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For years, the Danube bank in Vienna and entire Donauinsel was

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For years, the Danube bank in Vienna and entire Donauinsel was the place for relax. During hot summer, people wandered there half naked or even naked. But the times change. The banks become favourite places for shitskins picknicks. You can imagine how the place look like when they left home? I am curious, what will be situation in summer - will be there any culture conflicts?

Yes, Vienna is infested with shitskins and it became more visible during past 2 years. It is getting worse and worse. I realise burgers, limeys, frogs do not see it as something special, because they are lost already.

Is there hope for Central Europe to avoid this downfall?
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Fueling The hate
Are you happy now, Austrians?
lol they camp there a u faggot portrait it as if they lived there
What in the fuck...
hey, Hakon, read with understanding. they are having picknick there and the let a lot of trash afterwards. it is not normal in Austria.
i find this disgusting. if they were tourists then no problem but they're not.
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Prepare to be enriched, infidel! إنشاء الله

Fuck of, Ahmed!
I can't believe what Europe did. I really can't. I mean, so many people in just so short a time. These photos are unbelievable. Th literally just eroded away your collective culture and replaced it with people who are completely different. Isn't that just so weird? When is that ever a good idea? It's like forcing two strangers to just become best friends when in reality you're both competitors for something. You don't befriend your competition.

>take the Volanbusz from Budapest to Vienna.
>3 hours comfy ride
>always heard the phrase "Vienna is the more clean version of Budapest"
>arrive in Wien Erdberg
>feels like Africa
I can confirm, Arpad.
>one hour ride from Bratislava to Vienna
>walking the streets full of strange shitskin + nigger creatures
>go back to Bratislava
>still quite shitty, but at least white
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tfw you realize Croatia and Slovakia are the true bros
What are the whitest Austrian cities?
not amused at all
You are right, Dejan.
Horvat is very common surname here in Slovakia.
Why dont you just go machine gun them all?
Dejan isn't a Croatian name btw
Most common name over here is either Luka or Ivan
Are the floating bars still there or did they ruin that too?
I do feel sorry for you and your people, France is even more infected of them, there are neighborhoods where frenchs or women can't enter due to the mudslims living there
Austrians should. Or at least do not give them welfare cheques.
I'm not giving them welfare checks
The government does
I didn't vote for this shit
Women, commies and shitskins did

tough luck I guess
you would rather take another million of them than consume 1 Watt of atomic energy right?
what is that even supposed to mean
honestly even I don't know
Sorry Luka. My colleague of Croatian origin was Dejan. Maybe an exception.

Still there is a village near Bratislava called Chorvátsky grob (Hrvatski Grob). Gradiščanska hrvatština is still used in some families aroud here.

I visit Croatia every summer and I love it.
Can confirm this some places are literally filled with sandniggers we already had the turks but now this.....fuck.
Didn't know Croats were so common in Slovakia desu
I've been to Bratislava, great city, pretty good food too + not so many sand niggers like in vienna
let me confirm at this point that the turks that were inported in the 70ies as guest workers, NEVER assimilated. They were always a separate in-group.
There is no such thing as integration. It's a meme. There is only conquest.
Whats the whitest city in Austria?
Dornbirn i guess
I was to IKEA in Vosendorf and I felt very uncomfortable with all of Arabs with loud kids around me. Next time I will prefer IKEA in Bratislava. :-/
If we are talking about the main cities probably Klagenfurt and Innsbruck but most towns are fine 99 percent of the sandnigger live on the big cities.
alright cheers mate
Yup they are plague everytime I see turks they are always speaking in turkish and they only hang out with other turks and they have an angry gaze when they look at Austrians or white people in general they are pretty hostile
>this many people
>No one in the water
What are Croats like in Austria
I have a few cousins and they're based as fuck, too bad they live in Wien though
It's worse than that. (((They))) tell us it's a good thing and subtly threaten us or punish us in more brazen ways when we realize this and aren't keen to befriend the enemy. THEY however are under no such obligation, and are even helped and given aid to get one over on us while our hands are tied behind our back. All with smiling faces. Feels bad looking at OP's photos though.
Well, I would say it is quite cold for swimming, Bill. But I can say for sure they will not undress to swimsuit to swim during the summer.

BTW, there is large FKK area not far from there. I am curious what will be the tolerance when the temperature increases.
I only know one and he speaks german without accent and it 100% indistiguishable from Austrians.

Most of them are pretty ok most 2nd generation immigrants where assimilated and are functional members of society some of them still try to maintain their Croat identify but most do it lowkey.So in general most of them are ok except some thugs but they are the minority
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>tfw Wels
What can we really do? We can't resist what more than half of the population want.
I did my part and voted for the right parties.
I hate everything about what is happening right now, but I have no idea where I would go. The whole world seems like it is going to hell.
I'll always be a stranger in eastern Europe and I still love this country.
But not kidding, it's looking dark, for all of western europe.
Hopefully we fare a little better than France or Germany.
Fun fact: In some cultures, the local word for Austria is considered a curse word.
>Landlord and me are cool
>Lease is up, going to resign
>Didnt read because its the same contract as last time right?
>Well the clause says I gotta live with 3 people
>Basically homeless men from another country
>They wont pay rent, i still foot the bills for groceries and utilities
>Occaisionally one goes beserk and puts a hole in the wall or in my television
>Speaking of which, they keep stealing my shit
>Landlord will charge me a retarded fee and keep my deposit if i move out
>Other apartments have 3 month waiting lists to move in.
I am happy to hear this
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we have to do something
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>When you know it's Horváth as the hungarians say it, not hrvat, and out of your 8 most popular surnames 8 is hungarian, 1 is slavic because kovács is used by hungarians too and 1 is of greek origin

Northern Hungaries disbelief never fails to amaze me.
>I did my part and voted for the right parties.
Not enough
>We can't resist what more than half of the population want.
wrong, you can speak up and say what you think, without censoring yourself. Be loud, be annoying.
And a funny side note:
More than 49 percent of welfare recipients in Vienna are not native Austrians.
The Croats came to Slovakia/Hungary/Austria in 16th century and stayed here since. But of course they speak official language, only some of them speak Croatian at home.
FYI, there is also museum of Croatian Culture in Bratislava.
Believe me that I am am very vocal about this annoy my blupilled idiot "friends" freequently with my evil opinions.
I am happy that there are some people like Kurz and Sobotka who are saying some based things in the last months.
But yeah we need to do a lot more.
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>son of Andrew

It's son of Anders, these maps are always bullshit
Croatian surname is Horvat
It comes from Old Croatian and it has been very common in Croatia since ever
>Kurz and Sobotka
maulhelden, securing the more "right-wing" votes for their respective parties.
Janos, as you may know, there was a massive hungarisation in the end of 19th and in the beginning of 20th century. Many families change their names to Hungarian.
FYI, a few forms are used: Horvát, Horváth, Chorvát, Charvát.
Fuck off with Kurz the copy machine
It certainly is shocking to see such a sudden change in such a short period of time. But I guess it's no different than white flight in the states.

Serves you right, fucking cucks.
More F than S to the PÖ
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How fucked is Steyr, Ösibros?
Vienna is symbolic for the turks, it's a symbolic victory, because now they finally conquered it, after 600 years of waiting.
the origin of most popular names is not "black and white". We lived 1000 years in one state, so the words/names merged and evolved.
But basically:
>Kováč (Slavic origin, blacksmith)
>Varga (Hungarian origin, shoe repair man)
>Tóth (Hungarian name for Slovak - result of hungarisation)
>Nagy (Hungarian word for "big")
>Baláž (Slavic origin from name "Blažej")
>Balog (Slavic origin: archaic word "balg" for moist grounds)
>Molnár (Slavic origin from "mlynár" (Miller))
>Lukáč (Slavic origin from name "Lukáš")
>Polák (Slavic origin / Pole)
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>Hitler Blew His Brains Out For This
>Mfw Iberia will be the whitest place in Europe within 20 years
Yeah, I know, I just never made the connection before.
Probably Bregenz. But it's also rather shitskinny.
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From Vienna:

Yes this is partly true, theres is a place i call "Phillipino living room" just next to the bridge visible in the background of OPs pic. Picknick, illegal gambling and a fucking barber everything phillipinos need.

This is mostly because quite some area around the Danube is filled with shitskins.

There is a lot of area around the Danube/ on the Danube island that is clean and normal.

Vienna: Centre clean, no shitskins at all
then a belt (literally called belt) around the inner disctrics, AVOID THIS AREA!
the more you get outside the cleaner it will get again, there are some shitskins areas sprinkled in here in there see "Schöpfwerk"

How to solve? Dont fucking know, the only right wing party that is able to make a difference is shit.

Vienna is still good IMO
Why are all austrians noodle armed twinks with hitler youth haircuts and a high pitched voice?
I've been to Wien a few years back
So many fucking shitskins dude, I've rarely seen some actual Europeans in the city, maybe i've been in the wrong parts, but still.
When i visited schonbrunn i don't think i've seen 1 mudslime, lots of chinks but that is normal even in Croatia during the season.
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Afghanistan is pretty white
Same here.
Austria is totally shitskinned.
From what I'm able to tell even berlin is whiter than austrian cities.
Vienna is the most beautifull city i´ve visited.
Hope they don´t become the same shit-hole than London, Paris or Barcelona.
Well, Vienna is basically my second home.
I think your view is rather optimistic. I strongly hope the things will not get worse, but honestly I do not believe it. :(
>Look in the mirror
oh fuck you're right
why the fuck are white countries not all ethnostates?
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Glaub ich bin da einem Rätsel auf der Spur.
they were once and some of them are so far (e.g. SK, CZ, PL, HU)
>burgers don't see it as something special since they already are lost

I havnt seen any muslims since I was in Iraq. And my county has no niggers or beans. Funny enough our "beach niggers" are actually all the Russians that live here. Really fires up the ol think tank.
>USA more than 2x bigger than European Union
>"no muslims in my county" projection to all USA
>feeling of victory
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