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Northern Ireland

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How does /pol/ feel about this situation?
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Terrible. The Good Friday Agreement was a disgrace.
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what situation
It's very simple.

Northern Ireland does not exist.
It is an occupied six counties that are rightful Irish clay.

The Republic of Ireland does not exist either.
The Republic's backwards anglo Americanised ways are a disgrace to Éire.

Ireland will be united under Catholic Ulster leadership. Protestants will be accepted and in cases, even embraced as Tone was. All in due time.
Brits out
>implying this thread is immune to willy-posts


Put that in your ration-book
It's are land. Get that red hand off that filthy kike star.

Got anymore pictures of irrelevant career politicians ?
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Yeah, heres one for you ;)
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>Got anymore pictures of irrelevant career politicians ?

Sure, here ya go.
Dole is better in the republic so I don't see the Orangeman's problem.
Give it back to the Irish. The protestants should either embrace their Irishness or move to the mainland if they love being British so much, god knows, we need some patriots.
Brits out
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Rightful Irish clay.
>right wing
>gun owners
>against gay marriage
>against islam
>against drug use

>Marxist and universally left
>friends of muslim terrorist groups
>gun grabbers
>support gay marriage and lgbt shit
>sell drugs

but because /pol/ is full of fat american virgins descended from irish people who ran away, many here believe otherwise
The Republic is full of gooks, pakis and Nigerians. The state broadcaster, tax-payer funded, depicted Cú Chulainn as a black man. You actively VOTED for faggot marriage and are very likely to vote for unrestricted abortion access.

You're less Irish than the huns.
>Northern Ireland does not exist. It is an occupied six counties that are rightful Irish clay.

Except it does exist, LOL.
Northern Ireland was a mistake created by kikes like Churchill so that relations would never recover like the US when they broke off. Literally no reason for them to keep it besides some LARPers who are proud of the fact that they are the rapebabies of British soldiers. The UK is dead. Better to abandon it for an Anglo ethnostate before Anglo's no longer exist. Either choice works out well for us in the end.
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How underage?
>against drug use

Pearse was a half-English bitch who surrendered, despite being armed LOL.
Real Irishmen are not bothered by the sensibilities of right-wing little Englanders.
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They're not bothered by gay marriage and PLO murals, both of which they fully approve of.
Ireland should be reunited
[spoiler]with the United Kingdom[/spoiler]
Man you talk some shite.
Why would they be?
>against drug use
UVF are drug dealers of the highest order. They got shit on by the russian mafia until they gave in and started dealing for them. There's a lad over on /brit/, loyalist lad, who tried to kill himself a few days ago high on drugs because he was in debt to loyalists gangs or some shite because of said drugs. I respect Loyalists in the way that Padraig Pearse did, but don't lie to further your agenda.

Exactly. I'm not bothered by the sensibilities of little Englanders. That's why I pay Dublin no mind.
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Theyre not politicians you dumb potatonigger
And Kim jong un will invade you
>There's a lad over on /brit/, loyalist lad, who tried to kill himself a few days ago high on drugs because he was in debt to loyalists gangs

I've heard of this happening a few times, loyalist drug dealers are scum
Point out the incorrect bits

Why do Irish Republicans love Islamic and Marxist organisations so much?
Fine let me post Thatcher's coffin then.
>Exactly. I'm not bothered by the sensibilities of little Englanders.

Which is why you're on /pol/ trying to appease them?
All drug dealers are scum. Provos had the right idea back in the 70s.
Go ahead, but she's not an irrelevant career politician, you daft cunt
Extort them until they sell your approved wares, whilst punishing people in your own "community" for owning guns that you don't have direct control of?
Trying to appease who? I don't think you understand what "Little Englander" means. I assume you're referring to the huns? I have more respect for them than I do for Dubliners, or most of the lot down in the Republic. They're at least nationalists.

>in the 70s
I know you have your agenda to push, but the IRA are pretty much the sole reason heroin didn't take hold of Northern Ireland the way it did Scotland. They executed drug dealers outright. Sure, the Provos are a splintered gang of idiots these days, but that doesn't change the past.
>All drug dealers are scum.

Yeah, but the loyalist gangs are particularly bad
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Do you honestly think people care about Thatcher or something?
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The Paddy is outraged. Outraged, I say!
>>gun owners
>>against drug use.
How come their areas is full of the shit?

>>Marxist and universally left.
>>friends of muslim terrorist groups.
Would rather support Assad and the Palestinians than fucking zionist kikes.
>>gun grabbers.
[Citation needed].
>>support gay marriage and lgbt shit.
Most of us really don't give shit and some are traditionalist catholics.
>>sell drugs.
What is RAAD?
remove that fucking crown and that fucking cross nigga... the oneils arn't going to take your shit anymore... we are going to kill all the niggas, and English are considered niggas, who live on our island. niggas die
British Nationalist perspective here

I fucking love Ireland and the Irish, I consider them ethnically British but also fully respect their right to self-determination, but this same right also applies to unionists in the north. Put simply we should just stay out of it as much as possible unless shit really hits the fan.
No, because she was an irrelevant career politician ;)
Putting aside all of the fighting. How do we save Ireland? How do we protect all 32 counties? I know Loyalists consider the other 26 to be a foreign country, but when that foreign country is attached to yours, has a common travel act and is inviting hundreds of thousands of non-whites, muslims and other such people who don't share your most basic of values, you've got to take notice.

If the Republic dies, Ulster dies.

How do we protect us all?
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I feel that the Irish Catholics are trying to pull a Mexico in Northern Ireland by trying to outbreed the Protestants.
Don't cry whiteboi
Oh its happening alright
It's like our aztlan, we are also catholic.
So can someone tell me what the difference is between importing a shitload of scots into Ireland, and importing a shitload of muzzies into London?

In 500 years time are we going to have a bunch of retarded mudslimes calling London their rightful clay?
Kek if this is real Northern Ireland will cease to exist in a generation
Real Irishmen don't go around thinking they're special snowflakes.

You're culture isn't different to ours. Your language isn't different to ours. Your race is different to ours. YOU AREN'T DIFFERENT TO US!

The sooner you except this simple fact the sooner you will be more prosperous.
I believe that it will happen

A lot of Catholics are actually on the fence about a united Ireland right now, but with brexit happening against the will of N.I. and Unionists no longer having a majority in government for the first time ever along with the demographic changes its only a matter of time
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think of the Northern Irish Troubles as a microcosm of Europe itself. You have already faced a trial run of what to expect with Islam in the very near future. You dealt with the same issues regarding terrorism, security, birth rates, religion, amnesty and voting blocks within a small island partition.....and you completely fucked it up. better luck this time round though.
Was this not the thinking behind the Good Friday agreement in the first place?

Nobody in the British government even wants NI kek
Lots of lindt cafe customers will be taken hostage
Who is "you"? Because, as an Irish Nationalist Catholic who had no civil rights and no chance at Irish citizenship and no peaceful means by which to unite Ireland, the Troubles was a success for me.
We are not white, we're Irish. You are white.
They are cucks like the scotts.
>outright admits that we're not even the same race
>yet we aren't different
Fuck off globalist scum.

The Gael is not like other men; the spade, and the loom, and the sword are not for him. But a destiny more glorious than that of Rome, more glorious than that of Britain awaits him, to become the saviour of idealism in modern intellectual and social life, the regenerator and rejuvenator of the literature of the world, the instructor of nations, the preacher of the gospel of nature-worship, God-worship - such, Mr. Chairman, is the destiny of the Gael.
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and you are a full english cuck who surrendered to the muslims raping your children
triggered. Northern Ireland should be reunited with our land
Not really an answer to my question, but sure.
It's full of British citizens so it's British. The IRA's claim is as legitimate over NI is as legitimate as Argentina's claim over the Falklands and twice as pathetic.
What a convincing argument
I'm from the north and the majority of Catholics are happy with the situation as it is, the only people that want a united Ireland are far left nationalists Plus have two economies on a small Island only benefits everyone
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It's a shit hole

Where do the terrorists operate from? From the Irish Republic, that’s where they come from. Where do the terrorists return to for sanctuary? To the Irish Republic.
And yet Mrs. Thatcher tells us that that Republic must have some say in our province.
We say, never, never, never, never.

I want a united Ireland and I'm a far right nationalist.
Under British rule?
I'm quite partial to returning to a Gaelic monarchy in which the 4 provinces are autonomous and ruled by 4 kings, who answer to a High King who has Éire in his heart.
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from Northern Ireland myself, we wont be like you faggot English. If any Muslims are invading our cities and raping our women...good luck to them, is all I have to say :)
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You're a bit of a retard, aren't you?
If Northern Ireland were to be free it would turn into the state of Ulster. Which in my opinion would be class, the cunts down South are too soft letting in too much Muslims
How about a compromise: the 4 kings are members of the Royal Family with Elizabeth II as the High Queen?
I go to 'Irish pubs' on 17 march wearing a red hand t-shirt. My attempted trolling always fails to be understood so I go home and cry myself to sleep.
That's not a compromise.
The Red Hand is an Irish symbol that represents an entirely Gaelic clan who actively fought against the British Crown.
When will the potato niggers realise they have no real culture outside of being ANGLOD through out history
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Let me guess, you're a working class Brit with the spirit and the body type of an English bulldog.
They kinda sound like americans, I mean their accents and all.
I think they are better than regular irish people and better than most in the UK.
My lord and savior Ian Stuart Donaldson taught me different.
Who cares? Ireland is pull of potato niggers anyways who despite being an island, didn't fucking fish when they ran out of potatoes.
You need to make it more obvious m8. Rangers or Northern Ireland football top. Although its Russia so I dont know how much they understand
>Northern Ireland sounds like America
You need help. Your muh heritage is off the charts. I was literally incomprehensible to my yank mates for weeks.
They kinda sound like americans, I mean their accents and all.

kek what
Why are Irish nationalists so fussy?

I'm a mechanical engineer that looks suspiciously Jewish due to an odd mix of Anglo-Saxon and Mediterranean genetics.
You wouldn't know the difference between the accents of county donegal and county antrim. Go back to your burger.
You're the fussy one. I gave Ulster autonomy even while Ireland was united, and you didn't consider it enough.

They understand about as much as you think. I just am confused at my people celebrating some Irish holiday.
Especially because your economy is still in the toilet. How's the nuclear belarussian cheese?
rightful british clay
so is America

Belorussian cheese is actually good, but they only make 2 types. I work in an in demand careerfield in a big city. I'm basically a carpetbagger bad economy is good for me.
Long may your cleptocracy remain shit.

I'll drink to that
>A bunch of larping brit bong bastards got butthurt about the Irish independence and instead of heading home they decided to stay.
Northern Ireland shall reunite with the south.
Check em
I want nothing to do with the Republic. It all needs to burn to the ground.
Kek wills it.
God does not.
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Ireland is truly the enemy of the Anglosphere.
Over 99% white and full of conservative christians which is good. The DUP have got their heads screwed on. Was in Dublin the other day. Haven't seen so many hispanic people in all my life and every other street had a burrito place.
Collins is here lads!
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We enjoy the label.
>>123053624 one of the few places in the west that is against the abomination that is gay marriage.
Are Irishski pubs popular in Russia?
We should force Ireland to take them and their debt.
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Mate the Belfast accent is straight up an insult to humanity. The ultimate bastard child of accents. If you hear that and then compare that to a Cork or Kerry accent and say it's more pleasing there's no hope for you.
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They're popular everywhere I think, I saw a bunch of them in France, Austria, here and in the US.
u fukn slabberin there la swear ta fuk ay'll knahk yer fukn ballix in u come anywhere near my gaff swear ta fuk ay'll knahk yer absolute pan in
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