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The area in RED shares these qualities:
>lowest IQ
>largest population that believes in Angels
>highest rate of imbreeding
>highest rates of Federal Welfare Spending
>least Health Coverage

Somehow this area is allowed to vote? That's the REAL PROBLEM with Republics.
No wonder you guys hate Democracy. You wouldn't reach the proper genepool for actual intelligence.
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Oh hun, hate to tell you but your map is a little outdated. Nice try though sweetie.
I know this is a slide thread so I'll sage, but Montana and ND have the highest IQ in the Union, Cali has the lowest. Furthermore, Alabama and Mississippi have the highest nigger concentration in the country.
All of those negative traits and yet Democrats still lost.

You shouldn't be condemning the red for being retards, you should be condemning the blue for their pathetic failure.
Is that Adam from YMS?
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VA went for Hillary tho sage
Niggers and spics inhabit the South
First off, shut up leaf. Second, have you been to any of the blue places? They fucking suck for the most part. Third, many of those places you have in red are hard blue, and as a direct result fucking suck as stated above.
>most of the country is wrong
No wonder lefties are losing the meme war. Here's one deranged leaf sharing memes from the fucking 2004 election.
>have you been to any of the blue places

Yeah, they're great.

I was in Texas, was the worst experience of my life. Everyone talks fucking slow, and there's Christian Propaganda everywhere.

Awful fucking state.
what are you talking about blue states are awesome, go to a red state and theres nothing there and its fucking boring. you cant even fuck with blue states its so much better
>"America" full of people who hate America
Fucking keck
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>largest population that believes in Angels

And what is wrong with that anon?
>>lowest IQ
>>highest rates of Federal Welfare Spending

why are you so racist against niggers anon?
California students score at the bottom in reading and math.
>the part that liberals don't like is named after a shitty islamic country
Are you some kind of islamophobic shitlord or something?
HUH? Why did you NOT include California and Illinois in red??? Because you've never been there? Your pic is incomplete.
>Leaf thread

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It's the niggers' fault, you stupid leaf.
The Majority of those states are Majority-White.

There are currently 40,000 African Americans in Poverty
There are 260,000 whites in Poverty.

Makes you think.
isis and republicans hate the west and east coast, coincidence? cant really hate red states theyre like retarded children, just gotta drag them along. cant hate retards.
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>he doesn't believe in angels
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Why the fuck isn't Pennsylvania red you maple sucking tart?
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>California students score at the bottom in reading and math.
That's because half of them are spics who are genetically inferior to begin with, and mercilessly coddled by the state.
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refer to

Facts hurt, I know :-<


Rural and suburban retards (red and Michigan) should just be genocided. They are worthless. No point even discussing this with them because they are to low IQ to understand that they are the problem
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The leaf strikes again
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better than globalist propaganda IMO


Everything outside of Manhattan and San Francisco should be nuked.
You mean SOROS Propaganda? The Nationalist Zionist KIKE?
Could you imagine an US army comprised of just these ungrateful liberal sissy.
Not true. The highest IQ portions of the country are the whitest parts, so the midwest is one of the highest IQ regions.
Stupid fucking Leaf
No I mean Globalist

fag loving, child fucking, race mixing, degenerate propaganda
Leaf range ban when?
Angels are real, fuck you
You mean Alternate Welfare?
>advancements in drones
>possible Robotic Army in the future
>genetic improvements
>national birth control

Something that the Republics don't have the Agenda or competence to fulfill.
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You contradicted yourself like 4 times in one mere post. Well done.
At least we have NASCAR. Go back to fucking a moose, leaftard
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>opinions and alternative facts
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Meanwhile, here's the most intelligent thing to come out of Silicon Valley, California.
>based leaf bro destroying flyover retards again
It's going to be a great night
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Are you insecure about your faggotry dawg?
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your black pedro get over it
there are much more minorities in the red zone than the blue, is your reddit brain on fire right now?
Smart enough to spread out in a republic.
Your numbers are off by an order of magnitude or two there leaf.
Being Canadian means my nation has a 2 score higher National IQ than your nation, meaning that the only reason people think Leafs are shitposting is because Leafs naturally are superior to you intellectually and your small Americunt brains :(

It wouldn't make a difference if you were all white. Americunt whites are generally inferior in intellect to Canadian whites.
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Your score is just inflated by chinks. Take them out and you'd drop below white americans.
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>Virginia, North Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada
Do you want to die, Nigger?

and all of Canada has a lower IQ than those red states.... so whats whats your point?
What did I just fucking tell you?

White/Caucasian Canadians are 3 points higher than White Americunts.
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This coming from an uneducated fuckwit...
No that's ALL of canada, not just white canadians. Take out your asian population (which is roughly 15% of of your country) and your scores will drop.
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>high IQ
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Fake News
That meme's way past its expiration date
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>all these appeals to authority

wow start arguing any time
I love how the shills are still so butthurt about the Rust Belt flipping that they refuse to update their Bush-era graphics.
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Try harder next time with more realistic numbers you silly leaf
>it's another leaf takes credit for what the british did episode
every time
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nice try sweetie
Now find the map of brown-ness and cross reference.
Pure coincidence goy.
>heheh based leaf making opinons again with no facts
>same fagging again
Why is Ohio in red, I thought that's where almost all our astronauts came from.
>Land =/= votes
>People = votes
>Most votes = winner
Why are these concepts so hard to understand. I guess because we have this broken system where people with less votes somehow win so people naturally get confused.
Still on this? Jesus, you have to be the most boring person in the world

LOL, Texas is higher IQ than commiefornia
The use of "Dumbfuckistan" is incredibly racist against Arabs, that author is extremely hypocritical and is making a vain attempt to get attention of the internet by making a stereotypical joke without respecting the values of the side he's supporting.

Omg how many times do we need to cite demographic differences for you leaftards to understand your inferiority. Canada is a submissive.state that does what the US tells it to.
>moving the goalpost

Typical Americlap Debating Tactics

"If I'm wrong, I'll just make it so I'm not wrong"

Also, you're implying whites aren't the superior race. Nice confession, weenie.

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>largest population that believes in Angels
So basically the smartest people in the USA.
>4000 British Ensigns
>30,000 Canadian Militia Men
"Oh, it was only British"

>120,000 "Patriots"
>still lost
>broken system
>9th oldest government in the world
pick one

Please take a statistics class, retard. It's clear that you haven't.
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Nah The Blue is Cuckistan and The Red is AMERICA. But anyways why is Trump wining a bad thing?.
>cuckistan has better living conditions
>cuckistan has better IQ
>cuckistan has better healthcare

None of those things are true.
RED=Least likely to be incinerated in nuclear war.
BLUE=Most likely to want war with Russia.
>Who's supposed to be smart here?
i assure you that massachusetts is way better to live in than fucking west virginia.
Not true Texas and other states in the region have just as much education as Cuckistan. Also health care in these states aren't that bad. You know what puts a strain on Health Care Drug addiction California being a known example of a drug epidemic.
OK. And I assure you that Montana is a much nicer place to live in than California.

The blue states generally have outrageous housing prices and taxes.
that's how we price the undesirables out, then we dump them on the cucks in the South. kek
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Yeah you pay a premium to live away from the massive minority populations in your states which commit a bunch of crime. Great job.

I'd rather just live in a suburb or rural town somewhere free from ridiculous liberal premiums.
Except blue states are broke. All of the state's with balanced budgets are red new friend.
>implying any of that area is infiltrated with sand niggers
For example Utah ranks 8th in Health Care in the US and that's in as you put it "DUMBFUCKISTAN".
So much fact. Thanks op. I'm voting for rainbow dash next time
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Hi /r/Anarchism/
Actually some major cities have a bunch of muslims now.

>thanks Obama
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You're fucking retarded, the places more isolated from your degeneracy have higher IQs. Then of course you have the ivy leagues near New England.

Where the hell is supermad.jpg when I need it?
The dumb thing is California and the states you idolize have the highest crime rates while having strict gun laws
>high crime rates in fucking vermont and new hampshire
wow seems legit lel
Nothing like Europe though or Canada for that matter. Montreal is 10% muslim.
California students are Mexicans.
It's almost like population correlates with crime rate…
Proof of all claims from a reputable sources dated within 12 montgs of today or OP is a faggot and a liberal shill.
Could be heroin (as in buying and selling), but that's the only way I could defend that map
Its all the niggers and violent music, they idolize complete fucking idiots. Music changes culture, look at the music and culture during Vietnam, right now they are pushing an anti-Trump narrative.
Yeah if only the whole country could be a Jewtopia.

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That's cool, bro.

I live in PA and voted straight Republican for the first time in my life.

What's that make me, according to your stupid infographic?
That map makes no sense

>Lowest IQ

Wrong. The presidency is not one big election, it is 51 smaller state elections (50 states +D.C.). Hence the word "STATES" in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Maybe crime is high because of allowing any person into the country be Syrian or Mexican or what ever allowing anyone in is retarded.
Areas in red have the highest concentrations of niggers, Americas real problem.
>native Hawaiians
There's also a bunch of beach bums there.
>The Majority of those states are Majority-White.

No shit? Only like 4 states aren't
Yeah that map is definitely bullshit. New England has the lowest crime rate in the country because it's super white.
For the millionth time you dumb nigger;

The Founders had no intention of creating a pure majority-rule democracy. They knew from careful study of history what most have forgotten today, or never learned: pure democracies do not work.

They implode.

Democracy can described as two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner.

In a pure democracy, bare majorities can easily tyrannize the rest of a country. The Founders wanted to avoid this at all costs.

The system encourages coalition-building and national campaigning.
In order to win, a candidate must have the support of many different types of voters, from various parts of the country.

Winning only the South or the Midwest is not good enough. You cannot win 270 electoral votes if only one part of the country is supporting you.

If winning were only about getting the most votes, a candidate might concentrate all of his efforts in the biggest cities or the biggest states. Why would that candidate care about what people in West Virginia or Iowa or Montana think?

No political party can ignore any state for too long without suffering the consequences. Every state, and therefore every voter in every state, is important.

The Electoral College also makes it harder to steal elections. Votes must be stolen in the right state in order to change the outcome of the Electoral College. With so many swing states, this is hard to predict and hard to do.
100% Correct. Here's everything you need to know about the states Trump won.

Alabama is a bunch of racist retards with the lowest literacy rate in the US
Alaska thought Sarah Palin was suited to be governor
Arizona is the shame of the southwest. Good thing it'll be Mexican soon.
Nothing worth mentioning has ever come from Arkansas.
Florida is nothing but old people.
Georgia deserved to be burned to the ground by Sherman. They're all inbred neanderthals.
Idaho is completely irrelevant.
People from Indiana should just overdose on heroin to remove the pain of losing their jerbs.
Only toothless wheat farmers live in Iowa.
The exact same could be said for Kansas.
Kentucky is where your uncle is also your dad.
Outside of New Orleans, Lousiana is all retarded swamp people.
Michigan deserved to lose all their factories.
Look at Mississippi's flag. That tells you everything.
Missouri sounds like "Misery". Accurate.
Who even lives in Montana?
Nebraska's another old wheat-farmer hellhole.
North Carolina is racist and homophobic and stupid.
North and South Dakota are equally irrelevant and retarded.
I'm glad all the jobs are moving away from the entitled old white guys in Ohio.
Oklahoma is boring and shit.
Pennsylvania only went red because of Amish retards.
South Carolina is where running water is considered newfangled.
Tennessee should be nuked.
Texas. #1 Fattest state.
Utah is majority Mormon. Nuf said.
West Virginia's state sport is incest.
Wisconsin is nothing but retarded dairy farmers.
No one lives in Wyoming. It shouldn't exist.
Love how you just made all that up

>>largest population that believes in Angels
I don't like that map. WV has one of the lowest IQs and a low crime rate. Debunks the whole niggers commit crime because of low IQ.

WTF could it be then?
No I mean it could be the cites making the map like that cities have high crime rate go to detriot
Take one drive through Hartford niggerville in Connecticut or hippy molly land in Vermont and then get back to me.
And the 7 things on the bottom is fake too
it is more white, but there are further genetic and cultural differences among different groups of white people in the US. like, the south is still full of idiots for a reason, it's not just the blacks getting them down. southerners are more prone to stupid acts of violence.
>Nothing worth mentioning has ever come from Arkansas.

Except the husband of his opponent and former president
I live in Oregon and I can assure you that red states are better
Only because the Hampton roads area over run by coons. 85% of county's in VA voted Republican during beginning of race and the map was red untill all those moon crickets shuttled on to the polls.
it's not the Red States that are bad per se. it's literally just the South. Southerners and Appalachians are a special breed of idiot.

God, you're right but please don't regurgitate verbatim from that PraegerU vid on the Internet.
source? or did you pull everything out of your ass like leafs typically do?

It's spelled inbreeding you illiterate cuck. If you're going to bathe yourself in illusory superiority at least use decent grammar.
Butthurt detected
>one exception suddenly debunks a general correlation
Wew lad.

But don't forget that niggers also have genes that make them more aggressive. For example, the 2R alle of the MAOA.

OK maybe those areas are shit, but in general it's very low crime. Go drive through Detroit.

There's some genetic differences across whites in the US, but it's not really that major. We're talking like primarily British ancestry instead of German or little things like that. I will agree that white southerners are probably more likely to do dumb things though. I doubt it would be a huge difference (whatever that number is).
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Here is the root of the problem
Eh Lets just blame the crime on ANTIFA that's what a sane person would do
it actually is a bigger difference than you would think. read American Nations or Albion's Seed
hippies never hurt anyone lel
rich hippie whites are probably the least dangerous people you can be around aside from asians.
no thats the map were all the food is grown.
Eh ANTIFA's a bunch of liberal morons like hippies.
Texas is actually smarter than Cali though see >>122207103
Depends what kind of hippy, if they are peace loving rainbow shirt hippies they are fine. If they are raggy clothes hood hippies they will probably have guns and sheit.
Well I always used WV as an example to show poverty doesn't cause crime. I guess poverty causes low IQ but low IQ and poverty don't cause crime.
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There are some many flaws in this argumentation
In IQ, but college graduation, SAT, and ACT scores are on this map.
A racist leaf demonstrating the intolerance of the leftist progressives. Is this satire or is this anon really a racist, intolerant, hypocrite? The world may never know.
>raggy clothes hood hippies
does this even exist
Hey Canadian Guy do you support affirmative action if you do explain why?
what map
I'd be disturbed wondering what kind of foul creatures have sat where I'm sitting
never mind im retarded
Charles Manson was a notorious hippy.
OH Canadians an SJW looks like hey belongs on Tumblr maybe they would agree with his opinions.
Probably, white people acting like niggers.
so Southerners?
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A fucking leaf
Oh look it's another

>Liberal makes sweeping generalizations


Don't forget to call me an uneducated bible thumper on my way out of the thread even though I'm not Christian

West Virginia does have higher crime than richer white states though. It's nowhere near the highest in the nation because it's one of the whitest countries.

Low IQ isn't the only thing that causes crime (for example, there are some genes that make you more aggressive), but I'm pretty sure it's a factor. The general findings are that low IQ (but not super low to the point where you are retarded) people are more likely to commit crime. Blacks have an average of 85 which means they fall into that area very easily. So any state with a large black population has high crime. West Virginia has lower IQ than most whites, but it's not 85 low (they're in the upper 90s). So you don't see the same effects on crime like you do in states with large black populations.
You pay 45% tax rate to subsidize their free healthcare in Cali to the tune of billions
Those áreas in red also are the backbone of the country. Without us those blue áreas would starve
CFDhJWUq your forgetting Cis White Male, Conservative Christian, White Supremacist. That's what he really meant.
>Florida has a higher average IQ than Commiefornia
Disney World>Disney Land
We won Michigan and Pennsylvania. Your map is not up to date.
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>eternally cucked
>day of the rake
I don't live in California. California has a much bigger problem with bloated pensions for state employees that do nothing of value than it does with Mexilards.

West virgina has like 98 average IQ, it's not that bad. The problem is that they're more prone to aggressive behaviors and are especially prone to anti-intellectualism. This is generally not a recipe for success.
>he doesn't know about the electoral college
Three Words "Canadians are Cucks"
>This is generally not a recipe for success.
Well sure, but we have much bigger problems unfortunately.
Technically if Cali gets bailed out by liberals at the fed level (a la Hillary) then you pay for our bullshit anyway, pensions mexilards and all
i am ThE GOD OF fuck
Also random but fuck we're about to hit
My IQ is 110 and I live in Texas therefore I deem your statement invalid. And you need to get an updated map.
California is full of Commies and people looking for a free everything
OP is a dipshit liberal fuckstick
Hahaha nigger I know who you are now you just posted this on cable tech pics
We need Blaire White to debate this guy
meh, California contributes a lot of good science and profitable companies. I would take bailing them out over continued subsidies for the deep south.

this is laughably untrue, why do people associate social liberalism with Communism

From what I have seen a lot of the crime here is drug related. This state was flooded with opiates from pills and then straight heroin. It was finally filled with meth within the last 4-5 years of each other. I know only 2 people who do any of those and they a both decent capable people aside from the drug use.

Also the "big" cities here are infested with heavy bernie types and dude weed lmao type shit and them randomly going to like India to backpack. I think they also sent a couple thousand refugees to one of the cities here which is a nice touch.
Better include Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin in that map too then lol.
if dude weed lmao was legal you would have far fewer people addicted to heroin, meth, and pills.
Oh yeah, because Democracy has been so terrible in every socially advancing nation from Japan, to Canada, all the way to Germany

>muh refugee crisis
>muh cultural heritage

1. The Refugee Crisis is America's Fault, and your nation refuses to take any responsibility for it. It's also not a democratic issue, it's a governmental issue as they were extensively violent on the border, and because they aren't listed as an army, and were not armed, the Human Rights Commision stated that they must enter.

2. Culture is everchanging as it is a side product of nation status and Law., you have no control over. Constantine Rome where Laws protected the Individual was different from Julius Rome where Laws protected the Empire which was different from Africanus Rome where Law protected the Republic.
In Constantatine Rome, Culture was decided by the new Christian popularity which was peaceful resolve over violence, cleanliness, and removing the limits of House and Racial divide opening up to an open economy with less slaves, and more wealth.
In Julius Rome, the Empire, the Culture was about the supremacy of Rome, and how to pleasure yourself at the idea of Supremacy with your own wealth, and influence.
In Africanus Rome, the culture was shaped around Nationality, as the war with Carthage and the Phonecians was the most important fact. Tradition and Military Service were the highest respected formats, and violence was praised in the form of Honor.

Cultures change.
No it is not Americas fault you fucking moron and btw nice to mention Germany they are flooded with Syrians who don't understand western values thats why over there crime is the highest its ever been over in Germany.
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>if I keep repeating it, it will happen :-<

Americunts are pathetic.
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>he doesn't believe in angels
California has one of the lowest scoring, most expensive school systems. If produces graduates that are barely literate.
Stick to posting things you know about like maple syrup, broken economies, and sex with animals, because your statement is factually incorrect.
You sneaky fuck who helped the British and The Canadians in WW2 The Americans. So go fuck your self you dumb ass Canadian we helped both of you big time and for you to call us Nazis wow you are an SJW because you see fascism where there isn't facism
This is dumb I'm out of here
So superior, yet you feel the need to shitpost from behind a leaf proxy.
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>ruining our flag like this
Fuck off
>show breakdown by county
You'd see that the blue area is just tiny slivers, mostly major metro areas.
Everything that makes America and the world great is brought to you by whites.
A few cool things from others, mostly Asians.
If you showed IQ mapped to ethnic poulation, you'd know it was shitskins bringing those states dow.
They also grow your food.

Just took a look at all the trendy articles on the first page of google regarding this. California was sometimes placed around the mid to higher 30s (in descending order,) while others put them in the bottom five. None of them listed California as dead last though.

Although, the one state that did consistently come up as having the highest IQ was Massachusetts, a blue state.
Montana is consistently one of the highest IQ states and its red.
Damn straight! The rest of the country should just accept serfdom to the obviously superior people! Neo feudal oligarchichy when?
>The blue states generally have outrageous housing prices and taxes.

But a higher average wage, for a net result of a person having on average the same amount of money in-hand.
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Not really. Look at GDP per capita.
From a guy that elected another Trudeau. Wasn't the first bad enough?
Never come back.


We've got a clearly superior IQ here
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>North Colorado
I will acknowledge those trips, you deserve it.
BBC is Fake News
Thread posts: 218
Thread images: 44

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