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Documents proving Macron's secret tax evasion.

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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 65

I've sent these to hundreds of French journalists and they've all sat on this, so I'm sticking it on 4chan. Anybody even talking about this in France has been shut down.

The first doc is the incorporation of a shell company in Nevis, a country that doesn't keep ownership records of corporations. The second is proof of a banking relationship with a bank involved in tax evasion in the Cayman Islands.

People have known for a while that Macron underreported his income and assets to the government, but nobody knew where it was stored. Here's where his money is stored. See what you can do with this, anon. Let's get grinding. If we can get #MacronCacheCash trending in France for the debates tonight, it might discourage French voters from voting Macron.

Document 1:

Document 2:
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so if you're not aware of Nevis, it's the only country in the world where the government doesn't have a central repository of who owns what assets. The general partner that the government knows is the lawyer that incorporates, so only the attorneys know who owns what.

many resources were lost to retrieve this information.
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Send it to non French journalists, spam it on Twitter
Why is it that seemingly EVERY time you turn around, a Democrat or leftist is guilty of some kind of slimy corruption or scandal or something. Sure, the right and Repubs have done some shit too but not NEARLY as much as Democrats. It's almost as though being involved with corruption or cover-ups is like, necessary or something.
Send it to US, UK, Belgian, Spannish and German journos.

Send it to independant journalists all over the world.

Send it to Matt Drudge, Cernovic, Breitbart, and so on.
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i am not autistic enough to look through all these documents

someone please post screen caps of the parts that show he is a crook
Literally, the signature is enough.
If legit brietbart and daily mail would probably run it
Don't want to seem bitchy, but is that all ?

Do we have other similar contracts from the company as something to compare ?
where did you find those ?
It doesn't even look like a real contract, its poorly made, there only one signature of one party.
this smell fake as fuck
>not autistic enough
wtf what kind of /pol/ poster are you? lmao

see these two?

those establish Macron's ownership of La Providence Ltd., a holdings company in Nevis.

now the image on this post establishes that La Providence's relationship with a caymans bank.
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send it to breitbart, wikileaks and all the alternative media.
>It doesn't even look like a real contract,
> there only one signature of one party.

it's incorporation articles dude. it's not a contract. there's no counterparty.
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>hasnt given it to wikileaks
pic related
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That would take too long
wikileaks is good. i have given a bunch of stuff to wikileaks. wikileaks has a huge backlog and takes many months to publish and the election is in a few days.

Rev up those Twitter account boys!
Have a bump.
Send it to Patrick Le Brun.

Is there any way to know more about La Providence ?
Like a government register somewhere ?
Send it to Le Pen's team they have contact info
russia make good job for this thing

Well, tell them these documents are game changer and that they need to review them quick. It's not like there a lot to read.
>sticking it on 4chan
one hell of a dump g8 b8 m8
I get where you're going with this. But first pic may be unrelated to second and third pic.
Post the full picture pages you've pictured. Yes you've posted pdf. Most won't open or download it, so post full pics and let people condense it into memeable form.

It's the smart way. WL is in limbo between compromised and not. It entirely depends on how far you dig into it.
This. Send it to Le Pen, WikiLeaks, RT, Breitbart, and spam on social media. Twitter is good for getting it trending but Frenchies are more likely to see it on Facebook, Instagram and 9gag
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So tell me exactly why i should believe these are real? Let's see how adept you are at larping .
In all honesty the only one's who will probably be able to cover it are American based journalists because of the first amendment and the US bill of rights
Have a bump while I sift
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big if true
I guess now is a good time to place bets on le pen winning
Quick question anon why is this conveniently in English?
Is Latvia saving france? Lets go senpai.
i guess most international contract especialy in bank / offshore are in english, cause mostlikely its outsider of the country who open bank account
because the world's centers for tax evasion use (like Nevis and the Caymans) use English as their official language, dude.
Send it to ZeroHedge, they will put out a story pretty quickly and it should spread.
>I've sent these to hundreds of French journalists
Send them to Breitbart
English is the language of business

I can't access the information at present, however I would recommend you and other anons sending these documents to popular alternative news outlets or commentators on social media.
doc 1 is LLC
doc 2 is LTD
poorly made bait
Interesting did not know that, thanks for the info anon

Cyka Bylat!
I could put it in print, but I need some sausage showing that Nevis doesn't keep ownership records and that First Caribbean has been involved with tax evasion

Help me out here anons let's get the ball rolling on this shit
Thanks Russia:)
do explain?
Where can one find info about Nevis not keeping records on business owners
Actually, just send it to any and every journalist / news website and make sure they can each see the other recipients such that they will all rush to be the first to break the news even if they don't like it.
get your dirty baguette shitbags out of my country
no anon, seven proxies here. i am not in latvia.
Think those panama papers leaks could have anything relating to this?




what a shocker

>dropping docs without a proxy = reddit
Is this going to be #cruzmistresscrisis part duex?
this this this
To those saying this is bait the national language of Nevis is English so legal documents from there would be in English and companies there can be registered as LLCs
now that's rare.
Where did you get it?
Bumping. I downloaded them in case this gets shut down
llc and ltd are to different form of companies, its like telling company A is a cat, and in an other document the company is a dog.
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this looks exciting
Panama Papers were never actually released in full which should tell you all you need to know about them.

Explain to me the significance of the first document again
>Offshore companies registered in Nevis need not file annual returns. Corporate records may be kept anywhere and annual general meetings or meetings of the Board of Directors are not required to be held in Nevis. Nevis offshore companies are also free from local taxation and are not subject to Nevisian taxes of any kind, including corporate tax, income tax, withholding tax, stamp tax, asset tax or exchange controls (except an annual government fee of $200). In fact, they are not required to register the names of shareholders, directors or officers. There is no requirement to file annual accounts and any Nevis company conducting legitimate business is fully protected from disclosure of confidential information by the island's strict Confidentiality Act.

If this is real it is an obvious tax shelter.

>brb, gonna start a legitimate LLC in Nevis with a $1 capital account :^)
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Bump for new French Renaissance
> The Nevis Confidential Relationship Act prohibits the disclosure of information and secrecy and privacy of Nevis Offshore LLCs are guaranteed under this act.
>The identity of the Beneficial Owners is not published nor is it available to the public.


talk to any nevis attorney

Legit have never seen a flag this rare.

Please explain OP
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this guy gets it
from someone who managed covert physical access to them in nevis. it wasn't easy.
Fuck off
If you have no morals and someone offers you a shit to of money you just say: "what do you need me to do and how do I not get caught"
Is this from the document itself? I am still perusing it

Appreciated, give me an hour or two and I will light the fire
A limited partnership can be an LLC member, but you're right, OP is probably larping
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Dammnit I wanted this to be a real scandal

Fucking ugh

How do you explain the apparent difference between the LLC and LTD on the documents?
I sent it to infowars and breitbart
tell them its a fake
Should I?
I thought they were confirmed false?
Also bump.
How much are they paying you for your shift today DGSE?

(((confirmed false)))
Wow. This is some desperate shit, even for you guys.
they are stupid enought to believe its legit
but it would be politically interesting, even if its fake news, people would believe it for the elections

Send it to Le Canard Enchaîné, or Faits & Documents.

They won't sit on it.

Why did you feel the need to make 6 posts in the same thread saying this is fake? It's clearly real. Who's paying you to shill this hard?
I don't work at all
didn't you just take a look at the fucking names and numbers on doc 2 ? its fucking photoshopped
Yeah I feel like it would help the cause even if it is fake
Top data analyst/Zerohedge contributor here.

I've gone thru all of the documents, and it appears to be nothing substantial, sadly. I'm going to rest my eyes, I think we should all take a break from the internet and get some rest.

> Leaves.
Top data analyst/Zerohedge contributor here.

I've gone thru all of the documents, and it appears to be nothing substantial, sadly. I'm going to rest my eyes, I think we should all take a break from the internet and get some rest.
Top data analyst/Zerohedge contributor here.

I've gone thru all of the documents, and it appears to be nothing substantial, sadly. I'm going to rest my eyes, I think we should all take a break from the internet and get some rest.
Is the signature photoshopped as well faggot?
>wtf what kind of /pol/ poster are you? lmao
this is too high level for /pol/. no one here has knowledge of offshore tax evasion
does anyone else start getting sleepy when trying to parse financial documents with their mumbo jumbo?

this early afternoon time is probably the best for naps. we can all talk about it around dinner time.

sweet dreams all.

Oh, are you the sleep shill? Hahaha you're always so sleepy.

I am feeling pretty sleepy

>waits to release this until second round

what a fucking retard - Macron will still win now, but you could have made this a Le Pen vs Melenchon or a Le Pen vs Fillon race.

Why double post from proxies, bruv

@OP Delete your sources now. This is the FBI.

These documents are fake and not to be leaked.
Gotcha, never read into those myself I just remembered hearing about them.

Anyone getting a little tired? It's midday and I'm getting sleepy! I think it's time for a nap. Plus, I already checked this stuff out. It's literally nothing. We should waste our time on this. Anyway, I'm going to take a nap. You should too, anon. There's a lots of stuff we need to investigate, though this is not one of them. I'm sorry. Bye.

Thanks Russian bro. This will definitely swing the election!

Fuck off with you NLP you bastid
everyone can do a signature with a bit of training retard, I did my parents ones when I was in highschool
Get it on Twitter and Facebook, you need French people to see it and spam this fucker.
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why are you such a faggot?
This seems potentially huge if true

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Just to let you know, "la Providence" is the name of Macron's former high school in Amiens (the one where he met his future wife).
clearly a proxy
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>already have this flag
Can a frog write a 140 character description in French that we can use to twatt and retwatt? Please.
Top data analyst/Zerohedge contributor here.

I've gone thru all of the documents, and it appears to be nothing substantial, sadly. I'm going to rest my eyes, I think we should all take a break from the internet and get some rest.
Isn't this just a scanner artifact from the image compression, same as with obongos birth document?
see this video for an explanation:


20:23 if you're impatient

kek believes you, so do I
please see: >>123939389

thank you, in advance
So you're saying that's not proof of photoshoop?
Anyone getting a little tired? It's midday and I'm getting sleepy! I think it's time for a nap. Plus, I already checked this stuff out. It's literally nothing. We should waste our time on this. Anyway, I'm going to take a nap. You should too, anon. There's a lots of stuff we need to investigate, though this is not one of them. I'm sorry. Bye.
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Daily Reminder, Mudslime also going Total Meme War

Paris mosque urges Muslims to follow ‘path of hope’ by voting Macron


many other sauce, including wikipedia but they're all in frenchie language..
Hi. I am from Zerohedge. Can we use these documents OP? Thanks.

--Sam richer
That's what I'm saying. If someone wants to photoshop something, they could do a much much better job.
This looks supiciously fake
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Hello, Boris.

is there a public facebook or twitter somewhere?
if it's social media related they basically have to cover it

As I said, even if its fake news, it could be politically interesting, it could be influence people for the vote sunday
what do you mean, you want me to say those documents are proving E.Macron is doing fiscal fraud ?

Hello, Mensch.
go for it
Fucking bump, what should we do with this?

spread it
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"Une source anonyme a trouvé que candidate présidentiel, @EmmanuelMacron avait été caché des finances dans une banque en Îles Caïmans. #fraud"
>>123935182 here
How? We need to summarize it first I think
Pls post everything notrussian Latvia
pretty sure that isn't contradictory

Don't post it yet, ut's not quite correct
Guys, this is fucking hugeeeeeeeeeeeee
this is going to be the swing.


Selon une source anonyme @EmmanuelMacron aurais caché de l'argent aux Iles Caïmans.#fraude
get this on twitter
waiting for zero hedge or breitbart to break this story so i can place my bets
merci, who are we shilling with this? Or just throw it into the general twittersphere?
EmmanuelMacron aurait caché une partie de sa fortune dans une banque aux iles caimans selon une source anonyme
Bump for interest.
Blown O-ring

Thank you.
If it could blow up while the debate is going up it would be hilarious,I hope lepen keeps an eye on her phone
Beware, use "auraiT" instead of "auraiS"
Is that today? Is there any live translations for it? I have some interest in the election, but I can't stand the media reporting on it or understand frog.

whos gonnnu break the sotry tyhough///??
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if these documents are damaging in anyway what so ever, why the fuck would you give macron a heads up
Why does it feel like this will be in the news, as evidence of Russian influence on the French election?
In 40 bings, try france24
Stop it nigger you're crashing the market.
The only thing i found on "La Providence inc"


>Based in UK

>Nature of business (SIC)

>69201 - Accounting and auditing activities
>69202 - Bookkeeping activities
>70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management
I really hope it's true
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I converted the file into images, I'm going to dump everything
>It's the smart way. WL is in limbo between compromised and not. It entirely depends on how far you dig into it.

Are you norwegiananon? Are you making any more assange threads?
Because it's either
>a frenchie behind a proxy having a giggle
this whole thing doesnt make any sense to me.
The french media love suking off macron thats why none of them published this story, hell they probably tipped macron off
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>In business, one would often see the terms ‘Ltd’ or ‘LLC’ attached to company names. But what are these really? And how are they significant to the nature of an enterprise? Essentially, these two are types of companies. The Ltd, which stands for private limited company, has shareholders with limited liability and its shares may not be offered to the general public. The LLC or limited liability company, also known as with limited liability (WLL), provides limited liability to its owners and follows pass-through income taxation. They may sound very confusing because of the limitedness they emphasize on. But despite the slight similarity in name, they are very much different from one another and render their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Three main provisions distinguish one type from the other. One is the liability owners have in the company’s transgression, another is how they are taxed, and lastly the number of shareholders allowed.
its bad strategy to release this because the left has so much shit on le pen that you'll just trigger them into a lethal counter attack
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Mersi bukkopp!
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they misreported the name to the caymans bank. possibly intentional to make following the trail more difficult.
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Release it all everywhere. Do not make the same mistakes as wikileaks did with their insurance files. We will never see the contents of them. Do not let Macron's documents get buried away.
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also send it to british journalist, those who are pro brexit might talk about it.
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Yes and yes/no.
I haven't had the time to go trough and make new summary, won't have time until next week. Why not make one yourself? The last thread ( >>123667285 ) will serve as a good point to make a summary from.
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Cheers reunionbro

hey even if it is fake it is no different than democrats piss dossier on trump. hoist them by their own petard
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epic baguette
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So OP can't even tell us his source. Anyone could've made that poor looking bait with enough autism.
I've been pretty sick lately and my cognition is badly affected, have a hard time keeping details apart etc.

Anyways I might try making one otherwise I'm loking forward until your threads next week
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Cheers to you too
>the only country in the world where the government doesn't have a central repository of who owns what assets

Not true. But doesn't matter.

Richard Palmer's phone number lookup: Belcanto Investment Group Limited. Any info here?

didnt stop the (((press))) running with the piss dossier on trump
Send it to Drudge, Infowars, Breibart.
Le Pen has been stealing EU funds, should be talking more about that desu.
Gross cibc is the worst bank ever
EU has been stealing french fries
Kys Juncker
Same, but just take your time and work on in in a text document.
Try to summarize the two clues and the leads we got from that, I fucked up last thread by trying to summarize 8 threads without providing the context. People are lazy, they won't spend more than a few minutes reading OP post before moving on if it don't catch their interest.

You probably don't need to do much other than copying one of the earlier summaries and adding in the new info and removing any old wrong info. The thread makes itself once you give them something to work on.
somegoy get on it
Yeah but that happens all the time when someone just gets too cocky. Think about how Trump had to backpedal about the "birther" bullshit yet many still believe it.
Send it to FN
Brian Hydes, has a linkedin page showing he is what the document states. La Providence was the name of Macron's high school. La Providence's phone number seems to be Belcanto Investment Group Limited, an investment company registered in st kitts & nevis.
And it's one of the best banks in the Caribbean, which tells you a lot about the rest.

Redpill me on the best Canadian banks, though.
Well we have a phone number which Spartacus is going to nut up and ask them questions directly.


Video related.
Looks very legit but is probably of no value as the documents date back to the time when he was a banker. Depending on his role in the bank, it would be business as usual to be nominee director/shareholder for such a company. Nothing to see here, unfortunately.

t. banker
When were those made?
EU money is taxpayer money you retard
That's not true. Owning a company in Nevis to which, lets say the bank you work for, makes a payment is a fraud (to avoid income taxes). So if true, that should be a bomb.
Ah, I see. Articles on this story is already circulating

>implying anyone is going to believe a med kit
I have tweeted it.

Now we just have to spread it.
Looks like word is getting out?Just saw this

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thank you! kek bless le pen
The shills always prove when we're into something
There is a Panama anon that does that shit for a living.
>no value

But if the company still exists, he did not declare ownership of this entity and foreign bank account. That alone is criminal in France.

Also the date is 4 May 2012, so just a few days before becoming Hollande's advisor.
All good things, unless it's bait, designed to discredit L.A. PENZ as a Russian crypto-agent. A bump is in order, regardless.
Get back on the pm, fag

That's a good year, did you choose it in honor of the coronation of our king Charles X?
>When were those made?
Stautes signed 4 May 2012,
telefax dated 11/02/15 but telefax doen't prove his continued affiliation with the company. An unrelated party (e.g. bank employee) often signs the documents for a client and then transfers all control of the company to the client.

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it's 18-25 you dip
He's a JVC kid
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Be sure to alert; GLP, Gateway Pundit kid, Infowars, Drudge, ATS, the Sun... All the least credible, yet vocal and far reaching "alternative news" sites.
I'm borshting this on VK to all my clesmerkind as we speak. I have a lot of Latkachat Chezcovs that will re-twarz everything I borsht.
It was a joke.
At that time he was a counsellor in Hollande's team,he was about to become a civil servant
In may exactly
Sarcasm is hard to discern on the internet
>he did not declare ownership of this entity and foreign bank account

If he signed the documents as a simple "nominee director" for a banking client it is business as usual; his client being the owner of the company and acct., not he.
2 days later Hollande won and he left Rotschild so he could work at the Élysée, don't you find it a bit suspicious?
Spread like wildfire

We have nothing to lose
Can you feel it? It's time for a good nap. So very tired, exhausted. We now put away the computer and go to sleep.



It's worth a try
For you OP:

Some popular French alt-right Twitter accounts like @tprincedelamour (19k followers) will happily retweet all of this, if they do read your message... They don't care if it's fake news or not.

Other accounts like @Fdesouche will only talk about it if it's substantiated (i. e. they will not retweet this).

All anons link the story to all media!!!
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>We have nothing to lose
Except our credibil...
Nevermind. Carry on.
>don't you find it a bit suspicious
Offshore banking is always a bit suspicious but he may have simply completed a last transaction for a client before leaving Rothschild.
wow this is some serious stuff you've found

you should go take a nap to celebrate all the hard work you've done here, you deserve it
Why on earth would an investment banker at Rothschild (France) be a nominee for a client that banks with CIBC (Cayman Islands), then leave a few days later to go into politics?

It's not absolutely impossible, but it doesn't make much sense.


Alright, just asking for your opinion
It's ambiguous though, we could play on that
Could be. I admire your long term memory. Those were like years ago. Wonder if there is an ongoing investigation into that (((leaker.)))
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goys retweet this


even if it seems fake, can only hurt him!!!!!
how hard would it be to set up a bank accont in Nevis? a test?
It is ambiguous but it really is business as usual in banking.

He probably signed it as a nominee director in his capacity as a banker for a client.
See: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/nov/25/offshore-trick-bvi-nominee-director
Bank account opening in the Caribbean is generally easy-going. Low minimum balances, all done remotely, responsive staff, etc.

The banks are mediocre though.
Not as real country. It's just a kitchen/bathroom fixture company posing as a nation.
Thank you Russian hackers.
Then he would not have benefited from it, but he would have willingly help someone to a commit a fraud? Or at least something immoral
Macron is the real Nazi.

Hey, on an unrelated note, I've noticed a lot of Swiss banks "upped their game" lately, as they want a minimum balance of CHF 1,000,000 (or even more) for an offshore account.

Do you think they're going to accept lower sums if you use an introducer?
gnomes of zurich always try to downplay the crimes of their fellow bank schemers

listen, your kind is going to pay wholesale, all you bank scum
Current payout?
tfw when I actually am sleepy but don't want to say it because of that shitty meme
What the fuck.
I got the impression off this, after giving it a quick google
OH, FUCK! Those niggas hardcore.
Is there any election that Russians won't hack?
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Do it, faggot. I want to see him get destroyed.
>he would have willingly help someone to a commit a fraud?
Not necessarily. Even very large corporations use shelf companies to conduct business.

>Or at least something immoral
Offshore banking and using shelf companies is shady. It is usually done to mask the real owner for whatever reasons which does not have to be illegal per se (it can be done for tax evasion, money laundering etc. but banks like Rotschild have compliance departments checking those documents)
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When did this French guy rape and murder Madelyn? Because it may have been illegal:

In 2000, the Financial Action Task Force, part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), issued a blacklist of 35 nations which were said to be non-cooperative in the campaign against tax evasion and money laundering. The list included the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, as well as Liechtenstein, Monaco, Luxembourg, the British Channel Islands, Israel, and Russia.[25] No alleged misconduct had taken place on Nevis, but the island was included in the blanket action against all offshore financial business centres, as such centres cause a considerable loss of tax revenue for the G7 countries.[4] With new regulations in place, Saint Kitts and Nevis were removed from the list in 2002.[26]


hoisting some by their own petard is hacking?
All documents are listed there.

>Do you think they're going to accept lower sums if you use an introducer?
Not anymore. At least not the renowned banks. They are not gonna risk it for CHF 1M. Maybe some of the shady, smaller banks (usually Arab banks) if your introducer has a good relationship to them.
Send to non-French outlets all over the world

MSM: Daily Mail, Reuters, CNN, Sky News, RT

Real News: Drudge, Tucker Carlson, PJW, O'Keefe

Also tweet to Le Pen, Trump, Farage, Drudge, PJW, Fox, Tucker, Hanity, Limbaugh
Someone make a new thread pls, I can't fucking do it for some reason
bump. because im not sure whether to make a bet on this or not.
Удap. He пoзвoляйтe им двигaть этo!

If he was acting as a nominee of some entity, it would explicitly say on whose behalf he was acting. Since there's only his name, it indicates that he was acting for himself.
Send it to Le Pen
> it would explicitly say on whose behalf he was acting
That would be on a separate document.
See link related:
Seriously, what is this website?
>(((((((real news)))))))
You mean those crypto-jewish media outlets are any better than the MSM just because they pander to your worldviews?
Selon une source anonyme, @EmmanuelMacron aurait caché de l'argent aux Îles Caïmans. #Fraude

a better version.
Saint Kitts and Nevis were never removed from a list of "banned" countries. The dude is fucked, as he's G7 and sponsored the international law he broke, effectively starving the people of France to death. He's get prison time for this, or the gallows. People died, and the families are pissed.
LOL, is it LLC or LTD ?
This doesn't look like Macron's signature, nor like his writing

Good job for spreading fake news, faggot
exactly what it says dude.
A news site run by a good friend of The Daily Stormer.
Bump for justice. He took food out of the mouths of refugees by ILLEGALLY doing business with a terrorist nation, way after the sanctions.

It should still say something like "nominee of ____". Omitting that would be treated as concealing ownership which would be considered as fraud.

I'm don't know French tax law, but in the US, you must disclose that you have interest in or an account with a foreign entity. Otherwise that's considered tax evasion.
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God damn. No wonder it's illegal to do business in Nevis. Pretty sick regime that Frenchfag is supporting.
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>litterally on his fucking website
le bimp
What are you doing faggots? Start memeing This is our last chance to get Marine elected.

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I though France guy was a liberal. How can he fund this shit, morally? I know it was illegal, but Jesus. We(G-5/7) sanctioned Nevis for a reason.
>news site
>an article on the front page is a poll on Rei vs Asuka
Very interesting news indeed
It is a website and it has news. And it has anime.
How retarded can you be to not look at the very fucking URL?
You dense motherfucker...
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