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ask a future political asylum seeker anything

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im planing on going to iceland via norway and destroy all my identification and lie about my identity so theres no way for them to deport me.
Isn't Iceland somewhat not cucked about that shit? Also I doubt their gibs are great compared in relation to the cost of living.
i researched alot and everyone says theyre more cucked than sweden but their position makes it unlikely for them to be swarmed.
I figured they would be restrictive with it being a small island nation but I don't know.

Still, Iceland cost of living is sky high
why don't you go back to your country and try to make it there better to live?
im in my country u idiot are u blind
Why not Germany? They will give you a ton of gibs and probably kick a German out to give you free housing? Much closer as well.
too many turks and shitskins for my taste desu senpai. i hate crowded places.
t. turk shitskin
Well, you can always try here. Kind of have low quotas but if you get in they like sticking shitskins in random comfy areas to fuck with the demographics

Syrians in Idaho, Somalians in Minnesota and Maine, etc.
>no way for them to deport you
Yeah I mean the only brown guy in a sea of blonde blue eyed pale white people sure wouldn't stick out
impossible to get visa to us as a student with no job ;_;
>so theres no way for them to deport me


Do you really think it works like that after the refugee crisis?
explain to me how do you deport a person who has no identity.
iceland must remain pure, ruin sweden some more instead
They'll throw you in a volcano you fucking türk.
not an argument

Are you clinically retarded?

Do you think they won't find out that you are from Turkey?

Jesus christ, you ought to be over 18 before you post.
not an argument
i think of you the same. you cant even read my post. explain to me how do you deport someone with no identity.

she looks like a ugly jessica biel
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They put Syrians in Idaho? :(
That was my dream state.

Any durkas in Wyoming or Montana then?

Well by sending you back to Turkey. Do I need to explain you how deportation functions?

Stupid shitskin. The fact that you "don't have identity", means nothing.
gosh you are so retarded
A fucking shitskin wants to go to a white country with no shitskins

He is literally just as fucking sub-humanly retarded as the rest of the shitskin races.
I like the premise of your shitpost. Good work!

No, it is you who is retarded.

If you think you can circumvent everything by lying about your identity, you are utterly retarded.

You won't even get into the system without them being sure about your identity.
Okay, I'll bite. So tell me this, how do you suppose you'll communicate the fact that you're seeking asylum? English? Okay. They'll then get you a translator in order to figure out where you're from. If they can't figure it out and you're not being cooperative, you won't proceed in your asylum process. Have fun living in a refugee center for the rest of your life. Probably better than living in Turkey though.

Why bother? It's cold outside. Just don't give the deportee any food and don't give him access to the land and the population. You can swim back.
you dont know shit.

you can tell them country you come from but if you falsify your identity they have no way of confirming it thus cant deport.
you know they dont do it :)
iceland is the most liberal cucked place on the earth

imagine sweden, but twice as bad

only reason they havent been invaded is because of their geographic position

strip clubs are literally illegal in iceland, its the worst feminist hellhole on the planet

How do you know? Has anyone ever made it back? They have no obligation to help you. It was your choice to not have papers and lie.
he can just pretend hes from syria, then they will accept him

fuck iceland
if you arent living in a cave you would know they dont do it. yeah they have no obligaiton but do it anyway because they arent niggers like you
So then they'll get in contact with your country's embassy/consulate and try to figure out your identity from there. If you're still not cooperating, re-read the last part of my previous post. It's not like they'll give you a new identity you fucking idiot.
Don't forget to tell them you are 8 year old Mehmet so you actually gain more years of your life and can re-do them how you want!
The Turk is actually right. You can't deport someone without an "identity", since you can't prove that they come from the country you want to deport them to
there are no turkish embassy in iceland ^^
wew, aquafresh gettin BTFO'd by a roach

Well I do know shit.

It does not work that way after the refugee crisis. It worked like that but due to you mudskin friend's the system has changed in all countries.

tl;dr you'll spend two years in a refugee centre and then you'll be deported.

Good plan, anon. No wonder your country sucks when its inhabitants are that stupid.
Then open up a shitty pizzeria/kebab place and prepare for a life as a social outcast where the only interaction with the native population you'll have will be a fake friendly smile as they hand you €5 for your stinky excuse of a meal.
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There are no cockroaches in Iceland. You will die within a week in that climate and there's no such thing as an alla there to save you. Hurry up. Go.
Go for it anon! Willyou travel by plane? If yes they could find easily who you are despite not having ID
No, youre good senpai. I shit you not I live in West Yellowstone, MT(on the border with WY), can confirm.

Came from Columbus by way of Houston. The lack of shitskinnery is like being on a different planet. Idaho is cool but it's an erratic mix of fuckheads. Come home white man
Too fucked up by too many turkniggers?
i plan on going to norway with my real passport and once im in schengen i will use a fake eu id. so that way they wont have a turkish passenger on register

I didn't say she is particularly ugly, just that on a scale of Jessica Biel, that broad is an ugly Jessica Biel.
Never really thought about the condition of Iceland before. Makes sense though.
Whatever u do, I wish you luck in your travel. Also prepares some heartbreaking stories to create PATHOS from these iceniggers
thank u :3
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If you want to know about the condition of Iceland then watch this short music video. Don't forget to turn on subtitles.

Just go to sweden or switzerland. Iceland is an island how tf are you gonna go there?
Don't you think that's pretty douchey? why are you such a douchebag?
Good luck OP. I hope you make it to the US one day.
why douchey? i have one life i deserve to live in a first world country just as much as you do. you are not better than me and im not lesser than you.
You're right Turk, I now finally see the light. I'm going to rob my neighbor because he's richer than me and I deserve his nice stuff. Fuck him.
Also his daughter is hot so I'm gonna rape her, everyone deserves nice hot pussy and $$$. brb.
not the same thing.
Kill yourself along the way - you'll be doing humanity a favor - you're only Turkish, wont be no loss.

I'm a nigger for not letting you steal my shit and rape my children? Niggers often sell or eat their own kids so there goes that hypothesis.
how about no?
i could care less about netherlands. i would rather live here than your country
it kinda is though
First world countries are first world because they strove, created things, built things, worked for things, and sustained those things.
Similarly on the microcosm, a family created, worked, built, and sustained things for their family, so therefore ethically it's the same idea.

My neighbor started a small business and sustained it to give his family something, but I think he's no better than me, so I deserve what he has -- I'm taking it!
>I Can create a future by destroying my past

Anon life is not something that you can manipulate to get what you want. Chances are once you arrive at iceland you are still going to be the same miserable son of a bitch that you are now. Fix what you can where you are.

Don't move if that is your state now, you are making a big mistake.
I think they'll eventually check a random brown thing after a while considering how low the population is. I wish you the worst of luck
i cant choose my family but i can choose the country i want to live in. and you have no right to deny me. if you do i will try to find a way in forcibly.
Fuck off but if you do come know you will be put in camps way the fuck in asshole no where and get kicked out in around 1 month. But mostly kys before coming here.
Then stay in Turkistan you piece of shit
>i will try to find a way in forcibly

Turks summed up in one sentence; they rape not only women, but men too; they're beyond subhuman.

They have every fucking right to deny you
Off yourself you subhuman trash.
>Turk can go to a country and actually contribute something to it.
>Turk can continue to live in shithole where everyone's too retarded to make any progress.

Gee which one would you pick?
Is there any 1st world country on earth a white can claim to be a refugee in? If you tell them you're from the middle east or africa or some other hellhole will they accept you?
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You know what, maybe it's good Europe is getting run over by Islam, this is probably the only way to end degenracy.
Actually it's extremely similar, but I'm not surprised someone like you wouldn't understand that.
Why not come legally? There are so many roaches here, it cannot be that hard.
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Oh really?
not really
no its not.
why choose the hard way.
Because pedophilia, multiple wives and fucking goats is so much better.
You're a disappointment, mehmet.
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That's what I'm doing, I have my own back income from my family-run real-estate, I'm gonna start a humble fishing company there, and help the country's economy, and watch the world burn from this icy-shithole.
Hey cunt I'm reporting you to Turkish and EU authority so I hope you have been using a safe proxy. Im sure Turkish authority will enjoy seeing you trash turkey and use fake passport.
no matter what you do they wont accept you as one of them. so might aswell give them your wife you cuck
Do not come to Iceland we will send you back to Norway immediately
>too many turks for my taste

TOP KEK not even roaches like other roaches
Nice digits, and I think I can manage.
Iceland is not that bad of a place, black beaches, and nice all-around environment, I don't need that many unnecessary friends.
You're running away from an Islamic shit hole....Why? To goto another?

You're a bitch in Turkey, you'll be a bitch in any other country; and i do hope Islam becomes the majority in the West; then cucks like you, who escaped your shitholes, will be sent running. I cant wait to see it rain fags, like yourself; is that why you're running away? Pussy.
>got special passport
>op is underage <25 and his parents are >government employee

i ll rprt u to authorities m8.erdogan will fire your parents and grab your passport so you ll be asimilated as radical muslim with us.

no way out yo bich
based erdogan
im really happy turkey is geting rid of all the useless istanbuli citi boys and real men from anadolia are getting the control
That's one of the more bigly fucked up things I've seen. wew
*ağzına yarakını veriyor*
hadi bakalım çopurla.
With a bit of luck you'll drown long before you get there.
if europe turns into a shithole aswell then i will be happy. because the others are living in the same conditions as i do. but now its vastly different so i prefer europe.
Why delete the post m8? Already screenshot and saved it. Enjoy your dictatorship in jail you scum.
Of course they wont accept you if you come illegaly and only for gibsmedats. If you want people to accept you, you have to work for that. Acceptance is not a oneway street...
Screen capping the thread and reporting to directorate of immigration
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Thanks for representing us good. I bet you're a 20 year old college drop out.But you know what mehmet? If people hate you in here, they will hate you wherever you go too. Look at the fucking statements you are making.
You've read the flag wrong, I'm no muslim to begin with, I'm christian, I'm a northern moroccan with a christian name, I can easily pass for a southern European, I just wanna get away from all this Islam shit.
I cant wait for the Union to collapse - then those rights your so happy because they grant you asylum? Will be null and void; so bring as many shit skins with you please.

The sooner the EU falls, the better

karınıda ver xocam gavurlara belki avrupa passportu verirler o zaman.
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i ll reported u on bimer m8.
good luck in jail soon you ll be sing dombra in jail.
I'm going legally. Again, I'm financially able, I have around 7000 euros a month just from my share in our family's estate. I'm not going there to be a parasite.
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shitposter aussie bro lets report this bitch to our supreme lider erdogan
K*rdo detected. Have fun bending down on all*h 5 times a day in your Netherlands Community Mosque until its your turn to drive the truck of peace.
Reported op to the police he will be immediately detained and deported for lying
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Legit made me laugh
I already did.
Not even memeing
Having your own money doesn't make much of a difference, you're still a parasite.
I hear the Icelandic mafia has been kidnapping lots of asylum seekers and selling them to ISIS
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>Icelandic mafia
That's not gonna stop me, have fun in Europe :D
When WWIII starts, you'll always be welcome in my soon-to-be-home.
Seriously don't come here we will actually beat you up and we don't feed asylum seekers
that i get
Because he will get bullied by erdoroaches like the massive cuck he is.

Refugees are literally bigger cucks than the countries that accept them, despite the /pol/ memes its more likely that a refugee will suck a white mans cock than to fuck a white girl.
Are you white? If not fuck off.
Hope you've never had a facebook or any images of your face online.

>what is biometrics
Do something Denmark senpai we don't want this roach here
If you succeed with that you will not receive a work permit. You will be expelled living in an asylum center waiting to be deported for the rest of your life.
>i deserve to live in a first world country
why?why do you deserve this, you literall subhuman?
Wie fühlt es sich an ein Landesverräter zu sein, Roach? Sind deine Vorväter stolz auf deine Ehrlosigkeit?
Anon, nereden geldiğini söylemeyecek misin?
Yok hayır.
*plane ticket to Turkey*

Pick one
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>if you love me
>you'll love my shit
Good luck buddy. Enjoy the weather.
>i have one life i deserve to live in a first world country just as much as you do.
You are the reason why you don't live in a first world country. If you move to northern Europe you will be on the bottom of society. You will only make friends with other middle easterners and become trapped in a parody of your own culture. Don't do this to yourself.
Btw you should post results if you succeed it would be a good experiment to se how iceland reacts to this
You might not even get your identity back. How can the Turkish authorities help identify you if there are no embassy there? Iceland is not part of the EU either. It's such a stupid thing to do.
i dont want to get it back.
>so theres no way for them to deport me.
i wouldnt be so sure about that
what are you implying you fat fuck.
>shoot to kill

The only way to stop Muslims and Islamists from invading your country. No passport, no ID, no digital footprints to back you up?

Jail, shoot and the meat recycled to feed the rest of the inmates.
refugee status isnt given to people without papers (only goymany and sweden still do this)
deporting possible but very difficult, it will probably take them 6 months+
if you were algerian or morrocan you might have a chance because they refuse to cooperate on these cases
as >>122138098 said

And wtf? Iceland is cold as fuck, the people speak elfish.

Also, destroying papers only really work when you come from somewhere with no functioning state, like Afghanistan, some African countries and so on.

Turkey is not that, and you said you'd be traveling trough Norway, I'll presume you're using your real papers doing that, that will be logged. Iceland and Norway cooperate very tightly. They'll have your info in a week.
But you will not be granted a real life.

Read this:

A 56 year old Eritrean died on an asylum center after living there for 25 years. He was not granted asylum but it is impossible to return people to Eritrea.

You are not an asylum seeker, so I am not even sure if you will get a bed to sleep in. Europe is not america where you can work illegally and get payed with cash. It doesn't happen, especially not in Iceland.

You will most likely live from day to day on handouts alongside heroine addicts. It's better than living under a bridge in Paris, but how can your life be so horrible that you willingly chose such a fate?
it looks like he can go outside so i dont see the problem here.
Can't tell if baiting or genuine retard.
Nice b8 m8, say hi to Eric.
Fuck you, you won't get in. Everyone hates roaches
Yeah its a good thread tb h
Not true

Fuck no. We're full. Besides, being a single male muslim from a non-conflict zone automatically disqualifies him. He needs to be married and have at least 1 kid, his wife needs at a minimum a high school level education and he needs to possess a valuable skill like doctor or engineer.
how so?
Let me get this straight. Op you're trying to get away from roachs and go to a white country?
Why don't you give the people of that country the same chance? They don't want to live with Turks either. Will you be renouncing Islam? Will you be breeding on their soil?
i dont have a choice, they shouldnt have a choice too.
Not true, we don't have no go zones like you and we have better control of our borders than you (because we are on an island)
Why not move to Albania?
Where will you go? Before you say 'to Germany' please become atheist/christ/jew and enter after, thanks.
Hacettepe'de mütercim tercümanlık okuyan Kamal Akar bey, sizi şu sıralar neden /tr/de göremiyoruz?
why would i do that.
o kim?
because they're your people? why would you want to live amongst other peoples?
If you insist on living in the west go to USA, they bombed us they deserve some roachs. The problem for you probably is they arent a white country
you do know you arent western right? you are a worse shithole than here.
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Bilmem sen söyle
where did I say I was? Im saying if you want to go west go to USA.
Kendini unutucak kadar delirdin mi qnqım
He won't live with other people anyway
He is a 150 kg neet that won't leave his house no matter where he lives :DDD
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Also here's his pic
You may have a point morrocabro. Inshallah brother.
fat fuck
annenizin şeyimi xocam :D
Well that can't be as bad as willingly inviting those things into your country.
>Kendini unutucak kadar delirdin mi qnqım
In Iceland?
He's not using s passport you shrimp on the barby faggit. He's going to burn it for Allah and get dem gibz.
>replying to roach threads
>replying to roach posts
Gerðu það
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Yazık lan.
Would be boring without them
>I'm gonna start a humble fishing company there,
Sorry to burst your bubble but Iceland has very strict fishing laws meaning you can't fish there unless you have fishing quota which is EXTREMELY expensive and hard to get.
Before leaving free Kurdistan.

Yeah. It's so easy illegally immigrating into an island nation. Good luck with that one.
Could you start an aquaponics system and grow fish in a tank?
read the whole thread you retard
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How many white wymin you plan on rapin'?
I heard Nordic prisons are better than Nordic towns, if they even bother to send you to one and not just give you 12 hours of community service.
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First reply best reply
Good luck!
Iceland does not have camels, so you might be in for a little bit of culture shock, but you should otherwise be fine! :)
Oh, but they do have goats roaming about, so even if it gets cold you'll have your girlfriend to warm you up.
Do you have any identifying features, can you describe yourself in a short sentence?
amk salagi, gizlice yap, genetik cal geri gel
When you learn to accept that you are a roach, you will also understand there are worse fates than deportation.
First denial, then permethrin.
Or a fumarole, whatevs
Never heard of this, could work. If you're looking to fish in the sea It's difficult, atleast if you don't have the fishing quota.
The way it's done is you pretend to be from a hellhole which EU states legitimately gives asylum to, and the key is learning the language.

Best bet for you is claiming you're Syrian and that the Assad regime destroyed your documentation.

If you flat out refuse to answer, enjoy staying in custody until you do.
seems the kind of thing a cockroach subhuman without honour will do. going to be hilarious when the freakishly tall natives kick your ass around.

this isn't 2015
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I'll poo on them if they like it so much
Fuck off, we're full
post a pic of yourself op so we can see how much of a shitskin you are or if you are the small minority of white turks
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