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>at first I was like...

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Thread replies: 408
Thread images: 102

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>at first I was like...
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and then...

She had a rough life.
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When will they learn that there is a toll to be paid?
so she was 18 in the op pic? wtf?
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>church-going sorority girl

church of BBC that is.

dat face
>that cap
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Rough death too, apparently.
Haha shiiieeeet.
22 going on 35. Fuck white women age like shit
Hang out with niggers? You'll need a grave digger.
She's a dog to begin with, but somehow all women of all other races are worth even less than she is.

How do you explain how she's still tweeting?
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I had a look through her Twitter and it was pretty much like pic related
she last tweeted 3 days ago you dumb amerishit. god americucks are DUMB

Seems like toll collection works as intended.

Why are Americans so retarded?
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I honestly hope and pray this happens to every single one of them.
>niggers explained in 7 seconds
top kek!
thread theme

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I've never seen black hipsters before. First time for everything I guess.
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Will this mistery ever be solved /pol/ ?
Ready for what?

Everything I see on her twitter is hanging around literal fags
like mmmm duwop?
>two other coalburners
How'd Duwane miss these two? What are we shelling out these welfare checks for if they can't even finish their work?

Damn it, Duwane!
> dad met my boyfriend
> his name is Shoowop dupidow duwow duwop Dupidow duwow duwop shoopidow duwow doo
>Be fireman
>Be helping the hood by cycling out the hydrant
>Watch your 3000 hose get punctured like this

How have I never seen this before? This is fucking amazing.
lol not

t. white guy
firemen were actually fighting a fire

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Paying dem tolls
It should be girls of Facebook but holy shit this is every girl I know
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Fuck this cunt. She got what she deserved. Fucking dusgusting nigger lover. I could fucking puke.
Twitter* I'm drunk already
you know that nignog on the left has rape on his mind SHEEEEET
it's probably her mom in the picture
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thish ish indeed a mishtery but no worriesh my Italian friend, I will crack thish cashe and make shure that her murderersh are caught!
hahaha white makes white you gamer faggot

best gook worst white
She looks like 35
Oh, well, nothing unusual here.
She looks like shit for a 22 year old
kek I love Reviewbrah
>mup da duwop didda
Serves her right
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>when you shit test white men so hard they ignore you forever
Mystery solved
>sorority girl
A woman died and all the virgins can do is say 'HA HA'

Shame on you /pol/. Shame on (YOU)
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the path of shame
Jesus he's bad too. They got the ugly for sure.
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quads of truth
Coalburners are barely human. They are people in the same way that pedophiles are people. In name only.


Stories of white roasties getting snuffed by niggers is quickly becoming my fetish.

Hurry up and invent those minority report time travel videos so I can watch how it happened.
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Jesus they're not even attempting to use english in their child names anymore, full on Ebonics now.
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What a round man
Women know the risk of being with superior alpha Black men. They'd rather be with them and take their chances, than be with weak White beta manchildren.

You know the risk of being with an 8/10 sexy beautiful woman. They're more likely to leave you than a 2/10 ugly landwhale. You know that, but you'd rather go for the 8/10 woman despite the risk.
and that's why you should poo in loo
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U only prove the point of how dumb these cunts are. Now fuck off.
> got a boner imagining them use her like a toy
> boner became STRONGER
It's called coalburner syndrome and is a certain fetish of super sluts. Just like fucking dogs and horses.
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Better yet.
It was not a woman. It's a blackslut.
Also, Poo-in-Loo.
>A filipino commenting on alpha and beta

Your manliest men look like 12 year old girls.
what a shitty way to die
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He slipped on his own shit. What a way to go.
Here's a receipt for your toll payment m'lady. You are paid in full.
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>no one noticed the meme

I'm literally shaking right now, fuggg you guys :DDDD
duuuu-wop du-wop du-du-du-du-du-duuu-(You)-wop!
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>pol is full of jealous beta cucks who are jealous of true alphas
This is true.
Here's the manliest pure filipino I could find.
he was just on his way to the village loo :(
Kek. Sleep with a nog. Get buried in a bog.

Molly Matheson @mollyjanee12 Apr 9

I bought multivitamins the other day and I've never felt more like an adult.

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These are the feckless and nerveless girls from highschool, that dreamed of jocks like Brad, Kevin, John, Andrew, Donald, but they were too quiet and boring to ever score a guy like that.

So they had to settle for roided, stoned, ADHD niggers, to feel like they're popular too, but the "hood" popular type.
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If blacks are so alpha how come they are all small manlets who fail at life and then go to prison?
>american """"white"""" people

i saw so much flash floods videos , and each fucking time there is a smartass trying to get to the other side and end up failing , why are humans so dumb ?
That quaan got BLEACHED
yet a jealous cuck white dude killed her
>Rough death too, apparently.

kek, jesus christ anon...
This entire thread, lmao
They fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
It's a mystery!
>nonwhites doing the job and removing white whores from existence
top kek
I love problems that fix themselves.
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It was obviously a black cuck who got cucked by another negro. There are no white men left in Fort Worth.
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Shit man
I'm 22, and I can't imagine going out that way. I know
>Burn the coal pay the toll
But shit, something kinda rattles me about how close that feels. Could have had a similar fate if I didn't have such a big shift in my beliefs not too long ago.
lol blacks are the most alpha tax dumb crackkker

Nigger on the left has killed someone before. I'd bet on it.
>when there are no white cucks left to cuck, the blacks will cuck themselves
no such thing as black cuck. stay mad inferior small dick. jeslos that's why he killed her small dick and white
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>Hello this is my boyfriend Shoop Da'whoop.
Fuck you Murka even me ashamed.
>the mistery still baffles the police
mfw /pol/ are better detectives than fbi niggers
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Coal status: Burnt
Toll status: Paid
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Seems she got

Kl’iiik Mijupsrit shoo liek my bix food

Made me laff
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If by alpha you mean being an unintelligent manlet, then you are correct.
It's a battle between spics and nigs now.
Black people get regularly cucked and they have to marry their own family members because they can't get a gf otherwise.
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Well, looks like she got what she wanted.
Idk what you are going for.
Is it that she deserved to die for (what appears like a mandingo party) in 2013 and now shes dead four years later.
Is the story you were trying to tell that after she hung out with them she died?

2013 tweet
2017 article
I just dont know why i should care about some dumb 22 year old dead whore because she posted a pic with three nigs and an ok emoji
Read that again. She dumped him for fooling around on Tinder.
Are you a white woman that stopped believing ethnics will ever act like you?
Thats a pretty common look for the nigs. You have your deep south and midwest hood niggas with the saggy pants and grills, then the rest rock the hipster look. Black frame glasses, skinny jeans, unlaced jordans, plaid shirt etc etc... watch an NBA post game conference, all the big stars like Lebron James, Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook dress like that.
It's okay, the police can't solve this mystery either!
>She dumped him for fooling around on Tinder.
And he kebab'd a race traitor.
Nonwhites showing whores where they belong.
It was a mystery goy please don't look into it thats what the nazi's did
b-but whitey be inbreedin n sheeeeeit... the (((tv))) sed dat yo so it muss be tru

>trying to cross a river on national 'flush the only toilet in the country' day
Get out of the closet, you beta
That's his slave name.
His African name is Shrimply Pibbles.
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Itt jealous white bois
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Relaxing even one makes you permanently so
Wait a minute . . . is this pie-faced cabbage-patch lookin bitch talkin about getting gangedbanged?
/if you ever even considered fucking a nig then you will never be a good white woman. You're faulty.
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Talks about almost dying on twitter before actually dying.
God damn.
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I know what his mom was listening to when she got raped by a nigger
name ONE thing more satisfying than a coalburner getting BTFO

Pro Tip: you actually can't
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mfw i c a wht wmn wit a fkn dindu
>Ready for what?
The gangbang
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The pic he posted is England. Look at the houses.

but I agree. America isn't white.
Found the nigger
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>had mixed asian ex
>see her a few weeks ago
>talked about how people are her job were stealing shit
>"they were acting so black"
>remember why I fell in love with er in the first place
This is great. I miss the 90s
burn the coal pay the environmental tax
lmao, youre kinda right. he literally lost his balance trying to stop himself from stepping in his own shit
It isthe only thing we can do.
If u can revive her tell me
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Honestly, half her twitter reads like jokes about her being dead.

Nice Polish MP-4 gasmask.
All you need to know why living around niggers is bad.
Hahahaha white bitches would rather die than date a nice white boy hahahahahahahaha. Suck it white faggots.
>trying to fight a current with zero momentum

fucking pajeets

This is clearly UK
They're british
this is bestiality
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WAIT! why do you even have these pictures?!
Really? Every college in the US is filled with them.
This is definitively /ourguy/
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may I have some oats?
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>Shoop Duwop
>not saving pictures of gutter trash coalburners that PAID the TOLL to laugh at them on /pol/
I was thinking that Tom was a giant, but then realized that RDJ is a manlet.
Ft worth is he of the whitest parts of the Dallas metroplex.
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>Slutting it up
>In the wrong neighborhood
>Fucks Niggers
>Probably wearing all too revealing clothes
>Totally asking for it
Case closed it darwinism at its finest.
fucking Jigaboo
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>plays soccer

pick one
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She's pretty hot. Tits are bigger than I'm used to, but whatever...
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Fuck off, Abdul. We exterminated the local niggers before we'll do it again
>actually not a nigger
>just slices hoses to encourage private fire departments not to lay their hose across privately-owned fire hydrants
>fire department forced to use water reserves on firetruck to extinguish fire
>ANCAP meme is real, don't violate the NAP
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oh christ, is he named after jackson 5's i want you back lyrics or something
dare we say, burn the coal pay the toll??
Tom is 6ft 1.75in or 187 cm tall. So he is a good height and yes RDJ is a manlet.

looks like 40
This my brother.
And they have the audacity to invade our countries, and call us backward terrorist goat-fuckers?
Yet their women are fucking niggers left and right.
Fuck them, dumb fucking kuffar.
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the middle nigger looks like he's about to crack
>Don't wanna work.

Coal burners have a new mating call.
/OurGuy/ in the back
one of the firemen i knew who came as a regular with his collueges sometimes, came to my bar one night telling me they had to deal with a gang of marroccains that day, their gear got vandalised, main waterhose that went into the feederpump of the car got punctured and the pump opperator got beaten into the hospital, they where saving some lives in an adjunct building next to the one that appeared to be a transit house for drugs, paperworks, weaponry and chemicals. 3 houses on fire + back house chedd thing.
it was in the news the morning after, without going in detail.
apparantly the vandals put that fire because of some rotten deal that went bad. lol even among eachother ....
the OP picture was 2013, that makes her 18. Now bitch died 2017 at the age of 22.
Perfect song to this! thanks
You don't need a Holocauster Center if reality itself will do
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"look at me I hang around with black people!"

well, that would explain the black eye, wouldn't it?
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White Men Can't Jump
She's ugly af
Lol she went back for seconds.
When will they ever learn
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Reminds me of this girl I knew. Her dad was a prison guard. Her mom was teacher at the school we went to. She had a bunch of brothers and sisters.

She lost her virginity to some nigger drug dealer that got her hooked on drugs and pimped her out.

She was murdered by one of those niggers because he found out who her dad was and he had a "beef" with her dad.

So this is a feel good thread. I love it when the story tells itself.
Thank you niggers for taking the dregs of the white race truly you are taking one for the team
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>Stupid white bitches are dying because they're stupid bitches

Nothing wrong here, lad.
You know the saying... "Burn the coal..."
its only good that nigger fuckers are killed
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>fat white chick
>18 going on 55
>Thinks we are jealous

Not sure if you are Mohammad or Ny'quil Skittles N'Arizona'tea but I thank you for taking our garbage off our hands.
Feel sorry for the middle dude he looks like he cant hold on much longer :(
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Neck yourself.
He had to have help from the beta nigger in back.
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Is it not technically cheating if Daequan is sleeping with three women at once even if it's morphed into just one body ?
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why would even a nigger be this degenerate? thats fucking disgusting.
today is a good day. I dont use Twitter but if I did I'd be trolling the shit out of her family for allowing this to happen
Why is that Brazilian flag in Cyrillic?
LOL! and once again a single mom is born!
I just hope she bothers to ask the niggers names. low self-esteem white women with daddy issues tend to forget that part for all they know is, "Duhhhhh? Uh? He was black" and that makes her a Realty TV Disney princess (if she doesn't die of AIDS first)
>says "soccer"
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Amuricans are so disgusting trashy "people".

Nuke Amurica gross melting pot zog shithole nation of niggers mongrels trash and queers
>She lost her virginity to some nigger drug dealer that got her hooked on drugs and pimped her out.
Either she inherited some dumb whore genes or her parents failed to parent her correctly.
>She was murdered by one of those niggers
A good outcome, I hope the niggers got raped and killed in prison.
she's dead. murdered by one of the Daquans. did you read the article right under it?
It's not. It's just poor penmanship.

Did you not see the second news post you retard ?
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o boy I sure am surprised
Dude on the lefts face says he knows where the night will end
lol mistery

such mistery very spooky wow
Looks like a kike

That fat as fuck ghoul is larping as a smoothskin.

There's is no way that woman is 22, she looks 40.
You can say that again! The aftermath is ALWAYS one the 3 EXACT same sad stories but there is a bitter sweet element to seeing the end break down many of them have later in life when they are stuck with ONLY niggers (of even lower quality) forever
This is one of the most American images I've ever seen. Top fucking kek.
What do you actually mean by this?

"""Soccer""" how you call it, was always a sport which was dominated by whites, unlike your american sports. And even though today there are many niggers (thanks france, england and netherlands), the best players are still ethnic europeans.
>nice weather outide and a pool
how dumb are you
>when you are thirsty
this is the state of /pol now , people don't even read the threads before posting.
that or american education.
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>Tributes have begun to pour in for the former sorority member of Alpha Delta Phi, who has been described as 'funny, kind, and wise beyond her years.'
Not wise enough apparently.
Yes they do. A big part of the is all the Disney dope, (((Prozac))) and all of that magic pills shit. But then again niggers will fuck anything that's why most of them are also "on the down low dawg"
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Guaranteed all these girls hate their lives, and can't figure out where they went wrong.
I have yet to know a happy coal burner, or even one without a fucked up mess of a life.

> Wise beyond her years

Was she 10, acting like 14 ?
Why would that nigger stop the fire dept from putting out the fire to the local welfare office? Is he trying to emulate some new cRap music video?
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Nigger names are fantastic.

Also glad this retarded whore got killed and another monkey is in the cage where he belongs, everything worked itself out.

We are working hard on it. For now all we have is the completely unrelated and ignorible information that she was into black men.
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>Shoowop dupidow duwow duwop Dupidow duwow duwop shoopidow duwow doo
niggers and logic do not mix
i chuckled
>Guaranteed all these girls hate their lives, and can't figure out where they went wrong.
White men will be blamed despite SCIENTIFIC FACT that white men ween't involved. That and the FACT the she's the piss-poor judge of character.
>they could've been wonderful pillars of their community, wives, mothers, respected professionals and a soul mate to someone
>they chose to be the sloppy seconds of niggers

Shes burning a different kind of coal now. In hell.

Bet he's down there still holding on to the bike and little bag.

I laughed so hard my anus prolapsed.
Now that's a Walmart family if I've ever seen one.
These people need to be cleansed for the good of this society. It's getting out of hand, too many of these shitfucks.
I believe it's often because they have been molested by a white male family member, which makes them fear/hate all white men.
my sides

>this fucking thread

Definitely not Amerifats judging by image search. It's also the wrong looking nigger types.
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>wise beyond her years
>dated a thug nigguh named fucking Duwop and unsurprisingly got murdered
Truly she was an hero.
Since when is a woman ever happy?
They look like your average middle class spoiled chavettes to me.

>wise beyond her years
>associating with blacks

toppest of kek
Anyone knows what the 100 emoji means?
the window in the house behind it has one of those weird little AC units I've never seen in Amerifat.

I really doubt they need that level of trauma to burnt he coal. All they really need is Jew brainwashing to hop on Tyrones dick.
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100% REAL
It really brings me down sometimes.
Not like the jealous basement dweller sad, because I have a gf and I've never had any trouble.
But because they could have been happy, contributing members of their community, society and humanity.
Instead they've been mislead and are now just the filthy antithesis of everything good in the world.

I see it as my obligation to myself, my family, my race and humanity to be a stabilizing and upwards pulling force.
These people only see society as owing them something.
By who? Their animal instincts?

If he loved his sister, he would have kept her from fucking around with niggers or at least killed the nigger responsible.
I have never, ever seen a coalburner who wasn't obese. I have never, ever seen a coalburner with a happy look on her face.

You can go to the zoo at Walmart and see families like this
led by a landwhale whore mom on a scooter and a cart filled with Mountain Dew and frozen pizzas, with a sullen look on her face dining at the in-store McDonald's, all bought with her EBT card.

This country is circling the drain.
We all die bro

Your time is coming so is mine
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Fucking kek.
Why are niggers subhumans everywhere?

sigh, here all of them have English names if you spot a Michaels of a Franklin is bad news, they could just name their kids Spanish names like whites do

Women get historectomies not vasectomies... is that the joke?
It means keep it real, basically.
But it doesn't actually mean anything, it's something niggers slap onto everything like the meme crying laughing face and okay finger sign.

It's England. I live here, I know. There's literally no other country in the world which builds houses like that.
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we let them into medical schools here if they can spell their names
When are women happy?
Jesus christ this thread
they want to pay the toll
women want to be killed by thugs more than they want anything else
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He told her he had a vasectomy.

Mr. 'I had a vasectomy'
...never relax
The nogs from the carribean aren't half bad. I mean still shit tier but they at least have work ethic and seem to be somewhat responsible. How did this happen?
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>women want to be killed by thugs more than they want anything else
You may be onto something

My anus prolapsed so hard I laughed.
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>Darkie gets darker when he is jailed
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You just know he had his other hand ready to reach for his firearm.
U.K. Don't know how to vet immigrants and keep getting pedophiles and terrrorist.
Being raised on excessively sweet and fat foods and having the TV as a babysitter, as well as an endless safety net + no need to work due to EBT leads to a nation of fat retards, who knew.

Worst part is, once these people are obese, they can use obesity as a disability. So they collect benefits and sit on their asses, growing more obese and more lazy every day. Then the only thing that will touch them is a nigger, so they shit out a baboon baby before the dad leaves/gets imprisoned, who of course will grow up fat, dumb and lazy due to the fat, dumb and lazy mom and absent dad. Then she ends up on my 600 lb life.
Is this from Just Cause 2? Jesus christ the way he just robotically goes off course and doesn't even react to it or anything.
The nigger with the leather coat is certainly the predator. The other Nogs are thuggish but not as predatory. The one on the left is prime psychopath.
White women age like milk.
The more dick they take and the more alcohol and cigarettes they consume the more dried up they look like.
I Ultimately decided not to attend TCU due to all the niggers
Filename got me good
>I see it as my obligation to myself, my family, my race and humanity to be a stabilizing and upwards pulling force.
You have a good sentiment there anon.

When everybody else around has lost responsibility, common sense, and no one is willing to fix it, we must.

>By who? Their animal instincts?
By their parents, by today's "culture" (lack of), by social attitudes, by their peers, by their teachers, by the government and media playing chess with people's minds.
Well I'll send The Norway shooter love letters too! Killing brownies and race traitors to save the white race. Women are Smart anon.
>that woman
holy shit
Agreed. Usual architecture in the background.
Never, to be honest. But obese coalburners are the unhappiest of all.
Not all many do take care. But if they tan, smoke, drink and have multiple partners they rot like a banana.
We need to seriously make a black pigeon style produced 10 minute video that only lists girls that payed the toll.
If it goes viral racemixing whores will be shamed and shunned.
Jesus goddamn, that picture hits way to close to home.... Physically hurt me how accurate it is. Blaaargh
These pictures are interesting in a sociological way, more please
my sister has said 2 times now that "once you go blaclk you don't come back"
also said that some top mantas were handsome
she's teasing me because I told her not to engage in a relationship with a canarian so now she's going for the most different to piss me off
she dumped his boyfriend a year ago and got a tatto and started having tinder dates
they were together for 8 yeas he was her first bf
now she's losing her fucking head
she works for an american enterpirse so I believe (((them))) are brainwashing her
I'm fucking worried
By our media, academia, government and a parade of socio-political activists controlled by lying jews and their complicit political elite co-horts.

Multiculturalism is a curse, not a saving grace.
All religions are cults, despite some positive teachings.
Islam is a death cult and should not be tolerated.
All people are not equal and we should be discerning of who we keep ties or even associate with.
Funding out of control 3rd world birth rates and feeding their endless hordes is lunacy.
The population of Africa multiplied 5.5x over in the last 50 years, the UN projects it to multiply a further 5-6x over in the next 50 years.
Everyone in the bottom third of the IQ bell curve needs to be sterilized.
That escalated quickly
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You people disgust me. An innocent girl died and you laugh at it. What the hell is wrong with you? What if it was your sister or any other member of your family?

She was hanging around black people. So what? Black people are not some kind of evil murderous thieves like you make them look. And it is said nowhere that a black person killed her. Stop twisting facts to fit this with your sick worldview.

I am honestly disappointed in you, /pol/.

Get out of your basement and enjoy your life instead of wasting it on hating people who don't look like you.
I don't think white women age faster than anyone else, it's just that yeah, they all live 4 straight years in college being consistently drunk, passed between men, and taking drugs and smoking. Takes a toll on the body.

The women who don't do that shit age just fine.
Time for an honor-killing, you think?
Isn't that usually how you Moors handle these things?
It would would a problem if American dindus were just Stupid. But no....They're borderline retarded on average and more sociopathic than many Caribbean or blacks from mainland Africa on average. 13% of population and well over 50% of the total violent crimes.
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welcome to 4chan you little faggot
It would would a problem if American dindus were just Stupid. But no....They're borderline retarded on average and more sociopathic than many black thenic groups form the Caribbean or from mainland Africa on average. 13% of population and well over 50% of the total violent crimes.
>that roof
This is Europe
I'm not a moor I bet I'm more european than you
>It would be a problem if American dindus were just Stupid. But no....They're borderline retarded on average and more sociopathic than many black ethnic groups form the Caribbean or from mainland Africa on average. 13% of population and well over 50% of the total violent crimes.

Funny, but wasn't his job only to get top-shelf pussy?
>tfw no nubian prostitue
That white fellow could have a potential to look mighty aesthetic should he put on dapper clothes and longer hair. Other than that his relatives are straight out of a mental asylum.
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Jesus Christ she looks in her late 30s
the meaty thighs in the middle.
all of 4chan is giant race baiting website

That video best sums Indians. I've seen the poo videos, and I've seen the ones where they do something really fucking stupid and die, but never seen them combined.
Needed somewhere to live or someone to pay his rent
Most are upset by this type of thing.
Making light of it is likely a coping mechanism for those who joke (though not all).
There's plenty of serious responses of people who genuinely care.

>not some kind of evil
>not murderous
To a vastly greater degree than whites.
All people are capable of evil.
Blacks often aren't capable of much more.
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>innocent girl
>fucks a drug dealing nigguh named Duwop Jackson with an ear piercing

>Black people are not some kind of evil murderous thieves like you make them look
>she got strangled by Duwop just like the thousands of retarded naive white whores who came before her
>literal FBI statistics prove you entirely wrong

>look at flag
>it's not a leaf

Funny post
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>she's teasing me because I told her not to engage in a relationship with a canarian so now she's going for the most different to piss me off
What the fuck, teasing you?
Where is the father?

Also, don't go all explicit, verbally /pol/ on anyone, never force your ideas on someone, they will reject them.
Instead, show your principles and values by example, (e.g. shun racemixers, laugh at them and consider them lower than dirt, disrespect them, etc)
Use only moral and emotional arguments to be persuasive, hint the conclusion
She has to reach your conclusions on her own, not to be spoon fed.

And don't take what women say or do at face value, again, emotional and moral arguments, don't be rational or logical with them, be subversive and manipulative, honestly works best with women.

AND DON'T GIVE HER THE PLEASURE of knowing you hate her relationship with canarians, just disrespect and shun her.
This only makes her resolution harder.
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tell me moor.jpg
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>I bet I'm more european than you
toppest kek
*poos internally*
>paying for sex with a black woman
Do you pay to eat out of the garbage too?

It's a cautionary tale, STAY AWAY FROM NIGGERS.
>"probably the dumbest decision I've ever made"
I want to know what could be dumber than feeding a baby bleach
Someone add these images together so it can spread around the internet. Good find OP. I'm off to beddy bye time
top kek
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Indian Nazi.jpg
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You need to be white before you try to white knight.
>BLM shirt
kek, this is fucking gold

No, but i did pay for my cumrag
Blade on a social night over here on the left
Poo on (you)
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lol, I know the pinocchio nose chick on the far left. Florrie
>those women are in their early 20s
Did the coal make them age and fat?
It sounds like a name a racist would make up to make fun of niggers
well teasing me not in a sexual way I mean to piss me off
I tell her not to date non catalan spaniards
so know she goes for blacks and sudacas
my father only concern is me finding work
Yep... hanging out with some niggers in 2013 totally caused her death 4 years later.

What is the sauce on this? Why is some BLM cunt fucking a fat white dude?
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Gas yourself faggot
her entire twitter feed is her history of fucking random niggers over the course of several years.

her senpai needs to be educated on how they contributed to this.
she's the leader of a BLM protest, and he lets her into his mayoral office to talk but then says he'll have her arrested for inciting a riot if she doesn't spread her legs for superior white cock
Pick one.
Why you dont run a campaign i promise to vote for you.They use constant culpability to send taxe payer become trillons of new niggs and shiiieettt.

>he didn't give his sister the cock treatment
>Black people are not some kind of evil murderous thieves like you make them look

>Black people are not some kind of evil murderous thieves like you make them look
t. Dawop
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>to piss me off
>she goes for blacks and sudacas
She does that exclusively to piss you off?
It would mean she wants your attention then.
>my father only concern is me finding work
lel I forgot Spain has huge unemployment, just like us.
>Everyone in the bottom third of the IQ bell curve needs to be sterilized.
That's not enough. Why leave them alive to keep fucking things up for the rest of us, and wasting resources we could be using?
Sure, sterilization will stop them reproducing, but it won't stop them being violent, worthless, stinking, oxygen-thieving niggers.
There's no reason to keep them around wasting food and attacking white people.
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Looks like someone isn't getting comfy and listening to the Chicago police radio every night
Pay. Debt.
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>Making light of it is likely a coping mechanism for those who joke
I agree with this. You sound like a reasonable person.

>To a vastly greater degree than whites.
>Blacks often aren't capable of much more.
Ummm... what?

>fucks a drug dealing nigguh named Duwop Jackson
Why do you care who she has sex with? And just because Duwop is black, it doesn't mean he's a drug dealer.

>she got strangled by Duwop just like the thousands of retarded naive white whores who came before her
Ok, now you're just making shit up.

Why? I have met some black people and they were quite chill.

>you are wrong because you don't see the world like I do
Seriously, guys, what is wrong with you?
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Why are Jewish beards always unkempt and disgusting?
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>her Sister
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are you a woman?
>has huge unemployment, just
it's not spain's fault, I'm just lazy and apathic
I could work if I wanted
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How is my gender in any way related to this discussion?
source is "The Mayor 2" if you're interested , and yes , he's fucking a BLM head because he found proofs she had stolen money or some shit.
she lives on her own, works for an american multinational, has gay friends... and she only see us like once every two weeks
she's geting conditioned
omfg this family needs to be....helped on racial matters over twitter
>How is my gender in any way related to this discussion?

100% related
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Raping you would be weird if you're a dude.
is that paruru on the right?
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>Shoop Duwop
>Du Wop
>Of the Wop
Uhm... cultural appropriation much???
>coal status: burned
>toll status: payed
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>100% related
Sorry, I don't see it. Can you explain?

Please stop, it's not funny.
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Bait or vagina? I wonder
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Cat pic and no sense of humor. Bleeder confirmed.

Theres a whiff of pussy off it
operation clean when?


now answer the question
Oh no, she went from looking terrible to looking terrible and dirty
You're ignorance of the truth disgusts us. Because the facts don't fit your narrative.
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