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>Have Win10 installed >Turn on my computer >The welcome

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Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 74

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>Have Win10 installed
>Turn on my computer
>The welcome message for the day says "Only 6% of women graduate with stem degrees."
Does this kind of shit really piss off anyone else? Women are 55% of college students, earn 57% of bachelor's degrees, 60% of master's degrees, 52% of doctorate's, and yet these fuckers STILL manage to find a way to make women the victims. No one gives one shit about what happens to men.
How do they do it, /pol/? Why?
Found your problem.
>Have Win10 installed
NT 4.0 was the only good windows.
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
Men can take care of themselves. Women are supposed to be victims. Don't you want to be the knight in shining armour rescuing a harem?
>The welcome message for the day says "Only 6% of women graduate with stem degrees."
This can't be real.
t. 8.1 user
Are you saying this is actually part of the operating system, or is it an independent program?
>gets raped by 187 niggers
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Grow up, man.
>Windows X
Even 8.0 is better than this garbage.
>Literary elected a black, non-US citizen man as president one time
No idea, I've removed as much as I could from win 10 so ads and such messages don't display to me
>mexican CPU

You can't use a new CPU with win7.
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I use windows 10, i cant for the fucking life of me get a cracked windows 7 install to work on usb3
NUC btw
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They just need proper motivation.
>Literally didn't.

Fix your own shit faggot.
>using win10
You got what you deserved OP.
I have no sympathy for you.
>"we have to focus on women in education!"
>in reality, boys are struggling and being left behind in education
>"sh-shut up, you just hate women!"
>giving a fuck about men

faggot detected
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>literal thought of the day
>Burn the Heretic! Kill the Mutant! Purge the Unclean!
We Imperium now.
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>have parent computer still running win 7
>grandparent still running win 7
fug anon all these newfangled websites aren't working right
>u want ubgrade bitch?
anon no
>u want burger
>I'll buy you windows whatever out of pocket and here's what will happen
anon we just want to die anyway
What is the point of installing past windows 7? Is it security? If so then I might as well get OS X, but I hate Macs and I'm not autistic enough for Linux.
>What is the point of installing past windows 7?
If you can't answer it yourself then there isn't any.
>not disabling all that extraneous shit in Win10
>being this much of a tech illiterate pleb

Look I'd rather not use Win10 at all but there are reasons. Nevertheless, what the fuck is this "message of the day" bullshit?
I've never seen it
It doesn't exist.
Talking to women you'll realised that many of them acutally think STEM field is dry and boring, they'll prefer study more in social study and think that these fields are hot shit. Even if they are in STEM field man still don't give a shit about study always in there for an easy job at big companies.

I think it is women themselves need to change to adapt to STEM field, which require a logical mindset, sadly lack in many women.
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>not using LTSB

found your problem
No, women don't need to change. Men just need to be willing to say that women are not likely to be interested in that field, and of the ones who are, most aren't going to be half as qualified as an equally interested man.
Wow, 2 frames a second better. Really gets the noggin joggin.
>The welcome message for the day says
so this is a fucking thing? Windows 10 pushes fucking propaganda on startup?

another reason im never installing it
t. Mexican CPU with an unsupported OS
It's designed to be as terrible and dystopian as possible.
5.0 (aka 2000) actually
>You can't use a new CPU with win7.
you can you just have to be competent enough to work around all the artificial limitations
i usually think the opposite of this word when i think windows 10

at this point there is literally none. even DX12 is a bit of a stretch since most games dont really use it for fuck all
Ill always stick with Windows 10 because i'm too bad at computers to use Linux.

And that's why you should disable all the "tips ad suggestions" garbage from Windows 10.
Don't trust the XPfags larpers, 10 is a great OS.
>unsupported OS
>win 7
Cocaine education
Here's one.

What does a human know about percentages, when I ask when was the last time you ever typed the word "percentages" on your keyboard instead of using "%" hmm? Praytell.

Before the % of anything even percentage and wise-versa itself was, The God of the Holy Bible is.
Can confirm, it was on the welcome screen, I got the same one.
Install Linux and the fortune program will greet you with all sorts of Zippy the Pinhead one-liners.
use mac or linux. windows is gy
I'm talking about XP, that stills>>123308803
widely used in the third world, stupid leaf.
But anyways, 7 haves less than two years of support.
>10 is a great OS
under the hood barely different from windows 7 except for added backdoors. basically an uglier buggier windows 7 with built in propaganda artificial limitations making it the "only OS that will work" and spy backdoors
Use Vista SP2 or 7 SP1 with a good antivirus and always using ad blockers and popup blockers and nothing will happen to your machine.
I did this exact thing on a NUC last month. I absolutely could not get it to boot from a USB 3 drive so I was forced to use a USB 2. Odd quirk I guess.

I would suggest not installing a pre-cracked copy (these almost always contain really bad malware, if you don't give a shit about that, then ignore what I am saying). You can install the legit Msoft copy from sites like http://mirror.corenoc.de/digitalrivercontent.net/ and then manually load a known motherboard key into your registry or just use DAZ loader to do it for you (which I consider to be trustworthy software)
That will give you 100% vanilla Windows with no BS.
Good luck, anon!
If you give people shit about Windows 10 and you don't use some Linux variant yourself you have no room to speak.
>7 haves less than two years of support.
considering 7 has a huge number of users i say theres either going to be a postponement of EOL or lots of unofficial updates
They want a huge schism between men and women so that the family unit can become weak enough to die out.

If the family unit dies out, the monsters will really try some nasty shit on us.
Society views men as expendable and always has
>not stripping all the spyware you can out of windows 10
>umpteen amounts of retardation concentrated in post

I was worried for a second
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>Nobody has mentioned the FREE Spybot Anti-beacon software which turns off windows 10 bullshit

Though honestly windows 7 is better and windows 10 should fuck right off with its Indian CEO.
I'm scared pol, how do I avoid Windows 10. Is Apple the solution if I get a new computer?
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>Only 6% of women graduate with stem degrees
Stupid cunts, they should fuckin try harder then, dumb bitches.
>Cuckdows Sven
Well, there you go.
I love how they all end up wearing those "bernie sanders" thick rim glasses.
Windows 7 does the same shit. You're already being watched the moment you connect to the internet, it doesn't matter if you're on gentoo or Winblows.
Tell me more about it.
t. Not really pleased nor disgusted W10 user
Apple makes the best laptops.
Been using exactly this for about 8 years on same laptop. Not a single problem.
>installing Windows 10
So on top of spying on everything you do and sending copies of all your files to Microsoft's servers, Windows 10 also throws leftist propaganda at you every time you turn on your computer?

Guess I'll just use 7 for the rest of my life.
This. They cost a ton but you get what you pay for.
Hunh, I must be using a different windows ten because I've never seen any welcome messages before just scenery in the background when I start up
>Windows 7 does the same shit
not as much. theres "normal being monitored on the internet" and then theres windows 10
I mean for privacy Linux is the best, I mean in terms of build quality, aesthetics, and general niceties (magnetic charger, auto dimming/brightening keyboard, perfect trackpad) Apple laptops exceed all others.
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idk its just a cancerous piece of shit anyway. ugly flat blocky design drawn by landwhales and cooded by poo-in-loos
Spybot will make your system shit itself whenever those fucking major updates come around. Honestly I can't wait for Trump to send all these H1B curryniggers home. Commercial software has really gone down the shitter in the past 5 years.
>windows newsreel gets pushed random article from a website as per its coding. Wee what a surprise. Run pro or server at the very least anything else you're irredeemable.
Fucking mobiles fucking with my green text.
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On that we can agree
I has been all that since Vista,
>they made a shit OS
>"oh noo we're sorry, have this update for fixing it"
>update doesn't works for everyone
>"oh nooo were sorry for that, seems that you have to upgrade to our newest OS "

But I must agree that 10's appearance is excessively simply and ugly, so I just use it for performance and security, that have worked better than 7 itself for me.
But well, appearance is nothing at the end and that's why software like WindowBlinds was made for.
Post screenshot, OP.
>build quality
apples to computers are like cadillacs to cars. Pretty nice until they break and then when you try to fix it you realize they made it a bitch to get into on purpose so they can make money off the repair
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>performance and security, that have worked better than 7
opposite for me. never really had security problems but performance? prefer 7 for that
They're all the same currynigger programmed garbage, including loonix distros. Apple is great only when you want to pay triple the price to do half the work. Linux outside of commercial/industrial settings is for neckbeard dickwaving. No matter which you're on, if you're ordering drugs and child wives off the danknets someone is watching you. Pick your poison.
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>is Apple the solution?
They are a member of the PRISM surveillance program (pic related) and do a lot of the same telemetry shit as Win 10, but probably not as bad.

The only solution is to install Linux. Ubuntu and it's variants (Mint, Xubuntu, etc.) Are easy as fuck to use and a great option as long as you're not into gayming. Don't listen to the psyop shills who try to say it's too hard to use or doesn't have any software.
And Windows ME was the best Windows, kek
this is what happens when you decide its a good idea to have feminists designing your UI and the most retarded pajeets coding it
I just use XP, also it's not propaganda it's just paid advertising from overfunded colleges, would make more sense to put that shit on Mac, macfags seem to be more tolerant of that stuff and their target market would be using macs.
good goy
Pretty weird, or just another Jewish trick from Microsoft, considering I still use a 2012 laptop.
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>Windows 10

Seriously nobody NOBODY should be using this piece of spyware shit. It's pure unmitigated garbage in the making.
But anons how am I supposed to run Ryzen on Windows 7??
Window 10 was designed by Indian intellectuals

they are trying to push it as "women don't pick STEM fields because men tell them they aren't good at it". so we are to blame for their unwillingness to choose shit in those fields.
Apple shit is full of fucking epoxy and proprietary screws. If your CMOS battery dies you're looking at a insane repair cost or 10+ hours of work involving heat guns, special security bits, and tiny prybars to do something that takes less than a minute on anything else.
>using Windows
Once had Vista on a cheap pc with like 512MB ram I believe. Worst time of my life.
Gaming really is a terrible excuse.

I'm an adult now so I don't play much but I just use consoles now.

Linux works just as well for every other task except in those weird instances where the installation does recognize your graphics card or something.
That's the problem, Vista was "too much" for those computers, and therefore, a piece of shit.
The SP2 fixed all its issues and basically made it as good as 7 but it was too late already.
>The welcome message for the day
The what? I've never seen that.
Can you game on Linux? I didn't think you could.
>1 post by this ID
What did he meme by this?
>NOBODY should be using this piece of spyware shit
ESPECIALLY not if you are a person visiting alternative websites or social medias, have non mainstream political opinions and live in country that absolutely ignores all personal privacy and allows unregulated spying on your ass.
you sound like a console pleb
at least they offer a free dildo with every purchase
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Well, there's your problem right there... women who run Windows 10 are unfit for STEM.

REAL Geek Chix run Linux <3
do you have a screenshot of this, OP?
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Sure, you can play Super Tux Kart
It's more difficult to setup a VPN on Linux though.
If you're not an RMS-tier freetard and can tolerate a few proprietary binaries, then you can run Steam and about 30% of the Steam library natively. The rest can generally be run through WINE without much issue at a small performance penalty.
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>1 post by this ID
>majoring in something you can literally learn on your own
I tried going down that path and did find it boring and tedious....I wondered why men love it. I didn't feel put off by anyone in fact they jump at any opportunity to help. Women can choose any degree they want. I'm not seeing the issue? Also go into a game store and 95% in the tournament will be males......fancy that women and men have different interests!

Why haven't you disabled that shit you tech-inept baboon.
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You got any more aussie bro?
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College is sort of a joke. I taught myself electrical engineering from a couple of books in the lobby of my apartment building in Portland where you share a bathroom with 13 people on a floor and don't have a kitchen or sink in your room. I now net around 65k a year. I'm not kidding. I also hate Portland
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>The welcome message for the day

What the fuck... Glad I still have windows 7 rather than that malware.
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Most repos have a graphical openvpn client which is compatible with any mainstream VPN provider (any privacy focused VPN should support openvpn)
Doesn't get much easier than that.
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wage gap myth.jpg
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click on connections - edit connections - add connections - select vpn connections
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>a porn company
>virtue signaling
the amount of time ive told the KB2952664 update to fuck off
I'm with you. I love science had very high scores, but ultimately decided went with a Bachelor of science in education because I adore children. Many women simply prefer a more social line of work - it's not the fault of "the patriarchy". It's utterly ridiculous that the leftist social engineers think they have to "push" women to major in STEM... if a woman wants to major in stem, she will. Otherwise, she is making her own choice to major in something she feels she likes better.
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>>welcome message for the day

Windows 10 has propaganda on boot up? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
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>Using Windows 10

What a faggot. lol
how's it like bing 15?
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Linux is essential in freeing yourself from the chains of (((globalists))). Improve yourself.
Like no proper drivers? Fuck that noise.
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>Windows 10
Accepting to be a win10 cuck for 2FPS.
>install Jewish botnet data collector 10
>get Jewish shit
>using windows 10
>using windows
install gentoo
And then they did it AGAIN four years later!
Prostituting your data /forfree/ for an extra frame or two a second in a (((vidoegame))).
You sound underage.
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>windows 10

You idiots are automatic beta testers for Microcock whether you like it or not.
>no proper drivers?
more like drivers that are artificially limited from installing on win7 that can be easily worked around by changing a text file
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fuck off

be a man stop playing video games.
>Does this kind of shit really piss off anyone else
Yes and welcome to /pol/, please make yourself at home
does win 10 really have a welcome message? i use win 10 and never noticed it before
>>Have Win10 installed



Has someone ever tried to make you take them seriously but you just couldn't do it /pol/?
What else welcome message do you get?
I'm still with 7 and I tihnk I'll go to 8.1 before 10
Windows 10 literally shills it's products in The log in screen
Windows 7 ultimate is the only redpilled os
>Emergency exit sign on window

Where are you? An old people's home?
I have never noticed the welcome message. Why even take the time to read it?
>bitlocker keys are stored in a cloud account that anyone with an earpiece and badge can probably access
Oh fugg

I didn't know this until now. What's the best way to encrypt shit?
Civilisation was built by men giving a fuck about their bros.
Still using win7, it's great.

Maybe you can mod win10 to greet you properly by calling you a faggot.
Idk about that one it's bad but not that bad.
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We're in a time where even OSX is 10 times better than Windows and care more about your privacy.
C-Can't you just turn off the spying in settings?
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>It's an autistic kids from /v/ think Microsoft is spying on them again.
Fully retarded, seriously.
only 0% of men become female supermodels. How do we change this?
My windows is pirated anyways, so who gives a shit? It's the newest version and seeing how most companies will start gettingsring their software for windows 10 it just makes more sense convenience wise.
The settings turn themselves back on.
It's just placebo.
Ask /g/ for more in depth information.
XP master race reporting in.
You couldn't get a screencap?
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If we got rid of logical programming languages and used feminist programming languages instead more women would be interested. Until men give up male dominated logic based software, we will never advance.
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>that XP bootup sound

>black men just know how to treat a woman

by giving you a BLACK eye. [spoiler]please laugh on the pun[/spoiler]
Linux master race ftw

"Critiques of logic"
Yep, definitely a feminist discussion
>claim to be redpilled
>still uses windows

lern2eglish street shitter
and if you turn off all the spyware shit performance is the same everywhere
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>"Only 6% of women graduate with stem degrees."

Gee I wonder why
It's an option on the lock/login screen that can be disabled. Displays random stuff when you login
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>Windows 10
My God dude, what are you even doing?
Remember when Mozilla spent $10,000 on removing all instances of "slave" from their code?
Women, only 6% of the prison inmates
>spectrum of Linux

Trust me goy, Ubuntu and Mint have reached normie level. Kinda like Win XP.
While I always was in touch with Unix/Linux because of my work, I would've never used it for personal use in the past. But since about two years, I completely eradicated (((Windows))) from all my computers and went with Mint.
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I have no regrets now pirating MS Office.
And hundreds of games from Steam.

Doesn't work well on linux? That's what gaming partitions are for. Install the shitty spyware OS there and play whatever you want then reboot when you need to get serious again.
Switch to something else. Or bend over and take it.
Since it is sexist to offer scholarships to men exclusively, you'd need to create a fund that targets likely men. Like a sports scholarship for gaming.
>not using TempleOS
>windows 10

virtually cucked
it's real i've seen it too

t. idiot windows 10 user
>welcome message
Windows 10 user here, what the fuck are you talking about?
you're getting bambozzled
>subjecting your computer to Jew-NSA and yourself to Jew agitprop, and paying for the opportunity to do so

Even /g/ would laugh at you
Except it would be really nerdy laughs. Like "HYEAAHH HEEYUHHHH HYUHHHHH"
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>Have Win10 installed
lol retards in the thread believing windows 10 is like the worst OS possible, get the Enterprise edition and it's literally the most light weight and bare bones OS around, stay cucked all you apple shills hahaha
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>Have Win10 installed
>Turn on my computer
>The welcome message for the day says "Only 46% of women give head."
Does this kind of shit really piss off anyone else?
I booted up the computer at work the other day and it said "The top 1% of earners is 44% Jewish." I was so mad, all these dumb advertisements
Fuck you nigga, its free. I only use it for gaming and school work anyway
You just do what every business that's required to have privacy (e.g. financial institutions) does and use Windows 10 LTSB.

Go to mydigitallife forums for the setup info.
Testosterone drops.

In video games many ecosystems are ruined because testosterone drops in losing males causes withdrawal (primary survival instinct) leaving only a small cadre of highly skilled vetrans killing the game.

Boys objectively out score females on tests so in schools they added subjective grading to inflate female grades. (Equity of outcome) of course this means boys are being systematically discriminated against (forced losing)

Eventually boys subconcioulsy recognize the bullshit and drop out. In one study boys would bet on the outcome of a test only when given by a male teacher (whom did not favor them but treated them fairly.)

All of this leads to one inevitable outcome.

Men are fleeing to non subjective subjects aka stem and women who have been favored their whole lives find it incredibly hard to compete when their grades aren't being inflated and boys deflated by a few standard deviations.

The stem imbalance exists because men are fleeing discrimination not because women are being discriminated against.
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this is all really really suspicious
your people did this
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/pol/ is right again
Qubes is made by a Jewish tranny. Stick with OpenBSD it's far more secure
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>its free
So is any other windows.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't.
>welcome message for the day
Windows has propaganda headlines at startup to keep you misinformed about the world.

They have another one where they offer to show you all the hot titles playing in theaters this weekend.
The funny thing is that it's THEIR choice. No one is forcing them to pursue a non-STEM degree. Here in Italy over 90% of girls are enrolled in useless programs.
>don't even know what that logo is for but I'm aware its satanic
Just how sleep are you
>Not knowing about the dongle problem
>Macs turn into nuclear reactors due to "MUH THINNESS", causing heat throttling all the time
install gentoo
I bought a computer pre-installed with Windows 10 last year and haven't gotten around to changing the OS. It's the buggiest, most unstable piece of shit I've ever used. I've never used a version of windows with this many glitches and random crashes.

For example, right now I've got a glitch where clicking the "networks" icon in the lower-coner brings up an empty window, so I have to go through the damn control panel to switch networks. The only solution anyone can come up with is "reinstall windows?"

Windows 10 is cancer.
50 / 50 giving fucks about bro's and self
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gender bias per occupation.png
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Why do they focus specifically on STEM when there are other occupations with worse gender biases?
Quite happy with the performance of my Alienware 13 R3
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ITT: poorfags jealous their shit-tier computers can't run Win10 and they can't afford to upgrade

Win10 is objectively better at everything, I challenge any of you retards to give me one area that Win7 is better other than your inability to adapt to something better and new. Y'all getting left behind by natural selection. Survival of the fittest.

Evolution, bitches.
So what OS should we use? I love Windows 7 and think it's the greatest OS ever made, but everyone says that it's not safe to use anymore. Should we be using GNU plus Linux?
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I'm one of the 6%! And I use Linux so I've never seen the propaganda on Windows 10!
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>quoth the cuck
>Reddit Dank Memes
>Reddit spacing
you got it for free
>non-normative paradigm that represents alternative ways of abstracting
Or, "a different approach".
>to succinctly sum up my research thus far I will outline the decomposition of my question below
Or, "here's why".

Is it just me, or does this cunt use excessive amounts of filler? Maybe she thinks that adds substance to her position or something, but reading the rest is nightmarish enough without the decoration.
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They're just a bunch of puff words to make her sound smart. You're not supposed to split infinitives either.
>letting microcuck spy on you is considered evolution
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I would pay thousands of dollars per year to not use Microsoft or Apple on any of my main systems.
>mfw when I'm bothering to respond to reddit-tier bait
gtfo you retard straya
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I'd switch to Linux, but I use Excel a lot for work and there aren't that many alternatives.
>what is libre o-

Sorry I couldn't finish thatvwothout laughing.

Seriously though if you enjoy having a job, windows on normal computers, linux on servers.
We live in a totalitarian society designed to make us think we're free.

But think about it.

Every big government, every big company, every school, every ad...They all tell you what to think.
About women, about foreigners...There's no way to escape.
Run it in a VM in seamless mode
LibreOffice. It handles Windows formats, it's great, it's free (as in freedom and price), and it's not cuckware like MS Office. May you seek enlightenment before it's too late.
Degenerate. I swear to you, the owners and employees of Pornhub will be gassed one day.
Mac master race here.
How can poorfags compete
What in God's name are you blathering about fucking retard
They offer money for amateur videos. Is it degenerate to film myself fucking my wife and getting paid when cucks watch it?
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Why did you abandon her?
LOL wut. I have built several Kabylake Desktops running Win 7 and they're stable as hell.
Yes. I don't want to see your kirmy miss puggy LARP.
Try this if you only have USB 3.0 ports: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25476/Windows-7-USB-3-0-Creator-Utility
Or just use a USB 2.0 device. The default Windows 7 installer only has USB 2.0 drivers. All USB devices are backwards compatible, you can plug a USB 1.0 device into a USB 3.0 port and it will work.
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linux will save the w... nope
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I just bought a new computer with Windows 10 3 days ago. Its loaded with bullshit fake news. Look at how they twist the facts in this story. It's fuckin bullshit.
>tfw the only gaming I do (which is seldom now) is mobile and console
>tfw I have 4 new, unopened (in box) computers from circa 2005
>tfw my good ol' desktop now still runs windowsXP for all my uses
>tfw most of my internet use is with tablet and phone anyways
>tfw I've never had issues
feels good man
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the command line rocks.png
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Guy who wrote that is a kike
>master race

You may only choose one
wtf are you talking about?
Some people have to use it for work, though. I don't fucking touch it for my regular browsing.

>it's free

No it's not, you're just the product and you're too blue pilled to notice.
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>where they offer to show you all the hot titles playing in theaters this weekend.
>Voluntarily install windows
>>The welcome message for the day says "Only 6% of women graduate with stem degrees."
Is this satire? I can't tell anymore.
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The audacity of this bitch.jpg
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>Be woman
>Get degree in women's studies
>Spend my time telling young girls to study STEM
>Complain I only make 77 for every dollar a man makes
>Make twice as much as a minimum wage burger flipper
That infopic is the best thing Australia ever produced
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Ironically this doesn't show up on Pro, it only shows up on Home as far as I'm aware
>tfw thinly veiled 'sexism' doesn't get picked up on by feminazis and SJWs
Does windows 10 actually have propaganda welcome messages? Is this for real?
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Windows 1.0 master race
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I also use mint, it's great.
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These alerts were sent to me, and probably millions of other Windows 10 users, during the height of the election. I didn't sign up for these popups either, they just showed up while I was doing work.
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fuggggggg :DD

Windows XP Master Race Reporting
So is 7.
Use Daz.
I dont, i turned them off.
You must be a retard to keep them still on.
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>Not using Windows 98
N O I C E lad
The thing is pretty much everyone thinks the dark side is cooler
Not true. There was like 15-20 chance of dying while giving birth so it was economical to invest into man.
Windows 7 Master race.
so I just built a new computer and it's maxed out for my purposes but it feels slower than my old build. my windows 10 copy was free because piracy. any ideas what could be making it so much slower?
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>not using Win Me Harder
Post some specs.
32gb ram
512 ssd 4tb hd for storage
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"Why can't I find a man who makes more than me?"
I know what's wrong: you don't have a CPU!
i7-7700k is a CPU?
>using anything other than windows

Is /pol/ filled with the edgy autists from the computer classes in highschool?
what is 1080?
Just buy windows... don't pirate it.
>Nvidia GTX 1080 Graphics card

Stupid refugee doesn't understand basic shit
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Just switched devices. I think I am going to be buying it.
same. without those shitty ads, win10 is quite the good OS.
Well, except for that little "telemetry" thing. Nothing to worry about.
If you have the money and can afford paying for it, it's worth it.

Linux/ubuntu are not worth using.
Well I have an illegitimate version and I am wondering if that could slow down my performance. :/

But I'm planning on buying it today anyways.
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Can I run it.jpg
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Hay guys, do you think I can run it?
Nah, save your money. Just search for a good one. I've been using the same for quite some time now.

And what feels slower than your old build?
Startup, running programs etc.
I have Win10, but I don't get any messages ... maybe because I disabled all kinds of shit in the registry after installation, just like /g/ told me. Just do the same, switch off that shit, at least you won't get bothered with that crap propaganda anymore.
No, Columbro. Win '98 was the best. ME was the beginning of the end.
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>my windows 10 copy was free because piracy
In other words, you have not only MS/NSA's backdoors but also quite likely a trojan from a hacker or state-sponsored syndicate that released your copy to torrents, ready to be used against you as a keylogger or weaponized as a botnet at their convenience.

>any ideas what could be making it so much slower?
Linux is superior in every way unless you are a little boy that can't live without video games.
So general file browsing feels slow. In addition chrome, but chrome is a fucking monster when it comes to usage so I don't know if that qualifies.

I do a lot of Dolphin emulation (gamecube games on computer) and its laggier on my current build than my build from 4 years ago.

In addition I play some Path of Exile, and that freezes up a lot.
>294 replies
>1 post by this ID
install gentoo


>le security by isolation meme on an online computer
Yeah no.
It's highly possible, with those specs it should be fast af bro
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cuz they're manjinas and we live in a gynocracy that is why.

Sorry friendo linux is just a meme and an inconvenience
Always a fucking leaf.
Yeah thats what I thought. I just finished building it last week and have been disappointed. :(

wait, you're not using linux?
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>t.tinfoil java hut in moms basement
I've been using it for a decade now. Having to use Windows at work is the inconvenience to me.
Boy I love that
More P I C T U R E S pl0x
Well you guys are used to losing, no surprise you're using linux
>file browsing
Varies on what's acceptable. Give me an example.
Chrome is very ram hungry, but with 32 gigs you should be fine.
Might want to adjust some settings to make it compatible < had to do that for zelda oot in the past.
>specific game freezes
Check your nvidia configuration settings.
Also, I recommend running some benchmarks on and compare that to results of similar builds.
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BTW it's only saying Windows Me because of KernelEX.
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I don't know shit about computers, why does my laptop keep freezing? It has Windows 10 pre-installed, and I only got it last November.
You have to add USB 3.0 drivers to the installer.
i'm not the only one who read that as "beat a woman" the first time, right?
quit chugging petrol you subhuman abo
So i have cpu-z and extreme tuning utility are those good enough for benchmarking?

In addition the file browsing I'm doing is all on my secondary internal HDD. Just takes a while and often freezes up while looking at files. Movies, Audiobooks, pictures, etc.
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