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Is he /our guy/?

Based NATHAN DAMIGO beat the shit out of a female antifa ealier.

Here's his Twitter.


I hope no one reports him to the police! ;)
What would be the best way to do this?

Start spamming the video to all of his followers? Post it and his social media accounts on Antifa facebook/Twitter pages?
What a fag.
>chimping out is ok when waipepo do it
Reddit get out
Im going to do both.

This guy is fucked either way. Hilarious irony that /pol/ is reposting his attack as a "victory" when they're only increasing the chances of him going to jail.

I'm just in it for the chaos.
isn't this guy a dwarf?
He punched her because his hair is thinning
>prove me wrong

Nah, he's just a manlet but not 4'8" or whatever.
that's literally nigger behaviour OP
oh man imagine his girlfriends reaction when she sees her boyfriend all over the INTERNET punching a woman out

What a coward. Every single person in the alt-right needs to be lined up in front of a firing squad and shot dead.
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That is not a woman...

But a good hit none the less.
good lad
Video where?
Clearly is, you Nazi virgin.
>spend months bragging about how much you want to punch nazis on social media
>actually go outside
>nazis start punching back

gee, who'da thunk?
wet panties hit the floor when real women watch their husbandos punch commie scum imposters
he got a blowjob on the way home in a car
He's like an inch shorter than Hitler.
Gender doesn't exist you ignorant bigot
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this manlet is dating an Asian gril?
also did u sriusly assume xhir gender shitlord?

Play stupid games, win stupid prices.

Dude's fucked.
why do you Deutschers still have to make everything about Hitler?
She's not Asian.
Did you go to his twitter cuck?
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Never fucking fails, civic nationalist rice burning faggots.
I left Identity Evropa when I learned about his past. Hard to have an identitarian figurehead when his past is dirty
Is this not doxxing?
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>tfw mommy taller than me.png
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But muh PTSD

Is there a video? Did she initiate the fight or him?
>Based NATHAN DAMIGO beat the shit out of a female antifa ealier.

did she attack him first?
>chaos hehe

No, you're a faggot who deserves to be beaten to death.
>Jealous they got Hitler and you got drmupumf
When leftists complain about him hitting a girl just tell them "did you just assume xir gender?"
There are webms all over the front page of /pol/.

Maybe she did, but that's not what was caught on video. The man is fucked.
Communism isn't an opinion, its a crime
Details please
good. hippies deserve worse.

Are you blind? That chick is not asian
>can't even sing their national anthem because of Hitler

if we had our own literally Hitler he would've lost too and our nation would be condemned to eternal shame just like Germany
>Hard to have an identitarian figurehead when his past is dirty

What did he do?
That's not how the legal system works. It may look trashy, but you can defend yourself from women.
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Doesn't look very Asian.
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>defending the white race by punching white women because you're scared of fighting non-white men

Bahaha typical /pol/ manlet

Daily reminder that you are all faggots
He'd be a Chad if he wasn't a manlet, so I guess he's either a Brad or a Chazz

maximum cringe

you are going to look back with horror when you hit 30
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Soros must be upset his shekels went to waste today.

Unrelated but I had an idea. Anyone want to make Soros range targets? Like the bin laden ones you can get
We will bail him out, pay for criminal fees and even give him a little extra for the good job.

pick one, limey
Yeah, no shit. The white knights in this thread. If a woman attacks me, I will clock her.
He has a youtube channel if you guys didnt know
Beating up women, literally no better than niggers. The Alt right are Alt niggers now.
always kill a traitor before killing an enemy
Low IQ shitskins beat their own women hourly, cuckbrit. It's why they don't act like fucking white women.
Looks like a British chavette
Dude please.

The guy straight up decks the girl in the face and she falls over. Unless there's video of him blatantly defending himself as the girl attacks him first, he is a goner.

He is going to be getting a visit from the cops soon.
This girl will end up getting an interview on Ellen or something

The guy will go to prison

He didn't even hit her in the eye or nose

Enjoyed it though
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Ugh, no sweetie, gender is a social construct.
Wow, you are a pretty big fucking queer. Guess Americans have work to do putting people like you six feet under.
>has a face mask on
lol ok schlomo.
>giving a guy with ptsd a gun on the anniversary of his friends death
There was no way that was gonna end well for anybody
Are antifa Muslim now too?
Get the fuck out.

We can do whatever the fuck we want, this is classic 4chan behavior. Damigo is fucked. No need to get all offended and triggered because your boyfriend is going to jail.

For the lulz!
>anonymous calling anyone a coward
The guy's openly fucking up lefties in broad daylight. Meanwhile anonymous are shilling for the left behind a computer screen under a 'mysterious' web handle.
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>I'm just in it for the chaos.
You absolute madman!
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Look at this Alpha male right here.
Holy shet all the bongs here are afraid of hitting women

What fucking faggots.
isn't it great that /ourside/ is fighting back now?
When I hear that a straight white male beats up an antifa I feel good. When I hear it was a female antifa I find it all the more funnier.
Let's hope this increases.
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>Shows face openly
>No weapon

Sounds braver than any antifa I've seen

Report Nathan Damigo to Berkeley Police Department and UC Police Department. Let them know he frequents on campus to get all cozy with the Berkeley College Republicans.

UCB does not need violent manlet thugs on campus.
*tips fedora*

Neck yourself you filthy women-beater. Hope you get shot.
The antifag has a grip on his collar. It's justified self-defense you communist faggot.
t. literal antifa memeber
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Yea especially since the left thought they were gonna curb stomp us HAHAHAHA
imagine your reaction when leftist are purged and people open fire on a crowds of feminist muslim lgbt antifa?
>uses twitter
>calls me the cuck
>Unless there's video of him blatantly defending himself as the girl attacks him first
It looks like she grabbed him first, so legally it might be assault on her part. If so I don't think a judge is going to award a hale and healthy protestor in anarchist gear pity points unless there's permanent damage.

She wearing a uniform, probably part of a small troop. You can't just join something like that and pretend you're out for a walk in the park. If her defense is allowed, or his not accepted, legally it will be a wedge ruling for shirted brigade escalation on all sides of the political divide.

These incidents may appear petty or risable, but taken as a whole they contribute to a deterioration of the legal and public status quo. This happened in Europe during the 1920s.

As a consequence of the deliberate (media pushed) polarisation of public debate, you're seeing this further breakdown of civil society on the streets. Believe me, it can get a lot worse than you're seeing right now.
There's nothing immoral with physically removing commies with violence.
Balding manlet hits a woman
Why'm I not surprised
I don't give a fuck if it's justified. I want to see people go to jail and suffer. This is hilarious.

Quit being a whiteknight bitch.
>I'm just here from reddit
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>a female antifa
Did you just assume xer gender?
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Kek I can feel their anger emminating from the screen

>implying we won't just set up a fund like we did with based stickman

Cry more antifuck

kek no shit, these antifags are fucking delusional weirdos who look extremely inbred most of the time.
Of course this clip doesn't show what the commie was doing beforehand. (((She))) was probably attacking the guys with their backs turned and that is what prompted the punch.
lel, you are actually fucking wrong twice in a one sentence post, because he can't punch for shit.
Nice gyno tits
he's friends with Spencer and a former marine, he should give Spencer some tips or at least come to Spencer's thing on tuesday.

Spencer is actually a good white advocate all things considered, just needs upgrades
>The antifag has a grip on his collar. It's justified self-defense you communist faggot.
Nah, watch the slowmo, hands go up in defence after he pulls his fist back to punch.
>It looks like she grabbed him first, so legally it might be assault on her part.
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>quit being a white knight bitch
>I want the man who punched a chick to go to jail
Fuck off redditscum
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Nothin personnel, kid...
Pay attention to how the MSM paints these conflicts. Instead of it being pro-free speech protesters vs ANTIFA it will be pro-Trump vs Anti-Trump.
>antifa reports someone to the police for breaking the law

Now prove who started it. Also the gender doesn't matter.
Why did the guy just sucker punch him out of the blue?
>all the shitheads assuming xir gender
dumb bigots
Based Manlet 2017
Because he is a pink pig animal.
What a piece of shit
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His gf is hot as fuck. She was probably dripping wet while the White man woke up in far-left Berkeley.
Watch the dammed video you fuckIng idiots.

So it is a womyn?
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clearly he hates niggers
it likes you never punched a random nigger before
>clearly a woman

hahaha good one antifa scum
Looks a bit young for him.

Why the fuck is /pol/ supporting Antifa?

What the fuck is going on with you faggots? Fucking Reddit cunts. Fuck off.
I have no doubt she deserved it.
that's a great filename
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This turd is probably going to be arrested for assault.
>literally losing to proud boys
>all the white knighting ITT
bitch had it coming for going to a political protest without a man to protect her
so fucking what they all do
you think you can just hit someone and not get arrested?
I hope he broke her fucking nose.

Is that degenerate really a girl?
>implying youre not reverse white knighting for defending him

It's not /pol/ retard, it's asshurt anti-fags coming here to troll cause they got BTFO again
I can't pay attention to the video because I keep realizing he is a model car dork.

He's white knighting but this subhuman deserves to be gassed. No one should cry for it getting slapped.
relax they're shills
>good hit
he punched right on that thick skull, prob hurt him more than it did her
They were praying and apparently the nigger is a muslim so he kept walking by them playing music to be a cunt

>be female

>attack a male

>somehow expect not to get hit

what is equality you dumb fuck
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this is the bitch he ko'd spread it

Ur welcome
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Fuck the antifa
But yeah that sucker punch was illegal and cowardly. I'd throw his ass in jail
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That's been the most emasculating thing to come out of this.
>that dude walking around with a folding table
The cops were there you fucking faggot, they stood by and watched all this happen. It's their own damn fault there was a street fight to begin with.
Ur shitposts have really gone down in quality ausie
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I hope he likes nigger dick.
I'd ask why not have the balls to report him yourself but we both know they never dropped or developed.
I don't know why I keep coming here when I'm constantly triggered by faggots like you

Ruins my day.
You forgot to put blacks on her name, lad
B-because nobody would have known otherwise, with 4 cameras in his face.
isn't he the dude that hit the girl ?
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>italian white supremacist
>Louise Rosealma

>determined to bring back 100 scalps

yeah, fuck this cunt
You're an embarrassment to the country. Kill yourself forthwith
He hit in the bridge of the nose.
With luck the bitch will see again in a week.
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She's a friend of mine, real nice girl aside from the Antifa stuff

Also a nude model
It should be legal to do whatever you want to commies honestly.
But you keep coming back. I may be a fag bit I'm no black dock loving shill-tifag
>jerk circle
I'll just wait here until others ask you to post them.
Looks like a brit to me.
>Antifa gets btfo again
>Make threads on /pol/ to try and get some sort of morale boost through shitposting
>Get btfo again, /pol/ is always shitposting
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Marxists only deserve one thing
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>woman enters into a fight
>woman gets hit in said fight that she voluntarily entered

muh patriarchy indeed

fucking faggots, if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
pretty sure its ironic since she herself has dreads
What's her name?

Does she know the vid is out there? Let's let her know we know who punched her.
I'd give her another thing before that thing.
let me guess, you were antifa too until you realized that white people are the global minority and need protection
I find really cringy that americans are tryharding to be communists.

Bitch if you love communism come live in the eastern europe and soon you will find your reality.

They want the communism but keep all the western capitalist things, come in communism, ditch your iphone, netflix, expensive warderobe and eating out, grab yourself a cheap ass samsung phone, watch state tv, wear shitty clothes and live with parents to see how communism is.

I piss on her grave what a fuckcunt.

>this didn't go as planned

Nice premeditation in writing

That with pushing him at the same time he punches (and he couldn't tell it was a female anyway), and they've got nothing
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Why not after? If ya know what I mean
>Hard to have an identitarian figurehead when his past is dirty
or when he's a turbomanlet
how you can you look like that much of a humongous faggot, even with your girlfriend being right next to you as proof of your supposed heterosexuality?
If women demand equality then they deserve equality to be beaten up as well.
>check his twitter, pepe pepe praise kek xDDD
>acting purely on violence just to show off your memes on the internet
based manlet of fury

facebook / montagnaisdumas
Shame she's a retarded commie, she's hot as fuck
4/10 in Croatia, but he's a manlet so it's not like he can do better
>>121281722 >>121282312 >>121282338
>woman enters into a fight
>woman gets hit in said fight that she voluntarily entered

muh patriarchy indeed

fucking faggots, if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Projecting Manlet detected
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>Compensating Blonde White Male Heterosexual Short Man With Hitler Youth Cut BRUTALLY ASSAULTS Innocent Womyn Protestor Who Only Wanted Her Scalps
>The word kaffir (or alternatively kaffer) is a term used in Southern Africa to refer to a black person. Now considered an offensive ethnic slur, it was formerly considered by whites to be a neutral term for black South Africans.
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Nah I'm a silent majority Trump support living near LA
Post nudes

yes. what in the actual fuck? hit me, get hit.

In her case she will have to get back in the oven.
Did you become such a huge faggot before or after you let all those guys cum in your ass?
Fuckoff antifa faggot.

>that giant nose

oy vey
The bitch is actually right about Pepsi trying to cash in on their retarded movement
How does that abo cock taste, cuntirino?

kaffer? so it's him vs muslims? guess whose side i'm on?

They won't learn anything. They get a taste of their own medicine and they want to escalate it.
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oh lawd, this is her from another protest... such a noble ideolog.
wtf i love manlets now

all commie niggers deserve to be humiliated like this
why are you bloacking the names of people that want to dox people
>unshaven armpits
>nose ring
>virtue signaling narcissistic slut

Sounds about right
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Total coincidence!
>They want the communism but keep all the western capitalist things, come in communism, ditch your iphone, netflix, expensive warderobe and eating out, grab yourself a cheap ass samsung phone, watch state tv, wear shitty clothes and live with parents to see how communism is.
Anon are you from some shithole like Dubrava or a post-apocalypse tier city like Slavonski Brod/Sisak? I mean, I'm from Zagreb and everyone here has an iphone, watches netflix/cable, wears fast fashion clothes, eats out, etc...
>sucker punch

he came from the front though

sucker punch was the spencer stuff when it comes from the side, i.e. unexpected

she rushed towards him and got btfo
If that person was causing a disturbance or being an annoying shit, it was ok. Would say the same for a black person beating an anti-fa, or even anyone beating any annoying shit.
Unless it's a child.
That's just cruel. They can't control their shittiness until they're adults.
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>trying to reason with commies
pure cringe
Skrewdriver's was a lot better.
Not a sucker punch. Coming from the front and with clear opportunity to react.

Why are you even on pol? Do you not have a feminist forum to be on?


this, unblock their names. These people want to literally kill you
The deed is done. Messaged that bitch.

She's not shy about it and will probably be publicly ID'd soon anyway
Anyone got a videolink?
Fuck niggers.
underrated. Shes probably used to his wierdo ass being though.
>Can you bring back 100 white people's dreads while you're at it
Fuckin kek. Someone should pretend to be BLMfags and go after her for cultural appropriation.
everybody there is a faggot
she can be seen standing against the wall sulking a moment or two later, didnt look like she was in need of immediate medical care. Could have gotten a minor concussion though.
>Punching a women
That's were your wrong, kiddo. Sex doesn't matter anymore, faggot.
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>closed eyes = asian

t. civic nationalist
>assuming her gender

ugh i just cant ebin
post the names of her commie faggot friends on facebook you fucking faggot. They talked about a "militia group" in the comments, find and infiltrate it retard. What the fuck are you doing?
It's still just a bunch of faggots LARPing as heroes. Wake me up when someone gets killed.
What a shame, she would be such a qt if she was never infected by leftism.

Zee put zeerself outside the circle of kinship.
So she went with the intention of getting 100 scalps. Now that she has to deal with life she wants the guy doxxed? what a cunt.

Pretty much this... And their call to get 'Armed' lol... Right...
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Interestingly, dreads are just about the worst hairstyle to have if you're going to launch yourself into a violent fight. She was more in danger of being scalped than virtually anyone there.
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t. Antifag
Keep getting BTFO
>threaten to punch nazis
>get punched
>threaten to shoot nazis
>get shot
If you take the time to watch the video, you will see that he charged over to her and decked her.
So she didn't "enter a fight".
Let your cunt friend know them getting armed is going to turn out about 10x worse for her than this did. She should grow up and stop larping as a commie is she values her life. I can't think of a single guy I served with that doesn't own guns, milspec gear and a burning hatred for the left. They'll really just be playing into the hands of the entire American right, not just the nationalists like I'm sure they imagine.
I'm literally an IE member and this is the funniest post in the thread
She uses the word 'comrade', do these people know anything about 20th century history & the mass murders carried out by communists.
Holy shit guys! The leader spawned!

She showed up to a rally where violence was anticipated by every single party, and where violence had previously broken out. I'm only sad her nose didn't find itself in her brain.
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>all the triggered shitskins in this thread
No just want people to stay classy. I enjoyed the punch but everybody wearing faggy clothes and walking around with flags like superherp capes. Speaking of guy wearing "Jesus will judge" kicking someone while they're on the ground? Fuck that asshole.
You should leave this qt alone.

Not your personal army, shareblue.
They just say "thats not real communism" or "the kulaks deserved it"
Simply by going to an event like that, dressed like that, with the intent she had, she was volunteering for an asswhooping if she got too close.
Come do it faggot.
This is such fucking cringe
Trying to dox someone for punching you when you were fucking asking for it
>learn military tactics
Just die liberal scum you think football rioter do any of that shit

>honestly this is so pathetic for someone growing up around football hooliganism and general yob behaviour to watch
Fuck off to leftypol you anti cunt. Every antifa person that got their asses kicked today deserved it.
Let that be a lesson. This isn't Europe
Is Red Riding Hutt the final boss of antifa?
If she started it, then he's /ourguy/

If not, nah, sorry. I don't want to validate him.

We only strike in self defense, not act like antifa thugs
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All these faggots saying that's a female... It's clearly a man, Jesus Christ
What is with this trend of communists and other socialists using anarchy symbols? Haven't flaccid punk aesthetics been watered down and corrupted enough over the years?

These fucking people stand for nothing.
> guy wearing "Jesus will judge" kicking someone while they're on the ground
Protestants are heretics
What's its name, /pol/? Lucifat?
Is that you in the picture, britbong?
>We only strike in self defense

you say, as the antifa drag away another bystander to beat into a pulp

stand the fuck up
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I wouldn't have even known that was a female if you hadn't put it in the OP. Proclaiming it proudly as a female communist rather than just regular communist makes me think that you are indeed a faggot.

Real communism has not been tried yet. I'm sure it will be an utopia when antifa anarchists manage it.
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>I'm not really Antifa
Hahahahah fuck off faggot, go prep your bull.
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Then of course you take action, you goofy fuck.
What a whiny little disgusting bitch.

Lol at complaining you got your ass beat when you are in a position that intentionally is threatening people you don't know. Fucking dumbasses. Antifa is so laughable and cringeworthy.
AIDS red scare
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>when self-proclaimed anarchists report people to the police
>prob hurt him more than it did her

Then he should sue her for hurting his hand. Am I right, you cuck?
Every man woman and child that participated in these stupid fucking demonstrations on both sides needs to be rounded up, pillaried, and spanked like the whiny babies they all are.

me too.
Awww look at the poor upset little antifa faggot. Did you forget this isn't Reddit you little queer dick sucker?
wow... how progressive. -not.
just like every random leftist canon cam owning cliché bitch. super boringly exciting.
>Im going to gloat on facebook about scalping Nazis
>lol this manlet wont do anything to me
>wait why is he punching me

play stupid games
win stupid prizes
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antifa homeless.jpg
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>be antifa
>take the to streets prepared to assault people
>get assaulted
>ask 4chan to call the police


Don't you believe in equality?
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Why are AntiFa calling the police? I thought they hate the police?
Should have stomped her face in whole she was down desu.
Leftists aren't humans. They don't have rights and killing them is like swatting a fly.
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Yup he is our guy. hes white nationalist NatSoc
decent looking 7/10 better then what antifa beta males could ever get
I wanted to kill Ralph after what he did to Tracee
She's the nicest and most generous person outside of this stuff which is really sad.
Someone should tell them, kaffer is an extremely racist term in suidafrika.

They'll retract and issue an apology
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haha! welcome to the real world, honey. Run up on someone all hardassed in the middle of a situation like that and this is a logical conclusion.
phoneposters need to be banned.
> disrupt the jerk circle


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two oath keepers in ferguson.jpg
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"left needs to get armed and learn military tactical"

Yes please. Antifa faggots couldn't win a slap fight against civilians. Imagine that cunt fighting the Oath Keepers.
Doesn't matter man, just like the punch she got today, we aren't going to take the time to get to know someone before we do what we got to do. If you're so attached to her then talk some sense into her, don't try to talk sympathy into me.
>Beating up women, literally no better than niggers
When you become a violent communist terrorist you deserve violence. You don't deserve human consideration while acting like a feral dog.
Is he going to jail, /pol/? I mean, he already served time for armed robbery
Is this supposed to be false?
This is like the stupidest shit in the world

There was a planned rally
Another group showed up to stop it by violence
Rally group defended themselves

OP wants them arrested
Her first and I'm guessing last time into the fray.
>Antifa scum.
you seem lost
exactly, that's why no one considers you a man.
>I'm going to dress all in black like one of the guys!
>I'm going to cover my face like one of the guys!
>I'm going to get into fistfights like one of the guys!
>Wait! Don't hit me! I'm not one of the guys!
Hey, good for her. Actually has some balls. Too bad that what happened to her in this situation is probably best case scenario for her no what.
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Too bad shes interested in destroying all human civilization on this planet, otherwise this all would be just sad
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cult of liberalism.gif
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pick one
ITT Overweight leftists try to convince /pol/ they are in antifa while being typical passive aggressive cowards

After today antifa has zero respect kek.
wow, this guys looks like a total cunt.
chick is hot except for that dumb ass facial expression.
Antifa sends the women in first!
>Spend decades talking up a storm about global genocide
>(((THEY))) start "destroying you and your ""culture"" "

Gee, who'da thunk?
>fucking communist faggots
>oh wait a girl! I bet if I stand up for her she'll have sex with me
>don't hit girls :''''''(
he must be making fun of the left. he started out as a comedian, he cannot be serious and dress like that. it looks like hes doing a character
It's all divide and conquer shills, m8
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Fuck you mean, one?
>IT was the jews!

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Tough anarchists
Don't wanna mess with these guys
I remember the young turks had an interview with him, he was well composed considering the situation but had the same kind of pie in sky mentality the antifas and young turks also have.
something here must have happened to really make him snap
Get fucked shill
Exactly what Jesus would have asked....
She seems pretty based, not whingey at all.
Looks like there were consequences for her actions as well though.
Banging younger women is where it's at though.
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If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball
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