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Is Macedonia the best country in Eastern Europe?

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Is Macedonia the best country in Eastern Europe?
Look we are even rich
No, too poor, and ugly women.

Fuck off, gypsy, if Alexander saw you now he would just salt the earth.
Hitler her self told that Macedonia fights like hero of the ancient time
you already salted all over this thread xD!!!!!!!!
if albozergs were a measure of quality then you'd be the best
you're pretty much a made up cunt that's totally not inhabited by bulgars-in-denial alongside said albozergs desu ex-senpai
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Yes is it.

Greece is shit thought.
Macedonia is Western Europe though
Yes, western Bulgaria is developed.
Skopsko is good, your twinks are nice and I fucked a few, but nah mate...you need to get rid of those corrupt bastards up high, like the rest of us in the Balkans. So no, not best country anywhere.
Yes, Southern Serbia is developed.

Ever notice that certain countries crawl out o the woodworks when its neighbor makes thread?
Isn't Macedonia just a district of Greece?
that's because the autist linked the thread to /balk/
if it's like Bulgaria then it will be nice
Yes, eastern Albania is developed
Ever notice how certain countries need mobility scooters?
>small clean area


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They have as much to do with Alexander's Macedonia as Romania has with the Roman Empire.

It's Bulgaria split in two, read more.
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Aren't they basically Bulgarians in denial role playing as Greek heroes?
Ever notice that certain countries get stuck in the woodworks
They are.
Also there are some Albanians in the mix.
I would make fun of you, but you're American, so I can't
There no the best country in Eastern Europe
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>wants to post a picture highlighting how amazing his country is
>the picture has a fucking rubbish bin as the centrepiece

top kek
You speak are English?
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Yes it is much better than those filthy Greeks to the south.

Well at least they're actually Latins.
Brazil is literally more Latin than Romania
Romanians are slavs + Bulgars + a bunch of Asiatic tribes like Avars and Pechenges + gypsies mixed up real good.

They have no Roman genes lmao. Romania didn't exist 150 years ago.
Romanian is a Romance Language.
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Cool flag, that's about it.
>They have no Roman genes lmao
I never implied that, they are Romanized Thracians/Dacians.
The most beautiful parts of Macedonia used to belong to the Albanians so, no.
But seriously, guys, your boys and men aged 18-25 have the tightest butts in the Balkans, and are pretty hot.

They will probably soon be widened by Shiptars, of course.
When will the civil war begin?
I heard Albanians living in your "country"
are pretty pissed.
They could be, however, they would have to first figure out what ethnicity they are.
I'm Greek
So is Portuguese,and also 25% of Portuguese is not Slavic words
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Post your Albanian QT-s thread>?
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Tfw we kicked Bulgaria's ass during Balkan wars and WW1 and we thought we are finally done with them. Years later some Bulgars decide to larp as ancient Greeks and cause bigger problems than the actual Bulgarian army. Fucking Bulgars! You better annex your trans son.. REEEEEEE
your wrong
Dunno mate, we were winning against you + Serbia + Turkey until Romania opened up a 4th front in our rear.

/pol/ is a bait free board of peace, please post only true facts not alternative Hellenic history.
are you sure about that?
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Greater Macedonia when?
Not a fan of Bulgaria not having this as its current borders today
Yes mate, we were kicking your 3 armies combined until the Romanians joined.

You should contemplate about allying with the roaches against your Christian brothers desu.
I thought macedons were dinosaurs
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>turkey in greater macedonia

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I went on holiday to Macedonia had a great time.
The other gyros at least bothered to provide a link to the mainstream thesis for the whole war. Are you going to provide any of your facts, my shitposting Orthodox brother?
No, Venezuela is the best european country. You can find only white people here.
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I've decided to dump some of my holiday photos.
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>that K/D ratio

nuff said
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But do you have statues of Alexander and Churchill? Didn't think so.

Damn, why are americans so scary?
I fucking love Albania.
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That's like saying that during 1944-1945 even though the Soviets were suffering more casualties than the Germans they were losing.
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They were at 1 point. If it was just a 1 on 1 Germans win hands down. Same situation during the balkan war.
That's adorable.
I am pretty sure the Ottos joined after the Romanians did.
Read the wikipedia article.
>Macedonia is probably the best country in Eastern Europe
pff I don't care you are poor, but your country is like 40% albanian.
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should have stole that truck
Why is soros investing in macedonia so much lately?
I'm pretty sure all those nude beaches in Croatia means Croatia is the best Yugo bastard.
No its us desu
Prove me wrong
>inb4 starts posting bike paths
Bulgarian leadership decided to open a multiple front war. None said that the Bulgarian army was a bad army, but your leadership was full of idiots and megalomaniancs and so strategicaly you were BTFOED. The war in general was supposed to be a lighting operation because Bulgars new that the Great Powers will stop it fast. You failed the initial assaults so no matter how you see it, you lost.
who's this hottie on the left dayum
I think you meant to reply to me.

You are the ones that opened a multiple front war, we only justifiably attacked Serbia for not following up on the deal we had. Everyone elses involvement in the war was unforeseen.

But it was the Tsar's fault, not bulgarian high command. He moved too quickly and barely anyone got organized.
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tell me about it
With us at leasy you agreed we keep what we capture. I have no clue what you agreed with the Serbs but you attacked us too because you wanted Salonica. Worst thing? That specific city was never part of a Bulgaria, not even during the Bulgarian ''Empire'' era.
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You caused the war with your greed mate. You and Serbia wanted to split half of my country between yourselves. Of course we would go to war to defend our homeland and honour.

You stabbed us in the back and allied with the roaches.

Pic related.
Everything you typed is simply a lie, holy shit if that is what your history books say...

You are on /pol/, how long will you drink your government's koolaid?

You were the bad guys, anon, your greed caused the war. Deal with it, admit it and move on.
Dunno about Salonica. We just wanted promised macedonian klay. Serbs struck a secret alliance with you and the events unrolled.
why don't you search on the internet about it?
all the sources indicate that you were the greedy ones.
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>a sprinkler and a trash can is the best image he could find of his home

you answered your own question.
Excuse us for not allowing us to be cucked :^)
You can't read anon. Seriously. I understand you think you are right because that's what you were taught all your life, but try to understand that no country teaches its own people about their own flaws or mistakes.

You fucked us over and then covered it with propaganda for a couple generations until the lie that we were the bad guys took root.

I also understand you have a knee-jerk reaction and won't believe me. I don;t even know why I try anymore.
by your login you are cucked to this day
yes a defensive pact
Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek%E2%80%93Serbian_Alliance_of_1913

Well my friend, since that war to this day we've managed to not shrink further.

Such a tragedy with Kosovo.
>like the rest of us
wew lad
how do you know you are not the ones brainwashed by propaganda?
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Boring subhumans
>Well my friend, since that war to this day we've managed to not shrink further.
because you can't shrink more lel
Thats ok, those that betrayed us payed by annexation of their lands during ww2.
Because I have spent my life trying to prevent exactly that by reading history books from all over the world in 3 different languages. I also have studied in Russia and the US, I am as objective as possibly a human being can be.
*more than that
We wuz Greekz
Don't you mean bootleg Bulgaria
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Maybe not, but you sure can.
fucking told
that's not going to happen though, like you hoped you'll win in all recent wars but got BTFO by each of the neighbors
spot on
> Monkeydonia
> country

LOL... bastard albanobulgarian dogs of shit...
Mecedonia is not a country FYROM
looks nice man, reminds me of some streets in upper class Seattle like Queen Anne. Kinda reminds me of that outer rode in vienna that circles the city. is this your capital city?
>have backstabbing traitorous neighbours that make secret pacts behind your back
>get backstabbed and rekt

No surprise there. At least we were something once :) (unlike some other people)
Macedonia is DONKEY. FUCK to Macedonia
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Isnt it funny that everytime a roach from FYROM tries to prove that his shithole is developed he posts THE SAME FUCKING ROAD PICTURE
We'll see. If you dont shrink any further we might consider making you our vassal state.
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>macedonia thread
quick post greek propaganda
I wasn't sure beforehand but this picture of a fountain has convinced me.
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>>have backstabbing traitorous neighbours that make secret pacts behind your back
are you talking about yourselves, 'cause that's exactly what you are kek

>being this delusional
what i could else expect from tatars kek
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many many bike paths that look like portland oregon
It's the only country with some actual history, you got to give them credit for that.
The whole war with us happened for Salonica. Your leadership cared for that strategic city. And I want you to consider something since you speak about honour. Let's say that somehow the Bulgarian army managed to capture Constantinopole during the 1st Balkan war. Would you have give that to us? Of course not. Your King even ordered a huge cross to be ready to be placed on Hagia Sophia once the city was captured by the Bulgarian army(Which is cool but the city belongs to us if you want to look it with a historical perspective) You really can't play the honour card to me or the ''but we were promised macedonian clay'' We only took small part of it and the capital of the province which by the way had a huge Greek population. Two times now you accused me of being brainwashed by Greece's propaganda. And I ask you this. Aren't you the same? You believe all Macedonia was populated by Bulgars? Which is of course not true. The truth is simple, forced or not Bulgaria attacked ,lost and accepted the defeat. You lost more lands with your attempt to greatness. To be honest I consider this war stupid. What our nations should have done is unite and restore the Byzantine Empire based on our religion.
yeah its just missing the homeless encampments and needles and trashy heroin whores like Portland is filled to the brim with. Stay pure Macedonia, dont import leftists or niggers of muslims into your country.
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Sarbite da si sarbat supata
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Post a picture of your skyscrapers
no man don't talk shit to him
he is a profound historian>>120486520
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serbian backstabbers.png
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Pic related, what did the Serb mean by this?

Historical fact6s >>> propaganda posters from your own government, kek
i wish we could be neighbors again m8

>historical facts
>citing wikipedia

>"propaganda posters from your own government"
>is a french newspaper
nice logic there, tatar
serbshits always say they want a border with greece

but they can't keep their own country lmao
The sad thing is you know deep inside what you are doing. I know it hurts anon, no amount of sophistry will change it. I am sorry.
but you sure can

i bet you have stable government by now... oh wait
civil war when?
>The sad thing is you know deep inside what you are doing.
the whole world knows that you're traitorous backstabbers, yet you accuse us of being so
you're pathetic
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Yes goys fight each other gooood
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Where do you think youre going?
Truly the historical proof I provided 2 posts above is not relevant since it is from wikipedia ahahahah

Truly the French poster paid for by the Serb and approved by the French since they were your backers at the time is counter proof



>muffled sounds of a Serb crying in the distance
The first step of friendship is to admit and accept past mistakes. We can;t work together until we know where we stand.
>Truly the French poster paid for by the Serb and approved by the French since they were your backers at the time is counter proof
truly your sperging out and not providing any proofs of half of the things you claim makes it as an argument

>>muffled sounds of a Serb crying in the distance

I didn't know bulgarians were so butthurt about the Second Balkan War
Anon can't you read? >>120487832

Why are you doing this to yourself? Accept that you were the bad guy and caused your own problems in the past. Work to better yourself in the present.
>your allies make a secret pact to fuck you over and ally with their former muslim slavers to achieve it
>then they wonder why you are mad

Really moved my neurons, anon.
yes i can read, and all i can see is that you're so butthurt that you're still bitter about some wars that happened 700 years ago
about the second balkan war, the greek anon already BTFOd you singlehandedly above

i should move along now...
>you are backstabbers!
>anon here's the proof you have been the traitors throughout history
>b-but that was many years ago...

that was ~700 years ago yes, we did what we did, while you backstabbed us, like 3 times in the recent history
It was always you anon. It has always been you.

How about you put your money where your mouth is? I showed proof of your treachery, how about you do the same.

protip - you can't since it never happened except in Serbian propaganda
>It was always you anon. It has always been you.
sure, we did invade ourselves in balkan wars, ww1 and ww2
>Serbia and Greece make a secret defensive pact to protect against Bulgarian aggression
>Bulgaria attacks because they feel that the deserved more land
>Bulgaria's offensive fails
>Bulgaria gets BTFO
>Romanians join the party and face little resistance
>Ottos seeing all these decide it's time to retake Adrianople
>The Russias stopped them from advancing any further
>Bulgaria gets gangbanged by all sides.
>Bulgaria surrenders,gives land and forgets about the Great Bulgarian Empire
Here's Balkan War >>120484929

...and we never did anything to you in the world wars. Those were bloc wars fought by a multitude of nations.

Get rekt Serb backstabber :^)
I can't read - the post
>and we never did anything to you in the world wars
you sure about that?


Soldiers executing soldiers. Once.

You did far worse by killing half a million Bulgarians in Macedonia after 2 generations of forcible name change and constant terror.
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You are the only Orthodox country in Balkans that can't get along well with the others. Have you ever considered why? Why for example we and serbs didn't fight for more of eachother lands? Because if let's say a Greek village was within the Serb border we as nation knew that those people will be treated as brothers. You on the other hand wanted everyone Bulgar. And for that reason we can't get along even know. I personaly would fight for you if you guys ever get attacked by a non Orthodox but I still consider you assholes. And what I am saying now is not just a Greek playing the defender of Orthodox Balkans we and Serbs actually recently faught for eachother.

It could be the same with you...
>"Soldiers executing soldiers. Once."
>accuses someone for not reading
>can't read by himself
it wasn't once, i live in south serbia and my ancestors were either killed or forced to change their surnames to bulgarian ones, but once you got BTFOd they reverted it back

>"You did far worse by killing half a million Bulgarians in Macedonia after 2 generations of forcible name change and constant terror."
>provides no sources

you sure are a special snowflake, are you?
Hundreds of thousands anon. read up. Pic related.

Pic related for you as well.

We were allies and fought for each other's freedom for hundreds of years. Many Bulgarians died in the freedom wars for Greece and Serbia and vice versa.

Only recently you and the Serbs hate on us. Stop and asks yourself why. It's because you did terrible things in Macedonia and killed hundreds of thousands of Bulgarian civilians and tried to cover it up by revving anti-Bulgarian opinion.

summed it all up

they did the same with my ancestors in wars as i already said above
if only you could read

Truth is not palatable I guess.

forgot to add

>2 "skyscrapers" are a reason to be proud of in macedonia
what do you expect me to read, some bulgar inverted history?
It has dates which can be checked and neutral sources for the information.

Holy shit you are worse than SJW liberals in reality denial. Shame on you.
Bulgaria being that big would be a threat to both NATO and Eastern bloc, and devolve into an eventual civil war with both countrys vying for power
i just follow simple logic

if we did genocide all bulgars from macedonia then no bulgars would be present there by now
but i'm not seeing such situation, really

on the other side you were known by atrocities in every recent war you fought and even my family got involved with that
You obviously killed only part of the population, as much as needed to instill fear in the rest and make them change their names.

Bulgarians never touched Serbs, because we never had Serb lands since we gained our freedom. Dunno what your family story is, but you got something wrong.

Now how about you read the hsitorical facts provided with sources and accept reality except being a denier throwing fits.
Also, you are LITERALLY using SJW liberal shit tactics with muuh feelings trump your logic and facts.

I won;t say anymore, because this is pointless. Read and educate yourself.
Neither of those have existed for 3000 years
>You obviously killed only part of the population, as much as needed to instill fear in the rest and make them change their names.
yes that must have happened over night and suddenly everyone forgot about their roots

>Bulgarians never touched Serbs, because we never had Serb lands since we gained our freedom.
i've cited you only one massacre which you did not only on soldiers, and you're still denying it?
well i must tell one more thing then - one of my ancestors was naive enough that he thought bulgarians are bros and welcomed their army in ww1. he got sentenced and killed in the end. so there's that for "never touching us"

you are being seriously deluded and brainwashed to think that you're innocent and that you dindu nuffin, so you can freely blame your neighbors

>I won;t say anymore, because this is pointless.
i agree, it's pointless since you're not providing anything which happens to have a connection with reality
Wtf is wrong with you man... he provided you with multiple official sources.

Is this how all Serbs are? Broken?
...and it happened over generations... which you would have known if you had botherd to read the linked unfo by neutral hostorians and observers. You have to be below 18. I have no other explanation.
i smell some proxy fagging now, but i'll bite.

we had control over macedonia for less than 90 years, if we ever did something as big as genocide and forcing all residents there to forget about their roots like your historians claim then i'm asking you how there are still bulgarians present in macedonia by now?
Milan and later Ferdinand fucked everything up. The bulgarian troops were surprised when were ordered to start the second balkan war, so was our government. Also our imperialism was directed to contantinople, the only lands on the balkans we wanted were the ones inhabited by bulgarians and Solun, because our autistic tsar liked the beach or something, but once the greeks took it, his idea was dropped. Since at the time we had the biggest army, you allied with the serbs only cause of fear that we might chimp out, which in fact did not happen in that sense. You never cared about the serbs, they were simply the only ones left you could use against us. Our actions after the serbs didn't honor the pre-war agreement were stupid, but justified.
Those are absolute lies. We were brutal before the christianisation and under Kaloyan. Our country was always based on "open borders", that's the reason we are so heavily mixed and have so many gypsies and turks. I would to read about all those atrocities you mentioned.
There were killings of serbians in the eastern part that's for sure, but their numbers are highly exaggerate and used mainly for propaganda purposes in the regions inhabited by bulgarians. It was a war, if you haven't noticed.

It is not so easy to delete a nation! After encountering strong resistance you changed the strategy and opted for covincing them they were the ancient Macedonians of Alexander. When I say you I mean you and the Greeks

These are well known facts across the world. How about you read what the other anon posted. Is it too long to read? Arw yu afraid your strongly held believes will turn out to be fake?
Shut up Greece. You can talk when you pay off your debts.
shut up belgium. you can talk when youre pretty much a country.
There is officially no bulgarian minority in Macedonia, they are 500 people or something. Any idea how that happened? If you are interested in balkan history throw away every serbian book you have. You didn't just brainwashed the macedonians, but also yourselves. It's pretty funny actually.
Hurr durr I am trying to be funny with an overused while my writing skills are the same as a first grader.
>It was a war, if you haven't noticed.
it was a war where you were forcing assimilation of the serbs, sure
you were NEVER peaceful towards us civilians, in any war. if that's not what you learn in schools then i feel sad for you, since we really did suffer from you but you're obviously not being aware of it, no matter how i repeat that to you that my family was directly involved in such situations since we live in south serbia

>It is not so easy to delete a nation! After encountering strong resistance you changed the strategy and opted for covincing them they were the ancient Macedonians of Alexander. When I say you I mean you and the Greeks
that's nonsense. the macedonian identity started to form before our annexation of their land, because they were always a mixed nation of serbs and bulgarians who lived there, and neither wanted to be a part of any country, so they ultimately got their own in the end
also i'm not seeing how greece is being a part of anything related to macedonia since they're being annoyance to them from the very beginning of "macedonian" identity

i'm sure as fuck nobody would manage to brainwash anyone in less than 90 years so hard to make them to forget all about their ancestry
Tfw you invented the ''French'' fries and the American makes fun of you while eating your glorious contribution to the cooking culture daily.
>it's another "WE WUZ" episode
Greater Albania, happening soon my brothers! Death to the Sheytans!
You are wrong about pretty much everything. As I said read more international sources, you will be surprised about the actual history of your country. The wewuzism is really hilarious.
yes sure, give me some more bulgarian history i'm sure interested about your DINDU NUFFIN claims while my family literally suffered from innocent bulgarian army in world wars
honestly, how do you expect from me or anyone sane to believe you in such bullshit claims?
Macedonia is high on my list of countries that should not exist. Alongside Kosovo and Moldova.
No offence or disrespect, but you can't provide any objective information on your family's doing 100 years ago. That's not how history works.

How to bring peace to Balkans.
i'm talking about civilians here, my whole town was literally forced to change their surnames to buglarian ones and if anyone resisted he didn't ended up well. that happened with some of my family members, so far i know for one for sure about who i already talked above, but most of my ancestors have luckily survived and reverted back their original surnames after the war
>best country in Eastern Europe
Wouldn't that be like being the best turd in a shit sandwich?
>the grujo shill/dumb phone poster emerges
Sounds like you are Bulgarian whose ancestors were assimilated by the Serbs (something we never did) so the army saved your ancestors' asses by bringing them back to their original nation..... then they changed back to pretending to be Serbs and living under oppression.

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You filthy greek pig.

Go and fuck your mother.
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>my ancestor :D
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No, they are the poorest. They are also delusional. They are Bulgarians who speak a Bulgarian language, but think they are related to Alexander.

They also steal history from Bulgaria and Greece. It really is the most pathetic "country" in Eastern Europe.
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And honestly, I wouldn't even care that Macedonia is a "country" with a made up, false country. Just stop stealing the history of other countries like Greece and Bulgaria.


Ultimately, FYROM is a province of Bulgaria.
TFW bulgars are just mongoloids
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Dude, if it wasn't for Bulgaria, Greeks would still be Turks. But yes, FYROM are deluded Bulgarians.
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this senpai
Also let make [istanbul] Constantinople again!

Bulgaria did deserve more land, they by far gave up the most troops and had the strongest army. Look at this picture:
It was agreed that they would take Macedonia. But Serbs backstabbed and you joined them and teamed up with the Roaches. As someone neutral, I say that is pathetic. It took 5 countries, including roaches, to beat Bulgaria. And it was a snake movement too, teaming up with muslim roaches and all, after Bulgaria gave up the most troops in the first Balkan War.
Lol pls, diaspora.

I guarantee you most of today's serbia has been under bulgarian rule for much longer than it was under serbian.
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only if you gib bosfor
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Serbs are the biggest backstabbers in history. You went back on your agreements in the second Balkan war and teamed up with roaches after Bulgaria by far had the most troops to push the roaches from the Balkans in the first Balkan war. Pathetic!

You also unexpectedly attacked Bulgaria after their reunification and got BTFO so hard, Austria-Hungary had to interfere.

Serbs are also responsible for the Macedonian problem. What else can you expect from a nation of backstabbers. So happy you lost Kosovo, and you will NEVER get it back. Same with Montenegro. I love it!
My family came from Macedonia and called themselves Macedonians, but if I understand correctly I am ethnically Bulgarian?

Help a mongrel south slav Amerifat out OP.
A Fyr*mian looking at Alexander and saying "That's my ancestor" reminds me of the negro woman picture that is standing in front of a Pharaoh's bust
It's not even the best Macedonia
Macedonia is too good for the Balkans.
Also, post Macedonian roads.
Stop right there leaf. Take a deep breath. Relax and read. Indeed Bulgaria was the main power on land but you are probably unaware about the naval war. The one Greeks did solo.


Read that. We cut their supplies. So yea great job to Bulgars fighting the Turks with no supplies or reinforcements. Greece was, is and will be a sea country. In our area of expertize we dominated and on land we also did very well. Also you uneducated imbecile. Greece as a state was liberated before Bulgaria.
Most likely, but not necessarily. It's a shitshow around here.
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Your parents came from the Geographic area called Macedonia. They are/were either ethnic Bulgars or Serbians and if you are VERY unlucky Albanians. If they were from South Macedonian they would have been Greeks but diaspora makes sure you know you are Greek if you don't live in Greece so probably one of the 3 above. Now all you need to do if is to become Orthodox. In case you are not. Unless you are Albanian... In that case become Muslim or even better kill yourself.

Have you seen yourself in the mirror today you subhuman ass wipe?

That's right, you will never be European.
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Anon pls....
Questions from a Canacuck:

1. Why does FYROM even exist and how did Bulgaria not absorb it?

2. I'm going to Greece this summer with my gf. We're going to tour a bit but stay on the islands for the majority (Corfu etc). But before that we want to visit a couple museums. Have any of you been to the Vergina museum? Would I be able to see the actual tombs as well as the larynx and the wreath/crown? Also rec me the most underrated island.
for the Bulgarians, Greeks and Serbs arguing about the backstabbers, it doesn't mater because even if Serbia and Greece didn't backstabb Bulgaria, they should because those Bulgarians act like Turks, hell they even have a Turkic name

>Bosnian muslim scum
>Or backstabbing serbofag
Great grandpa was from a village called Monospitovo but apparently grew up in Strumica. My family is Christian.
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To answer you first question, Bulgaria gave up the most blood and had the largest army in the First Balkan War, the war that pushed the turks out of Europe. Before the war Serbia, had agreed that Bulgaria would retake all of Macedonia. However, after the war, the serbs made a secret alliance with the Greeks and Turks and went back on the agreed upon deal and these 3 countries along with Romania attacked Bulgaria at the same time in the Second Balkan War. The country (Bulgaria) that had just given up the most blood to free ALL these countries from the Turks was backstabbed by fellow Orthodox brothers. It was an insane backstab, but nothing new to the serbs who are notorious backstabbers.

Then, failing to convince the Macedonians through intense propaganda and torture that they are not Bulgarians but Serbs, Tito instead made up a lie that the Bulgarians in Macedonia were actually ancient Macedonians. The rest is history. Serbia losing Montenegro and Kosovo, and being a landlocked country in the process is karma for their backstabbing in the early 20th century.

In regards to your second question, I'd visit Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia instead. You're going to have to be wary of rapefugees in Greece. Pic related.

If you are from Strumica, you are without a shadow of a doubt ethnically Bulgarian. Be proud of your heritage, culture and history.
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So what can we do with Macedonia? Obviously it is Bulgarian land, but the West of Macedonia is like 85% Albanian. I think that, unfortunately, Albania will have to take a chunk. Obviously Bulgaria will not want to absorb Albanians.

What does /pol/ think of picture attached? Is it realistic? Or should Albania take even less?
You are 99% bulgarian. Monospitovo was terrorized by the serbs in the 1920s.
I think I'll just read up on that war soon, but thanks for the informative answer.

>I'd visit Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia instead
No thank you. I don't think any of these compare to Greece, especially Hungary. Couldn't care less if there's refugees in Greece.
My great grandfather+great grandmother was from that region (he came to America a fe wmonths before the Balkan War broke out in 1912). I am a third generation white mongrel American though I do have his last name.
1. Bulgars lost the land to Serbs. Yugoslavia falls apart and the land wants indipendence. They didn't want to be part of Bulgaria because Bulgaria was shit back then and they just didn't trust them. Problem with Balkans is that in order to be a state and actualy survive you need a long history. So they created one. I can even post videos of their experts admiting that.
It is like Bulgaria, but their GDP per capita is about half of Bulgaria's, and they don't have any EU money.

Also, Bulgaria is a real country with real history. Macedonia is not.
Yeha, my grandfather/his son was born in the region in 1924 and his name was recorded as ending in -vich, whereas our of our names ends in -off. I recall something in the family lore about "Serbianization" in that time+place. They GTFO'd back to America just in time for the Great Depression.
What food is that horse archer holding?
Greek word
Turkic(Tatar) word

Both of you are Serbian bastards

Okay. Don't think that is fair to your wife, as if anything happens to you guys, it will be your wife that will suffer more from the rapefugees, not you. And there are MANY rapefugees in Greece. Especially on the islands. But good luck.

And desu, Hungary and the rest are more beautiful than Greece I would say, but that is subjective. But the women are ABSOLUTELY more beautiful in Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia. Greek women are not good looking. But that doesn't matter to you, so yeah. Good luck.
Lol, this is the dumbest analysis I have ever seen. Is that what is taught in Greek schools? Kek.

Yup, the Serb policy was to Serbianize all the Bulgarians. It was forced and if they said no, they were tortured or killed. Pretty funny that it still didn't work and they had to then lie that they are "ancient Macedonians" kek.
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Europe 1000AD
Be more specific, which part of what I said is wrong?
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Fag kys
hey American melting pot doesn't melt in the Balkans
In ancient times Bulgarians would install all Serb rulers. They were irrelevant. Byzantines and Bulgarians were the only big powers.

In modern times they are notorious backstabbers. It really is quite the pathetic, landlocked country, Serbia.
Best map.
who was leading those tribes
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You are using a specific period to support your propganda. Here is the actual picture of 1025 after Byzantines took back their lands.

It's not much, but it's something. The serbian and macedonian pages have basically nothing. Must be a coincidence. You could easily get a EU passport btw, but I doubt you would need it.

They didn't rejoin Bulgaria because of a century of Serb propaganda. Bulgaria was the most well off country in the communist block.

They speak Bulgarian, use the Bulgarian alphabet and have Bulgarian blood. But whatever - let them be their own country. But the part that isn't cool is the fact that they steal history from Greeks and Bulgarians and claim it as "Macedonian."

At the end of the day, Macedonia is very poor. Why would Bulgaria really want to absorb them anymore?
yeah, i've tried to make sense of that whole name thing and I...really don't care enough to.

We've called ourselves Macedonians in my family for over 100 years, and it works for me. I would view it as ethnically Bulgarian, nationality Macedonian. Kind of like how I am ethnically a white mongrelbeast, but my nationality is Amerifat.
I see nothing.

You need to learn some history, kek.
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how about this
50% macedonia goes to you
25% to us and greece

we build 3 highways connecting 3 major ports
FYROM becomes exclusive economic zone
albania is splitted 50% with greece and us


A nation where everyone is named Alan would be confusing, no wonder they arent still around.
The Alan diaspora survives to this day though.
in modern times Serbia is definitely defeated, but in middle ages Serbia fought its way to an empire equal to Bulgarian and Byzantine, but then the Turks came
Flawless joke anon. 11/10
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>thinking anyone is going to listen to a low life like you
>saying that the people of Macedonia will just let you take their land
I could not get an EU passport, I am a third generation American. Both of my parents were born here. Anyway the EU seems substantially more fucked up than even America, and that takes effort.

I've been to western Europe from before the Invasion, and if I go back I will spend my time exclusively in Eastern Europe, including the Balkans. See how the other half lives.
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You momentarily took Bulgarian land. And then came the rise of the Second Bulgarian Empire, and Emperor Kaloyan, ruler of Bulgarians and Greeks, and the Roman Empire got BTFO.

But Bulgaria did learn a lot from the Byzantines while they were under you, I am sure.

Attached is a picture of Europe in 1200 AD
i'm not saying that they were Tatars, they were Slavs led by Tatar nomad cavalry
If you are splitting Albania with Greece, then there is no way Bulgaria doesn't get 100% of Macedonia.

But the economic zone suggestion is a good one.
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you're aproaching civil war that is almost certanity
albozerg will chimp out 33% of your land
the peopple left under albozergs rule will suffer

we will treat you as an equal

but yeah be this much delussional and ignore the reality
when does the wind blow this leaf of our three
Only if you conquer Persia again

It's not even the best macedonia
Imagine that instead of fighting each other, you focused on the upcoming Turkish threat. Just like how Bulgaria and Byzantium teamed up against the Muslims to save Europe. Turks would have been BTFO.
>Teamed up with roaches

Ffs. The Bulgarians declared war on Serbia and then Greece joined since it was allied with Serbia.

Turkey saw an opportunity with Bulgarian armies busy and attacked.

Stop trying to paint this as some orthodox betrayal bullshit.
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we can neggotiate

bear in mind we must all be unified and resolve this in an civil manner but also the fact that greece has the army that could steamrooll the entire balkan in few weeks
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Then while we were fighting the Turks you once again decided to be dicks and that happened....
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is bulgarian best folk music?


there is wisdom here Balkaniggas. Focus on the true enemy.
Personally I liked bulgaria better desu
I saw human beings in makedonia but also lots of roaches
It doesn't matter. As long as you can provide proof that your grandparents were macedonians from those regions, you can get a bulgarian citizenship.
There won't be a civil war.
>under albozergs rule
are you saying that IF there's a civil war there will be any of them left to rule?
So fuck off with your shitty propaganda fucking asswipes
wow, just wow
learn Greek and Serbian history, not just Bulgarian
For that you need to be a country first.
>t-they backstabbed us
>w-we are t-toally innocent g-guys trust m-me
top kek
Given how much America supports them an Albanian takeover of western Macedonia in the next 2 decades is possible maybe even likely.
Bulgaria was backstabbed. Stop making up BS. Serbs went back on the previously agreed upon deal after Bulgaria won the war for the Orthodox nations.
ima neki kanadjanin ubo da brani Bugare, a dosta je istorijski netacan, vjerovatno ima nekog Deretica, mislim Deretova
Just let Bulgaria fuck you already... They will stop crying about their lost lands to us and everyone will be happy. That way we can focus on the Turks.
Is that what they teach in Bulgaria? I mean you attacked Serbs by surprise at Bregalnica and you still got BTFO, with no foreign intervention. Afterwards you spent most of the war on the defensive.

You also lost Edrine to Turks which serbs helped you get in 1912. Hope it was worth it bro

Albania will never get all of Macedonia. At most they will get 33%. The most logical thing will be to give Bulgaria the rest. Question is, will Bulgaria want it? Macedonia is very poor...

But considering history, I am guessing they won't mind.
siguran sam da je bugarin, balkanska dijaspora je generalno najkacerogenija na internetu
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hotter then a Bregalnica cannon
Kek ok there u mongoloid
Serbia and Greece also fought extensively in the first Balkan war stop making shit up.

And the only reason they renegged is because the central powers made them give Albania independence (which you supported).

It would have been crazy to just hand over Macedonia to Bulgaria given
1. How Serb soldiers conquered it
2. You were openly seeking to annex Nis and eastern Serbia
3. You supported the Albanian independence

Lmfao, Serbo backstabber diaspora. I'm not even Bulgarian and I know that Bulgaria had the strongest army, but was backstabbed.

Just like how Serbs backstabbed them after Bulgaria's reunification UNEXPECTEDLY, and got their asses kicked so hard Austria - Hungary had to interfere. Kek.

But at the end of the day, bygones are bygones. You need to worry about the growing Turkish threat, and Albania's territorial ambitions. Bulgaria will get 66% of Macedonia, but I'm hoping the other 33% can be taken by Serbia, not Albania. Though you would again have to genocide Albos, which is unrealistic.
only one. I wouldn't know how to get a birth certificate from 1924 Yugoslavia thats probably in Cyrillic. Plus I don't know exactly where my grandfather was born, but I know it was (then) yugoslavia.
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Dumbest shit I've seen.

Pic attached is ideal Balkans.
>I'm not even Bulgarian
suuure you aren't
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>being this dellusional

there won't be civil war
there will be a hostile takeover of 35% of your land by albozergs and than the bulgars will chimp in and take what is rest

the both nations are gonna cumb stomp you into ambiss because they don't wan't you to ever become independent

and because you rejected the peacefull deal, the hostile takeover is gonna be a much of butthurth

think about your future anon

Unseen in the map is that Hungary takes Transylvania from the gypsies.
We can always send the Albanians to USA apparently they consider it a dream land. North Epirus is Greek by the way.

This is mostly true. But Bulgarians absolutely see Macedonians as Bulgarian brothers and will absolutely treat them as equals.
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anon you can't be possibly thinking you can get albanian sea acces and split land bridge between serbia and greece without vice-versa
No. I've met ONE Albanian i would consider an equal human being. He was white and Christian. The rest are like cave jews, in that they behave like jews, yet are far less intelligent and civilized. you keep them.
Thrace and North Epirus Greek and we have a deal.
Are you sure half your population won't drown in a week?
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i didn't see
you even want to claim a WHOLE fucking albanian for yourself even though at leat 50% of their territory is future ours because of what they did to us

you can't be serious
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This. Listen to the Serbs you FYROMcuck. They lost Kosovo having superior military in every way. You think your shitty T-55 tanks will help you? kek
Just use them as cannon fodder. You have upcoming wars to fight, no?

>North Epirus



Absolutely not. Bulgarians are much more closely related to Thracians than Greeks, and have a more legitimate claim to the land considering history.
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The map is the IDEAL Balkans. In the IDEAL Balkans, Serbia does not exist. I'm sure that Bulgaria wants nothing to do with Albania and Albanians. It is unrealistic, but ideal.
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explain pls
Dude we are talking about Constantinopole here. That's the historical Greek capital.
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it's better for Bulgarians to call them selves Serbs
think about it, they're orthodox, slavic, but still caries a Turkic name
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>Serbia does not exist

Realistic is:

Macedonia to Bulgaria
Kosovo to Albania
Republika Srpska and Montenegro to Serbia (although it is starting to look very unrealistic with Montenegro joining NATO)
Constantinople to Greece
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kys faggot
i don't even know where you're getting these numbers from
And if you actually think they stand a chance idk what to tell you. Have you forgotten about the rest 65% (75%), they're not gonna fucking wait to get taken over by fucking gypsies. And since most of our military are Macedonians and not albanians I doubt they would fucking stand a chance. At most they might hold some villages for a couple of days.

Serbia is a backstabbing nation. And they just lost Kosovo, the most fertile part of their country. Why would anyone call themselves serbs? It's shameful.

Better than Bosnian though, I guess...

I'm okay with Bulgaria taking all of the orange, except for Bosnia. That muslim shithole should be bombed, Serbs had the right idea there.
Nah, you probably wouldn't need any of those. You can investigate more if you are interested, but americans usually could travel anywhere without any issues.
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that's what we taught, look where it all brought us

and we had and still have the army the twice of size of both you and albania

come to your senses

you history and academia is created and paid by George Soros in order to even more divide and conquer balkan into small nations that can't reject corporate and empire interests and influence

come to your senses before it's too late

either you're serbian, or greek or bulgarian

macedonia on it's own will not succed
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realistically you're just a giant faggot
Macedonian older than Bulgarstanian
Yes I can travel, but you were talking about getting Bulgarian citizenship through my grandfather. I will thank you though, you gave me the idea to at least try and find my grandfathers birth certificate, at least just for family history (I'm not sure Bulgarian citizenship would be appealing since I cannot speak or read any Slavic language and I have a wife and children here).
Bulgarians supposedly hate Turks, but they act like Turks, they call them self after a Turkic tribe even though they are Slavic
plus Serbian mentality is way more Western then Bulgarian which is more Oriental

also Serbian north is fertile, not south

y r u angry
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