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Gen X

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As generation X is between the Boomers and Millennials, Can Gen X tell us how things used to be, before the internet and 911, how was growing up for you?

Life appeared so much happier, simpler back then, has it all really changed?
It wasn't all as great as you think. There was actually much more violence (at least in the US) in the 80s and 90s. Major crack epidemic and gangs. But if you lived in a suburban or rural area things were mighty fine. Play outside as a kid and roam the neighborhood at age 8. Stuff like that.
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>Major crack epidemic and gangs
What in the 80's? I thought it was charlie and Heroine and blacks were like the Cosby show and Carlton from the Fresh prince
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that's back when looking at a black person's outfit meant hearing "what the fuck you lookin at" because all your focus was on their outrageous clothing, not the actual person.
The Cosby show was about as unrealistic as it could possibly get.
Nigs were like this
Funny you say that, my first day at a new school when i was 15 moving to London was seeing a black kid in the corridor (who was a year below i found out) beating up a white kid in my year for wearing a union jack patch on his arm.

that was the first ever black person i saw, and he was beating the shit out of some fat nerd

It was cool, because it was a decade without Communism, for the most part, and PC was laughably weak. SNL and most comedians made fun of it. The reasons why the 90's were cool can all be traced back to the fact that the people running the show were young in the 1950's.
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White people were like this.
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Sometimes I wonder if there was less of a race issue in the 80s and 90s or if it was just the fact that I was a kid and innocent.

I feel like identity politics have spiraled out of control.
Yes it was less of an issue. Outside of L.A. Riots (Rodney King and Reginald Denny) there wasn't much of any racial problems.
It's the internet. These things always existed but the internet made it spread easier and polarize people more. Back in the day if an upity black does shit in NYC NYPD beats them senseless and sends them on their way. Those days are gone and we are worse for it.
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Actually white people were like this
Life was better. Its more comfy in ignorance then being redpilled.

Mild titillation was a nude woman on page 3 the conversation being would you take naked pictures for a million pounds. Now women shoe their tits for free. The schoolyard talk when talking shit with your friends was would you be fucked in the ass for a million quid, now fuckers stuff dogs in thier arseholes.

You got a job got paid, had drinks and cigs, made it with women fucked around and generally had a good time.

Great music great TV shows.you had time to do other shit. You kept it touch and phoned people and talked to them. There was a god mix of ethnicities and we weren't over run by niggers and Pakis.
We didn't know what was happening on the other side of the world and we didn't care.
General degeneracy , redpilling, femanism, women, immigrantration and ((them)) have fucked everything
Fuck Gen X most are idiots. Especially the Women.
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>implying crack dens and parks aren't littered with kids playing about
>implying suburbia was fine while a crack epidemic was going threw the nig community
Before the Internet, access to information was available but more difficult. The Internet was supposed to fix that, but has become an entertainment diversion where nobody plays by the rules.
I grew up in Iowa. Suburbia was paradise and in many cases still is.
well put. well put, my friend.
Small town America in the 70s and 80s was glorious. We played outside, not tethered to cell phones. No internet to poison our minds. We rode bikes all over town, came home around dark. Parents were fine with this. Lots of recreational drug use, many friends had leftover hippy parents so it wasn't that big of a deal for some people. Pools...public pools were great, music was rocking, girls had bush, etc. Skating rinks, you could get laid *at* the damn rink.

This is nostalgia talking of course. My kids play outside, ride bikes, climb trees, swim, etc but they also spend too much time online. They are smart though, the teens now really are intelligent little shits. They know more, and I never thought it was really fair to them. They grow up much faster than we did.

I had a great childhood and teen years. I enjoyed the 90s super much. The 2000s, I still have fun but the world just seems to have gone to hell in many ways. Race relations are much worse now, Gov is larger and seemingly more corrupt (if that were possible). People are much less friendly now and seem to be more pessimistic about life in general.

Oh, we had the "Red Scare"...duck and cover, all of that shit. But the thing is we had one monster to fear then, right or wrong. Today, the whole world feels like a powder keg. Shit comes at you from every angle now.

I am old, still having a lot of fun though! I never grew up anyway truth be told.
Get ready
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there wasn't all these racist security cameras everywhere, shedding light on crime statistics.
Most of the midwest was still like this up until the early 2000s.
It was awesome. Constantly outdoors playing with groups of friends on bmxs and mountain bikes.

One game was called forcings back. You have two opposing teams and you'd throw or kick a ball as far as you could to force the other team back. You'd just do that on the street.

A little bit of vidya. C64 and they'd have video game machines at the local shops, gas stations, and laundromats.

Used to ride my bike with a friend a few km to put maybe ten bucks into final fight, the ninja turtles game, double dragon, where you just used to use the elbow move almost always. A game called cabal was really cool.

Some guys really got into street fighter but I missed out on that. One thing I regret. This was more late 80s early 90s.

Maybe a an hour or two of tv at night. You didn't mind sitting through ads because they weren't insulting cuck rubbish and were respectful to white culture.

When you got older music was really cool because they were real artists and talented bands that once again celebrated white culture.

School could be a bit violent but if you just let the bullies be 'dominant' they didn't really bother you.
The internet was fun until about 2005ish. Music turned to shit around 2000. Once corporations got thier money claws into all entertainment it sucked. People stopped doing it for love and just for shekels. Kids use to play outside in the 80s and 90s and it was safe.
>Life appeared so much happier, simpler back then, has it all really changed?
yes, it actually was much happier. fucking smart phones are the worst thing to have come out in the last years. not the internet but these fucking constantly connected to facejew devices make live hell. life was so much better in the '90s really.
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You sound degenerate.
Even before cell phones period it was great. You could hangout with your buddies without their moms and/or girlfriends constantly electronically hen pecking them.
Ha. I am telling you what it was like as far as drugs and skating rinks. I was never into drugs and never got lucky at the skating rink either but it happened often enough. The first time in my life I saw something sexual in public was at the rink, so it came to mind. People were much more inclined to have casual sex then, no AIDS as far as we were aware.

I was the kid who grew up racing bikes and swimming. Drugs were not a part of my lifestyle.

Peace leaf.
I kept wanting to make a thread on the same topic, but how can you describe all the stuff you didn't have and were so much happier living without it?
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When I was an emerging maggot here in aussie, the internet was in black and white and was only operational three hours per day.
cell phones are the worst fucking invention ever. i hope steve jobs gets fucked by nigger cocks in hell all day every day. and i was paid paid more after trade school than guys today after working 20 years for the same company.
The city I live in was a shell of its present self, retarded due to weak economy. The biggest happening was the construction of a baseball stadium. Brutalist architecture was popular. Lol, what a joke by today's happenings.
You'd walk into this place, full of kids and teens, and maybe one surly adult at the counter. You're surrounded by day-glo carpeting, dark paint on the walls, and the faint smell of ozone.


You and your friends (as many as 7 or 8 at a time), would split off and find your favorite game. Afterwards, you'd see how your buddy is doing. Then you and your friends would go to the comic-book shop next door. Then maybe to host-friend's house where his mom or grandmother knew how to cook and actually liked cooking for lots of kids. You'd eat in the rec-room. Afterwards, maybe watch some movies or play RPGs and/or mini-wargaming.
Malls were truly a magical place in the 80s/90s

One more thing ruined by the internet.
Check out Dan Bell on youtube. Great videos on malls then and now.
Anon here is not just some curmudgeon. It's sadly true. The most advanced consumer electronic device we've come up with has killed most of our relationships.
>Some guys really got into street fighter but I missed out on that. One thing I regret.

Yeah. Street Fighter 2 and nachos. Can't beat it with a bat. My friends were so much better at it than me.
The city I live in was a wasteland. Very blue collar at the time. Now very yuppy.
I think the thing to get across is that this wasn't just an occasional thing. This was every-single-day with the exception of school, church, or having to ride along to single mother's therapy appointments.

Maybe this was the 1st clue we were setting the pins up to be knocked down 20 years later.
Street Fighter 2 was everywhere. The most obscure locations had it. Must have been at least a million of these units.
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>no one worries about AIDS because it's not really a threat
strange to think that there was a world where this was true
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The government was a lot smaller. I mean, a helll of a lot smaller. And they were afraid of the public. Now what you have is a role reversal, where the public grovels, pleading "thank you sir" as the government shits down their throat.
There *was* a time for a decade or so where AIDS was only a problem for gays and drug users. Then all the race mixers and bisexuals fucked it up for everyone.
8 years of not understanding why things were getting worse.
16 years of trying to unfuck my local scope.

8 more realizing it's something beyond my sovereign power, and I can only contribute to my representation rather than wield my destiny.
AIDS was more of a threat back then than it is today. Today it has returned to its roots: A disease reserved for promiscuous homosexual males and drug addicts.

The 90s fucking sucked, just like every other decade where The Federal Reserve Banker Jew has ruled for the past century in Burgerland

What further elaboration is needed
Imo people became mostly insufferable assholes in the late 90s. I think it was because we could sense something bad was going to happen and there was just no character amongst the white population to fight it. The complete opposite. Being a piece of shit was what was rewarded, women were well into fucking Chads and the like by then, and boomers were well into being wilfully clueless greedy bullying morons. There were quite a few psycho SJWs around too.
this. also aids was a death sentence back then, today the treatments are so good you rarely die of aids.
And unless they were hammy, people were also REAL nervous in front of cameras. Video cameras were rare and obvious. Everyone would tone down or change their behavior when a camera was on.

Lots of scientific studies about how racial diversity destroys communities. Just the presence of people who are different increases pessimism and decreases friendliness.

America is a lot more diverse now than it was back then, and ethnic Americans are suffering greatly for it.
everybody wasn't fat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYbe-35_BaA
>people became mostly insufferable assholes in the late 90s
agree. the degeneration started in the late 90s. i think because people had it too good and slowly became lazy. also the job market and wages went down or at least stagnated. i remember people saying that the new millennium is going to be a lot worse. i can't remember how i felt about it, i was busy working my ass off.
>tfw in the 80/90s traps were crossdressers who danced in clubs and not a real thing people took serious outside of night club entertainment

I remember the crazy shit me and my brothers got up to as kids in the early 80's. 11-13 years old. We'd leave the house at 10am and not come back until 8pm. No phones. No escorts. No supervision. None of us died. None of us even got hurt. And we did this shit for years and years.

We had this giant creek about 10 feet wide and it ran through and out of our subdivision. One day we followed it until the sun went down. We eventually found a road, and later a gas station. We told the attendant that we were lost ... anyway, we were in the next county over, apparently. It was so much fun.

And you know, our parents cared. They always asked what we were doing, and made sure our we had clean bodies and clothes after we got back in. Always told us to take extra snacks if we were gonna be gone all day.

Parents don't give kids enough trust and credit these days. I've been called out more than once for being a bad parent because I let my boy handle his own business. It pisses other parents off that my boy doesn't have a curfew, for example. He never gets into any trouble. I never get behavior complaints. But I've heard from 3 other parents because my kid's lack of curfew is a "bad influence" in itself to their kids.

I fucking hate parents in <current year>. It's always something, and they can never mind their own business, yet their kids are always sacks of shit.
Tfw extreme titillation was found in a bush and sported many throughout the publication, half damp half sticky escort readers wives special 1986
See? It's the camera thing. The context here is the guy making the video is super-edgy for his time. Everyone's either trying to ham it up ("oh look a camera!"), or tolerate the shit out of him.

>The dude is legally smoking indoors, and on the clock too.
>Fucking CHEVY VAN, dude!
>those feels god damned
your post almost made me cry you fucking faggot.
Gen X-er born in 68 here. In my personal experience, growing up in America was generally peaceful. There wasn't a lot of violence in my area and the local community was nice. People really just got along with each other, and just being a kid at that time was great. Played DnD and experienced video games in their infancy as a kid. I think I can also say that growing up now would be different, at least from my experience with my kids. I think it's ended their childhood earlier than it should be for some of them, due to Internet being so easily avaliable, but they've all turned out pretty fine.
Being born in the mid 90s wasn't all that bad, it just depended on your parents

I grew up in a racially-diverse neighborhood and went outside plenty. Hint hint everyone, as long as the economy is good people get along fine. I went to malls, rode bikes, did all the fun shit that pops up in topics like these. Sure, 9/11 happened, but you don't realize how it shaped the world until late high school anyway.

Smartphone addiction has really taken off since,... I wanna say around 2015. It got worse real quick. I've had a smartphone since 2012 but only now have noticed people really being glued to them. Texting was actually a boon before social media. It made it hella easy to coordinate with friends and chat up girls. Snapchat was the killing blow in my mind.

As long as you applied yourself in high school, there's a good chance you can get a job. Kids aren't getting swindled into taking meme degrees and going to expensive schools, they know full well the risk but do it anyway because their parents suck and they just want to have fun. One of my friends works in a warehouse as an unskilled laborer and has his own apartment and car with no debt. There's a lot of opportunity out there, it's just not in the places people oh so desperatly want it to be.

I feel terrible for kids growing up now. They're fucked. We're all fucked, but at least we had a shot at enjoying some of the finer things in life.
>the degeneration started in the late 90s.
Thirded. Washingtonfag here. You saw it in the grunge music scene. I saw pretty much everything start here and then fan out. The coffee ("omg, have U herd of expresso?!??" lol), the Kurt Cobain wanna-bes, and Microsoft. Microsoft everywhere. You get the latest thing and the next fucking latest thing would come out, and then you'd have this basement full of old "latest things" you didn't use anymore.
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>video games in their infancy
remember this?
What? You're not generation-x, you're a milennial or early gen z at most. Either way, good post.
the southern frat chad would be totally interchangeable with a modern day southern frat chad
i visited family in tacoma in the mid 80s, the space needle was the tallest building in seattle. went back to seattle last year, i was shocked.
Something similar. I had a Commodore Vic-20 when I was a kid. I remember getting these coding magazines and typing in all the BASIC code to make shitty little text games, but it was so much fun. Spent the whole summer of 82 doing that shit.
Gen X ruined Star Wars
I have a ""friend"" in gen x, ama
>Malls were truly a magical place in the 80s/90s

When I was kid, malls still had pet stores. Puppies in the windows, cats behind the glass wall, snakes in the terrariums. It was like having a zoo in the mall. Haven't seen that in 30 years.
i got a used c64 from a neighbor with games on cassette took fucking 20min to load a game. then got a floppy disc
load"raid over moscow",8,1
Reddit move on my part. But in all honesty, 2008 was the year everything reached critical mass. We switched timelines after the Great Recession,... it's been a nosedive into shit creek since then.
Gen X are cunts, basically boomers 2.0.

- Rock T-shirts (looks like RATT, a backbencher metal band)
- No one's being politically correct
- When niggers weren't niggers at all. We just got along.
It's really gone down the shitter. Homeless people everywhere. Heavy antifa presence. Stay in your outer suburb where it's safe.
They're not all bad, they're just really bluepilled and love debt. They're just adult children who had the benefit of a good economy. It's kind of weird seeing kids younger than me have a better idea of how the world works than some Gen Xs do though.
Shit man, you know how bad it was sitting there and listening to that damn cassette tape load up games, and having to remember the exact number code or whatever was a bitch! I shit myself too when I heard my floppy disk drive start head banging for the first time
used to be a cell phone just called people and received calls.

used to be you had to go to the store to get the latest game

used to be you had to get magazines to stay informed on video games

used to be you could spend months on a game before you finished it, not hours.

The nintendo was good, but the SNES was great, and the N64? The N64's legacy is still carrying nintendo to this day. Playstation was great too, let me tell you, the first 3d metal gear, the first 3d final fantasy. fucking. amazing. don't even get me started on the orgasmic bliss that was the PS2 and XBOX.

Everything's stagnated since then, gaming became popular, they worked out a formula, it became an industry.

The television was great too. Nobody got offended, all manner of great shows, great cartoons, nickelodeon had great shows like legends of the hidden temple, and guts, hell even anime was better. You had to go to the store and get the VHS tape for the new episode. It was a magical experience. Oh yeah, and BLOCKBUSTER! Blockbuster pizza sleepovers were the fucking best, especially when an N64 was involved.

toys were great too, kids actually played outside. Block wars with super soakers, go-karts everywhere. RC vehicles everywhere, skateboards, roller skates, noodle fights in the pool, music was fantastic.

I think 2005 thereabouts was when it died. the Y2K scare was the the beginning, then 9/11 happened, and it went downhill.
it was far more simple, people actually interacted with each other. im thankful i experienced my childhood relatively tech free.

>asks for gen x opinions
>talks about pizza sleepovers with n64 games

get bent, millennial scum
Yeah, 2008 was boiling point for the pot of shit on the stove that had been sitting there since 9/11 just waiting to overflow... I'm just glad my kids were still to young to understand the gravity of the situation in 08 and that my wife and I were still financially sound throughout that shit show.
The 80s and 90s were shit and people weren't any happier. I grew up in a small place and by the time I was 25, 5 people I grew up with had killed themselves and 3 were dead from overdoses.

I guess we were more physically active as kids before internet took off, but that's about all good that can be said about it.
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I am 36. I remember the 80's. The thing that has changed the most is that people don't pay attention to things right in front of them. Real life is happening all around, but all their attention is on social media. In the 80's people made much deeper connections because they were always interacting with each other without interruption. The only connection to the outside world was a phone attached to the wall. When it rang, it was much more important too. It wasn't a telemarketer or an alert that someone you barely remember from high school posted a picture on Faceberg. People verbally made plans in person and were expected to show up. The plans weren't tentative and cancelled with a text message because a 3rd party texted a more appealing option. It was much more difficult for women to get attention so they would become desperate and do a lot of really cute and awkward things for you to notice them. It seems the more connected we become, the less we value those connections.
When I was 12 my dad asked the flight crew if I could go and have a look in the cockpit and they said yes.

Went and had a look, it was sweet
Dragon 32 > Commodore 64 > Amiga 500 > Amiga 1200 later upgraded to some monster in a full tower.

The first video game I ever played was my cousins Atari Pong machine.
>used to be you could spend months on a game before you finished it, not hours.

Kids these days will never know this horror. If you didn't have a subscription to Nintendo Power, there are several games you just weren't going to beat. Ever.

Like ... what ... Zelda on the NES had it's 9th level buried in the side of some random fucking rock that you could only find by using limited quantities of bombs on every fucking rock the whole damn overworld. I remember having a bitch of a time with Castlevania: Simon's Quest, too. If I had just 2 minutes on the internet, it would have saved me months of work on those games.
>VHS tapes
i remember when we secretly watched a friends parents porn movies at his house, biggest concern was that the tape would get tangled up inside and wouldn't eject. we were so scared that would happen that we had a hard time concentrating on our boners.
also taking airguns to any playground was totally acceptable and nobody gave a shit.
I'm sorry grandpa did you want me to talk about the 70's?

>cars designed only with a ruler
>lots of cocaine
>cocaine everywhere
>had to buy my japanese animes through catalog
>parents were proud of exterminating the indians
>et for atari was the best game ever
This hyper "communication" world we live in made it utra individualist..
I think it's all going to reach critical mass soon. Everyone loathes their existence and knows everything is only going to get worse. That kind of pessimism is bad for a society.
One thing I don't miss is that feeling you got when you "broke" a game. Like you know you're not meeting some criteria to move the game forward, so you're stuck backtracking and looking through every nook and cranny in a "dead" game world. It was an eerie feeling.

It was definitely less of an issue. Obama really set everything back.
yeah, devs have always been cunts.
That shit was the best. Whenever my family went to the mall my sisters and I would always save the pet store for last. I remember the store had a little play fort for all the kittens in the front window.
i remember playing this for months.


we would laugh our asses of running over people, it never got old.
I was born in mid 90s and remebered doing this in multiple occations when I was young. But then 9/11 came and muslims fucked up yet another great thing.

Yeah, I get a lot of shit from people because I treat my cell phone like a house phone. It doesn't come in the bedroom with me. I don't hardly ever answer it. I take my sweet fucking time replying to text messages. Etc.

I stubbornly refuse to let that fucking box interrupt my time. My time is MINE. You have no right to get pissed off when I don't drop everything to reply to your text about traffic being bad within 10 seconds. Or when I take longer than 4 rings to answer your call.

People could learn alot by being forced back to using landlines for a few months. Today, they're fucking insane in feeling entitled to everyone else's time, at any hour of the day and night.
I remember pay phones everywhere
I remember pagers, where people would send you their number and then you would scramble to the pay phone and call them

I'm very old, so I remember $.10 drink nights, disco parties, sex before AIDS, pinball arcades, good music, cool cars & cheap gasoline

You all missed some pretty cool shit
>The plans weren't tentative and cancelled with a text message because a 3rd party texted a more appealing option.

^ Truth. Also rage-inducing. We're human beings; not just extensions of your many entertainment options. It's like people who do this stopped being human themselves.
Played that with my neighbour, some good times were had.
yeah, but now you miss the ecstatic thrill of beating a game. Now it's as simple as finding some cheat online.
>we were so scared that would happen that we had a hard time concentrating on our boners.

YES! Exactly! And then afterwards, "Keviiinnnn, get out of the bathroom, you've been in there for 45 minutes now. I have um, really important things to do in there!"
Not so many niggers roaming around nice areas and women behaved better. Kids probably got raped more though
>cheap gasoline

My youngest memory of gas prices was $0.79. Had to be something around the early/mid80s.
I remember having to go to the porn store for porn, better hope you made a good choice...

before you were 18, you had to sneak a playboy, or if you were lucky, a hustler or something from your dad or someone else's dad.

When I was a kid in the 70s I remember the neighborhood knowing each other. These days you dont even know your neighbor even if you live next to him for 20 years!
They still are like this. Just more crack
oh my god, almost forgot about that shit. first pager was at my first construction job. nobody gave a shit if you called back 3hrs later.
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>Gen X'ers.

Gen X'ers, also known as the Boot Lickers of the Boomers, are the "Forgotten Generation".

The reason why everyone forgot about them is because they had their noses so far up the boomer's ass, they never created their own culture.

The Millenials (yours truly) were a different story.

We actually carved our own generation.

Gen. X'ers fell for the "Consumption" and "Debt" bullshit that the boomers fell for.

Millenials are more conservative than both Boomers and Gen. X'ers.

We saw first hand how the boomers fell into debt, and we prefer savings vs. consumption.
Adjusted for inflation, gas is actually around the same price. Wages just haven't went up. Cars are more fuel efficient though. You can save big on gas by driving efficiently too.
It's all true. Grew up in the late 70's, 80's, and came to adulthood in the 90's.

Ironically, there seemed to be way more diversity. There were always cliques and groups, and we seemed to have a subtle tribal animus towards each other. But because you could always find a thing of your own - nerd, jock, prep, skater, punk, hip hop, partier, whatever - we seemed to just get along generally.

Everybody knew what everybody's else's thing was, music, art, culture, especially the young people. I listened to EVERYTHING, even though I primarily was into rock music. I had nerd friends, skater friends, jocks, a little of everything. I sampled it all. I was a uber nerd straight A student, a drop out, an athlete, a boyscout, a skater/metal head, it seemed the world was an oyster, but at the same time, families were breaking down, both parents often worked, and we kind of set the rules for ourselves.

There was far less depth, though. TV shows were all homogeneous. Music was generally more shallow. The news was all mainstream and filtered. It's odd looking back at that time and recognizing the naivete and innocence we had.

But it was fun. And safe. And free. Mind you, there was a deep contradiction in the times - the looming threat of nuclear war at any moment. It was pervasive. Always there. We didn't think about it much, except from time-to-time (any Gen Xers remember 'The Day After'? Yikes.) but it was something that was always present, and terrifying. It sort of infused the culture with a kind of exuberance and live-for-the-day attitude. Which it made it strangely feel safer. We knew who the enemy was. And when that wall came down, it was the strangest sensation ever. Like finding out the cancer you knew was going to kill you suddenly disappeared.

Which makes the current events of today even more surreal.
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Malls suck because they no longer cater to whites.
>used to be you could spend months on a game before you finished it, not hours.
Most expensive gift my sister and I ever got for Christmas as kids was a SNES in... I think it would have been '91. The console came with Mario Paint (which was fucking awesome) and Super Mario World.

My sister and I played Two-Player together - not obsessively, maybe a couple hours a week tops... it took us almost a full year to beat the game. I still remember us jumping around the living room celebrating while the end credits music played.
>We actually carved our own generation.
You'll eventually stop rebelling and fall into place to protect the status quo. Happened to all generations, every one of them loudly proclaimed "Not Us!".

As I said, I'm very old

I remember the gas crisis under Carter where you could get gas only on odd/even days depending on your license
Not fun when you drove a gas hog Chevy with a 350 engine
Things were different, like the obvious of having to wait at home for a phone call before answering machines were invented(dark ages)...and as a kid I played unsupervised with other kids in the woods and built forts and shit...we were very gullible, though, and people believed what they saw on TV unquestioningly. If it was on the news or in the (((paper))), it was fucking FACT with a capitol F. I didn't know anything about jews or that there was anything special about them, and never would have if it weren't for the net.
One time at my uni there was a flyer drop of Dr William Pierce National Alliance stuff, and it was a big hubub, though I never got to see one. I was interested, but no outlet.
Yes, we were dumb and happy in a lot of ways, like going to the mall in the 80s and hanging out all day long to see your friends, but unless you had money it also sucked to be a teenager in the preppy era.
We actually had a sensible society at the time, so most people were happier. I personally like it more now with being able to basically do whatever I want with the internet, but that kind of fucked society up and most people need one that makes sense and works, so it's understandable
>When I was a kid in the 70s I remember the neighborhood knowing each other.

True. We knew all our neighbors and some neighbors so close that you would sometimes eat dinner over and walk in their house without knocking.

I'm 50. (1967)
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>Kids probably got raped more though

Well, 80's girls just looked better.

Jokes aside, they really did. The standard of beauty (that was also reflected on TV and in movies and models) was much more diverse. The top models and actresses were a lot less formulaic. Now, basically you see makeup and plastic surgery that make all girls look eerily similar. Not exaaaaactly, but enough that you can look at Laura, the 10/10 brunette down the street, and know immediately she's not a actress even if you can't put your finger on why.
Malls suck because most of them have shitty stores or stores with expensive as fuck clothes
>We actually had a sensible society at the time
Don't fool yourself, it was a more gullible society.

Also what the fuck is up with the posting times. Shit takes like a minute to post.
I saw my country go to shit. Take my local playground where i grew up for example.
until i was about 12 years old, it was like 95% white people on that playground.
the shitskins came pouring in and it wasn't for long until it was 80% shitskin and 20% white
now that same playground is an empty underground parking lot.
progress they call this.

the 80's were pretty great, probably because people were a bit naive about things and the propaganda wasn't failing yet like it is now with the internet. People trusted most of the news, but what do you expect in such a low information age. we had only 2 flemish tv stations
>porn store
the funny little curtains in the video stores where the porn section was, that embarrassment when a cute chick worked in the store. you actually had to have balls to rent porn movies.
>The reason why everyone forgot about them is because they had their noses so far up the boomer's ass, they never created their own culture.

Ever heard of the eighties?
Super Mario World is to this day one of my favorite games ever. Still play it.

When home video consoles came out, it was the best. You'd still play at the arcade, but you didn't have to go broke anymore using endless quarters.
But the crack epidemic gave me my favourite childhood cartoon. The one where all the cartoons join forces to help that little beaner kid get his older brother off his crack addiction and the. Nancy Reagan shows up at the end.

GenX is called the forgotten generation because they're isolationists. They work better alone, not in teams. They stay at home more often than going to public entertainment. They don't make waves. They don't want to fight. They just want to be left the fuck alone. You tend to forget things when they're always in the dark.
Also pro american sentiment was at an all time high, people respected you guys.
But then you elected bush senior

All these Instagram models look the fucking same. And I'm not ignorant of beauty stereotypes. They literally put on makeup the same exacty way, do their eyebrows, and do that weird pouty thing with their lip. Hell, look into the eyes of one of these models. They pierce your soul because you're confronted with the challenge of figuring out if they're actually human or not. Uncanny Valley and all that.

This term has become exceedingly tedious.
The violence was cool thpugh. There wasn't any problem Gen X couldn't solve with copious amounts of violence, a witty come back and a kick ass attitude.

Compared to SJW millennials, we're worlds apart.
Mmmmmmmmm Phoebe
I like these threads. I think they are politically and socially relevant. It disappoints me when mods delete them.

>We actually carved our own generation.

Your mommy helicoptered your pampered little butt everywhere. You didn't create shit. Everything was created for you.
Someone in another thread posted something they shouldn't have. We're being slid hard now.
By sensible I more mean functional for the majority of people, I don't think the newer generation is much less gullible really. It wasn't perfect but it's probably the best time period we've ever had here
Millennials are a generation of bitches who can't manage simple tasks. Fucking crybabies raising even worse crybabies
They're all secretly turbo autists who can process and disseminate information with the efficiency of a supercomputer.
I can just see her showering in that cave waterfall now
We had less venues for information, everything written in the newspaper or said on television was taken as The Truth. You can see remnants of this with our parent generation. They still believe everything written in the media.

The stupid and less informed person is happier than the smart and well informed person. That's why "people were happier back then".
yeah, you had to pick the stores with the dirty old men as cashiers, they were usually watching porn behind the counter anyhow.

Porn was better and less degenerate, just hot chicks getting banged. not fucking tranny piss videos with bukkake gangbangs. Internet brought out the dark side of sex.
People really came together and had fun. There would be a token black kid once in a while, but mostly all whites hung together. Girls would never hook up with a black guy or she would be banned from the group.

Everyone grew their hair out so minorities stood out from whites. Whites today don't seem to realize that the short hair that is popular helps the minorities integrate with others. I wouldn't be surprised if this fad was pushed by the (((media)))
No doubt, right? Man, the crush I had on her.

Fast Times At Ridgemont High, pool scene. Shaped my adolescence. It still evokes something in me so profound - youth, passion, beauty, a sort of timeless spring.

Growing up a Gen Xrs felt like it was endless summer, that's it. It was Fast Times at Ridgemont High. And now it's like we're in Game of Thrones.
>We actually carved our own generation.

I love the generation known for being the most entitled fucks every to walk the planet say stuff like this. It's exactly what you'd expect someone that felt entitled to say. Taking all the benefits of someone else's work for yourself.

$20 says the person that said that is not an active member of society.
Yep. That's how I remember it. I was Born the following year.
an aussi moved into out neighborhood in the late 80s. we were 14/16yo, he used to tell stories how he and his uncle in the outback used to sit on his porch, drinking beer and shooting roos. we were very impressed.
>Well, 80's girls just looked better.

And only a few of them were sluts.
>Life appeared so much happier, simpler back then, has it all really changed?
Yes it really was genuinely better, no racial tensions, everyone got along, no SJW bullshit, no islamic terrorists, much lower living costs, much better music, everything was better, modern life is rubbish !
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Not every girl was drop dead gorgeous, but they didn't have to be. A girl could be very plain-looking, but still look nice and have a guy fawning over them.

I remember my first serious girlfriend I met in middle school in the 90s. Dead ringer for Winnie from The Wonder Years. Plain, but still attractive.
>And only a few of them were sluts.
not sure about that, i remember girls being very easy back in the day, maybe not sleeping around with everybody but girls were very aware of their powers and used them.
Where the fuck did all the bush Razzles come from, that's what I want to know.

It's not just nostalgia. It really was better.

But it was far, far more naive. Remember, the red pill is bitter. I'd like to have the truth we have now, with the culture of the 80's. But I dunno... the two might be incompatible.
>Porn was better and less degenerate
You never saw the german movies belonging to the parents of a friend of mine. Pissing, scat and other stuff was just hidden better.

Ironically, Penthouse magazine was what made pissing mainstream, not the internet.
They just kept it hush hush. It was better that way.

Wendy was my first crush. I don't care what others say, she was just an explosion of cute. She's one of those girls that you kiss and cuddle in your jerk off sessions instead of going straight for the end zone.
It's more than just the media as the reason people were happier, but that is still true. Yes having a public who trusts the media generally makes for a healthier, happier society. The news really doesn't effect people anyways in their day to day lives anyways, so it's not all that important
>They just kept it hush hush

mmmhmmm. Back then, we had this thing called SHAME. It was applied generously and worked wonders for controlling degeneracy. Or, at least controlling the public opinion of it.

Those were the days.
Reading this thread is making me realize how far western civilization has fallen, I didn't even realize the scope of it because it happened over time.

Damn, we're fucked lads, we live in a very dark era of human history.
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Australia in the 90's was boring beyond belief, literally nothing happened. We were still overwhelmingly white then so it was very safe and suburban. Great music too.
pic related a book about Australia in the 90's
Who was that girl with the big nose from Wolverines? She got her nose perfectly reshaped and it killed her career. It would be the other way around today.
*cough cough Anna cough Kasperian*

>Gen. X'ers are isolationists.

But WHY are they isolationists?

Because the boomers snapped their fingers, and the Gen. X'ers listened.

They were the foot stools of the boomers; their whipping posts.

The reason why is because the boomers were still in their youth and prime when the Gen. X'ers were babies.

When the millenials were babies, the boomers were already a little past their prime and much older.
>not sure about that, i remember girls being very easy back in the day

Over here girls that cheated on their boyfriends were still stigmatized by their peers.
yeah, you really had to look for it, which meant you had serious fucking problems to begin with.

Now it's on the front page of every porn site.
The smell off rotting paper is truly erotic, young uns just won't understand.

Since I was around back then, I have to disagree
I had many one night stands and before the AIDS scare, the girls were throwing pussy around liberally
Y'know, the funny thing people still feel shame on a primal level. They've been conditioned to ignore it, but in the end it manifests itself as depression, anxiety, and mania. It's not something in the water or social isolation, it's repressed shame.

"Hard times make hard men. Hard men make good times."
"Winter leads to spring. The flowers will bloom once again."
>kids these days have never ironed their porn dry
>Because the boomers snapped their fingers, and the Gen. X'ers listened.

You really don't know shit about genX. Our Parents were mostly out of our personal lives and we were hardly ever at home anyway.
>there wasn't a problem he couldn't solve
I guess our race going to destination fucked isn't one of them, huh? You are as degenerate, if not more, as millenials and boomers.
He's a millennial, he doesn't know shit full stop.

Since you are an old fart like me you may not be making a modern comparison.
Not really.

Gen Xers grew up in a time when the family was changing. Divorcewas becoming common, and typically both parents worked. We were called the Latchkey Kids before we were called Gen X.

THAT'S why we're more isolationist. We essentially raised ourselves. Our boomer parents gave us a safe, prosperous world, and there was far, far less degeneracy. It wasn't celebrated. People weren't as broken, and as fractured. But the 50's and 60's type of parenting was a thing of the past.

So we had societal rules and structure. But we raised ourselves, in a happy, safe, naive world that was ironically poised on the edge of a razor.
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>Who was that girl with the big nose from Wolverines
Wolverines as in The Wolverines from Red Dawn?
Jennifer Grey? the Dirty Dancing girl?
I was a little kid in the 80s, but I think it was better than the 90s. In the 90s nigger culture really started taking over. Plus the whole "grunge" movement was ultra liberal. In the 80s it felt like white America was trying to resurrect the 50s in a way.
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Also played Ferris Bueller's sister.
same here. i'm not sure what it was but i have the feeling girls today act like guys in terms of sexuality, somehow this was different back then. can't really explain it but girls acted like girls and not like guys with a vag.
>Malls suck because they no longer cater to whites.

I just ignore the ballcap and prison panties (underwear sticking out of your pants) dindu stores and eat at Chick Fil A and browse guns at Dick's now.
Time went slower which was nice being young . Making mix tapes just by pressing record on a jam you liked if it sucked after 1 minute rewind and start over . Finding stuff by looking at maps . Driving stoned getting lost , getting pulled over and talking your way out of it . Cops were less Jack boots . SE Wisconsin hs grad 91
>Plus the whole "grunge" movement

To me, the grunge bands were just a neutered and less musically skilled throwback to the late seventies hard rock bands. They were very pretentious and like to sniff their own farts. It was the death knell for rock and roll.
>get porn mag from friend
>go to other friend whos dad had a b/w photocopier
>photocopy best pages
>friends dad a few days later asks why 123 copies on the counter
>wtf? it has a counter?
>y-y-you know h-h-homework........
>never mind kids just ask next time when you want to copy porn
There was no political correctness, gays and traps were still seen as degenerates and didn't promote their degeneracy, that shit all started in the mid-90's. However, there was no interwebz, all information was in the hands of a few large media corporations and you could only share your opinions with your immediate social circle.
The early emo movement that built off of grunge was some of the most heartfelt and musical music I've ever heard in my life. It turned to shit after it took on too much pop-punk influence but goddamn where there some good bands.
it was the beginning of the SJW movement, a bunch of whiny pussies feeling sorry for themselves and blaming their problems on everyone else.

>Studies and news abound about Milennials that can't change a tire, do their own laundry, or figure out which bathroom to use and are still living at home with their Gen X parents.

W-we're edgy superior rebels!

Get fucked, cuck.
Oy vey!
>tfw I remember health class in the early 80s had a text book that said you could avoid HIV/AIDS by avoiding dangerous behaviors such as "homosexual intercourse and IV drug usage".
>tfw I remember when faggots weren't even allowed to donate blood
Libtards killed this nation.
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>kids these days will never know the guilty thrill of sitting three inches from the television screen trying to catch a glimpse of tits through the distortions and static of a blocked softcore channel, praying to whatever god exists that nobody wakes up and catches you
>Can Gen X tell us how things used to be, before the internet and 911
The internet was a massive change, but the smartphone even more so imo. I can remember when no one had a phone glued to their ear at all times. I feel like it was much better without them around.
The thing that makes x stand out was its diversity. It was notoriously hard for advertises to appeal to it as a group. Growing up then (I'm 42) was pretty much like growing up now in those periods where you are not on the net or connected for a few hours.
Life was simpler before the internet
This. Good read.

If I was you I'd want to be an uneducated millenial too?
Thats probably why growing up as a Gen Y sucked hard. We were the first generation raised with a significant group of single independent moms who didn't have family values passed to them.

Clinton was busy getting his knob off in the White House so there goes any respect for the country.

The internet and cell phones were taking off and we started down the path to getting hyper connected, but weren't really raised with them so it was a new unique thing.

Then we all watched 9/11 happen live on TV in high school.

My generation was when things started to fall apart since nobody had the money or care to update infrastructure. I think we were the first generation to be hit by all the "passing the buck" so to speak. My schools were all built in the 70's and was both falling apart and stuff absolutely full of migrants.

I think I unironically turned into a "beautiful one"

>the 10 minute preview race
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So did any of you Aus or Euro fags own an Amiga 500???
friend had one, we couldn't afford one. had to settle with a used c64.
>that fucking joystick in your pic
Smartphones and social media are the worst thing to happen to the internet and the world at large. They flooded in the internet with retards that would have been too stupid to use a computer, and social media spreads marxist bullshit and nonstop race baiting into the populous like a disease.
Gen Y had it worse than Gen X in a lot of ways - being born *just* in time to get a little taste of what life was like in the pre-internet, pre-smartphone, pre-9/11 era before spending the next decade watching everything they'd known and loved growing up crumble around them.
Niggers ruin everything. They are starting to move out of the big cities now and are stinking up the countryside, bringing their nigger problems with them. Fucking hell, niggers were the worst thing that ever happened to my country DEUS VULT everything brown.

>et for atari was the best game ever

No man - Activision games all the way.
Smartphones and kikebook are just attention syringes for women. It will be the ruination of western society.
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>They flooded in the internet with retards that would have been too stupid to use a computer
Yep, was shattered when I had to start playing games on a keyboard on my PC and controllers are built for children.
the rage when the fire button on the joystick broke
Fuck me lads, I've just found out how much a comp pro costs these days.
Life was fucking awesome until the mid/late 90s.

It turned to shit when that time came. Even early internet fucked life up big-time for overall quality.

1984-87 were perfect times.

t. Born in '74
The 80s here was much like that film Made in England .
Muslims were rare,there were some black people around but not many in small towns.
90s was the start of the major decline,between rave music and tony Blair, by 2000 it had all gone to shit.
What puzzles me now is the lack of youth to create their own scene,current music could be from the 90s, the clothes the same thing.
Youngsters shit on general but what have you all done different when you are a poor pastiche of us?
hell yeah, lotus turbo challenge and north & south
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>As generation X is between the Boomers and Millennials, Can Gen X tell us how things used to be, before the internet and 911, how was growing up for you?
>Life appeared so much happier, simpler back then, has it all really changed?

That sounds about right.

I'm 21 now.

But I have a lot of very clear memories despite my age, especially the mood of the time.

It was pretty happy. It seemed like the world had a future to look forward too. Everything kept rolling onwards toward the sunset.

Honest to god, it's like the entire world flipped upside down after 9/11. It's fucking retarded but literally *everything* just started going downhill after that for *everyone*.

Everyone started drinking more, smoking more, caring less. It wasn't overnight but it didn't take long.

Over time corruption in government became the status quo and people stopped getting outraged. They lost their will to fight for the future, even for their children's future.

"Gang culture" became mainstream.

People living in their own shit and loving it, like it's all there could be anymore.

I am eyes-wide ever since, even as a child. I am revolted at the fragility of our nations spirit. All that's left is despair, hate, and apathy in society at large. Especially self-hate.

I don't see how you can restore what has been lost. I won't get into politics, but Donald Trump is the only thing even close that has brought back the vibe of pre-9/11 spirit and can do attitude. And yet it seems it will merely be more of the same. It's been only 100 days yeah but it don't look good. What good he tries to do gets blocked and what he decides against post-election is just a stab in the back.

Fuck it guys, live for you. It's cold out there now. Especially if you're a white dude, everyone's gunning for you. You are the sole reason, the designated scapegoat for everyone's problems. Bunker up further into the future or enjoy the "reverse-lynching".
>Muslims were rare
over here the only muslims were yugos, nobody cared and they didn't advertise it. basically nobody knew they were muzzies
>there were some black people
not a single black guy in any school i ever went to, not even in our neighborhood, only on tv. first blacks were sri lankans and i grew up in the biggest city in switzerland btw.
Who's more to blame for the fall of the west? Zog or technology?
>saw my country go to shit. Take my local playground where i grew up for example.
>until i was about 12 years old, it was like 95% white people on that playground.
>the shitskins came pouring in and it wasn't for long until it was 80% shitskin and 20% white
>now that same playground is an empty underground parking lot.
>progress they call this.

Another big thing was just going out and being able to play as a kid. We did so much stuff, so many great memories. Now most kids are on the internet inside, playing games. They'll never experience that, which is really sad. Too many young people are socially retarded because of it.
This too.

A big problem is kids aren't even allowed outside anymore. Teenagers even, without adults shadowing their every movement.

So how do you escape your parents? well the old geezer faggots don't even know what the internet is. So you're only recourse coincidentally is to stay inside and not grab attention because it will always be negative and you cannot do shit with your friends outside of the internet.

I'm glad I got to at least partially experience life without the internet AND without globally overbearing parents, thanks to our outrage culture ramping up to mach 10.
If I wanted to see non English it meant a train into London in the 80s, now I just look out the windows.

Another big change was when Sunday trading was began,previously all shops had to close on Sunday. As a day of rest, now Sunday is just another shopping day and greed won over Jesus's.
>Too many young people are socially retarded because of it
i have two kids, i let them go outside unsupervised all the time. only very very few people in my neighborhood do that. they always go to playgrounds or these indoor entertainment centers with trampolines and shit. when it rains my kids are the only ones outside, all other kids think you can't play outside when it's raining. most other kids a more than socially awkward, low self esteem, can't climb on trees, never get their hands dirty because that's icky, are not allowed to own pocket knifes or matches because parents think they'll kill themselves (not even making this up), most are totally unable to play without input from the outside. it's fucking embarrassing and i see a dark clouds for the future.
Same here. You likely remember everything I do.

Remember seeing the shuttle disaster in elementary school? Remember Hands Across America? Remember seeing Reagan get shot as a little kid?
we always had a lot of foreigners starting in the 50s because we needed them for work. but they were exclusively italian, spanish and portuguese, some yugos. we treated them like niggers, beat them up, excluded them from everything, looking back, not really a good thing.

>Sunday trading
yeah that's totally unnecessary. it came very late here, maybe 20 years ago. before you had to drive to the airport if you needed some milk on sunday.
>shuttle disaster
>see it live on tv
>call dad
>hey the space shuttle just exploded
>he gets fucking angry and starts screaming "stop fucking lying, it's american it can't blow up"
Although I'm technically an early mellenial, I feel that the 90s were the peak of Western Civilization. I think we got a glimpse of the utopia that the boomers intented to build. We all had a sense that things were going to be fine. Good economy, in Europe nobody had to worry about income. The social problems were minimal, in early nineties everyone felt that all the new races and etnicities were getting along just fine. And in fact, they did initially. People like Jean Marie le Pen and Janmaat in my country warned us that mass immigration and multiculturalism would eventually become a huge problem. Nobody would listen, and those ideas were met with severe hostility. From the 00s you could see that social justice becomes weaponized and in big cities natives start to realize that the are starting to become minorities. Were are we going from here? It's up to gen. Z I guess.
>I feel that the 90s were the peak of Western Civilization
i don't think so. you could already feel the decline imo.
>Good economy
not really, one pretty heavy crisis in the early 90s, i felt this for the first time.
>And in fact, they did initially
true, i think it was because, especially in switzerland, you were expected to assimilate to our culture, not the other way around. we still do in a way, outside of urban lefty ruled areas at least.
>warned us that mass immigration and multiculturalism would eventually become a huge problem
honestly, swiss people always felt that way. that's why the hurr swiss are xenophobes meme is still a thing today.
>Were are we going from here?
history is repeating, i clearly see and feel the backlash against postmodernism. i'm not too worried honestly, people are waking up.
One of my teachers came into our 5th grade class and said, I'll never forget, "Voyager just blew up!" Her husband was a teacher there as well, and he looked at her like she was nuts.

"The space shuttle! Voyager!" she said. (Voyager was in the news back in 85-86, because it was nearing Uranus, I think it was.)

He was like, "The space shuttle is Challenger!"

Then we all filed out to watch it on the TV in the hallway. Surreal. It was a bit like 9-11. I always felt bad for her, though. The sheer condensation in his voice and on his face, heh. She was a bit of a dim bulb.
in school we had to write condolence letters to the class of the teacher who got fried in the accident.
>It was a bit like 9-11
even though rockets blew up before, i remember something like a slight shift, like you became aware that the infallibility of technology was not really a thing and everything is vulnerable.
Well said. That's exactly it. Almost like a turning point.

Iran Contra started to dominate the news shortly after. Reagan seemed less... aware, or in control. I mean, only 4 years later or so was the first Gulf War.

>in school we had to write condolence letters to the class of the teacher who got fried in the accident.

We had to do the same thing.
>i don't think so. you could already feel the decline imo.

Yes I misphrased that. Things seemed that way, at least here in Holland. And I was young. It was like the perfect version of the Matrix that didn't work in the long run :)
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English was our first language. Aids was still scary because you didn't know it was designed to kill homos and blacks. Camel jockeys were 1/2 ok' cause they were all Chaldean and there was only 3 of them. Low-to-no snicker lickers (even in California!). Dates were fun, cause you'd have to call their home phone ... talk to their parents first ... and if they handed the phone over with zero Q&A ... you were as good as ballz deep!

Basically it all fell apart at a stop sign when I saw this bicyclist(?) streaking over the hood of my car having wrong sided me coming up a one way street (time 00:45am January 1rst, 2000).

Fucking libtard/neocon/jewspiracy karma ever since ... sorry guys, my bad.

>tfw the year is 2017
>AIDS hasn't killed all homos and blacks yet
>Almost like a turning point
exactly. i strongly believe the emotional impact of these really minor things (shit happens) are hugely underestimated when looking at history.
iran contra on the other hand was down played in way that it's almost unreal. the first time people saw what shady things intelligence agencies and goverments in general are involved in. for me one of the biggest scandals on modern history. reagan should have been burned on a stake for that. i wonder how much money ollie north got for taking the blame.
Don't you mean black?
it always looks best just before things go to shit. looking back, i think everybody seemed to try to pretend everything is ok and will never change. probably because you could feel it's gonna change very soon. fuck, looking back it really feels like we lived on a different planet back then.
Things were pretty chill until 9/11, it really feels like 9/11 killed the 80s/90s buzz. It hasn't been chill since 9/11 happened, which is sad because it basically means they did what they set out to do.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that was Reagan losing influence on Bush Sr and his deep state fuctard buddies. I still love Ronnie and his monkey son.
>>123461307 >>123442445
Was Waco big? You really don't hear much about it anymore
I remember when street fighter 2 came out.

It was amazing.

Life was better back then, not just because we were kids but because it just was better. There wasn't even a need for a board like this back then.
reagan was not bad president but i realized presidents are just puppets. an actor becoming president, of the usa none the less, was somehow surreal. but yes, i think bush sr was also involved in assassinating jfk. looking at what happened after that, it's clear some behind the curtains power finally took over. i don't see any way to get rid of these powers anytime soon. maybe we really have to burn everything down and reset the whole system.
Waco kind of put it out there that if the gubmint didn't like you, then it was pretty much OK to take you out. The media would play right along.

Everybody thought Koresh was a nut, but the media really, really hammered on it. It's why during Gulf War 1, the media said "Saddam is bad!" and the public swallowed it up. It definitely set a precedent.

As for the media spectacle of it, I remember it being on the news an awful lot.
Growing up with fear of the old farts ruling Russia would send their missiles our way, glass everything I knew. Mordor in the east.

An uncle of mine gave me an old radio, Old School radio which could tune in on all frequencies. (Same uncle got arrested by Stasi in East Berlin in the early 60's for smuggling false passports to deflectors). The most powerful radio stations were the propaganda stations, like Radio Moscow and Voice of America. Listened to them and thought "this is all bullshit" "They are all full of shit." About 12 years old and had my first red pill. I may have overdosed them since. No wonder we became the ironic generation X.
Was the phreaking community the 80s version of 4chan autism?


"Friggin liberals" :D
the gulf war was the 1st live war in history. like a test for all the upcoming media wars and how to use the media for manipulating public opinion in real time. i remember we had a teacher in trade school who was a high ranking officer of the swiss tank troops. he spent hours explaining who the americans fought the tank war, tactics and everything. he even made special papers explaining everything, was pretty cool.
>max headroom
did they ever find out who was behind this?
Heh. Yep.

Skip to about 6:50 in.

Not really, as far as I've ever heard.

Yes, it has changed.
When I grew up I would ride my bike around unsupervised.
I went on scouting expeditions in my city.
I once got lost and had to spend a whole day figuring out how to get home.
People were nice to me.
Racism didn't really exist where I lived.
Sexism was also a non-issue.
People were just generally good to each other.
I don't care what any leftist says - it has gotten worse.
And it absolutely IS because of the fucking leftists.
Their identity politics has ruined what I used to love.
Just imagine being able to say crass jokes and not having to look over your shoulder.
Imagine quoting Austin Powers and letting it be a fucking joke without qualifiers.
That was the eighties and nineties.
I want it back.
No. But there are some interesting Reddits of people who say they know more.
The eighties were a great decade to grow up except the constant threat of global thermonuclear war. Movies like Red Dawn definitely gave me some nightmares. It sucks seeing all of my nephews and nieces with their faces glued to smartphones. All of the world's knowledge is at their fingertips and they're even dumber than my generation.
Pretty much this.
1994. The net JUST went public. AT a rich friends house with a modem. We had some crappy DC comics free WWW connection thing (you used to have to pay for the net in minutes. Like a cell phone.)

"Hey, aren't there some things called chat rooms or something?"

Find a chat room using the rudimentary search engines back then.

Shitpost and insult people for the lulz to illicit anger. Like prank calls, but maybe better.

Heh. Oldfag trolls gonna troll.
80s were a mixed bag for me. Had a single mom, and she moved us to California. Tryied to make new friends, but end up getting bullied by some jock when I talked to a girl he liked. Luckily for me, my apartment manager taught me some sweet karate moves. In the end, I kicked the bullies ass at the local karate competition. Ps. Also got the girl, and dude ended up giving me a sweet classic car.
Good thing you didn't let them put you in a body bag.
Except that analog is better for just about everything in the real world, from music to film.
>constant threat of global thermonuclear war
hard to imagine this today. in switzerland you would get a flyer from the gov like every month, reminding you to stock up on water, flour, oil and rice for two months. you could pick up water in plastic bags in special places throughout the city for free.

every building in switzerland was required to have a bunker. switzerland was able to mobilize 1mio soldiers (6.5mio population back then) in 24hrs, every man always knew where the rally point was in case of a war. every man not only had his rifle ammo and all gear at home but also hand grenades, mines and explosives if that was your job, this to be able to fight your way to the rally point in case the commies air dropped their soldiers.

almost all mountains are hollowed out, bunker mortars are everywhere, when you go hiking you see houses in the mountains which conceal huge fucking artillery guns, we can launch f-18 out of mountains, until a couple of years ago every bridge, every tunnel was rigged with explosives to make it harder for the commie tank. all main roads are ready to put in tank barriers. to this day, the first wednesday every month we have air raid sirens test.
Hybrid systems work well.

I record guitar both digitally and using analog tube amps. Record to digital. Master using analog and digital.

Some people even send digital masters to tape, and back to digital.

Records sound better. Just something about them.
>mfw karate kid posts on /pol/
Gen X here.
It had its good points and bad points.

I miss the geopolitics of the 80s, the Cold War, when jihadis stuck to the middle east and killing Hinds in Afghanistan - though of course we now know where that ended up. What I'm trying to say is I miss conventional warfare, the relatively simple threat of the Bomb and the time when cultural subversion wasn't so noticeable.

No internet in the 80s except for Usenet groups on campus. Music was comfy. Jobs were reasonably plentiful until the '87 stockmarket crash. Computer brands were proprietary and niche, each having their own hard core supporters.
daniel son

Girls were much more hotter than today. It was some special kind of high energy in the air. Now everyone is fat and ugly.
People who hadn't yet earned the right to a voice didn't have one. Things were right.
Don't forget the cocane

Seriously. Quality shit for a decent price. Nowadays you'd be lucky if it ain't half stomped at least.
Does anyone born after 1985 even know the term "latch-key kid"?
Probably not. They all had their pre-schools and daycares.

We just went home, turned on Voltron, and ate some leftovers till our friends congregated outside for some shenanigans.

The term latchkey kid became commonplace to describe members of Generation X, who according to a 2004 marketing study, “went through its all-important, formative years as one of the least parented, least nurtured generations in U.S. history.” Latchkey kids were prevalent during this time, a result of increased divorce rates and increased maternal participation in the workforce, at a time before childcare options outside the home were widely available.[5][6][7][8] These latchkey children, referred to as "day orphans" in the 1984 documentary, To Save Our Children to Save Our Schools, came predominately from middle or upper-class homes. The higher the educational attainment of the parents, the higher the odds the children of this time would be latchkey kids.
It was Honeynut Cheerios in front of MTV for me.
Kind of an odd thing, though.

Most of us didn't even lock our doors back then! So not much need for keys...

I just got home and walked into my house. I was fortunate, though. Blue collar, so my mom was home until I was about 10 or 11. Then she got a job.
lol. this is so true.
Yeah, that too.

Remember how exciting it was when a cool new video came out? Something that pushed the limits? You'd talk with your friends about it, and suddenly, everyone knew who that artist(s) was.
Lea Thompson is one of a very few women who aged like fine wine
i was born in 1992.
The local skatepark was fill to the brim daily. Kids were playing on the street. Adults used to build treehouses and toys we could play with.
First cellphones made people socialize to share polyphone ringtones. Youtube had fresh oc, everybody watched the same thing. You actually ran out of search results on Google. We used to have local gameshops here where every kid could test out games. Nobody stayed home all day. Shit was cash
Talking about MJ's "Thriller" the next day at school after it premiered on MTV the night before. I wasn't even a fan of his music, but man that was a cool video for its time.
I guess the part i miss the most is that the generation gap was smaller. People actually understood eachother. I remember so many days playing soccer where stranger would actually join in if you pass the ball.
I read this a while back thought it relevant
Don't forget Diane Lane.
I was thinking of exactly the same thing, he heh.
While I don't have rivers and stretches.of land or forests here, my parents where pretty much the same. It was either play soccer all day or going on to investigate shit all day. The only time we were inside the house is around dinner and for sleep. Weather didn't matter at all. Rain, snow, hail. Who gives a shit we play on. I really think that is one reason why I never get sick these days.
remember the debates about how it supposedly gave kids ptsd and they wanted to ban it? holy shit we even discussed it school.
I was routinely my own doctor. Nobody gave a crap, as long as you weren't dying. It was "Get back out there and play!"
check this vid out
>i was born in 1992.
You're a Millennial, you mong.

>Don't forget Diane Lane.
Fuck yes.

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life has always been terrible, that's just the way things are.
oh i didn't know. At least i was there early enough to witness the transition
Unfortunately I was left out of all The Day After discussion on the playground due to concerned parents. Yet they smoked around me, never told me to put on sunscreen, let me play catch in the middle of the street, and never told me to fasten my seatbelt.
Kid, that was basically yesterday.
And Satan was involved, of course.
Anyone pining for the 80's should watch the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror. I need that technology NOW.
Your parents were smart, man.

I had nightmares for YEARS after that damn movie. Tornadoes and nukes were my constant terror.

Damn movie.
i remember riding down a steep, narrow footpath with my bike behind our house like a idiot. one time i crashed so bad that i literally said to myself: ok what is 1+1? what's my name? i had to check if i was still alive. came home all bloody, scratched up bleeding like a motherfucker. my mom hosed me down in the bathtub to check if i had any major injuries, she said: well that's what you get for being an idiot. not a single thought of going to the hospital, half a bottle of iodine and that was it.
tell me more
>The 90s
It's was great, a lot more carefree and optimistic and people were a lot more personable as texting wasn't a thing and the internet was just getting started.

Films were great but the music kind of sucked, though not as bad as the 00s. TV was a lot better too

Not old enough to give an informed opinion on the 80s
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Taken in 2016. Still looks amazing.
HA! I can so relate to that, yep. Hilarity, anon. I flipped ass over teakettle on my bike. Side of my face looked like it went through a cheese grater. I was staying at a friends house that same night, with half my face a giant ass scab.

It was truly a different time. We just kinda shrugged things off.
ahahaha just remembered these christian guys who used to hang out in front of metal concert venues and tried to proselytize the lost souls.
>mfw i just remembered an anthrax concert with suicidal tendencies as opening act
Born in 81 here. Growing up in the 80s and 90s was a magical time. Always outside playing. Street lights on, oh shit nigger time to get home just to be told to go out back and play.

Injured? Walk it off champ. Maybe injury is serious? Notify parents and go from there. Sadly parents divorced in early 90s but who cares.

I do remember a sudden surge in political correctness in the mid early 90s into like 96/97 time frame. We saw the rise of alternative music, and rebelling was still there.

Some anon posted said it best earlier. Kids these days will fall in line as they grow older just like all the rest of us.
Remember Stryper? Guys threw Bibles out to the audience members.
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After watching loads of Techmoan on audio/video stuff. Damn i would love to have chance to use this stuff back then. Too bad Digital Audio Tapes never made it into market, they were even better than CDs in some aspects. 120 minutes and 48kHz.
Do kids still "sneak out" at night like I used to back in the 80's?
Stryper was great.

All the metalheads went to see 'em just like they were any other hair band.

People weren't so serious back then. Do your thing. It was all pretty good.
>tfw band aids were never big enough to cover the abrasions
I worked at a radio station in the 90's and we used DATs. It was cool stuff, but never really took off.
sure do, we always made fun of the guys who had stryper records. with made fun of i mean we treated them with ass kicks.
Gen X is the liberal generation. its the the first generation raised in degenerate two parent homes if they were lucky. this generation was so wile and shitty the next generations will rebel by becoming genocide loving conservatives.

gen x often put all the fault on babyboomers but have done jack shit to change anything babyboomers did wrong. quite frankly they have made things even worse.

t. one of the millions of kids raised by a fat stupid gen x single mother.
And they'd fall off like 10 minutes later!
I loved the sound these things made as you'd fast forward or rewind through the music.
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and keep doing that.
but if niggers start moving it, leave the neighborhood than to supervise them. if the kid dies by accident, then it would die of later anyways. you will spawn three new better ones later.
Why'd you raise us like that?
Pretty comfy, but perhaps that's nostalgia.
Nigs were a novelty. One black family in my town (ex-pat married a black woman out in Africa), we knew blacks could be trouble just from the telly, but it was a problem far away, and we'd just tut. One black kid in my prep school, some sort of charity case, expelled after a stabbing. Wednesday afternoons were spent in the woods building bases from corrigated iron and tyres.
Computers were a geeky hobby, jet set willie and Elite blew our tiny minds.
Porn was page 3, and the occasional musty mag left by the porn fairy. One kid managed to get a german porn mag with actual penetration, I almost fainted.
We were taught that AIDS was an 'anally injected death sentence' and as long as you didn't go fourth gear with a woman you'd be alright (pretty accurate really).
Drinking's changed since when I started. Pubs were relaxed about teenagers, as long as they didn't take the piss. Even when I cold drink legally I never remember this craze of shooters, snakebite and black was considered fancy, or putting a line wedge in your corona.
Happy days.
>I flipped ass over teakettle on my bike. Side of my face looked like it went through a cheese grater. I was staying at a friends house that same night, with half my face a giant ass scab.

I remember my first time riding a three wheeler with a friend on his family's ranch. Took it up too steep an incline and rolled it. Tried to ditch, but ended up with the thing landing on top of me.

Broke several ribs. Got home that night and told my parents it was painful to breathe. Dad laughed at me and said "Awww. Do you want to get a cast on your ribs?"
He would occasionally poke them with a finger for the next few months until I stopped flinching.
Gen Xers are literally half the size of the Boomers and Millennials, you realize this, right?

And I wouldn't say we were liberal or conservative. We were raised in the comfortable polarity of the whole 2 system/party dichotomy.

We're more individualistic. The Boomer hippes seemed like crazy lefty freaks to most of us, and the hardcore Reagan/Christian Coalition types seemed like stuffy traditionalists.

We were more libertarian than anything, generally speaking.
Don't forget kids these days are loaded up on all sorts of medication for who the fuck knows reasons.

Man I was more often then not outside. On the off chance I was inside playing nintendo my mom usually came by and turned it off and forced me outside. Shit was great.

I remember my dad letting me throw lawn darts at a cookout one day. The kind that could kill people with the metal pointy tips. Of course I chucked it at my brother
luckily i live in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in zurich. no niggers, 99.9% white upper class, just infested with rich lefties. i consider myself lucky.
YES! No ADHD and bullshit peanut allergies back in those days.
Heh heh, yeah, 3 wheelers! They ended up banning those death traps, remember? Then it was all about 4 wheelers.

You know you're Gen X if you ever rode a 3 wheeler.
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My friend bought some time ago Unitra tape recorder, recorded Urge Overkill song (the one in Pulp Fiction). Funny sound when it starts running but sound is amazing. Never heard anything sound that great in my life.

It's good example of "Won a battle. Lost a war". Funny that later Sony bought RIAA when releasing MiniDisc.
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really. don't get too attached to your kids. i think it's even their agenda to make your kid something more than it is, the investment. if the investment fails to deliver, meaning that it dies, just let it die. it's just a fucking walking defected animal. you should be spawning 100s of them if you are rich and letting them run through some death traps so only the best ones stay in the game.
Even worse when you had one foot on the seat and the other pushing off while you hunched over trying to control it. Good God how I didn't break my neck I'll never know. Lost control one time and slammed into a parked car on the street. Car didn't have a mark on it but I thought I was dead since I slammed head first into it. Said fuck it and kept playing. Was probably concussed and didn't know it
That's cold, but that's right.
You could easily record stuff with those right to digital. Like a regular tape deck, but have CD quality sound.

I even used VCR tapes for DAT when I was in college studying audio engineering. That was weird, but it worked pretty cool.

Of course nowadays, computers just blow that stuff away. But there is something to be said for having analogue in the signal chain, I've found.
my little brother was always used for experiments like holding firecrackers in his hand, testing different ammo for blowpipes etc.

my kids are not allowed to bring any nut snacks to school, no white bread and even bananas are considered bad because the fags think your teeth will rot instantly. if you bring a cake for your birthday you're suppose to bake it with this special flour because of allergies. it's fucking insane.
>the utopia that the boomers intented to build.
Shopping mall with car access? Because shopping seems to be their only ambition desu.
For you youngsters in this thread, let this old Gen-Xer give you a little advice. Wear sunscreen. No, seriously. Wear sunscreen. I wish I had. Crow's feet are not a good look.
>The Boomer hippes seemed like crazy lefty freaks to most of us, and the hardcore Reagan/Christian Coalition types seemed like stuffy traditionalists.

Yep. I remember when the Republicans were the party of butthurt, censorship, and whining.
Thirty years later it's the exact opposite.
WHAT THE FUCK? Bananas are now banned? Fucking A, this world.
Does anybody still use it today for music recording or something? Or does it make any sense to use it other than Old School?
>my little brother

I was the little brother in this scenario. My older brother always thought he could pick on me or bully me. He learned real quick I fight back. Our physical rivalry lasted into our teens
>gen x often put all the fault on babyboomers but have done jack shit to change anything babyboomers did wrong

There are very few Gen X in politics, because the Boomers hold on to everything until they suck the life out of it.
Plus, most of us just don’t give a shit anymore.

Gen X is a tiny group who are also the lowest reproducing generation in all of US history.

We were born in the middle of boomer bullshit—early Boomers were the shitty 60s/70s hippies, late Boomers became the fucking yuppies of the 80s.

We’re basically irrelevant, hence having almost no impact on politics.

Boomers stuck it hard to every generation who followed, for fuckssakes our current president is still a Boomer. And the next few will likely be as well.
Trump? Boomer.
Obama? Boomer.
George W. Bush? Boomer.
Bill Clinton? Boomer.
George HW Bush? Greatest Generation.
Ronald Reagan? Greatest Generation.
Jimmy Carter? Greatest Generation.
Gerald Ford? Greatest Generation.
Richard Nixon? Greatest Generation.
Lyndon Johnson? Greatest Generation.
John F. Kennedy? Greatest Generation.

The Greatest Generation birthed the Boomers who birthed the Millennials.

Gen X is stuck in the middle, and greatly outnumbered in both directions. Millennials have quickly become as bad as their parents with their cancerous SJW bullshit: purple hair, slutwalks, safe spaces, 37 genders, dog fucker rights, pedo rights, white people are ebil raciss, etc.
i once gave my older daughter a croissant for a snack to take to school, she wasn't allowed to eat it because they're made with butter. i totally freaked out, went to the teacher and told her that the fucking state can't tell me what i give my kids. she didn't really understand what i was saying. i called her a fucking commie and left. now i give my kids a banana on purpose like tree time a week. never heard anything again.
Like this kitchen fight scene?:

Maybe some hobbyists, but none than I'm aware of in any significant way.

If someone wants to do audio old school, they just got to tape. The Foo Fighters did this a while back. Most just use computers for audio, though.

There are all kinds of hybrid setups and digital plug ins that mimic analogue gear.
1981 here, things were much more fun.
TNMT, Transformers, Star Wars, He-Man, and GI Joe toys were made at a higher quality and all the rage.
Today's toys are all shit. Transformers were die-cast metal back in the day. Wish I kept mine.

You could bike ride all over the place without fear of getting run over or kidnapped.

You didn't have internet, so you had books and shit to look through.
To expand on this, I feel as though it's waaaay too easy to change history information now with the internet age.
Wikipedia is known to be very Liberal/Leftist as donations from then went to Hillary Clinton.
So I don't trust it 100% or Snopes, Snopes is pure trash.

I was a "latch key kid". I didn't know what that was till a couple of years ago because I never heard the term.
Meant I would ride home from school on a bus, and come home by myself. Carried the house key on me. Both parents worked. Again with the no fear thing.

If you got in trouble, you got punished. There was no "time outs", it was an ass whooping/beating by your father.
I was a smart ass, father told me to pick a switch/branch to be beat with, I picked a rose thorn branch.
Did that stop my dad, nope, thorns and all on my ass.

I never experienced racism growing up, everybody seemed to get along.
Maybe because Michael Jackson was around.
I'll watch old tv shows I grew up with and I don't see a problem with "muh diversity".
The Legacy Media seemed to have created that monster to get more views and ratings on reporting crime and riots.
Basically but the fists came to an end after I started learning to box and train in boxing. Kept whipping my brothers ass so he didn't want to do that anymore. Basically turned into WWE shit until he started working in his teens.
Video games were amazing back then as everything was new and original.
Grew up with the NES and the original Gameboy. Later to SNES which was a thing of beauty with Zelda: A Link to the Past.
Got to experience gaming console that came and went, like the 3DO and the Jaguar 64.
Arcades existed, but I didn't experience them as much as I should have. It was still a cool experience.

Going back to tv, all shows were amazing.
Knight Rider, A-Team, Airwolf, Street Hawk, Miami Vice, MacGuyver.
These were all man shows.
They actually taught kids teamwork and what was good and bad.
I got into cars by watching Knight Rider. Learned how to change alternators out, sparkplugs, general vehicle maintenance that all kids should learn.
Basically I wanted to learn about those things based off a fictional car show.

Things seemed to be more peaceful and less worry some. But that just might be the kid side in me that didn't have to stress about life and bills.
once my little brother threw a stone the size of his fist to the side of my head in retaliation. knocked me straight out. i was a little easier on him after that. another kids we used to play with kicke me in the balls so hard i literally had blue balls for two weeks. i had to learn the hard way.
Peanut Butter and Banana on White Bread is what I'd be packing everyday for my kid if he went to that school. Geez Louise.

Perfectly said. And we were this way from the beginning. We were known as the cynical generation before almost anything else.

You generational Prez analysis is spot on. Hell, even Bernie was a damn Silent Generation. Where's the Gen Xers? We get Paul Ryan. FFS.

I mean, what Gen Xer put their faith in the gubmint, or thought there would be social security lie our parents and grandparents had? What a joke.

No. That fateful day in 1986 put it all in perspective. It's cool. But it will fail. BOOM.
I was born in 98 but had a great childhood.
Parents were strongly against technology so myself and other friends had bikes and shit. We would play pretend. Stay out till dark.
Climb trees, make forts and build bases. Play massive war games with all the kids in the neighbourhood. Had a game boy which my mom rationed. Didn't mind though. Outside was more interesting. Then it all started to change with the smart phone. I look put my window and see no kids doing what we did. It saddens me to be honest. But at least I can say. I had a childhood.
>toys were built to last

I was stunned when my brother told me how much he paid for an original metal Tonka truck for our little cousin as a birthday present.

Of course these days Tonka trucks are made of plastic since metal can cut you and rust. Shit I don't know how many times I cut myself on something rusty or metal and never got rabbies.
The A-Team! 50,000 rounds fired per episode, massive explosions everywhere...

Not one death.

FWIW, I actually think TV shows are much, much better nowadays. People have talked how this is a golden age for TV. Movies are crap, generally, but TV is so much more diverse and thought provoking (and I don't mean diverse in a "muh diversity!" way. I mean in content and thoughtfulness.)

But you make god points about those shows back then. Simpler. But a more consistent perspective that wasn't so ... um, "relative." We had god guys and bad guys.
Holy crap...I forgot about that.
I had one of those and a bulldozer too.

Yeah, they sat outside and rusted up, but you knew to be careful with them.
I can't believe I pushed those heavy things around as a kid.
My brother learned the hard way but kept testing the waters.

I slammed his massive social studies book over his back for slamming the book on to the table freezing the Nintendo (I was on the last level of Iqari Warriors). I got punished because my dad just saw me pummel my brother with the book.

I cracked a Nintendo controller over my brother's knee for jumping on to the bed the Nintendo was on freezing it as I was battling Zuul (First and only time I ever got to that bitch in Ghostbusters)

I gave my brother a pile driver Mr Wonderful Paul Orrendorf style on a wooden deck for pissing me off.

There are others. I popped his knee in and out of his socket playing soccer. Thought I legit broke his leg
Do they even make wiffle balls and bats anymore?

My brother and I use to fight with them. Not like lite hits either but wail on each other with them.

I got stung by a bee for trying to kill it with a wiffle ball bat
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