this one
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so australians have a sense of humor after all
Like you don't want to comfypost in bed.
has a dick
had a dick

no other reason needed.
this kid has serious mental issues

Damn, would suck her BBC then titty fuck her.
Yeah but most don't end up drug addicted whores doing porn for a living so I guess it's even
he a dude
because shes fucked in the head. and i cant reproduce with it. also its a nigger
I agree, free Palestine.
Because its a nigger
I'm not gay.
>he used to have a penis
>now he has a gaping womb where his penis once was
>he will never be able to produce children
>he will start looking masculine again once his youth fades away
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Get the FUCK out of my state le nigger
Reality check: a psychotic nigger faggot is not a woman.
he's a nigger
I would pre-op
Not post-op

free palestine
wound. not womb. he wishes he had a womb.
nuke palestine
I am not a cock holster
>will start looking masculine again once youth fades away
Not any more than a normal black woman tbqh.
Because it's a dude. Just because you put BMW labels on a Ford don't make that Ford a BMW.
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That's a dude
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I don't know what you're talking about black women are very feminine
>Just because you put BMW labels on a Ford don't make that Ford a BMW.

Best explanation ever.
Wait until they get into their mid 30's and you'll see them for what they truly are. No amount of cosmetic surgeries is going to fight age.
I'd tittie fuck her in a pinch
Bad personality
that's literally all they're good for - questionable fetish porn when the other shit gets boring

of course they're never going to be productive members of society you retard
Is that why most of them an hero by 40?
Traps are gay
because it's a nigger.

penis, black, ugly, won't do anal, not a morally and value compatible woman, not a woman, ect.
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>tfw no qt trap gf
I would never date anything that has a bigger dick than mine.
Because I can't get him pregnant and pass my DNA for future generations. Do I need to pick any of the other 100 reasons why transgenderism is a fake as fuck crock of shit?
I don't date damaged goods
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Wrong. Trans people are unfortunate sufferers of a mental illness. Transition is the only cure for that so they seek it out at all costs, unfortunately this often leads to them being forsaken by their family and because of that they often have money problems/drug issues that makes them turn to that. It's the jews crushing up souls and turning them into cash. It's absolute degeneracy and needs to end.
Trans people can and do live perfectly normal lives as productive citizens if they aren't left to die when they're vulnerable.
>1: not white
>2: not a real woman
Im not gay and I dont like niggers.
He is not a woman.
Enjoy those man hands anon.
Is trans woman a guy who became a woman
or is it the other way around

Shit always confuses the fuck out of me
>well /pol/? what’s your reason?

Not this shit. Go back to /b/ and be a faggot there.
>well /pol/? what’s your reason?
>not a woman
Her crotch probably looks like a violent crime scene.
They already fuck little boys and sheep anon, they don't need any convincing.
Home many times is this going to get posted today.

I would rather them die

Is it just a meme that burgers get NZ and Aus mixed up or are they seriously that retarded that they can't distinguish the difference between our flags?
Transition is not a cure.

Would you encourage an 80lb woman to get gastric bypass surgery because she feels she is too fat?

What about calling a schizo Jesus because he identifies as Jesus?

Encouraging mental illness should be a crime.
I don't fuck men. This crossdresser is a man.

Because he has a penis.
Then you're no better than any other degenerate who wants to destroy what they don't agree with.

I don't really want to do /pol/ shit slinging
Gender dysphoria is unlike any of those illnesses. Anorexia can be treated with therapy, schizophrenia with antipsychotics, but gender dysphoria can't be treated with either. The only treatment that exists for gender dysphoria is transition. It's the only thing that can let them stand living and lead a somewhat normal life. If there was a cure you can bet that trans people all over the world would be clammoring for it. Trans people only transition because there's no other way that lets them live.
Really neons my brain posts first best
Also this
Heath ledger .gif
But if we can turn the men into women in the Middle East, haven't we already won?
>black kid admits he likes traps on twitter

lmao autist
I would
>mutilated inverted cock hole that needs daily dildoing so it doesn't heal over
>weird voice that sounds like speaking into a fan
>was originally a little nigger boy shooting basketball
>probably shit moral values
>very likely mentally ill
>is most likely bluepilled as fuck
>fucking him would be gay

There's all my reasons as to why I will not fuck a mutilated nigger boy
'gender dysphoria' has been proven to be treatable with hormonal therapy; if a man thinks he is a woman, then you treat him with testosterone.

not with estrogen lolol
It has a dick. Can you fuck a dick?
>calls me a degenerate
>advocates transgenderism

it really doesn't matter what you want because these people are naturally repulsive. society will swing right again and it will do it hard, there is nothing you can do to stop it. 100 years from now it will probably be legal to jail homos again. hating gays has been acceptable for the majority of human history, what makes you think now that this brief 20 year period is going to last? it won't.
The penis
>I'm a
*voice cracks
>I'm a woman you bigot!
>It's a man
>If it doesn't have a penis, it has a fucked up looking gash trying to be passed off as a vagina
>Can't have kids
>Fucked up mental problems
>High chance of STDs and AIDS

Fuck that shit
A nigger with a cock or a "vagina" that doesn't clean itself and isn't self lubricating
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And you sir, win best post award. Well done.
>fake eyelashes
fuk dat shit
No, I don't want to, I am not comfortable with your penis

I don't want to touch it
That's completely false. I've seen plenty of trans people try to do that or join the military or start lifting weights to "man up", but it never fucking works and after that they just find out they wasted 10 years and have suffered even further masculinization.
It's difficult to accept you're trans and that you need hrt to treat it, but you need to summon the strength to do that or you will only hurt yourself more.
>Wondering if an American is ignorant

They are seriously that retarded. Their geography amounts to knowing all 50 states due to some faggot ass song they had to sing in school.
would smash hard
not even gay
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>ywn bleach black mancunt

Why live lads?
Its alright, australia. We wouldnt confuse you with your retarded neighbors
First brexit now this, what has the world become?
Gay hasn't even been a thing for most of human history you fucking mongoloid. For most of human history people just fucked who they wanted to fuck, and it was only shameful for the bottom.
The concept of heterosexuality and homosexuality only arrived with Christianity.
I don't like Big Black Cocks...
.0000000001% of trannies look like that you have a better chance getting struck by lightning twice in the middle of a shark attack.
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Good one m80.
Have an ego booster.
cause his dick is bigger than mine
im not gay
it is mentally insane.
How does one survive in your country?>

Aren't there terrorists everywhere there?
>it was only shameful for the bottom
Right because it had nothing to do with faggotry, it was about domination.

>most of human history
Most cultures have been anti-gay from the start. Not everywhere was Greece and Rome.

Back to /lgbt/ faggot
She can't make babies.
he's a nigger

her benis
Some cultures accepted it, some didn't. It depended on a lot of different factors.
But the fact is that there are cultures that have accepted gay and trans people. Especially in places beyond Christianity's reach like India and Thailand.

why people bothered with all the other replies I do not understand
He has mental illness, dont fuck dudes.
Because she's got a dick.

I want kids.

And I don't want to promote a godawful mental sickness that is on par with schizophrenia.
Blacks smell weird
1. Dick
2. Mental illness
3. Cannot produce children
4. Nigger
5. Artificially pumping estrogen into his system is an unhealthy lifestyle choice
then maybe you should move there instead and stop trying to shit up the West with your faggot bullshit
>not white
>not a woman
Everyone on /pol/ would fuck Blaire White though

Anyone who says otherwise is lying
I'd probably fuck both.


If she's bigger than me i couldn't handle it
No. I'm a nationalist and love my country. I just don't believe that there's anything wrong with letting trans people be themselves.
A) He's a dude
B) He's a nigger

Little column A, little column B
Blaire White is NOT a convincing trap by any means.
He looks like he'd have a dirty floppy penis and a brown asshole.
Also, pseudo-intelligence.

I pass.
Id fuck him as a dude. The girl persona with a male voice is off-putting
Fpbp / thread.

Summed up everything in 3 words, noice.
the penis
Has a Y Chromosome
Can't Birth Children
It's literally a man that's mutilated itself
they are getting too good with the medical shit, i dont like this one bit. how the fuck are we supposed to know if they are trannies with boobjobs and hip surgeries like that
Because every cell in his body are attached with xy chromosomes dummy
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If I can't get a gf soon, I'll have to find a passable trap as substitute,

Fuck this planet
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Am I to take from this that you prefer sex with unmutilated men?
Her has a dick
Really makes you creenis the feminine penis
wait what?
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After careful consideration, would 10/10 inseminate
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>the average nigger sow has as much testosterone as an average white guy, passing as one isn't much of an accomplishment.

this is a meme. this girl is south sudanese
You burgers really love this topic...
Not gay and want biological kids. Also want a real vagina.
Because dicks, and dicks are gay, and I'm not gay.
Either that thing has a penis, or that thing was crazy enough to cut off its penis.

It's clearly has a mental illness.

I'm not gay.
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>Not gay and want biological kids. Also want a real vagina.

You realize they can do that now? Trans people have kids all the time.
I want to put my penis into a vagina, not an asshole. I also do not want frottage.
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hey that song is my childhood.
fuck you kiwi
Fuck off faggot that song was lit
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I'd spill my seed in this antiquated farm equipment. No cunt eating, though.
I want kids.
He is an ugly nigger.
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The sad thing is that these surgeries will only get more advanced.
For now, trannies can only end up attractive / decent if they get the surgery before puberty is completely done, and even then the attractiveness wears off at around their mid 30s.
But in 20-30 years? Surgery may get to the point where they can do it past puberty and be attractive into their 50s, which is when women start turning ugly anyway.

This isn't a problem for our generation, but your son could accidentally marry a tranny and you'd be none the wiser. They'd just say "oh I'm infertile due to X super rare disease" and boom, your lineage ends there while your kids adopt some mudslime refugee.

If you say "free Palestine" Jews will just take more of their land since they think it means they're getting something on sale
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Broad manly shoulders
Ableist canacuck
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I'd fuck a guy over a tranny
Would date. Any of her tits?
I don't date anyone who has a Y chromosome, even if he doesn't have a dick.

WRONG. Mutilation isn't a cure. Suicide rates go up because they realize they permanently fucked their body and they still aren't a woman

Look up (((Magnus hirschfeld))) and his sexual institute in Weimar Germany . Mutilation isn't "the only cure" it's the only fucking thing they tried

The cure is the same as with many other mentally ill people suffering from delusions. You wouldn't tell a schizophrenic their delusions are real
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>feminit penis
>her penis
>his penis
>her penis is bigger than mine
>his penis is bigger than mine
>I take her penis deep in my ass
>I take his penis deep in my ass
>I can't handle her penis when I deep throat her
>I can't handle his penis when I deep throat him

yep it all checks out, you like traps and /pol/ decided that traps are gay. (You) anon are a faggot.
Pimozide has been used to treat Gender Dysphoria successfully.
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black trannies are discriminated against more than trannies of every other race combined

Now you're just lying

Actual gender dysmorphia is so rare that statistically speaking there is no way you could have seen "plenty of trans people do X"

Your anecdotal evidence is irrelevant to the conversation anyway and you absolutely can fix it with proper hormones given to them. This is evidenced by the fact that when kids who claim they are "transgender" 96% of the time realize they aren't as they go through puberty and their bodies create more of the proper hormones for their sex

You're arguing for the mutilation of mentally ill people in a way that'll increase their chances of suicide. You're siding with opportunistic "doctors" who harm their patients rather than help them.

Taking advantage of the mentally ill is morally wrong. You're a bad person and there is no way around that
isnt the one reason why men are attracted to the female from in order for us to reproduce? kind of defeats the purpose if its a dude.

A nationalist wants what is best for the majority of people in a nation. Changing society to appease 0.03% of the population who are mentally ill is not nationalism
No prospect of reproducing. Saged.
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all those responses and not one moron pointed out the obvious implication:

>abdul said he wouldn't date a man because he isn't white
>strongly implies that he would date another man if he were white

i thought homosexuality was a death sentence according to sharia law.
iam going to close this tab now
This is some upboat-worthy Reddit Gold(tm) shit right here
Fuck off. I know all about the Jews and their experiments. The fact is that gender dysphoria is a very serious mental condition that was without any treatment for thousands of years. Only now do we have somthing that makes life a lot better for trans people, even if it's not perfect.
The kikes took advantage over the fact that trans people would do anything to get rid of the dysphoria to use them as guinea pigs. They're subhuman rats that constantly use trans people as pawns in their game.
Tell me, what do you think we should do? No therapy or pill can cure it. Do you just want to make trans people suffer as men where their mental illness will continually get worse until there's not even a shell of a human in there? Fuck you you dumb, arrogant sack of garbage. If there was any other way they would take it. There isn't and you doing this morally superior posturing when you don't even bother to learn anything about it makes me sick.
No, it hasn't. During a single fucking study on a single mentally challenged crossdresser it made them want to stop cross dressing.
Antipsychotics have in every instance have never cured gender dysphoria, they only make it worse. Do you really think that no one thought of giving trannies antipsychotics you dumb shit?
ITT: stormfag bigots display their privilege and racism against an innocent trans women
The """"""""""vagina""""""""" would probably feel awful

PROTIP - Easiest wat to tell a tranny is to look at his hands. There still is no way to make knuckles slender.

You'll thank me when you preserve your dignity by not letting one suck you off.
Holy shit I wish I were as dumb as you, the world must be a magical place to you.
1. It's gender dysphoria. You don't even know what the fucking condition is called.
2. Yeah it's rare, no shit. That doesn't mean it's hard to find trans people.

3. No, the hormones of your biological sex can not cure gender dysphoria you dumb cunt. Like I said, innumerable trans people have tried manning up and doing that shit, it doesn't work that way. It's not caused by the hormone level in your body at the fucking moment it's somthing that happens during fetal development.
That 96% is just people that don't have actual gender dysphoria. When you have that it's not a phase you grow out of it's somthing that constantly eats away at your soul

You don't know FUCKING ANYTHING about this you arrogant dickmuncher, stop fucking acting like you know more from your 5 minutes of "research" than trans people for whom this thing is at the forefront of their mind literally all the fucking time. Take your head out of your ass
I'm not asking society to change retard just don't fucking pass laws against me and we'll be fine.
>Actual gender dysmorphia is so rare that statistically speaking there is no way you could have seen "plenty of trans people do X"

prove it
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Holy fuck she is hilarious.
You're a fucking retard. He just said in that post (and it is already well known to anyone who has looked in to the issue at all) that suicide rates with transgender individuals are unaffected and in some cases worsened after transitioning. So no, transitioning DOES NOT make life better for them you fucking monkey.
Wtf I love penis now
I believe this. First, you're already extremely mentally ill, possibly via a form of schizophrenia. Then, you inflict irreparable major damage on your body. But, you realize it changes nothing, that you weren't magically born the wrong gender, and now you're a freak show.

The only next step is become an hero.
better a cock than a mutilated cock formed into a "vagina"
Can't continue the white race, duh
That's the biggest swinging clitoris I've ever seen.
he has a pp
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Because I'm gay. I like men that actually look like men.
I'm not gay.
They look like they're filming in a horror movie.

I'm not a faggot.
No you fucking idiot, you didn't even read what he posted.
Bottom surgery does increase suicide risk in the study he posted, but hormones do lower suicide risk by a lot. It makes life worth living for trans people, without them they would kill themselves. I would still rather die than go back to being a man.
too old
oy vey
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The one that got away.jpg
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cant have babies
>>124008338 simple, he has a dick
>Tucking your penis
That's fucking gayer than letting the nigger swing.
She's a guy
>1. I do not know this person
>2. This is not my preference
>3. I am a homosexual. I like penis. This person does not have a penis.
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It's still a nigger
Because I don't find the thought of sucking its dick that appealing. Is it that wrong for men to not be inclined to suck "beautiful" traps' dicks?

Doesn't have a vagina
I'd tell her I'm gay, and don't date females :^)
i wants his BBC
>a gay tranny nigger
This thread is filled with Judaism
the penis
I can't make a baby with a man.
You sound awfully butthurt. Sounds like your argument doesn't have much merit. Fuck your gay ass back off to reddit you little bitch.
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Holy shit you're all fucking retarded

That's obv a biological woman based on the tits

Men aren't capable of growing/buying tits that look like that

Kill yourselves
post the twitter link you cunt
honestly my dick is too small to probably reach the anus because of all the ass back there.
>Because he can't have children

Yes she can. They have the technology to where Trans people actually can have kids, they do all the time.

In that sense it's more natural than being gay
''le kid'' is le faggot.
>trans woman
>still looks like a woman instead of a man
oy vey
Because she has a dick you fag.
no she's fucking not
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He is not beautiful
>black """men"""
This thread already knows that Kalindra Chan is hotter.

is it a feminine penis?


become less rare,
because you'll burn for an eternity in the pits of hell and not even have children to show for it
was just about to say that
She is black. Next pls.
It was a joke, you sperg.
Le Kid E should date him.
A preacher should practice what he preach.
They did a better job on this one than they did with Michelle Obama.
>hahaha bro relax it was just a joke

pathetic little bitch still in the closet spotted.
One reason you say? How about:
>nigger -> niggress
>it had a penis
>it cannot procreate
only happens when the original female had eggs frozen prior to reassignment or the male had male frozen prior to reassignment.
>having to use lube to fuck a hole that should be self lubricating
>it feels the need to share its plastic body, almost nude, with the world.
>there is no way in fuck that inverted penis resembles anything close to a non-roastie vagina
>it is still a guy, it still has XY chromosomes, it just has two bags of silicon and an inverted penis hole now.
>above all else: it's not fucking natural you leftist cuckolding twat.

There's 7 reasons for I would not date/fuck/wife that abomination of technology and 1 reason I would not if it were an actual woman.
Implying its any different because one looks more attractive
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