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Thread replies: 309
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>no pikachu allowed
I've seen so many drunk whites getting drunk and climbing on traffic signs. During the week that Pokemon Go was popular, every fucker was screaming the animé theme song and cosplaying.

Whites are fucking apes. The only thing worse are the niggers hired in Roppongi and Harajuku.
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Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!
Don't see anything wrong with this. If foreigners hadn't broken the katana on display, they would still be allowed touch it.
checked for kek

kek approves with hearty lulz
foreigners are so KY i swear to god
Most whites have no fear of social stigma when they are abroad so they let loose and don't give a fuck. Japanese tourist are god tier at least here, they tend to be cheap tough, is haggling common in japan? Because here they try to undercut you on everything, not that i mind i still make 200% profit of them, but you can make 400% profit on Russian tourist because they are glad to overpay.
Probably because of the shit exchange rate they get when going abroad. Must be tough when your currency is monopoly money at this point.
If this is all true, i wish all the sand niggers migrating to europe were so open to the culture of the country that they're moving too. Sadly the goat fuckers fuck our goats instead. FUCK YOU ALL
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Comments like this are fair. Japanese people are very thoughtful and their culture is historically polite and structured around class and respect. A lot of white people probably look like dumb niggers when they just stumble around Japan talking loudly and not regarding customs. As a white who would be respectful in Japan, it's ruined by the fact that others have made many Japanese people think we are dumb and I'd just walk around knowing that many would think "howaito piggu go homu" when they see me. Whites didn't live in respectful cultures all that much. If we could trade places, you'd understand.
Is this a copy pasta I've missed or is this guy really that delusional and pathetic?
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Mhm yen is better than dollar right now.
But you died in 2011 Ken-sama
Post the other one, I haven't seen it in forever
>copy pasta I've missed
No, you're just a newfag
>Whites didn't live in respectful cultures all that much.
talk for youself.
I think that shop is in Akihabara. I went there, or at least one very similar, a few years ago and ignored the signs and went upstairs to the katana room. An employee rushed after me and said no I couldn't go, I answered him in Japanese that I live here and had ID to prove it, he insisted I come back down so I did and left. Could have made a show about it but not worth it. These types of shops are extremely rare and lose out on business because of it. There are dozens and dozens of other katana shops that welcome foreigners if you're into that sort of thing.
In my home country

In my home country, this is Nara of Japan, american student

1. steal stuff everything

2. lying to policeman

3. spit to face when talking, mouth smell bad

4. don't have money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes

5. raping? jap girl because jap girl say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat

6. very smell of food eating by american

7. very smell of body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?

american=monkey same
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>chink runes
>hurr its to stop da wyatt man!

Retards itt

Could just be Americans

I had an American GF and when she came here, she remarked at how well everyone behaved in public places

Quiet and orderly were her words of how most behaved
>"howaito piggu go homu"
Virtually no one thinks that. You are being baited by one video of some nationalists taken years ago and by English teachers posing as Japs ITT. Most white tourists do OK here, with the exception of Russians who are reviled everywhere. The biggest problem is Chinese.
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Kenichi Smith

Howdy /pol/, my name is Kenichi Smith.

I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty)

I train with my revolver every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak English fluently, both the American and the British accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%

When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer!

I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in America!
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>That Pikachu

Hmmm, so familiar. Is japan even aware of CWC?
British tourist are the worst at least the middle class ones, truly white monkeys.
Strange, Russians are usually very good tourist here, they spent a lot of money, the only downside i can see is that they expect everybody in the world to speak Russian.
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Why can't I shop there ;_;
Japanese are shitty people, yanks should have nuked them more for how they treated pows
Well if you consider how much shit Americans have to put up with, they have a very high percentage of blacks, and they are sports fanatics. Our football culture here is terrible, it breeds loud and stupid men, and when they go abroad they cause riots.
Why would you go to a store that said they didn't want you? Kind of obnoxious desu
Did you get here 2 days ago?
For 23 years and 11 months had I suffered them, the ignorant gaijin back home who sickened me with their microwaved culture and their materialism. The spindly losers in the anime club who cared only for anime and not a whit for the superior monoethnic culture to which it was endemic. Well no more. Fucking zettai no more. I touched down in the country I was certain I had lived all my previous lives, no doubt as a badass ronin samurai ninja or some shit. I had never been here, but I had returned.

Nippon-sama, tadaima!

No sooner had I left the airport when I saw the woman of my dreams. She confirmed my every hope, my every ideal of this great land. The light coming in through the sakura backlit her like a full body halo. She was made of demure and soft spoken. Of bowing and bento.

Of Japan and perfect.

My heart started doki doki-ing all over the shop. And then she saw me! Spotted me in the crowd! Well, of course she did, I was like a head taller than the fucking hobbits they call men around here. I was in no state of mind to meet her gaze, and tried to look away but I was paralysed. She was just so ... prettyu ...
Is it true that your retro game market is drying up because we keep taking away the cheap ass shit away from your country?
And just like that she started walking over. Her walk was just pure concentrated sex. If you poured a glass of it sex fumes would just rise right off the top. I loved the way the light danced unevenly over her pristine porcelain skin as she walked. The way she did more for me by showing just her shoulders than any American girls could by showing their entire gaping cleavage for all the world to SEE THIS YOU SHOULD TAKE NOTES, THIS IS WHAT SEXY IS YOU FUCKING WHORES -

Oh shit, what did she say? She said something! To me! But I wasn't con –
OK, OK, I know this one. Where have I heard it before? Naruto 43? Oh god she's so hot –
"わたしのなまえは かお です"。
Fuck, I couldn't find the right words. Was it oro? Was it dattebayo? Was it anata baka?!?
You know what, it doesn't even matter! Her voice sounds as good as she looks. I don't need to say anything. I could do this forever. This is goddamn bliss.

She suddenly seemed apprehensive, like she was cautious of what she wanted to say next. Loveu loveu confession desu?!
"Yes, what is it?" I blurted out.
"What?" What?
No. NO! This was not coming from her mouth. It couldn't be.
no no no no no no
"Um ... pleasu speaku Japanesu."
They just expect you guys to speak Russian, because you're still rightful Russian clay.
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Howdy /v/, folks call me Texas Junpei.

I'm a 27 year old Japanese Cowoby (Western fan for you weeaboo faggots). I whittle sticks and make dum-dum bullets using my bowie knife, and spend my days perfecting my gunplay and playing superior western games. (bull riding, knife tricks, lasso)

I train with my Smith Wesson K38 special every day, chambered with cordite, this superior weapon can cut clean through three men standing one in front of the other, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my moseyin license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak American fluently, both Wisconsin and the Alabama dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about the older times, before the trains swept the gunslingers and cow-riders away with their iron rails, and I know the cowboy code, which I follow 100%

When I get my American visa, I am moving to Boise to attend a prestigious rodeo to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an outlaw for the Hole in the Wall gang or a mysterious gunslinger who cleans up the town, and departs mysteriously, leaving only a vague hint that I am actually the spirit of a murdered sheriff, or death himself or something!

I own several gunbelts, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I tip my hat to old timers and ladies of fine breeding and speak Texan as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Anyways, I'll be making /v/ my temporarily home if its not too much trouble, so long little doggies!

No biggie, I tried to walk into a whore house in Sapporo and they told me Japanese men only, so I reassured them I have a tiny dick but they still said no
Northern Japan used to have a lot of Russian seamen come through. They caused a lot of trouble and led to hot springs banning foreigners in the 80s and 90s. Because of that they still have a bad reputation. Personally all the Russians I've met are cool - just reporting on the general sentiment I've found in Tokyo.

It was and I reflected on that afterwards. You can go into the first floor of the shop, which is mostly assorted electronics, cameras, pocketknives and other random crap, but the second floor is off limits to gaijin. I shouldn't have gone up there but at the time was kind of shocked because it was the first time I saw a sign blatantly saying no foreigners. That is actually illegal in Japanese law. In hindsight I shouldn't have gone up. Whats more surprising is that store is in an area packed with tourists.
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Why do whites turn into niggers when they set foot in Asia?
They usually only serve old hags to foreigners in wore houses anyway.
is this Australia?
Homaru did nothing wrong.
First line should be おはようございます, not おげようごります. Fix your copypasta
I went to frys once and the cashier looked just like that and I was caught off guard when he had the thickest southern accent I've ever even heard. Poor guy probably wanted a Texas experience but he chose a bad city for that.
oh, that makes sense then, it sucks when a group like that fucks up the image of the whole country like that.
Why don't you edit the kopipe wiki instead of complaining?
i want like 50 more hiroshimas
is that pikachu totem?
Sharky isn't white.
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wtf i hate anime now
Funny thing is you're allowed in the no foreigners places if you've been drinking with the owner and got on. They just don't want mugs.
Do they sell signs too?
I mean that's what black guys are doing when in white countries because they got big dicks and that what women want. When white men go to Asian countries, suddenly they're the ones with big dicks so they act like black men in white countries.
No it's Yokohama
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no amount of drunken antics and faggot singalongs will ever compare to the crimes against humanity, the arts, and the sciences that you filthy slants have committed.

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Yeah, fuck the japanese, how dare they keep their borders closed, don't they know there's poor children starving in syria ?

Joke aside, i kinda want to cut open your thorax extract your still-beating heart and make you eat it you traitor to Humanity haha
You're in fucking Japon, you got no fucking right to fucking complain you fucking slant-eyed retard.
Go play some vidya, you faggot queer cunt.
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I wish we had a British only zone for when these fuckers visit.

As someone who has dealt with Japanese tourists almost daily I can tell you they are the most needy and greedy people I have ever met.

I worked in a hotel that had a contract with tourists that visited the UK, you would always get them shouting disrespectfully at their guide if something went wrong. She/He would then barge in front of other customers to rant at the person at the desk just to save face. The complaints usually focused on them not knowing how a fucking toilet worked or that it flushed 'too slowly', I am not joking.

I have even seen one shitting in our kitchen because they got lost.

They eat like fucking locusts, they grab plates filled with food during breakfast then leave half of it untouched. The chef eventually had to half the options available because the cost was too much to put everything out when they were in. Especially since they pay so little for BB rates.

TL;DR Japs are the worst tourists.
Why is it so sexy when guys are casually violent like that?

>our several katanas (and our harts) were broken by tourists

oh my god, I can feel the sorrow
Play some Shin Megami Tensei faggot.
I fully support this.
>not knowing how toilets work
>shitting outside a toilet
It was chinks m8
I know they arr rook arike, but you described mainlander chinks.

In their culture, non-Japanese have no kami (soul/essence), so it makes sense for them to act this way. Quit being so insensitive?

They're the refuse of our nations, and they're mostly from America.
It's a shame that nationalism is so widely-derided in the West; behavior like that wouldn't be tolerated if we returned to our old customs.
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>The only thing worse are the niggers hired in Roppongi and Harajuku.


Who do you think is running the fucking maid cafes?

>'ve seen so many drunk whites getting drunk and climbing on traffic signs. During the week that Pokemon Go was popular, every fucker was screaming the animé theme song and cosplaying.

Whites are fucking apes

And Nips are too fucking polite to do anything about it. I bought 11 one-cups from a konbini and got shitfaced in a memorial to the victims of the 1923 earthquake/fire/shitstorm in Ryogoku. Come at me bro. Or just keep staring at me on the train. Whatever.
>Homaru did nothing wrong.
She's guilty of being worst girl
No bartering is not really a thing in Japan. At least not in any of the population centers.

Also based on my experiences, apart from Australians in Bali, and American frat-bros in Amsterdamn, White people are pretty good when adapting to social norms on other countries.

Chinese tourists are a fucking plague of locusts.

Sorry to break your delusion that Japs are 'smart', 'kind' and 'decent' people. They are not.

Notice how all the JP flags have stopped once I reminded them how there people act in reality with not even an attempt to defend how disgusting they can be.
Holy shit, this doesn't actually sound so bad. I'd be fully welcoming of any foreigner who was so interested in my country like this.
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I have been in that store I think, if its the one in Akihabara

Pretty much every single sword have a sign next to it that says "Tourist always break sword japanese dont please dont come here"

I just wanted to look at swords man
>Who do you think is running the fucking maid cafes?
White/Sephardic jews.
Oh, yay!
Everybody should approach the world as if people who are not of their ethnicity have no soul.
They're not kind, they're polite.
Don't insult the nips by implying they're cucked like europeans you filthy rosbiff.
They mostly hate chinks tbqh.

Those fuckers shit up everywhere with their ugly voices and selfie-sticks. Fuck chinks desu.
ohayo, I am here to break swords.
Take my picture with this smartphone... hang on, hold my beer pikachu, I need to open this box.
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I hope you civic nationalists will get what you deserve.
I understand them, I fucking hate foreigners/tourists, even if youre white, stay in your shithole!! fuck!
Is this a copy pasta I've missed or is this guy really that delusional and pathetic?
Well Anglos don't really have a soul desu
Why do you think he's "wearing" Texan culture? Why would he betray his own culture? What calibre of man would he be?
Such a person is not to be trusted, for if he can so easily sever the bonds of blood, how much more easily will he foul the promises he makes to those not of his own blood?
Is this a copy pasta I've missed or is this guy really that delusional and pathetic?
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I don't think this is the one in Akiba. It looks similar but the one in Akiba let me in, and I'm Aryan as fuckeroni.

From what I noticed, the locals in Tokyo/Osaka were far more annoyed by the Chinese locusts than hakujins. Loud, rude, no regard for social convention, always in the way, always swarming, always leaving a trail of garbage in their wake.
What if I have the bwc?
>complains about white foreigners singing pokemon theme song instead of raping them

Japan deserves to get nuked again, desu
Don't touch swords?
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>foreigners enchanted by our culture
>not a filthy, dumb nigger/sandnigger trying to change laws here, self-segregate, leech off welfare state or rape people
>"hur dur civic nationalist traitor gtfo DUUUUUUR"
>Whites are fucking apes.
I can confirm this. Pls kill us all, Nippon.
Oh nevermind I guess that place sells swords. That's funny they just have drawings of camera though. I thought it was some new game like Pokemon.
lose my shit everytime this is posted
>putting shards of broken glass smeared with ebola in your ass isn't as bad as a nigger literally skullfucking you
Don't see how this makes it fucking ok you fucking queer.

What kind of store is that? I see a bold action rifle on the top right (i assume it's a toy) and a machete on the bottom left.
Hey faggot, you're not Japanese, stop pretending
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I never claimed I had one.
Even if Mehmet was the biggest westaboo in the roach nest, his dumb kids would find a way to allah snackbar muh ottoman pride fuck whitey etc.

Same for chinks or other innocent asians. Loyalty to race trumps culture. They will want more of their own people and shill for immigration.
It's the reason you end up with shitty ghettos and chinktowns.
Are you retarded? Whites conquered chink lands before the chinks even knew how to make fire and use a wheel.

You don't need to be respectful to their inferior culture. They are your lessers. If they don't like it they can get nuked again.
Gott damn, Germany. They were your ally!
And, they put a rout to our navy on multiple occasions. We only beat them due to superior industrial capabilities, which we had been building up since the 1830s. They'd only been industrializing since the 1880s or so.
>Northern Japan used to have a lot of Russian seamen come through
ehehehhe fucking rape babbies ehehehehhe
He will have kids you stupid fuck.
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>letting in an outsider willing to join you and assimilate entirely is somehow a bad thing
>bringing the fucking niggers into this
i'm more likely to find an all-white trailer park than an actual asian ghetto. goddamn nips n shit don't try enforcing fuckin shariah law or overseas religious nonsense in their little chinatowns, either. they also don't suck up welfare, rape our women, or push to change laws to match those of their homeland like niggers and cameljockeys. the most they are capable of is an attempt self-segregation, but chinatown is typically boxed in and finite in its size, and asians have a tendency to enter STEM fields, meaning heavy exposure to native U.S. citizenry is expected. they or their kids ultimately assimilate.
They weren't really allies. Germany didn't fight the Chinese and Japan didn't fight the Soviets.
>not going for superior vietgong pussiiii
Guaranteed australians m8. I bet nips love us ay
Yeah, they bought that "honorary aryan" shit eheheh. Just like Italians bought that we wouldn't call them niggers anymore.

In the end we made the mistake to ally with subhumans and it cost us the war.

But what can you do. Next time we just eradicate all of you.
I had a fight with a nigger in Roppongi last year. The monkey was pretty disrespectful with my gf because she didnt want to go to his bar.
The negro hit the floor but I felt pretty bad later because I looked like a drunk gaijin beating a slave up in front of too many scared japanese.

Whats the thing about niggers and roppongi? Why do you hire so many?
Yeah STD infected pussy on something that may or may not have penis is so great
white piggu pls go home

Shops and bars wouldn't have to have that "Japanese Only" sign if foreigners were respectable people.
>they weren't allies
As a matter of historical fact, Germany declared war on the US to honor their alliance with Japan. In another timeline where they didn't officially honor that alliance, America First retained enough political power to keep American troops out of Europe, giving the Reich a chance to make a peace deal which the Allies would accept.
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There has been an influx of retarded ass german youtubers getting payed by the goverment to go to japan and shit up things there.
I kid you not.


Im so disgusted by crooked faced genetically broken germans.

Literally swamp race, needs extermination.

t. bavarian.

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Sheogorath! Daedric Prince of Madness! :)
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>they got big dicks
>The Great Black Dick Hoax
Whats the japan only sign say?
>t. English teacher.
"Fuck off we're full"
Holy fucking shit these are the worst type of normies. They shouldn't be allowed to enter any country. They should die on a boat in international waters.
They can't do that, those are our words. This is an outrage.
>Taking pictures to copy and shoplifting
Chink confirmed
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>the kraut, with his inifinite cuckery and election of a traitorous whore who ruined europe YET AGAIN, thinks anyone but himself is the subhuman
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For some reason there is a sponsored event that sends german normie youtubers into japan with an all inclusive ticket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgE1cqypN5I and they waddle around japan like giant babies, pissing against houses, breaking off things.
Complaining about not enough vegan choices and how japs are stupid for not speaking english (while the average german speaks worse english than the average jap, yet every german thinks he's fluent)
You name it.
Send Hiroshi-kun some emus then. Let the emus sort the slopes out.
To be fair the tourists are mostly yanks and yanks are all cunts abroad. I spent a week's holiday there and every five minutes I heard some dumb cunt talking at full volume about the most banal of things.

It wasn't even the midwesterners that they always scapegoat, it was every single one of them. Whites, blacks, Mexicans, Asians - every last one. Their country is a cultural wasteland so they're not used to seeing anything of note.

It was fun to bitch about them to Frenchies with my limited frog speak though. I even fingered one of them out of mutual hate for dumb yanks.
Somebody answer my questions. I have to go to faggot Japan for a year for work against my will.

1) Is it possible to survive in the major cities without Japanese, and would having poor Japanese be as bad as having none?

2) Are Japanese girls easy for non-weeb western guys or is the place already too full of non-weeb western guys?

3) I maybe should've waited but I've purchased several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond?

Thank you

All these new fags don't know Ken-sama.

The reddit invasion is real.
It's ok Im only interested in rural areas of Japan where I will live a comfy and peaceful life with my qt 3.14 nip gf
must be a fake sign. katana can not break. it is folded 1000 times steel.
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Japanese girls are best girl for weebo. Desu.
Ken-sama made his way through Reddit and tumblr ages ago. I think it's legitimate old people discovering this site. It's fucking disgusting.

I'm willing to bet the redditors and tumblrites that saw it passed it around because they thought it was a legitimate post and an example of the average 4channer.

Because reddit and tumblr have no sense of humour, irony or critical thinking skills.
this is that famous weapons store in akihabara that was located right next to where that big mass stabbing was a few years back
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WTF I love climbing on traffic signs now.

Tbqh most of those whites are probably Anglos.
I haven't seen that pasta this decade.
Is this a copy pasta I've missed or is this guy really that delusional and pathetic?
I'd fuck two out of the three standing on that desk.
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waito piggu go home
No doubt many a white privileged Westerner were sadden, as they tend to think their shit doesn't stink, while they rant about foreigners.
underrated post
it's Japanese privilege lel
Spot the nog
Are you dumb? Tumblr and Reddit love memes but just end up taking content from image boards because their memes are shit.
>we decide only japanese and former japanese allies but not italy

I would like that!
ペニスwwwwwwwwwwww ( •̀ω•́ )
why no Pokémon?
Ching chong china man
This was back when Pokemon Go was popular
You can because you are Asian
>Who do you think is running the fucking maid cafes?
And the maid cafes are mostly in akiba not those places. The niggers in harajuku sell hiphop clothes.

how new are you?
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That was a crazy week and a half
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hoo boy
Futoi Niga

In western society woMen aren't all over white guys, or even guys in general. The second you step into east Asian women are all at you trying to get your seed. I wouldn't call it respect persay but they show you an awful lot of positive attention. This breaks down the white mentality as it is one ingrained with punitive violence, fear, and an ingrained sense of self inferiority.
Is this a copy pasta I've missed or is this guy really that delusional and pathetic?
I was in osaka last month and there was a sign saying no foreigners in a pet store and I think it made sense
What did you just call me!?
It's a fucking ancient pasta, friend
Talk for you, you fucking britbong
I'm the most well respected tourist in the history of earth
That's fuckin priceless.
I hope American tourists make that guy so much money.
>all these white cucks just taking the abuse from this uppity chink

Imagine if he was an israeli jew or a liberian nigger saying this, would you bow too and kiss their feet?

Rapist dog eating subhumans should be glad they only got nuked twice, and be thankful every time American soldiers rape their women, at least they'll know what sexual pleasure means once in their life

B-but muh anime and videogames, I love japan, so sorry so sorry
Most western people who are nationalist outside of this board are civic nationalists.

Get over it.
I was going to google translate something but holy shit Japanese killed it.
The only post that matters now
>while the average german speaks worse english than the average jap
I find this very difficult to believe.
>get over the extinction of europeankind due to their own retardation
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durrr....Japanese men still dress is kimonos in Japan.

My know a Korean girl whose dad dresses in cowboy shit. He immigrated to Texas and wanted to integrate with the culture and never stopped dressing that way after he moved because he loves America for the opportunity it gave him.
Based samurai cowboy

stfu onsu
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what's going on in this thread
Good luck Ken-Sama!!
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WWII Reenactment.
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You're a fucking white male!
What's all this shit about the swords breaking? So much for the mighty Japanese Katana aye.
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this fucking thread, i can't handle all that autism fugg
>pictures broke katanas
Well I guess they were cheap chinese made steel with rat tail tang that breaks when you swing it against air
>argues against civic nationalism
>posts quotes from a Roman
kek kys illiterate
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>our katanas were broken by tourists
Hehe, amateurs...
>A place where Japanese girls go to fuck foreigners
Why the fuck would someone from an homogenous nation that never let people in and purge their traitors even care to make such a statement you fucking retard ?
Of course the romans should know what traitors are, especially when you have fucking hindsight like you imply you bloody dimwit.
Are you even a human, you filthy mudshit ? Chleu or bicot both apply.
They're hired as cheap muscle and because they have no concept of personal dignity

Hi! I'm new to 4chan, can someone please tell me more about Ken-sama?

Japanese are angels compared to the chinese.
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This, mainland chinese are subhuman.

The combination of communism and massive population has seriously warped them as a people.
Pretty sure its australia
>Chinese tourists are a fucking plague of locusts.
Can confirm. Had this one guy come into my work the other day, wanted to buy every fucking high-end vitamin in the store. Then asks if he can pay in American dollars.....
Stupid chink.
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commit suicide
they should really split into smaller countries
>Our several katanas (and our harts) where broken by tourists
>Pokemon No

My Australian GF said the same thing about how Quiet and orderly public places in America were compared to the Outback, crazy stuff.
Only if by 'split into smaller countries' you mean wiped out completely.
>Whites are fucking apes. The only thing worse are the niggers
I can't agree with you any more
if this is true I could see how it would be hard to not get drunk from being treated so nicely when you were brought up being told you're a piece of shit
what did nips mean by this?
who the fuck is named kao these days? wtf
So what does it say that your entire ethnic group seems to have a massive inferiority complex in relation to whites?

>not afraid to tell foreigners to fuck off and put up signs banning them
I love you nips.
you can tell who is not japanese by their basic level japanese...
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>Russians are usually very good tourist here
Russians and Israelis are in general considered to be the worst behaving tourists.
They are banned by many hotels.
We get a ton of German tourists here in Florida. You can spot these cucked fuckers a mile away. It's also interesting that many foreigners I run into here in Florida love outlet malls and buy up all the shitty jeans they can.
But...but you died!maybe it was because of all those kanjis that you're still alive
i dont mind if it was real. that whitu piggu thing, said in japanese accent, is one of the most hilarious sounds there is. say whitu piggu more, japbro.
what did they mean by this

Muh fucking sides
Post the other one, I haven't seen it in forever
My teacher was born in Japan in the 1960s, Imagine being an Australian white boy being chased by racist Japs and being beaten every day for years. He was a goddamn weeaboo and had to always say a Japanese proverb or teach us Japanese words. My school was so feral and rowdy it drove him insane because it wasn't autistically silent and autonomous like Japanese schools, he actually bashed a student after only 6 or 7 months of teaching us.
That locust dog eaters like yourself aren't allowed either
pero como cojones haceis para aprenderlos los kanjis ?
Yo antes me sabía dios y la madre de kanjis ahora los de uso más común gracias a que al escribir la tablet me lo autorrellena,se agradece pero se olvida al no escribirlos,básicamente práctica y más práctica, cada día escribir 10 nuevos más todos lo que te sabes en bloques de 100 y luego empiezas un nuevo bloque de 100 y cuando lleves 200 pruebas a hacerlos todos,que no te salen todos...pues vuelta a empezar hasta que te salgan todos...así durante un par de años,además eso te enseña disciplina.si un moro mierda es capaz de aprenderse el coran a base de escribirlo una y otra vez mojando el dedo con agua hasta que se evapora y volver a empezar,no soy menos que ningún morapio asique...a practicar (además eso luego se agradece cuando/si decides estudiar chino así de rebote )

ふじもり けいこ様ですか?
>dozens and dozens of other katana shops
They must have all sprung up in the last few years since I didn't see any at all when I was working in Akihabara
>go to a store in 2017
I feel really sry 4 u spantard
I originally picked that image and tweaked the pasta on /v/ back in 2010ish, it's been updated since then but it's nice to see the lasting appeal, lol
You should ban white people from entering in your country
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What did they mean by this?
>folded a thousand times because jap ore is so shit
Wew btfo spantard!
Based nippon
japs take tuna away from Europe
I guess that balances it
I was in hongkong and the absolute amount of chinese mainlander locusts who go there to shop away the non poisonous goods was heart shattering,i could do all my shopping online i just like selecting what I buy when it's food or don't trust most of the fake shit coming from China, if China dindt exist i could buy online most goods knowing te ain't utter shit,it's kind of hard to spot legit shit from China, there are good things and absolute garbage intermixed.
Living in China. .I feel sorry 4 u as well (lived in shanghai and hongkong,i didn't dislike China that much but there is a lot of room for improvement with your "culture" not the old one,but this new culture is simply awful,i love Taiwanese or hong kong es because they retain their values and tradition but mainlanders are like cheap factory made rip offs of what a chinese and chinese culture are.
Being white is associated heavily with being wealthy in the poorer Asian countries. Rightly so in many places where where $100 can go a hell of a long way.
>Whites conquered chink lands before the chinks even knew how to make fire and use a wheel.
>Whites conquered chink lands before the chinks even knew how to make fire and use a wheel.
>Whites conquered chink lands before the chinks even knew how to make fire and use a wheel.

Whites have never once conquered China, South East Asia already had civilizations and fire as well.
Are you calling France a homogeneous nation?
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Sherri Few says bring back muh stars and bars!
"Australian"defending china...hummm guess who could be behind that post?
Housing market much?
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Fuck gaijins
>tfw no nip to tell me to go hooome
Kek I haven't seen this old pasta in years, still gold though
lol are you giving me a travel review? I couldn't care less about what you think of us honey, don't flatter yourself
You have to go back.
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We didn't need to conquer them to make them submit.

This series of copypasta will always make me laugh.
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70 years later...
Just saying chinks clog up stores anywhere they go when traveling they are like locusts and can't comprehend lines or that other don't what to see your children feces on the metro
When your country is so shit you produce the best escapism media and everyone starts to like your country.
because electricity discharge may damage goods
That spice stuff needs to be thrown on to an open fire and the people who make it need to be put infront of a firing squad.

It's turned half of the teens in the North east into walking zombies.
Last time I was in Japan I was really loud and boisterous. Getting drunk, basically challenging these nips to start or say something to me(I was drunk as fuck with a bunch of other Americans) . I was fun thinking about all the japs my grandpa killed and how I'm in Japan now, not killing japs, just making them feel awkward .
What do japs think of white wimmin?
Ha your grandpa got killed
newfag lurk moar niggerfaggot

we call it "a taste of your own medicine", can't tell you more but go figure
>english teacher goes to japan
>complains or jokes about japan being xenophobic
>teachers blue pill students
>japanese youth grow up to not be as xenophobic as their parents
>50 years later
*Unintelligible moonspeak*

It's alright. We fucked thousands of years of Chinese dynasties with a bit of Opium. You've just drugged some already idiotic teenagers up some more.
Ha. Be happy we didn't fuck your race out of existence filthy slant.
>mad weeaboo
>thousands of years of Chinese dynasties
*Qing dynasty ruled by manchurians, you actually helped us han chinese to rule China again whether you like it or not
I don't blame you desu. A lot of whites abroad are drunk fucking imbeciles.
Anglos single handedly ended every Chinese dynasty ever, turned you into commies, started your failed experiment still on-going in the 21st century and led you to a place where you can't even get a breath of fresh air without choking all by introducing opium.

Don't understate it. We fucking destroyed you and you still had to beg for Hong Kong.
i think he was being ironic
I kek everytiem

grlorious trips of keks blessing be upon you ken-sama

what's wrong with that?
fucking this. in fact, none of the JP flags here are Japanese anons, they're all either JET losers or larping exchange students.
stop going all
every time some pasty weeb living in Takadanobaba shows up on here
Have not seen this in two years
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culture revolution helped us get rid of the Chinese dynasties, why you anglos always take credit for things you didn't do? now we are introducing Islam and LSD to your country as revenge, things are going so great it's ridiculous
I don't know man just watch unironical Canada up here >>123774656
bringing in "the bantz"saying he doesn't speak vietnamese...thus Some Australian defending china...smells of gutter oil to me
japan for the japanese.
glorious, may all you braaapts be extremely smelly and pungeant
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>this fucking thread
That's some vintage, classic tier pasta lad
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Nigger charging people money to take photos with him
The original is better desu
lol they minimized him on the poster
ああ、見て、外国人の文字、私は彼らが何を言うのだろうか。 私は翻訳サービスを使って、その意味を調べます
Japanon, those were probably all Americans. They're technically not white.

wow look at all that tribalistc primitive chinese shit
>293 posting

pls.white-sans.don't be mad.

to be fair,that store don't allowed children/smokers too.
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RIP Ken sama
You can see the Yokohama Bay Bridge and the Cosmo Clock.
>tfw you just want to move to a tiny island off the coast of japan and just live a quiet life without bothering anyone or anyone bothering you.
I read the sign on their door and I can understand where they're coming from though frankly they go a retarded way about it. They should just enforce two simple policies - "no cameras inside" and "you break it - you buy it" with those who refuse either being reported to the police (I doubt some weeaboo who broke their prop katana will offer much of a resistance).

There, problem solved.
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>plebbit needs to go back
Faced with an earthquake, rather than seek safety he believed he may brave it through sheer force of samurai's will, delusional to the end.

Due to excessive fapping to at last legally available loli doujins, his ki was just not strong enough.
Then why is the photo upside down secret aussie shitposter
>pleasu speaku Japanesu
I'm fuckin dead man.
Muchas gracias shur, es justo lo que estaba haciendo escribirlos en bloque unos cuantos nuevos mas los que ya me sabia, pero a la que estoy 4 o 5 dias sin escribirlos se me olvidan XD
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Pasta, a spin of >>123777709 which is a meme too. Pic related. There are also other takes on it, like the Russian one.
People's obsession with Japan is the single largest case of cuckoldry known to western civilization.
Es difícil porque aquí apenas hay oportunidad de usarlos y por eso se olvidan,en cuanto tengas unos pocos más ponte a leer cosas sencillas. ..
Te daré una buena noticia porque el japonés son todo Black pills de difícil que es,lo bueno esque los kanjis que aprendas normalmente son de más usados a menos de forma que los 500 primeros son realmente los más usados y con esos ya tendrás para un gran porcentaje...
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Since I am about it, I can as well throw the Russian one.
Thread posts: 309
Thread images: 57

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