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So after Mr. Tough Guy "Bashing The Fash Is The Only Answer" Antifa chickened out and didn't even show up at Berkeley, they're now in full damage control mode. AGAINST THEMSELVES. They're desperately trying to convince themselves that they didn't pussy out and it was "just an epic troll to stick it to them 4chan nazis". The cognitive dissonance is glorious.

Holy kek that thread
Bumping this shit
They're right though. The goal of their protest would be to disallow Coulter from delivering her speech, and they did that, be it through outright violence at the event leading to a cancellation, or the threat of violent clashes between them and their right-wing contemporaries, it doesn't matter.

They're undoubtedly pussies, but they wanted Ann Coulters speech cancelled, and regardless of how, Ann Coulters speech was cancelled.
They did the right thing. Always play to the objective. Alt-rightards relish the fight like a bunch of dumb apes. Antifaggots relish victory like intelligent tacticians. Ann's speech was called off. They won without fighting. Classic Art of War move.
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haha its fucking great, the wall of text showing how asshurt they are.
Cant wait to see how the upcoming Milo thing goes.
I'm not reading asshurt. I'm reading bafflement at alt-rightard empty bluster.
Coulter's speech was cancelled. Antifa won. Without even turning up.
>they make us come to their events with weapons and posting on facebook how we're going to go their to "collect their scalps"
It was alt light. Not alt right. Spencer, Damigo, TRS, Anglin, etc... they're alt right. Milo, Coulter, McGinnis, etc are alt light.
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>That's what the alt-right wanted

Can these slimeballs take any responsibility?

They gloated constantly about "punching nazis" and coming out for fights. Do they think they brought the black masks and bike chains for decoration?
Other people gave her speech, though.
>I have allowed the enemy into my house, making me the victor

Shadilay, brother!
To Antifa, anyone to the right of Trotsky is Alt-right.
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Translation, they're scared.
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wtf lol
>They're antagonizing us into getting into fights at these events
>They provoke us, therefore we are good and they are the ones making us be violent
>We halted the cycle of violence by not showing up and fighting, therefore we are good

what the fuck man

Yeah some dude preaching to the choir on some step somewhere. There has literally been weeks of rigmarole leading up to this and her specifically, at a campus, which they stopped..

It's not some earthshattering victory, and there will be a next time they do show up, but "LMAO DAMAGE CONTROL DAMAGE CONTROL LOOK AT THIS REDDIT THRED GUISE" is just retarded shilling at this point.
In the extreme short term it can kinda be called a "WIN" for them but at the same time talking/threatening shit nonstop then noshowing everytime anyone steps up is going to lead to long term failure for them.

Also It really isn't helping the US antifa bunch that they're new enemies every other day across the country indiscriminately of race/sex/beliefs.
>dumb ape still not getting it that his machismo accomplished nothing
Ann's speech got called off. Your lower class literal muscle flexing is irrelevant.
they won't "punch nazis" now that we take their pictures and they can't wear masks? imagine that.
Do you think that it will be called off again, now that they've shown they won't show up? They don't even care about flexing their muscles, when that is always useful.

At any rate, you seem awfully committed towards your own death.
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>"hey Nazis, meet us in the parking lot. We're gonna fuck you up!"
>"they totally waited in the parking lot all day talking shit while we stayed home. That means we win."
seems their new strategy is to stand around and take pictures of anyone that even looks remotely like a nazi aka anyone not in full on faggot antifa attire in an attempt to dox and digitally shame

Alt--right has no definition, it's just a buzzword. The wikipedia article even includes fucking neo-monarchism as "alt-right". Literally any brand of conservatism.thats not mainstream neoconservastism is called alt-right nowadays.
I'm in Australia you imbecile. I'm not going to Berkley.

>lower class literal muscle flexing

Funny you people always drop the mask of caring about the lower class when things don't go your way, this (among other reasons) is why you're losing the culture war and why you deserve to lose it.

Screech more.
Canadian tactics are not winning, Antifag. >>123314052
> but at the same time talking/threatening shit nonstop then noshowing everytime anyone steps up is going to lead to long term failure for them.


Still, right wing redditards acting like this is a crushing victory, that antifa are decimated or beaten pretty much amounts to self congratulation when in reality this was a loss for them, might be marginal, they might have achieved their secondary or tertiary goals of presence, but Antifa achieved their primary goal of cancelling Ann Coulter's Speech.

I'll be the first anon handing out Attaboys when we win, i just don't think this such a case.
>gypsy calling someone a lower class
How does the Israeli right wing spectrum work?

I imagine "hurr nazis" braindead reactions don't work for obvious reasons, so what did they make up instead?
I'd argue that neo-monarchism is very much alt right. Same objectives, at least initially, they just want monarchs when it's all done and over with.
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>We aggressively attempt to silence anyone who says things we disagree with
>We're the good guys
>This is what antifa actually believes
What? I'm Romanian. I'm only interested in this in a detached, amused way. We have our own problems here but they have nothing to do with immigration/social justice etc

Yes, they will most likely find ways to cancel speeches in the future. The US left has a pretty damn good track record on this, going back to the 1970s. Again: the main difference between leftists and rightists is that leftists fight to win, but rightists fight because they like fighting.
You realize that your country will be next, right?
Yeah it's a step in the right direction. But not the mortal blow we need.
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Antifa is in full damage control right now, check out this Antifaggots posts
I'm not antifa.
>hurr durr they are hypocrites
weak sauce moralising. Do you want to win the culture/political war or do you want to prove how righteous you are. For 200 years the left has been fighting to win the war by any means. Read De Jouvenel's "Du Puvoir". The masses have always been a tool. That the left doesn't actually care about the lower classes is irrelevant.

Good guys always finish last. The alt-right is impotent.
Nigga, Alt-Right shouldn't even be able to walk around in Berkeley without getting lectured hard by Antifags. It's home turf for you guys.

I think what really happened is that most of you got scared that you'd end up like Eric Clanton; doxxed, unmasked, and unemployed.
This :D

Mongol Pride World Wide

(Pic related, mongol-fin)
I see you're more interested in giving fake witticisms that go nowhere in realities you've conjured up, than in actually understanding things.
>lower class

Classism shaming. Reported.
He's absolutely right, but he's also a Romanian monkey who seems to think that he's in a protected bubble.
You realise that we had a literal Communist government that had policies like obligatory hiring quotas for women decades ago and we're immunised to this shit on a societal level, right? Everything the West is going through now is passe in Romania. It has been passe for decades.

More empty bluster. I love you amerifats.
>Stop reading my tabs
He's saying shit we already know like we disagree with him, in a way that makes it sound profound.

It's useless to continue. I'm gonna go play S.T.A.L.K.E.R

You already know enough about the left to know they'll keep coming back with it, they'll grab today's 12 year olds and try it on them.
Did you know that criticizing feminism is illegal in Romania? Well, you now do. It comes with big ass fucking fines, up to 5 times the average monthly salary. Does anyone actually care? Nope: the laws are not enforced.
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>"immunized on a societal level"
>still knows jack shit

Must suck be unable to learn by example, especially when you're the example.
It doesn't need to be imposed on you through subversion. If the West becomes fully converged they can force it upon you overtly.
Gypsyland has wierd laws
>and we're immunised to this shit on a societal level
You're really not. It's just going to come (and I bet it already has, since it's been in the rest of Eastern Europe, including non-EU countries such as Serbia) in a warped form that's completely alien to your society that you won't believe when you hear it.

What do you think all these organizations and people are doing, just sitting there with thumbs up their asses?

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>obligatory hiring quotas for women

What was the point of this from your perspective?
I want to know the meaning behind a program like this from a place that actually went through communism.

What did they hope to accomplish?

It goes from center-left who wants to maintain the current status quo in the West Bank, to far-right religious zionism who want to exile all the Palestinians and establish a completely jewish ethnostate from Mediterranean to jordan river with halakhic (Jewish religious) law. Sadly here the left-right spectrum only applies to your views in the Palestinian issue, you could be a Marxist but as long as you don't like palis you're a rightist.
What a bunch of jokes.
Now they will have to show up next time or they wont get taken seriously, they wasted such a great trick on such useless event.Next meeting with antifa will be an actual fight, and a huge one.I wish I could come to US
I know enough about the left to know that the left will use any strategy as long as it's a winning strategy. These sort of things won't be coming back here because they're no longer working strategies, from any point of view (it doesn't get votes any more, and it ruins the economy etc).
the facts are all laid out. antifa has lost, has outed themselves, and has shown how weak they are. theyve supported capitalism by buying ammo, range time, and gun rentals trying to play tough, showed off their BB gun collection, and even come from homes with money, spending mommy and daddy's money to play communist.
as for you? all of your posts are in defense of this shitshow, and the only people who defend them are antifa - but i guess as a gypsy, you are just used to being called a thief. go get locked in a garbage bin
Did you ever actually read Marx? What do you even think communism is?
>you could be a Marxist but as long as you don't like palis you're a rightist.

We need to reinvent the left-right spectrum.

(actual) anarchism on the far right, hardcore communist on the far left
Honestly, I encourage Antifa to continue their disruptions as they are doing a great job of discrediting their cause.

Also, to all the Antifa that are browsing /pol/. All we need is a single photo/video of your face while you commit an assault and battery to ruin your lives forever. We are watching and collection all of your online and if possible offline information.
>has a fuckload of vulnerable minorities
>in a country that has proven throughout history to defend minority rights and give them more opportunity than their own continent

Holy fuck these people live in their own world. What the hell do we do to help these people? It must be bizzaro world in San Francisco

It was a draw. A draw that will be bad for antifa in the long run. They got Coulter cancelled, the right asserted their control over space.
The Coulter case will hit the courts and force the issue of right wing speech on campus. But it also showed cuckening.
But the cucking will push people to the alt-right.
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fuck jews
everything they say is bullshit
they cant do nothing
>its always a ruse
see i dont believe your picture cause, i dont believe jews are able to form communities they live in ghettos like niggers
>jew inventions
the cia
>What did they hope to accomplish?
The spiel was "the new socialist man that is free from the reign of past superstitions". The actual objective was control of the population and political power.
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>thread called antifa going full damage control
>read thread
>see antifa going full damage control here
The only thing amusing here is the stae of your gypsy band of a country.
Bullshit, and you know it. This entire board is a board of subversive jews.
No, that's not amusing, that's sad.
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Are there seriously people in that thread arguing that by not showing up they won? I guess I shouldn't surprised coming from the "if we kill them, then they win" crowd, but man the cuckold mentality really does run deep in those waters, doesn't it?
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>If we show up, our enemies win

Is Antifa really just the Canadian special forces in disguise?
There starting to realize getting beaten up every few weeks, risking losing their social lives (if you get exposed your out) and doing the occasional sexual favor isn't worth the 30% discount on there tuition.
>still taking the rhetorics at face value
Try some more, maybe you'll get it eventually.
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nigger, there are people in THIS thread arguing that Antifa won by not showing up
>are they even able to leave
Only a leftard would even think of buying one-way tickets lol
We need to focus on antifa and take them out.
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>>123313080 (OP)
>if we are violent and show up "brawling" at every event theyll just flip it back on us as if we did something wrong.
SHIT.. they're on to our master plan.. How can pol ever compete?
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This. Unmasking that one ANTIFA dude shook the ever loving shit out of them.

They didn't know bout /weaponisedautism/
They took themselves out.
They are going to ignore this and reassemble, just like Shia.
>Antifa is violent
They will discredit themselves! So much for the tolerant left. We won!
>Antifa is not violent
AHAHAHAH Look at those pussies, we won!

Explain yourself, /pol/
Look how I get proven right again and again
Rightists define success as "having a brawl" because they're lower class trash who only care about proving their macho 'credentials'.
Leftists define success as "making Ann Coulter flake out" because that is what they set out to achieve.

Who would've thought trust fund kids are smarter than a bunch of knuckleheads? Everyone who knows anything. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If their parents were successful enough for the kids to be living off pensions in their 20s, chances are, the kids are pretty smart too. Intelligence is heritable folks. Funny how /pol/ forgets about this all the time.

Niggers are in a bad situation because of poor genes but poor whites are in a bad situation because
>muh reverse racism
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The Ann thing did look like a massive circle jerk and a lot of people just showed up for the hype.

It looks like something your parents would join in on and that makes it not cool anymore
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all you really need is a speech they feel that per the op they need to "stop" and they apparently show up and punch themslves in the face. Not a bad deal.
It'll be bad for them because there will bound to be people who will look around and ask why they're pussying out, since there was such a drum beat for "bash a fas". Then there will be those who will splinter off to be more extreme and actually do shit that will escalate the tension and the original base that'll get dragged into it through association. At that point, it'll depend on them denouncing the splinter group and basically weakening their support numbers or sticking to them and getting led by a completely different group with goals different from theirs while reaping all the consequences.

Bloody beautiful.
Vorbesti prostii.
>whites only signs
>beating social minorities(?)
>instituting a pogrom(?)
These retarded fucking faggots really god damn believe that shit don't they? It just makes me want to hit them harder honestly.
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Nice try. We have leftist burgers come up here in Alberta and tell us we're so far behind because we dont have gender neutral bathrooms

You fat pricks are more cucked than Cuckdeau

Seriously... If you're thinking this is a win for Antifa you're even more retarded than they are. They've been more than happy to show up to any and every event to assault and physically attack people, then the Battle for Berkley happened.

Suddenly they don't hold the monopoly on asswhipping the other side anymore. Go figure that when they lost that they'd lose numbers.

They lost that one fight and their numbers shrunk considerably. The police were actually out there this time after they lost last time. Now if they head out there and start throwing bottles and fireworks there is a chance they'll catch an asswhipping.

Suddenly they don't have the numbers to effectively challenge anymore in Berkley.

Doesn't matter they cancelled Ann's speech, they were going to do that anyway. Go figure. They've done that every time someone who doesn't think that free speech is hate speech and that there aren't 50+ genders.

The fact is they couldn't pull the numbers. That's not a victory for our guys, but that is a telling statement on theirs.
Hopa, un țăran care spală WC-uri prin Londra? E adevărat și știi și tu asta. E la fel cu "fotbaliștii" de la fiecare protest din România. Bădărani proști care se cred mascul dominant dacă se ia la bătaie în public.
>Blade Runner

Better not have been that shit remake.
>lmao dude me and some other losers like totally spoke for ann coulter and like there was some fucking nobody that wasn't ann coulter talking instead
>Rightists define success as "having a brawl"
Seriously, what the FUCK you talking about?

Up until a week ago, Antifa's MO was to show up and cause violence. They got their shit pushed in and now they're saying "hurr durr we don't need to brawl to win."

Name one US "right-wing" speaking event/rally in the past 5 years where violence wasn't instigated by leftist?

I'll wait...
That's because you have one side that's doing something because it'll look good to their circle of friends and family vs people who are doing things that they personally believe in.
When things get a little hairy, who do you think will stick with what they're doing?

Do they think helmets and improvised armor just disintegrate the day after you don't use them? The delusion is palpable.
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Truth always win.
good goy..spreed Babylonian mystery cult symbols!!
You mean californians :^)
You're still not keeping your peabrain focused on the objective. They used that MO. Why?
>They got their shit pushed in
Meaning, what? Ann Coulter didn't cancel her speech?

Thank you for proving my point though, Mr. Monkey Brain.
I've noticed a lot of Jewish OPs and posters lately, way more than usual.

What tricks are they up to?
It must be so mentally relaxing to be Antifa. "Everyone who doesn't agree with me is literally Hitler and that means i can use violence on them. Because everyone knows nazis are bad so i'm the good guy here. Let's wear a mask though, these nazis might see all the vandalism, race baiting and violence i'm committing for the good cause."
Taran care spala WC-uri prin Londra.... Mno "pretenas" , cand te duci la un protesc declarand ca vrei sa iei scalpuri de nazisti si alte afirmatii razboinice si ti-o iei in bot(cum sunt sigur ca esti obisnuit avand in vedere ura ta fata de acei masculi dominanti) nu poti spune ca ai castigat pt ca nu te-ai luptat. Dar deh, nu ma astept sa ai logica avand in vedere cat de deformata iti e viziunea realitatii.
How can they be intelligent if they don't even realize that if they win, they actually lose hard? The minorities they claim to champion will eat them alive, or their Jewish masters will put them in the gulags.
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>Now if they head out there and start throwing bottles and fireworks there is a chance they'll catch an asswhipping.

>Suddenly they don't have the numbers effectively challenge anymore in Berkley.
Suddenly they don't hold the monopoly on asswhipping the other side anymore. Go figure that when they lost that they'd lose numbers.ed out its less fun when the police actually do their job instead of letting them get away with shit. The evil police dont even let them cary masks and wield bottles against people.. what a bunch of law abiding citizens the evil nazis turned out to be. how dare they not be the evil nazis and shit they said they were.

They really think everybody is a Nazi lol

A lot of streamers at Berkeley hypothesized that the no-show was due to the quick and efficient doing and life-ruining of moldylocks and bike lock faggot (much more bike lock faggot because he was masked), plus the cops at Auburn physically unmasking people. It showed antifa that violence does have actual IRL consequences and they're not safe even if they mask up. And antifa are rich white kids enough that while they were dream about A revolution, they're just LARPing in the end, they're nowhere near hardcore enough to be willing to sacrifice their career and public standing for a revolution.

Their tactic was, have a bunch of normies who support the "cause" wear black clothing like the ones willing to use violence so they can run back and hide in the crowd.

Straight from rules for radicals. This tactic was invented before high def cameras and 4chan. They're terrified since they're no longer anonymous terrorists.
your right must be nice to be antifa. instead of blaming your short coming on yourself its someone else trying to keep you down and is the true evil instead facing reality.
>implying any of them are employed

Blogging and porn does not count.
"Mno," cucule, văd că tu doar te enervezi că băieții deștepți nu se țin de cuvânt. Treaba cu ce zic băieții deștepți e că, ei zic ce zic pentru un motiv anume, și ăla nu e mereu ce scrie pe etichetă.

Acum pricepi, sau trebuie să te țin de mână la fiecare pas?
>I'm butthurt
No kidding.
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>Babylonian mystery cult symbols

That's an Indo European symbol, silly Swede.
>If you face your opponents, they win
The post.

Whenever some white supremacist group's member beat someone up they get the fuck sued out of them.

All those successful legal rationales can be applied to Yvette Fellarca and BAMN. She had said countless times that BAMN is a MILLITANT movement, has been caught on film leading the attack on a guy who was just standing in a public street. Yvette and BAMN are liable for the lock attack and should be sued to oblivion. Plus the lawsuit would open BAMN up for exposure of their cult-like methods, ex-membership testifying, etc.
>bike lock faggot
wait so bike lock fag got found? how?
i dont believe jew

Also what's hillarious to see is that they're trying to reverse-apply our tactics, a couple antifa showed up at berkely, blended in with the crowd, took pics of protesters and are now uploading them to try and doxx them and ruin their lives like we did with moldylocks and bike lock. /r/anarchism has quite a few of these posts. So far, no one's biting. They don't understand that you need to actually be autistic to utilize weaponized autism.
>Coming from Slovenia

>Bearnie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Bill Maher, and a host of other liberals denounced the cancellation of Coulter's event and stick up for free speech
>Antifa is losing
>I need to keep my eye on the objective

>They used that as their MO. Why?
Because they're literally retarded. Have you seen interviews with black bloc members?

>Meaning, what? Ann Coulter didn't cancel her speech?
Berkeley is the reason it is canceled, and that is because their mayor is literally a member of BAMN and an Antifa sympathizer. That will only last so long...liberals are turning on Berkeley.

>still can't provide an example
Thank you for proving my point though, Mr. Gypsy nigger

Jesus, have you been living under a rock?

Google Eric clanton
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most of them are wearing expensive clothing and apparently come from homes with money. some even have (had) exceptionally jobs. that right there amazes me
Go back to watching Blade Runner bong

Crusty punks "travellers" kids used to hang out and shoot heroin by my university. But everybody knew they were local rich kids LARPing.
Top bantz m8 you baited so manny weak faggots.
This is a sad truth most of the rightist cucks are not willing to do shit and do not have any political objective unlike their enemies....kek but what do you expect from a bunch of western pussys losers.
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>>They don't understand that you need to actually be autistic to utilize weaponized autism.
checked and kek'd
Ba tigane mai taca-ti pizda si continua cu cersitu,cine stie daca te dai drept refugiat musulman poate iti dau si aia o casa sa nu mai traiesti in gunoaie.

Most all they are scared of being exposed as rich kids and losing their scene cred and respect of the other rich kids pretending to be anarchists, who will sure turn on them so as to not be found out as rich kids themselves.

That is their biggest demotivator.
The exact same people that took over the park and beat their asses came back and took over the park again and they didn't do shit bunch of pussies didn't even try to get revenge. Pathetic.

Juncker is such a butthurt little faggot
>Your lower class literal muscle flexing is irrelevant.

And here it is. Rich little cocksucker claiming he fights for working class. Wanna discuss how communist don't slaughter millions of the class they claim to champion?
Communism was always a movement of rich scum, throughout the history.
that is outright fucking retarded. it reminds me of mixed kids trying to act tougher than the not mixed kids to try to fit in and be accepted.
>huehuehue sure ill try heroin why not i wont get addicted
>said every fucking addict, ever
the local rich kids around here always try to act hard then end up shot or getting their hotel room kicked in and beaten when they try to act hard to bikers, section 8 dealers, or just the random guy
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Checkem. Antifa are truly faggots in every sense of the word. They don't realise that perhaps hitting people with a bike lock is illegal.
i can see this is probably a huge factor. just seeing that little chink communist get scared and start spilling the beans tells us they would quickly narc just to not see prison
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Of course they are.

Whenever some white supremacist group's member beat someone up they get the fuck sued out of them.

All those successful legal rationales can be applied to Yvette Fellarca and BAMN. She had said countless times that BAMN is a MILLITANT movement, has been caught on film leading the attack on a guy who was just standing in a public street. Yvette and BAMN are liable for the lock attack and should be sued to oblivion. Plus the lawsuit would open BAMN up for exposure of their cult-like methods, ex-membership testifying, etc.
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You know ANTIFA blew it when even their (((masters))) are laughing at them.
dem 7s, and dont try to fucking out jew and jew
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Didn't antifa have a number of riots outside of the united States same day as the Berkeley event?
no you're a gypsy now gas yourself you piece of shit
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>This. Unmasking that one ANTIFA dude shook the ever loving shit out of them.

what even happened to that Eric Clanton guy any way?

he get in trouble for the assault?
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also checked

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Again. Fake. Never trust a kike
>just seeing that little chink communist get scared and start spilling the beans tells us they would quickly narc just to not see prison

Whuzzat? Something happen that I missed?

If they want to fight real nazis in allyship with the black gorilla family and mexican mafia they should WANT to go to prison. But they know what will happen, they'll just get raped by everybody.
Somebody said he fled town in a silver Benz grocery getter SUV.

now that is weaponized autism
Dude got fired, is under "investigation" by Berkeley PD, and went on leddit to ask for legal advice. Plus people found evidence of him starting other shit in the past.

I'd be scared as shit if I were him.
Yea, they don't realize they stick out like a sore thumb posting here, especially when they said they were specifically looking for places making fun of them in their shitty reddit.
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The right wingers who cause the biggest amount of butthurt need to get together and go on tour. They can bicker about their differences on stage too if they so choose.

Imagine the shitshow that would happen if Richard Spencer, Ann Coulter, Milo, etc. were all on the same campus at the same time.
>username is antifatographer

can't even meme in a way that roles off the tongue
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Not showing up wasn't such a victory as much as Ann Coulter canceling her speech. And some Antifa did show up, but realized the didn't have the numbers. And they, as we all know, can't fight if they don't have the numbers. They will spin this to themselves as a victory. By my account it is 5-0 for the Alt-Right. My theory is after the last battle, and bikelock fag got exposed, they lost their taste for a fight. All it took was one guy being exposed. Rich kids larping as communists until their family and friends find out. Antifa underestimated weaponised autism. There has been evidence coming out of connections between BAMN and NAMBLA. So that is another victory for the Alt-Right. They are and always will be cowards. Now Berkeley has become a laughingstock. Cinco di Milo will be the next battle, so people need to be prepared. Remember, these people are in no way tactical geniuses, just brainwashed pinko commies who use mommies and daddies money to larp. It's just too easy to ruin their future.

imagine if we took our /pol/ bantz to a rally
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Antifa - bash the fascist
>but only when it is 10 v 1
otherwise we run and hide like little girls.
stick to knocking over rubbish bins and smashing windows, they don't fight back.
bunch of pathetic faggots
I guess they aren't doing it for free. They sjws get special scholarships? 2,800 is nothing though.

gimme free shit gimme free shit gimme free shit gimme free shit gimme free shit gimme free shit
Full story on this Eric Clanton? What were the full repercussion of his actions
That already happens though

This was the Ann Couter thing
He was punished for his faggotry
>Rightists define success as
running leftists off their home turf.
They are confused and directionless.

Nothing's happened yet. His victim needs to press charges first.
Bumped. Try to be (((nice))) to them since all that they've been doing is spreading (((peace & equality))) to all.
But if you confront your enemies, they win.

Unless you confront them when you're far more numerous than them and have an unfair advantage, then you win..

That's the good thing about liberal logic, you do whatever you want and you're always right. Skrew u dad!
>>123319444 (checking trips)

Liberal ethics professor assaults people with a bikelock. Thought he was safe because he wore a mask. Weaponized autism begged to differ. Antifa is now freaking out en masse because /pol/ pulled their usual tricks when they dox someone villainous, i.e. getting him fired and harassing friends and family.
>we succeeded in halting a pattern of violence

you succeeded in not getting the shit kicked out of you again by not being there.

brah vah
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>Farage's face.
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Why are these idiots always """"scared""""? I stomached to read some thread on there about Trump, and every other comment was about how "terrifying" and "scary" everything was.

>Your lower class literal muscle flexing

Said the middle class trust fund bourgeois "worker of the world".
>lower class
I thought Marxism was about the lower class rising up against their oppressors? So /pol/ is the righteous side in this war, got it, already knew that though.
They have no other recourse. They are, emotionally, like children. Either they are ecstatic or terrified. Happy or sad. Energetic or tired. Calm or throwing a tantrum.

Asking them to calm down or behave themselves is actually considered oppressive. They don't take discipline well. It's kind of why their little Antifa LARPing session failed.
Yeah. Like his books or him marching in Sweden. Will be great... as soon as he stops being a massive faggot.
They buy into a victim complex were weakness is a virtue.
My god this people are delusional and cut from real world.
I almost feel sorry for them since they are victims of marxist college education which brainwashed them with garbage.

I pity these fools and useful idiots..
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>We succeeded in halting a pattern of cyclical violence

>be violent
>stop being violent
>we stopped the violence!
fucking salt and piss
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So they are basically incapable of feeling a strong patriotic pride? Maybe unity behind a leader then? Or perhaps even thinking for themselves? That actually makes sense.
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>if you fight your enemies, they win
based Romanians bringing intelligence to /pol/ lately. Romanians are becoming the antileafs.
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>They're not going to be putting up "whites only" signs, they're not going to be patrolling the streets beating up random social minorities.
>They're not going to be instituting a pogrom.
Holy fuck these people are so fucking delusional. They're so deep in their fantasies trying to escape their empty, shitty lives that they genuinely think they've stopped an entire rally of Einsatzgruppen commandos or something.

How the fuck do you manage to exist in life thinking half the fucking population is on the verge of instituting a pogrom just because they didn't vote for your candidate for no other reason than because she has a hole between her legs that was once moist?
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It's funny to think that antifa is raiding us and at the same time there's dumb bros baiting for replies. It's a little quantum poe's law in action.
>What the hell do we do to help these people
deploy the recreational nukes
It's always like this when we get raided, bored /pol/acks will pretend to be the raiders just to get a (you).

then the people actually raiding get tricked into thinking that their side is gaining traction here, when they don't realize they are pissing into an ocean of piss and everyone is trolling.
>if you cede defeat after going on a hundred thousand rants about how you're going to brutalize the opposition, you win
if you kill the alt-right they win
Gavin mccines read her speech. It was good.
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>remaking blade runner
>catch an asswhipping
Police were actually out there doing their jobs. They had sub machine guns. Antifa would have been killed.
i heard it. Gavin read it out
Thought the whole point of antifa was to stop """fascists""" congregating? Letting them hold a rally for like 6 hours unopposed seems like a big fucking loss to me.
Except for the fact that Coulter's speech was still read and antifa didn't stop that.
That's called losing, you shitposting cunt.
Maybe a few of them were there, but we didnt give a fuck. They'd end up doxing liberals and moderates too. Some dude representing kekistan was handing out free weed. Not a nazi in sight.
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My question is what is ANTIFA fighting for?
Conservatives aren't attacking gays, women can do pretty much what they want, so why are they so freaked out?

To defend a foreign invasion?
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Romania. Stop.
You're embarassing yourself in front of everyone.
Do you WANT everyone to realise what backwards gypsies you are?
Crust fund babies

SJWs and people who treat political correctness like it's some kind of religion will always find something to be outraged about, because until our minds evolve to the point where we no longer find politically incorrect humor funny it will exist.

Wouldn't you need to prove their membership or something?
>Lmao based Romanians am I rite guys xddddd
Shill: the post
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Antifa are a bunch of comfortable faggots with empty lives and nothing to live for.

They're fighting because it gives them a feeling of being a civil rights warrior, of being a brave hero, just like in all that social history they read and especially just like in all those stories and films they enjoyed. It gives them a sense of meaning and purpose in an otherwise empty, comfortable life, it gives them a sense of community, a goal, and an enemy to project problems onto.

Without this, they'd have to face their quiet, empty lives, try to make friends outside of politics, and may even have to face their shortcomings and admit to them, without just shifting their problems onto some nebulous group of big bad patriarchal nazis.
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ok, i'm going to try playing on hard.
fuck you pussies. Antifa clearly WON that round. We were total ninjas, inflicting unseen and unfelt death blows to your fascist trump loving arses. you won't even know how bad we hurt you until you try and stand up to us next time, if the police let us wear masks again.
Man I wish our bands of skinhead football hooligans could get unleashed on these anitfa faggots. No amount of bike-locks would save them from getting their shit pushed.
What the fuck am I looking at here. Sandworm?
Romanians aren't human and should be exterminated to be quite honest with you familia.
So even though everyone thinks antifa lost your saying secretly antifa won with no evidence and blaming it on masks that you hide yourselves behind
>Standing in a park accomplishing nothing is only a victory when we do it!
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How is this not a victory in every way?

This was the first popular white nationalism rally I've seen in my lifetime, under the guise of free speech. You have to look at things in terms of the big picture. The antifa ARE right, we ARE Nazis, we ARE fascists, we ARE white supremacists. Of course, that is not the whole truth, but that IS true. And since we're talking out of both sides of our ass, we're re-legitimizing extreme fringe right ideas at the same time we're resisting communist oppression.

In a sense, antifa violence is logical and justified, because what the alt-right represents is the biggest threat to the established post-1950s order ever. If this built up to the size of the Tea Party, they'd be forced to either give legitimacy to racist, sexist, etc. beliefs again or declare civil war.
Same reason lots of kids in the Bay Area turn to drugs. It can be really boring here. Lots of people and no outlet for aggression, liberals tell you diversity is great when everyone's tense. It's no secret that these are mostly children of liberals. They aren't rebelling from conservative parents but rebelling from liberal parents.
Sounds like terrorism, desu.
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Delete this
Did you see that in your crystal ball?
>linking to reddit
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>Stand all high and hoity-toity about being at every event to fight the evil free speech nazis
>Dont go to one event
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checked and kek't
>Seems like not actually showing up for these clowns is actually the best tactic.


Where's that starship trooper with the jew/brain bug meme when you need it?
Nah, you're buying propaganda. Most diverse group of "white nationalists". It wasn't white nationalist, there was no talk of that.

It was pro west, anti 3rd world immigration and anti Muslim, really diverse group of opinions too, some just anti antifa.
hey what happened to the guy who showed up in the hockey pads and cowboy hat
You're retarded. I'm none of those things.

>In a sense, the right is correct about antifa.
>They ARE the real racists.
>They ARE the real fascists.

See how that works? Kys faggot. I'm not even joking. Buy a gun, load it, eat it, pull the trigger. Today. Like, right away.
hello moldylocks
>So after Mr. Tough Guy "Bashing The Fash Is The Only Answer" Antifa chickened out and didn't even show up at Berkeley, they're now in full damage control mode. AGAINST THEMSELVES. They're desperately trying to convince themselves that they didn't pussy out and it was "just an epic troll to stick it to them 4chan nazis". The cognitive dissonance is glorious.

This is what Trump did on one of the last conferences during the elections. He would always try to start a fight with all of the other candidates, and on one of the last discussions he didn't show up, instead he went to a rally in Florida, leaving the other candidates with nothing to do but fight each other with speeches and facts the didn't prepare.
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White nationalism is pro-West and pro-West is white nationalism. I don't see them as divorcable concepts. As long as the alt-righters continue refusing to punch right or play the "disavow" game, we will win, because our ideas are better and our enemies are more rotten. White nationalism translated into different words is still white nationalism, because white ideas are simply better and it is just self-evident from events like Berkeley than diversity will not work.

The big tentism and respect for ideas is necessary for victory but I see it as WN at its core, finally.
We have raised a generation of total pussies here, sadly.
He's not going to be offended by this because he's not actually romaninan. This is obviously a proxy. I doubt he even knew he had a Romanian flag until someone mentioned that's what it was.
You can't go on and on about being badasses, and you can't go on and on wearing black gear and masks and then act like pussies and not even show up. It will ruin your image. I mean this is Berkeley too- their home turf. It's humiliating.
The fuckers banned me for one post lol
Antifa are true fascists, and fascism is a leftist ideology which include taking over the means of production.

There is no such thing as "extreme right". Just study the French revolution where the expression "left" and "right" were coined. "Left" is a synonyme for "extreme". "Right" is the opposite.
I don't care about white people. I just want to gas the kikes. Also I'm a black lesbian. Where do I fit in??

Please label me, oh great label master!
You're a Communist vermin.
Found an Antifa cock sucking tranny commie
>Next time there will be helicopter rides
>I plan on renting one just for the occasion
Kill yourself faggot
Fuck communists. Communists are Jews faggot. GAS THE KIKES.

Did Jew miss that part?
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That's rude, I have great respect for the Jewish people, no true Jew would be a Commie. I have love for all men who aren't commies.
>Too weak and scared to even show up to fights anymore
All you retards had was your reputation for violence and that's gone. If you're coming to 4chan to damage control you guys must realize this too
>They're right though.

Not really. Their goal, antifas' goal, is to destroy the "fascists". They failed hard by not showing up.
Goldberg detected.

You won't be spared.
I agree we've stopped the infighting due to shared enemy, but calling "big tent nationalism" a Nazi rally is a real stretch. I think of a nazi rally as one where you see nazi flags and black suns, which couldn't be seen that day.
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OY VEY!!!!!!!!
Communist vermin, clearly.
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Look at the usernames lol
Manchild who thinks he's cool
allahu akbar!
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Judaism will rule the world senpai, Kushner>Ivanka>trump
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I got you senpai
i know right. found it on a beach. Bet you wish anyone would find you on a bitch, faggot.
From what i can understand in the chink video are the police demasking anyone and taking pictures of their faces
that's news to me i thought nothing came of the doxx except harassment but that's official?
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Aren't you stormfags always telling us not to "punch right"? You should come up with a better name for your more successful counterparts. Just using the term "alt light" is a win for Antifa and weakens the right.
Sort yourself out.
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>They don't understand that you need to actually be autistic to utilize weaponized autism.

Kek speaks through you anon.
not blaming it on anything. we won because our philosophy is fundamentally sound, and you are a bunch of basement dwelling losers.
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Yeah it's not.
You are seen by everyone except yourselves as anti-free-speech and Soros' paid ex-con thugs.

NO ONE respects you losers.
>pussies id kick your asses if i could hide myself
so you just lurk here to insult people instead of fash bashing?
also i got banned by moderators from r/anarchism how is that not a contradictory philosophy
>retards don't realize shills use proxies to divide and conquer
Has anyone here heard of Alex beck?
He claims that Denver antifa is his fan club
It is a huge loss for the antifa fags. They think they got Ann Coulters speech canceled because of their violence when in fact the number of supporters that were gonna counter act antifa is what scares the University. 2 weeks ago 15-20 people routed antifa this week there was a 100+ people that showed up to fuck with antifa fags.
>a gypsy trying to understand the world

What a joke.

Antifa's goal is not to stop speakers and then call it a day, antifa's goal is to "bash the fash", meanwhile said fash took over their nest without a single reaction and still had the speach, talk about winning without a fight.

Antifa in US aren't even real, they are a group of outcasts that mimics AFA in Europe, their are wannabes.
Holy shit it's been a while since I saw someone post thin hair chin man.
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Correction. They are a convenient gathering of black-bloc-fags for cops (and porn actors) to larp as so they can start shit and justify their riot-control budget and proctice for when the food riots start.
He just admitted defeat in his last sentance, these people are legit retarded.

>they will stick to the internet, where they can't do anything.

kek, and that was Antifas strat, how ironic and delusional.
>I'm Romanian
>have nothing to do with immigration/social justice

You must be one of the not so smart Romanians, then. gypsies already have free spots in high-schools and universities, and we have arabs and turks pouring in like is 1666

Stop fucking with /pol using our flag, wannabe Arpad.

>win battle
>lose war

FFS, no wonder the Emu's beat us, with retards like you about.

everyone upvote the bot giving the fact about the gavin speech!
The law is always what the enforcers of the law says it is. Antifa is part of the state apparatus and therefore enjoys its protection, regardless of what the law says.
And that's why they aren't real, antifa in Europe is organised beyond borders and actually pose a real threat, they are actual terrorists with bloods on their hands, they are classed as "the greatest threat to democracy in Sweden" by swedish security police (SÄPO). Antifa would never conduct discussion on an open board like reddit, they are LARPers, it's not the same org.
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>not comprehending what you read.

That seems about right.
So you guys put a kike puppet in as president and made it much harder to protest in the streets. Whats the next step in your master plan?
>no gay sex tab
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Crashing antifa with no survivors

Someone needs to get Felarca. Total BTFO. Stomp her face in, make those stupid glasses a permanent addition to her gook face.
Also you can't ruin some ones life if they haven't done anything wrong. Antifa also doxxed right-wingers here in Germany and as far as I know nothing life-ruining came from that.
Are there really faggots alive that speak like this?
at first it was
>lel punch a nazi
which was them punching random people while calling them nazies.
Then people started punching back, and when they now have a few people actually showing up looking to fight they pussy out..

All they wanted to do was gang up on single targets. Fucking hipster commie cowardly trash.
No, it's how you write when you want someone to think "golly-gee, this fellow sure is smart, I better watch out, he's clearly on a higher intellectual level than me".

Instead they always come across as either autists, or tryhard 14 year old faggots who think being able to read a book written before the 80s makes them smart and intellectual and a genius for their age.
>shutting down Ann's speech

>keep any fascist from speaking by any means necessary
>pull a no show, and allow them to speak freely in the park

I must be a dumb hillbilly, I don't have the mental gymnastic capability to see how Antifa can spin any of this as a win
The person writing this didn't even realize that Gavin made a speech in the park. Wow what an accurate depiction of events.
Sounded like a homo kys
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>antifa terrorists stay away
>no outbreak of violence and chimpouts happen
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>every right wing personality is bad

Wtf I love shareblue now.
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Yeah that was actually a smart tactical move, Moyshe. Antifa kept there bad optics at home, Ann didn't speak, instead Gavin and the cuckboys looked like fucking morons and everyone was bored.
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If the only thing you have to say over a bullhorn is "we demand freedom of speech" it means you don't really have anything to say at all.
what a colossal faggot
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>Seems like not actually showing up for these clowns is actually the best tactic.

they fight for an Islam totalitarian state, remember?
All these memes about sjws and feminists defecting to IS have basis in actual events, you know.
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You give them an inch, they want a mile.

There is never enough for them. You legalise some form of degeneracy, they move on to something else.
That only really works if you have multiple enemies or one fractured group of enemies.
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Antifa Pizzagate connection.

Check out how many Synagogues a are near Comet Ping Pong.

The state has highest missing children in the Nation. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464393 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1448122

Also hub for the World to come do business with the US Government.
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Antifa Pizzagate Fag was out at it again.

Definite connection to Jewery in the Nations Capital.
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Bamn has been accused of being a Terrorist organization and reports of abuse, control and kidnapping of youths are many


You are a fag
He looks like Bilbo Baggins.
Is the Israeli youth culture further to the right or left in terms of the palistinian issue?
So is Milo gonna be at Berkeley on the 5th?


JIDF pls go

>Hard left Antifa
>Moderate left Bernie Sanders
>Centrist Trump
>Moderate right Breitbart
>Hard right Ron Paul
>We need to reinvent the left-right spectrum
Won't happen.
Revolutionary politics always subject to change.

The truth is, "right" or "conservatism" IS liberalism.
The left is merely a more extreme form of liberalism.

Remember, it was the "conservatives" and the "progressives" that took sides of the court in and after the French Revolution. Both were revolutionary political movements, both were leftism/liberalism.

Only a return to traditionalism can immunize this.

Nicely written Nigel, 10/10
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>pic related
Left AND right were revolutionaries.
Who do you think won?

The left. Why? Because once rebellion and revolution begins, it never ends. It requires perpetual revolution and a perpetual slide leftward. There is no return to 1776, there is no return to classical liberalism.

So-called "conservatives" are holding on to a revolutionary ideology in vain.
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