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Does ISIS have its own currency, including coins (pic related)

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Does ISIS have its own currency, including coins (pic related) or is that just a rumor. If so how could i obtain one?
they released a video about economics.
it had Ron Paul in it. coins too.
I've heard a long time ago that they collect their taxes in gold. If they do have a currency, it's just minted gold without face value

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ISIS claims their distributing gold coins by weight but it turns out it's just face value as always.

>2000 BC + 4017
>he is sill falling for the coins weight value scam
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They have their own coins, the Kurds recently found some.
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Here's another view.
What does the egg on the upper right of the right coin mean?
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It represents the mass breeding of Muslim children on a world-wide scale.

It means happy easter lad
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Thank you, I did not want to self-check. Bonus: A propaganda leaflet dropped by Assad.
lel nice way to avoid having to pay your soldiers

>ISIS does it FOR FREE
while looking into it a bit i found this site. Are they kinda sketchy, or do i just not know what i'm looinng at? http://zengold.com/uk/products/
>tfw no jihadi bux
Go to the middle east and ask them if you can have one

Good luck
>diamond encrusted
Absolutely haram. But nice find roach, more?
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>yfw when ISIS, a literal terrorist group, is more redpilled about your country's financial woes than your average countryman.
they pay their soldiers in USD
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breddy nice and only $20...
it's like the Zerg vs the Terans
ree you traitor buy american eagles
if money ceases to exist, so too will jews
That ring looks pretty fucking baller.
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free world saved. now work on self improvement, then educating fellow countrymen about morality or some shit
looks like a hijab to me
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>tfw literal islamic terrorist agitprop is redpilled on the Fed, Jews, Deep State

wtf I love ISIS now

disclaimer: this post is satire and/or humor

It actually is depressing that a literal murderous terrorist state is attempting to implement a financial system with morals superior to those of your own country.

Their propaganda is convincing too. If I didn't have Christ I would be tempted to believe them. But God said, "all them that hate me [wisdom] love death."

If you listen to the song at the end of the video, they literally sing about loving death.

But fuck man, it's a depressing day when ISIS has the moral high ground against you.
Islam is theocratic fascism thats why
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thats 5 in arabic
It's a numeral in Arabic.
>T. Emarati.
Hey neighbor
theres a big shithole between is though
No no it's true. But they're old
What the fuck is up with these guys? So far ive only seen a montage of rocket fire, machine guns and fucking trebuchets. Are they ever talking about anything other than war? At least show some footage of happy people or what your caliphate is going too look like when youre done. Fuck me what the fuck is this
KSA? Yep, I don't like Saudis nor Qataris, they're annoying, arrogant, and obnoxious, I see them getting deported everyday, they come to UAE to party and buy alcohol since it's banned there, even though they could save their selves the trouble and go to Bahrain instead.
>being TR
>not free NC
can i have one :>
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as far as i know the actually have a ressource based currency, and not one based only on hope and good wishes like most other countries, and thus have an economically superior monetary system. i find this weird though as the US usually destroys countries who try to do this, but they are still supporting ISIS. guess its okay as long as you still sell your oil in dollars
How many jihads is 1 USD?
>happy people
Where I can get it?
How do I get my hands on these coins? For research purposes, obviously
>relevant to anything
Gotta admit, gold coins are redpilled as fuck. Pretty aesthetic too
weird isnt it? people could actually learn a bit from isis
>inb4 achmed
i didnt mean the beheading of infidells part
at least make the niggers smile for the propaganda video.
They are literally only talking about kuffar and war and whatever the fuck.
I havent heard a single thing about the future, or what the whole point of this is
>not keeping those gold coins
>not fighting for jew to join in on the NEw gold rush in syria
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who the fuck is funding them?
who is helping them to do this shit?
how does a terrorist organization have their own gold stamped currency, so much weaponry and ten thousand toyotas and shit?
Ask Trump, he's buddies with them
>who has funded every terror organisation since ww2
Hmmm i wonder
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Why hello there, Emiratebro.
are those chocolates?
its crazy how watching this i have literally nothing to differenciate between these goat fuckers and polacks
>an enemy so strong they have ten thousand toyotas
>when you want to be a superpower but are beat by 10 thousand toyotas
they just took the kekistan meme to new levels
They will eventually fall victim to their own dogma. No system can remain perfect, especially those founded on unspeakable violance.
>providing material support for terrorism

I hope you don't plan to step into USA you terrorist.
They have shit loads of oil that Turkey purchases.
>they literally sing about loving death
>ISIS has the moral high ground
I'll take the imperialist, fractional reserve banking system with porn, booze, and bacon please.
>But plenty of NEET bux
hello saudi kf 7alk
Yeah they're called school children
I don't understand why Gold is supposed to be the God given and most secure currency.
I mean, the dollar has value cuz we believe it, and same goes with the Gold. Gold isn't inherently valuable only because people who lived thousands of years ago had nothing else to trade this other than this shiny metal.
i was about to explain it but saw your flag.
research it, you need the big picture
>to trade with*
First currency indexed on arabian blood and christians slaves.
Saudi Arabia

I don't think they have "the moral high ground." I think that, if they follow through with a metal-based currency, they will have a better financial system.

Islam enables lust, murder, domineering, and brutality. I don't think they have the moral high ground so much as I was lamenting how far America has fallen from what it used to be.

When they call us the Great Satan, that criticism is accurate with respect to certain elements of our society. Hollywood, our financial system, the radical left, etc., not to mention the actual Satanists in the USA.
yeah that system also includes pedophile churches and politicians

usa can get fucked. until we get rid of patriot act, we need to stop saying we value freedom liberty and privacy.

A gold-based currency? Oh, how easy it would be to crack their financial stability, if their currency value is based on a resource.

We learned not to do that a long time ago (wisely).
ARAMCO you fucking nigger..they buy these vehicles and everything legally from the u.s and sell them to isis for that oil they have

Jews that is why isis doesn't attack israel
1) gold is rare
2) gold has many desirable physical properties
3) fuck you
Because gold is scarce, unlike dollars, you can't print in infinite quantities, and thus it is unfair, like the open market, and can be used for bartering without artificial ((((crashes)))) and (((inflation)))
become part of the exploding camel sand cavalry
or join your country's military and ask said exploding camel sand cavalry nicely the next time you go give them weapons
What is the troy oz weight?
What karat?

I look forward to capturing some in the upcoming crusades.
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gee, I wonder (((who)))
I am scared of ISIS
Thread theme:


Gold is better than the Dollar because the government can and does print dollars without producing goods to go along with it. The government cant inflate gold.
You are weak
fuck off Finland,your being culturally enriched, I am scared that ISIS is so redpilled on economics
You can't have one without the other. ISIS is returning to the roots of what civilization was centuries ago. Before corruption and such.
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21k gold

Like 3 grammes weight

It's in the video somewhere, towards the end, they have a jeweler use his precise scales.
should i download this video?
It's propaganda. They use Syrian pounds.
It says Levy
It says 1437
lel yeah
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Im pretty sure none of these are gold

Pic related are my real gold coins
Yeah, we believe you Ahmed.
are they...d-dare I say it? /ourguys/?
>none of those are gold
>but mines are!
it's a death cult
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Yeah I'd say they're /yourgoys/
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noice 0.4708 oz of gold
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the true currency of ISIS
Legion denarius
Silver/gold coins with no engraved pictures on it, just like what jesus did when he stormed the church.

not the cryptojew, paperjew, or digitaljew.
It is on Youtube!
are you christian?
4x 0.2354 troy oz in this pic

what exactly was so hard for you to understand about that?
I thought math was universal? Are they so ass backwards that they make up their own numbers?
They simply haven't adopted it/ISIS wants to revive Arabic/Islamic identity and one such way to do so would be rejecting western-imposed numerals
>If so how could i obtain one?
Have a daughter. Raise her the age of 9. Cash out.
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cool, i mistook them for half sovereigns

here, have a chart
Gaddafi tried exactly that.
If they pull through with that they'll surely get wiped out.

Can't allow the petrodollar to be harmed goyim
This is redpilled as fuck.

Remove all the shitskin music and muslim quotes and it would be some good documentary.
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Needing to put on gloves everytime you handle your coins.

I guess there were good reason we stopped using gold coins after all.
They look like proof coins.
I finger fuck my 200 year old gold Napoleons without gloves.
>gold is rare
>how does a terrorist organization have their own gold stamped currency,
They stole literal fucktons of gold from the bank in Mosul when they captured it
You feeling that too? The sheer horror of knowing that they aren't just a bunch of stupid goatfuckers. These guys are serious business.
How does ISIS have better technology than North Korea?
Jesus christ
its worth noting pol is so batshit insane and retarded they are taking isis`s financial propaganda videos as good advice
rumors on this board are that Saudi Arabia and Qatar secretly fund ISIS, so they might have some backdoor connections, and coin dealers in those countries may have under the counter stashes of them.
Watch out what you pay for them, you may never be able to resell them, there's a lot of jingoism in the coin and stamp collector worlds.
Its funny you say that because western numerals are based off of arabic
they raided a bank in Mosul and probably raided a Mint
Why the fuck you got so much gold and money lying on the floor? You related to King Cancucke or something?
waaattt dis coin has 3 sides 2 it?!?!11
Are they proofs?

If they aren't no need to wear gloves
The Turks, Saudis, and Israelis.
Shekel has already collapsed, once or twice in Israel short history.

Gold and silver are real money, the perfect money for a region of shifting governments, religions and borders.
>ISIS has minting press
>somehow not a shadow government-run operation

Explain this
>he believes gold is any different then paperdollar.

gold is make believe value, without papermoney gold is useless.

their will be some (((people))) who will get all the gold and you will be still working for food like a slave.

their isnt enough gold to run such a huge economy practicly.
It's not such a bad idea to use gold as currency though. At least it won't end up being used like toilet paper like the German Mark after WWI. As much as we hate ISIS, like it or not, they probably know a thing or two about economics.
>Gold is make believe value.

Accurate description of all paper money. Gold is real value, for 5,000 years. German history alone, is a tale of crashed and zeroed-out paper currency fails.
Actually, anyone could mint coins in their basement. Takes skill and equipment to make them pretty and uniform, but just doing it is pretty easy, especially soft metal like gold.
add to collection
>Gold is real value
No value.

You're a retarded fuckwit incapable of forming your own morals.

You should be put down.
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How people can be so dumb ?

The real currency it's maked by the final product of transaction. In this case, Oil.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry at this post.

Wishing it was b8 but probably isn't judging by the poster's flag
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>this dumb goy dropping bombs all over the place is somehow saving the world
>Alcohol and degeneracy free society
>No income or sales tax
>Bans interest on loans
>Aware of the injustice of the federal reserve
>Gold standard, no Fiat currency
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