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Thread replies: 314
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Who won?
your sister.

/pol/ has sunk so low it needs to feel like a man by beating up girls

White men will always be shown as the beaters of white women now good job guys
Bump please
Who gives a shit, as long as we keep beating them?
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>you automatically lose by hitting a female who is in the fray
Should we attack you antifa faggots with armies of women then?
Is an army of women unhittable and thus the perfect shield?
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>if you kill your enemies, they win
We won.
bitch was looking for it.

ANTIFA lost hard

About as bad as when they attacked that Worker's Party group.

Not as bad as when they attacked the Neo-Nazis, though.
Sequential digits observed
how dare you assume that persons gender identity

Antifa got rekt.
Vid related.
alt right keep hiding near cops the entire time

also like 50% were old white people
Stop being sexist
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>tfw you lost
>near cops the entire time

There was literally zero cops in the videos where fighting was taking place.
fascism won. It doesn't matter if Antifa win, the mere fact they behave in a way that encourages fascism means they've lost
That would work, but you won't be able to find enough women, kek
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Kek approves
Jesus will judge you, scum.
Everyone laughing at them has won.
whens the next brawl? i want to go
umm where u there? NO

i was
I'd really like to find a feminists/communist to be hate fuck buddy.
You know it's some serious bullshit. If antifa had managed to punch Lauren Southern, it would be all party hats and 'le punch Nazis' meme.
Can I get a basic gestalt on what is going on here?
I was asleep all day.
that wasn't a woman, it was a literal commie whore

>videos of where the fighting was taking place don't show any police
>there's also a video of a cop saying they aren't doing anything
>right wingers BTFO lefties
>right wingers in contact with archangles michael and gabrial
>will bankroll the first cities on mars
>"Rightwingograd" will be the first city.

Kind of fun that the cops just go 'yeah, righto, bash each other' and let them kick on.

Cathartic as fuck. Whenever we have a bit of a riot the cops come and just party poop.
Humanity lost that's for sure.
looks like you're still mad about getting your shit pushed in so hard

stay home next time you're thinking of attacking peaceful lawful rallies
It honestly looked like antifa was destroying the others. Probably just because they had the right wingers outnumbered, but still.

If we beat left wingers we're "violent thugs" and if we let the police do their job we're "cowards".
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/pol/ pls
Have you even watched the videos? Antifa got destroyed in every single one I've seen except for the old guy who got minor injuries from a brick

take this for example
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THEy ran away dude
Someone need to shop this nigga into Vegeta
/ourguy/ and the plaid-guy are like twins
I just saw a bunch of people dressed in black storming a smaller group in a few videos. I couldn't tell who was who, but I assumed they were antifa.
LOL at her standing there crying as her delusions of "bashing the fash" came to a critical mass across her face.
jews won
this has got to be the best meme of 2017
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but revolution doenst discriminate in removal of commies. both men and women are about to get btfo.
> Communist
> Human
Theres your first problem
The Jews, this should be obvious by now.
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Oh it was ourguys stomping antifa
Lauren's video clearly shows us winning. Or should I say wind-ing?


Here's our army literally routing them, destroying their defenses, and chasing them a mile out of the city.
Before the numerous videos in the last 3 months of trump supporting women being attacked and beaten at protests, I might have agreed with you. But now, our hand has pretty much been forced. That, and in the middle of the fray I legitimately couldn't tell if it was a biological man or woman.
Protrump march in Berkeley, antifa decides to do their thing and "make racists afraid again", dreads woman determined to bring 100 nazi scalps back from the march, promptly BTFO along with the entirety of the antifa counterattack, we take berkeley.
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Antifa first half
/ourguys/ second half
i want to go to USA just to fight with Trump suporters against the left-wing antifa
That's not true, tons of young white people & even some non White people surprisingly
Whos got the picture of our guys capturing the Antifa flag?

That was pretty much victory right there, i dunno how anyone can say otherwise
atkhairy fans
Why do you hit women like this, not like she was hitting anybody else, right?

Were they playing capture the flag?
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When do the Waco-like raids begin? I want American civil war 2 NOW
This is kinda true you know, the reason the right had gathered support back then was people saw us as different from violent and repulsive leftists. But the more we turn like them, the more normies will lose our support.
>Why do you hit women like this, not like she was hitting anybody else, right?

Looked like she was trying to have a go and he thought she was a bloke. Notice how when the face covering went down he backed off and the rest left her alone?

She was all geared up and pretty androgenous looking at the start.
>Why do you hit women like this
Ummm.. did you actually assume its gender, sweetie? Like ugh...
Alt-right made the antifa retreat, captured more flags and punched more people
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Feels good to live in a country where losers don't go out in the streets to fight for no reason.
(((They))) won
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why do they dress like faggots.
>Why do you hit women like this

How was he supposed to know? All antifa are androgynous.
Also she does porn.
because they're faggots
Give me a basic gestalt on this thing.
Wasn't Spencer punched by a shit eating cuckold porn actor? What's with antifa and porn?
source pls?
It's disgusting Benito, don't look into it.
What the fuck happened there? /pol/ is full of this shit today

Reds ran down the street screaming like little girls.

Yeah I'm pretty sure I know which side won.
From what I've gathered some big street battles between ANTIFA and Trump supporters in California. ANTIFA got rekt on their home turf.
MSM couldn't ask for a better narrative. Right wingers chase and beat up retreating group of "protesters" including a "poor innocent woman".

They ran away and left their banners behind.

No doubt at all about the result. They had numbers, more weapons, attacked first and still ended up turning tail and running.
women want equal rights so he delivered
A girl loses girl privileges when she stops acting like a girl
This is like the racist card all over again and Will end in no one giving a fuck about actual man on woman violence Just like with Racism

Is that what you want?

Why are Antifa always so blind to the consequences of claiming the moral highground when realistically they have no right too it?

Violence is more powerful then media so they can back all the losing parties they want, wont change them into winners
>if you put out the fire, the fire wins
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I want to go too this is so unfair we can't even defend ourselves against paki rape gangs without the police locking us up and banning organisations meanwhile burgers get to have street brawls with commies.
hahaha, what a disgrace to leave their banners behind. I look forward t seeing nice trophy pics with said banners soon.

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Exactly what fascist movements are rising in the U.S.? I refuse to believe they mean Trump.
>What's with antifa and porn
I've thought about this too and I think porn is a job you can do with zero qualifications and zero effort and still get mad pay. You are basically homeless until the next time you shove shit up your snatch which sounds like the ideal hippy lifestyle.
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No one won. But feminism obviously lost.
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>also like 50% were old white people
Antifa couldn't win a battle against old people?
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top lel

Is that actually her though?

Oh no did we lose the media sympathy?

However shall we recover?

Well that's it I guess, call the Communists, let them know we
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Based He-man is the man. Just engaging everything. The dude punching Porn Jew Hippy made her a favour, as He-man was about to engage her, and bet she hadn't survived it
They were also trying to state that antifa were not provoking anything.

Msm has become an active antagonist for these people

Can someone give me a tl;dr
fucking children

>got rekt badly


Fucking golden locks went in on these fags.

Like seriously. Everyone needs to be able to throw punches like this man.
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Oh fuck off fag, it was a bunch of people having a good rumble, and it was fun to watch
Social justice warriors of the left, and ironically ANTIFA are the fascism which seems to be the most animated in our country right now. The whole instant belittlement at the first sign of disagreement thing, the refusal to debate or at least debate with objective facts and truth, and the literal (by definition) terrorism they get away with via drowning out voices of political opinion. They do all of this and act with detrimental intent, completely convinced that they are justified in acting so self righteously and entitled simply because thwy overreact to superficial context. They are truly intellectually regressive and have earned the title "regressive left". They are socially degenerate and do not respect law and order, or principles centered around live and let live - obviously not in practice at least. They're full of shit on every front and I wonder how long they think they can keep doubling down on wilful ignorance before we all stop allowing it for good.
What's more childish

Defending your right to free speech
Dressing up in costumes with masks to stand in the street and yell at people all day

Fuck off you intellectual weakness of a person
>Skinhead flying kung-fu kicks Antifa cuck's block off
Holy shit.

Laughing at the fags talking this down.

They attacked first, attacked in numbers and as a result were sent running down the street leaving their banners behind.

That hasn't happened in an English speaking country for a while.
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Beats me, I see it as revenge for all the times the left and niggers protested and burned down shit for no reason. I knew at some point liberals would piss off enough people till we got to this point. It was only a matter of time
This is basically what they did. Watched the CNN report last night. They claimed it was a rally trying to force trump to give out his tax returns, a rally put together by a group that calls themselves anti fascists. They say the rally was invaded by trump supporters, and then proceeded to show out of context clips of trump supporters in armor taking swings at antifa. They also claim there were m80s being thrown into the crowd and then basically imply it was Trumpers doing it.

No mention of a free speech rally, no mention of all the leftists that were standing with the Trump supporters in defense of the first amendment. It was a pretty blatant hit piece. Hopefully normies will look it up on YouTube, i doubt it, but it would be nice.
>Antifa vs actual nazis
I need to know when this happened. Sounds like a massacre.
She's lucky he didn't follow up with an equal left. I'll give her credit insomuch as she wasn't knocked the fuck out with that punch to the noggin. Still get bothered that he didn't hit her square on the nose though.
Is that fucking Sven on the right?

hahaha it's starting i'm so happy for you americans. Don't miss your chance go out and fight.
Who even watches the MSM? Stop cucking.
You know, we should make something clear before going off and calling everyone we hate "liberals". Like feminism, the meaning of the word changes as waves of social movements change. 3rd wave feminism today is some trite that actual OG feminism doesn't even resemble. Well the same thing can be said about liberals, although I won't deny that liberalism has always attracted socially weaker people - at the same time I see more liberal intellectuals than intellectuals who oppose liberalism itself. My point is that what we need to be focused on is the regressive left and people who think and act to that nature, rather than looking for the first sign of liberalism and sperging out

Holy crap that's good viewing.

The fly kick on the red running away at just under the two minute mark is sweeeeet!
Goddamn them are some fine women.

Also is that fat fuck on the left with the kekistan flag sargon? He's definitely not as fat as he is but the facial hair is spot on.
you can fight enough antifa in your country but i bet you don't!
The thing is when Antifa usually does this bullshit and attacks a peaceful rally the police usually stand back and let it happen because the mayor lets it happen. You watch, next time the mayor will be all full police state the next time someone throws a punch now that the Trump guys are fed up with the double standard bullshit and are fighting back.
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In california again, ironically enough, some Workers Party Union group paid the town to have a quite demonstration somewhere, and like clockwork antifa showed up in much larger numbers and tried to start shit with them which resulted in I think 9 antifa fags getting stabbed
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No, fuck off with your gay blog posts
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Ric Flair has entered the game.
This. Still fapped to it though.
Lets make this to a video thread. Evryone post tge videos of anatifa btfo
she should get beaten for those fucking eyebrows


"Oh noes whatever will the right do without CNN on our side?"
Battle of Sacramento. I think it was 9 trads against 40 antifa. Look it up, it was a bloodbath. One trad took an antifas knife from him and stabbed like 4 of them. There is also a great clip of a tranny getting their head basically caved in by a 2x4. I can still hear the sound of the hit in my head. Look it up, well worth your time.
>Who won?
>assuming someone's gender
Here you go Anon. Even has the ballad of Sacramento laid over top of it. Enjoy.


The dude he kicked just shot pepperspray at someone too if you look closely
I have some sympathy for antifa now, without them, we wouldn't have all this entertaiment and new memes


The police are even in videos heavily implying that they have been instructed to back off.

The authorities expected the reds to beat up a bunch of normie Trump fans.

That didn't happen.
>I'm wilfuly ignorant because it's fashionable and cool!
Why are you trying to be a regressive leftist?
He got fly kicked because he was pepper spraying one of /our guys/ like the faggot he is

What kind of male uses pepper spray as a weapon?
Didn't it turn out to not be ISIS in those caves but instead US supported "moderate" rebels?

Yeah, I'm aware. I figure after this one the marching order will be "arrest the ringleaders of the Trump group". Still pretty funny to watch them just stand there and let a whole bunch of antifa get beaten up.

The cops probably don't have an ideological dog in the fight, so sans an order to do something about the Trump group, they'll just let them go to town. They knew it was going south for antifa, but they didn't do shit.
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>who won


I'm getting a little bit sick of seeing how easily reds in the U.S can get away with using pepper spray.

You're spot on here

They might even "ban" Trump rallies for "safety reasons" considering it's Cali
She gives a pretty ironic interview right before she took the hit, at 3:04 in the video.

Stickman arrested at 4:04 also.

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So... what was this demonstration allegedly about again?
I-its okay you may not have freedom or a country that is really your own anymore but atlesst you have free healthcare and college... Right bros??
Interview with her here:

Bitches start shit, bitches get hit - simple as that.
>The Golden Mane

what a trve friend
The bronze-age Hyperborean He-Man is my favourite so far.
Whites behaving like niggers.
when a group like antifa can get neo-nazis, latinos and blacks allied against them you know they're just supreme pieces of shit
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t. low T
Tranny takes the 2x4 to the face at :34. Right in the middle of the screen.

i'm in hans! lets go
t. Wigger
Isn't Lauren Southern BLACKED?
I'm pretty sure niggers don't rally to defend free speech. I'm pretty sure niggers rally to loot stores and steal shoes.

Someone reported the beatings to the police. The cops response was literally "so?". There is a video of it floating around somewhere.
Free speech demonstration
The (((jews)))
Nah. They were defending themselves against antifa. Quit bating faggot, you're trying to hard.
Is that Markaplier on 3:04???
Free speech demonstration in the belly of the marxist beast
Most people who keep up with these things knew this would be a battlefield against antifaggots
It always is

So good to watch.
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Find a better picture from today than this

PROTIP: You can't

This is some amazing fight cinematography. Put this in any action movie and they would be proud. All done in one take too.
I never thought I'd be repulsed by a vagina. Here's something new.
Maybe we should call her HairyBrowneye or something instead of moldilocks.

She's a goddess



You had Stickman (civic nationalist) Nathan D (ethno nationalist) and a black guy in a trump hat with a baseball bat fighting commies at the same time.

Plus what looked like He-man.

Only antifa could bring so many disparate groups together to chase reds down the street and kick them in the head.


wil wheaton?
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reddit is in fucking tears, kek
Worst we have here is cucks or edgy kids spray painting ''refugees welcome'' and other antifa shit. Easily fixed with some spray paint.
I've got a leddit account. What should I post?

Her porn.
>not fighting for nation
>not a nigger

kill yourself
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Why can't the right just start wearing black clothes and cover their face with a black mask. Antifa wouldn't have any idea who a friend is. Then said right people attack them while they're standing next to them. So simple, so divisive.
She would make the absolute best waifu. Honeymoon in Berkeley; bashing red skulls. One can dream...
We take fascists a little more seriously here. We're just allowing them time to dig a sufficiently deep enough grave for themselves before we sparta kick them into it, and maybe pour some cement down there too. They've chosen the path of wilful ignorance, now they can have fun with the amalgamated consequences.
Seriously. Nothing like "hurr porn lol". I mean mocks and arguments.
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absolutely barbaric
Hey man they want equality.

We just give them real equality, not a "special equality"
That flying kick was perfectly executed, hitting the target in the neck and shoulder and clipping the jaw, and knocking the target to the ground. The jump was perfect and delivered maximum force.
10/10 nazi kung-fu
They're talking about taking combat training and shit
>(they call it 'self defence because "opposing fascists is always self defence")

Love it.

Thousands of anarchist posts saying essentially the same thing:

"We weren't running we were leaving anyway"

Fucking hilarious, even a cursory look over the videos shows that for the lie it is.

But looks like that's what they're running with.

Marxists claim victory yet again! Just like always.
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Can someone explain exactly what the fuck happened here and why? tfw just woke up
Their ""equality"" is >we all conform to their social standards and nobody is allowed anything other than conformity to it.
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They're spooked. Talking about how they need to recruit more, change tactics, take martial arts classes and boasting about how many guns they own.

You can smell the fear.
I'm considering getting back in to it myself for similar if different reasons, I.E just in case an antifa faggot attacks me I can have some fun.
pow right in the kisser
It happens every other week in Dover, m8.
venus rosales is her porn name

About 100 threads and 1000 posts mate.

Antifa lost on home turf.

The Right came and took liberties in the heart of their fucking manor.

A hairy thot got punched in the face, a pepper spraying coward got fly kicked to the head and reds ran down the streets like scared rabbits.

Good day overall.

Bantz them about tactical retreating. Do an autism post about the most effective way to retreat (tactics, whistles to signal retreat, spotters to find clear roads to escape down, etc).

The coup de grace: a democratic vote on the best options to retreat: bus, train or on foot. Mention that some comrades may not have bus fare and that public transport is therefore unfair.
Here's how the red's see it:

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That's not my flavor of autism though. I'm not a /k/omrade.
Left vs right street battle in Berkley California (Leftist territory)

I wouldn't say one side won or lost, but I would say, that for the first time, our side fought back, instead of just standing around and getting destroyed by the leftists like earlier battles.

Left radicals are AKA 'antifa', and dress up head to toe in black, literally indistinguishable from ISIS.
No, that was just a taste of our violence. If we really chimp out, then on of us will actually jump on plane and bomb the area

That is what happened over a century ago
Whites will be a minority by 2040. So its just a matter of time. Can't wait to see how you deal with being the underclass. These are the last idiots we will have to deal with in the next ten years but more and more white people understand divided we fall united we stand.

Nah the Dover ones are good but the red scum in UK are a bit more organised and up for it.

That said the average British right winger at the Dover protests is quite hard indeed. Practice at the football makes perfect in politics.
Neither would the right. Infiltration works but only with a few highly trained individuals, who then act as provocateurs and such, but stay back from the actual frontlines because as soon as fists start flying every redcap is going to be beating the shit out of any blackshirt they can get their hands on.
Whites will never be slaves again. We will fight, and we will win.
The case for 30+ round capacity.
If you watch closely you'll see beauty,the antifa was pepper spraying a guy on his back,so he turned around and thus failed to see our guy who came flying,and also same frame a leftard gets his camera smashed (not enough of that is done) and the left relies on the whole "im a legit reporter for the aids daily"or some shitty commie one sided propaganda
Once this happen, we ALL won, anon.

Thanks to Pepsi
kek stay mad whitey
you'll be soon gone
Holy shit that fucking jump kick though
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Equality won

The reds claim victory as always.

I swear if everyone of them was bleeding in the hospital their websites and rags would still proclaim a glorious triumph.

I remember watching EDL videos where the commies were outnumbered 20 to 1 and had to hide behind three lines of police and they still declared themselves victors.

Gotta love a commie lying about their latest win. Especially one that has to mop the blood off his keyboard while doing it
Except history shows the more of a minority and outnumbered we are the more control we exert over shit skins...
this is the jews
>for the first time, our side fought back, instead of just standing around and getting destroyed by the leftists like earlier battles.

It's been done somewhat before, but at this point people are realizing that there is no reason to pretend being peaceful would win anyone over.

The left has seriously fucked up by attacking peaceful speakers like Richard Spencer as it made them into martyrs. I've actually noticed some people on the left have caught onto this and are now concerned about how these leftist rioters are acting out all the time since it is having the predictable effect of normalizing violence.

And since there is basically no chance of the leftist media denouncing the violence their supporters commit, there will likely be escalation until people on the right start feeling the need to show up with guns and shoot a few people in the head that try attacking them.
She's a real stunner.....
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Shitskins have been saying that one forever, and we still rule the world.

Do you know why, nigger? It is the same unfortunate lesson that the kikes will realize soon enough. Whites do not "control" the wealth of society, we ARE the wealth of society. Where we go, power goes, and where we are absent, the wealth and prosperity of our society is absent.

No matter how many apes there are, we will always find our space.
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She won
Hey, gender is a social construct right? Their women should be equally able to take a punch.

Tried it in Australia.

As soon as the right started masking up the police and politicians suddenly came out with new laws against masks.

These new laws somehow never get enforced on reds.

That's life when you're actually on the side of the rebels, rather than just play acting that you are.
The left will have to stand down or their movement will go the way of black lived matter where it is unpalatable by normies due to the sheer extremes it got to this is the fate of all anti-trump extremism.
lol, everyone always hates moderates the most.
Fence sitting at this point just makes you look like a shill for the established order.
>Dont rock the boat even while its leaning on its self.
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Why do so many of these protesters turn out to be porn-stars?


This isn't WNs fighting back. This time even normie Republicans are stomping reds.

All those Trump supporters they attacked while screaming "nazi" may have turned leftist paranoid delusions into something close to reality.

They still think that the mostly civic nationalists who curb stomped them today are all nazi skins from the 1980s, and as long as they keep thinking that, they'll keep making mistakes.

We have to remember, these idiots actually believe Trump is a fascist, which means they think they're entirely justified in beating 60 million plus Americans in the street.

We just have to encourage them to do just that.
They are used to being paid to act like they feel emotions.

My God I hope they step it up.

Every time their masked faces make the news normie Republicans lose a little more patience.
>enlightened "classic liberal"
Nobody cares faggot. The left aren't regressive by the way that's utter nonsense. What are they regressing to? Last I checked we were never communists or anarcho-syndacalists or whatever other nonsense they subscribe to.
Nathan Damigo already carries a criminal conviction and is now on video slugging a woman in the face.

he's not in a great position outside of the pol circle jerk
A good thing would be NO Trump, anti communist should wear black clothing any other colours but black.
Well, being paid by Soros to protest is the same thing as being a prostitute
What's her name?
1:27 landwhale....Why?
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>we know

How to turn Independents and moderate democrats into republicans:

>Call regular people bigots and racists if they don't agree with you

How to turn Republicans into radical conservatives:

>shout down free speech and try to intimidate anyone who doesn't agree with you

How to turn conservatives into right wing death squads:

>Physically attack people who disagree with you

We should encourage this as much as we can
It's Antifa's home turf and they couldn't even win.
Wont shave, but bleaches asshole? I dont understand how they justify their actions


Literally dying of laughter
>read a book

holy shit KEK.

>a human being advocating for the state and violence tells another to read

I find the "leftypol" encourages discussion hilarious.

Posted a simple thread asking why they think stealing from people is moral (in the form of taxes), got instant 7 day ban and thread deleted. Open for discussion my ass.
That's quite clearly a victory for feminism and gender equality, thank you very much.
>don't fight back, goyim
What's the name of the girl who was punched? Not her porn name
Kek agrees
>>121351667"stars"you see its a perfect job,any roast can do that and get money out of it and feel (((empowered)))I think deep down they close their eyes and simply push forwards thinking there will be some sense out of it if they keep pushing their mistake but it is obvious they don't have a future in porn,even if she were w qt she doesn't take care of herself as she would need,and that is only temporal,most end up doing both kinds of handiworks if you know what I mean,best case scenario they find a mega beta fag by age 30 and have one single son or daughter they can ruin with their values...
Hitting women is bad. Hiding behind them is doubly pathetic.

Anyway 'You should never hit a girl' is an old gender archetype fossil as relevant today as you should never stress your husband out afterwork and always have his dinner ready on time!

This thought of Female activists and hitting women always reminds me of this old gem from the White Feather campaign in WW1.

>One such was Private Ernest Atkins who was on leave from the Western Front. He was riding a tram when he was presented with a white feather by a girl sitting behind him. He smacked her across the face with his pay book saying: "Certainly I'll take your feather back to the boys at Passchendaele. I'm in civvies because people think my uniform might be lousy, but if I had it on I wouldn't be half as lousy as you."
Who won? I'd say we did as the Antifa flags were all captured AFAIK.
Hopefully there will be plenty of threads showing how the flags were then desecrated.
how can i be in the know about these organized events? i wanna go.
best music video of the year

MTV VMA when? (do they still exist?)

also: top kek at the crying hairy porn star


The rally organisers made the date and place so that reds would attack. Then they gathered the clans.

Normies need to see masked and violent reds on the tv set every night. Preferably being beaten.

More of this sort of thing please.

That was the idea.

And it worked beautifully.

Not all of them AFAIK.

But enough.
Not sure. It's hard to tell when both sides are pasty limp wristed numales.

There's a reason dumbass LARPers pull this shit on the mean streets of Berkeley fucking Roseville, and not somewhere like Oakland or Stockton.
Follow the right people on twitter.
But 99% of it will happen in California, because that's the heart of the beast. A lot of the things Antifa does in California would get them either shot or put in a state prison in Florida or Texas. That's why these shenanigans don't happen there.
Jews won. They succesfuly divided you and are rubbing hand on this and laughing at you.

Some white nationalist retard hit a woman. So they claim they won.
Shit, me too. Bump for answer.
>Women are such attention whores they even need to post their criminal activity on social media
>People stood up for their free speech...therefore the Jews won
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This. They punch women too.
>You should never hit a girl' is an old gender archetype fossil
I don't think it's a fossil; it was never a maxim to be fossilised. It's always circumstantial. What has always been a custom is that women are weaker, that they fulfill different roles, and should be treated as such. Treating women as more fragile than men never meant treating them like they'll crumble to dust at the first sign of anger at or resistance to their bullshit.

If these people want to push gender equality then they should be willing to give all that up. I won't because I believe in the more traditional view but I'll always remind them to follow their argument through to its logical end.
Source or fuck off.

I think this sort of movement takes a lot from evolved discourse in communist circles. They've had a few major schisms where some of the less violent, and less neurotic, types peeled off (notably Stalin and Mao creating characters like Peter Hitchens). In a sense, they're kind of like the white nationalist movements in the 1990s: the more extreme end of the spectrum divorced from normality.

To a lot of these people the working man (specifically the working white man) betrayed them by not being ready and willing to engage in the expected class war. They turned to third worldism, I reckon, to find the new oppressed class to strive for.

So I don't think it's completely out of the question for them to brand 60 million people as enemies. Their politics now has a vision of billions of oppressed people they are fighting on behalf of, and those 60 million people are the enemy keeping a brotha down.

ahh that explains them turning their backs on economic leftist politics and creating "intersectional" politics.
>It's always circumstantial.

In that the rule comes from a time where women weren't getting about in balaclavas and joining in riots. You "didn't hit women" not just because they're weaker (after all, there are plenty of weak men), but because they tended to be bystanders to violent scenes, not provocateurs.

The ones that did get themselves involved attracted little sympathy, violence-wise. Think Joan of Arc.
>all this red scum lying
"B-but antifa won the popular vote"
You guys lost. Literally chased off your own streets and let the Nazis kick your ass. Don't show yourself in Berkeley ever again
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>using girls as a shield to guard your ugly views
well played cucktifa
Anti-Fa hits blonde girl on the head with flagpole and then pepper sprays her. She's just standing there.

Sommeone tell me this girls name ?
Berkley II: Revenge of the Spencer
Fighting is awesome. I'm sorry you're father raised a pussy.
Didn't even know that was a country tbqh
Is there anything else coming out or are the protests pretty much over?
Problem, many leftists still don't realize that BLM was filled with violent thugs wanting to have an excuse to riot.

They'll do the same thing with antifa and pretend it was just a few bad eggs, all the while cheering on those being violent thugs. You can see the cognitive dissonance on full display just by the fact that they don't see the problem in being violent.

A core problem they suffer from is that they do not see the reporting on what is occurring. They don't realize Trump supporters were attacked repeatedly during 2016 and they don't realize that this recent violence just seems a minor escalation of what we were seeing previously. So no one on their side is trying to shame those promoting violence and it's making them become more radicalized.

It's part of what the left in general has been suffering from for the past few years. They started ignoring anyone telling them to tone down their bullshit so that now you get them fairly openly calling for white genocide or laughing about the suicide rates of white people increasing.
>white chimpout

Underrated. Good observation anon.
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Better for you to stay at home Hans,maybe stop Achmed raping your Mum
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holy shit name of the song?
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Third worlders need not reply
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The best part is the dude in the background getting stomped by jesus, and punched simultaneously
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Holy shit this is gold.

He was acting in self defense. She punches him in the throat before he laid a finger on her. Watch carefully.
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dropped that bitch lol
damn it we all have to beat women now
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there are more of us than nazis

also we almost got socialism to work in 70s
This is neo-nazi tier. The only physical removal is with bullets, don't get your hands dirty.
Antifa =
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The winner is the person who can correctly identify the sex/gender of this thing.
Big red ridding hood
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best webm ever could watch all day
Kek, thats only the half. You used to be able to be a professional basher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkerton_(detective_agency)

During the labor strikes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, businessmen hired the Pinkerton Agency to infiltrate unions, supply guards, keep strikers and suspected unionists out of factories, and recruit goon squads to intimidate workers. One such confrontation was the Homestead Strike of 1892, in which Pinkerton agents were called in to reinforce the strikebreaking measures of industrialist Henry Clay Frick, acting on behalf of Andrew Carnegie.[4] The ensuing battle between Pinkerton agents and striking workers led to the deaths of seven Pinkerton agents and nine steelworkers.[5] The Pinkertons were also used as guards in coal, iron, and lumber disputes in Illinois, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia as well as the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the Battle of Blair Mountain in 1921. The organization was pejoratively called the "Pinks" by its opponents.

>/pol/ has sunk so low it needs to feel like a man by beating up girls
Some girls need a beating. You white nights are cancer. We need white Sharia
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Rofl MORE!
Not a woman. A communist
can someone post the pic of the white guy sig heil-ing around 3 black dudes wearing trump gear plox?
Roller Mobster by Carpenter Brut.
Agreed. They were treated differently so long as they acted differently, rights beget duties and vice versa.
>kek stay mad whitey
>you'll be soon gone
And what kind of roach are you?
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Stop hitting my antifu
avatar posters pls go thank you
you should dig the hotline miami ost

What's her name, /pol/? Scragglypuff? Nah, she's not fat. Scragglytuff? Kinda tryhard. She needs a name.
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Fucking Kek
This shit is hilarious. I guess it's hard to figure out a way to beat an enemy that is stronger, more cohesive, more skilled and more determined.

It's pretty sad that those people literally think they're waging a war for some abstract greater good.
Likely an over-confident one. Survival instincts will eventually outweigh the fear of being called racist. Sand niggers will continue to kill each other in their dunes until the end of time.
When firecrackers and clubs become pipe-bombs and guns, his work is complete.
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