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Who knows why...

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Thread replies: 87
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Who knows why...
Is there anything better than seeing the left turn on itself?
Yeah, seeing Trump and the alt-right go down in flames.
You're black can't you tell us why?
Canadian intellectuals
How much are they paying you?
canadian shitposting
Now that's art
Canadian literature
Canadian Constitution
This is old faggot. Stop trying to get (you)s.
Link faggot
I'm not black.
BLM is still a thing? kek
t. Justin Trudeau
If you give bullies an inch, they take a mile.
i'm tired of all this shit already
That's because he has a white mother. You aren't allowed to have a white mother in 2017, that's just racist.
what kind of teary eyed "Canadian Apology" do you think Trudeau will make?
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Old news.
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>white silence = white consent

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>microphone and amplifier makes voice loud enough to hear from far away
>still scream until voice turns into high frequency squeaks
>speech turns into dog whistle
damn, don't yell, just enunciate
Did we travel back in time to before the election?
The funny thing is BLM would be just as irrelevant now had hillary won it
Is this a white country?
Damn I am whiter than everyone here my azure eyes help me too
It's not bad to be a white woman if you just keep apologizing for your white guilt every 2 hours and become a lesbian or a feminist with green hair
I have no problem with Islam, just stay in the Middle East. We gotta team up to defend ourselves from the jew however.
Like I said this months old news. How fucking new are you people?
*kisses you*
Fuck off autistic niggers
Ignore these fags
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Kys faggot. Bernier is going to save us!
>History does not Judge Vichyists kindly
Is she talking about Vichy France? What does it have to do with America or Trump?
How many black people get shot by police in Canada every year? 3?
Do people even get shot here? I have guns never shot a person.
Well in my town of 250,000 the police have not fired a shot in years. The last time was just a warning shot even.
spread it
t. angry liberal
Sounds like nice town.
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This one will "teach" about white privilege
Well its a loud university town, but other than that its pretty okay.
>I teach civics
I wish theyd teach civility to the niggers and feministas
I used to live in a town of 150 or so was comfy as but had to move due to the armory being to far away.
I could live like that assuming it has decent internet and there's no reserves nearby
What a nice town for 100,000 refugees to stay in.
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>The enslavement and genocide of black people, in which the state is founded on
What the fuck, the black people in canada are there because they escaped to it from the USA. Slavery was illegal in Canada
good luck finding space to move into. there's next to no government housing.
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remember when we try to meme trudeau as a white supremacist?
damn it feels good to see it work
Reminds me of our Wannabe Nazis calling Trump a kike supremacist. Extremist morons need to sort themselves out.
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Where I live now has a reserve around 5 minutes away they are good people hell one taught me how to hunt, fish, shoot all that but this is one of the better reserves
>one of the better reserves
I guess. There are some where you don't want to leave your car unattended nearby at all. Why take that chance
it was always like this. purges amongs leftist etc, they are just turning against each other all the time
i dont get the relation between canada and some stupid burger movement. how does one effect the other
laughing at shit that was way back in the winter
fucking newfag
Not much my friend, not much.
Our stupid university students latch onto American cultural memes like flies on shit
there are none....
fucking liberals are retarded, they make up any excuse to go chimp out
Its only beginning, friend
>be canadian
>try to insult american cultural memes
>call own people shit-loving flies
>call self a fly who loves shit
>complain about america
>wake up tomorrow do it again
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They're fucking obsessed with feeling afraid or scaring others.
8 more years :)
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>literally defending BLM
Yeah ik the ones we really should have Just killed them all instead of making them live like this.
> Wins election
> Not going to be impeached any time soon

Apparently this means going down in flames. It makes a lot of sense, good logic there.
That what I was thinking. Blacklivesmatter disappeared and antifa popped up out of nowhere. What happened?
some dipshit decided to fund another terrorist mob because we clearly don't have enough already
Do (((they))) allow you to type 'nigger' online?
Das hayt speach yo
this is just the next thing niggers are using to get themselves gibmedats. If you recall a few years ago before all this BLM stuff they were trying to play up the ID card thing, saying cops take their ID card. The reality is niggers commit so many crimes they do not carry their ID so the police can't find out they have 2 missed court dates, 20 warrants, is wanted in connection with a robbery etc. etc. if they don't carry ID they can just throw out any random name and police can't really do shit when they get pulled, the same for the voter issue in the states, nogs can get ID's to vote, they just don't because a nigger carrying around an ID will inevitably be caught for the crimes he/she has absolutely committed at some point, it's also why they all have street names.

I am personally sick of this shit because i live just outside of Toronto, Toronto is a fucking paradise, every community looks like leave it to beaver, with matching garbage cans and recycle bins, the schools are packed with modern technology and they also get new school built all the fucking time, we are just now getting new schools built in the GTA.......convenient as soon as the foreign people move out east, the 80 year old 500 student capacity schools must be made better, a good school didn't matter for the previous 3 generations of white people apparently, it's literally disgusting.

Our country is incredibly callous and evil towards actual born, bred proud canadians, we are basically just cannon fodder in this globalist game they are playing.

Well, he's white. And he's in charge.

I don't know why a progressive white male would think it was an intelligent move to put himself in charge and not a female POC.


This bitch needs the gas.


I bet she does it on the tax payers dollar too.
nah m8 just laughing at you being canadian
i laugh at canadians every day
>doesn't immediately declare black people as the new overlords, handing power over to a black disabled lesbian muslim
>doesn't declare white people free for hunting and killing
>doesn't distribute the national budget to black people as reparations

I could go on and on, Trudeau is such a racist piece of shit.
It'd be really funny is BLM gained enough support and balls to start properly organized violence.

We'd kick the shit out of them so fast lol. The only reason they even exist in this country is because whites went to Africa and decided that they were now farm equipment.

Now they are only antiquated farm equipment.
>black lives
>not yet organizing violence
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Based leaf.
>America was never great
Then why do so many immigrants want to go there? retards
Thread posts: 87
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