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macedonians are christian brethners, nevermind that they kike

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Thread replies: 351
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macedonians are christian brethners, nevermind that they kike our culture, language and whatever they can, they are still us
We can't let albozergs bully them
How do we help them

Balkan Wars veterans only: Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia
Any other Christians are honorable guest
shiptars and kikes are not welcome
They kiked us back in the 90s and recognized Kosovo, why should we help them?
FYROManians are not our brothers, they get what they deserve
fuck serbia

kosova eshte shqiperi
let's split them up together lads
I wanna have a border with you again
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o boy
ta qifsha rop
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thats good

cocksucking faggot jewish whores should support each other
Like we had a fucking choice in the matter.
Corrupts vs Corrupts. What do we do?
are you the diaspora cunt from the bulgarian thread?
>cocksucking faggot jewish whores should support each other
stop getting jewed you retards
we are best allies always have always will
same with every other orthodox balkan country
meanwhile bulgarians fought on the side of the turks lmao
>oвoј миcли шиптap cyм

гo нaјдoв шиптapoт
>D E B N T Z
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both times they fought on the good guys side
both times they lost
feels bad m8s
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We like Germany.
we never fought on the side of the turks, we fought on the side of the germans which the turks also did, like the 2nd balkan war

you on the other hand were cocksucking whores who actually fought for the ottoman emipire
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Macedonians ≠ (((Macedoniana Government)))
мeхмeт нeмoј дa ce зaeбaвaш co мeнe
иди cи тe мoлaм
t. Macedonian
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you'll have to go back little zergling subhuman
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We were on Hitlers side, as we should have.
But the evil around us was too much.
>doesn't know how vassals work

Unlike us who were forced to fight on the side of the Turks , you willingly fought on their side

It's pretty logical who the cuck here is
ти cи aнoнoт oд тeтoвo?
kill'em all
>who were forced to fight on the side of the Turks
axaxaxa is that what they teach you in serbian schools

how come nobody else was forced to fight? wallachia were ottoman vassals but they fought against the turks
Maybe next time you'll give us promised clay and avoid this.
нe зш?
how the fuck should i know that lmao ? do you have proof why they didn't though?
vlad tepesh was famous for impaling turks
serbs were famous for sucking turkish cock
They kiked us once, they will kike us again.
When Serbia needed help, nobody answered, except some Russian volunteers, but even those numbers were miserable.
I hope they enjoy their muslims, just like we do.
Undeniable proof there mate, how will I ever recover?

Pathetic really.
balkan infighting


peace bros we're all fucked beyond repair
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it doesn't matter now, the whole europe fought aggainst each other for centuries, we had few skirmishes and some unsignificant's catfights
bulgarians helped us remove kebab


I can chill and relax next besides anyone in Europe EXCEPT MUSLIM NAZGUL HORDES

Bulgarians are BASED
every kebab remover is based

Servia's continued existence is a blight on this world, and yet another of the faults on the Russki account.
>being this bluepilled

once a backstabber, always a backstabber
nice propaganda
its good that you know your country so well
>being jewed so hard you turn on your brothers
you really need to realize that (((they))) are against our holy orthodox slavic (and greek maybe) union
Pretty much this.
refer to this
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they can't backstab shit now

muslims are frontally stabing us and ruining everything before our eyes
are you retarded serbshit

you have a clean state with no zergs enroaching belgrade or anywhere, your minority is hungarians lol

you have nothing to even think about

it's our turn to tame the zerg menace
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Macedonia isn't bullied by alboshits. Most gave left Greece and went north to Albania and FYROM,UK, Germany and Italy
It's very comfy here atm, sunny and beach season started.
Stop fake news
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That's a funny claim considering that Serbia got it's Parliament,constitution and dynasty after the Second SERBIAN uprising in 1817,while Bulgaria got its in RUSSO-ottoman wars.
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>orthodox slavic union

lmao at the grandeur delusions
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nice try albo

still you gonna have to go back
this is blatantly false though m8
there are literal shitholes you would go to only if you wanna be stabbed by an albonigger
We have many zergs around Pristina.
>cocksucking french faggots make propaganda
>serbslets keep spamming it

lmfao seems like you demented faggots forget about the bulgaro-serbian war of 1885
If you can't look past that bullshit you're worse than the niggers who scream white privilege and slavery every chance they get
it's time to not be lazy niggers and actually become something powerful and respected
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it wasn't only the french mate

also, notice how i only call you what you actually are, backstabbers and turks, and don't resort to petty insults
nice job swallowing the jew pill famalam
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it's NOT the union
it's just an aliance to preserve ourselves aggainst nazgul orcs

if you can't differentiate between usefull and beneficial ally that moslty resembles your view of the living ally AND an existenciall threat, and you want to larp some insignificant nonsence, then BTFO

i am not propposing any kind of (((commie))) mutual thingy bullshit utopias
i'm just propposing we coordinate our effort nad resources to repel the invading sunni muslim cancers

we can settle our difference like a civilised peopple after all this
and compete and also cooperate with eachother in the terms of sport, progress, science, economy, culture etc..
I'm getting seriously tired of this, /pol/. I feel like a harmless bacteria living inside a sick little boy.
Its pretty ironic since you are the backstabbers.
FYROM and Albania could be nuked out of existence tomorrow and the world would be a better place for it, I don't get why you would want to ally yourself with these muslim and gypsy rats serbbro.
yeah it's the Jews fault all the time lmao

come the fuck on, we've waged wars for centuries. we're too far gone
fuck the boxhead's, they're better off joining their boxhead brethren, the bulgars.
you should look up what backstabbing means

we were fighting an enemy which backstabbed us in 1885 and then again after the 1st balkan war
>Bosnia and Herzegovina
>Killing everyone

Checks out.
Jac cyм aнoн oд тeтoвo
We've waged wars because other nations benefited from our retardation
it's time to stop the bullshit and make a slavic republic
No commie bullshit, just a moderately strong federal government that everyone benefits from
as it should be
Serbs' specialty is historical revisionism. Fyrom was also born from inventing non-existent history, under Serbian supervision.
Wow rude.
No, you are a cancer that needs to be cut off
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>pic related
why you gotta be a dick about it though
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>Bulgaria doesn't give a fuck about FYROMcucks (also in NATO with Albania)
>Greece is in debnts (also in NATO with Albania)
>Serbia got cucked by Albanians historically *(also bombed by NATO and Albania)

ayyyy lmaooo you're gonna need to find a better team Serbcuck
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Aside from the ridiculous claim that Serbia was kept alive by Russia,when Bulgaria it self was re formed after Russian-Ottoman wars.

The claim that "only" Serbs fought is also false.In fact Bulgarians fought with the Turks.

The claim that Serbs did voluntarily is also false.

And i don't even have to have a say about Walachia,sadly based as he is,Vlad was only mortal and could not Walachia for 300 years,so so they fought with the Ottomans.

Just ask the Magyars,who most Bulgars consider to be based about this.
Sure, you can always try.
fuck off this thread is not for you nigger
At least Albanians are natives to the region, unlike all the gypsy Slavs.

I propose with nuke all of the Balkans, glass the whole fucking place.
i know it's the weekend but i think it's bed time for you
You need to be sober to be taken seriously, sorry.
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>that flag

FYROMians aren't even a real country.
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i said no kikes

did i Schylok
>Albanians native to the Balkan
Same as the Somalians native in Sweden go eat your potato
Anybody have that gif of an Albanian masturbating while sucking the paw of a Cat?
kekerino m8rino
>implying this is in anyway european
Seriously though, Albanian is a language native to the region, closely related to the Thracians. If they were all Muslims, I'd fucking back them tbqh.
a fake country that still is on the balkan
on a balkan thread
you know the thread about things on the balkan
you know this thread
i know it's hard for you niggers but please try to understand
>Says Macedonia is not real country
>Thinks Kosovo is a country
oh well Apes like you have lower IQ the only thing your Shiptars are good at is cleaning the streets in Skopje that is the only reason I don't want your "people" to die out someone needs to clean that shit
>. If they were all Muslims,
If they weren't all Muslims,
good thing no one really cares about your opinion, you're free to leave now
Look who's talking about fake countries. The shit I took earlier has more history and makes more sense then your whole misbegotten country.
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what to

allow shiptars gain more land and consolidate power

i was a big proponent that the best solution is for Macedonia to be split in 3 equal parts and reunite with Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia
the peoplle living in those territories can freely decide which nationality they can take and in swap the place of living

in every criteria every single of our balkan War vetarn nation is to weak to singlehandedly absorb Macedonia
and (((they))) would oppose this big time
it is better for greece, bulgaria and serbia to get 33% than to let whole place burn and crash and be absorbed into muslim filth proxy meme nation
>Trhacian language
Thracian language is dead and no one knows for sure where the Albanians come from there are some Byzantine sources who called The Albanian province Albania in the middle east This region of today Albania was called Northern Epirus and was mostly populated by Greeks and Slavs
you would be right in not wanting to exterminate tirana alboniggers, but we're talking about the brown disgusting shits that are littered in every other balkan country
muslim cocksuckers that are a blight on this earth
Where did I say that my Future Albanian Federal Republic friend? Kosovo and FYROM (FAFR) will be part of Albania soon enough. Give it some time.
reread what I said you subhuman sub70 IQ waste of space
holy shit you're retarded
start killing each other already fucks sake. sandnigger combat got boring fast

holy fucking shit you disgusting shill diaspora niggers is what's wrong with the world
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the same thing ottomans thought
If Albanians don't like it here, why don't they pack up and leave?
in that same pic it says serbs fought against bulgarians and wallachians for their turkish masters
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heh.. heh...
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Well, you do have a sultan once again... When are you coming back?
>closely related to the Thracians
are you fucking retarded
thracians lived in modern day bulgaria and north greece
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I think that fight is not the one that you should be currently worrying about
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Well they did succeed into turning a noble country like Serbia into a cuckheaven full of Turkish rapebabies so you gotta give them some credit.
>Shiptar meme country lol
The only reason you are still alive because EU back you after EU death Serbia will remove Kosovo and we will deport your shitskins back to Aranutija because they are unstable animals
And so?It also says Bulgarians fought for their Turkish masters,and it also says Walachians fought for their Turkish masters.

Making your original statement on the Bulgarians and Walchians false.

Which was the point of the post.



You better face, yall just turks that larp as christians, if you in balkans and you aint muslim your just a turk rapebaby
Daily reminder I love all my balkan bros. Give a (you) to spread the love.Fuck erdogan.
Your post is on point but you are still a rat as bad as the shit your describe. Calling someone an Alb*nian here is considered worse than saying you fuck his mother every night.

>the peoplle living in those territories can freely decide which nationality they can take and in swap the place of living
You are sounding more retarded with every post you make. These "people" are worse than syrian rapefugees and you expect my country to take in and assimilate 1/3 of their lying, muslim rat population? Or more should they choose to?

The existing paradigm is 10 times better than your proposal.
If you understood Albanians you would understand that they were muslims because of convinience and to spite you. When the convinience was not there any longer we abandoned religion all together. See this for what it is, an ethnic conflict, nothing more, nothing less. Im a christian myself, but I would put a bullet in your head not because Im supposed to be a muslim, but because you are a serb.
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roach how do i say this
but you know that you're soon destined for a breakup

those 25 000 000 of kurds need just a few shipments of AK47s and show can start

kek the way the world feel about your sultan golum leader now, you might get even bombeb for owerwhelming use of force
Albanian might be linguistically related to Dacian-Moesian
just ignore his bullshit
you still haven't bothered reading the whole paragraph and you keep posting it as some kind of undeniable proof
He meant Illyrians
how long did it take you to get a proxy?
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Oh right of the First NIght?That Western Europeans trend made up for Braveheart?
My iq is 140+ mate, and my country's iq is 90 considering only a quarter of albanians live there. Most smart ones left so it could be higher. Stop getting triggered.
the difference is that bulgarians and wallachians were paid mercenaries

while serbs voluntarily fought for their turk master
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>only reason you're alive is because EU and USA

Retard you know that's literally all you need? No wonder you FYROMcucks can't into history. You can barely think clearly regarding what's happening in 2017, let alone what happened 2000 years ago.
and people argue that it's albanian muslims that are the problem
no albanians are scum and need to be genocided
top fucking kek
Anon that says that Serbs are Greek rapebabies, not Turkish rapebabies.
>Albania IQ 140
Albanians are not even humans prove that your IQ is low your shity country
That is because it's their land to begin with. You want to get them out, you might have to kill all of them, I would gladly see you try.
I should have went full shitpost mode...
my uncle works for nintendo
what now albonigger

>>123250355 (kek)
it's either that or Illyrian. Georgiev, who was a Bulgarian linguist after all, believed it was related to Dacian-Moesian
Why do I care what greeks say about me? I only go there for vacation and so far they have been real friendly.
>That is because it's their land
Yeah, no it's Macedonian land according to the internationally recognized borders.
If they don't want to be Macedonians they are free to GTFO, who is stopping them?
I love to see you try that, because if you do, I seriously doubt you may have a country the next morning.
The same image says they did not voulntarily fought for their masters.
he meant that alboniggers owned macedonian land m8
>I only go there for vacation and so far they have been real friendly.
You are in the minority then, most alb*nians that come here come as cheap labor, chucking rocks and banging hammers like they subhumans they are, pointing to and laughed at in the streets.
I said MINE, since you specifically referred to me.
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nice source
implying those bastard child were not thrown in the pit
average Serbian height is 182cm
average turk manlet is 174cm

and how many our prime time Janissaries that were brought to ottomans to lead the swarm of gorilion braindead, sack potato inteligence roaches, cucked your muslim wymynz while your pashas were not on the look out

everyone one of you in the west coast and Instabull looks like and average Hellen or Slovenian
meanwhile going east into the semitic stepe hordes land the rest of the 80% of your inbreded nation looks like it supposed to look
like shitskin orcs

it's the other way around
we cucked you roach
You are kidding, right? You fought numerous times alongside the turks and the ottoman turks. Once you jumped 5 on 1 vs Bulgaria and came out with more casualties than us. You helped them set foot in Europe and paid with 500 years slavery.

No. Greece has no right, neither historically nor genetically to claim whatever. Except of course its name and history Tito gave the Macedonians (Bulgarians).
>purposely ignoring fact that we didnt work directly for them

If you wanted to look like a retard, you've succeeded.
It's like you attention seeking faggots don't realize that every nation on the balkan would gladly genocide you for the sport of it
leave this board nigger
>You fought numerous times alongside the turks and the ottoman turks
>You helped them set foot in Europe and paid with 500 years slavery.

Fucking pathetic really
>everyone one of you in the west coast and Instabull looks like and average Hellen or Slovenian

What you trust is of little consequence. He made the assumption I was retarded, I simply stated the fact to say that he is wrong, what you believe will not have an effect on my mental capacity, only what you say, because the bullshit you spout can offend everyone intellectually
kurdish terror establishments are bombed and leveled into the ground, their politicians got locked up, their partisans caught and will never see the sunlight. they fled so far to the south, unto the laps of their imperialistic owner USA established northern syria.
I even now what the names of the starter pokemaners for the new games are
what now albonigger
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Well google BW2 and google early ottoman battles and see for yourself.
Spending 50 years in communism might do that to you. I must however thank you for providing those people with at least something to eat, seeing as they were the scum of our society, you have finally put them to good use, something we couldn't do.
I know you're our bros. infact, you guys are cooler to us than you are to Bulgarians kek.
You can LARP all you want, it won't cure your psychosis.
Let's assume we Albanians all leave the balkans, it would still not legitimize the ridiculous idea of a "macedonian" nation, brainwashed Bulgarian.
t.ownship of USA
Funfact: Serbia has been longer under Bulgarian rule than independent
Hi, How mad are you?
We have survived for 4000 years, agaisnt advarsaries 100x more terrible than you. You pathetic losers can't possibly have any chance of doing anything to us, except maybe biting our dick when sucking it
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>Most smart ones left so it could be higher.
Yeah they came here to work on construction as cheap, illegal labor and live in huts packed with other subhumans like sardines which is at least a life 10 times better than what their country can provide.

Truly the intellectual creme de la creme of the whole continent.
Who cares about our nation the only thing the whole Balkan can agree is that you need to get removed that wilderness Albania need to get clean out of your Shity animals
kekerino m8rino
>implying that strawman right there applies to me
I don't play pokemon, nor would I care what your family is doing or not. I am discussing something here, and that certainly isn't pokemon
the eternal butthurt Bulgarian. I see why Macedonia likes us better
>We are illyrian

Illyrians weren't boxheaded imbreds.
it doesn't matter now
you literally wanted all
and you was the first one who started to chimp out after all of us removed turks
read this >>123253398

>No. Greece has no right
what is realpolitic
i said it's not matter what is morally right,
what matters the most that we've being invaded and we shold use ou resource to reppel (((this)))
you have to take ever question into account you have jack shit reosurces and possibilites to singlehandedly absorb macedonia
going full retard without comprimise
will only result the history repeating itself and neither of getting a shit

greece has the armr and the arnaments to leve the entire region

so stop fantsasasing and take real possibilities into the account
and stop being greedy
they made qualified devşirme janissary commanders and soldiers, we give them that
and we destroyed your little boipussy

Those that you talk about already returned.
back to >>>/r/iamverysmart
less mad now that my uncle who works at nintendo told me they're making a mother 4 game
God, thank you that someone is finally fucking Orthodox scum. You all ganged to butcher us Croats in 90s, suffer now all of you!

Long Live Greater Albania!
>being this new
holy shit it's like you're either sub 70 IQ or you just installed your modem 3 minutes ago
in a parallel timeline where USA backed coup has succeeded. but in this timeline, they are trying to hide and protect FETO from turkish intelligence. soon NATO will gtfo.
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Is oil in balkans? When invade?
I fail to see how we are inbred. We are descendants of certain illyrian tribes, with some slavic, thracian and turkish traces. If anything, we never marry between clans, it is required by ancient law that the couple needs to be at least 7 generations apart and not marry within the village
awesome reply good sir
great knowledge of history

serbians totally wholehearthedly WUZ ottoman greatest ally

now did it solve any of our problems and chalenges we face today
At least I can make sense when I write
If you don't care about your nation then why are you chimping out over a few door signs and street signs translations?
It was a single Serbia against Croatia and Muslims Bosnia(Minus some minor Hecegovac infighting).

No need to blame Greeks and Bulgarians kek.
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please come back once you've lurked more
thank you
Not bad at all for a janitor that can hear big things going on the auditorium.
Please, tell me that you aren't serious.
>Clear inbred physical features, like large ears giant forhead, small chin.

I don't know.
>greece has the armr and the arnaments to leve the entire region
Keep dreaming serfshit, dey aint doing nothing unless the USA approve it
Because you guys a bloody minority in here. If you aren't then let us count you all, since 20 seats out of 120 in the Parliament is like 16%. Complete nullification of the Ohrid Agreement.
>we dindu nuffin
>forget the past, that doesnt matter, we wont do it again, promise
Im not butthurt at all, im bumping your thread with interesting facts. Bulgarians will fight for Macedonia, like we always did, even against all five of you apes. The rest of you will resort to talking and backstabbing, but a Bulgarian isnt a man of many words.
I don't know about Albanians in Fyrom or Kosovo but in here they don't fit that description
why the fuck do you alboniggers not lurk more holy shit
please come back after at least 2 years of lurking
thank you and goodbye
>Bulgarians will fight for Macedonia
I won't fight for Serbs. Bulgarians fled Fyrom a long time ago.
>Bulgars not backstabbing

The only people that haven't backstabbed is ironically greece.
Great cherry picking. Try to get a more obvious gypsy or retarded dude next time
you're probably right there albo
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I found the look a like.
Kek you are crazy,Greece is the one who profited the most out of these backstabbing charades.
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So uhhh, how safe is the Balkan's for an Americlap to travel through alone? I want to see Serbia and Bulgaria desu, I don't want angry balkmans to stab me tho desu.

I have my own WASR if I need to bring it :^)
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Find me a blonde here.

Serbian capital

Macedonians buttmad! Why are you so afraid of Arnavut?
It was the right side
What's the extent of alboroach infection in Macedo...

>>123249832 oh...
like backpacking or what?
No they have the common decency to stab you in the face.
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blocks your path

also roach i don't think that you know what it means to wage full on war on the huge population that is already deep in your rurral territory
you embarased yourself in Syria
and you want to fight aggainst guerilla warfare Kurds that can bleed you ou with hit and run
>Spitting that nonsense at that level.
Did you ever participated in that yesterday's incident or what?
Curious but why you call us arnavut? What does it mean?
Bretty much
Obviously, we team up and take the Albos out.
And what exactly can 20 out of 120 seats do? That's 1 in 6, 16% as you said.
For comparison, look at Kosovo. Despite the fact that Serbia attempted genocide (inb4 it never happened) the Serbs living here got a literal veto and guaranteed seats and positions while not even being 5% of the population and there's never been a protest about it.
Can't you try to be at least as civilized as us 'barbaric albozergs'? All we ask for is to be able to read official signs and toponyms in our own language and not feel alienated in the lands we've inhabited for centuries (inb4 ottomans "imported" us here).
please enlighten me how will we do this time
with our 52 000 soldiers and 19 planes
please refer to this
20 seats of 120 is 16%, Ohrid Agreement nullified by this. They don't want to be properly counted, we won't accept anything that they will push, we shall make an impasse if we can't get favourable terms.


Seriously, you are all retarded as hell, your countries are pissholes, your women are going for rich Arab sheiks in Qatar and UAE.
Jus avoid slavs and greek and your fine
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Sela got what he had coming to him.
Saying facist shit like that, he along with all his roachy buddies should have be ended.
Those roaches have a strong military mate, it isn't wise to underestimate, considering the balkans are just a pile of shit as of now
arnavuts were a mix of serbs and albanians, or slavicized albanians. that's how we called them
Can confirm that this is the average Albo.
Your minority in Fyrom is effectively running the country. It is the last piece of land where Yugoslavia lives.
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>falling for serv threads and giving fyroniggers attention
It's basically safe if you just don't go to the places with lots of mosques at night
>Serbia attempted genocide
ethnic cleansing != genocide
your 140 iq intellect should be able to distinct that two
Well duuuuuh

and while we're at it
completely remove shiptar from albania and split territory accordingly
greek arvanit > turkish arnavut via metathesis
Greece has backstabbed a lot but won from it so its not as much discussed. They got most clay out of the BW although there were barely any greeks left from the ottoman slavery, greece was the most cucked country due to its landscape and strategical value its where most influential turks moved, together with soldiers and their entourage.

Because there are lost sheeps it doesnt mean that you arent their sheppard anymore
Feed yourself first, it's kinda hard to wage war when you prostitute yourself for breadcrumbs
You will be raped by gypsy scum (see Albanians and FYROM cucks) and your dead body will looted for golden teeth and shoes (revered artifacts of gypsies).

Come here, the only civilized western country in the balkans. You won't be the first, we get lots of americans for summer holidays especially the past 2-3 years. Hell I even met one of your gangsta niggers last summer, they are very fun like monkeys.
>implying he is somehow better
stop being delusional please
Shkupi must burn. End of story. All of them are the children of Serb collaborators.
The new agreement was to make something similiar to Kosovo. We don't want that due to reason I said, we will make an impasse if it is tried to push it again.
That's your place which you are discussing.
Acknowledge it already..
Oh wait..
He is a different anon, Im the 140+ iq one
Your "people" go in Greece so they can work as slaves and most of your people live outside of Albania instead in Albania .So I don't think the Greeks are the poor ones when you are basically the Mexicans in the Balkans
Yeah no.

After 1330,a war which Byzantine declared on declared Serbia and dragged in Bulgaria,which signed a pact with Byzantine against Serbia,the Bulgarian tsar was killed in battle.

Seeing these Byzantine backstabed Bulgaria.

But unlike,Bulgarians of few words,Serbs had quite a lot to say about this and instantly allied Bulgarians themselves annexing half of Greece.

Was quite funny,but also the only time Greece has been hit back.

Every other time Bulgarians kill Serbs etc etc and Greece profits.
have you seen macedonian students pics
they all look inbred
can someone tell me what he meant by this
i literally can't understand these alobniggers anymore
you have the similar colors of IDs, i would never notice
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there is higher a chance that the (((eu))) WILL COLLAPSE
and that the (((IMF))) and (((WB))) wil become laughing stock of the woorld when half of their clients stop playing into this KIKE ponzy scheme
hellens become debt free

New Development Bank and Asian Investment Bank steps in
>Eating sunflower seeds on the balcony

Am I a turk?
I'm not albanian you retard
what 'backstabbing' have we done exactly?

>although there were barely any greeks left

there were plenty left, and our population of Turks was overall lower than the Turkish population of Bulgaria which faced a lot of colonization in the wake of Ottoman conquest. one problem is that they preferred the coast and major towns so you had Greeks in places that couldn't really be a part of a Greek state until population exchanges

also, we aren't responsible for your bad choices and chimping out. when we chimped out, we had our territorial ambitions smashed too
You already have:
- official language in the municipalities where albanians make more than 20% of the population
- state funded media broadcasting in the albanian language
- state funded primary, secondary and tertiary education
- quotas for universities where albanian isn't the primary language of instruction
- quotas for employment simply because of ethnicity not because of qualification (the reason why we have around 20k thousand of you literally sitting at home and doing nothing)

If this isn't enough for them they can pack and FUCK OFF TO ALBANIA
Just a product of communism, we will pick ourselves up in due time
I only have been to Slovenia and Montenegro, so I have two questions.
1)There are Christian Albanians, right?
2) Are Macedonians even Slavic? Isn't their region a Greek Bulgarian Albanian Serbian mix? They should split it.
Maybe because you ally with them all the time
Please come to balk




Macedonians are so irrelevant, which makes them even more funny watching them scream for relevance
Serbian talks about urban warfare, how cute is that? Isn't failure of decades didn't teach you about war?

Kurds were being pawns of USA since 1980, every time they tried to rise against the state they got their asses handed to them. Every single time, their terror sympathizer parties closed, and their inbred gorilla warfare buried in a nameless grave.
>serb tells me to avoid greeks
>greeks tell me to avoid serbs
>macedonian tells me to avoid muzzies
Maybe because you invaded us since 800's for no reason at all?
>The new agreement was to make something similiar to Kosovo.
Respect for minorities and special rights guaranteeing them protected by and from the state?
How awful, such things have no place in a civilized country amirite.
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> we will pick ourselves up in due time
anon i
I thought that was a slavic thing
just go it'll be fine
Dont go to belgrade, its fulls of turks (aka serbs)
wheres the hate part?
You can't understand your place, right? Lurking which is?
Now, don't act so pretentious and go back to your lurking!
Thanks in advance.
Turk your military has been very weak in syria, i lost respect desu, now I claim adrianople
nah you'll be fine, you don't need to bother to avoid anyone. each balkan nation is fine and hospitable towards tourists
Well considering we didn't have Tito but a complete maniac that isolates the entire county it's gonna do some damage, right?
If we joined NATO before Albania, there wouldn't be bombing nor we would lose Kosovo. Think outside of box faggit.

Tho i agree we shouldn't help those fuckers, they wanted independence now go and be splitted between Bulgaria and Albania
>respect for minorities
Pick one if we are like Kosovo then you will be kicked out like you did to the Serbs
Can any Serb Fyromian or Greek roach here out Aryan this?

Post your eyes and eyebrows to prove how much of a roach you are or not.

This is my eye, I am of Viking stock and I am proud to be Albanian.

195 cm tall
108 kg fit

My eyes are a bit red because it's 1 am right now but you can see the colour still.

Compare my eye to the eye on the 'Vikings' serial TV show and understand why I am of Viking blood.

I'm not the Albanian anon that says he has 140 IQ or the other anon, I'm a third guy.
What doe sit say?
Igrash kurot i ti nejkesh
Okay let me help out here. Take a cardboard box and light it on fire, then after it's halfway burned put the fire out, take a piss and shit on it, throw a few golden teeth and a Quran in. There, you have experienced everything Albania, FYROM and Bulgaria has to offer you.
dude i know it's hard for you niggers to learn languages, being 70 IQ and all, but i literally had no idea what you were trying to say in your previous message
Post your face and i will tell you how much of an "aryan" you are
What have we anything to do with Vikings? Vikings are barbarians, we had civilization way before them, now stop falling for their insecure projection
my uncle works at nintendo though
what now albonigger
Serbbro's are best bro's

The Srebrenica "massacre" was not a mistake.
Only good (((Bosniak))) is a dead one.
the fact you're posting your eyes like it's an achievement they're light proves albanians are fucking roaches
Now that its summer, if I let the sunflower seeds on the balcony will it attract roaches? Maybe some turk can advise?
Sto kur zboris be nepismen
bosniaks don't exist though
serbians exist
croatians exist
how can something that doesn't exist be massacred?
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Hahaha yeah sure.
not if you don't drink Efes with it. you reminded me of the Bulgars that I've met on the BDJ train. they wanted to use my passport to buy tax free cigarettes, they gave me two packs of sunflower seeds in exchange.
This when the total population of you is 16%? SUURE
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>Serbian talks about urban warfare,
that's right
holding 3 fronts for 5 years while simultaneously fighting aggainst croats, bosnians and albanians and cucking them so hard it got triggerd (((nato))) and whole (((internationall community)))
give us the right to teach you something we haven't teach you since the balkan wars when we removed you

you on the other hand haven't seen modern combat, well since when we removed you
it's verry much different now
you can't expect to send wave after wave of your subhuman nazgul orcs and drown enemy into your zerg rush strategy

that's not gonna work and you'll learn that the hard way
Have you ever been to Kosovo?
They got veto rights in the parliament.
Every single thing is in at least two languages(Alb/Srb) and often 3 (+Eng).
All this AFTER they literally tried to kill us all.
As I said, at least try to match our level if you want to claim superiority.
>We wuz vikingz n sheit
Funfact: Albanians didnt won clay, you lost clay yourself.

Because you always fall for the cheapest bait without international back up.
the operation was to capture ISIS locations and give it to someone who isn't Kurd. it was successful. yesterday YPG tried to fire mortars and rifles across, we bombed them so hard their dog handlers americans came to shield them.
Here is the link for the full platform. The albanians can't push this simply because they are minority in here.
easy for you to virtue signal when you cleansed every serb from kosovo


don't even compare it you fucking roach
I'm albanian and this gif made me laugh ^^
stronk Vikjing vella
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the mighty albanian civilization.jpg
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yo how come you roaches haven't exterminated those cunts yet?
I mean they give roaches a bad name which is saying something.

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
Plenty of isis around if you ask me. And all know erdogans son is doing business with them.
>They got veto rights in the parliament.

>Alboshits in kosovo
>So here's an agreement to basically leave serbs with aboslutely no rights
>Gets blocked

>All this AFTER they literally tried to kill us all.
The alboshit says as his politicans chant terrorist slogans, and talk facist things.
After they are all terrorists
After killing serbs in kosovo
After being terrorists in macedonia
>The alboshit cries in pain as he stabs you
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redpill me on Enver Halil Hoxha. was he one of (((them)))?
What the fuck are you talking about?
You got BTFO by Croats and you turned on Albanians because of Muh nationalism, they didn't do anything to you.
You Serbs truly are scum, good thing Nato ripped you a new one.
i despise these national divisions, a united yugoslavia is the only way forward for our peoples. a yugoslavia where the idea of a serb or a croat is destroyed, where every south slavic nation identifies first as yugoslav.
(im croatian btw)
cute couple!
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dobro be dosta seres ko da ne znaeme sto se siptari
So make one with Slovenia kek.But first you would have to go back to your country,which is a huge problem in it self.



>you turned on Albanians because of Muh nationalism, they didn't do anything to you
yeah, sure
if they don't teach you what you zergs did on kosovo before it erupted into war in school it doesn't mean that nothing happened, 140iq enver
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>Bulgarian Albanians are a problem
We actually integrated them into society to a point in which they dont even speak any albanian. See what not discriminating from the start can do for you, who wouldve thought amirite
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just avoid muslim shitskin meme (((states))) desu
and that includes bosnia, albania, kosovo and turkey

and you'll be fine

also something for which you may take into consideration, when you arrive in serbia bear in mind that hate (((usa zog government))) but have mostl ok opinions about burgers
if you want to be fully embrace just buy some chetnik serbian patriotic cloth garnamnet and whoever asks you anything you just repeat
Kosovo Polje is Serbia desu
>literally no idea
Being this pretentious .. How much are you trying, nignog?
>talking about IQ
then yours might be 35 considering that someone is writing your crippled "thoughts" in this thread.
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you see the place in red box? you see any Kurds or ISIS in the operated zone? now that's what you call success.
that won't work the same way it wouldn't have worked if the us tried it
it needs to happen the same way it did in the us
ease in to it slowly
That stuff can be negotiated. We would settle for what Serbs got in Kosovo, that's enough.
We didn't cleanse a single effing person. Most fled on their own, mostly because they were involved in in crimes against their Albanian neighbors. My Serbian neighbor still lives in Kosovo and noone thinks of bothering him.
I don't expect you to change opinion because then you would have nothing to vent your frustrations on.
Kosovo je Srbija! Long live Orthodox brothers!
>Most fled on their own, mostly because they were involved in in crimes against their Albanian neighbors.
top kek, stop lying you dumb roach
wait, what who is writing my "crippled" thoughts
nigger what are you even doing right now
Why aren't you shitposting but trying to sound reasonable

I almost feel bad for you
Come on, like literally some peasant could do any harm to you. Get over it genocidial prick
they still exist though
>Most fled on their own, mostly because they were involved in in crimes against their Albanian neighbors

>thousands upon thousands of people all involved in crimes against albanians

Make new thread i have been blocked in int for some days due to nudes
T'is but a suspicion.
I am asking the same for ya as well.
>like literally some peasant could do any harm to you
>implying those terrorists weren't a threat
sure they weren't but they started terrorizing serb civilians down there before anything happened
>They fled on their own
Yea sure like you will flee on your own if we put gun in your head and can you please enlighten me why does the international soldiers of NATO are station in the Kosovo monasteries if guys are so tolerant
please explain in plain words
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Its not like you Serbs are known to be genocidal pricks, noooooo excuse meee.
A peasant with US support could.

Also what are you even talking about you alboshit, the serbs have been getting chased out ever since kosovo became "independent"
>I am of Viking stock
das a weird lookin kitty
don't indulge his delusion famalam
People fled before any war even happened for the same reasons today Swedes, Germans, English and others flee their muslim immigrant populated shitholes.
Guess why.
according to your suggar daddy USA and their shills, yes we are

Yes, that justifies ripping babies out of mothers and massacring women and children. Go genocide the Boshniaks not us, shoo
frankly, Turks care any less if desert monkeys cut each others throat off or attack each other with chemicals. we don't want Kurds or ISIS on our border. when Assad wins, you think he'll let Kurds play on the mountains? we don't fully support Assad because of Russia. if history thought something to us, it is that never ever trust Russians.
Oho, I get it. You weren't serious. My bad.
Here's a (You).
Yes, I think it is photoshoped. That or it got hit by a shovel, kek
Fuck you, i like my country.
We should unite but in the same sense as USA did. United States Of Slav.
i thought they bombed turkish places though
yeah, keep spewing propaganda shit
>genociding bosniaks
nice meme
>That or it got hit by a shovel, kek

>Alboshit showing how subhuman he is

You have a thing with torturing animals.

Makes me smile when in some village a little albo got turn up by based doggos.
we conquered 70% of Bosnia and Hercegovina
we took the control of the 40% of the Croatia days before spliting the country into the half and amputating about 65% of the territory and 70% of the coastline
why you albos can't into geopolitics, startegic planing, maps and such..

we have to retreat and give up most of that
we won by a war but lost due to (((nato))) action and political pressure

that's the difference
so the next time you oppen you dirty blabbering mouth try to inform yourself
i am confused but that's alright
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forgot the pic
there was monthly bombings towards civillian targets. now we captured ISIS zones in border and the Turkish military intelligence went into overdrive there is no terror event in months.
You only lost because yugo didn't make a nuke.

Yugoslavia should have made a nuke.
you're grasping at straws m8
it was a joke
shit on them for things they actually do
Check on youtube confessions of a serbian monster
that are individual crimes you're talking about, committed by paramillitary units
do you even know a definition of genocide?
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Well I know you fucked Bosnia up, still stop making excuses for Croatia.
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true artistry
>still stop making excuses for Croatia
it was pretty much the same thing that happened on kosovo but with a different outcome. the people who fought for their self-determination there lost and got cleansed off the lands. that should have happened on kosovo, but unfortunately you got your daddys that backed you up
Didn't Serbs attack and ruin Vukovar first?
There have been many civilian casualties. Also its not individual, but to understand that you would need to watch the video I told you. Its systematically.
>an ALBANIAN falling for muh blonde hair mem
No one said we're blonde, faggot
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