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Give me one good reason for why education shouldn't be free

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Give me one good reason for why education shouldn't be free

Protip: You can't

From the viewpoint of society, it's optimal that the most capable people take education, not stupid people who just happened to have rich parents

Pic related wanted an education, but she had no money, so she was forced to volunteer to get raped in front of a camera. She couldn't live with the PTSD from the rape and all the slut shaming, so she bought an assault weapon (easily available in america only), put it in her mouth and shot it. She was a straight A student, chances were that she would have found a cure for cancer if she wasn't led to become an hero
>make free for all university
>university has a mysterious gas leak
solves a lot of problems :^)
Roastie life is a none for me
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Men kill themselves at 2 to 4 times the rate in nearly every fucking country but I have to hear about every god damn stupid girl who kills herself.
Goddamn, we have to do this again?


not my problem if you can't pay for shit
not my problem if you do porn and regret it





google Alyssa Funke
Rationalising that the best way to get money for university is to "volunteer to get raped on camera" is the sort of attitude that will NOT have likely lead someone to find a cure to anything
Sauce on the porn?
One. Word: TAXES
We give people the chance to invest in themselves.
If people aren't willing to invest in themselves then why should society?
I don't buy for a second that she "just wanted an education" so badly that it was the primary cause for her to take dick. There are gozillion ways to pay for college that don't involve porn.
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the (((porn industry))) is disgusting

straight A's and apparently she wasn't that smart
Education is already free*. It's the diploma/degree/stamped paper you have to pay for.

*with internet connection
>wanted an education, but she had no money

Sorry to tell you this, but a porn scene pays a couple of thousand at best.

An education in America is on the order of tens of thousands.

I know all of it is bait, but this is something you really need to fix.
>Alyssa Funke
No one forced her to do shit, she isn't owed anything in life, including love, education, job, and happiness.
he meant the fucking porn vid
You based your argument on a entirely false premise that's why. Education has not and never will be free, it's just the difference between forcing people to pay for your education via taxes or paying for it yourself.

Women are so stupid. Why would you do something like porn if you don't want people to watch it or find it?

Hm I need money instead of a side job in retail I'll go suck dicks for money on camera! Oh no! I didn't think people would watch this! WTF!
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You mean paid for by other people, right? You are not entitled to an education. You are not entitled to other people's money. You don't deserve shit just because you are alive an-

>volunteer to get raped
oh I see
market failure retard. it's not feasible for a bank to pay for an education and get back like 10% of the person's salary
>Pic related wanted an education, but she had no money, so she was forced to volunteer to get raped in front of a camera.
>so she was forced to volunteer to get raped in front of a camera
>she was forced to volunteer
>forced to volunteer



what an idiot. porn is art. nothing to be ashamed of.
People from wealthy families are usually smarter than poorfags though.

You're the combination of your ancestors genetics, if they were smart enough to stay rich for a long time you probably inherited this genes
This is BS and I'll tell you why. Free education will naturally sort out the most competent and give them an advantage in life, forcing society to become more meritorious, thus bringing in greater amounts of diversity in race, gender and class than ever.

What we need is to make education as expensive as possible and restrict it only tto the wealthiest family that can pass on assets by heredity, forcing the creation of a dependent underclass that can't move forward.

This is the system that will reinforce traditional family roles and values and a return to a great society.

fuck right off with your free shit for proles. They're scum and they need to learn that
I fapped to the dumb liberal whore.
Now I want to watch her porn,who's got the link?
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Wow, what a wretched prostitute, even let that rando drop a load in her. What a shame this shining intellectual didn't survive to cure cancer.
>she literally died for that video
don't you feel a little ashamed over yourself?
post link to vid
>not my problem
the tolerant right-winger everybody

that's a load of crap, rich families are inbred to a T, they're dumber than rocks. They grow up learning how to be rich and that makes all the difference
>t. worked for rich people
>they're dumb as a bag of hammers
>Give me one good reason for why education shouldn't be free
>Protip: You can't
Bwahaha, thinking college is education, not brainwashing. It's important that it is expensive, otherwise people might realize how little most of it is worth.
i feel a little ashamed fapping as such a lame little ass. girl had no squat game, she thought those titties and smile would get her through life, well it only got her so far.
Free education is a nice idea on paper until you get to the fact that most tax payers aren't interested in funding others educations.

Even then, if we give free education, we might as well just start paying for peoples daily expenses like their electricity usage.
straight A huh? what was her college major?

How was she?
small ass, okay titties and teeth.
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>last memory of your kid is nut dripping out of her cooch
>Her necklace looks like a small penis.
>Cries and plays victim because she made the bad decision to do porn.
>Kills herself because she can't handle being "bullied" online.
She obviously wasn't smart enough to delete "threatening" messages or ignored them.She also could've went to the police about recieving "threats". Whores are fucking retarded.Good thing she offed herself.She deserves a Darwin Award.
How's this for a concept; Nobody is entitled to anything but the government owns the country and you have to do what they say. If they government wants to prove equality of opportunity through education and healthcare for all then they're going to take what they need from you to provide it. And if you don't like it you can fuck off to somewhere else
med student. anesthesiologist
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my smug cannot be contained
>Free education is a nice idea on paper until you get to the fact that most tax payers aren't interested in funding others educations.

What are you fucking babbling about?

What do you think public education is? Unless you live in Yemen you are already paying for 12 years of education for every person in your country.

Jesus fucking christ just learn how the world works even a little tiny bit before opening your fat, kangaroo-cock-sucking mouth.

The issue is that people do not want to pay for your How To Jerk Off a Koala degree, because that shit is useless. People don't mind paying for education that actually allows you to act like a normal person (something you missed out on it seems) because that is what separate developed nations like mine from backwater shitholes like yours.
degen scum. neck ys
How many of the top universities are located in Denmark? How much research do Danish universities conduct compared to American universities?

Also pic related is a stupid whore. Play stupid games and get stupid prizes
Nothing is free, someone has to pay for whatever it is that would be pushed as being free. Modern colleges/universities are a joke. Taken over by Communists and churning out brainwashed dummies.

How about parents take the time to homeschool their children and set aside savings from the time they're born to go toward a college if they want to go? When will people stop being babies and wanting everything now and actually take personal responsibility?

No one made that woman do porn. She could have worked all kinds of jobs. But being LAZY she decided to spread instead. Pity no fools.
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This is like the oldest stereotype in the book

>I'm stripping to pay my way through college
>dies of blow od while spontaneously aborting triplets
>Norwegian flag

Your universities, even the top ones, are a fucking joke.
>What do you think public education is? Unless you live in Yemen you are already paying for 12 years of goverment brainwashing for every person in your country.
>People don't mind paying for brainwashing that creates normies
>it's optimal that the most capable people take education
>not stupid people who just happened to have rich parents
Which is why you leftist faggots insist on pushing dirt-poor, 80 IQ niggers and spics through college via affirmative action while denying intelligent whites, right?
Me and my fellow taxpayers are not going to pay for your worthless Gender Studies degree, get over it.
>personal responsibility?
If she was really a "straight A student" with financial difficulties she could've gotten scholarships and government grants fairly easily. Odds are she was just a dumb whore who wanted to try porn for other reasons and happened to be doing well at school.
If you want your university degree to be a worthless as your high school diploma then sure
If you're OK fucking on camera for money, you should be OK with the consequences.

Not that I support trolling women in porno, just saying if you make that choice it will likely come back to haunt you.
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the best families are ones that haven't been wealthy for long , when the dad is rags to riches , the kids usually turn out decent and the grand kids either are good or blow dick
>so she bought an assault weapon
You mean a shotgun...but don't let me get in the way of your bullshit EU narrative. Fucking cuck.
Paleto distribution. The best are the best, some people just can't be the best at some things. Nobody is equal, and education doesn't encourage an equal outcome.
IQ bell curve. The education system spends all of its time getting the lower 17,5% of the bell curve as good as the top 17,5% while the top and all the rest get ignored. Education doesn't encourage an equal outcome.
Mean of the total number of employees are responsible for 50% of production regardless of education. Education doesn't encourage an equal outcome.

Just a few realities of life. Education is good, the education system isn't. Make it free, and you lose control of it.
Because SOMEONE is paying for it. Society shouldn't have to pay for your useless liberal arts degree.

Simply people value things that have value. If you get something for free you don't value it at all.

Put something out on the street for free and it stays there a few days. Put a price tag on it and someone steals it.
Because it's theft.
>Leaf doesn't understand what 'tolerant' means

This actually explains a lot
When will you useless fucking faggots get it through your skulls that there is no suck thing as free.
>muh tolerance"

"tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society" - Aristotle

Pretty sure he's smarter than you, cuck. Keep that shit to yourself.
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>muh free shit
Nothing is actually free. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
>Give me one good reason for why education shouldn't be free
because someone has to pay for it, just let people take student loans
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Shame to see such a pretty girl throw her life away, twice.

Obvious mental health issues and i can only assume a lack of a father figure in her life.

For every 'nice guy' she turned down waiting for chad, she deserves her own fate.
give me one good reason why that girls porn video is free

>Hurr durr why don't you want FREE education?
>Hurr durr who could be against FREE healthcare?
>What retard is opposes something that's FREE?

My retarded brother, there's is no such thing as a free good.
Teachers and staff are paid workers, school buildings need to be built and maintained, the bureaucracy governing school curriculum are not working for free either . Where do you think this funding is coming from?

The real question is do you want:

1. Schools to be forcibly paid for by taxpayers and dictated by central planners? In an environment where there is no competition among schools to produce better results than other schools, there will be no incentive to produce good results.
This is more broadly true for communist societies, if you do too well, you're off to the Gulag
Look to Soviet union / north korea for examples.
State propaganda has an easy time sneaking into these centrally dictated schools.

2. Schools to be run effectively in a competitive environment?
This generally yields better results than a state monopoly. It also has the bonus of choosing which school you send your kid to, and you can choose how much you are willing to spend. Or you can homeschool. There is no state forcing you to act a certain way in this scenario. I would judge that a benefit.
Dont do porn you vacuous sluts.

Why should whites finance non-whites' college?

A. They shouldn't.

>they already do it's how the world works faggot

A. Yes, and we shouldn't. Why in the world we pay taxes to fund Jose and Jamal going through school from k-12 is beyond me. Stuff like this is like a cyanide pill for white taxpayers that is just accepted as ok now. We need to split up into ethnostates. Period.
casting couch videos aren't free though, you have to pay for them
How are you going to make education free, retard?
Good luck finding enough volunteers.
well i posted a free link to her video in this thread.....
if any of these comments are not just bait then idk wtf happened here.
Just because she's dead doesn't mean she has to stop doing porn.
It should be free.
Also, it should require set of entrance exams and no affirmative action.
Undocumented "citizens" should be charged for it.
Free is a lie.
>Do Porn; Be Unborn
>My computer science classes that have no politics in them whatsoever are brainwashing
Butthurt blue collar please go
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Then why did she advertise her porno? Stupid fucking fuck.
Those degrees are what fucks you over though. Education is useless without them

America could get blown off the map tomorrow and it wouldn't be my problem but that doesn't mean it should happen
clear signs of mental illness.

this person could have been making decisions for the rest of us...
>put it in her mouth and shot it.
If she'd kept to pron she could've just put the dicks in her mouth and taken those shots
she'd still be alive
still a whore
but still alive
but maybe dead inside
cuz she a whore
with shooting dicks innermouth
>slut does porn
>regrets it
>kills herself

This somehow has something to do with education? If she was such a straight A student why didnt she apply for fucking scholarships?
you're right, we need to start paying more than a couple thousand for a porn scene
How about this? Free* education, trades and hard sciences only, and if you fail you have to pay.
Typical. Bitch was a proud whore, but she couldn't take the dicking she was about to get.

> your kid was created by the same circumstance

really mages you think
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She was pre-med like 35% of any fucking college.

A 19 year old pre med is a far cry from a anesthesiology resident.

ITT: I work with anesthesiologists every day...
Someone wasted time and effort to teach you shit

As for the poor girl, the fault lies in her bullies
I support legalizing prostitution. People are allowed to use your body to do physical labor, self-defense, and even just crying on some random person's funeral. Why cant they be allowed to earn money by having sex.

If someone has rich parents, chances are very high that that person is smart.

How do you think most people get rich?

Why should I as a teacher who has spent 5 years of my life in University to be qualified to teach, be forced to teach you against my consent? Why should my taxes be raised so Shaniqua can get a diploma in Lesbian Dance Theory + Ebonics for free?
>Straight A student
Damn she must have been taking every cock at that school

Glad this busted whore is dead.
>makes decision to do porn
>people find out
>kill self

That escalated quickly.

doubt she shad strait As or else she would have had a scholarship.
>From the viewpoint of society, it's optimal that the most capable people take education, not stupid people who just happened to have rich parents

yeah, that's why there are scholarship out there.

Btw, she did all by herself. nobody told her to do porn, nobody killed her for that.
I'm sorry for her, sure, sudoku is bad.
But the problem isn't that she needed money. Everybody need money.
Every time someone does something stupid because he needs money we should change the society to prevent people like him to need money?
She made a decision and then regret it.
We can't do nothing about it and for sure changing the education "market" isn't a solution.

The only issue we could discuss here is slut shaming, if you insist.
does straight-A mean anal?

No, anon. This is the straight white man's fault.
>wanted an education
>volunteer to get raped in front of a camera

Thank you, that will be all.

Oh I get it now, someone is riding her corpse to political fame.
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>a student kills herself after trolls find porn debut

>From straight-A's to straight to hell.
>She was found dead by police at 1.59 p.m. in a car borrowed from a friend.
What a cunt. Imagine lending your car to a friend and they blow their brains out in it.
She thought it wasn't a big deal cause the media glorifies sex culture, then regretted after all her friends and potential partners were turn off by her being a cum guzzling whore.
>forced to get raped

What a slut and i for one am happy another slut is ded
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>forced to volunteer




Volunteer yourself off a cliff you retarded moose-fucking dog-fellating maple nigger!
What a beautiful jewish world

I'm going to gas it all. I promise the holocaust will be real this time. I swear to /pol/ I will be your candidate.


So instead of the blame for this situation being placed squarely where it belongs, on feminists, all men get the blame.

Because instead of being able to enter the workforce at 18 you have to wait till you're 22/24/26+.
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>On April 17, the teenager bought a shotgun, drove to Big Carnelia Lake and killed herself on her family's boat.
>killed herself on her family's boat
>her family's boat

She's just a whore.

>straight A
honestly I don't get why this is an accolade

have you see what american education standards are? And I really mean that. When we were in high school we had some german students come and sit in on a day of classes. They were in our AP math class, blazing through the new material.
How are you so good at this?
we learned this in 5th grade

our high school AP students are learning regular grade school level european stuff

if you have an IQ above 90 there is no reason you shouldn't have straight As in american schools
>Straight A student is not enough smart to make a fund me campaing, a youtube asmr chanel or just play lol/dota/csgo and with a cam.

Wow really make me think
pride comes before a fall off a stool and choking yourself to death from a ceiling fan
>She was a straight A student, chances were that she would have found a cure for cancer if she wasn't led to become an hero

smart enough for As, not smart enough for no Ds in As
>people should stay in education until they're 30

someone has to work the shitty jobs, problem is first no one wants to work (hence why they would rather stay 30 years in education) and second these jobs don't give enough money.
>she was a straight A student
>chances are she would have cured cancer

Then we've got millions of potential cancer curers on our hands. Straight A's doesn't mean jack shit in the US except that you did all the homework.
>Can spend more than 50 billions on useless military budget.
>Won't spend a few millions to make their ignorant masses less dumb.
>Complains about "dumb niggers" all the time, and how they are poor and shit.

Americans, don't you see a pattern here?
you can't fix IQ failures with spending $$$ on them
Had to be Canadian

God i hate you
are you retarded or are you pretending to be?
who is going to provide free educations ?
then you're stealing

so really what you're asking is "should i be able to steal education"
Sorry leaf

Meant the commie frog ahmed under you
don't you know
TANSTAAFL is rightwing propaganda
>mental health
Idiot lead spotted

People that are bullied into suicide are mentally ill, you cucks should know that by now
>useless military budget
maybe if the rest of you faggots carried your own weight when it comes to military we wouldn't have to do that

that's the thing that gets me, how ungrateful you niggers are. the world is kept in semi-stable condition on the backs of the american tax payer, while the rest of you are free to do your little social experiments because you know uncle sam has your back, no questions asked. And when we need some help from you guys you tell us to fuck off

its really funny actually. You think the muslim invasion is bad? if america decided to say fuck it you're on your own, asia would be china and europe would be russia fucking tomorrow
lol yup. She was weak and had other issues. PLUS tons o peeps get edumacated and stuff while not "DOING" PORN!!!
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Thank you Sir
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Are we seeing the rise of 69d bait shilling?
>Shame to see such a pretty girl throw her life away

Christ fuck how superficial can you be. She was a dumb slut and you feel pity because she was hot? She was rotten inside since porn was the only alternative she saw fit, which tells a lot about an individual.
well books at the library are free. why should someone pay millions of dollars for me to go to school when i can just look up everything i need to know?
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absolutely subversive.

>mfw you swallowed the sexual liberation pill
>mfw you did not know about the military and societal application of pornography

Dude, come on. When I was IN SCHOOL they used to suck off the straight A try hards while the truly bright kids did whatever they want and stayed under radar.

The straight A kids are typically people who have their entire lives handed to them. They don't even really work hard or know anything at all outside of their routines. Jews or minorities like asians, typically.
You are moving goalposts now mate, that anon proved you wrong now just shut it and move along.
She could have gotten a student loan, if she was such a good student she wouldn't have anything to risk right?

Or are you retarded? Student loans are far more superior to free university. If the fucker isn't fit for university they can drop out at the cost of there own debt, if they can't get a job because of there degree was worthless it's on them and not society. But if they are successful they can pay off the debt and live a nice life, otherwise fuck off and get into the work force.
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>she died for this video

>care about a dead shitskin whore
but why
>education and information ARE FREE.
you cannot enslave one man and force him to teach you without compensating him in some way.
Dude, do you really think it fucking matters whether or not education is free in regards to women being stupid whores?
I can jump onto countless websites advertising German girls ready to sell their bodies, so fucking many of which are 'students trying to make their way through university' despite the free fucking tuition and countless government programs.
Shut the fuck up you stupid google.
>Implying I watch porno
Stupid bitch died for nothing.

Her final test, and she got an F
paying millions of other peoples dollars to indoctrinate young people is morally wrong. you have moved the goal post once again.

why even have college at all? why not teach trades and specialties in regular state funded schools?

going away to college seems like a pointless luxury.

just turn college into highschool.
If you mean "the information to self educate", then because the people who discovered that information deserve to be rewarded for their contribution to humanity
If you mean "getting educated by someone else", then because slavery is immoral and you'd mostly be casting pearls before swine
Women should be educated on how to manage household finances, read, and rear children, and nothing else. The ones who are capable of contributing to our body of knowledge will use their ability to read in order to self educate.
>>Ywn get to choke a girl, cum in her, and cause her to an hero
f to pay respects.
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>Why can't education be free?
Because nothing is free, professors need compensation, and if it WAS free, people would just stay in school their entire lives not doing a god damned thing.

Looking at you, women and niggers.
>Lists basic economic principle
>Muh tolerance

This is why your country's turning to shit, leaf
>gets boned on camera for money
>doesn't expect it to go online for people to see
Did she think she was a prostitute?
>How do you think most people get rich?
exploiting something a normal person wouldnt due to morals.
Your trips don't lie, I will honour her with my jizz!
>"""""""""troll""""""""" finds porno

Isn't people watching it the fucking point?

Found it in 2.5 seconds


mless / 6FD5CA5

you know what to do.
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>give me one good reason why I shouldn't have a 2 foot dong, be 4 inches taller, and make 10k a day
>pro tip
> I'm a whore
> so empowered
> debie does college
> all the chicks think I'm a whore
> I am a whore
> kms
Logical progression of events. I don't see a problem here.
Did she really think no one would ever know?
Good thing she killed herself. I was gonna suggest that to her and others like her.
talk about fucking equality.

when is the handicapper general going to be released on the masses?
>implying I care about which irrelevant country you're from
Please, continue to be poor
>implying rich people aren't smart and have top iq.

Schools are a liberal propaganda tool in order to turn our kids into stupid liberals, and they teach fake liberal propaganda such as Climate Change. They accept federal funds from democrats in order to indroctronate our kids.

They should be defunded because schools and universities are unconstitutional since they tell you what to think instead of having you think for yourself.
g-guys... don't you know the IQ gap isn't even into real?

Why do you guys dig up articles from years ago

I'm sure there's plenty of relevant things to have a ragey circle jerk over.
Anyone else starting to develop a fetish for to the vids of girls who did porn and then kill themselves afterwards out of shame?
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>forced to volunteer
there are more...?
I didn't move a thing since that was my 1st reply to you also

>paying millions of other peoples dollars to indoctrinate young people is morally wrong

It is wrong to spend taxpayers money on "free" education in general (if you don't have money for an education then get a loan or wait/work like the rest of responsible adults and get the money to study). The moral part is subjective and literally pointless to debate since nobody gives a fuck.

>why even have college at all?

If collage was paid for and not free there would be no problem with that since people tend to think how they spend their money in contradiction to just rolling for free shit and then dropping out half way wasting taxpayers money yet again.

>why not teach trades and specialties in regular state funded schools?

You can easily do that wherever and wherever you are, so what are you on about, it's just not called collage.

>going away to college seems like a pointless luxury

As I hate pointless collage degrees there are fields that you just cannot get into without it, like medicine which I hold a degree on. You can become an IT guy / software dev /artist without need of a paper but for certain jobs you just have to get federal approval which comes with that shit scrap of paper.
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>straight-a student
>couldn't get grants/funding/scholarships
>resorts to porn
>kills herself when people find the porn

nothing of value was lost.
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This post has slain me
>straight A student
>some manner of ethnic

and you're telling me she couldn't get a scholarship, couldn't get a loan? I think she did porn because she was a slut and she was lazy.
you commies make me sick.

>she had no money, so she was forced to volunteer to get raped in front of a camera

are you fucking serious right now?
Entering the "professional" field s becoming more and more about accepting dogma than it is being useful. I can't even count the number of stupid whores I went to college with that now have gainful employment that wouldn't even know how to set up their own internet, how to cook appropriately, or how to use any type of hardware/tool.

>mfw I'm 30 years old but in order to not raise another man's children I have to date a 22 year old and tell her things like what HDMI stands for
The current system is way more expensive than if we just made all public colleges free.

I mean, I don't care because I can afford a private college, but I'm just saying. In the US we have this problem where everything is a mix of government intervention, never full free market or fully public, and it ends up just costing everyone more. We should just stick with one. This is why healthcare is way more expensive for us than even socialized systems like in Sweden. Same goes for college, the government makes sure that all loans will pretty much be paid back, so colleges can charge whatever the fuck they want basically. It's a stupid mixed system.
>some manner of ethnic

African-American mixed with Native. All over the map.
Looks more like white mixed with native. Which makes sense because she looks like a Mexican.
> The answer to everything is divesting the military

Education won't save this level of retard
She made a huge mistake.
for you
Education is worthless so we shouldn't waste money on it.
Tiziana Cantone

>Taunts ex with video of her blowing another dude
>Ex uploads it

You can guess what happens next.
The US is (or was) fifth in the world for education spending per student. The problem is not budgetary.

You will see for yourself after half of Africa and the middle east move to France
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>be on /pol/ for too long
>is written as blowing another dude
>automatically read it as blowing up another dude
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I wish I could perform a sex act and have my student debt all paid off.

>volunteer raped

fuckin kek
>Tiziana Cantone

this will require more research.

i think i have a new fetish.
>blowing another dude
nigga she gets full on gangbanged
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>your daughter is a giant whore, subverted by the state
>give her a bunch of money
>now she's not a whore anymore

We won't have to deal with France much longer. Islamic territory within the next 20 years.
A student

Too dumb to realize footage will be on the net

Explain yourselves ameritards
Oh yeah hilariously there's other vids she sent too. The first was blowing a dude though.
>In spring 2015, Tiziana Cantone had sent six different videos to five friends whom she trusted, but a day later, the clips were shared on porn sites and social media

this one deserved to die.
>Date 22 year old so blah blah
That's the case these days.
Days washed up and blown out whores with children, or date kids.
I know that feel. 33 here.
education is free. high school diplomas are given out by the state.

college is supposed to be an investment into one's marketability, simply giving out college degrees to anyone who wants them for free basically just makes it into high school 2.0 because now everyone has one and there's nothing to differentiate by.
Yes yes , but just tell me what part you are arguing against? This shit is almost identical with what you got in the states. So are you retarded or just baiting at this point?
I don't mean to see only the worst in people, but...
>Can suck dick and ride like a pro
>Lets the guy creampie her
Which is why if it's ever made free like a high school they should have very strict standards and get rid of useless degrees.

Anyone else can go to a trade school or skip if they want.
It doesn't work for long. Basically every single public school system in the world has problems. The only one I remember hearing good things about is Funland.
seriously this
We already have free education, from preK-12th grade.
>and it isn't free since we pay tax dollars

Free is such a meme fucking word.

It is somewhat "free" in most of the Western world, while they provide good education (somewhat) all of them lack in research which should be the main focus of any university.

In America it's been made into a business, and the result is a huge amount of universities dedicated to research because they have the resources.

Education is not for the masses, and I mean that in a nice way, there is nothing you learn in a bachelor's degree that an actual trainee program wouldn't accomplish for 90% of jobs that exists.
> she had no money so she was forced to get raped in front of the camera.

The wording here proves that the stupid people shouldnt get education.

Straight A student had no money, got greedy with easy instant money from porn. Regrets then commit suicide.
wait. did she get ripped of. did they not pay her?
The opposite would happen.
Go back to feggit
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>2 to 4 times
Try living in Poland, mate :^)

Shouldn't they take this page down?
That's like 3 grants and a job at CNN

What a useless whore. You literally cannot even gift these niggers a good life.
Why would that be my problem, leaf?
Also, Straight A's only means she can memorize textbooks and apply formulas. By no means that ensures she will discover anything of worth.
That would be the ideal anyway.
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Tuition will never be free because its the militarys best recruitment tool
Because we arent white enough. I mean thats seriously what it comes down to. I like how Bernie Sanders and his ilk like to mention
>muh denmark
>muh norway
>muh sweden
But NEVER recognize that these countries are the whitest countries in the fucking world. Denmark is strict on immigration, oh but Bernie wont tell you that. He wants you to think that Denmark is a progressive utopia where everyone gets along and has free healthcare. Bernie will never tell you what the tax rates are in these countries.
>Every problem can be fixed by throwing money at it
You can't be forced to volunteer.
I don't doubt it. As faggoty as it might sound, however, this is a tragic case. She could easily have applied herself to something and it has ended in the worst possible way for her. Let's just hope it serves as a warning to impressionable girls considering going into porn.
No how else will we remember her sacrifice?

She did give great head though. Too bad she was mentally weak.
Her parents started e-begging to get money from their whore daughter's death lmao.
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>edged for over an hour to her video on one screen with her twitter/death articles in the other
this is the slippery slope isn't it? the degeneracy is setting in
regardless of whether ot not you think college should be free, i think anyone can agree that America's current university system is a downright travesty. seriously,

>guaranteed student loans drive up the prices of tuition to astronomical levels and show no signs of slowing
>party culture luring high school kids in to be defenerates
>useless degrees offered and pushed makes for graduates who will never pay their loans off

i don't think college should be free but even Europe's socialist bullshit is better than what we've got over here. at least they don't get put 50k in the hole for their useless degrees.
Wealth redistribution isn't free
There's no price discovery and enrollment on merit, all that counts is headcount
Users(=students) are thus a number, not a demanding customer
Education sector workforce is a welfare queen and promotes indoctrination in line with that fact
another funny thing. people talk about the nordic model. but denmark is 6 million and sweden is what 9 million. so the nordic model would be a state solution.
1, Skill gap: Students will choose subjects they enjoy which are not needed in the society while passing up on developing skills the economy is in need off.

2, Money - Why should I pay for some idiot to fail at philosophy every year?

3, Government owning you - the skills gap will lead to the Government picking what you can and can't study because your failures have cost too much. Under the current model no one gets hurt from your bad choices.

4, Poor Quality of Education - with the Government eventually stepping in to make sure no one fails, and class sizes becoming massive, the need for professors growing, the quality of education will drop.

5, Cries of Oppression - You got into free Harvard and I only got into free State College? Racism.

Maybe she shouldn't have been a filthy whore
1) In the US; low income, difficult family Dynamics has a Pell Grant available. It technically already free.

2) Doing porn for money for college is really stupid. She didn't know better (if this really happened); if a Pell Grant wasn't good enough, there's the Armed Forces Reserve, deferred that can pay for it also.

3) She could also had gotten a job and worked her way through, or done what many women do - get a beta to pay for it.

Besides, nothing is free. She wanted easy money, thinking short-term, and had only her body to abuse for money shows some kind of deficit in her upbringing and mentality. Tragic case (if it really happened), happens often.
Straight A in porn as well.

Porn is so mainstream now and a lot of respected actors have nudes and sex tapes leaked, who gives a shit anymore unless you are a total whore veteran for years nobody cares.
World doesn't needs nerds who sell their country to profit. If you do anything for money, you do anything.

She looks like a more cuter rashida jones

Feels bad man why didn't you save her?
Pro tip I can you autistic faggot.
Education only has meaning if it's rewarded to people who actually give a fuck about knowledge.
Not people who want money, not meaningless people who desire all the means.
Fuck egalitarians, I've been to college and I remember being one of the few who was willing to engage in discussions when the teacher asked questions. Too many too cool for school pleb tier kids. Free education also means you have to reduce the standards of your education.
So many reasons to say no to this bs.
Fuck you now.
>Porn is so mainstream now and a lot of respected actors have nudes and sex tapes leaked, who gives a shit anymore unless you are a total whore veteran for years nobody cares.

Because that is literally degeneracy.
Education is already free, courses aren't. What must be done is separate education from evaluation and let people certify their skills without having to also enroll in a course.
True, I'll think I'll pay her my respects.
Post the porn sauce.
We need to organize a fap obituary circlejerk, nothing on except black socks
That's what makes it so hot. This bitch killed herself because people called her a slut and, in doing this, she will be forever immortalized as she was in that video: just a slut who fucked people for money. Eventually, no one will remember her for anything else. That kind of delicious irony makes me hard enough to shatter diamonds.

>She wrote a post to her 'future husband' and a vulnerable message about wanting a relationship where you 'never feel unwanted or alone,' but that warmth never came for the distraught teen.

Who the fuck would marry someone who got fucked on camera? glad she killed herself
as it happens Norway is quite a wealthy country

fuck you cuckland, i don't care
>(((American education)))
The whole system is fucked. Here's why they charged more

>Loans backed by the government
>College culture for most people involves moving across the country, you have to pay for a dorm or an apartment
>same thing jacks up public college prices as out of staters flood into your home state and are able to pay more
>they try to entice millennials and justify high prices with shit like gourmet dining halls and "diversity councilors" jacking up prices even more
>offer obviously useless degrees like African-American studies, making default a certainty

It's a clusterfuck really.
No incentive to learn.
It's already been posted, dumbass.

Alyssa Funke

Tiziana Canton
She could have just done sex cams though thats only marginally more anonymous.
Just read this and you will understand why.
>chances were that she would have found a cure for cancer if she wasn't led to become an hero
no they weren't

>pic related wanted an education, but she had no money, so she was forced to volunteer to get raped in front of a camera

she's mexican, so someone would have been throwing money at her. if she was so smart she could have figured that out. So even more likely she wouldn't have cured cancer.

>. She couldn't live with the PTSD from the rape and all the slut shaming

that's her own prerogative

>easily available in america only
land of the free and the 2A

>From the viewpoint of society, it's optimal that the most capable people take education, not stupid people who just happened to have rich parents
Free education is extended baby-sitting. Take out loans like everyone else.

Its too bad she didn't cure cancer, because then I wouldn't have to see this thread.
A pell grant will not cover everything. Not even 20% of it. Most of what the government offers are loans, either subisidzed or unsubsidized. Pell Grants basically max out at $6,000 per year I think.
Because teachers don't work for free and the good ones work for more money.

If you mean free as in public service then that's a bad idea.

Giving away services that are driven by demand and not owned by the government (see free student loan to go to college versus calling the cops when you're in need) means they will charge anything they want. Because no matter the price, the government will foot the bill.

under raped post
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>It's already been posted, dumbass.
>Alyssa Funke
>Tiziana Canton
this makes me want to die
>college is too expensive
>girls are resorting to shooting porn to pay for it
>solve it by forcing everyone to pay for her college with tax money

typical fucking woman/numale solution. can't we ever just let people fail?

also straight A student means fucking jack all when our educational standards have been reduced as far as they have in the last few decades to appease the participation trophy culture.

the valedictorian who went to my school ended up working at a fucking restaurant because she got a useless degree.

i fucking hate this country's mindset and resulting decisions sometimes, when will it all crash?
In my ideal view of education a teacher will push his students to know shit on their own and to be able to write essays from white cards with very few guidance other than the structure and a few authors.
Though you can't do this when all the retards are allowed into higher education, you need to take their hand, make them read things you have already read and ask them defined questions, without ever really being able to expect your students to teach you something. Overall it's toxic, great thinkers and eventual teachers are not willing to reduce themselves to the egalitarian pops, as the money is hardly worth the peace of mind of not having to see first hand on a daily basis how retarded the pleb is.
Quit ruining everything and go cut the grass.
The entire system has to be revamped form Kindergarten to University. There is just so much to teach and too little time, not to say kids generally don't want to learn. Add that most teachers and professors are old people that the State cannot afford to fire due to bad publicity and cannot work properly in this digital day and age, and you get pure shit public education with bad professor-student relationships.
She did a lot of porn... dang.
She was a mixed race whore that wanted attention.
>Nothing of value was lost
what if you taxed porn and took the money and paid for free college? isn't it a billion dollar industry?
You really misjudge how college aid works. I'm a mulatto Dominican, scored above 2000 on the SAT, straight A's in high school, and my aid wasn't that much. It's not like they'll give you a free ride. I'm just lucky I could afford to pay for it.

The only colleges that give the poor a free ride are basically the Ivys and shit like Stanford, which is out of reach for 99.99% of people even you have straight A's.
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>Give me one good reason for why education shouldn't be free

Free education is the best, you're right. But, free as in, take $0 of my fucking money you dirty thief, then you'll get better results.

>Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

>The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.


Go back to your socialist utopia, dipshit.
It's not that good. Wouldn't be able to fap to it, even knowing that she an hero'ed after doing it.
Compared to what you can make here? Hardly
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Funny shitpost
Did she make the porn expecting no one to see it?
>solve it by forcing everyone to pay for her college with tax money
Porn industry got bailouts and was subsidized by the gov.
Nothing is free
She probably never got a call back, and that got her feelings hurt, because she thought for sure she'd be hot enough to get a call back, right?
>No market for mixed race
The true tragedy here is how underrated this comment is
I think it was the money
>Smart woman
>dont know jack shit about loans, scholarships, grants, academic prizes...
>Open legs instead of open a business or get a job
>people see her porn debut
>kill herself

hahahahahahahahahahaha. One subhuman down...and (I hope) more to come.
You mean you arent jumping at the chance at someone who knows spreadsheets and group funding?


here is her comments page on xvideos

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top kek
>volunteer to get raped
By definition that is not rape ...
> a fucking leaf
She probably figured that out by the time she killed herself. It was just wishful thinking.
why can women never assume responsibility for anything they do?

if a this a guy who somehow found a gig doing porn to pay for college and then killed himself over some internet trolls finding it, he would be disparaged in the news and people would (rightly) place all the blame on him.

This is how it worked in britain for virtually out whole histry, it only changed recently to a "free" system
She should've changed her hair color, overdo it on the makeup and in a few years her facial structure would have changed with aging.
When a resource is free, it is wasted and squandered. Even something like water will be conserved even if it costs only pennies. It would be nice if education were cheaper. The price has been artificially inflated because of too much government funding and foolish financing decisions of clueless students. Maybe that's why we don't teach financial literacy in highschool.
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She was probably sucking straight cock for them straight As
>make porn for internet (where else would porn go)
>people see it
>find out people saw your porn and kill self
roastie btfo lmao!

>college makes people less dumb

your premise is very badly wrong
She was beyond amateur: castingcouch and passionHD...
+she dabbled quite a lot tbqh.
would be awesome if education was free.
If you figure out how to pull that off let us know please.
Don't feel bad. I came to the same conclusion without the guilt right here >>123198274
University should not be free only public schools and public schools should prep students for vocational work not bullshit.
I know people that went to college and after they forgot HOW TO ADD!
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fucking hell
You're right, teachers shouldn't be paid at all and should all be volunteer. If you expect them to be paid, let's talk about how. Don't lie and say it's free though if you expect teachers to make a dime doing it.
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>assault weapon
why is it so high?
You make education free, it devalues the common bachelors or 4 year education, then people will have to seek even higher education i.e. Masters level education to diversify their resume/CV/experience.

Free education not only goes onto be squandered it also goes on to be a form of slavery and most the time is controlled by state/federal government to some degree due to funding. This funding leads to corruption and indoctrination.

On top of this, she clearly is a person that makes bad choices. There are multiple ways to put oneself through college. Work factory jobs/ In the US UPS/FEDEX, and other factory jobs will pay for you to get a degree or even offer scholarship rewards. Scholarship rewards are encouraged by most campuses to fund ones education.

No one made her purchase a weapon to kill herself, no one forced her to do porn, no one forced her to make the decisions she made. Even if she was a straight A student. She isn't anymore because she made bad choices which lead to her demise.
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>dabbling in amatuer
>adult video
That wouldn't happen unless he was a twink getting pounded up the ass or something and even then someone like that would probably be enough of a degenerate to genuinely be proud of it.
If they start giving degenerates free tuition they will have to double their staff payrolls. Almost all universities offer free tuition to staff members like me. Low agency dirt people just can't seem to figure out that free college already exists, you just have to actually work for it. Ohhhhh noes.
Blow your tolerance out your ass leaf. The right has never tried to lay claim to tolerance.
Gut the education system to it's basics:
public education should be focused on basic STEM and grammar and flush everything else like gender studies.
not even good bait norge, fuckin leave
>Inevitable debt and job market crashes from influx of too many people
The goal is to NOT give free tuition to students who can't even get a 3.0 even without any honors classes during high school.
Give free rides to everyone that can score 2000+ on the SAT's, or straight 4.0 GPA out of high school. Now we are using this money effectively.
Everyone else, idk how you're gonna pay, figure it out
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>Chemistry student
and how would you make that free again?
my point, anon, is if some male student did something shameful for money and then got outed for it and ended up killing himself, the blame would be placed upon him.

did she try to get student loans, grants, or anything like that before she decided to get money by "volunteering to get raped, on film"?
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yaaaaaaaaaaaaass queen now I'm going to administer the gas queen.
If he is not worrying about that problem since it is not his, he is tolerating it.
Have you seen Polish men? If so, you'd start to get a grasp.
The best do get education for free via

Why bother posting this here? American conservacucks are a feedback loop of stupidity. Take a look at the abysmal education systems in any red-heavy american state and the havoc that has wreaked on their communities (no educated workforce = perpetual poverty). The feedback loop stems from them being so unbelievably stupid that they think that "edumakashun" is "libtard indoctrination" that they continue to rail against it and prevent public resources from improving it, which only further dumbs down these mongoloid communities.

Given that most of these dipshits also rail against minimum wage, etc, as a yankee, I am 100% in favor of paying uneducated bible belters pennies on the dollar to do bitch work that can then be imported for consumption by their northern superiors.
By allocating a certain budget.
12 years is long enough, why should we pay for any more years.
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>be slavic
>get drunk
>kill yourself
allocating from where?
"not my problem" is a tolerant viewpoint though. tolerance means to not be adverse towards something, this could mean indifference or support.

if he said "I want to actively prevent these whores from being able to gather money by whatever means to pay for their college," well then THAT would be intolerant.


Educating retards gave you the SJW movement.
w3ell i got 2 things from this:
1. casting couch is real
2. she clearly enjoyed it
The education department will receive an increase in it's budget that will cover all meritorious(no skin color or cultural criteria) students going in the STEM fields.
I say good riddance what a weak bitch
so you are not saying education will be free, you are saying people will pay for it.
Ya wtf straight a freshmen or sophomore in premed who gives a shit
Every life has potential though. This probably wasn't the only thing that put her over the edge. Get in the right mindset and the abyss is tantalizing. She was a whore yes, she was a human too. Some tradcuck from here would have loved to swoop her used pussy and put some Aryan babies in her.
Its how clueless and retarded you are man, just like everything in communism it works on paper. Until you try to actually apply it, and realize people arent inherently good and end up taking stuff over for their own devices. You are naive as fuck and its sad to see.
Education is already free. Libraries, the internet, etc.
Yea I suppose a 0.1% increase in all taxes will solve that easy.
Now fuck off!
First of all the government does not own the country you dumb fuck. Secondly it is not a monarchy or a dictatorship it is a democracy.
So if the majority of people decide that they do not want to fund lazy cunts like you anymore then there is nothing the government can do about it.
All these socialist experiments will fail as they always inevitably do because as time goes by people will have to give increasingly more than they ever get out.
I thought more white mixed with black at first; she looks a little like Paula Patton, and she's that mix herself.

With all of that said, her real mix (Native mixed with black) is probably not dissimilar to the Paula Patton white/black mix, so I suppose it makes sense.
wtf? the department will receive money FROM PEOPLE. Working, normal people.

Its fucking amazing how lefties really think money is created when they finger wave about how things should or should not be.
This. Education is already free. In college you just pay tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper. The ultimate scam.
>spend huge amounts of money educating women so they can work 5 years then drop out of the workforce forever to have kids
Waste of money, terrible
>women stay in the workforce and have no children making it a worthwhile investment
Collective suicide, also terrible
>needing more than $6,000 per year to go to school

I go to the best university in my country. I paid 2k/year during undergrad (3 years) and so far haven't paid a penny for grad school because of tuition waivers and research funding.

Your country is completely retarded.
Most women don't drop out tho
Not to be an asshole about it, but im sure she wasn't all depressed when her and her bff's were running around Vegas spending the $$$ she just got from getting plowed.
Is having a family boat weird or something? We have 2 family boats.
What a cuck probably just a shotgun
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