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Daily reminder this is what the stars and planets look look like

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Daily reminder this is what the stars and planets look look like up close

> muh gas balls
> muh space buggies
> muh rocket science
> muh superior evolved brain which can into space unlike brainlet ancientfags

all science is corrupted with pseudo science to keep people confused.

"if you want to understand the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla
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looks pretty funny to me
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Seen the cassini images? Saturn is flat as fuck. Cant have a prison planet with a flat earth. LIVIN ON A PEAR

source on this?

Also, inb4 /x/, but these look an awful lot like how "spirits" look in paranormal photographs and such.
why do people think this when i can get out my telescope and watch jupiter rotate in the sky
post uranus
what point is there to hide this

Someone's too fucking retarded to focus their telescope.

And it's plasma, not gas, you kebab faggot.

It's because people like OP think they can get a good image of a star tens of light years away with a pissant DSLR camera
What about the sun and planets in the solar system that you can watch with a cheap telescope?
Because some people on this globe are fucking retarded.

These fucking retards enabling mental illness in an echo chamber, depressing
Sirius is only 8 light years away.

OP is a mentally defunct invalid.
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So what are they?
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>only 8 light years away.

op please come back to your retarded thread and answer some of the posts

8 light years away?
You mean 8*3*10^8?
Yeah, pretty close.
Our perception of stars, and planets is not perfect, since space isn't as empty as you think it is.
This, and they don't realize >255 white will (sometimes register as <0 black on (extremely) pleb camera systems
That's really, really close in terms of cosmic distance.
I'm well aware of all the gas and dust. Spectroscope contaminants.
Isn't that just the mirror in the middle?
the nikon p900 is no pissant
Yes. It's how I knew it was a telescope


Correct. The center is the parabolic mirror being out of focus.

OP is a superfaggot.
Its all done with mirrors. Were under a dome.
Space is a hoax

When we want to take a picture of a star; we cover up the direct line to the lens to kill light-pollution of the rest of the picture; otherwise you get either a pinpoint or a large ill defined object.

Welcome to Focus and Lenses 101
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> There's this really complicated thing that I don't understand and it makes me existentially anxious

If the rest of the world thinks you are fucking retarded, it's because everyone can tell that you aren't studying anything. You have thousands of years of research from people smarter than you, and you reject it in favor of something that just sounds cooler because you don't actually care about the truth, you care about being entertained, and space is more boring than you'd like it to be.
My manually adjusted antiquated Empire 373 72.5mm refractory telescope has shown me a wonderful set of images of Jupiter and the Galilean Moons. Best part is with a steady hand, unlike your shit show pictures...,they're in focus.
That's your telescope out of focus you fucking dumb fucking dumb fucking dumb fucking dumb fucking Faggot
you are such a self righteous faggot it hurts. why do you care so much if someone wants to believe something silly? unless you can do the math (you cant) you have no business telling other people theyre stupid for blindly believing things.
Something interesting you may want to know about reflector telescopes that central bit that hang out in front of the mirror what has the eye piece attached, that can degrade the image, your pictures clearly have that center piece and supporting struts in focus you dolt.

they are stars this is a video of them:

ITT: OP posts a retarded picture and then ditches thread when real astronomers come in.

>Defocuses telescope


you're a fucking moron dude

>Why do you care so much if mental illness becomes normalized

gee I dunno, maybe because conspiracy theorist retards lead to parents of the sandy hook massacre getting death threats for being part of a "false flag operation"?

You're the one supposedly searching for the truth faggot, do the research properly and don't put the burden on people who disbelieve every crackpot theory you can throw at them

"I think God exists prove me wrong xD"
Typical arrogant French
Enjoy having president macron

Le Pen is controlled opposition prove me wrong
tfw I can walk outside right now with a telescope and watch planets rotate and move.
tfw every morning and evening i can watch the sunrise and sunset
tfw im a shill for not believe flat earth and other shitty conspiracy theories.
Focus your damn telescope man.

>"if you want to understand the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Engineer Cuck

Protip: frequency and vibration are the same thing.
Proprotip: Think in terms of curvilinear coordinates and mass/energy.
You can even fucking see the supports of the secondary mirror, this is so fucking retarded.

How to do this: slap a circle in front of any camera lens (smaller that the lens) and make a photo of any distant light out of focus.
That's what I was thinking. You can even see the spars holding it in place.
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start prayin
this is classic.

troll astronomy thread
because retards still have the right to vote in nation with universal suffrage
Thanks, anon.

>It's another Dunning-Krugger thread

Pseudo astronomers. All images are in focus faggots. THEY ARE NOT FART BALLS TRILLIONS OF MILES AWAY, IT'S A NASA HOAX
Who cares, at least we actually voted for our controlled opposition.

Finally found the source of this stupid shit, it's just some dude collimating his telescope. People who talked about a mirror were right


If anyone actually cares about what collimation actually is:


I posted the videos, that's all you need goat fucker
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>this fucking thread
I'm glad people called out OP for being the retard and faggot that he is.

They are on the doom above the flat earth, not billions of miles away
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>real astronomers

All images are in focus
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spherecucks BTFO by op

Commercial telescopes are made shit on purpose
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>mfw OP is a real astronomer
>mfw OP knows NWO agents are suppressing is discoveries
>mfw OP risks everything to spread the truth anonymously via the web
>mfw NWO agents track OP and kill him
mfw OP died for nothing

Everything is in focus
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No they are not.

Distant points of light not in focus take shape of the ANY camera/lens hole shape (the whole bokeh stuff in photography). Reflector telescopes have secondary mirror in front of the main mirror, which (with the mounting wires) you can see when you defocus.

Everything is in focus
Vibrations do have frequency, but they aren't inherently the same. Just sayin'
Take any camera, slap a paper shape on the lens. Defocus on any distant light source - bam you'll get the same image.
Fair point, but there's no need to distinguish between them:
vibrations have frequency therefore frequency is a more general concept than a vibration. So really only frequency needs to be mentioned.

Ever have a telescope as a kid? Ever see Jupiter and Mars in a properly focused telescope? They look exactly like how were told.

Hell you don't even need a telescope, a good set of binoculars will do it on a clear night. You're a fucking retard OP.

Plus if that's how the stars actually really looked and it was a conspiracy there's no way (((((They))))) would let you own anything that could prove it.
Wow. A out of focus blob
You can go out at night with a properly calibrated telescope and prove yourself a fucking idiot
Somebody can't into focusing their cassegrain telescope
The. Re-collimate your telescope you fucking troglodyte. I don't have a reflector anymore but the shitty Celestron I had did that when it was A. out of focus or B. The mirror was maladjusted. The stars should look like a sharp pinpoint of light. You can see this with a pair of binoculars.
Because it's cheap!

You want a good telescope that can see distant galaxies? Pony up a couple million or so.
Those 3 are donut bokeh.
These 2 are atomic health powerups from duke nukem 3d. They restore 1 health, and if you are already at or above 100% health they allow your current health to exceed that number.
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Daily reminder this is how the dinosaurs died.
Replace the aliens with "joos" and you've described all of pol
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Go shill your disinfo elsewhere CTR
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>no need to distinguish between them
>distinguishing facts aren't important in science

Stay scientific
That's bullshit, Mars would block your view before you saw any movement on Jupiter.
Also basically this.
Cassegrain and Newtonian optical systems use a donut shaped mirror as their objective element and have an fixed open aperture.

When light isn't focused through a lens point sources of light will take the shape of the aperture. (in the case of mirror optics a donut shape). The hole in the middle of the donut is the shadow of the secondary reflector and those 4 spokes are the struts that hold the secondary reflector in place.
came here to say something like this but this man did it better

thanks bro
Flat earth is a phony CIA conspiracy to delegitimize real conspiracies.
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keep suckin that kike dick pol
In the context of the quote there was no need to mention vibration, as frequency is a more general concept. Problem?
Actually it's mostly people delighting in watching how everyone shits their pants over FE threads constantly.
flat earth is the easiest provable conspiracy

go prove to yourself the earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared

just go do it, should take about what five minutes right? seven minutes tops? right?
bet you wont :)
do you envision the solar system as all the planets literally in a line? that isn't how it works my dude
You know that Mars and Jupiter are at different distsnces from the sun right? Even if they were moving at the exact same speed Mars has less distance to move before it completes it's orbit so it would just fly right past Jupiter.

Think, why do the runners on the outside track start ahead of the runners on the inside?
Agree with you. Space is total nonsense.
*ring ring* hey dude there living on the other side of the earth, can you tell me if the sun shines? It does? It's night over here.
But Is the Space Dinos ok?
Now that's what I call btfo
Heat and gravity ben lights path, we see the sunrise eight minutes before it happens. Your argument is invalid.
You are aware that this is due to an atmospheric effect right?
I expect this shit from Americans but I'm disappointed in you for believing this.
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(((Properly Calibrated)))
Only partly, Some of it has to do with Earth having a gravitational pull but some of it is atmospheric, yes.
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Gave me a chuckle.

Good lad.
>there was no need to mention vibration
Yes there was. 'Frequency' can mean a shitton of things, from how many oscillations per unit time a pendulum makes, to how many times per minute Ahmed Al Hassan thrusts into your girlfriend, you insufferable twat.
I literally have a catadioptic lens for my camera. I could go make a bunch of donut bokeh just to demonstrate it. But I won't. Because I'm a globe shill and I'm lying.
Ha you are missing my point entirely you stupid fuck. Energy and frequency are the only things you need to describe a wave. So "vibrations" were pointless to mention as they are a less general idea than both frequency and energy. Get cucked. Also I do physics for a living so suck my dick and stop giving me your highschool tier knowledge.
>I do physics for a living

Yea, that doesn't sound like something a retard who read a bunch of shit off wikipedia would say to pretend he's an expert.
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If there was no need to mention vibrations, then why did you mention them?
Nah I just read a bunch of shit for 5 years at university.
*blokehs an entire planetary bodies path*
delet or face bogsequences.
I think the funniest popular science myth is evolution. In real science, it is a theory about changes. In popular science, it is a fact about improvements. Thus a real scientist like Professor J.B.S. Haldane is at pains to point out that popular ideas of Evolution lay a wholly unjustified emphasis on those changes which have rendered creatures (by human standards) ‘better’ or more interesting. He adds, ‘We are therefore inclined to regard progress as the rule in evolution. Actually it is the exception, and for every case of it there are ten of degeneration.’ ("Darwinism Today, Possible Worlds, p.28.) But the Myth simply expurgates the ten cases of degeneration. In the popular mind the word ‘Evolution’ conjures up a picture of things moving ‘onward and upwards’, and of nothing else whatsoever. And it might have been predicted that it would do so. Already, before science had spoken, the mythical imagination knew the kind of ‘Evolution’ it wanted. It wanted the Keatsian and Wagnerian kind: the gods superseding the Titans, and the young, joyous, careless, amorous Siegfried superseding the care-worn, anxious, treaty-entangled Wotan. If science offers any instances to satisfy that demand, they will be eagerly accepted. If it offers any instances that frustrate it, they will simply be ignored.
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This thread made me so angry so I had to jump out of my bed, take my camera and some old soviet lens just to make this picture
They are so fucking out of focus, you can see the infrastructure of the telescope.

Amateur=\= not real

Amateurs in astronomy are actually able to contribute to the actual science.

Hale-Bopp was found by two amateurs.
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Thank you. I only have refractors, so I can't demonstrate this.

Here's a picture I took of my telescope projecting the transit of Venus, it's actually in focus too.
The giant turtle the earth is on keeps it from spinning duh
i truly believe this is what happened.
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You can do that with any lens, just put something on in front of the aperture.

Just like I did in this photo with paper snowflake in front of a lens
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Can I get these kind of images with my Canon EOS 6D and EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM II?
underrated post
Your telescope is out of focus you dumb fuck
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/pol/- Home of to autists focused enough to weaponize their autism and find a flag in the middle of fucking nowhere in less than 36 hours, yet still mentally retarded enough to think that the entire scientific community is hiding the evidence of a flat Earth.
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Glory to flat Earthers

lmao @ these globeheads

good job man. saved.

These threads are dangerous because they slide actual information to the back as well as obfuscating what is a (((real problem))) and what is fake by sowing disinfo.
More like one dude doesn't understand how his telescope works so /pol/ fucks him up the ass with actual facts and posts flat earth for funnies.
Also Saturn looks fokking awesome through even the cheapest telescope, oh and very round.
People will actually fall for this too.
My first time seeing those rings as a kid was pure fucking magic.

Then dad knelt down and said "If you had a bathtub big enough and dropped Saturn in there it would be light enough to float" and my six year old brain was completely blown out of my skull.

Good times, man.
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Astronomy is a load of shit.
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Hello there.
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Nice photo anon.
>you will never slowly satisfy her hole with your massive [spoiler] neutrino flux [/spoiler]
Just pump me full of iron already!
I don't know whats fucking real anymore.
>another one has crossed over
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One of these days, they'll get rid of those shitty artifacts in the optics. Mean while we will have to settle for boring things that we can get a good look at, like pic related.
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Am i white
Hank Hill tier, can't see where the butt ends and the leg begins, post dick.
>you don't actually care about the truth, you care about being entertained
this is true
You need to focus your telescope fag!
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itty bitty teeny weeny tiny peeny
Protip: You can literally a build a mini-star

All you need is some vacuum equipment, some high voltage equipment, and some heavy hydrogen.
Yeah grower not a shower and gets my wife off lol its a fertile little guy first try we got pregant
Sorry kinda drunk
Its a dick go back to Facebook or reddit you fuck
they are lights that hang on the firmament for times and seasons like when jesus showed up there was a bethelem star

Genesis 1:14
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

1 cor 15:40-44
40There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

42So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
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they are lights.

Genesis 1:15
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
>Some of it has to do with Earth having a gravitational pull
What the fuck are you talking about? I hope you didn't say that for the reason I am thinking.
Is this the beginning of the swedish civil war?
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That's our back yard, relatively speaking.
Jupiter and Saturn are the only ones relatively focused.
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TFW seen Jupiter, Venus, and Mars in focus.

You should call me over to compensate for your small dick, I'll help her get pregnant

Optical abberations in your lenses, mirrors (telescope and camera) with everything really out of focus + atmospheric refraction + false coloring.
Nice job getting them to look circular.
This faggot isn't even trying
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reminded me these things from space tether incident
You're a special type of retard are you now, junior?
top kek, op btfo
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This. Mason Actornauts lie about everything. We are probably on the inside of Earth, like an egg. The sky is either a electrical projection, or God.
flat earth shills fuck off
>muh floating disks

please kill yourselves post-haste
oh fuck that one hurts to look at
Yo, what if all the stars are actually the eyes of god watching us. Think about it.
or it's just a bubble a fucking texan squirrel lives in

>half of flat earthers are leftists trolling what they think are all stupid catholics
>half of flat earthers are stupid catholics
>half of flat earthers are genuinely retarded
>half of flat earthers are functionally retarded
apologize to your broder nao.
you're a fucking retard
This, on vacation there was some guy once with a telescope that lat you look through for around 50 cent. No idea for stars (saw OPs claim a few times already), but at least saturn looks like its depicted (fuck saturn though). Also if the stars really look like OP claims it could be very well of flickering of the atmosphere that the stars flicker and get distorted
just like in the books where they all in one 2D line
nice argument ya fuckin goof
Spaceprograms pretty much are bullshit though. They maybe do real work but we dont get to see it, and what weget to see is fake, censored or heavily selected
so instead of everything being flat and you see it normally... the earth is curved but light bends to compensate and make it appear flat?

you are truly insane.
because they think digital telescopes are imprinted with fake planets, because saturn looks different etc.

but no one has explained meteorites, and comet impact craters on earth, nor have they explained why the moon isn't flat.
>because they think digital telescopes are imprinted with fake planets, because saturn looks different etc.
WHO thinks that, you fucking sperg? nice retarded strawman

>but no one has explained meteorites, and comet impact craters on earth, nor have they explained why the moon isn't flat.
just like you haven't explained why you can't measure something as simple as 8 inches per mile squared drop in real life, moron
So, let me summerize. NASA is fake, as probably all other spaceagencies

the earth is hollow, not flat

I can at least guarantee that saturn doesnt look like that through a telescope, but actually as usually depicted, and i expect other planets to do so as well. cant tell for sure about other planets as i only ever saw saturn, and the flickering of the stars if they look like OPs picture can easily be from atmospheric distortion and flickering
K, do it. I've got a kinda tall hill in my yard, you wouldn't believe any pics I post anyway, so you do it. 8 minutes, remember? Climb high, and if you still don't believe it by the time you make it up there, fall fast so we don't have to hear this shit any more.
I'm starting to just want to shoot people who don't agree with the Truth.
We see the sunrise 8 minutes after it happens you absolute mongoloid
>what you're seeing here ... is a mirage

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gettin real tired of this false equivalency senpai
recognizing the jew is logical, whereas denying the science behind astronomy is retarded.
obviously they aren't in focus dipshit
such a simple experiment and so many butthurt responses and denial

>being this weak
>which they are not by the way
frequency isnt only used for vibration. i can hit you in the face with a frequency of 10 hits per minute, but i doubt tesla meant that with energy.
>gas balls

It's really not a sphere. Think about it.
ahahahaha this nigga's serious
Awe, and you only replied to me? How's life in fucking Nebraska? I've seen the curvature of the planet with my own eyes more than once for every year I've been on this fucked up rock.

Your 8 minutes are up, now fuck off.
All pictures are in focus you retarded fat dumb Nigger
too bad those fucking saturnworshippers ruined the planet for me with their childiddling and murdering
Focused on the tool causing the distortion. Nearly perfectly in fact.
Oh god I'm laughing an unreasonably large amount
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literally out of focus dust particles being illuminated
>I've seen the curvature of the planet with my own eyes
what a LIAR
die, you fucking turd
Fuck off, discount toothpaste. Sorry I wasn't born in a country that's flat as a 12 year old. Actually, I'm not! I don't believe something this fucking stupid, and muh privilege is giving my a pretty good giggle at your dumb ass. Seriously, like, any fucking hill will work.
you're a disgusting fucking liar, even your priest degrasse would laugh at your lie, let alone people who actually know the fucking model

you dishonest fucking piece of shit
Nigger you're the one who said 8 minutes, get the fuck outside and go prove yourself wrong. We've only got another 20 bumps or so, and you're not gonna miraculously prove something so incomprehensibly stupid in that time. Me on the other hand, will enjoy tearing your dumb shit down ever step of the way with these low effort posts, because you don't even require a 3AM fridge thought.

Looks like the damn Death Star.
Correction, looks like SCIENCE
i never even mentioned 8 minutes, you lying turd

you, however, said this
>I've seen the curvature of the planet with my own eyes

and it's IMPOSSIBLE even in your own dumb retarded ball model, you fucking piece of lying shit
No, science is about a spectrum of genders you transphobic bigot.
Thx for the laughs anon. But really, fix your damn telescope.
Nice source fagass. Oh wait there isn't one.
>literally every single object capable of displaying the simple properties of physics that form spheres

You can see at least 3 other celestial bodies that are round from here on the ground, I know for a fact trees exist in your country, as do large terraces a person might gaze across.

You've actively pushed beyond idle idiocy and are starting to get towards "aggravated asshattery"

But you're too cucked to see the truth because you've just GOT to be right about something big that the plebeians don't get.

Here's your redpill. In 3 generations, not a fucking thing you do with your life will matter on any scale whatsoever.

Night, faggot. We're closing in on the bump limit now.
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>can't focus a telescope bought at Toys R Us
>*smacks lips* this is what dey don't want u to know mane!!
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I agree.

Saturn looks as depicted, but admittedly 2D.

It's not a blurry light.

You can clearly see a disc with a ring, using a telescope.
nice bullshit, mr. shrink

prove the curve drop, faggot
Go ahead, keep outright ignoring when you've been proven wrong because science is Jewish magic that doesn't count unless it fits your narrative.
>shitty shrink philosophy
>strawmen attacks

>proven wrong

kys, sperg
I'm studying Geographic systems at uni. Every time this bullshit gets brought up I want to punch you niggers in the face. My life would be so much easier if the world was a simple flat surface. You cunts have no idea about the sheer amount of manpower and effort that was put in just to model the MSL around Australia.
ah yes, I forgot light cannot bend or curve, and the mirages that you see on the street on a hot day are actually water puddles that evaporate instantly.
>prove the curve drop
>prove the sky is blue
>prove an a posteriori claim which i can get off of my ass and prove/disprove for myself using observation
Slovenia is a typical COINTELPRO-style shill trying to discredit actual right-wing views and politics by polluting the discussion with manifest bullshit
Nigger, there are literally those three you can see with the naked eye on any clear night that's not fucked up by the cancers of modern human life. Literally whenever you want to, they're there. There ain't a nigga who throws a switch when the sun is going down, they're just there, round and hilariously far away.

This is literally indisputable proof, there is absolutely no argument you could make that trumps the extremely easily verifiable evidence that you're a fucking retard.

Same here, my man. Because I used to be hugely obese, even though I lost 80 lbs I still have a big pad of pubic fat. If I didn't have foreskin, I don't think I would see any of it at all on some days.
>more strawman
8 inches per mile squared is very simple and understandable science, prove it

>pool balls are round
>therefore the pool table is round
I like how you start by saying strawman before launching into a strawman you'd literally need blinders to miss.

The planets are still waiting for you, as are the rest of observable physics at work.
i'm giving you a mathematical formula that all your professors agree on, where's the fucking strawman?


these guys make a to scale model of the universe, which requires 7 miles of continuous space to create. if they have 8 inches per miles squared, that 8in*7^2=392in or ~32ft.

so over that 7 miles they should have lost about 32 feet and they didnt, explain that shit
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reminder that /pol/ is corrupted and this thread gets deleted in 10 mins
but this crappy thing stays for hours
Poland can into photography.
>I can't into optics


Look up simulated reality theory then spam threads of that for the next 6 months. It's at least semi entertainable
>pool balls are round!

Right there, I thought you learned better than to be easily proven wrong by now. Congrats, though, I'm done cutting the frog apart, it's not funny any more. Before you artistically screech at the monitor again, just know you're still gonna be wrong when you wake up tomorrow.

And I think I'll go on a hike, so I can get my first viewing of the earth's curve out of the way early this year. Toodles.
As someone whos interested into watching planets. What telescope would you guys recommend for satisfactory results.
>And I think I'll go on a hike, so I can get my first viewing of the earth's curve out of the way early this year.
good, do that
so, as a question, is that 8in/m^2, or (8in/m)^2?
8in x mi x mi
wait 8in*mi^2?
that's way fucky my man
fuck wrong quote
meant for
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it's true, confirm with your professor or something
dumbest post ive ever seen on 4chan
Umm, no. Try again sweetie
no seriously, 8inmi^2 is just a number, not a ratio

8in/mi^2 is an actual ratio
>orbital radar altimetry map vs poorly focused toy telescope
o boi you sure showed them m8 i r8 8/8
>basic math is in an entirely different realm than this faggotry

Oops, one more post.
it's a number that tells you how much the horizon has supposedly dropped in a given distance

call it whatever you want, the formula is legit
Here is some 300 BCE science. Plant a post in the ground, walk until post disappears behind curve of the earth, plant a second pole and measure the distance, that is the curve of the earth. You can replicate this experiment yourself.

Also your pic is a common visual trick, since the city you perceive as behind the water is actually just a reflection of the water, this is observable with any source of water from a far distance.
>post disappears behind curve of the earth
>use binoculars, see the whole post again

the only visual trick here is the stupid globe you're defending
>it's a number
>it's a formula
Nigger, you very clearly don't even know what you're shilling for. And I was going to get a nice hiking picture for you, and everything.
So why haven't you posted any of those pictures! I wanna see China from Australia. I just need binoculars, right
>up close
my fucking sides, you're a retard
>this is how dense i am
how do you survive?
Finally I have satisfaction. Someone else gets to see this dumb shit. Excellent, I can leave without regrets this time. Probably.
i think he doesn't understand the proper way math works in scientific fields.

8in/mi^2 means that for every square mile, there would be 8 inches of curvature.

what he's saying means that for every square mile you fave 8in*mi^4, because that's how math works

According to Flat earthers it doesn't disappear around the curve, it just hit your visual vanishing point.

Again according to them, with binoculars, telescope, or high powered zoom camera, what you thought disappeared, will pop right back into view under magnification.

I haven't confirmed this, but it's what they say.
And yet, you still haven't explained how your own model fails, or how a number can be a formula. This must be some advanced math you're working with, I'd love to see it.

Guess I'm not free yet, your dumb ass is just too fine
No. Binoculars have the same visual trick when viewing a reflection on water that is being reflected back into light, which makes the reflection visible because of how these things work. You will not see the post on dry land even with binoculars, because while your eye may not be able to see it even on a flat earth, binoculars would. The fact you can't observe a flat line really tells something.
>visual vanishing point
So how to they explain that distance occurring over shorter distances than a human can gaze straight down today? Skyscrapers wouldn't let you see the ground if something so preposterous existed.
you use to formula, input the numbers and get the result, which is also a number
then you compare the math with actual reality and you realize the ball is a fucking fairy tale that only mongs like you still believe in
kill yourself

>i-it's a mirage ...i ... it has to be
toplel faggot


No, what they're saying is if you watch a ship sail over the horizon, it didn't really disappear over the curve.

According to them, with magnification you can still see it, even though you can't with the naked eye.
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Its very easy to confirm, so long as you have access to a long stretch of land.

Here is the experiment for the optical illusion of something beyond the water that seems to be there, but is in fact a reflection

You haven't posted a formula, faggot. You posted a number, which was then explained in every detail how you were using it incorrectly by someone who actually knows what the fuck they're talking about.

It's like a YouTube video where you watch some drunkard lose a fight with a heavybag.
It literally is a mirage. It is called Atmospheric Refraction.

no you're fucking wrong about the formula being 8in*mi^2, it's 8in/mi^2
Yeah, so how do you explain that period of distance being shorter than what you can see directly towards the ground out of a plane?

If it goes too far, and that's why we can't see it, pilots wouldn't be able to see the ground. If everything is flat, you can't say "no but there's something in the way if you do it like this, and it totally matches what I'm saying is fake, but don't believe that because lolbinox"

For example, here is a video of the moon under the effects of Atmospheric Refraction, and this process is actually why you can see the sunrise twice in a row, once not over the sea and once again over the sea because the sea is reflecting the sun from a different angle to the eye.
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forgot image durrr

literally kill yourself
It's defraction you stupid nigger
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>52 miles distance
To give the more conservative number, I'm going to use the wider equatorial circumference, 24,901 mi.

The angular size of a arc, along a circle of given radius, is the proportion of arc to circumference times 360. For degrees. For radians, times 2pi. This gives us an arc angle of 0.75 degrees. For convenience, I'm going to now work on the unit circle. You can just multiply in the relevant scalar to go from radius 1 to radius 3959. The image here is stretched so there's even visible curvature, because, surprise, 52 miles is fucking tiny to 24,901, so the angular size is indeed fucking tiny.

With the proportional radial distance here found, we multiply the distance y the radius, and find the height of sphere in the way is 0.08519749083898 miles or about 450 feet, which looks right for the bottoms of buildings being below the horizon, and that's excluding how the buildings being slightly angled away.

Fuck out of here with your flat earth shit. You stupid fuck.
>getting BTFO on all fronts

I fucking love science, can we just appreciate that? He has literally no hope, I bet this is what a cat feels like with a particularly spry mouse to fuck with.
I see it,two eyes and a head.
>>123990057 (OP)#
No one will give a shit what i have to say but hey i tried explaining

I get this in my reflector too anon, it's basically the secondary mirror assembly and it's struts casting a shadow on the primary mirror, so if you put the eyepiece out of focus you can see the grainy apparition of the shadow, this doesn't mean anything, stars are suns like ours that are just really far away.
you fucking love your scientism cult, bimbo, not science

ball earth has nothing to do with science
Mars is smaller and so you can look around it to see the other planets
thats pretty flippin cool desu
Here's a very simple one you can do by yourself, it won't even take 5 minutes.

Go to your faucet, and watch a single drip of water.

I'll wait here so you can apologize for being dumber than a street shitter.

from what i'm reading here "the earth's surface curves approximately 8 inches in one mile" is read as "the earth's surface curves approximately 8 inches per mile, or 8in/m.

You're still fucking wrong, learn how to construct an equation from words.

Planes fly at what, 20,000-30,000 feet?

Are you saying you can't see that far out over the ocean?

That's only 5 or 6 miles. Pretty sure you can see that far on a horizontal line.
it's 8 inches for the FIRST mile, that's why you have to square the mile, you're on a fucking sphere, it drops exponentially from your point of observation
this thread makes me REEEEE hard as an hobby astronomer.

I literally saw jupiter and saturn hundreds of time, sorely do to REFLECTION and nothing else.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Ever saw this car lights in movies that get all big and blurry? That's the same fucking effect

its basically the focus of the fucking camera that sucks, seeing weird atmospheric flickering and shit, mixed with the light of the star
So the curve just keeps getting bigger. Regardless of the fact that your nonsense would have it fold back into itself extremely quickly. Rather than you being wrong, this means science is wrong.

Certainly more than long enough for the effect to be observable. You know, the effect of our curved planet. Unless you're starting to grasp the bigger picture that what you're proposing makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
m8, while the slovenian here is a moron, there actually is a square here. y=sqrt(1-x^2) will give you a hemisphere of radius 1, and sqrt(3959-x^2) will give you one of radius 3959. y=3959-sqrt(3959-x^2) will give you the altitude of the line y=3959 above the hemisphere with respect to the x axis.

Not that the statement actually has anything to do with visibility. See >>124038317
Amazing how stupid OP is
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8 inches per mile squared

8in * mi^2

first mile: 8 inches * 1 * 1 = 8 inches
second mile: 8 inches * 2 * 2 = 32 inches
third mile: 8 inches * 3 * 3 = 72 inches


thank you, i'm just pointing out that he's so fucking wrong he has no idea what he's talking about

"which of these equations is correct, A or B"
"that's wrong for this reason"
>well here's my source that says neither A or B are right

that's basically what he did.


no, you're just pointing out that i know the fucking formula and you don't

and you've been proven wrong and now babble about sources and shit

i gave you a simple formula, i got it right the first time, and now that you've been proven to literally be a brainless sperg, you keep your shitty attacks

fucking kill yourself, idiot
I told you, he's probably high tier performance art. Or extremely autistic. Or just your average Slovenian I guess, general trash
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>how to instantly kill a dumb thread

sup guys am i doin it rite
>uses damned near everything every way as incorrectly as possible

seriously about that one thing I said where your life would never matter
you legitmately said in >>124036594
that the formula is 8 in *mi*mi

your source in>>124038304 says it's 8in/mi

then you say in >>124039404 it's 8in per mile^2, which if you can understand mathematical literacy, translates to 8 in/mile^2

get your numbers straight please.
Patently, invariably, observable fuck up at the most base of levels. There isn't a kek top enough for it.
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dont mind me jus passin thru
>your source in>>124038304 (You) says it's 8in/mi
no, that source says it's 8 inches for the FIRST mile, you "forgot" to read the last statement:

>Look at our response to Shirley to see what happens after the first mile.

fucking illiterate mong
>lol I don't understand the first things about math, but I'm not gonna let that stop my burgeoning career as an astrophysicist

>if only those niggers could see that astronomy and physics are wrong
Oh holy fuck it's finally 309, Jesus christ you can languish in your stupidity alone now, FUCK
>b-but muh daddy says so
so when will you move from an appeal to authority to actual science?
alright so upon checking that link, they generally confirm that it's the whole 8in/mi^2.

which is still different than what you gave before.
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It's flat folks.

There are only two groups of people here: those who know the earth is flat, and those who haven't done the research.
OP is too redpilled for nu/pol/
/ means divided by, get your shit straight

>8in * mi^2

this is the correct formula, people, confirm it yourself, this dude is either a shill or literally retarded
alright but when you plug in your 1 mi^2, you plug it in with the unit, which would mean your equation gives in*mi^4

if it were 8in/mi^2 you would plug in the units and get only 8 inches, which is correct.

8in * mi * mi
8in * 1mi * 1mi
= 8 inches

8in * mi * mi
8in * 2mi * 2mi
= 32 inches

you're putting the number of miles in as just the number leaving out the unit, you can't just drop units for no reason.

8*in*1mi*1mi = 8in*mi*mi not, 8 inches.
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baffles me. Watching the moons next to jupiter, then reading flat earth nonsense.

the real red pilll is...

planets are bubbles. All spherical large objects are bubbles, held together by lateral gravitational attraction, born from vorticies.

Most have open poles, leading into the the flat space time volume inside.

wormholes require flat space time to anchor - which is why wormhole travel terminates inside moons and planets.

source: hyperdimensional alien gods.
thank god for a good model.

factor in the curvature of space time due to the mass of the earth, and you can actually see even further in a straight line.
i've seen this in videos. its a bit weird, and i'm guessing that refraction through the density gradient of the air is what causes it
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>bible is atlantis
>god was aliens

this proves it
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