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Why doesn't /pol/ hate gypsies?

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I want answers
Tell me now
Name one thing they are good for, Seriously.
The fuck are you on about? I dont know of any group of people that doesn't hate them.
Where can I get that mask?
>Why doesn't /pol/ hate gypsies?
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Point of this thread, tell me now
Why not?
It seriously seems as if /pol/ doesn't hate gypsies. I've literally not seen any thread shitting on them, but I've seen threads shitting on germans and anglos
It's not that we don't hate you, it's just that you are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
I do.

A bunch of them stole plants from our garden. PLANTS.

Fucking bike-thieving, mattress-dumping pikies, shitting up the place with their caravans and their vicious Staffies. Hitler had thhr right idea.

No offence.
Romanians =/= gypsies, though
''no offence''
Fag, I'm not a gypsy, I hate them as much as you do
They're hated. They don't get much discussion here because most post people here don't have anything to do with them, and they don't do anything interesting beyond ordinary chimping from what I've heard. Though I would have though enough people would have dumb stories about them to have more story threads for them.
Tramps and thieves.

But every night the men would come around, and lay their money down.
4 u
i dont like them but they have only come up here after romania and bulgaria joined eu. they sit and beg and sleep in the parks.
Stop calling Romanians gypsies, its getting old.
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Even normies fucking hate them, what are you talking about?
Take them all, please
Of course we hate gypsies, who doesn't? We just don't bother talking about them because they're largely irrelevant to world affairs.
I don't know a single european country who doesn't hate them.
Priorities? 1.2 billion Africans. Under 20 million gypsies.
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I fucking hate pikies
We do, but they're not a problem for most of us.
i think all eastern europeans hate them, westcucks prolly have never met them, but they still r small time compared to mudshits, kikes and niggers
theyre not that important in times of islam and socialist degeneration
Yea but most of them are in Romania and here. We can send them to the abbos, no one will notice.
Because they are like somali's, they just dont function. You can give them free toilets and free housing and they'll leave you with a shit infested toilet and a house stripped of anything valuable and completely ruined. They steal from the communities, they will gang up, and they lack any respect that exist. I know Polacks, Pakis and Bosnians who thought gypsies and somali's were the worst, and wouldnt have a problem see them get gassed.

Also anyone who falls for that pathetic "oh look at that poor ol' beggar", you are funding organized crime, human trafficking and child sex labor.

But oi vey, if you question any of this, and want to restrict gypsies from coming in, make sure you're ready for the Swedes to call you out for being racist and against human rights. Human rights only apply to humans.
This, everyone looks at them in disgust when they beg for money in the train.
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I love Gypsies. Why? Because I've found 90% of obnoxious liberal Europeans hate Gypsies. If I'm getting a lecture from a liberal Londoner or a Swede about how terrible and racist America is, all I have to do is bring up Gypsies, then they scramble to explain how "different" they are, and how justified their disdain for the Roma people is.

Gypsies are extremely handy.
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dont worry, I hate you, gypsy

wtf, I'm sure that /pol/ consider them less human than the abos !
i can confirm this
Those are banter. The goal is for an anglo or german dude to read them and possibly get mad. Obviously you'll never see a gypo on 4chan.
You're mistaken, /pol/ hates them too. However most of us are living in the west. Our immediate problems aren't gypsies, that's why we don't talk about them much.
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Don't know about the rest, but I hate gypsies as a race. We have some in my town and they're retarded, they shout and act like animals.
They're mostly there to sell their shitty cheap stuff.
>I've literally not seen any thread shitting on them,

How do you think where I got these video?



The Jurassic Park parodies of the Gipsy woman captured by Italian LIDL employees,

>pic related
>Our state television did a show on gypsies and their sex sale, stealing, begging and then buying mansions back in their home country
>Articles later "Gypsies are getting beaten up"
That was a funny ride, and now our government wants to ban the rats and send them back to you.
They are the reason I bought a pepper spray.
I dont hate you gypos because i dont know any of yas
Why wouldn't I hate them?
Uhh, what?
A lot of them where I live. My experiences are 100% negavite.
They rounded me up at 12yo to kick my butt, because I fought back a younger one of them that used to bully me.
Are almost always pushing threats and looking for trouble, are like a hive mind fighting.
Are lazy AF
Bunch of liars and thieves. Due to a labor shortage my father had to hire some for the vintage, guys surprisingly worked, got paid, but ended up stealing the buckets. THE BUCKETS! They were mostly broken and worth very little for their volume, but they are so used to stealing they took them either way.
Faceapp filters have gone too far.
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>>>123319977 (OP)
> >Our state television did a show on gypsies and their sex sale, stealing, begging and then buying mansions back in their home country
> >Articles later "Gypsies are getting beaten up"
> That was a funny ride, and now our government wants to ban the rats and send them back to you.

Don't send them back, can't you genocide them? Or slave labour???

Not our fault that the Allies stoped us from genociding them, we could have had a good europe, a strong europe for EUROPEANS, and those that adopted EUROPEAN values.


All gypsies should be shot, no need to discuss it because they don't affect our daily lives like the kikes or dindus
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Literally the worst race of europe, what are you on about?
Because this is an ameriboo board.
Don't associate us with India's rejects.
Gypsies are even worse than muslims, they turn the part of the city they live in into a shithole in less than 2 months
Huh? I never thought you had white people.
>Not our fault that the Allies stoped us from genociding them
I know your feel Romania boy, we didn't get to genocide the sami either.
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We're starting to get gypsies here, but they're not as bad because unlike Europe they can be shot when they try to steal from an American
My thoughts exactly.
I like them, they take all the shit the bin men won't
I remember seeing this guy's face too.
Didn't laugh.
>Why doesn't /pol/ hate gypsies?

Literally everyone hates gypsies.
>Why doesn't /pol/ hate gypsies?
/pol/ hate gypsies

gypsies = poo migrants that got mixed with turks

literally worst people on earth, if you think blacks or muslims are bad you have seen NOTHING
Gypsies are the fucking scum of the earth, Radu. Fucking greedy filthy careless piles of walking human waste. Or not even walking, they just sit outside grocery stores all day grinning with their toothless mouths at anyone and everyone who walks by, screaming "Hej hej pengar tack snälla hej heeeeej". I know pigs who are less filthy than these creatures. The fact that they aren't mentioned on /pol/ as much is because they're only really a problem in eastern Europe, the Balkans and Scandinavia (thanks EU), and the muslim invasion also steals the spotlight. But trust me, the only thing Antonescu did wrong was to not fully complete the Porajmos.
>we didn't get to genocide the sami either.

wait wut? why the Sami? i've met a couple of them in Lapland, seemed like decent humans- what am I missing here?
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gypsie"iv coming to steal"
> Be me three years ago
> 3 a.m. noise from downstairs
> Brother is on vacation
> Take my Swiss army rifle go downstairs
> Two Gypsie girls going through stuff in the cloakroom
> They see me, one runs past me the other one I kick back and lock the door.
> Force the other one on the floor, tie her up
> Grab phone to call police, see that she is actually very pretty
> Throw phone away, trow her on the table and pull her pants down and fuck her
> After a while, get the other one, tie her up and fuck her too
> Continue until sunrise
> Put them in my car, drive to the forest at the border (5 Minutes)
> Throw one out, fuck the other one again
> Drive home
> Best night ever....
Of course we h8 gypsies,we simply don't care to think much of them and as soon as we start cleansing the streets they'll get free rides into the oven,just like uncle Adolf sent them to work but didn't have any mention of them as plans about the Gyppos, everyone knows they deserve death,spanish Gyppos would be a 3% deserving to live but i wouldn't take any chances and off them all,they are like moroccans in their cowardly manners,they will attack inngroups any kid regardless of age if he dares to defend himself against one of them,any housing given to them will be stripped of copper and destroyed and then they beg for new housing, and even with houses they make all their money from shady things,I've seen them sell fruits but never grow dpthem,I've seen them sell shit but never buy it...etc etc i would even have a special oven for them so as not to offend the other guests,except niggers
>and that's the story how I got herpes
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>mfw yet another gullible American picked clean by gypsies because they thought the warnings were just racist bullshit
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Gypsies are basically country jews
In my country, we have condoms.
They are bit like white abbos with their alcohol abuse and grievance industries

You can tell how hairy and smelly they are just from that pic. Eew.
That sound totally true
>pretty gypsies
today on things that never happened
Well I have never met one :^)
what the fuck? why though? what is it exactly that makes gypsies different to any other group of "underprivileged" people liberals support?
Gypsies are a pest. They move through Europe, simply stealing everything they can get their hands on. They get welfare on top of that. They literally ruin the houses they live in. (They are declared unlivable by the government after one or two years and have to be torn down.) And when they have stolen enough, they move on to the next town.

They are worse than rats. And they should all be killed, each and everyone of them. Too bad Hitler didn't make them his priority.
My family and I went to Europe when I was 9-10. So many streets had Gypsies. One of my favourite memories was some guy in a coat running around the corner with a colourful scarf and yelling "Polizia" in a packed Paris street and in moments the street was empty, when he walked past the guy looked at us and said with a British accent "God I love that". Gypsies would try anything to get money. They'd line up their babies on a blanket and just yell and scream in front of them to seem hopeless and make the babies cry, they'd use anyones baby to get more sympathy. Some others tried to come around us and pretend to be deaf with some petition. There are few peoples I genuinely dislike buy Gypsies are one of them.
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Because we like Vee
We'll take back 2, 3 and 7 (from left)
In your country they are called "Indians"
Aren't the pikies actually like Irish or something. They're not "Roma" are they?
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>They are bit like white abbos with their alcohol abuse and grievance industries

I mean no offense Pekka, but you're whole country is populated by functioning alcoholics and your main industry is crippling depression so I see no real difference between you and the Wildlings.
Irish travellers are Irish, yes.
Pol does hate gypsies. The reason schools quit mentioning gypsies in the holocaust is because then everyone will love Hitler. Everyone hates gypsies. To meet a gypsy is to hate a gypsy. They have the morals of a Jew and the intellect of a negro. We could start gassing them right now and nobody would care.
Right on Kek has spoken
it's easy as a swede, french, german, what have you, liberal to talk high and mighty about those poor poor niggers being mistreated well in africa if you haven't seen too many in your life (which is changing drastically over the last years though)

gypsies though most european people HAVE seen so they objectively know how scummy they are
I remember the deaf petitioning ones,they beg for money for the charity and if you give them they'll see where you hide your wallet/purse and 10 minutes later you won't have it.
Since spanish Gyppos don't do that I asked a romanian friend to tell me the slur for them in romanian,and somehow they heard it!!I think of myself a little less that jesus but far above Mohamed piss be upon him thanks to that miracle.

Thanks for sharing your fantasy.
Is a think everyone can agree on,maybe they agree the key to peace in europe,i think we should change their names to jewish sounding ones and send them to israel.
Are there many in usa?i don't think there would be many or they would be very diluted due to niggers sharing the same ecological niche
It's like difference between drinking too much booze and drinking too much windshield washer.
They're basically the same. They are deservedly hated.
Not many in the USA. We have Irish travelers which are gypsies to me. Going town to town scamming old people out of home repairs. Live in cloistered societies of arranged child marriages and welfare.
The trick of getting rid of them like the Syrian economic immigrants and others

is having lesser gibsmedats than your neighbour or other countries of Western Europe
with Schengen area open. T

hat's how Romania got the majority of them ridden in the first place all.

All Romanians and Moldavans here are gipsies.

Never seen an Ethnic Romanian or Moldavan in my entire life unfortunately in contrary to these gipsies fuckers.
ITT: we share funny masturbation stories
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>drinking too much windshield washer.

As you know the Sami for the most part live in Arctic Circle. Windshield Washer liquid contains anti-freeze. Sounds like they have adapted perfectly to their environment.
i do hate them with a passion even more than niggers
In our defense, if you put abbos in a Lapland-tier place, it will be genocide within one winter.

We're doing ok though :DDDD
You're retarded. Firstly, they form only 3% of Romania's population. Secondly, Romanians and ''Moldavians'' are the same thing, they are not 2 different ethnicities.
who tf doesnt hate those subhumans
The only thing they do is sit outside stores, begging for money.

Aboslutely disgusting, fuck gypsies
Nope, almost none in the US.
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I can't
Discussing hating gypsies is like discussing the wetness of water.
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Still whiter than most of the North America.
Romania is overrun with gypsies.

Retard, the Romanian/Moldovan nationality diaspora here unfortunately is all them - gipsies with your ID cards.

I know they aren't the ethnic Moldovans/Romanians.
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They are but tamed Gyppos,same as spanish gitanos,they are niggers in another shape.
Just think of them as a mixture of niggers and joos. In spain we have a police/military (like french gendarme or Italian carabineri)that does dpthem functions of the ATF plus rural policing and most of its early history had to do with Gyppo skirmishes
to be fair, finnish sámi are whiny as fuck compared to norwegian sámi.
>they form only 3% of Romania's population.

Those are just the ones your shitty government can catch and put into the census information, gypsies are like insects, very good at avoiding detection. Plus without a home address tracking their demographics is tricky.
Only in some parts of the big cities and in some villages. Fortunately, they don't exist anywhere else.


are you retarded ? they are as black as the WORST poo in loo you can find.
You're lucky then wait till there are more and they can't feed out of charity and you'll see them pickpocketing and stealing.
They do other things other than begging they are known to steal mug and have all kinds of shady deals including kidnapping children and selling them to child prostitution rigs
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for sure mate :D but I have also backpacked here in Australia with Finns and saw them melt on a winters day kek.
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Sauce and she can definitely come back
And vampires
Who said we didn't?
I thought you meant something else. Nevermind me.
Unofficially, they form approximately 5% of the population. Still not that much.
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Because they are non-europeans
they bring crime ,drugs , murder

pic related , gypsies killed her for audi
Everyone who know them hate gypsies.
Subhuman scum like moors and niggers.
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>Sauce and she can definitely come back
I give her 5 mins with you cringing all over her, Pajeet before she hitchhikes back to the EU to beg in front of an Aldi.
Because Americucks believe they're white.
Underrated. All these underagers, my dude.
No u
Because you don't really see them or hear much about them in burgerland. It's more that we forgot they even exist than anything. This is a very burger-centric place.
Never ever been bothered by 6gorillion gypsies ever
Target practice.
Lol we do
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But I do hate them, it just never comes up very often.
Then you obviously haven't met Swedish Sami. No amount of apologies, land rights, political autonomy or reindeer monopolies is enough for them. It's basically Holocaust-tier guilt-tripping they try to pull here.
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Anyone who comes in contact with a gypsy will hate them.

That's why we, bulgarians, serbs, hungarians are the ones hating them the most.

We're just glad to see them gone. Can't wait for them all to go to Italy, Spain, France. THEY'RE YOURS NOW!
they can't get rid of their habits, they just have to steal and try to trick you
even their fairy tales for children are about "smart" gypsy tricking/ripping off white farmer

they are sometimes hillariously stupid - they support themselves by stealing metal and selling it for recycling....but it's not always least effort job - for example they dig out huge hole - took them at least half day of work to steal power cables worth about 10 euro;-)
Why bother discussing them? They are outright despised by any community subjected to their backwards filth.
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Also suck my white dick with your Roma-nia memes, Hungary has a higher %
playing guitar
abbos mixing w/ gypsies?
Would that create a Super Race?
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This. All these eurofaggots going on. We don't even have a gypsy problem. We USED to have a gypsy problem. It's why people say gypped.

>Be American Gypsy.
>steal shit
>get shot
>take careful stock of your life decisions.

Only one language criminals understand. Same reason Antifa shit happens in California and not Texas.
The abo-gypsian master race.
They will be too lazy to steal, kek.
Tried to make a Gyppo hate thread once, had 3 replies from with two aimed my nationality. Can't believe /pol/ defends these dirty swines

Never in my life i've met a good gypsy. I know good latinos, good blacks, ONE good moor (he came when he was really young so I guess there's that) but every single gypsy i've met was total scum.

Everybody hates gypsies. It goes without saying, no point wasting time on it
We do. They're just not important enough to get mentioned very often. Here's why I don't like them:
>they steal
>they trespass
>they litter
/mlpol/ 4eva
kek hates gypsies confirmed
trips of truth
rule britannia
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How will pikeys ever recover
nice waste , faggot.
so the ones that look the least indian and the most white
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What the heck are these things? They look like poo in loos crossed with Jews.
i have irl experience with gypsies and bosnians

id have gypsies rather thank you very much
Most of us are Amerifat and have never even seen a gypsy before.
Gyps btfo
Another GET for the Queen! RULE BRITANIA!
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gypsies steal, trespass and litter confirmed
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i am okay with this, fuck gypsies
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>Would bang 3 out of 7 gypsy women
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septs of truth
Gypos are subhuman filth
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Serbian detected .
beautiful get. can confirm gypsies are the niggers of europe. at least before the achmeds were imported by merkel.
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It's Septs not trips.

It's a holy sept infact!
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war against the Gypsies
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my great grandmother was one, and even though her genes have been NORSK'D for several generations im not even white.
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Numbers confirm gypsies are raccoons
hepti-trays checked!
Hey their fellow panjeet :3
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>greed, exploitation, endless schemes, identifies as outsiders, extreme in-group preference etc etc

Are gypsies essentially jews with low IQ?
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Why, Kek!? : (
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could i pass off as a local in india/sri lanka?
we do hate them, just that we have a bigger problem with sandnigger and especially nigger immigrants right now. also they're not very relevant outside of europe

Kek has declared war on gypsies, their days are numbered.
precisely. All the worst aspects without any of the positives

>inb4 positives
Yeah, you should definitively move there.
You look like Eggman if he weren't exiled from his planet and sent to earth at a young age
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Cigan's are slightly above nigger tier, they do have most of the same traits as nigs but have 2 things that seperate them. They collect garbage and are the biggest recycler's in eastern europe and they posses unexplainable mechanical prowess. Pic related is a type of machine they are able to build entirely from bits of scrap they steal/salvage, it spends next to nothing and it can run for years.
Yup, why do you look like a Muslim?
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We don't need to shit on gypsies. They do that enough by themselves.
my great-great-grandfather was german. that's why :)
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123319977 (OP) #
>that nose on a Gypsies?

I was thinking about this just now...
If Hitler was a white supremacist and believed in wiping out non white (other than the japs)...then this one point fucks the holocaust narrative up.

There are probably more Gypsies in Eastern Europe than there ever were Jews. Yet if Hitler gassed both ETHNIC groups, then he would have not just tried to exterminate all Jews but all Gypsies too.

So that has to mean the Gypsies were (((holocausted))) along with the kikes, but we have neeeeeeeeeever heard that..which would mean the Jews hid this (((fact))) to make themselves the biggest victims (no shit)

If however the Gypsies were not holocausted then it's highly likely the Jews weren't either EPECIALLY as the Gypsies anti social behaviour is more LOW LEVEL AND OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE. That's why they are still a persecuted ethnic minority today, where as the kikes anti social shit is of the highest level and lots of people are too brainwashed by them to realise it.

Also how the fuck do we know all those corpses in images from concentration camps weren't Gypsies?
which other romania bros want to go to this village with me?

Gypsis were holaucausted too. Its just that, like gays and disabled people, nobody remember them. Just the jews.
>one post by this id
What did he mean by this?
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that is one sorted post, bucko
>Yet if Hitler gassed bithe ETHNIC groups, then he would have not just tries to exterminate all Jews but all Gypsies too.
>So that has to mean the Gypsies were (((holocausted))) alongnwithnthe kikes, but we have neeeeeeeeeever heard that..which would mean the Jews hid this fact to make themselves the biggest victims (no shit)
That's exactly what happened Gaelanon. About 1,5 million gypos got killed in WW2, they call it the Porajmos. But the jews have basically done everything in their power to make sure it has been swept under the carpet just so they can paint themselves as victims #1.
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Gypsies and Eskimos are the most hated groups on /pol/.
WTF are you talking about?
>one post by this mcdonald

what did he shartmart this for
Then you must be new. There are at least 2 every month. The reason we don't make more it's because they are irrelevant
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You've reached MS customer support, what can I help you with?
>So that has to mean the Gypsies were (((holocausted))) along with the kikes, but we have neeeeeeeeeever heard that

Maybe things are different in Italy, but "gypsies, communists, homosexuals" are the usual recitation of non-Jewish holocaust victims.
It's just a given
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Nobody (((remembers))) them. No m8, thengays and disabled were not an (((ethnic group))).

The propaghanda power of the holocaust is that Jews were the ONLY ethnic group to ever be genocided. Get it. Gypsies are an ethnic group. The kike msm never ducking says they were genocide too. They mention Hitler gassed Gypsies buy never GENOCIDED them..don't you see the significance here. Credit Hitler with benociding he Gypsies and it helps discredit the Jews as ultimate victims of history and PROVE they are fuckign liars
There's literally nothing wrong with being a gypsy.
Hah, not too funyn but still a decent straya poke that's amusing without being offensive. Also, cute pic.
Yes, it's my blog now.
When I was working as a trucker those fucks used to beg for fuel at every stop, they would drive from lorry to lorry with screaming kids in the back and claim they need fuel to get home.
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>Keep on jewing in the real world. I know you rats all are colour blind and can't tell red from orange.

Wrong cunt, the Gypsies are an ethnic group. That means two ethnic groups were genocided but only one ever gets mentioned as genocide in order to give kikes a special get of of jail free card. Plus everyone knows how anti social Gypsies are and once they put 2 and 2 togeather they will figure out Jews are at least as anti social EXCEPT 6 GORILLIAN TIMES WORSE
Dude looks like young Obama + heavy drug abuse.
That's just a R4 or 2cv without a shell m8.
I am not sure they built that, seems like already constructed old automobile minus the chassis. Still, if it'd be like what you're saying, does it mean that gypsies are basically IRL goblins?
Hi /tg/.
u mad, christmas austria?
He's not wrong
Gypsies are kitchen cockroaches and you know what you do with them.
>a norwegian man actually thought to FUCK and BREED a subhuman inbred gypsy rat
>the indian ethnicity known for being a cumrag to arabs, persians, turks and ass towel for europeans
They are completely irrelevant but they are kind of niggers of slavic european countries.

They are always dirty smell like shit and are criminals but I would say they are nowhere as bad as niggers.
The absolute truth! Praise Kek!
Sloppy seconds from their dad? Nahh m8
Only europoors give a shit about gypses and from what i hear everyone hates them anyways.
>nowhere as bad as niggers.
t. lived in czech homogenous community
As you and all of europe are being raped brown. Whites wont even exist on that continent in 50 years.
oh another tinfoil hat burger faggot. how high was the percentage of non-whites in the united states again? in 50 years all of YOU will be called Jamal Goldstein-Ramirez so shut your piehole you muppet.
EVERYONE hates gypsies.
Even the normiest among normies.
Sad this is not what a gypsy looks like.

I think I can confidently say that ALL of them have been inbred at this point.
How do we solve the gypsy problem without having to resort to the genocide option? Should we create a gypsy nation state in India? That might be a good option for containment purposes.
A reminder that every American ghetto niggers hate gypsies, they out nigged the nogs.

>that every
*That even
Fuck off we are full, unless they are ready to serve as cannon fodder
Send them to Kashmir to liberate it from the Pakis. Throw them some land if thry succeed, if they die then that's just as good too.
Well my Initial reply was going to be about Kashmir but I doubted your autism
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Countries that have more gypsies than Romania... SHEEEIT :DDDD
You won't even notice the extra 15 million.
What's an American Gypsy look like?
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Fuck off you and your fucking nation of hoarders

pic related
on the left - former slovak flats now infested with gypsies cancer
on the right - just india

Take your goy back
how did they end up in Brazil? board and ship and target hue land, wtf.
We do
Thank you based quints
They are good at 3 things in life. Stealing, lying and travelling.
They're not a serious enough threat.
However, add 50 iq points and you end up with a Jew and add 50x their numbers and you got Africans. That's a problem.
I do. They are worse than Jews and Turks in my opinion
Is average IQ of an african really 75?
You got pooed sonn
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>worse than Jews
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No its actually much lower in some countries.
That's all you see, there are thieves as well. Not all gypsies are pickpockets, but most of them steal. Even if it's just shoplifting. Some do robberies as well.
That's a /pol meme try looking up the source for that image, no real data exists
In Central Africa.
The chinks were caught cheating
it's from 2002 of course it's outdated and no real data exists, these tests are banned to further propagate false non-sense called equality
Haha its the first thing that comes up when you google "iq by country". Don't feel bad... they probably don't poo in the loo in Africa either.

It's from a book called IQ and Global Inequality. Literally one single Google search.

>poos in charge of IQ
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Gypsies BTFO eternally
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I am pretty chill but this video makes me rage so hard It makes me want to set the entire shit skin races on fire.

I don't (have to) pay for internet
I don't (have to) pay for garbage
I don't (have to) pay for water
I don't (have to), I don't (have to) pay

I hate gypsies they ruin every country including yours anon.

Come on anon. These are fake numbers there are actually more gypsies no than the both governments care to report. For instance Romania is actually 20% ethnically gypsy.
Everyone hate them though OP lmao
They did another in 2012. Chinese are still god-tier and niggers are still retard-tier.

I dintbhate gypsies....i hate anyone who embraces islam because it is the anti christ....the anti christ is anti jesus christ....anti christian....antinchrit us in all religions.....the anti christ xan be more than ONE person.....the ANTI CHRIST could also be a religion to wipe out the CHRIST-ians of the world and the word of the Gospel.

Fuck islam and fuck muslims.....gypsies kill and buky muslims in romania.....so i hsve no problem with them....i know many muslim areas in britain that are shit scared when 20 gypsies arrive and there 2000 muslims....saysnit all ....theyre scared of gypsies.....do not persecute the......persecute the muslims ....because down the line they will he persecuting you when everyone in the uk and the government becomes cowards and embraces islam...like all the retards in jails who become cowards and convert......wake up.....destroy islam....and embrace Christianity....as islam is ANTI CHRIST....ANTI CHRIST ian
The amount of delusion to prove a /pol meme now go look up how he collected the data

These look like average Serbs I know.


There's like 5 million gypsies in turkey and I bet you're one of them.
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Mother of God.
The Serbs that come over to fuck your mom probably aren't average ones, though.

>Serb being this mad

Serbs can be really brown and I know you know that faggot.
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Like I literally just said, there are browner Serbs but those aren't the average Serbs.

>leafs in charge of reading comprehension

Except most Serbs I know are brown and therefore the average unless you send all your shit ones here which I highly doubt.

>Serbs being this fucking retarded and deluded about their nigger race
>nice waste , faggot.

watching people shit again for dutch oven experience
I fucking hate gypsies with a passion
Seriously disgusting """"humans"""""
Frankly we should kill them all. literally take their babies and throw them on the ground and just shoot the rest.
>the Serbs I know are representative of Serbs as a nation

Sure thing, little buddy. Come back when you know the slightest thing about statistics.
If at this moment every gypsy vanished from the face of the earth the global IQ rating would go up by the double digits.

They are a blight on this planet, a cancer, on the same tier as Albanians.
nice eyes tho
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this is literally all "white" girls from blacked

Get fucked niggers
Haha Romanians are hated just as much as gypsies.
>It's another "/pol/ calls romanians gypsies" episode. So12.Ep22
Same reason one could claim we don't hate slavs
we do, but they tend to pale in terms of a threat to those like Juden, or sandniggers, or niggers.
5 and 6 look bretty good too
I came back from Romania this week, it's not as bad as I thought.
Seems like your worst gyppos are all in Western Yurop.
Just to clear it up Romanian and gypsy are not the same thing. The retards who read Wikipedia and see Romani as a term for describing gypsies is the problem. By definition gypsies were nomads who originated around the black sea in the Indo-European area. My guess is Hitler hated the Jews on par with the gypsies that's why edgelords don't like them even though they don't own or do shit.
They were, just shot a lot of the time, but nobody cares about gypsies because even jews dont like them, people really dont care about them in the slightest, were probably happy at them being dead, are happy now even
Gypsies are the evolutionary link between niggers and kikes, right?
>Romania is actually 20% ethnically gypsy

No.. I estimate 5-7% tops, and I include the Hungarian speaking ones too (who declare themselves Hungarian). They are just very visible everyday as they roam from place to place with no jobs.

Also the fact they are more than reported is a myth - getting free money, heat subsidies, all kind of free stuff require an ID. We are a police state, everyone has an ID of some sort and in theory, a stable address written on that ID (and gypsies even more, to skim the system with fake IDs)
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>All Romanians and Moldavans here are gipsies

If you pay for the flight, I can fly to Lisbon for you to see one. There are thousands and thousands mostly in elder care, but also real estate, IT, restaurants etc. First day I stepped out of the plane and took the Cascais line, plenty of Romanians around (tourists not included) but they speak Portuguese usually.

But yes, gypsies are also everywhere, they even tried to beg from me in a Pingo Doce and I made fun of them in front of the scared audience and a puzzled Angolan guard.

You have a great country btw, but you have way too many commies and staying away from Merkel and the gang madness would be hard possible,
>remote village of Glod
>20 km on national road form Sinai

You pass through it every time if going towards Moroieni/Scropoasa/Bolboci/Padina. Just drive and don't stop

Right there on the main road toward
>from Sinaia

... damn.. time for a break
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