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USA regressing into a developing nation

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America is regressing to have the economic and political structure of a developing nation, an MIT economist has warned.

Peter Temin says the world's’ largest economy has roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe.

The economist describes a two-track economy with on the one hand 20 per cent of the population that is educated and enjoys good jobs and supportive social networks.

On the other hand, the remaining 80 per cent, he said, are part of the US’ low-wage sector, where the world of possibility has shrunk and people are burdened with debts and anxious about job security.
>(((MIT economist)))
I'm sure his solution is more mexicans and refugees.
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How convenient that the media suddenly Fucking cares about poor white people after shitting all over them for decades and denying they even existed
West Virginia has always been shitty.
West Virginia has always been a developing nation.
Look at those entitled white privileged girls.
Guess white people aren't so cracked up to be.
As if, everthing was perfect until 100 days ago.
So NOW when it suits (((their))) agenda they suddenly give a damn about the poverty stricken whites who (((they're))) determined to exterminate.
>"if you're white you don't know what it means to be poor"

*sips tea*
Thats the lesson they learn from Drumf taking over the nigger house.
You have my sympathies Murriburger.
So wait dems had the white house for 16 years since the early 1990s (8 for reps) and roads and bridges are shit? Oh gee.

They tax but don't spend it in military or infrastructure so where does all that money go?
that, exactly that. its partisan horseshit because these fucks didnt want to blame the nigger
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>has roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe
>in parts of Europe
if you have a lot of infrastructure you simply can't effort repairing every backstreet every day
even in Germany - THE automotive nation - we have roads which haven't been refurbished in years an literally look like thus in Czech republic or Poland
just another "expert" talking bullshit
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>80% in "low wage" sector
what the fuck is considered low wage? even compared to the richest and most equal countries in the world the average american can afford more than the overwhelming majority of OCED countries
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>coal miners who create the power for your devices through their efforts
>get paid shitty wages because coal is cheap
>"lol poor white workers, are you even trying white people? posted from my smartphone"
>"I can't wait until graduate school, this philosophy degree is tough work"
>an MIT economist has warned
haha okay lol
>m-muh europoor
If ever there was a people who should've been chanting for worker's rights, it would be these men, and not the nebs you see in Berkley.
Isnt this where those apalche mountains are? Are some of the stories about drugs and no electricity true?
jew thread beware faggots
Yes, Trump has been in office what? 98 days.. and somehow he's part of this argument. That is grand. Unbelievably grand. Where has this "intellect" been for the last 8 years?
>Peter Temin says the world's’ largest economy has roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe.

Yeah, ok.


>One of the best in the world
>Above Austria, Hong Kong, Japan, France, Canada, etc

The infrastructure meme is a democrat construct perpetuated in order to justify raising taxes among the pleb voters that don't know better (because they've never traveled abroad).
>talking shit on anyone elses economic situation
Whats your unemployment at now like 30% ?
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* pops 10 Vicodin and cries about "cultural Marxism that doesn't affect anything *
>importing the entire third world
>becoming third world
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Look at those privileged white fuckers.



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Oh, and not to mention that we're ranked far, far above Israel. Kike OP BTFO.
Excellent point. Not to mention this deterioration didn't happen since Trump took office.
West Virginia is third world in some parts, if you want to bring race into it I suppose one could point out that despite having infrastructure and education behind some African countries they don't have the endemic violence that seems to be the norm in places like Detroit or East St. Louis.
This is what happens when you deport millions orf working immigrants. Trump will be the death of us.
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Well here's a breakdown of the 2009 stimulus package passed by Obama and the Democrats, while it was advertised as an infrastructure bill that ended up being a relatively small part of it, and a lot of that money went into union slush funds anyway.
>West Virginia
it's always been poor because the whole state is mountains, there is a similar dynamic in Afghanistan

the US is probably going to be just like Brazil (ie brown) in 20 years, it's depressing
They look like Hispanics you racist asshole
>high school dropouts and niggers work at mcdonalds
>literally feed our nation with their own bare hands
>get paid shitty wages because food is cheap
>"lol get a better job you dumb niggers"
>"muh personal responsibility!"

Guess you only care about poverty class losers when they're white.
>muh roads
Can an american answer my question please?
I live right in the middle of rural WV where there's no jobs, some of it is partially true. If you go to work and don't chain up/lock up all of your valuables they will be gone by the next morning. The over-prescription of oxycontin and the depression of losing jobs from the closing of the coal mines were a recipe for an epidemic. Look up a documentary called "Oxyana", that was filmed about 15 minutes away from where i live.
I had to relocate here from Ohio a couple of years back, and it was almost impossible to find work. Currently I commute to Charleston (about a two hour drive w/traffic) just to make some money. There's no jobs around here, but there's drugs everywhere you look. It's a very depressing place to live to be honest.

The no electricity thing is true but not on a large scale like it used to be. Some houses I've seen in the deep south of WV actually still have dirt floors. It's crazy to see this first hand.
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This is what happens when you abandon your own country and decide to focus your efforts on the prosperity of the developing world.
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better pull the funds designated for greatest ally and spend it on yourselves Burgers

america needs poverty and chaos to stay on the right path.
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>take in 100M 3rd worlders
>become 3rd world

that is shocking

>that picture

there are so many places like that where i live in rural west virginia and everyone is hooked on heroin or meth and they fuck their family members
we send money to Detroit
theyre doing this for a reason, anon. Actually three:

>this information is designed to make wealthy or upper middle-class whites feel disconnected from the poor, lower-class whites, thus dividing the white community against itself.
>this information is designed to make struggling but not entirely poor whites feel afraid that they too may slip into absolute poverty due reasons out of their control, thus placing tremendous stress of the majority of white people in America.
>this information is designed to demoralize those whites who know what the Jew is doing. It's a message to /pol/ saying: "look what we did. you cant do anything to save your people!"

The Jews really fucking hate us.
That's so comfy, in such a world libtards won't fare well. Maybe Murica has hope after all
>what it really is
make one where 3rd worlders exclusively flood into the US, Canada, Australia, and the EU
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Yes they are.
In northern Maine for instance some people still don't have running water, and very rarely no electricity
But it's really only super rural areas that this is still the case
USa is harwired to become brazil 20
Independent is owned by a Russian oligarchs, but Reddit still loves it, muh independent media. Nothing like RT. Oligarchs are honest people, Russia needs more people like these.
It's okay, we really hate the jews
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"Appalachia" runs with the Appalachian mountains southern Pennsylvania down into Northern Alabama. The only parts of it that have no electricity would probably be the really isolated cabins and homesteads. As far as drug use goes I've only been there a few times but I saw less meth mouth there than I expected, the most being in rural Missouri. From what I hear the West Virginian drug addicts mostly abuse opioids, meth and lab drugs are more of a great plains or Southwest thing.
just like a cancer
>look at image
>not a bad neighborhood imo

fuck should I move out of pittsburgh? when I was in my 20s I thought it was cool living in a city that looked like a scene from the wire. Not so sure anymore.
I'm pretty sure every nation--especially ones that are as large as the US--have their drug addicted destitute. You probably have gas huffing abos over there that live in huts without electricity, Europe has transient gypsies, etc. No nation is perfect but we rank pretty well as far as infrastructure is concerned (8th best in the world): >>122931206

Like I said, the meme is perpetuated in order to justify in the mind of voters that raising taxes even higher is a good thing. Even though our infrastructure is good, the media will focus on one shitty bridge over and over because the big government Jews want more shekels for expensive coke parties and missiles and the media is fine with that (they're probably even invited to the parties behind closed doors).
Appalachia is great, fuck off fannyblasted Plebbit cunts.
So I guess the USA should be exempt from taking in refugees, first world Israel can have them instead. They should slash that foreign aid budget too, can you pay your own way for a while guys?
Ty for the report.
Why not?
Niggers get aid nonstop you retard
>demand unchecked immigration from 3rd world beaner countries of Latin America and South America
>be surprised when the USA becomes a 3rd world beaner country like Brazil

When the Jew resorts to honest threats when addressing the goy it means we're winning. They operate best in the shadows, ruling through deceit and cunning. They aren't as strong as they seem.
but they did... for centuries...
Have you never heard of the union battles? People shot each other.
That's globalism for you.
Western elite destroyed the middle class of their own country to create one in Asia, they did the same thing in Europe but the difference is that the burgers don't have socialist policies so they have shits like Detroit or the Rust Belt.

Crumbling german infrastructure is because your government is obsessed by budget balance and reducing its debt since 15 years, France and UK (to compare countries with close characteristics) just don't give a fuck and keep borrowing.
You get angry by a made up solution you assumed him to have. Damn you're easy to trigger.
uh decades*

Yet Israel continues to beg for billions from us annually.

It was our foreign aid that made Israel not a completely dirt-poor shithole.
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>Newly paved road, maybe 1-2 years old
>Oh no these poor white kids
Haha fuck you, my town's roads haven't been maintained in over 30 years. It's gotten to the point where they're so badly neglected that they might as well be gravel roads, they just do this bullshit patch job and throw that gravel tar into the biggest holes once a year. They don't even pound it in so that gravel tar shit just washes away or gets caught up in your tires and fuck them up.

Imagine this image but the entire road is this bullshit, that's what my town's roads are like. Btw this is california.
>cultural Marxism that doesn't affect anything
Goddamn, you're stupid.
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hey shlomo, I'm jewish. Should I move to israel? Seems kinda like a dump filled with shitskins from youtube videos. But once on mushrooms I promised god I'd move there.
Despite being poor as fuck white West Virgins aren't running around joining street gangs and staging drive bys
some of our cities have higher GDP's than most countries.

the USA is like 200x bigger than any European country, there's going to be some diversity
If you look at that pic from the corner of your eye it kinda looks like Nietzsche smoking a cigar
>But once on mushrooms I promised god I'd move there.
once on mushrooms God I promised the jews will be his chosen.
The western fiat currency central banking system is coming to an end. There are massive layoffs, store closings and bankruptcy. We are already in a recession that will soon take a sharp downturn. Wages are flat, inflation is diminishing purchasing power and families make up the difference with credit card debt. When this really hits the whole western banking system will collapse.This will effect europe, the western hemiphere and parts of asia.
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This is exactly what Charles Murray has been warning since 1994, in The Bell Curve, and also in his recent book Coming Apart.

Congratulations on your new class system, burgers.
If you kettled all the methhead west virginians into a small city block they'd be as niggerish as the rest of them. Luckily for them their white trash asses are spread out in bumfuck nowhere.


Here's the trailer to Oxyana if anyone is interested. Nothing has changed since the filming, you should be able to find a torrent to the full version if you are interested.
You don't think Canada is next?
>white children
>in America
In such case we'll be a 3rd world country overnight.
Goes into politicians pockets. The article is correct. Brazil level corruption arrives as we reach Brazil level demographics.

Funny thing: drive on New Hampshires highways. for the most part they're well kept. Road lines aren't faded and you might even see loads of new construction being built at an extremely high productive rate. Drive over the border to taxachusetts and see all of the potholds, trash on the side of the road, street signs barely hanging on their posts, knocked over guard rails, fading road paint, and congested traffic because the corrupt Massachusetts leadership is completely slow as fuck when it comes to developing and expanding the highways to compensate for high traffic
careful with that edge brah
[Citation Needed]
Yeah this is one of those articles where so many things are wrong and misleading you don't know where the hell to begin.
>average wage

These stats say absolutely nothing in a country with the such an extreme income disparity as in the US, you really need the median wage for that.
school isn't for smart people
Oh well, I guess all this infrastructure deterioration, debt slavery, and sob security concerns all happened in the 4 months since Trump took office. Fucking Jews.
aid money to other countries should be zero.

fuck those degenerates. no willpower whatsoever
>replace developed first world population with third world shit skins
>become a third world country

How shocking.
The IQ threshold for having a meaningful life is steadily rising. It happened to the blacks first because they are low IQ. Now it's creeping into the majority-white parts of the IQ distribution.
Obama's America, gents. If any of you retards had read 'Dreams from my Father' before 2008 you never would've voted for the Obamunist. Oh, wait, he's black, so you would've voted for him even if he laid out his plans to destroy America's standing in the world to your face, because hey, virtue signaling and facebook likes > things that actually matter.

Lol at the retard trying to blame this on the guy who's been in office for 100 days. Go read an economics book, dipshits.

>But, but Maddow says so!
Again, go read an economics book, dipshits.

I do love the uneducated liberal whining ITT though. Makes me so comfy!

>But, but Russia... and I didn't get my way... t-that's racist! gibsmedat!
His post didn't seem angry to me anon
That's how I see it, I wish someone would cut the shit with rat poison so I would quit having to go get my lawn mowers back from the retards. They will steal anything to get money.
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being poor is comfy desu

with trumps new tax plan you won't even have to pay taxes on the first 24k

think I'm going to be self employed and make exactly 24k and live in a trailer in west virginia. so much white trash pussy.
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Guess who is to blame.
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Who could have predicted that bringing in millions of third world peasants would produce a country that resembles the third world? Totally inexplicable.
>the world's’ largest economy has roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe.
IDK about you, but the roads in Thailand were strictly superior to the roads in Europe.

While we are at it, the real third world country is Britain.
What's wrong with West Virginia?
True. That church steeple looks well-maintained though. Priorities.
Use protection, and a tent in your front lawn. They be carrying the bedbugs as well as a dictionary of STDs.
When you see Walmart laying people off and Subway closing stores you know its bad when people can't afford cheap stuff and fast food.
>bringing in millions of third world peasants

There aren't that many somalis man.
T. Salt lake
>So I guess the USA should be exempt from taking in refugees
Dude, soon americans will be the refugees
Once they wake up from their (((superpower))) dream and realize they live in a third world shithole, they are going to want to leave the shit

I would happily agree to welcome them back in Europe and introduce them to my wife's son so they can see what it's like to be part of an evolved civilization
>fuck those degenerates. no willpower whatsoever
There is more to addiction than simply just ceasing consumption. I have alot of respect for addicts. Generally they are strong people, but have uncontrollable demons. There are many factors that contribute. Personally, Id love to see the epidemic treated as a mental health issue. These people need help, and my heart and prayers go out to them. Hopefully they can get on track, and move forward into brighter and better futures.

t: Recovering alcoholic
I thought the rail road system was a dead give away.
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Obama destroyed West Virginia.
Honestly I don't see a problem with this fast food is degenerate as it gets. The fatties will be forced to loose weight.
found the plebbitor
fast food is not cheap though. Hasnt been cheap for years.
Thanks for everything rabbi
>I can ignore economic issues that don't affect me.

Yeah man first they came for fast food.
So I said nothing.
USA is turning into a 3rd world nation.
This has been known for some time now.
i take comfort in your words and hope youre right. but i stay reminded that the jew would also feel comfortable showing his hand if he knows he's already won
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I'll take the one on the left.
Tender and easy to bend.
nah fuck em. put the addicts in labor camps until they are clean. when they are released put them on a lifetime of random UAs. they go back to labor camps if they fail. we need a hitler president
the problem with addictive drugs is that they erode the part of your brain that is actually capable of giving you willpower. It's not so simple as "just stop doing drugs lmao" and it never will be.
this so much,

Addicts are pretty fucking tough, a reformed addict can make a damn good leader.
It takes a lot to be fucked out of your mind and still survive day to day.
Most military members are alcoholic and coke heads.
Most politicians do coke or opium.

Being an addict does not equate to no willpower, it's more a fear of change.
Will you still be the same afterwords.
I stopped drinking in the military and it was miserable, but I also don't drink at all now.
2+ years on the wagon.
What do you think the indio/mestizo population, that has grown to the size of of a LA country, is?
West Virginia never progressed to begin with.
keep rubbing your hands rabbi
Plus, can't you see these white girls are part of white supremacy ? Surely getting blacked would make them pay their reparations.
France won't escape the collapse of the western banking system. You should prepared to fight a civil war when your government can't afford the welfare payments to the no go area dwellers
>be #1
>begin "developing"
Bad because...?
Here's the thing. America has a shit ton more infastructure to worry about than the other nations. We are much larger, and less densely populated you kike
Appalachia. In the past yes, which was rare. There aren't any places now that do not have running water or electricity unless you're innawoods. In West Virginia there's a group of people living in the mountains that shoot anyone that gets too close. They are rumored to have not lived on electrics, water, etc forever. Bunch of literal hill billies
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you would be saying something different if it was you or someone you loved you faggot.
Depressing, I'd love to live there in nature. Winter must be really cool.
Drug abuse is also a common thing in very poor and depopulated rural regions of France. Heroin too. Coincidence ?
Appalachia has always been poor and is generally looked down on by the rest of the country. That being said, the Appalachian Mountains were mostly settled by Scotch-Irish who are fiercely independent and suspicious of outsiders. Pretty much like hill people everywhere. When society falls into ruin, they'll be some of the survivors.
>paved road
>running water
>air conditioning
>satellite tv

doesn't seem that bad
>They are rumored to have not lived on electrics, water, etc forever. Bunch of literal hill billies
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Of course, a fucking jew would post this.
>Addicts are pretty fucking tough, a reformed addict can make a damn good leader.
>It takes a lot to be fucked out of your mind and still survive day to day.
100%. I drank heavily for almost 2 straight decades. My evenings consisted of a case of beer, and usually a bottle or 2 of wine. Daily for almost 20 years.

The insanity of the mind is revealed to me day to day, as I get in "situations" that I was in while drunk....the way I act, and resolve now is a stark contrast to the insanity that was. Previous solutions to simple problems involved violence or at the least some yelling and hard core mind breaking insults.

I don't have to be that person. No one does if they make that choice.

Im at 16 months clean. I love it. I wish I had gotten help sooner. It would have saved loads of cash and lots of anguish.

The wreckage of my past is slowly being put into order.
US is still top 5 no matter how you figure it in median income purchasing power. The big 5 are the US, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, then there's a moderate drop off.
Oddly enough, I think you're partly right about that.
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Are the muzzies the dealers?
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Good. This is what I wanted all along.
>roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe
>80 per cent, he said, are part of the US’ low-wage sector, where the world of possibility has shrunk and people are burdened with debts and anxious about job security

All that Israeli aid would go a long way towards domestic infrastructure maintenance.
It'd also be real nice if we could shave off some of that military budget to invest in both that & growing our domestic production as well. Not like anyone is or has been directly attacking us.
>3rd worlders bum rush america
>america becomes 3rd world
makes my brain crank up
I hope the people that compromised Trump will allow him to put effort into the infrastructure to make the US the grand fucking empire it used to be
Central Florida is rockin. Sucks to be the rest of you I guess.
with that attitude you're complicit in the continuing and unending brazilification of the USA. pathetic.

what the fuck are you going to do when everywhere looks like memphis? i'm entitled to have an opinion on this shit too so don't call me a damn leaf i'm an american.
Why don't you just ask them yourself?
>posts nigger.gif

fuck off nigger lover
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To make infrastructure great again it would cost $5 trillion ... Trump will be lucky to pass $1T. It's a nothing burger. U.S. will continue to slide...
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shut up leaf
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>Peter Temin says the world's’ largest economy has roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe.
Don't worry, EU will soon catch up with USA trend with all those nigger "refugees" and "not all muslims" terrorists around and you will have a new "standard" how 'first world country" should look like.
Rural PA here. Same basic story. Free trade and out of control labor unions ran off too many decent paying jobs. Jobs left and were replaced with drugs. This is why I can't favor economic policies coming from the left or right. Both fuck over the the rural, working, middle class; the very people they claim to help. I've noticed not many of (((them))) live in rural America.

I'm in a hilly rural area that is mostly Scots, with a smattering of Irish and Anglo (the latter being desecended from American Loyalists). The clannishness and pride are definitely here too, but I find people to be pretty intelligent and dignified on the whole, not "hillbillies" at all, though a few people are rough around the edges.
America is literally 52% white. We will devolve extrememly rapidly if present demographic trends are not reduced.

We can't transition from >100 average IQ to 85 average IQ and maintain all the things white people built.
What would you do to help rural America if you were dictator for a day?
The clannishness has a story behind it, it's pretty fascinating
shoo shoo anthony cumia
And the same MIT economist would probably tell us to import millions more unskilled immigrants and export more jobs to China.

When the predominantly white Boomer tradesmen start to retire in large numbers soon there's going to be a sharp dropoff in our quality of life here in North America. You can already see how shitty craftsmanship and construction are becoming, but the older guys were the last ones who at least were willing to do a job right for the sake of their pride most of the time (even if they also overcharged for it).
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This truly is the future we chose.
It's full of backwater mountain hicks that are extremely racist towards anyone that is not a god-fearing, white American!

About 99% of the people in my immediate area are of Highland Scots descent, so it's much the same thing. They are very aware of who "belongs" and who doesn't (I don't, because although I'm of Scottish descent too I've only lived here 18 years).
Wish I had an answer for that but I'm not that smart. The problems took 30 years to develop, they can't be fixed overnight. Some sort of restrictions on collective bargaining and a reduction/elimination of corporate taxes targeted at depressed regions would be a start.
>>literally feed our nation with their own bare hands

>McDonalds employees feed the nation
>Not the farmer and his 100 acres of land feeding thousands by himself


Also showcases why the "rural and suburban retards" have a higher value vote.
the notion of every fucking backwater road being shiny and spotless on a country that is essentially a continent is stupid, you can do that shit in denmark, but not in usa or russia, china, india or whatever. That shit is built to last.

I guess we got used to sci-fi version of "the future" where everything sparkles and is sterile cleansed.
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What a time to be alive.

>tfw about to start my own business too
MIT has turned into a commie toilet bowl.
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Must have been some prettt shit roads and bridges if they started detoraiting into nothingness within six months.
>Mr Temin says that education is the solution to offer everyone in society better opportunities and calls for investments in public schools and public universities.
The US spends more per capita than any nation on Earth except for a couple very small and very wealthy European countries.

Kansas City even tried going far beyond this in the 1990s and it failed miserably: https://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/pa-298.pdf

Why are these people, supposedly the best and brightest of society, so unwilling to learn from experience and apply simple logic?
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>The infrastructure meme is a democrat construct

Uh, okay.
Education = massive public money trough for bureaucrats.
We have a society of GIBSMEDAT in both private and public sectors. It's only natural that the system is in deep crisis, teetering on collapse
I would like to know, how does that even works in your heads.
>people are burdened with debts and anxious about job security
Ah, gender studies
>Doesn't refute his argument backed by hard evidence
>Posts zany memes instead
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This doesn't really surprise me. So much of our infrastructure is ruined and patched together. The US just feels more third world each and every day to me, its a stressful experience that I didn't experience as a kid in the 90's.

Homelessness and poverty is everywhere in the Central Valley of California. I see it all the time these days, people with cardboard signs, and can collectors riding rusty mountain bikes. A lot of people don't even mow their lawns in California and their front yard looks like a forest of weeds.

Ever since the 2008 financial crisis- even our fashion feels more third world. As retail stores closed, thrift shops popped up around town like mushrooms. Most Americans wear faded old clothes these days.

I see this phrase "decrease in quality of living" a lot recently. The number I see a lot is "a 30% decline in the standard of living." Our standard of living is bloated for many Americans- its simply unsustainable financially and environmentally. The entire concept of things like pensions for life, social security, eating out several times a week, and 1 person living alone may be unsustainable.
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So.. Trump peddles "constructs by Democrats", okay.
This kike OP is going to die within a year.
To be fair, Wal-Mart is getting slammed by Dollar General which is replacing them in the bottom end retail market by building small stores everywhere.
>roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe.
>parts of Europe

You know what else though?
Parts of Europe have roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in other parts of Europe.

Taking pictures of a less developed area 300 miles from any major population center doesn't mean the US is regressing anywhere. The media would literally have you believe that this is what LA looks like 100 days into Trumps presidency.

We know

>this delusion
France is gonna collapse in the next 5 years from uncontrollable immigration and violence. When the next recession hits it's over
Nice try Ivan.
Mississippi is literally a part of Africa.
we need sperm bank eugenics...
Sure? What difference does that make to his argument?
Some parts are regressing in a big way though though. I've been watching it happen.
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and what a glorious day that will be indeed
We used to have the same exact problem until a bunch of Texans showed up for our shale.
Now we have roads again, but also a bunch of pointless hotels that will close in 10-15 years.

there are definitely parts of rural america that should be abandoned; it is natural that some places lose their function.
>Mr Temin says that education is the solution
This meme always annoyed me. It implies that everyone can be doctors, lawyers, engineers, and programmers when, in reality, most of the jobs that exist are menial and generally low-end.
(((They))) only reveal the truth if it serves a bigger lie. Stay put.
The road repair is awful in the central valley too. They don't actually repair the roads, they just slap as asphalt band-aid over potholes that will come back within a month.
>Well maybe we'd repair the roads more if we everyone was giving us more taxes!
I fucking hate the California government.
I see. Should the economic contribution of an individual increase the power of someone's vote?

I suppose a billionaire jew hollywood rat's vote should equal that of west virginia then.
Those are the people I come from. I have family with little in the way of formal education who are some of the smartest people I know.
It's always the case that some parts are always regressing while others are coming up. I mean, just look at al the abandoned 19th century towns.

The US is pretty huge and underdeveloped in terms of total land mass. Hence, there are some backwaters out there. We do much better than most. Good luck trying to get internet or cell service out in the backwaters of any other large country.
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>America is regressing to have the economic and political structure of a developing nation

Quick, let's import more third worlders and pay out more welfare to all the mud races already here.
They were functional 20 years ago. It's not like the world is such a different place that certain chunks of dirt can no longer be viable living options.
Nah lad as soon as we know the jig is up. Look at hitler. We will rise. They will fall. The Elders of Zion will lose. The children of God will succeed.
Top Anon. Stay on the good path.
Nobody here is mad but you
Problem is, when I'm talking rural I'm not talking small communities of 100 or so people. I'm talking about larger communities that fall somewhere between small town and metropolitan. In the late 70's/early 80's my high school had graduating classes of nearly 300. When I graduated in '96 it was about 100. when my kids graduate in 7 years it will be closer to 75. Some schools in the area are talking about mergers. There is too much previous investment in infrastructure to let these areas rot, and cities are becoming more and more crowded; not to mention city life isn't suitable for some people. There is no good reason why areas like mine can't return to the way they were even 20 years ago. The power structure in this country doesn't seem to eager for that to happen though.
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West Virginian here

It depends on where you go in the state. The panhandle is really nice (though rampant with libshits) while places like Huntington are rotting away with drugs. Some of the rural areas near the south are straight up silent hill tier, permeating with depression and spooks.
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>MIT constantly touts how America is skyrocketing in all fields when Obama is in office
>a couple months after Trump is electes
>zero aid to detroit
>88% black population
>what is welfare
Ireland btfo
lollin @ America rn
As someone with an addiction that started with prescription pain killers and eventually escalated to heroin, I can tell you from personal experience that it is not as cut and dry as you make it out to be.
t. Sheltered moron who has no clue how the world works outside mommy's basement.
This man gets it.
Says the likely overweight Anon.
Dude, you are so full of shit.
If somebody in WV is living in a house without electricity, it's because they didn't pay their power bill, or it's a hunting cabin they go to on the weekends.
I live near the Putnam/Kanawha County border, so I'm not secluded. But even in Boone and Logan it's not like that anymore. Hell, it's not even like that at most of the hunting camps anymore.
There are plenty of fucking jobs around here but everybody is too fucking lazy to work. I am constantly looking for steel erectors, but nobody wants to work.

Congrats fellas.
you get to ride to hell with us as you become an islamic caliphate looking at London

Africans terrify me, they're like actual wild animals.
>steel erector
>steel erection

I know it's an old joke, I just can't help myself.
Why not
and the dems/libs/sjws/((()))s hide it by distraction to the point that it cant possibly be true as it isn't known

so anyone that says otherwise is wrong

not even sure it goes to politicians' pockets more so to dumb shit/unnecessary shit

>" They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions. Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance." Psalms 106:34-40
>Onigger fucks America for 8 years with retarded socialist policies
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i hope your words are true my friend...

Somebody keeps rummaging through my honda in the wee hours of the morning, however. I used to be able to keep my door unlocked... welp, no murder spike yet at least, lol.
Whilst it is sad to see it is well deserved to a large extent. A lot of, if not most white guys take too much pride in being dumb thugs. That was the case when I was growing up and I dealt with one of these types the other day. It's insufferable after putting up with it for years.
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>implying the US isnt a colony of Israel already
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And Trump saved it!
Wait. Is this image supposed to represent poverty? What the fuck?

>satellite dish
>decent looking car
>newish looking bike
>maintained roads
>plenty of land to play on

I don't get it. Are they "poor" because the kids are playing outside instead of staring at an iphone?
What did we get for that $20 Trillion debt?
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The Democrats have a fairly predictable reply to this situation:

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>an MIT economist has warned.
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>Dwumpfkin makes pointless vote-grabbing promises
>fails fucking dismally due to "muh why doesn't govt. work EXACTLY the same as business?"
>it's EVERYONE else fault, not mine

You sound like one of those kids crying at the mall cause mummy won't buy you an icecream.
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>suddenly liberals care about poor whites

I find this pic so comfy
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And there are some Americans telling me that I could leave France to escape third world immigration an then move in the USA.
The Soros foundation.

neithr of you acknowledge the fact that wat the first person said was colossally retarded. But u will be drawn to discussion about his definitely not being angry. maybe this can help you
oh the things i could say lol

literally nada
a mob boss with good suit and ties
How much for the one on the left
Europoor nations aren't considered 'developing' and a lot of them have areas that are as bad if not worse than this.
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> but Muh trump

>air conditioning
>satellite TV
>fire hydrant
>paved roads
>running water
>spare wood

When will people realize that all you really need in life is water, food & shelter?

There is a such thing as "living off the land", and if you can't survive in the beautiful, natural-resource rich state of West Virginia then you deserve to die.
Isn't Virginia warm enough that you could sleep outside at night?
Meanwhile North Korea only gains more power as the superior developed nation. Shoulda voted Hillary!
I agree

No idea why, it just has a mood to it like I want to protect them
>going to the mall for ice cream
>When will people realize that all you really need in life is water, food & shelter?
Now put down your shitposting device and never pick it up again. Not so easy, eh? Hypocrite.
glad wisconsin will stay somewhat comfy for 40 years.
real aid. like education for young black teens. do you know how many young black males drop outta high school? a fucking lot, one reason is because the school lack funding and the teachers aren't paid enough. image if the black school in Detroit got the most up to date technology and the teachers were paid more... also if classes were smaller so the students can learn easier.. detroit would be one of the top economies in the world. instead the school are underfunded and the teachers underpaid. many teachers don't understand black people and don't understand the culture. so the black kids can't related to the teachers. also Detroit needs a job program to help young black teens get a job.
No source, but I've heard the same. Something like there's a community in the Appalachian mountains that has had minimal contact with the outside world in like 100 years. Might just be an old wives-tale though
This country will devolve soon, it is running low on pottery and the local market has an erratic supply at best.
>describes a two-track economy with on the one hand 20 per cent of the population that is educated

the opportunity for education is there in the US

dumb people just don't take that opportunity
This reminds me of something I read a while ago. Some leftists were making fun of some texas county bc they were removing paved roads, to replace them with dirt roads.
It might seem backwards, but for a majority of county roads having them paved is unnecessary, and more expensive to repair.
A dirt road is perfectly fine for travel up to 50mph so theres no real need for expensive pavement.
wow nope.
>one reason is because the school lack funding and the teachers aren't paid enough.
>yeah okay they must be homeless and get paid as much as a McDonald's employee.
they drive new cars and live in houses.
>working in a school isn't even hard, unless you're say a janitor
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I 100% believe this

just drive around where you live and I you will find places that look exactly like OP's picture which looked much better 15 or 20 years ago

ash tray carpets and starving pets
Remove niggers and spics and you would fix most of America's problems overnight.

Why is it that for everything not going right for the black race there needs to be a thousand programs paid for by all of us goykin but whites and asians can pretty much take care of themselves with whatever they have at hand?
>Plebs are needed
>90's plastic GM blob on wheels (looks like a 97-03 grand prix to me)
>decent car
they're as poorfag as you can get
Oh yeah because Appalachia and white areas of the Bible Belt are great.

lmao, it doesn't matter how much money they pour into schools or pay teachers. These kids can't and won't learn because they come from broken homes and a culture that is actively hostile to education and civic involvement, and makes a virtue of everything we see as a vice. Until American black "culture" is forcefully dismantled, there is no hope for black children.

They can't. Poverty is an issue in rural white America, and is much more serious in China.
1) Fuck
2) Kill
More like old people and military spending.
You're not entitled to a job, quality of life enjoyed by those living in socialist economies, etc. just because you're American. Everything the wealthy 20% have they worked for. The circumstances of their birth have nothing to to with their station.
If you think that's bad, look at California's roads. They are so shitty that it makes OP's pic look like Europe.
>air conditioning
>direct tv
>Christmas lights still up in summertime

They have it much better than poor people used to.
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>coal miners who create the power for your devices through their efforts
>get paid shitty wages because coal is cheap

Coal miners can make up to six figures straight out of high school. The hours are long (60+ hrs a week) and the work is backbreaking, but they are compensated extremely well. The reason they are paid so well is due to the hazardous conditions that are necessary to endure.
If it can reliably transport you from point A to point B, it's a decent car. And from what we can see in the picture, it doesn't look all rusted out or beat up or anything.
>Peter Temin says the world's’ largest economy has roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe.
People have been saying this for decades but I still don't know what it's supposed to mean. How many bridge and road infrastructure-related disasters have we had in the last 20 years? Like one bridge collapsed in Missouri or something and that was it.

tl;dr The US is only good if you're rich

We've known this for years
lol nobody denied they exist you fucking dipshit

poor whites are poor because of they're own actions, because being white they have all the opportunity in the world.. unlike POC - The liberal brain.
>one reason is because the school lack funding and the teachers aren't paid enough
Another reason is black victim culture propagated by Libs tells them they can never get ahead no matter what they do because whitey be hatin their skin color, so there's no point in trying
Another reason is black ghetto culture doesn't put any emphasis on getting an education because dats white people shit.
It takes two to tango so relating to them and spending more money won't solve the problem as long as gangsta thug life entertainers are making bank by being ghetto thugs.
In summer the South is hot and humid, and in Virginia winters can get pretty cold. West Virginia is probably even colder because it's so mountainous.
>bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela than those in parts of Europe.

In Italy we have falling overpasses. It can't be worse.
amren is a racist website...
Have you ever worked or lived around black people. most of them are good people but they arn't given opportunists. if a job program actually trained young black males from broken homes to work well and also PAID THEM GOOD. they wouldn't become drug dealing thugs. Even if they boys are only janitors they should be paid more to encourage them to work. instead uneducated blacks are forced to work shitty jobs nobody wants. they then just quit and sell drugs. They NEED TO BE EDUCATED AND GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY!!
>and enjoys good jobs and supportive social networks.
Read: Cronyism and nepotism.
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Yeah places like Italy, Portugal, and the former Eastern Bloc.
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There has never been a better time to be poor. Every homeless person has a cell phone and a plethora of options for shelter. Those who don't take advantage of these amenities are lost causes/mentally disturbed. I'm not going to lose any sleep at night worrying about those who have less than me, that's for sure.
There is something we can do, and it's not voting for more neoliberal economics

You can't tell people on this board that though because muh MAGA



Press F to pay respects (to the chestnuts).
Eating from the trash can of ideology I see?
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>they come from broken homes
nah it's not that, they are just careless fucking imbeciles, that would rather 'be black' (which is what them failing do great in schools) than be normal
>and a culture that is actively hostile to education and civic involvement, and makes a virtue of everything we see as a vice
this isn't it either, it is just because they're not responsible and fucking dumb, as they 'can't' pay attention to the fact that school isn't just a fun activity.

God damn. Birthing hips. Birthing tits, and beautiful to boot. Where does one find a fine lass like this?
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>poor whites are poor because of they're own actions
>poor blacks are poor because of racism

Progressivism: The Post
Listen to the most recent Sam Harris podcast with Charles Murray, he talks about many of the same issues, with there being a small, disconnected elite and a massive number of people alienated and this is causing tremendous up-swell of political discontent.
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modern coal miners get paid very well, the problem is we don't use coal anymore because natural gas is cheaper to obtain and to use
Poor people 50-60 years ago didn't have cell phones, but they had much better employment prospects and could expect a safety net that's been disintegrating recently.
>>air conditioning
>>direct tv
I've just come to the realization that I haven't had AC or cable for 4 years now. Feels weird looking back.
come here to michigan to get a good taste of the wonderful infrastructure topkek

or go to MSP where they had that bridge collapse and kill all those people topkek
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crumbling German infrastructure is because every European is using our roads for transit to pass from one country into another without paying a toll
once the geniuses in Berlin figured this out, which took them a few decades, and proposed a change some idiots in Brussels starting crying
>how dare you raycist evil german charging foreigners using your infrastructure, never forgetty the 6 gorillian
despite that our highways are in pretty good shape, some better some worse, depending what state your in, usually the further south you get the better the roads, will in the east they still occasionally have these concrete blocks the Wehrmacht build for the Tiger and Leopards
if some side road on the ass and beyond in a rural area which gets used by 10 people a day has a pothole for a few months nobody gives a fuck and people just swerve around it
>Another reason is black victim culture propagated by Libs tells them they can never get ahead no matter what they do because whitey be hatin their skin color, so there's no point in trying
i mean but 'who' would actual be like that because they actually believe what some liberal says?
the fuck is wrong with you?
were doing fine, sorry to hear you are becoming brazil though
Maybe if we weren't giving tons of free money to niggers and spics to make their living situation worse, we wouldn't have this problem
And poor people of the past often owned their homes, which is more capital than a modern poor person could ever hope to have
typical old school linux fags
back to Plebbit, liberal nigger faggot
And the fact that most of them don't live into their 60's.
>safety net

Investing in a 401k or Roth IRA is far more fruitful than SS ever was or ever will be. There has never been a greater "safety net" than what we have today. You just have to work for it *gasp*. We are living in a time where even a pauper can eventually retire as a king. The key is economic literacy and self control.
West Virginia is pretty cracked up actually
>if a job program actually trained young black males from broken homes to work well and also PAID THEM GOOD. they wouldn't become drug dealing thugs
Whatever it is won't pay as well as drug dealing, and here in south central LA, my company does train and pay young black men well by national standards, but they (we, since even as a manager I make only a little more than they do) will never get anywhere due to housing prices and cost of living, all the while surrounded by gentrification, Blatant class stratification, and conspicuous consumption by people who won the sports/movies/music lottery and/or drug dealers and gangbangers who are living it up right in front of them.

They don't teach that stuff here.

No one knows of the Pinkerton men, or the Battle of Blair Mountain, or even white indentured servitude. We've forgotten so much of our own history. I'm from those areas, but live on the coast now.

Instead they are taught that whites ate croissants and champagne in between bouts of random and unprovoked lynching of the poor honest hard-working blacks. It was africans and asians who built the country and made it wealthy with their sweat and blood and brains, only for the white man to steal all the credit and all the fruits of his labor and hoard it for himself.

Usually spotted in Wal Mart riding a scooter.
b-but muh unsustainable pensions

I have to say I'm kinda not seeing it
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>West Virginia
>Going backwards

Dude that place has always been like this. It's where Johnson announced the war on poverty in the 60s.
Right. It's a hazardous job that you begin in your twenties and move out of before you hit 40. The amount of money you can save and invest between 20 and 40 will allow you to retire early or even start your own business before health issues arise.

Money talks. If I said I'd pay you 10 million dollars to say that you loved Jews, you'd take it in a heartbeat.

Don't fucking lie about it, either.

We've had these wiggers for a while, they ain't new.

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why are you mad at those kids? they didn't spend all the money meant for roads on themselves. im a califag too i know how bad it is. we just got hit with a $0.12 a gallon gas tax and no one is even talking about it. that's how you know there are no conservative politions in califoria. if the republicans had any interest in ever being elect here again they should be running adds about that tax and the fucking train nonstop. they could take cali easily. you're basically agreeing with OP but you have to be contrarian faggot about for some reason.
>lives in the central valley
>"everyone is poor"

You live in a festering fucking sore filled with poor spics and whites that were too dumb to ride the wave of progress.

Drive 2 hours to the west and there are more millionaires than total people living in some small countries.
>has roads and bridges that look more like those in Thailand and Venezuela
We also have that. I like them better than the fugly new and straight roads they are building now.
It's called confirmation bias. Your life sucks compared to what you see on TV and in person, then along comes some caring person who listens* to you and then tells you it's not your fault. That's victim culture in a nutshell.
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The problem is america is a large land mass with its population spread thin, certain areas like detroit don't create wealth. The people stuck living in these areas can't find jobs.

Instead of throwing money at the problem, perhaps we should pay to relocate people to areas that can sustain them.

Or we could create new advanced dome cities that are green, and provide people with food through gardening, and housing, utilities and finally get rid of the 3rd world, we have the technology to do this.
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>Taking pictures of a less developed area 300 miles from any major population center doesn't mean the US is regressing anywhere. The media would literally have you believe that this is what LA looks like 100 days into Trumps presidency.

Yeah. We're good here Anon. USA A-OK
I do love the naked jews on the tv

Appalachia has some cool caves and white water rapids. You can also hike the Appalachian trail from Alabama to Maine.

I have to say the Rockies are way more dramatic and majestic, however. Appalachia is more calm, gently rolling mountaintops covered in old forests.
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>where does all that money go?
Have you looked at the level of development that goes into new cities and towns in Asia, Arabia, Europe, and even Africa? They are all space age shit like Utopian Blade Runners. We don't get any of that shit in America, why?

All these massive skyscrapers and rows and rows of mansions on manmade islands. All the money for this comes from somewhere and it isn't just oil money I promise you that.
This, (((MIT))) is one of the ground zeros for the plans to do away with white people completely.

The answer is to import a shitload of dangerous brown people, that'll help us develop. In fact we can trace the downfall to the increasingly diverse racial makeup of the USA since the 1960s.
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