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9/11 remembrance

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Thread replies: 224
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/pol/, what was 9/11 like in your country?
Fucking awesome. We had a celebration at high school and everyone brought in party food.
Looked pretty.
> beautiful day in the valleys
> just finish school and get picked up
> radio presenter announces that a plane has crashed into one of the towers
> get home just in time to see the second plane hit on live tv
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Your country is very pretty.
What the fuck man. I thought we were cool
A poetic revenge
Idk, I don't think they made a big deal out of it here.
I was quite young to understand the whole context but it sure was the greatest happening I have seen
How so?
You know what I mean, you interventionist fuck
it was a huuuge ayyyy lmao we just saw it on the news, enjoyed it for a bit because it was really entertaining then we realized how fucked our economy was and we protested the end
My gripe with it: it fell too perfectly, the planes hit on corners. there should be a weakening and falling on the corners. Imagine the buildings falling on an angle, how much destruction would there be?
i didn't give two fucks and everyone thought i was an asshole cause of it
We're a protectorate, not a cuck.
Honestly it was one of the worst days of my life. I remember crying when the whole nation lit candles to commemorate the fallen

Fucking tragedy unprecedented on American soil
Thousands of us danced in the streets and burned American flags.
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I don't know. I was in America at the time.
the 6th graders in the class I help teach seriously thought 9/11 wasnt real and it was just a meme
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>/pol/, what was 9/11 like in your country?

we lost 4 men from our village that day. we were hoping they would come back from Yankee pilot school but Allah had different plans for them.
>dad calls from work phone
>tells me to turn tv on
>usa is kill
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Damn, paco using some big words.

I am also edgy
This. It was a glorious day. I got drunk on maple syrup and puked up poutine all over some dirty squaw whore
Didn't really care and I thought everyone was overreacting. I was young but even so I knew something was fishy how it all went down
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Things were tense, I'm not too far from Upstate New York so it seemed pretty close. People were pretty scared and confused, I remember my teacher crying that morning.
My sensible tin foil theory is that most important high rise buildings in the world are rigged to be brought down by controlled demolition in the even that the building receives huge structural damage. This way you can bring it straight down and avoid even more destruction than if it fell sideways.
>what was 9/11 like in your country?
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watch americans jump from windows
had steak for dinner
it was a good day
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> Be Argentina
> Get on the internets
> Get on the Four Chan
> Post using internet slang
> It was a huge 'ayyy lmao'

Never change
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>be me driving to work.

>Radio just tells me omg terrorists

>Immediately look left as there was the roar of warplanes and see American F15's with a combat load parked on the wingtips of a Korean Air 747.

>Holy fuck you don't see that at an airshow!
>forced to fly directly over the Fraser River or die

It was surreal.
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Yeah this is why everyone in Latin America hates Argentina
That is a weak attempt at explaining desu...think about it, even a small lateral displacement of the entire fall would cause cascading destruction over multiple blocks. Not only one building fell perfectly straight, but both.
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there were no planes.
i'm high and that is the most correct way i can put it
My father was depressed, in debt, and all alone. I was at school constantly 45 km away from him because my mother is a slut who divorced him.

9/11 happened, my father never received debt letters again.

I guess some data was lost, i wonder how many people's debts and depressions this even cured.
>be Ausfag
>come home from party still pilling off my nut
Remember 2001 pills were awesome Le sigh
>turn on tv for some random reason
>wake up girlfriend
>lie on couch, fucking with the flickering tv illuminating the walls with burning towers.
>cum on her tits
>pass out.
Oh you are high so I guess being cringy is just peachy
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>Saying Mexico has a lack of intellectuals
>Not knowing that the socio-political situation of Mexico DEMANDS the existence of intellectuals
Tell me McDonald, What does a gringo consider "intellectuial"?
Everybody was like, its a false flag.
Nobody believed a second that it was terror attack.

Made up shit to bring patriot act and start robbing the middle east.
Your country kills innocents every day.
Every fucking day it drones and bombs civilians.
>erh ma feelz 9/11 ded peeps eghr
Fuck off
We let some burgers stay at our place (place got diverted) but I didn't like them so I spit in their food.
Jesus you are such a Rockstar. Drugs, women and violence. Teach us how you be you.
I was in Science class in high school when it happened. I saw it on TV after.
this tobehonest
I was 6. Don't really remember it.
idk about the twin towers but steve irwin's death was like the 9/11 of australia
Grew up in Southern Ontario Canada by the NY boarder. I was legit thinking this was the start of WWIII that morning. I was listening to Howard Stern so was updated on shit as it happened.

Having been to the city it was scary that shit was happening in the heart of North America since we've been free of war for like 200 years in our area of North America.
Can attest to this
You can find solace in the fact that most the Jews knew about it before hand so it was only filthy goyim that got killed.
Mostly humourous and light hearted at the beginning. Then we all waited for America's reaction and retaliation. Then we figured that the world won't be the same in terms of security and personal freedom. One of the first thoughts I've heard was that this is the perfect excuse to spy on every one, continuously.
I was in the last phases of an assessment/selection/training program in the Army when it happened. Only time I ever saw cadre break their stone cold protocol(s) and seem somewhat human. Everyone else was extremely motivated to finish up, get assigned to our units and kill some Muslims.

Was on my first deployment within 3 months.
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I was 13 at the time and couldn't explain to myself why the towers had collapsed.
I was thinking to myself, "welp, they're just gonna have to repair a few floors and thats it" but then they both went down.

I'm not a shitskin indio so there was no feeling of "revenge" or any edginess to it
ohh i remember this, i was in year 7 high school

>be sep 10
>set tv to turn on at 7am and go bed
>tv turns on and wakes me up
>news and sheii repeating footage
>at first think its a promotion for a movie or show
>see people jumping from building and screaming and shit
>realize it's real
>feel even more ecstatic
>dad rushes in with massive grin on his face
>we both laugh
>skip school that day
>go to mosque with dad and cousins
>wasn't fasting at the time
>remember eating this amazing kefta with goat meat
>was better than mums anyway, dad made the same comment lel
>enjoyed feast and banter with the rest of the senpai
>general consensus was that they deserved it especially considering they did it to themselves

eat shit burgercunts, shame more of you didn't die
it was great. bunch of finance jews got rekt and we got an excuse to play with heavy ordinance. win win.
>deep breath
Terrorist nation that bombs even its own citizens to manipulate the world into approving their terrorist attacks
>eat shit burgercunts
We've made the entirety of North Africa and a majority of the Middle East eat shit since that day. Smart move Mohammed.
Your dad must have been extra happy that your mom presented some fight while he raped her so it was more fun cause of the adrenaline.
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I was eight, all the school was gathered into the auditorium and made to watch murica propaganda while the teachers cried hysterically.
Is he now at Axe Capital?
Saw the planes hit in first period. Teacher turned it off because it was class related.

Next period history teacher wouldn't let us watch because learning about what some British faggot did in 1732 was more important.

Most faggot school
calm down and have another soda before you have a fat attack

>majority of the Middle East eat shit since that day
which is why i'm now enjoying the benefits and living it up in bushland, i should really be thanking you

thanks burgercunt
Actually three did

It amazes me how anyone can believe buildings can fall perfectly into themselves from just fire. It would have been a physics phenomenon for just one but for all three, wew
We do not, and have never, needed the world's approval for any of the awful things we've done. Especially in countries with brown people.

And for all the "lel revenge lel!", there's no question that (much to the detriment of the whole world and ourselves) we've repaid the misery a thousand fold to the middle east.

hahah good one dickhead
The days, weeks, and months after were horrific. We all came together. I guess after some years we forgot about it. Well some of us did, I will NEVER forget. RIP all those we lost that day and since that day
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>Republican national security
So you admit the culture you come from is shit and you are lucky to be somewhere else, much like a parasite
Your coffee is sliding. Step it up a gear or it's starvation.
Living in Bolivia, not Bolivian. Helping bring culture here instead of being a parasite
>calm down
I am calm.

>fat attack
Dank meme.

You're welcome. Thank you for supplying so many soulless Muslims to kill and giving me something fun to do in my late teens through the 20s.
Atleast Bush could throw a baseball
proving my point i do believe. yes, two planes hit two buildings, three buildings fell. two fell straight down, church across the street undamaged, yet building same distance away somehow isn't. just fishy to me
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ahh it was a happy day i remember people being happy and going out in the street giving candy and making some nice food just like ramadan ohh the joy we felt watching u fuckers die was overwhelming
i hope that ur government will do it again.
>We all came together.
It felt like that for a week (on the east coast) and then things went back to normal, I remember being extremely angry that everyone went back to being shit to each other.
Sunny, it was sunny.
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>Helping bring culture here
LMFAO you fucking sad cringey cunt, kys,
>CHOOSing to live in a gutterhole like bolivia
the west is weak and my culture is already taking over here
my ancestors are proud of me, you cannot say the same, weakcunt
oh man, it was fucking beautiful

I was 17 at the time, my mom woke me up and she went "the twin towers is usa just falled down". I kept sleeping for a moment and them snp, I just jumped and started to see the news. First thing i saw was tower two falling.

The rest of the day, even myv turned out to be a news channel, bradcasting shit like Fox news that we here didin't knew at the time.

Three months later everything went to the shit here in Argentina and we just forget for a while.
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im sorry for my english, pills are starting to have effect
>>actually this place is awesome for a year long vacation. Your ancestors are proud of all the incest, street shitting and goat smell? Say what you want of Bolivia but it's a moderate paradise compared to the savage and dirty middle east
>Subverting the United States and erasing our history
No you're not. You're packed into your own little inbred communities being marginalized and discriminated against over here, just as you should be. Muslims are not respected anywhere in the world and before long I would not be surprised if your buddies in Europe wake up a sleeping Hitler 2.0.
You actually believe this, wow, must be something in the water
No impact. We've suffered terrorism on our own, so this drama about New York being attacked is perceived as a TV show.

The following adventures in the Middle East were interesting though.
many were shocked, only few were redpilled and understood the false flag.
and also a few arabs were happy and enjoyed the live tv from new york on every channel
it's the vaccines and poor nutrition, they have the worm, it's too late for them
Indian here

>finally, maybe now they'll believe us
was the overall sentiment.

of course you then began giving Pakistan billions, only for them to harbor bin Laden (we told you) and continue to train terrorists.

you should have listened to the janitor from Scrubs.
>Thinking they know more about the US than Americans
I said I wouldn't be surprised if they woke up a sleeping Hitler 2.0, not that I'm confident they will.

Regardless, Muslims are marginalized in the US and highly discriminated against in the hiring process.
Some random bloke on my train ride home from work told me what was going on. After getting home I saw it on the TV, but didn't pay too much attention because I was so tired.

At the time I was working for a maritime logistics company, and the whole debacle bankrupted my company. Shipping virtually stopped in the 6 or so months after, we hadn't enough liquid assets and went under.

I used the time I wasn't working to go back to school. Now I get paid way too much working for a maritime engineering firm designing tools that help refurbish and overhaul freighters. It all worked out in the end.
The media and politicians really condemned it but deep inside we all were so happy and kinda liked it.
Because it was US against us with Pakistan few years back and now it's hit in the gut
Discriminating any ethnic minority especially in the work force is highly illegal in this country, people literally bait for an excuse too sue.

An they aren't marginalized here, the Muslim ban was shot down immediately and Trump got shit from most of the country for even trying that

Youre living in Fantasyland
Cold. We had an early frost in November.
>Representing the rest of the US
There's nothing they can do if you interview 5 people and the one named Mohammed is immediately dismissed from consideration on grounds of better candidates existing. We do it all the time in the South.
Checked, pomfag

I also remember being disappointed that the death toll was only 3000. Fwiw.
>/pol/, what was 9/11 like in your country?
I was walking home from school having a piss in a bush when a m8 heard it on his personal radio, we all thought it was jokes little did we realize the world had just changed for the worst.
My mom pulled us out of bed before school (grade 5) and made us watch it. She said we were watching history. Went to school and everyone thought WWIII was HAPPENING. Good times.
I never got to see the towers fall. I masturbated for 2 minutes and closed the TV.
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I like this. Something like a fail safe eh.
>jews use the U.S. to destroy every enemy, killing many peons and destroying nations
>jews hit the US with 9/11 false flag to fill the (((prophesy))) and pave the way for many more middle eastern killings and complete surveilance state
>beaner who hasn't bothered to learn what really happened on 9/11, celebrates jewish killing of Americans as Arab killing of Americans, confuses systematic jewish killing of arabs for american action
I was too young to care. I think I was drawing and the news made an announcement.
Next day our school had a moment of silence.
That's about it.

All the terrorist attacks and wars are so common, and so detached from our reality that we don't really care that much.
I remember being confused. I was 13 at the time. I was like why are we getting attacked? Are we at war with a country? The concept of an attack not by a country was unfamiliar to me.

Then after the fact i was like what the fuck is the middle east? We didn't learn shit about the middle east in school. I always thought Arab kids were Mexican.
bin laden was a CIA agent

The whole thing was a hoax/conspiracy, your misunderstanding is the great success of it.
>in 5th grade
>lived 5 blocks from twin towers
>at school in manhattan approximately 3 miles away
>they sent all the middle schoolers to the roof
>"why the fuck are we all on the roof"
>go back downstairs, see smoke rising through window
>they tell us what happened
>retarded girl starts crying because her dad works in an office building (not the twin towers, legitimately thought every office building was being hit by planes)
>they cancel lunch, i share my fruit snacks
>mom picks me and my little sister up after getting a bag and walking uptown and we take the crosstown bus to my aunt's
>all buses were free and said "emergency - next bus please" on the screen where the route usually is
>mom legitimately thought the death toll was in 6 figures
>behind a different retarded girl who cannot comprehend how people can kill others when they're already dead
>stay with my aunt for a few weeks
>end up going back downtown the next day for clothes, the air quality was fucking terrible
>one block inside the exclusion zone
>jet engine chunk landed on my friend's roof
>stay with my aunt for a few weeks
>find sublet, stay away from lower manhattan until air quality returns
>neighbor kid went back after like 2 weeks and promptly got asthma
>walked through the area, through the dust and saw the uniforms and gear of the dead firefighters at the firehouses
>the dead peoples' cars were ticketed until it was obvious they were dead at which point people covered them in cards and flowers
>missing person flyers everywhere
>e.g. Asian female with dragon tattoo last seen getting on 12th floor elevator
>friend's dad was badly injured evacuating people but survived
>his office was on the 73rd floor or something insane
>play kill osama bin laden games on newgrounds
>grow up
>post on /pol/
That's not the point.
The point is that they used Bin Laden as an excuse to invade Afghanistan, when Bin Laden wasn't fucking there. Bin Laden was in Pakistan the entire time.

USA went to war over nothing. Whether or not Bin Laden was a CIA agent doesn't change this fact.
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>bin laden was a CIA agent

Ya. they gave him $3,000,000,000.


Tim.... O.S.S. man.

Get it?
The C.I.A. is using drug running money to buy and sell weapons to an ever changing list of Muslim extremists.

THAT is why there is a drug war.... because the C.I.A. thinks it cost effective to do this in order to profit the Multinational Oil Cartels, at the military and tax expense of the American People.
>cost effective
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I'm sure you told her sorry afterwards.
Hay I have a question, at this point I'm pretty sure that Muslims are invading the west jews are engineering it and white genocide is a real possibility but my question is, why should I care? I mean the philosophy of nihilism is pretty iron clad logic and its not like it just doesn't apply to the idea of white nationalism, so i'll ask again why should I give a fuck?
>THAT is why there is a drug war.... because the C.I.A.
Also private prisons make money off putting more people in jail. People backing drug war are strongly related to the prison industry.
I thought it was an accident to be honest.
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>Also private prisons make money off putting more people in jail.

And they spend some of that money on lobbyists, as an attempt to ensure future shareholder profit.
>all the time in the south
>I live in bumfuck Mississippi

Discriminating against Muhammad is one thing. But usually education and experience are taken into account too. in engineering/tech/biotechnology industry. Here the bigger cities. So no, many don't right down discriminate if someone has great credentials, even if his name is Muhammad.
I sense jew in your post but I'll take the bait.

It doesnt matter where Bin Ladin was. He did not mastermind 9/11. Did you read the post I was replying to? saying Pakistan was harboring the terrorist etc.

>Shouldn't give pakistan aid if they helped the 911 guy

The US btw did go to war for (((something)))and it has been successful.
dumb because normies thought that stupid Toby Keith song was the best song ever. the one that goes like

>so powerful
>much patriotic

and then a few months later they forgot and went back to their mindless zombie ways like nothing ever happened
I wish we could go back to the 90s, they were awesome. RUSSIAN MAIL ORDER BRIDES everywhere. Why can't we go back to how it was in the 90's, we got Bin Laden, didn't we?
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Now that image isn't quite fair.
There was considerable pushback from Americans to what was happening in Vietnam. As for the Indians, I think the Supreme Court actually said native Americans were in fact citizens, but Andrew Jackson ignored them and went about killing Indians anyway. That does not reflect popular sentiment.

Jesus fuck, I didn't know you had internet, Bolivia.

Shouldn't you be begging Peru for your tiny strip of coastline back so that your navy has actual ocean to practice on?
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It was actually a pretty freaky day...

I was working at a warehouse so I only had radio... that was probably odder -- had to use the imagination on the visuals.

But it was an epic... Its freaky that Isreal got away with it clean

and had America create a hash over the entire Middle East for them
People were freaking out, the media was discussing the whole thing for over a week and our government officials shit themselves as they realized terrorists have just kicked things up a notch.
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At least Americans get a kick ass deal on soda once a year to commemorate the horror
I was coming home from college, knew nothing had happened until mum told me 'Wall Street has collapsed'. I thought she meant the stock exchange rather than physical destruction of buildings, I don't think people my age understood the magnitude of what was happening.

Are you a 'Dancing Isreali' by any chance?

Were you doing the hustle, the lambada? with your friends on the East River that autumn day?
Oh man, that is absolutely golden.

Kind of reminds me of a 9/11 cake I saw years ago. I don't have the image sadly.
they shut down public transpo so i had to fucking walk from school
some guy crashed his car while one of the towers collapsed so that was cool to see
Newfags won't remember the absolute HAPPENING shitstorm on /pol/ back on that day.

HAPPENING threads were happening every 2 minutes,
And there were alot of anons asking if this was done by the Jews.

Alot of angry Americans that day, if any Anon said "Americucks BTFO" it would get 100 angry american replies instantly desu
Yeah it did. Nobody around here likes timber niggers to this day. The only time we pay attention to them is when they protest some development project that encroached on land they forfeited long ago or when we catch a village's worth of their people dropping like flies because they got a spoiled batch of mouthwash and tried drinking it like vodka.

This is up there with the 'Holocaust on Ice' figure skating routine
Subtle cunt
I was working in a hotel, our family hotel as a matter of fact. I had the night shift too the following day. That following night we received a family of Americans that was rushed to Greece from somewhere in the middle east, the mother was terrified, as if the whole world was against her.

I was not impressed.

There were dancing Israelis celebrating on a high rise a few blocks down when the towers went down
It was in your country, not ours.

And what the fuck is this capture system. Have to do it 8 times and then select all the cars, but it's the majority of the squares. And then remove the street numbers and you remove them but another appears.

Whoever designed this, kys.
Or ripping off the old folks with casinos.

It really is a good thing you guys took care of your 'natives' before it was no longer acceptable to do so.
It felt like a brother died. Shit sucked, man.
Fucking americunts. Only people in the world worse than (((them))).

That's just sick; the loss of any human life is a tragedy - regardless of nationality, religion or other such differences.
I was pretty pissed they cancelled DBZ that day to show the same exact stuff every other channel was broadcasting.

And they were filming the attack

aaaand they were held for weeks in detention... and they failed multiple lie detector tests..

And they were released and the tape disappeared

and they showed up on an Israeli television show claiming they were agents sent 'to film the event'

How they knew that an 'event' was happening that day at that time ..that they were able to set up a camera beforehand we don't know... a wild guess I suppose.

Anyway no mention of these details in the 'official report'

Do a small bit of sleuthing... it's a truly fascinating story
We have 000 here for emergencies
$3.33!?!? Are you kidding me?
eh, nobody cared. I mean, there were a couple of people running down the streets cheering but thats about it.

Nah I love Americans ...but funny story...

When Walmart first came to Canada they tried to do a 'Remembrance Day' blowout sale flyer!

They couldn't understand that we saw that as being in poor taste...lol !
I was faking sick for the second day in row and had to hear my dad screaming about arabs for hours, so I took my dog on a walk. A few days later all these leaflets showed up on our door about how it's Israel's fault. Dunno why put them there, but they weren't on any other doorsteps, so the guy must have known our family was Jewish. My dad used it as an opportunity to stash his guns around the house in strategic locations. Fun times, OP.
>hen when are they being outclasse
to be fair, there we're nt really native to the land themselves
Not you spikky
it was great, unfortunately my twin towers cake collapsed :(
"Those muslim loving, shqiptar defending, sons of bitches, fucking traitors, fuckin' pussies deserve this after what the did to us"

This is how we react to muslims fucking up your countries right now as well.
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for a while before, we were like
but then

Funny how so many people in '99 were worried about the impending year 2000 software bugs.

They were offering 24cases for ''$9.11''

Door crasher
Didn't have drones back then, try harder nigger
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butt mad as fuck
miss your war buddies?
It was fantastic I got to go home from work early and Jew York got its come uppings
It was like nothing since 9/11 happened in America
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i woke up and went to go watch spongebob and thought damn this episode is pretty fucking edgy. later i learn i was just watching the news
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Now that can't be real.
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>Be me, 12 years old
>Dad wakes me up and turns on the TV
>Go to school
>Listen as teachers tell us something very bad has happened that will change the world forever
>My best friend, from Chile, tells me America deserved it for what they did to his country and Latin America
>Being a young American media/music absorbing wigger this blows my mind and paves way for seeds of doubt of the status quo
>Redpill myself on WTC7 and the greater 9/11 conspiracy

Yeah it was an eye opening experience for sure
Try harder Mr. CIA
And you punch your dog after getting bullied at school. Nice work.
I was 5 how the fuck should I or 90% of this board know?
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It's a fake done by TheOnion. Still comedic genius.
Reminder to r/Donald users, the kikes/Mossad did 9/11 to get you burgers to die against the mudslimes like the good goys you are,
I did knew about 9/11 untill 2004 while I was in the 4th grade.
I asked the teacher, what's 9/11? The whole entire class looked at me like I was retarded
weird stuff was going on, but hard to tell what was due to just paranoia at the time
and of course before 9-11:

>first victim in war is always the truth
>Rabid mud-shits killing thousands of innocent Americans (1 American being worth 10 mud-shits)
>The same as our government doing things without our knowledge.
good for a laugh
Muslims aren't innocent; islam is a garbage political tool for dirt people.
Nice try, metro cuck
>Lost a war with Emu's
>Now support assholes who lost a war with Boar.
>Lost a war with loo
>Now live in poo
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Took me until today to figure out it was just bombs and the planes were memes
>>123313107 Believing that third world cave dwellers with nothing to gain commited the most sophisticated attack in history, even though the Israelis/mossad openly brag about it, sending people to film it. Gooood gooy
I was in the coffeeshop.
Still believing cave man theory.
Pakistan is a proxy state to keep us in check,US funds pakistan for proxy war with US in case we don't follow their narrative,lurk on Pokhran test.

Here is a Redpilled video bdw share it,the guy has too less views for the effort.
>Lost a war with 2%.
>Now live in 52%
holy shit

i swear to God the way this world works hides in plain sight
Good shill thread. Look forward to next time.
>be me, 4 years old
>everybody panicking at the school, people talking in the streets, running in front of their TV, it's the same at my grand parent's house or my house
>"What happens ?", I ask
>"Nothing, nothing"
Truth really is stranger than fiction, but again, "the first victim in war is always the truth."
We'll never really know what the fuck happened. The only certainty is that in their bloodlust and fear, the American people paid liberty and got nothing in return; no safety, no security, no stability.
why you deleting fag? it's in the archive
>be me
>19yo fuckup
>chilling at home, high as fuck
>been that way for weeks or more
>turn the telly on, grab a beet and smoke a joint
>sit back and enjoy the shitty 90 tier tv shows
>news broadcast kicks in
>see the towers fall
>too fucked up to think straight

All I remember after that (and what has been told to me) is that ppl have receaved weird calls from me where I rampage about WWIII and the literal end of the world. Not mu proudest moments desu.

>Rabid mud-shits


>God-fearing humble citizens in their fight with Godless red commies.

9/11 was karma for Afghanistan. And you learned jackshit from it.
you do realize the afghans asked for our help you fucking idiot,and good thing they fought the commies too they might possibly have still been around today
Dont remember, anyway 2000 amerifats died that i dont get why this shit has to be remembered worldwide, amerifats have kill a lot of innocent people before that, thats what you get for playing stupid games amerifats
Fug, that's a pretty good deal
I was in grade 8, some special retard room, listen over the radio, reports of helicopters and a plane crashing down in a field, little coverage of the towers over the radio, get home from school, dada is a firefighter, he and I watch the hits of the towers over and over, all he says to me is "this is going to change the world forever." He was right.
Implying you have to be brown to celebrate this, you're sucking that american dick very well
I had spent one of the best days of my life.
I come back from a sailing class, happy.
I turn on the TV. I spent the rest of the day in front of it, shocked.
One of the biggest shock of my life.
By the way, I've seen muslims cheering a few days later, saying the USA deserved it. Guys were making shirts with pictures of the 9/11 and jokes about it. They haven't change much since then.
funny as fuck yankcucks got rekt
>dad watches news on tv
>see plane crashing into tower
>dad starts to giggle
>"they finally get what they deserved"
I love my dad
my friend is 1/2 Jewish 1/2 Muslim. the Muslims showed respect the Jews have a party.... every year they get drunk and dress up like the towers. and the Muslims hang there heads in shame. dosen't sound true but it is

Everyone folded in half like a beta cuckold. Libshits stared whining that we need to capitulate to Islam, and neoconservatives just spun it into an opportunity for neocolonial expansion. George W. Bush used it to turn himself from a one-term president into a two-term president.

Literal tyranny became popular. Phrases like "It's necessary" and "post-9/11 world", carefully manufactured by the media and fed to the TV-watching masses, became the buzzwords of fitting into the new tyrannical culture.

(((They))) shouldn't be surprised that the later millenials and post-millenials think Hitler's all the rage - (((they))) are the ones that made the police state cool again, after all.
>jet engine chunk landed in my friends roof
Nice try buddy

paki die you stinky cunt

67 brits died as well as many other nationalities
He sure was; we walked right into the trap OBL said he was setting and now we had a Muslim President that started flooding the western engine of human advancement and innovation for the last 2,500 years with savages and even worse, Muslim parasitic viruses. The west and European cultures that brought the world all of the masterpieces of art and basically every human advancement will not recover from this and will go the way of the Inca or Aztec or Egyptians. There is no good reason for western society to infect itself with the HIV that is Muslims and Africans, yet the intrusive suicidal thoughts compel people to anyways.
Any pics of the leaflets?
/pol/, what was the countless amount of genocides in the Middle East like in your country?
Oh right, noone fucking cares.
But if two towers fall down and Larry doesn't get money for his insurance back it's an international tragedy.
I was pretty young. A few days after I asked my parents "to show the movie with the falling towers again". Not even making this up.
>only 2 years until shitposters who say "I wasn't born yet xD" can't get banned because it'll be 18 years
Holy shit
The second tower fell on an angle but came straight down
My teacher tried to explain it to us by drawing it on the white board
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