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Here's what would happen if North Korea makes a move. The US would bomb the fuck out of them, and use all missile defence systems in the area to shoot down everything the NKs put up. South Korea, with the help of several thousand US marines would hold or just cross the 38th. They would not go very deep into NK territory, and take up defensive positions after blowing the fuck out of any Howitzers or munitions that could hit Seoul. The Japanese will take defensive precautions and allow US missions to be flown from there, but mostly stay the fuck out of it.

Here's where it gets interesting. To appease the Chinese, America and its allies in the region would allow China (this has probably been agreed upon already) to invade from the North. Chinese troops have already massed in great numbers along the northern border. They would then push to the 38th parallel crushing all resistance with both Chinese and US air support backing them up. After completely destroying NKs armies, they will stop at the 38th. A demilitarized zone would then be established. China will then have a great big new province, which will justify their actions to the Chinese people. They will also gain a lot of landmass. This will make the Chinese very happy. South Korea will then become just Korea. The Chinese with the help of the Americans will rebuild the newly formed Chinese territory and both economies will go fucking gangbusters with rebuilding projects. This will end up being a major bridge between the US and China that will lead to years of peace and prosperity, as well as reducing tensions. China will be very happy to get this much landmass, they'll forget about building dinky little islands for quite some time.

One more thing. The North Korean people, will have a much better standard of living being under China. Many others will be allowed to immigrate to the newly minted Korea.

Make your move Kim... please.
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They won't tho
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>what happens if NK makes a move

The Norks won't attack the US, but one more missile test (Which they said will happen), we'll take it as an act of war and charge in. That's why we're building up an army around them right now, we're readying an invasion force for when they launch another test
just what?
Sounds beautiful
>missile defence systems
vs artillery
America won't be the main invasion force. China will be. Mark my words, screencap this thread.

Americas focus will be air support, missile defence and holding the 38th.
Norks would destroy the usa if they were forced to repel a large scale land invasion
>Japans Pearl Harbor genes kick in and they attack a NK rice farm
and do you think russia wouldn't do anything. hell no. not after america recently fucked up its economy
The US airforce in the region could obliterate all NK artillery that could hit Seoul within one day. There will be casualties, but only about a days worth.

If Seoul evacuates, it would be minimized even more.
>China will then have a great big new province

Not gonna happend, South Korea will just annex it and reunite. Pretty much every actor in the conflict wants that including north Koreans themselves.

Only problem is that China might lose local influence there so it's in their interest to back NK and tell them to calm the fuck down for now.
It's pretty clear Kim is ignoring everything China is saying at this point, he's seeing red and wants the US normies out reeee
Who would Russia be attacking, China? Not likely.

Russia will hold its line, protect its territory and stay the fuck out of it.
I wouldn't count them out just yet. From the looks of it they're are ready for WW2.
like they stayed out of syria, which isn't even on their border unlike north korea? do you even know anything about politics, because you sound like an utterly stupid leaf right now
That was pretty much the point. They'd be obliterated but not without hundreds of thousands of casualties, even if it's only a few hours.
The moment Seoul starts evacuating Kim would probably go all in.
Except that the DMZ will be moved farther north to provide a little something for SK as well. They don't want China way down to the 38th

But that's the beauty of the plan. Nothing really changes on a geopolitical level. Instead of having a proxy controlling the "buffer zone" China will officially control it.
The only real loser in this scenario is NKs dictatorship. Everyone else stands to gain. Especially the people of NK.
I doubt it, the whole purpose of North Korea is to serve as a buffer zone between Chinese controlled land and U.S. controlled territory.

Two major powers bordering each other directly always ends badly.
great plan, what about the missing submarines though?
kim would take out all his people with him. suicide by nuke.
You're ignoring one very important fact Anon. It won't be a US proxy on Russia's border, it will be China. China already shares a lot of border with Russia, what difference does a few more miles make?
Also as far as Syria is concerned, you're comparing apples to buses. Very different situations. Tbqh, never mind the leaf. You're the one who sounds stupid. Sorry.
>China will then have a great big new province, which will justify their actions to the Chinese people. They will also gain a lot of landmass. This will make the Chinese very happy. South Korea will then become just Korea.
South Korea would not stand for that. They want unification as much as the Norks do (but on their terms of course). Having China annex NK is the last straw in a history of being vassal bitches back and forth between China and Japan, except now SK does have significant defensive and offensive capabilities thanks to US investments. This would likely push them over the edge into a suicidal attack against China. US may try to reign them in but will likely loose control of their military bases. SK will likely realize that they cannot win on the long term so the first strike would have to be the most painful and humiliating: Beijing. SK has a srbms and cruise missiles and will likely use those to attack. China will of course, retaliate, and when SK-commandeered THAAD systems neutralize the initial bombardments, China will interpret this as US support and consider any US military presence in the region as hostile.

This is how WW3 starts.
>thinking a US-backed coalition with south korea involved would have china taking over north korean territory
you're fucking stupid
>tfw north korea's satellites have emp capable of whipping out our power grid for several weeks but the zionists refuse to acknowledge it
DMZs can work, especially considering in this case it would very much be in Chinas interests for it to work. They'd want this to go quickly, and end quickly with large gains. They'd look like fucking superstars to the general population of China. Pushing their luck would make no strategic sense.
Still have to have a plan B,C,D...
there wouldn't even be a war over china taking over korean territory. it simply wouldn't happen
>Canada talking military, funny.

But in all seriousness WW3 is happening and nukes will be involved.

I know this sounds crazy non logical thought, just wait around September for proofs.
No, this prevents WW3.

China is chomping at the bit to do it. All they need is justification. Kim pisses them off almost as much as he pisses off the States.
a nice carpet bomb in pyonyang would shut down NK pretty good, then follow up where ever Kim Jung Un would be
on the - innocents will die
on the + NK would be given access to the modern world
america isn't going to expend its military for china to gain more territory you dumbass. they're already at odds over the south china sea issue
>Kim pisses them off almost as much as he pisses off the States.
according to who you retard. for all you know, they're using the situation as part of their own strategy. but of course that never crossed your mind because you're fucking STUPID
To take out Kim, you better believe they would. Not having to take huge casualties, you better believe they would. Being able to wrap it up in a month... you better fucking believe that they would.

Americas military isn't stupid, and neither is Chinas.
>The US would bomb the fuck out of them, South Korea and Japan get nuked, US gets royally BTFO and stops being a superpower

Fixed that fro you.
Holy fuck Anon... no shit. I mean what country would ever want to add 46,500 square miles of territory?
Certainly not China. Especially ocean front property.

I'd say that's a pretty fucking amazing strategy. What the fuck are you smoking?

But what happens to Kim?
Korean males are like 14 year old boys their entire lives.
They have an extremely strange attitude, a mixture of juvenile aggression and rudeness.
Just nuke em already
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China is not a power. No one cares what China thinks. Kim is buddies with Putin since 2013. And Putin won't allow a fat cheeto to touch his pipelines.
You overestimate the "awesome power" of a scud missile. That would be shot down within a minute of being launched. If it didn't blow up by itself.
>scud missile
Putin gave them nukes and the whole hydrogen bomb program back in 2014.
You can bet you ass there are S400 waiting to shoot down burger planes.
Read this again >>123152973 try to comprehend this time.
Your whole assumption is wrong. North Korea is power by itself, but it is also a Russian proxy.
Using it to nuke the whole region of US allies and probably the US itself would be a perfect opportunity for Russia. China is literally nothing, their whole economy runs on Russian oil and gas and they will do as Putin tells them.
I reckon we bomb them before their nukes can reach the US or Europe. Sure, it might make the US and particularly Trump unpopular to some, but think how much worse it could get if we leave them to continues developing weapons. Another point is that some of their nukes will probably fail.

t. Lee Qian
no, no they wouldn't. taking out the north korean leadership has been regarded as too costly for that reason among many others. china isn't going to suddenly align itself with american interests and neither would russia play along and a continuation of the korean war wouldn't only last a mere month like you've been led to believe by 'experts' on /pol/ and you're not looking at the bigger picture of the whole situation because

you're fixated on this idea that china is on america's side. it isn't. they're business partners/rivals
Wrong. Nork artillery is deep in granite mountains with blastdoors that only open when firing. They have spent the last 50years preparing to buttfuck soko.
I find this a real possibility.
Only I belve that North and South Korea will form one peacful land again and rebuild is made mainly with China and US.
They are after all Koreans, think about East and West germany, kind of same thing right now.


They came out of the hills near Unsan, North Korea, blowing bugles in the dying light of day on 1 November 1950, throwing grenades and firing their "burp" guns at the surprised American soldiers of the 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Those who survived the initial assaults reported how shaken the spectacle of massed Chinese infantry had left them. Thousands of Chinese had attacked from the north, northwest, and west against scattered U.S. and South Korean (Republic of Korea or ROK) units moving deep into North Korea. The Chinese seemed to come out of nowhere as they swarmed around the flanks and over the defensive positions of the surprised United Nations (UN) troops. Within hours the ROK 15th Regiment on the 8th Cavalry�s right flank collapsed, while the 1st and 2d Battalions of the 8th Cavalry fell back in disarray into the city of Unsan. By morning, with their positions being overrun and their guns falling silent, the men of the 8th Cavalry tried to withdraw, but a Chinese roadblock to their rear forced them to abandon their artillery, and the men took to the hills in small groups. Only a few scattered survivors made it back to tell their story.
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Dude, "a power by itself"? It has 10 million fewer people than Canada. I guess we're a super power now?

OMF... I'm going to bed. Goodnight
so he is envisioned a Chinese army back with US airpower invading a country that Russia has no bases in and you think they would do something other than keep quiet? Where do you get your drugs kid? I have always wanted to know what living in an alternate reality was like.
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Did you actually expect me to read all that shit with a fucking leaf attached to it? Come on man, get real.

Russia is of course not gonna defend NK. They don't want to protect NK.

The only thing Russia cares about in relation to NK, is that Russia doesn't want NK to turn into another NATO base.

Plus if NK becomes more like SK, capitalist, and begins dealing internationally like a normal country, there'll be many financial reasons for all countries to deal with NK -- China of course will wanna trade with them also. Most of the northern NK border is with China. Only a small part to the east is with Russia.

There's many reasons for Russia to do /something/ instead of /nothing/. By doing nothing, Russia will only lose out in the long term.
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Why does everyone take the US Government and NK at their word that he actually has any realistic capability of causing damage?

The highest yields in their nuclear tests were still fewer kilotons than Fat Man and Little Boy. Their missiles are old as fuck, and China didn't even share valuable expertise with them during the Korean War, let alone recently.

None of them have ever fought or seen war. None of their strategists have ever seen war.

This won't be a war, it will be a "conflict" -- started and done before Congress even has a chance to feign protest. The problem is what you do after that.
>Chinese army back with US airpower
you're stupid
That's not how it works. They definitely store equipment in bunkers built into the mountains, but they are not firing positions.

DPRK would be effectively neutered inside of a day. Complete air dominance would be gained in the southern region of NK in about 8 hours at most.

t. former .mil intelligence bro
no I just listened to his scenario and your reply. You implied that under his scenario Russia would intervene which is ridiculous. Now if you had said his scenario was about as likely as Belgium successfully invading France I would have agreed with you. But you did not
One more thing I forgot to mention. When the Chinese invade from the North, they won't face much resistance. The NK army will drop their guns and surrender to the Chinese. North Koreans will know something is terribly fucked with their leadership if they're facing Chinese troops. They're only loyal now because if they aren't they're dead.
It's not like the North Korean people have so much that they're willing to die for.
If North Korea ceases to be a problem there is no longer a need to keep US forces in Korea.

Keep in mind the real reason America keeps troops in North Asia. Its to keep Japan from rearming. The last thing anyone wants is for Japan and China to start chest thumping again. Or even worse, Japan, China and Russia chest thumping. Lots of history between all three.

Having the USA sit on Japan serves everyones interests. The USA keeps its fingers in the Asian pie, Japan does not need to remilitarize as its protected by the USA, and China can trade with all concerned. North Korea is the wildcard that can upset this comfy situation. China kept the Norks around as thry were a useful tool for extracting consessions from the US.

That tools utility has run out.
>North Korea
baka senpai
> It has 10 million fewer people than Canada
So how big is your military and what percentage of this military is ready to carry out suicide orders?
North Korea military consists of the WHOLE country. When shit goes down even kids will be building IEDs and blowing up invading troops.

That's what Hitler failed to realize when he invaded USSR and he was bewildered by it, as apparent from his talk with Mannerheim.
FFS I remember when /pol/ had posters with a good grasp of military knowledge and an understanding if NK capabilities.

The OP was just embarrassing.
you implied that china would side with america in a hypothetical korean war which is stupid. china has sacrificed hundreds of thousands of its soldiers to defend the region for north korea. they don't want a unified korea

also, if america is involved you can bet that russia would intervene. just like they did during the original korean war, russia wouldn't stand idle knowing that it could have a hand in preventing american interests from transpiring especially after america recently fucked up its economy with the sanctions and oil shit

None of whom are armed. If you think for one moment the north korean government gives its people access tk weapons you are fucking retarded.

The actual North. Korean army is at best 100,000 strong. These are the troops given food, guns, ammo and training. The rest of their military follows the libya model. You are drafted so the State can spend a year or two beating the shit out of you and enforcing loyalty. That is about it.
Why would the chinks need the yanks?
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Nailed it Anon! Exactly.

Why do people find this shit so hard to understand?
Stop writing novels, china on korean soil is declaration of war against south korea. Imagine america giving half of poland to russia to please them. That's diplomatic suicide
actually if you believe the war shrine in Dalian they lost 5 million in the Korean war. As said I would agree the likelihood of any US China military pact is roughly zero. But if hell freezes over and such a thing would happen Russia would avoid getting involved.
>diplomatic suicide
yeah this idea that china would betray north korea, their own long-time ally, is fucking delusional. the retards who spout this nonsense don't understand the ramifications of such an act and how it would make every other of their allies turn against them
OP here, enlighten me O' wise Anon. Do their 1970's tanks have state of the art hydrogen motors now? What about their 16 planes from 1970 something, warp drives? OMF... holy shit

China does not have allies though. Literally none. Even north korea is just an implied alliance. There is no formal defense treaty.

>>8 hours

if that was true they would have it years ago
russia, mongolia, indonesia
America has ally. And considering SK has been america's good dog for a half century, betraying them like that will have serious consequences especially in NATO and japan.
Everything might go better than expected.

Thanks OP
ITT: Armchair analysts, politicians and generals.
Right. Like seriously Man, besides me you and a few other Anons, everyone else here must be 15 years old... I'm glad somebody fucking gets it. It's such basic strategy.

North Korea only existed because China said so. The minute China doesn't, North Korea doesn't. The only reason China got involved in the first Korean war is because the US forces moved to within 5 miles of the Chinese border. You really don't think they'd be content to sit at the 38th... good Lord.
It is true. Contrary to popular belief, the US has not wanted DPRK soil. The development of ICBMs and thermonuclear devices to fit on those ICBMs if forcing the world's hand here.

DPRK AA is very poor. Those systems, along with command and control get hit first. ROK and US ground based artillery focuses on return artillery fire and once air dominance is gained, air focus shifts to hitting artillery and MLRS as well. While that takes place, air superiority fighters are dealing with DPRK air assets that were able to lift off before their runways, fuel depots and bunkers were reduced to rubble from coordinated bombing and sea launched missiles.

DPRK does not posses the logistics nor the updated technology to deal with the war plan ROK and US forces have. It's really fucking simple.

That being said, the border region takes a hell of an artillery (shell and rocket) pounding and Seoul takes a pounding to a lesser extent before all is said and done.

Military action is a last resort, despite rhetoric from either side.

The South Korean military has discovered four infiltration tunnels on the south side of the DMZ since the end of 1950-53 Korean War. The tunnels were apparently designed for a surprise attack on Seoul. Each is said to be big enough for 30,000 armed soldiers an hour. North Korea has denied building the tunnels. No news of infiltration tunnels has emerged since the 1990s, but there are rumors that a surprise attack on the South through the tunnels is still a viable option for the North.
They had to have China on board first. It made no difference before. If they would have done it without Chinas support, China would have just bum rushed it and and it would have been China vs USA again.

North Korea is a joke. China isn't.
Thing is, the tunnels are all exposed now thanks to ground penetrating technology from the air (and space). Upon a conflict, munitions exist that can cave those tunnels in in a single strike, though each would get dozens to be sure. If DPRK was stupid enough to use those tunnels, they would quickly serve as tombs for the thousands within.
Ill have you know im sitting on an office chair!
>They had to have China on board first
except russia is a considerably greater threat to american than china is, and yet america attacked syria with no regard
NK is a sad and desperate country with a crazy leader and brainwashed people. They will fight with everything they have until they are all destroyed.
Will N.Korea be able to end kpop and Samsung?
Public execution
but again, those artillery are strategically hidden deep within mountain valleys. you couldn't target them with missiles from afar that drop from an angle. and bombing runs from planes don't have the precision necessary to be effective
and do you really think Russia wants to open a second front? Especially when their front in Syria is tenuous at best.

How did that go for Hitler? Oh and who was it again that fucked Hitler because of the second front. Oh right, the Russians.

I'm sure they'd make the same exact strategic error, because Russians are retards when it comes to strategy... right?

Who are you people?
Same can be said about usa lel.

exactly, they only have been digging for thousands of years
I just want us brits out of it, Murcia will obliterate them from the skies and china will just swan dive in and it'll be made into another Chinese Provence or even reunified with the south. I don't really see that happening as Russia gets a bit guttery when American and NATO troops are on the boarder.
>bombing runs from planes don't have the precision necessary to be effective
That's patently false. A B1B for example, with its current electronics and loaded with JDAMs can drop dozens of independently targeted, self-guiding bombs onto target.

>those artillery are strategically hidden deep within mountain valleys
Most (not 100%) of their storage bunkers and sites are known. They also do not fire from their storage positions. The amount of live data that would be streaming of the battlefield from air and space would have those pieces identified and targeted in short order. The ones that do manage to get into a firing position and actually shoot could be eliminated from sea, air or land.

You really need to get up to date with modern military technology, surveillance, targeting systems, munitions and doctrine.

It would be far from a bloodless conflict for ROK and the US, but it would be a staggering decapitation of DPRK and the current regime.
that is the fucking most contrived thing posted in this thread. first off, as long as america would be busy in north korea it would be the americans who'd also have to deal with several fronts including syria and the middle east, possibly even ukraine and then the rest of east europe. the scenario that could play out can turn into a whole NATO shitfest

the bluest of pills

The red pill is that (((they))) are just feeding us the usual bullshit right before they charge into war with a country free of the IMF.

redpill yourselves
This >>123165205

Goodnight (you)
Korean lands belong to korean people. If shit goes down why not let South Korean annex the new radioactive crater?
China is not going to attack North Korea. They have nothing against North Korea.
Are you OK sir?
You sound like a schizophrenic patient who needs to get some rest.
You must be tired posting all day.
Please get some sleep right now.
a b1b can't even reach mach-2 apparently. it wouldn't make it past kn-17s or s400s

>Most (not 100%) of their storage bunkers and sites are known
their artillery and missile systems are mobile and they travel to locations through stretched tunnel systems
You niggas really need a new line. Always coming into these threads bitching about Rothchilds banks and how the Norks dindunuffin. I get most are just fucking around, but some of you guys are actually serious and it's hilarious/frightening.
And when they come out of those tunnel systems, they are spotted in real time. That's also discounting the fact the us employs ground penetrating surveillance tech from air and space and knows where most, if not all of the major tunnels are.

The fact you tried to argue that bombing runs are inaccurate is a tell that you are well out of your element here. 20+ years ago B2s were dropping 80 JDAMs in a single run with every single one precisely targeted and hitting within 5m of their target 100% of the time.

Since then JDAMs have been updated to use laser targeting to supplement GPS targeting, which means they are more accurate and capable of hitting targets moving at high speed.

A single B1B can carry 84 mk-82 (500 lbs) JDAMs or 24 mk-84 (2000 lbs) JDAMs. All capable of simultaneous release and independent targeting.

The B2 can carry 80 of the mk-82s now.

You need to stop living in fantasy land and educate yourself on first world military capabilities, to include your own nation which employs many of the same munitions.
>tunnel system
Do you really think that MOAB that was used in Afghanistan to cave in a tunnel system was just a "Hey shit guys, look what we have. Might as well use it right" random happening?

Norks also have a tunnel system designed to pour tanks and troops into South Korea without having to go through the DMZ. We know this. We probably know where most of them are. Put it all together senpai.
>a b1b can't even reach mach-2 apparently. it wouldn't make it past kn-17s or s400s
North Korea's AA is weak. They do not employ s400s. You also apparently do not understand that attacks are highly coordinated. AA and related command/control is neutralized before conventional bombers operate in an area. This is taken care of from a combination of sea and air based systems, as well as from platforms like the B2.

Once AA is neutralized, craft like the B1B operate with impunity under the cover of air superiority fighters.

Also, since when did the DPRK employ S400s?
for the sake of argument, let's say america takes out nork artillery. then what happens. america will need forces on ground to actually maintain captured points. would air superiority play much part in a region with a complex tunnel system and chokepoints. how did that work out for america back in 'nam
>We probably know where most of them are
Bingo. GMTI and sounding radars are well past the "this sounds like a cool idea phase" and are fully operational.
Every arm chair commander in here is forgetting what a resounding failure the states last few wars have been. The Vietgong fucked the US's shit up with ricefarmers and soviet era AK-47's. The war on terror only ended up giving birth to ISIS and did nothing to combat extremism let alone reach any of their strategic objectives. N.Korea is far more equipped and dug in then any of those opponents and they've essentially bankrupted the US and made the world a noticeably unsafer place to exist in. This isnt some fucking superhero movie where your gonna swoop in kill everyone and be back home in time to catch the 9'oclock news. You're gonna suffer major, major loses over the course of the war.
Who even cares if the Norks have S400s? Notice in Syria that shit hasn't done them any good. Israel and US is beating Syria's (Russia's) air defenses like it owe them money. Russians have flat out said they're not in Syria to protect them from external enemies. Why would they say this publicly? Because they literally can't do it. If we wanted to trash every airfield in Syria right now, we could do it and there's not a fucking thing that would stop us.
>America won't be the main invasion force. China will be.
This. Leaf's right once in a while. China going in first and heavy is the only decent option.
>america will need forces on ground to actually maintain captured points
According to who? The US has no interest in nation building in North Korea. They have an interesting in ending once and for all the development of thermonuclear weapons (which DPRK is quickly approaching) and ICBMs to deliver those weapons.

I highly doubt you will ever see the US move ground forces throughout NK, in the unlikely scenario that this even turns into a military conflict in the first place.

If anyone puts boots firmly in the DPRK it would likely be China, who would take the helm with regime change. SK nor the US wants a unified Korea. This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan.

North Korea is stubborn, but they know the score. It's precisely the reason they walk the fine line between acts that would require a direct full scale military response.

Wonder why they resorted to a show of artillery and not a missile or nuke test?
whatever tunnels were in afghanistan are a lot less sophisticated and less deep than the ones in north korea that've been dug and maintained for decades and reinforced

>They do not employ s400s
we've already established that russia would help defend north korea

>You also apparently do not understand that attacks are highly coordinated
that's a contrived statement. all attacks are coordinated

>AA and related command/control is neutralized before conventional bombers operate in an area
their missiles are hidden deep in mountain valleys. you'd need air strikes with extreme precision to take them out in the first place

>Also, since when did the DPRK employ S400s?
russia. topol m as well
Vietcong ate shit and was rendered combat ineffective after the Tet Offensive. For the rest (majority) of the war, it was the North Vietnamese doing most of the fighting. You watch too much Platoon or other shitty 80s Vietnam War movies.
You are an ignorant individual. The only reason those conflicts turned bad was because we decided to conduct COIN and nation building. We decapitated the entirety of Iraq's military in days and almost entirely without losses.

Do you faggots think we're gonna march troops in there and look to take control of the entire nation?

Are Canadians really this incompetent?
do you think china wants a unified korea. and on that note, do you think south korea would allow china to take north korea
>we've already established that russia would help defend north korea
Stupidest thing I've heard ITT.

>you'd need air strikes with extreme precision to take them out in the first place
This has already been addressed. Educate yourself.

>russia. topol m as well
Again, stupid as fuck.
That's false. NK has enough anti-air to deter US bombers and enough artillery on the border to completely demolish Seoul.
>North Korean sawdust mill
Fixed for you.
>do you think china wants a unified korea

>do you think south korea would allow china to take north korea
No one is "taking" the DPRK. It would be a regime change. Nuclear ambitions would be squashed and the nation would operate as a puppet of China again, likely resulting in the betterment of its people.
>NK has enough anti-air to deter US bombers
False. Iraq possessed more capable air defenses on the whole.

>artillery on the border to completely demolish Seoul
The only artillery capable of reaching Seoul without being extremely exposed by moving well south is MLRS. Seoul will take a beating, but it's the border regions that would really take a hammering before DPRK artillery is snuffed out.

Iraq was all flat terrain, their air defense systems were essentially non existent. They had next to no air force and possessed no Navy. N.Korea has advanced anti air systems, thousands of MANPADS, next gen antiship missiles, close to 200 hunter killer subs and scores and scores of planes heavy artillery systems and standoff weapons. This is not a lightly equipped army you fucking LARPER.
>Stupidest thing I've heard ITT
just because you don't want russia helping north korea doesn't mean they wouldn't

>This has already been addressed. Educate yourself.
you're retarded. are you unable to follow the logic. you don't take out anti-aircraft using aircraft

>Again, stupid as fuck.
you've obviously missed their recent military showcase, faggot
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After it's all said and done what happens to North Korea? Does everyone get a piece of the pie?
>you don't take out anti-aircraft using aircraft
Holy shit. You really are dumb.

>just because you don't want russia helping north korea doesn't mean they wouldn't
It's more that just because you want them to doesn't mean they will. Russia openly defended Syria and stated on numerous occasions that any strikes against them would be retaliated. Look what happened. Russia has no interest in NK and while they would prefer to see a peaceful resolution (as would we all), they've even stated that DPRK's pursuit of thermonuclear weapons and ICBMs needs to be stopped.

Stop talking man, it's embarrassing.
there wouldn't be a 'regime change'. like you said, this isn't iraq or afghanistan. you don't have the same variables that would allow a regime change in north korea. kim jong un is effectively the only leader there. there's no political rivals or 'second in command'
>N.Korea has advanced anti air systems
S-25 Berkut
SA-5 Gammon
9K35 Strela-10

SO FUCKING ADVANCED. You leafs might be the most militarily ignorant retards on the entire board.
>thinking aircraft is used to counter anti-aircraft
just how dumb has your american education made you exactly

russia hasn't stopped defending syria you low IQ spergtard
>Are Canadians really this incompetent?
Justin Trudeau.
>there's no political rivals
There are lots of people within the DPRK who would be able to take command. Why do you think they purge so many internal generals and politicians? If they can't keep their profile low, they get the axe. China probably has a list of contacts within the DPRK who are candidates for new leadership. Absolute worst case, China would install its own leadership as stewards until such a government could be formed.
>You leafs might be the most militarily ignorant retards on the entire board.
Glad iam not the only one who noticed this.
>russia hasn't stopped defending syria you low IQ spergtard
They didn't retaliate against the US strike. Why the fuck would they go to war for the DPRK when they absolutely want to see a denuclearized North Korea? You are pulling this made up allegiance out of your ass.
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If the US and Co. topple the NorK government, they're going to plant a new government in place for an interim period. The new government will conduct a reconstruction period as they acclimatize the population to modernization. Eventually the governments will unify and we'll have on Korea again.

And China will be thrilled, because now China's crazy neighbor that posed, at best, a risk of flooding their border with refugees - is now a stable neighbor that can be treated with diplomatically and will provide lucrative trade.

This is a win for everyone except for the current NorK administration. I'm not sure why we're waiting.

1. North Korean air defense systems are trapped in the 80s on the best of days.
2. What AD does exist is poorly coordinated, and is not prepared for a U.S.-style SEAD campaign. The cruise missiles will come first, and they'll target OTH radars, followed by any of the bigger TELARs that they might have setup. In the terrain in question, even on a good day with all their systems working and their best techs working the equipment, North Korea doesn't have the capability to intercept a strike of that intensity.
3. Just because something is listed in the North Korean order of battle, doesn't mean it's actually functional. Failure rates are going to be much higher with technology as old as what they're using.

America is bad at a lot of things. We're fat. We're poorly educated. We have a massive national debt. Our foreign policy consists of us putting our dick in everyone's morning coffee. But conventional warfare is the one thing we're still very, very good at.
it doesn't matter, retard. the kim dynasty has absolute power in north korea. even the stupidest of tyrants know better than to buy the price of trying to govern a culturally independent and resilient nation by force

because syria doesn't have nearly the political impact that the north korea situation does. do you have any clue at all. north korea is at their border
I knew it, it's you Donald
I hope that's what you told Xi as well. Can't argue with that.
Very good post.
>The cruise missiles will come first, and they'll target OTH radars, followed by any of the bigger TELARs
This, inbefore the leaf says oh but muh TELARs are hidden in the mountains.
Nigger damn, Once those TELARs goes into active scan mode scanning for targets they will be pinpointed by RWR for fighters or even AWACS and triangulated and oblitirated before anything even is in firing range for them to fire on.

Turning on a targeting radar is like turning on a flashlight in pitch black. Yes, you can see - but everyone can see you. And when you lost over-the-horizon capability in the first strike, all you have is the range and response time of the co-located radar. These can typically only track one target at a time, and if things are working right they can guide 1-3 missiles to the target in question. Fire control systems that can track multiple targets and share that data between multiple launchers aren't something North Korea has just lying around.
Don't worry my militarily competent Swedish friend, they'll try to move the goal posts again stating something completely retarded.

>but the TELARs will be hidden underground and come out in unison with Russia's airforce intercepting ROK and US air assets!

For some reason these Canadian's distaste of the US and its military has jaded them to the reality of modern military capabilities.
no one is disputing america's military technology and its capabilities. that's not what wins wars
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That's exactly what wins conventional wars.

It's not what wins counter-insurgencies (which is what I stated before with "COIN").

Again, this would not be an occupation or nation building exercise. It would be a conventional decapitation. The US and ROK would not be looking to win hearts and minds here. That's where a nation like China comes into play.
Exactly, And given the range for the absolute majority of NK SAM systems i can with confidence say that their systems won't pose much of a threat towards coalition air-assets.
This is how i imagine a SEAD mission would be like.
>Coalition/US striker picks up system on RWR
>Reports to other aircrafts so they can steer clear.
>Locates the systems and locks it with some sort of standoff weapon heck even AGM-65 mavericks are relatively safe to use against most of NK systems.
>Rifle.. Shack 1... Shack 2... Shack 3.. all targets destroyed rtb and have a beer.
Kek, I don't get why they think Russia or China would sacrifice as much as a penny on defending NK, Nobody likes NK i mean seriously NK threatens everyone with nukes and is actively trying to aquire nukes threatning the entire worlds safety, Its more likely that Russia and China join US forces to take out the Juche-regime.
You are wrong, that is exactly what wins wars today, Once the airdominance is set over NK then the ground forces will call in strikers for JTAC and it will be a slaughterfest on an unimaginable scale, Or the more likely result that NK troops sense the smell of hotdogs and put their weapons down for some free food.

I wonder how these weapons got these names.
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GAMMON is actually a NATO reporting name, but yeah it's all Russkie stuff, or more frequently these days: copies of Russkie stuff the NorKs have manufactured in-house.
>not a luxury dog fur factory that hasnt had enough dog fur to operate in 12 years.

also no tuesday birds, or snow to eat.

>Its more likely that Russia and China join US forces to take out the Juche-regime.
That's what they don't get. They think, through some form of delusion, that the rest of the world is fine with DPRK possessing thermonuclear devices atop ICBMs. Hell, even in today's political climate they have come out openly against those pursuits, which says something during a time when both nations would jump at the opportunity to make the US look like assholes.

As >>123172564 said, that's what it's known by to NATO. Most of their equipment, as stated, was either supplied or copied from Cold War Commies.

The one area I'm not entirely competent/confident in is how their sub fleet will be dealt with. Obviously it would be a primary concern for the Navy, with sub-hunting aircraft and ships with their hands full on that front. How do you guys see that playing out? Even those old diesel/generator subs can sneak be a pain in the ass to keep tabs on if my knowledge is still up to date.

Thats actually exactly where they are situated. Theyve hade decades to prepare for this since the last time the US rocked them and they situated the bulk of their anti-air systems in deep fortified tunnels. Theyre not going to be easy to take out.. The N.Koreans are not going to flash their radars all over the place the second this thing kicks off and theyre fairly well protected from initial strikes. It'll require actually getting in there to clear them out.. Thats not an easy task, and its not going to go down like you're imagining.
>sounds good leaf...but highly unlikely...the chinks will try and take all of NK and tell the U.S to get the fuck out when the job is done...never trust a gook.
Do you even know what a TELAR is? What fucking good is it going to do sitting underground? Bottom line is it will be exposed any time it is of any use.

Do you have any relevant knowledge regarding how any of this stuff works?
JDAM for the B2 was still in prototype 20 years ago. My GF's father at the time was working on it. Fucking IBM S360's were used on those things.
Could have sworn the mid to late 90s is when GPS guided JDAMs were put to use with the B2. Looks like I'm out of my element on the timing there.

These days though, a B2 or B1B loaded with laser guidance supplemented JDAMs is a scary amount of hurt coming to anyone on the other end.
What Ive learned in the last five minutes by reading a few articles tells me its not as easy as you're claiming it to be. Most American papers have stated it as being completely formidable against the current airforce America possess's.
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The diesel-electric subs are stupid quiet but the problem with the diesel aspect is range - they're excellent for home-water defense but they don't project power well at all. They have to come up regularly and they can't run on batteries forever. Sonar techs are a whole different breed. I'm okay at understanding electronic warfare because it's required, but sub-surface stuff is way outside of my understanding and the really fancy tech is probably locked behind need-to-know programs.

I suspect the easiest thing to do is maintain a distance that puts coalition ships outside of the operational range of the subs and conduct sorties and strikes from there. In the event of an actual torpedo launch... I assume you just use this thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/SLQ-25_Nixie (again, sub-surface is not something I've been exposed to frequently).
That was my thought, long stand-off distance with a wide net of subs and sub-hunting surface ships and aircraft patrolling the periphery. Just don't know enough about the specific range of those DPRK subs running on generators as compared to the range of the ordnance the Navy would use firing from ships.

Forgot all about that thing. Makes good sense as well.

>the really fancy tech is probably locked behind need-to-know programs.
Sub-surface stuff all seems very hush hush, with good reason obviously. Especially considering the sub fleet is one of the US' greatest deterrents against first world nations.
Thats probably the hardest nut to crack but their subs have bad range and with only mainland NK to restock on they would be out of the game rather quickly aswell, But they would be the best chance NK has to inflict heavy damage on the US, The artillery is their most dangerous asset for SK.
But the carrier groups will be safe as the old NK subs will be detected tens of miles away from any carrier group just by engine sound.
And the UH-60 seahawks will have their sonars in the water all the time probably even on rotation which would make it hard for any NK sub to penetrate the carriers underwater defences.
We managed to sink your carrier in excercises with our subs but that is not a fair comparison though as our subs are modern AIP-based subs, NK subs will never get close enough to begin with.
If they don't flash their radars they might aswell flash the damn white flag as it would essentially be to give up.
You are very delusional if you think NK has some sort of masterplan which have a tenth of thousand chance to even work.
Appreciate the input. I figured the sub-hunters would be the greatest deterrent combined with a wide net around the carrier(s), but sub-surface stuff is well outside my wheel house of competent knowledge. Obviously Sweden's subs are a hell of a lot more advanced than the old diesel-electrics, but I thought even those old subs can be very silent while running on juice and not on/near the surface charging with the diesel.
Yup we are really good a blowing shit up.
We also told people that gulf war one was going to cost a minimum o 30,000 US deaths. We are very good at lying to our enemies.
>China already shares a lot of border with Russia, what difference does a few more miles make?

China and Russia both have nukes, that's why they didn't go to war even during the bad times in the 70s.

Nukes are the greatest motivator for peace there is. They ensure that big powers never directly go to war with each other.
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I only see one way for the Norks to take out one of your carriers and that would be by having a massive combat spread with their subs to divert your subs into fighting targets that are very spread from eachother, Then a couple of the Nork subs go on basically what is a suicide mission to launch all they got at your carriers, And even then it is not guaranteed that all the torpedos hit or that they hit the right spot to sink the carrier.
And iam certain that 30-40% of NK subs are actually out being used while the others are at dock under maintanence, Here in Sweden we usually have 2-4 subs out while the remaining subs are at dock getting maintained, It is very simular to fighters actually you can never expect to have all your subs combat ready at the same time unless you really expect an attack any second.
>Pic related
Out of curiosity, what sources are you referencing there? There's always a threat and without a doubt I'm sure some air assets will have to go evasive, but I as has been referenced to death in this thread, I would not describe DPRKs air defenses as "completely formidable" in the grand scheme by any stretch of the imagination.
An over-the-horizon radar is typically pretty big. Google an image of a TALL KING. That guy's yuge. They don't put those in tunnels. For one, it'd be a tight fuckin' fit. More importantly, it can't do shit inside of a tunnel except make the technicians miserable and lower their sperm counts. If you want to break it down and move it - that's going to take time. Time is not an asset you have if a coalition of developed nations is conducting an air campaign against you. So the OTHs are... outside. In the open. Because they're big and unwieldy and their real strength is early warning.

The TELARs though, like the Buk (pic related) (NATO name GRIZZLY? Maybe?) are mobile. That's super handy. But even then it's not designed to operate by itself. They typically are slaved to target acquisition radars. The TAR tells the missile system "Hey, this thing I want you to shoot? It's right *here*". And the fire control system says "Okay, I'm going to look *there* and launch a missile at the target". At this point there are a variety of guidance systems depending on the missiles but the key here to remember is this - once you turn on a radar, it's like putting on the One Ring. You are now highly visible, and you have to leave it on to complete the kill chain. And, this is the crucial part, if you are visible you will be targeted with stand-off weaponry.

But that's largely not relevant because most North Korean air defenses are actually static SAM sites (because that's how the systems are designed to work) and that means they're visible with regular ol' satellite or FMV.

Establishing air superiority is the first step in operations. Would it work perfectly? Hell no. Would North Korea inflict massive casualties and send US/JPN/ROK/AUS packing back home? Not unless they've got some super-secret integrated air defense system hiding somewhere that they managed to manufacture, test, and train on without the rest of the world knowing.
Nukes and globalization/interlinked economies. The old "two nations with McDonalds have never gone to war" saying should not be overlooked. Not sure if that holds true anymore technically, but the general notion still applies.
Not sure I could do an entire deployment inside one of those hulls, but that looks really comfy for a short period of time.

Always loved going to Norfolk as a kid during the Navy and Air Force exhibitions and being able to get on ships, new and old. WW2 stuff especially.
if i were kim jong poopmuscle i'd just ask for immunity, 100 million us dollars, and a private island and hand the keys over to whichever country wants them
It's kind of mind blowing when you think about his position. Sent off as a kid and educated in the first world. Exposed to what the world really is.

Then you come back to DPRK knowing this God-king crap is bullshit, but knowing you are the next in line. I've got to wonder why someone in that position would not look to open up to the outside world. Not even the West or the global bankers, but just trying to modernize and develop rationally.

Is it internal threats that keep him in line? Is it delusion and growing into the God-king mold? I find it hard to believe that someone like Kim buys into his own ultra-nationalistic bullshit.
I had it described to me from a guy who served on a sub, It is the most comfy and uncomfy place that there is, Our subs operate with crews of 28 all packed into a steelhull going up and down the balticsea year in and year out with the occasional patrol to the Northern sea/Russias northern coast.
It is really cramped and you will never be able to have time on your own, the crew you serve with you will know into every microscopic particle that they are built of.
I personally prefer flying aircrafts handsdown.
>Always loved going to Norfolk as a kid during the Navy and Air Force exhibitions and being able to get on ships, new and old. WW2 stuff especially.
I did the same thing as a kid here, every regiment usually have the "regiments day" where they show all equipment and display how it is used etc.
heavy is the head that wears the crown. his sister RUNS shit. he's just the figurehead, because lolboy.

his sister would make a GODLY warlord under the right conditions.
You almost forgot leaf.
>And Korea gets a Rothschild bank.
Also the airforce does flyovers of every major city before christmas in a christmastree formation which is tradition here.
Video from my hometown aswell.
I've been to the Intrepid in NYC, and the BASED AS FUCK MOTHERFUCKING USS YORKTOWN.

fuck I want to go down there this weekend to see it again. I might get to ride out to fayetteville to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum. I grew up in fayetteville and with army brats that went 82nd and Green Berets and Rangers, Korean HAPA's and half German goons. we would all go to these museums with school. it was the only thing we liked about school.
That would be the worst part to me, just shoulder to shoulder all day. Every fart feels like its choking you to death. That bunk mate's deodorant seeping into your brain until it drives you mad. Guess that's why they screen sub-surface folks pretty damn intensely when it comes to that stuff.
>those videos
So comfy. Those mini tanks cracked me up.

>Kim Yo-jong
Yeah apparently she's supposed to be a cold hearted bitch. Heavily involved in and outright directing propaganda wings and helping shape her brother's image.
Good ol' assault guns haha, a historical parade is never complete without the ww2 era stuff i guess.
South korea will never agree to that.
>USS Yorktown
Been on that one too. So awesome.
>Grew up in Fayettenam
Good lord. That must have been interesting. How many of your friends' moms were strippers haha?
T.leave having no clue about the strategic situation.
shes a fucking SAVAGE. I'd do my best to beat her pussy up.
>How many of your friends' moms were strippers
60% honest answer. its the strangest thing on earth to get a nearly nude lapdance from your friends drunk mom on your 18th birthday. in front of him, his dad, the rest of his and your family and the dog and the cat.

the cat was kind of into it. then again that cat was a fucking pervert.

I fucked my buddy brians mom for 3 percocets i had left over after a surgery. she had so many c-section scars she looked like she fought tigers.
>Dat mirage
>Dat Gripen
You know the US has only been bullying poor 3rd world nations for the last few decades and they can't even really win those wars.
N. Korea is not a 3rd world nation and have been building their defense since the truce was struck have a half a centruy ago.
Yes sure, they're not going to win but why does everyone assume they're gonna be a pushover? I think they're capable of doing more damage than you all seem to be assuming.
Also you're retarded OP. DO you really think South Korea is just going to give up all of North Korea to China? Don't forget Russia shares a border with N. Korea and they wouldn't want it turned into another Burger pupper state and have the US right on their doorstep.
Because despite their numbers, they are about 20 years behind the tech capable of putting up a legitimate fight.

The biggest threat they pose is to the border region in SK and to a lesser degree Seoul.

Air dominance is a guarantee and once that is established, it's worse than a turkey shoot for any DPRK assets not hiding beneath a mountain.

MLRS and artillery WILL cause significant casualties on the SK side of the border, namely civilian.
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No mirages there, I think you mistaken the J-35 "Draken" for a mirage haha but they look very simular.
Iraq had the 5th largest army in the world before the Desert Storm and got absolutely curb stomped.
Fuck you're right. Good old Saab.
>they are about 20 years behind the tech capable of putting up a legitimate fight.
If sandniggers can put up a legitimate fight against you then the N. Koreans definitely can.
You're underestimating the reality of the situation Chad.
Read through the rest of this thread. Iraqis did not put up a legitimate fight. The only fight we found ourselves in was on the nation-building and COIN front, which will not be taking place with North Korea.

Were you alive or old enough to remember "Shock and Awe?" That's the type of conflict we're talking about here, not occupation and counter-insurgency.
Insurgents are an extension of civilians, A state military is the extension of the elite of a nation.
Look at how malnourished the civies are in NK they would surrender by the sound of the spoon hitting the bowls of soup.
Their military is practically useless versus the opponents they will face.
North Korea will be easy peasy to defeat maybe even easier than Iraq during the 2003 war.
Why do leafs even exist?
>mfw when korea glasses california
Korean refugees welcome, especially female ones.
I would presume Hawaii before California, but even that's a long stretch. At this point, the only way they could likely glass anything would be to strap one of their crude nukes to a boat or sub and detonate on the ship.

They haven't even graduated to fusion yet (presumably).
its the containment country for the anglosphere, for when we cant shove someone off to Australia.
They are our North Korea. Instead of commies, we drew a line to contain the gays up there.
It doesn't seem like Chine and the US would have it out because now it seems like Trump and Xi are butt buddies now? Are Trumps remarks praising Xi a facade?
>Are Trumps remarks praising Xi a facade?

yes. watching them together is like when trump met merkel.

At least Australians tend to have balls and a sense of humor
How faggotty dreamy.

What it will trigger: The new territory and military success fuels China's confidence and lust for new territories. They use the massive industrial capacity to ramp up weapons production while the USA says, "shit, we shouldn't have sold out America for some cheap shit from China".

With its new found buddy with which China has been poisoning the USA with drugs, china builds up its military in Mexico under the ospices of partnership. They hold a training exercise where they ferry 250,000 Chinese troops to Mexico, you know, for practice.

Meanwhile in Europistan: Muslims have fully infested all aspects of European government and society and are on a be der of destroying European culture and history. Europeans are unwilling and unable to defend against the genocide, as they have been for many years leading up to the final stages of the invasion.

On the critical day of reckoning, the Muslims in the USA start an all out guerrilla war on whites and blacks alike. Troops are mobilized but Liberal cooks have infested the military with muzzies too, so there's a lot of paranoia, some Muslim on American attacks within the military ranks, which sends waves of paranoia and mistrust all throughout the military services and thrusts them into disarray. While our military defenses are reeling from Muslim internal attacks against them and sabotage of systems, Chinese troops that are now in Mexico start entering the USA in order to of course provide aid to America, which is just a rise to buy them as much time as they can to spearhead into the USA on the west coast to take out all defenses and offenses in order to establish a direct beachhead. Immediately, china starts dispatching supplies from the mainland across the pacific destined for the San Diego and SF sea ports. There's no need to worry about WA or OR at the moment, they're cheering that the invasion of the USA has commenced without realizing their days in this planet are numbered
canuckistanis have neither.

the only good thing they gave is Tim Horton's, trailer park boy's, and degrassi.
>North Korea
>A Chinese ally
>That they'd fight to protect
Jesus anon my sides shouldn't be hurting this early in the morning.

North Korea was defended and then propped up by the Chinese (and the Soviets to a lesser degree) as a massive defensive fortification between them and the US forces which were at the time far superior to their own. Keep in mind the only reason we didn't march into China during the Korean War was because bombing out the bases keeping their "volunteer" forces from starving to death would have drawn the Soviets and the Chinese officially into war and would have started WW3. North Korea is the product of the geopolitical quagmire that was the early Cold War, not some spawn of a Chinese-Korean alliance

China has wildly advanced their military since then, and can rightfully claim to be capable of defending it's own borders without needing buffer states like North Korea. While they would prefer that the status quo is maintained, Kim is rapidly becoming less of an asset and more of a liability to them, and we have long passed the point where China would value North Korea more than their biggest trading partner.

The final argument
>...we have long passed the point where China would value North Korea more than their biggest trading partner.
Precisely this. People thinking there's some deep seeded moral allegiance between China and North Korea are delusional. China will always act in its best interest, which at this point firmly lies in the United States.
>be soldier
>ordered to invade NK
>kill thousands of peaceful korean peasants
>thousands more korean soldiers as you march onward to pyongyang
>enter city
>its a utopian society
>everyone is happy and has plenty of food
>buildings are not fake
>everything you were told about NK was (((propaganda)))
>fall to your knees
>sob uncontrollably
>literally die from grief
Zergling rush
go home kiwi, you're drunk
This war will last for much much longer than you think, once it starts.
>With its new found buddy with which China has been poisoning the USA with drugs, china builds up its military in Mexico under the ospices of partnership. They hold a training exercise where they ferry 250,000 Chinese troops to Mexico, you know, for practice.
The Chinese would have no justification for sending as many troops as Mexico has in total for joint training exercises, Mexico lacks the means to suddenly house and feed an extra quarter million men, the US government would never allow Mexico to get that buddy buddy with China and use our considerable trade influence to prevent it from happening, and worst case scenario the Navy says no.

>Meanwhile in Europistan: Muslims have fully infested all aspects of European government and society and are on a be der of destroying European culture and history. Europeans are unwilling and unable to defend against the genocide, as they have been for many years leading up to the final stages of the invasion.
If you're implying here that Europe would be unable to aid us militarily, that has always been the case even without future internal conflicts. What little military the European powers have is geared towards defense and has never been in a position to cross continents and wage war.

>Chinese troops that are now in Mexico start entering the USA in order to of course provide aid to America, which is just a rise to buy them as much time as they can to spearhead into the USA on the west coast to take out all defenses and offenses in order to establish a direct beachhead.
Do you have no clue what the US Navy is, or the fact that the only country that can just march into another nation and power project is the US using the might of the USN? The Chinese just finished developing the J-20, a fighter specifically designed to face off against the US Navy off of their own coast. They do not have the power projection to get anywhere close to us, period.
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You want war with NK? Make Kimmy angry!

I know you've likely abandoned this thread OP, but your opinions on Asian geopolitics are the most uninformed thing I've read in a while

>Chinese troops have already massed in great numbers along the northern border.
150,000 extra troops is not an invasion force, it's enough to control the refugees fleeing NK in the event of a North/South war and potentially hold off the Norks if they go full retard and try to attach China for cutting off the trade that is their primary source of income.

>US air support backing them up
Just because we're fighting the same enemy does not mean we would suddenly be running CAS missions for them

>China will then have a great big new province, which will justify their actions to the Chinese people. They will also gain a lot of landmass. This will make the Chinese very happy.
This "more territory is better" worldview died in WW2. China doesn't need the population or farmland, and territory as a military asset has been made meaningless by modern technology. The only real value a chunk of land can have anymore is in the resources underneath, which North Korea happens to have in massive amounts with estimated values in the trillions. In the event of a Western takeover of North Korea the ensuing divvying up of mineral rights has been already been negotiated for decades, and to think we're just going to hand all that to China without batting an eye is insane.

>...years of peace and prosperity, as well as reducing tensions. China will be very happy to get this much landmass, they'll forget about building dinky little islands for quite some time.
China going full imperialist and straight up annexing a sovereign nation, no matter how hated, would be the stupidest geopolitical decision in decades. The policy of "we just want to protect our weaker neighbors from American imperialism" would be dead, and they would be feared and hated by everyone. Hell, I think the US would just give Taiwan nukes at that point.
Who would be dumb enough to walk under radioactive fallout anyway
Nice Hollywood story.
But this is not how the real world works.

Reality would be:
> first US bomber or rocket flies into NorthKorean airspace
> NKs artillery immediately starts to fire on Seoul
> US missile defense systems can't do shit against ordinary artillery
> Seoul will burn
> at least 1 million South Koreans will die in the first 5 minutes
> the USA will have to invade NK as fast as possible to stop the artillery fire and launch as much rockets as possible
> NorthKorea will launch nukes
> they get intercepted
> NorthKorea will just drive some nukes with some ordinary truck as close to South Korea as possible.... same with ships on the sea
> a few nukes will explode.... again a million people die

In the end the US will obviously win, but the deatch count will be at least 5 million people.
And all of this just because Trump doesn't like what Kim is saying.
OP is just an underage faggot who doesn't know anything about geopolitics.

>China going full imperialist and straight up annexing a sovereign nation, no matter how hated, would be the stupidest geopolitical decision in decades. The policy of "we just want to protect our weaker neighbors from American imperialism" would be dead, and they would be feared and hated by everyone. Hell, I think the US would just give Taiwan nukes at that point.
This is actually the most important point.
China just can't watch the USA invading a country which is protected by China. This is just impossible. They would immediately lose all their influence in at least 10 countries and even some of their own provinces.
The Chinese army is not on the border of NorthKorea because they want to invade it.... they are on the border because they want to be able to react as fast as possible if the Trump spergs out and invades NK.
The South Pacific islands are for resources mostly sea food because china has overfished it's seas

Doesn't matter. THAAD will do nothing to protect Seoul from artillery and shorter range rockets. This is looking worse as it goes on, and short of a regime change from the inside, this is going to end poorly. I think it really depends on what China is willing to do at this point.

What does Russia have to gain besides fucking themselves more?
We're very unlikely to invade in any significant quantity, just SF/Rangers doing limited raids and large aide convoys to pacify the population with food and supplies.

The amount of ordinance that would be dropped by the USAF and USN, especially along the DMZ and in the southern mountain region, will be stupefying by any standard. That whole area will likely end up looking like the surface of the moon if the norks try to press through. It'll also be seen as a strategic opportunity to demonstrate to China and Russia the amount of conventional ordinance we can employ and how our systems and doctrines combine to establish uncontested full-spectrum dominance.
This would be pretty cool.
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>I don't know shit about tactics: The Post.
Actually, I do.
>if North Korea makes a move
They wont.

Is the (((burgers))) who keep chimping out about Norks because they sell weapons to countries Jews want to whipe off the map. The allegiance to China is just an afterthought, the nuclear threat not even real.
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i need this happening now
Are you stupid? Everyone is waiting for US to make move on them.
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