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Why do women insist on ruining themselves with this stuff? It's gross.

I have an ex who's recently had one done and it's horrific.
I'm thankful for it. It makes it easier to filter out the bad ones at a glance.
True, dyed bright coloured hair also does this. Unlike dye though, tattoo's can't be easily removed without scarring. It's a shame so many women want to violate themselves.

Exactly. When I see a female with even a small tattoo, I automatically think they are trashy and lower class...especially visable ones.

underage b&
If they have tattoos they were already ruined
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I have this weird complex problem where I love girls with tattoos and their kind of rebel attitude, however the thought of marrying or settle down with one is completely off the charts. The fuck is wrong with me.

I agree with all of these sentiments. Why would a woman ruin her beautiful white skin with a black stain? Women get tattoos because they are so shallow and lacking in personality that they literally have to BUY their individuality and display it on their bodies because they are too weak minded to express their uniqueness otherwise.
That's a good point actually, the ex in question was raised by a single mother and has serious depression.

Woahhh you don't like women who have dye injected into their skin with needles, you must be underage. Knife yourself.
>It's gross.
i had heard you european guys were a bunch of limp wristed faggots. bunch of nancy boys who cant ask a girl out. fucking fancy lads who wont just wip it out in public

this is why your being cucked
Same here. Weird hair colours, piercings and chokers also excite me.
tattoos are hot when not overused, or done poorly
Just like how women want to fuck the bad boy and marry the good guy, men too want to fuck that bad girl pussy and settle down with a conservative qt.
>Stop not liking that I like
Pic related is def a nice girl!
You're loving your misconception of them. I used to be the same way then I met some girls with tons of tattoos and realized they just narcissistic little girls who want everyone to know how deep they are.
This, my two sisters in law are all about the tattoos starting when they could first get them at age 18. its like their only way if expressing themselves because their personalities are so boring and shallow. I just don't understand tattoos.
A-are you me? Seriously though, it's exactly the same for me, the typical rebel, with tattoos, piercings and even smoking are all turn-ons despite being completely degenerate.
I used to love different hair colors as well, but then the SJW's did their part and made it more difficult to enjoy it.

Yeah, pretty much this.

This makes sense, considering I've never actually met any of these girls irl I guess I've conjured up some kind of weird fantasy version of them.
they want attention

>make other women jealous

these are what women want
They are going to look fucking retarded when they are old and wrinkly. More so than they already do

It's obvious you kids are either bandwagoning or haven't been around the block enough.
who cares what you are gonna look like when you are old?

anyway you are becoming what you so much hate, controlling people and their actions at every step they make.
>implying they aren't planning to die by ~ 35 from a drug overdose
I don't think disapproving = controlling. You can approve of peoples right to make their own choices but still personally disapprove of the choices.

>haven't been around the block enough

Woah there Chad, hold your horses. I know you scored a bunch of premium tatted up bitches at last weeks Degeneratefest..but we all cannot be so lucky. I guess I will just have to settle for a woman who does not draw on herself and look like a total clown. Such is life.
Controlling would mean we want women incapable of getting tattoos. Asking why they'd ruin their skin and signal trashiness with one is different.
Because they're so uninteresting and boring that a shitty tattoo is the only way for people to recognize them and give them any attention
Maybe you're right. After all we do things all the time with the knowledge that they don't last forever. I don't care at all about these two people as individuals.

I don't necessarily find tattoos in general to be degenerate. But plastering your body with this shit when one day your body will be washed up, yea that's fucked up. But that's their choice. And my opinion about the outcome.
Get bent, roastie

Tats are ugly
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To hide the scars on their wrists obviously.
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The only reason you get a tattoo, outside of obvious stuff like prison or criminality, is to get some form of attention / distinguish yourself from others / other variation of "i'm a special snowflake" mentality.

Instead of distancing yourself from others by your quality as a human being, both in your knowledge, capabilities, interactions, empathy whatever means something to you, you just decide to scribble some stupid shit on your skin with carcinogenic inks.
>tfw you want a tattoo, but can't think of a non-degenerate design
1. A fixation on the external, rather than the internal; a search for identity when there is emptiness inside.

2. Convergence towards androgyny (embracing a more masculine behaviour) - a symptom of present western culture.

To me, tattoos also signify a lack of foresight and judgement - how many people become disillusioned with their tattoos later in life?

As someone who's fucked plenty of bitches with tattoos, i agree with OP, and that you're a massive faggot.

>Durr you think tattoos look shitty you must be underage

You're probably just an assblasted roastie with a shitty tatt that you're ashamed of. Well guess what sweetie pie, your tattoo looks like shit, just like you and your personality.

Kill yourself nigger.
>obvious stuff like prison
It wasn't so obvious until Scofield did it.
Get the symbol of Kekistan.
Based bruger spilling red pills
When I was 21-23 years old, I bartended w/ a chick who was like a decade older than me. She was 33 and SMOKIN' (like REALLY SMOKIN') hot. I went to a big liberal arts school in a smaller city, that had a shit ton of artsy types. Lots of chicks with tattoos, and this smokin' hot bartender friend, was literally tatted from her chest to her feet... Full sleeves on both arms, while back, top of thighs, etc. She looked so good even with all those tattoos, you might have gotten the great idea to get one too, thinking it'd look as good on you as it did her... But no.

Well, I just saw on FB like a weeks ago that she is now, at 44 y/o, having a mental fucking breakdown about all of her tattoos. She wishes she had the money to get them all removed, hates waking up and looking at them every morning, takes exhaustive efforts to cover them up and basically says she has to dress like a Muslim to go to work in her corporate job every day, even in the summer when she's sweating her ass off. I know, I know, she's a stupid cunt for getting them all in the first place. She probably spent $30-30k for it all, too. Buuuut, it's still really sad to see, cause she wasn't just hot (and she's still really hot), she was also one of the most genuinely nice people, I've ever met.

The thing about tattoos like this on chicks is that we can only play them off for so long. Eventually, you're not as "hot", after kids, your body looks like an amoeba for fucks sake. You just wanna throw on your JCrew shorts w/ a ponytail like every other mom and head to your kids PTA meeting without being stared at, like you're a fucking side show. I have lots of other friends who hate their tattoos now too and they're not even 1/4th as bad as this other chick. They just wanna get a tramp stamp removed.

The other ig thing is those gages. Though easier to correct with some plastic surgery, it still costs about $2,500 after hospital and anesthesia fees... and who wants to part w/ that kind of money?
Colored hair and tats are automatic passes for me. Not even worth a one night stand, because she probably has some disease.
I dont care how tattoos look. I think judging bitches for getting one is blue-pilled underage bullshit. Good luck trying to live up to your "fucked plenty of bitches" lie with that attitude.
what if a girl is a virgin princess but has tattoos?
for some reason chicks want to look like they just got out of prison nowadays

and men wear leggings

commies turn everything upside down and backwards, because they are satanists at heart.
>I love girls with tattoos and their kind of slutty attitude
It's the slutty that interests you m8. And even that's not a given nowdays.

The problem with tattoos these days is that the people getting them are so boringly vanilla. Back in the 50s or 60s they were a visual sign of outright rebellion against normie life. People got bold tats to basically declare "I am not going to live like you normies, I reject your way of life". Hence the biker gang members getting "FUCK OFF" inked on their foreheads and the like.

Girls with lots of ink were usually drunks who were never going to become mothers.

This has turned on its head in current year, with idiots crying about being excluded from jobs because of their tattoos. Yeah, that's why you got them, isn't it?

I honestly have nothing against people who want to do this properly, they are generally fun people. But don't piss and moan about the social consequences, you sound like idiots.
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>Hurr you're lying cause I disagree with you

You have to be 18 to post on this board. I understand you're upset, but just cause it hurts your feelings when people have different opinions than you doesn't mean they are lying. It means you are too much of a thin-skinned faggot.

Meanwhile, I'm posting from my room with my bitch with a tattoo right next to me that I fucked last night.

Eat a dick, you pretentious cunt.
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>blue pilled underage bullshit
Isn't it usually young, indecent women who want tattoos though anon? Just because you have a tattoo fetish doesn't mean it's not teenage roasties who get most of the tattoos, or insecure women in their late 20s who overload on them
Now you're just strawmanning and projecting. Nobody here seems to be as upset as you. I'll leave you to... Whatever you think you're doing.

>Stop doing what I'm doing
Po Charles. Looks like he fell asleep at the party.
I'm just not naive enough to judge people completely on a decision they may have made at a younger age or while drunk. Or maybe I just really don't give a flying fuck and know that a woman's personality doesn't resolve solely on a personal talisman she got for herself.


Also so much easier to spot the skanks who put out within the first hour from the sluts that wanna put on a facade.
Haha! Yup... we lost "men" when beards became a style. Now women take hormones for beards... fucking gross...
Penis envy.
They want to be men.
my wife's son and I agree. have an upvote
women are slaves to fashion and fads.

If they see that something is popular, they do it.
True, it's definitely the sluttiness that has a lot to do with it, but that may just be some kind of conjured up fantasy that doesn't really have any basis in reality. And you're right, the increased tendency to get tattoos, and them becoming more common really have watered down the effect of them as this kind of rebel thing. Doesn't help that SJW's are full of them as well, pretty much ruining them. Still tho, there is a part of me that wants a natsoc qt with tats and other degenerate shit to just fuck around with.
All my friends that have tattoos are insecure pussy cucks. I'm glad I never understood the appeal of any of this.
i will not date a girl with tatts, therefore I dont date.
More strawmanning. Anyone willing to be a stepdad is a cuck, I voted Trump and I hate mexicans and niggers because they are genetically inferior and biologically faulty.

However, if a white bitch has tattoos and a nice personality, I'm not going to get autistic about it and scream "FUGGIN DEGENERATE REEE" like you kids, that's how you stay a virgin.
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Tattooed ex-con here. Nice to see how babbys get triggered by tattoos.

This, they're also easy targets for when you need to get laid.
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I have no idea. (((someone))) must be giving them the idea tattoos are cool.
get your felon ,man baiting ass outa here. go try to buy a gun or something.
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Hello Aland
I think the issue is that the women you're describing you wouldn't get all autistic/degenerate over, are the ones now flocking in the masses, to get them removed a decade later.
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I killed fiddy men you know!
When you're young you are impulsive. That's okay for things you can sleep off, but not permanent modifications to your body. Usually I feel disgust when I see this, sometimes pity.
Fiddy isn't enough, I'm gonna need about tree fiddy.
judaism is 3000 years old bruh
no jews in 2000bc
Well then, Jews didn't just appear out of nowhere. Must've been proto-Jews
You're not a hero for being a nigger. Shakey handed shank tats loaded with pen ink in exchange for shower slob knobs, aren't awesome.

this>>122141993 Getting tattoos is a sign of not being able to see far enough ahead to realize the consequences of poor decisions. If a girl has tattoos you have to wonder what other poor decisions she probably made. You don't have to reeeee over it but if you don't recognize it for the red flag it is you're a cuck
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and please clap....
1. Always looks trashy but that's a matter of personal opinion, I suppose.
2. Looks absolutely horrid on women, especially as they age. Good god. These women will all look like they belong on the bathroom floor of a biker bar by the time they're 45.
3. It's part of the nu-feminist image.

There are some girls that can pull it off if they're super hot in a certain way but only until, like, 30 and then it's just a bad look.
I'm an artist and I see this from a different perspective. You've probably seen wrong people having tattoos.
There are levels of tattoo quality. From complete trash to absolute masterpiece.

People with trash tattoos are usually trash, the other extreme are people with better careers than most of you people here.
Do you know what the most important thing is in jail?
How else can they show off how 'bad ass' they are?

Get a pomp, wear tank tops, get tattoos, this is what bad asses do.
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Because women are niggers who always need attention. Thus they destroy their bodies to get attention.
Also I'm a grill
Agreed. I know a chick who got a tiny clover on her ass during a spring break in FL and now 3 kids later, it looks like Slimer attacked her whole left ass cheek before the Ghostbusters got 'em. Worst? She paid $50 for it...
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>Don't ignore me you rancid swine, I'm a girl
I wouldn't care if Piccasso tattooed me himself. By the time these bitches are 40, they look like tired, over-fucked prostitutes.
People signal what they are to attract others like them. If someone gets a tattoo they are signalling to others who have tattoos. What kind of people get them? Well young, stupid degenerates.

Why must you ignore someone screaming "I AM THIS THING!" at you?
I always try to keep my distance from people with tattoos and treat them with caution desu. It's like with narcos basically - lot's of them have hepatitis and HIV since those are transferred with dirty needles. Never been rude towards them or anything but my health is too important for me to get acquainted with them in any intimate way.
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I... I want to fuck the octo-butt!
In contrast to the pure, 40 year old virgin-look you're sporting at that age?
>are all about the tattoos
>the tattoos

fucking kek
>date a girl(3 years)
>she seems fun and sweet
>wears cute dresses and dolls herself up on the reg
>love her a lot
>her friends are degenerate as fuck
>poly and proud
>encourage my boo to dye her hair bright green
>she does
>she cool now
>I don't like it and tell her
>"You're so uptight, it's really lame"
>She knows I hate tattoos
>She gets a tattoo on her shoulder with her friends
>We fight, my bad ultimately, but I feel I'm entitled to an opinion
>She knows I love long hair
>Chops hers down, still looks cute when it's styled, but I'm annoyed
>Starts going to clubs without me, with her much older poly friends
>I mad as fuck
>Have mad as fuck make up sex
>She dumps me months later
>Starts dating dude with a beard, tats, and drug problem
>2 months later he is living with her
>Suddenly, wake up for work, 15 missed calls
>Anon, please help, douchebag beat the shit out of me I need help


Never again will I date a fucking trashy bitch like that
im an oldfag and i agree with them

enjoy your degenerate wenches.
>think judging bitches for getting one is blue-pilled underage bullshi
also you can't generalize against muslims and darkies that would be -phobic/-ism :^)
There is this really prettt girl with the best boobs on Snapchat
>she cuts hereself so she has these horrible scars on her legs
>starts cutting her stomach
>has started to get tattoos
Her boobs are still amazing but eventually she will cut them or put tattoos on them like some idiot
This happens way too often. The ex I reference in the OP left me because she said she wanted a guy who treated her badly. Well she got that alright, an abusive asshole boyfriend. She later hinted that she wanted to get back in contact so I just cut all contact off and never spoke to her again.

She got what she wanted, why isn't she happy?
>I... I want to fuck the octo-butt!
Ofc you do. You might have to lay off the monster-girl-anime for a while
Ok, to your point, how many 40 year olds do you get coming in for full sleeves? Don't lie... fucking ZERO. Because at 40 they know they can't pull it off and make it look cute, even if they wanted to. Not sure about you, but in America, there's an ENTIRE industry now, focused on removing not small tattoos, but huge, dark tattoos. Guess the demographic that's flooding these businesses?! White women with masses of body tats, between the ages of 32-46.
What? How are tattoos bad? I can understand if a woman puts that shit on her face or something, but it's just a sleeve. Who cares? I've got wings tattoo'd on my back (similar to pick related) and I've gotten many compliments on it.

There's a difference between trashy looking tattoos and a beautiful piece of art work on your body.
>I want every guy I'm ever with to have to look at where the other guy made his mark on me
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most of the people with tats actually have a nice body, which automatically beats the average /pol/ poster
I'm sure it's been said in this thread, but attention.

>Why do women do x?

Attention. It's always the answer.
as you appreciate Piccasso, us artist appreciate other master artist and that's why they are so highly ranged and expensive that probably you would've never come even close to them. Some people decide to buy art (pictures) and hang them on the wall, some of us decide to put them on our skin. And you must really be a lower class man if the women surrounding you wear trash tattoos and become a prostitutes at 40.
It's painfully cringy to read. Most of these people are probably trolling. You have to truly be a severe autist to cling onto something like your untouched penis & skin as your only positive attribute.
There are other ways to get attention than permanently trash your body though.
There are, but this actually works for them, so they do it.

People complain about women dressing and behaving like sluts, but they get tons of attention from men for it, so why would they stop? Before, men would avoid associating with these women, at least in public.
Please tell me she has the octopus' beak tatted on her asshole.
I agree with you Alandbro, well said. People need to stop being so uptight all the time.
>I'm a grill
You know the rules
This. One day that butterfly on your arm morphs into a moth.
>some of you buy art for the wall
>some of us decide to put them on our skin

so deep
This whole thread looks like such an echo chamber I'm almost disagreeing simply on principle, besides the fact that saying someone's trash because of a tattoo is douche-chad behavior.
i have tattoos. half sleeves upper arms. found the shortest sleeve that i would have to wear and drew a line about 1/4" above that to show artist the lowest point we could ink.

my tattoos are for me and me only. and i can still wear a short sleeve polo in the country club golf course and not look degenerate or a cutoff sleeve while mountain biking on the trails where i wont be judged.
>some buy art and put it on our skin
Like carving The Laocoon out of butter in July and expecting it to look good in August.
Blue pill.
I have a few tattoos, but I agree. Women with tattoos look like shit.
>She dumps me months later
You didn't see this coming by the time she was dying her hair and hanging out with poly whores? Stop thinking with your dick anon.
>injecting ink inbetween skin layers
>thinking it's a good idea
ummm we call them niggers here sweetie
>if you don't accept women who fuck black guys your just a kid!

Kill yourself and your subversion attempts jew
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Who wouldn't want to fuck a backwards savage girl who would only kill you in your sleep to steal your blankets and muskets and trade them for weed?
Part of your mind is tainted by decades of jewish propaganda.
Haha, you're fucking dumb. Scroll up and read, whore. I'll wait for you slow bitches in the back, to first realize I'm a woman. Then, because you need to keep pointing out you're a "grill", I'm gonna have to request you follow the rules on behalf of the room and send time stamped tits or GTFO, if you feel like we need to give a fuck if you piss sitting or standing.

But love the "lower class" assumption. It's cute. Cute like you paying your bills off the $40 behind the "infinity" tattoos and splat may you put on most of these young femicunts, paying for it off their minimum wage jobs? Christ, just give up...
I spent about two months seducing a stubborn Texas girl with only one small visible tattoo. Never took her shirt off until the day I came over to her apt and found her wearing nothing but silk lingerie. Grabbed her and started fucking her, but all of a sudden I made a horrible realization. One of her legs and the entire rib side of her torso were tattooed with intensely bright looneytunes esque tattoos.

Destroyed all further attraction I had for her. Stopped dating a couple weeks later

Indeed. Same with piercings, both disgusting af. Those things really turn me off.
>What? How are tattoos bad?

Good God, are you a cunt? We have just said the reasons why, because it shows lack of forethought. Then end up looking garbage when you get older, and what if you get names of exs, or a design you no longer like? What fucking then?

>You have to truly be a severe autist

Funnily enough, most people think tatts are ugly, it's why the corperate world doesn't like them, as opposed to hire people who have them. Get a clue.

Also the 'virgin' jibe is so fucking outdated and garbage, the fact is that most on this board, bar the nufags, fuck more than you. It's your sort of deluded mindset that trys to paint people as neckbeard virgins because it helps you cope.

Whatever i guess, just remember that pol is all sorts, you fucking trashcunt.
that's exactly what trash tattoo become. BUT the more money you have, (seems like you must have a good job), the better tattoos you have, Better they look through time.
Tattoos are sexy on a woman, so long as they aren't covering an entire arm and are more tribal than gang land or yakuza like.
>tattoos are a status symbol!

Yes, a low status symbol
>BUT the more money you have, (seems like you must have a good job), the better tattoos you have, Better they look through time.

If the skin gets wrinkley and shit, the tattoo will be. That's just..obvious.
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Do you think so many lefties would have tattoos if they were done the old fashioned way?
You don't put a bumper sticker on a sports car

You don't put tattoos on a body you have respect for. People with tattoos, don't have self-respect.
masculinity is not being embraced by the west lol
>masculinity is not being embraced by the west lol

It is for women. I think he meant masculinity put off for men, and encouraged for women.
>good tattoos prevent your your body-composition from changing over time.
I'm sure you're going to look great at 43 femanon. Please remember to put the knot in front so it compresses the carotid.
As someone with lots of tattoos I understand both sides I feel. I do understand when people see mine when I'm in gym clothes or such and may judge me, but I like to think that most of the time my well kept appearance and the quality of the work along with my attitude and lifestyle shows anyone who cares to look that I'm not some gutter punk with sleeves made of random shitty tats in a collage of shit.

Tldr I love mine but understand those who don't

In my area you do. It's extremely popular to put the shop that represents your car on the windows.
>Good luck trying to live up to your "fucked plenty of bitches" lie with that attitude.
>I don't like his attitude!
>Quick! Pull the ole cunt and poke at his sex life or lack of!

lol, you would think there would be another trick you could play. That's how we know you're a woman, because of shaming tactics.

This. It's nothing short of self-vandalism desu.
>Or maybe I just really don't give a flying fuck and know that a woman's personality doesn't resolve solely on a personal talisman she got for herself.

Err, but it does? It shows lack of forethought, hence why people regret having them.
There are so many people with tattoos that I feel I now stand out because of it.

For example, anyone under age 40 at the gym has visible tattoos. The younger they are, the more they have, some people even unironically getting tattoos on their face now because it's the only place left to put a tattoo that will get attention. This too will become more common.

It is getting to a point where people will think you're an outcast for not having tattoos, sorta like it is not to have facebook and that other shit is now.
more that 50% is about your skin care. But if you think that your skin gets very wrinkled at 70, I don't think I'd care how do I look at this age anyway.. and sparing my whole life just because of that..is like overly avoiding everything that causes cancer and living life with constant limits..and you can still get cancer
Some look cool, but there needs to be a way to remove them
i feel sorry for you, that you don't understand simple fact that if someone has a lot of money means he probably has a better job from you

you wot mate
People with tattoos are at the very best nigger rich. Don't come this line that they get them because they have money, they spend money on such garbage because they have it and must spend it because to save for a future doesn't factor into their time horizon of 1 week.
And the rest is genetics, diet and so forth. Even the design you might later regret. You can look great into old age if you take care of yourself. What's wrong with Henna? Why permenantly mark your body?

I guess we just value our body and health more than you.

>and you can still get cancer

Just because i could get run over, maybe, doesn't mean i'll stop looking when i cross the road. Just because you can get cancer from other things, doesn't mean you should open the floodgates and whatever.
>get drunk and get a tattoo on my arm
>girls now constantly want to fuck me

Don't regret it one bit
>muhdick argument
Yeah, you're all niggers.
>imagine actually having to fuck this everyday unironically
Name one thing men don't do to get their dick wet (or live another day to get their dick wet)
Artificially colored hair is equivalent to the warning color toxic frogs sport in order to tell other animals not to come near.

A similar analogy exists for women who have tattoos. A woman with tattoos and numerous piercings is like a building with broken windows and graffiti on it; it looks like shit; it is typically easier to gain entrance to; and it is very likely that there are vastly things lurking inside it's darker confines.

My advice would be to remember both of these analogies the next time you run into these "alternative" women.

Buy a gun and stop being a faggot.
>>A bunch of judgmental narcissistic people that dont understand doing something wholly for yourself.
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yes, because lefties are into self-harm and -mutilation

their ideologies re even self-harming
She's going to look haggard as fuck in like 5 years
*nasty, ot "vastly."
>Why do women insist on ruining themselves with this stuff? It's gross.
>I have an ex who's recently had one done and it's horrific.

For every 1 person who hates tattoos, there are 3 who love them, so in short, move on to the next fish if you dont like it.

My tattoos are a sort of pre friendship screening survey. If you dont like them, you wont talk to me... which saves me the 30 seconds needed to figure out I didnt want to talk to you to begin with.
Real men don't submit themselves to the fashion jew in order to shag degenerate hoes.
No, I want nothing to do with trashy tatted whores.

I want to fuck the conservative qt
women are generally disgusting and have no idea what makes them appealing to us. its not face bolts and tit tattoos.
>pic of tattooed strippers
>tattooed women aren't degenerate
Nobody looks good when they're old and wrinkly without the proper genetics, and tattoos aren't going to have an effect on good genetics. The old and wrinkly tattoo meme is literally the worst form of pearl clutching.
>who cares what you are gonna look like when you are old?

This is the mentality of people who never exercise and think life beyond 30 is some dark valley.

If you keep your health and form up, you can live an active life until the day you die.

Most old people have already given up on life because, like most people, they're faggots who've never appreciated anything in life.

Nice projection, faggot.
>Nobody looks good when they're old and wrinkly without the proper genetics

All the genetics in the world doesn't stop the replacement of muscle with fat. Maintaining an active lifestyle keeps your muscle from being replaced with fat.

I plan on being a /fit/ 70 year old and still fucking whores in SEA.
>classic pasta
Can't believe no one else spotted this. Too many nu/pol/s.
Most people dont regret their tattoos, people that get shitty tattoos were shitty people to begin with. How about the guy that landed the rocket on philae? He had sleeves completed on both of his arms. Is he a degenerate as well?
judging based on the tattoos in actually judging based on a skin color..not health !! having a tattoos means value your body more (if they are high quality) because the it is also the only investment that you carry in grave..
It just means they value the tattoo enough to spend it, it doesn't necessarily mean they're well off. I know enough people who have the latest iPhone or designer purse, yet live paycheck to paycheck, to ever think that expensive products must mean they have a good job.
If you don't exercise then life beyond 30 is definitely a dark valley. Stay (or get) fit anons.

That's a ridiculous view of why people get tattoos.

Most people aren't that future-oriented. They get it because they're dumb faggots. Like most people of course.
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Is this tattoo /pol/ approved?
Disapproving of your degenerate lifestyle IS NOT the same as controlling.

You liberal faggots are so into fascism that you project it onto others because that is how YOU think.

With the exception of abortion, conservatives RARELY want to ban/outlaw things they find immoral.

Instead, we JUDGE the thing/behavior and HOPE that people make the right choice.

Do you see any anti-tattoo people wanting to OUTLAW tattoos? No.

If you want to ruin your body with degeneracy that is YOUR choice....we're just pointing out what it is.

Also, isn't it wrong for people to not receive warnings before embarking on something?

Wouldn't you be upset if people knew you were about to do something stupid and no one have you a warning?
>Most people dont regret their tattoos, people that get shitty tattoos were shitty people to begin with. How about the guy that landed the rocket on philae? He had sleeves completed on both of his arms. Is he a degenerate as well?

Sure why not. I mean i think tattoos aren't my thing, and when i turn down a woman because the warning signs are there, bright coloured hair, tattoos, all that shit. It's just a giant warning sign. It's like if you're a woman, and a guy approachs you who you know has a history of beating women, and has kids that he doesn't care for after he gets them pregnent. You would have to be a fucking idiot to chase that guy.

Ok, women judge on a different standard as men, and are pretty fucking clueless because they would only think in the short term, and fuck him because they think they can change him or whatever the fuck anything to justify their bullshit. But the point is tatts on a chick, like coloured hair, and a degree is lesbian dance theory, is a warning sign. No man would go near you except anything for a fuck, decent men who know what they want, won't care for you at all.

Alot of people do regret their tattoos, it's why employers try to clamp down on them.

>Is he a degenerate as well?

You would have to ask a woman for that, as i'm a man and don't judge men the same way i judge women, not because of sexism or some other bollocks, because i just don't care about them in the same way.

>judging based on the tattoos in actually judging based on a skin color..not health

Err, i don't know where you think you are. Nothing wrong with judging on skin colour.
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>Tfw fell for the tattoo meme

I got redpilled hard around 24, 25. Before that I was your average degenerate liberal faggot. Got all sorts of shitty tattoos over my body. Always wear trousers and long sleeve shirts even on hot days.

Anyone else know this feel
>who cares what you are gonna look like when you are old?

you look stupid when you're young AND when you're old.
Tattoos look great until they don't.
Tattoos are absolute untermensch tier attention seeking
Laser m8.
>girl spent months in mental hospital
Don't judge

>girl disfigures herself
Don't judge

>girl hates herself so she changes her outward appearance while doing nothing on the inside
Don't judge

>you don't make enough money for her taste
>You liberal faggots are so into fascism that you project it onto others because that is how YOU think.

This. This is so true. Although i also think it's because they like to exageratte things to shut down the argument.

>You don't like my tattoo
>You disapprove of tattoos
>You don't want me to have tattoos
>You want me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen
>You want to rape me
>You want to own me

It's just neurotic. Beyond saving these people are.
That's some A-quality analogy you've got there
This anon knows whats up
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Well fug. I was thinking of getting tiger stripe tattoos on my back and upper arms.

I've always figured it was ok if you can hide it.
Sorry bro, keep those fluids up so you don't pass out
What are you on about asking a woman about anything?

Im a man with visible tattoos. I am not a degenerate. I know several women with tattoos who are completely normal people. Youre judging a huge amount of people based on the worst little percentage of them. Thats ignorant, you should meet more people. If youre interacting with an obviously super liberal sjw then of course its bad news. Most people get tattoos because they like what they are getting the tattoo of, its as simple as that.
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Theyre too big and numerous. Isnt practical.

I wear them as a constant reminder of the jew.
What thought process lead to her thinking " HEY AN OCTOPUS COMING OUT MY ASSHOLE WOULD BE AWESOME"?
The opposite actually, my entire chest and full left arm is covered and abunch of other tattoos randomly placed around. Havent regretted em yet, ill be the first to tell ya though that im poor at making impulse decisions. Hasint effected my ability to find good fulltime work.
It joins the trifecta of hair dyed an unnatural color and smoking to create the trashy, mentally unbalanced type of woman you should avoid at all costs.
Shes a porn star named proxy paige.
She obviously wasnt a winner before she got the tattoos.
Ok, my mistake, not proxy paige, its a pornstar named daizha morgann.
>What are you on about asking a woman about anything?

Stay with the fucking thread please, or at least pay the fuck attention to what i am saying. You asked about the space guy who had tatts, i said i wouldn't have much of an opinion of them on a man because it's women i'm interested in. On a man, it's pretty short sighted and the rest of it, so yeah.

As for judging them, hardly, stop being irrational. I'm being wary of them, and the signs are all there for me too, you've got guys here all talk about people who marked themselves and their experiances with them.

>But wur nut all tah same anon!

Yes i know, you're all different that's nice, but like niggers, there is enough of a warning sign for decent men to steer clear of a woman with tatts.

Men with tatts can be ok though, personality wise. My brother had a little tatt on his arm, regrets it though. Men in general tend to see further than their nose.
No matter how high the quality is, ink migrates through the dermis over time, causing the crisp lines in your pic to become blurred. This happens rather quickly actually. Tattoos which have very recently been added look fresh and crisp (when done correctly), but even after a few years, most of them become matte and dull, with colours degrading over time, lowering contrast. This is not really a case of 'oh but who cares what I look like when I'm 80', this happens in a time span of less than a decade.

A grill I knew has this rather stunning mandala design (not really my thing but it was well executed) around her entire wrist and lower forearm, done around the time when she was 16-18. Very intricate linework, impressing detail etc. After just 10 years, it just looks like a green-blueish black blob. If you look closely you can see the lines, but from even a small distance it just looks like nothing. Poor grill can't really hide it either because it is so far up her forearm/wrist.

Also, some weeks ago I had an application interview with a woman, maybe late 30s, who was quite obviously trying to hide one of those 'feather transforming into a flock of birds' meme tattoos which I know for a fact haven't been around for much more than a decade. It also looked like it was once detailed but blurred over time. She also had stretched earlobes, but without earrings in them (so you could look through them), which also haven't been really mainstream for long. So that means she decided in full adulthood that she wanted to permanently alter her appearance, but changed her mind within the decade. These people have a hard time looking 10y into the future, let alone 20, 30 or 50.

These are just two examples, but the amount of people with tattoos who regret them. at a later age has to be counted in the tens of percents, which is massive
what is leftism like in gookland anon?
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Because when it comes to "empowerment," they find out that all that shit they see on TV is complete bullshit and they're literally not capable of doing anything useful except pumping out kids, and they're shitty at even that.

Solution to proving themselves is to do something with permanent consequences for the sole reason that nobody can stop them.

It's literally that simple.
oh the horror
You told her to dye her hair....she did....then you told her you don't like it....then you called her uptight despite her having dyed hair that you requested?

Either you suck at story-telling or don't know how to green-text properly.
women can never understand fanaticism for something, have you ever met a woman that was truly obsessed with an idea that she created herself, with a passion

they can only imitate it like f.e. left liberal women do with leftism , they aren't true leftists

tattoos used to be a way of initiation for men , a symbol for an achievement or a mark for something

women just adapted it as a mark of being degenerates because they have no form of passing rites (except their first menstruation)
>You told her to dye her hair....she did....then you told her you don't like it....then you called her uptight despite her having dyed hair that you requested?

I think he means he friends told her to dye her hair.
that's what happens if you don't use a sun creme, which is the biggest must in a tattoo care.. especially on more exposed parts like wrists..also your body is still growing at the age of 16, so this was not a good idea..i know many people who have a tattoos 10 years old and they are still in perfect shape.. you wouldn't believe it..and what they say it is for- the care
Tattoos are for marking Jews.

I have 3 tattoos that are over 20 years old and while sure they arent as crisp as brand new, most certainly havent faded or blended into the surrounding area.
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Tattoos are the definitive statement that a woman is capable of exceedingly poor judgment with potentially catastrophic consequences for herself and others.

Men aren't beyond redemption once they cross into degeneracy like women are. They can do things to redeem themselves, and are capable of reflection and self-realization. Women do not have that capacity. They have a peculiar habit of doubling down on all their worst decisions thinking that's a pathway to correcting past mistakes.

Of course it doesn't make any sense. What did you expect?

I had a long term gf that had a half sleeve tattoo almost EXACTLY like this, where it's just a bunch of flowers and cherry blossoms. It was quite possibly the most disgusting thing about her body and I was pretty honest about my views on tattoos with her.

We ended up breaking up partly because she wanted to get more tattoos and I wouldn't give her my approval.
Fucking this. Everyone with a tattoo always seems to have That special snowflakeness about them.
Tattoos are like bumper stickers for your body. You have this need to signal or exhibit to others your beliefs. And the more there are the shittier it looks.

Bitches are attention whores with lack of taste.
But it's tattooers who have to be annihilated.
pretty sure its just your reading comprehension burgerbro
You only get 1 body, and it is your temple.

You are deliberately deforming yourself.

You are saying: my body is better with ink than without it.

Well guess what faggots? You get to deal with people saying: your body is better without ink.
It's to hide their fat
As a woman I am hoping this faggot is not a woman.
Daddy issues
Douche Chad has tats and would never insult 70% of his harem
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she looks like a horse already anyway
Well it's a tattoo, so the answer is no by default.
>Tatoos are gross

For you
It depends on the design, some designs age bettee than others, based mainly on level of detail and line thickness. Many of those old school designs age well, especially when they are monochromatic. But many of those intricate 'omg you may be against tattoos but this is just art' designs are based exactly on high level of detail and thin, intricate line work. This can be seen with women a lot, as they want a 'small and subtle' tattoo that will look like a malformed birthmark over time. But also those huge art sleeves, whilst admittedly very expertly done, will look a lot less good over time.
>I think judging bitches for getting one is blue-pilled underage bullshit.

thats your opinion, to me someone who gets a tattoo is asserting that they view their own body as imperfect, that they can somehow make what is their own personal interpretation of god within the physical realm themselves by adding paint and markings, this is witchcraft really although most who have these images put on themselves don't see it that way.,

but this is the ancient religion of images described in the key of solomon
>be a leaf
>be the epitome of cringe
>call others cringy

goddamn, son....
Girls with tattoos are like buildings with graffiti all over it. They both look like shit, are easy to enter and usually contain hazardous material.

Oh, I thought you were going to say they were evidence niggers were there
Goes without saying
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They're all the same shit and lack personality, so they try to make up for it by being "cool and edgy" with piercing, tats, dyed hair, being a whore, etc.
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>implying that there are tattoos that don't look like shit stains.
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